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Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.

03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

Chip Design for Turbo Encoder Module for In-Vehicle System

Srikanth Sirimalle1, Muchinthala Divya2, Nalla Keerthi Priya2, Luxetti Akshaya2, Palda Srija2
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women (A), Maisammaguda, Medchal, Telangana.
Turbo codes are error correction codes that are widely used in communication systems. Turbo codes
exhibits high error correction capability as compared with other error correction codes. This paper
proposes Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) architecture for the implementation of Turbo decoder.
Soft-in-soft out decoders, interleavers and deinterleavers is used in the decoder side which employs
Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP) algorithm. The number of iterations required to decode the information
bits being transmitted is reduced using MAP algorithm. For the encoder part, this paper uses a system
which contains two Recursive convolutional encoders along with pseudorandom interleaver in
encoder side.
Keywords: Turbo Codes, Maximum-a-Posteriori Algorithm, RSC, Interleaver, Vivado
1. Introduction
In the present scenarios, data transferring between the systems plays a vital role as the technologies
are increasing day-by-day the number of users is simultaneously increasing. This wide usage leads to
major issues in the digital communication systems and results in data corruptions. It’s very necessary
for the telecommunication to reduce the data corruption by providing a suitable solution to the errors
occurred in the communication process. One such method that decodes the process by simultaneously
correcting the process effectively is Turbo algorithm. For decoding the convolution codes Turbo
algorithm is the highest recognizable algorithm. This algorithm may be described with software as
well as hardware implementations. To engage well organized communications an efficient data is
presented by the digital systems. Data corruptions are the important issue confronted by the digital
communication systems. To decrease data corruptions error correcting codes is a best technique. Al
most all communication systems followed it because it’s power to decode efficiently, even Turbo
algorithm needs very typical hardware. While the decoding operation is in advance, the functioning
obstructions can be eliminated, So that an improved method, Adaptive Turbo Algorithm is used. The
decoding of codes can be done very fast, as this algorithm is very effective in high-speed functions.
Convolution codes are used to gain a possible code sequences AVA uses maximum –likelihood
decoding process. This research mainly centers on the grandness of Turbo algorithm in the practical
applications with the VHDL code. This research not only helps the students related to the
communications but it also helps the people who are in the field of decoders as it is one of the
efficient method for reducing the errors while communication procedure is in advance. Here, VHDL
code is used in order to implement the Turbo algorithm in a proper way. Apart from various codes,
researcher selected VHDL code for this research as it offers the high capability in designing the
electronic systems. Apart from students and the business people, one can easily understand and
analyze the Turbo algorithm concepts and can gain more knowledge on the VHDL code and the tools
that are used in this research.
2. Literature Survey
Akshaya, V., K. N. Sreehari, and Anu Chalil (2020)[1], proposed a Very Large Scale Integration
(VLSI) architecture for the implementation of Turbo decoder. Soft-in-soft out decoders, interleavers

