04b-Handbook For Architectural Design of Commercial Assets-R2

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Handbook for
Architectural Design of
Commercial Assets


Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Section 0.1: About this Handbook........................................................................................................................5
Section 0.2: Inventory of Abbreviations and Definitions ......................................................................................7
Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 12
Section 1.1: Background ....................................................................................................................................12
Section 1.2: Enabling Empowerment .................................................................................................................12
Section 1.3: Intent ..............................................................................................................................................12
Chapter 2: Building Performance Parameters ................................................................................ 13
Section 2.3: Architectural Elements ...................................................................................................................13
Section 2.4: Multi-Modal Parking Design ...........................................................................................................18
Section 2.5: Water Supply .................................................................................................................................20
Section 2.6: Sanitation .......................................................................................................................................20
Section 2.7: Drainage.........................................................................................................................................20
Section 2.8: Electrical Infrastructure ..................................................................................................................22
Section 2.9: Environmental Management Plan (EMP) ......................................................................................22
Section 2.10: Pollution Control...........................................................................................................................22
Section 2.11: Structural Stability ........................................................................................................................23
Section 2.12: Maintenance And Upgradation ....................................................................................................27
Annexure-I .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................................. 30


The Development Control plays an important role in guiding and facilitating the physical Development. Since the
commercial development along with station redevelopment in the railway land is to be done under Section 11 of
the Railways Act 1989, there was a need to have set of Manuals/Guidelines to guide the entire development. In
fact the Union cabinet has approved (in terms of communication received from Ministry of Railways, GOI vide
letter No. 2011/LMB.WCS/22/07/25 Pt.1 dated 17.10.2018) that ‘Railways/RLDA/IRSDC shall consult urban local
bodies/other statutory authorities while approving its plans in terms of powers conferred to it under Section 11 of
the Railways Act 1989 so that the development in Railway Land is harmonious with surrounding development,
generally following National Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy. No change in Land Use is required pan
India by Railways for developing railway land for commercial use.’ It is further approved that IRSDC shall be the
Nodal Agency and the main Project Development Agency for redevelopment/development of all stations. MoHUA
has also conveyed the approval of Union Cabinet to Chief Secretaries of All States/UTs to incorporate suitable
provisions in the local byelaws/ development control norms in congruence with the National TOD Policy as well
as relevant provisions of the Railways Act to facilitate Railways/RLDA/IRSDC to proceed with their development
plans in consultation with local bodies/other statutory authorities, at the earliest.

Accordingly as the Nodal Agency for station redevelopment, IRSDC took upon the responsibility, on behalf of
Railways/RLDA besides for guiding its own work for station redevelopment along with commercial development,
to produce a series of Manuals/Guidelines to guide the Architects/Developers/Concessionaires as well as the
Authority on the Procedures, Dos & Don’ts in preparing development plans and submitting the applications for
approval of Layout Plans and Building Plans of the commercial development to IRSDC.

IRSDC aims to transform the railway stations and the adjoining land into a “RAILOPOLIS” - a Mini Smart 24/7
City Centre where