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

and deinterleavers is used in the decoder side which employs Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP)
algorithm. The number of iterations required to decode the information bits being transmitted is
reduced by the use of MAP algorithm. For the encoder part, this paper uses a system which contains
two Recursive convolutional encoders along with pseudorandom interleaver in encoder side. The
Turbo encoding and decoding is done using Octave, Xilinx Vivado, Cadence tools. The system is
implemented and synthesized in Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC).Timing analysis has
been done and GDSII file has been generated.Zhan, Ming (2021)[2], proposed a reverse calculation
based low memory turbo decoder architecture by partitioning the trellis diagram and simplifying the
max* operator. The designed forward state metrics calculation architecture is merged with two
classical decoding schemes. Through field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware
implementation, the state metrics cache (SMC) capacity is reduced by 65%, the power dissipation of
the reverse calculation architecture is significantly reduced for all tested clock frequencies, and the
decoding performance is not affected as compared with classical decoding schemes. The proposed
reverse calculation architecture is an effective technique to achieve better decoding performance for
power-constrained applicationsKumar, N.Sai Vamsi and G.Lakshmi Bharath (2020)[3], designed and
implemented Turbo encoder to be an embedded module in the in-vehicle system (IVS) chip. Field
programmable gate array (FPGA) is employed to develop the Turbo encoder module. Both serial and
parallel computations for the encoding technique are studied. The two design methods are presented
and analyzed. Developing the parallel computation method, it is shown that both chip size and
processing time are improved. The logic utilization is enhanced by 73% and the processing time is
reduced by 58%. The Turbo encoder module is designed, simulated, and synthesized using Xilinx
tools. Xilinx Zynq-7000 is employed as an FPGA device to implement the developed module. The
Turbo encoder module is designed to be a part of the IVS chip on a single programmable device.
Weith offer, Stefan (2020)[4], presented recent findings on the implementation of ultra-high
throughput Turbo decoders. They illustrated how functional parallelization at the iteration level can
achieve a throughput of several hundred Gb/s in 28 nm technology. Our results show that, by spatially
parallelizing the half-iteration stages of fully pipelined iteration unrolled decoders into X-windows of
size 32, an area reduction of 40% can be achieved. We further evaluate the area savings through
further reduction of the X-window size. Lastly, we show how the area complexity and the throughput
of the fully pipelined iteration unrolled architecture scale to larger frame sizes. They considered the
same target bit error rate performance for all frame sizes and highlight the direct correlation to area
consumption. Paidmalla, Nagaraju, and Tummapala Lalitha Prasanna (2021) [5], designed and
evaluated of area efficient pipelined turbo encoder and decoder is implemented. Turbo coding is very
effective technique for correcting errors. These codes widely used in communication systems.
Wireless communications (3G & 4G) includes turbo codes within it for accurate error correction.
Earlier, the polar codes are implemented using 8 bits, so polar decoder is restricted by the inherent
iterative process to compile the data at a higher rate. High decoding accuracy is the major flaw of
polar coding implementation. Hence in this work, implementing 64-bit turbo encoder and decoder to
compile the data at higher rate with reduced area and delay. The system is implemented and correlated
in Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). At last compared with existed system, proposed
system gives effective outcome in terms of delay and area.Rangachari, Sundarrajan, and Nitin
Chandrachoodan (2020) [6], proposed a new state encoding mechanism as well as an organization of
memory blocks that enables this power reduction, and quantify the effects. When combined with other
schemes for early termination, the overall energy consumed per decoding operation can be reduced by
between 10-20%. Ali, Amer T., and Dhafir Abdul Fatah Alneema (2020) [7] , proposed a new design
of turbo decoder with one MAP decoder and it was designed with and without parallelism using

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

different window technique in HLS tool which it is not explored previously. These designs were
implemented for different frame size in this work. A comp-arison in latency and resource utilization
where done and how a tradeoff done between these two parameters to reach the specific design that
we need. The new design produces better results.Shrimali, Yanita, and Janki Ballabh Sharma (2021)
[8] , proposed architecture, in order to achieve high throughput and low complexity, efficient Log-
MAP turbo encoder/decoder and pipelined FFT processor is employed. Single delay feedback-based
pipelined memoryless FFT/IFFT processor helps in achieving improved area and power efficiency,
whereas high speed and good error correction capacity are obtained by Log-MAP turbo decoder.
Simulation results obtained using Xilinx ISE Design suite are compared with state of the art
architectures verifies the efficiency of the proposed system.Verma, Anuj, and Rahul Shrestha (2020)
[9], proposed VLSI architecture of LDPC decoder processes quasi-cyclic LDPC encoded information
which is received as log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) from soft demodulator at the receiver side. It
achieved the adequate bit-error-rate (BER) of 10−6 between 2 to 4 dB of bit-energy to noise-power-
spectral-density (Eb/N0) with 10 decoding iterations for various code rates like 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,
5/6, and 8/9. The VLSI architecture of 5G new-radio LDPC decoder has been field-programmable
logic-array (FPGA) prototyped and its implementation results are compared with state-of the-art
designs where the proposed LDPC decoder shows lower hardware utilization up to 87%. To the best
of our knowledge, this is the first VLSI-architecture of LDPC decoder reported for 5G new-radio
compliant to the specifications of enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB).Le Gal, Bertrand, and
Christophe Jego (2020) [10] , a new turbo decoder parallelization approach is proposed for x86 multi-
core processors. It provides both: high-throughput and low-latency performances. In comparison with
all CPU- and GPU-related works, the following results are observed: shorter processing latency,
higher throughput, and lower energy consumption. Regarding to the best state-of-the-art x86 software
implementations, 1.5 × to 2 × throughput improvements are reached, whereas a latency reduction of
50 × and an energy reduction of 2 × are observed.Dheeb, Khadija Omran, and Bayan Sabbar (2020)
[11], presented an implementation of LTE turbo decoding using the Log- Maximum a posteriori
(MAP) algorithm with reduced number of required cycles approximately by 75% based on serial to
parallel operation. Additionally, an improvement for this algorithm based on polynomial regression
function is done to reduce the implementation complexity. These system implementations, are
designed with 40 bit block size of the input using Xilinx System Generator (XSG) to show its
applicability in real time using two approaches; Hardware Co-Simulation and HDL Netlist based on
three devices, Xilinx Kintex- 7, Spartan- 6 and Artix- 7.Boudaoud, Abdelghani, Mustapha El
Haroussi, and Elhassane Abdelmounim (2020) [12], presented the contribution of the insertion of a
Turbo-type channel decoder in a MIMO chain. This MIMO chain is based on Orthogonal Space-Time
Block Code (OSTBC). Alamouti proposed two structures, based on the OSTBC code and having two
transmitting antennas: the first structure has a single receiving antenna, that is OSTBC 2 × 1 and the
second one has two receiving antennas that is OSTBC 2 × 2. The turbo-decoder is based on the
Difference Set Codes-One Step Majority Logic Decodable (DSC-OSMLD); it is the DSC (21, 11)
code. After the introduction of this turbo decoder in the two Alamouti’s structures, performance are
noted and compared in terms of the Bit Error Rate (BER) versus the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
The obtained results show that the addition of a one receiving antenna to the 2 × 1 OSTBC structure
provides a decoding gain equal to 1 dB, while the insertion of the proposed turbo decoder brings a
gain of 5.5 dB at the first iteration only.Joseph, Senoj, R. Kirubakkar, and M. Mariammal (2021) [13],
demonstrated An error could have occurred at the recipient end around a communication system once
text is read from intermediate nodes. The Turbo Coder is used to get the originally transmitted data.
Turbo code is an error - correcting code which now, when compared to some of the other error

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

correction codes, has such a high error correction rate. The Turbo code is used in many different
fields. NASA uses them for its communication with space. It has an encoder including a decoder. Two
Recursive Convolutional Encoders and an Interleaver create the encoder. Salija, P(2020) [14],
proposed A novel reliability-based turbo decoding algorithm that addresses the performance
improvement of short block length turbo codes. Simulation results show a coding gain of 2.45 dB at
BER of 10−3 for short length codewords. The proposed decoding algorithm has low computational
complexity compared to the conventional iterative decoding algorithm. The relatively lower
computational complexity and the conspicuous improvement in BER performance make the method
quite attractive.Le, Vinh Hoang Son (2020) [15], proposed a new soft-input soft-output decoding
algorithm particularly suited for low-complexity high-radix turbo decoding, called local soft-output
Viterbi algorithm (local SOVA). The local SOVA uses the forward and backward state metric
recursions just as the conventional Max-Log-MAP algorithm does and produces soft outputs using the
SOVA update rules. The proposed local SOVA exhibits a lower computational complexity than the
Max-Log-MAP algorithm when employed for high-radix decoding to increase throughput, while
having the same error correction performance even when used in a turbo decoding process.
3. Proposed Methodology
Architecture of Turbo Coder Turbo encoder and decoder together comprises the Turbo coder
architecture as shown in Fig. 1. Two identical Recursive convolutional encoders (RSC) and a
pseudorandom interleaver constitutes the turbo encoder as shown in Fig. 2. The LTE employs a 1/3
rate parallel concatenated turbo code. Each RSC works on two different data. Original data is
provided to the first encoder, while the second encoder receives the interleaved version of the input
data. A specified algorithm is used to scramble the data bits and the method is called Interleaving. An
appreciable impact on the performance of a decoder is seen with the interleaving algorithm when
used. The RSC1 and RSC2 encoder outputs along with systematic input comprise the output of turbo
encoder, that is, a 24-bit output is generated. This will be transmitted through the channel to the Turbo
decoder. A standard turbo decoder block diagram is shown in Figure 3 that contains two modules of
SISO decoders together with two pseudorandom interleavers and a pseudorandom deinterleaver.

Fig. 1: Proposed block diagram.

Fig. 2: Turbo encoder operation.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

The usually used method of turbo code decoding is carried out using the BCJR algorithm. The
fundamental and basic idea behind the turbo decoding algorithm is the iteration between the two SISO
part decoders which is illustrated in Fig. 3. It comprises a pair of decoders, those which work
simultaneously to refine and upgrade the estimate of the original information bits. The first and
second SISO decoder, respectively, decodes the convolutional code generated by the first or second
CE. A turbo-iteration corresponds to one pass of the first component decoder which is followed by a
pass of the second component decoder.

Fig. 3. Turbo Decoder Block diagram

3.1 SISO Decoder
The signal which is received at the input of a soft-in-softout (SISO) decoder is the real (soft)value of
that signal. An estimate of each input bit The decoder then generates an approximation for each data
bit expressing the probability that the transmitted data bit is equal to one.The maximum a-posteriori
(MAP) algorithm is used in the turbo-decoder under consideration in this paper for the SISO
component decoder. The MAP algorithm never restricts the set of bit estimates to correspond strictly
to a valid path through the trellis. Therefore, the results produced by a Viterbi decoder that recognizes
the most likely true path through the trellis should differ from those generated by that. 1) The MAP
Algorithm: The MAP algorithm minimizes the likelihood of bit error by using the entire sequence that
was obtained to figure out the most likely bit at each trellis point. Consider a frame of N coded
symbols consisting of m bits and the channel output received by the decoder as y. For every dsym i, a
MAP decoder provides a 2m a posteriori probability.
3.2 Interleaver
Choosing the interleaver is a significant part of the turbo code design. Interleavers scramble data in a
pseudorandom order to lessen the resemblance between adjacent bits at the input of the convolutional
encoder. The interleaver is shown in Figure 4 is used on both the encoder part and the decoder part. It
produces a long block of data on the encoder side, while it compares two SISO decoders’ output in the
decoder portion and helps to fix the error. Pseudo-random deinterleaver functions in a complimentary
manner of pseudo-random interleaver.
4. Results and Discussion
The simulation results will do by using in Vivado ISE. The timing, power and synthesis reports listed

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

Fig. 4: interleaver block diagram.

Fig. 5: Simulation outcome.

Fig. 6: Design summary.

Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article

Fig. 7: Power summary.

Fig. 8: Time summary.

Table. 1: Performance comparison.
Parameter Hamming Code Proposed Map Algorithm
Area (LUTS) 50 12
Power (Watts) 15.66 12.638
Delay (Ns) 3.50 2.30

5. Conclusion
Turbo algorithm is conceived more interesting and challenging for this research topic, it is considered,
and it has wide variety of applications in digital communications field. This research helps to generate
more profits by the developers using Turbo algorithm. Anyone besides students can easily analyze
these Turbo algorithm concepts and can gain more knowledge about it. This research mainly
concerned with implementation of Turbo algorithm using Verilog coding. Turbo algorithm has many
advantages like low power consumption and main advantage is error correcting using Verilog. The
main advantage of Turbo algorithm is the description will be low even in the presence of more errors
and the algorithm works more effectively. Another advantage of using this Turbo algorithm is due to
its cost effectiveness.
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Research Article

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Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.14 No.03 (2023),281- 289
Research Article


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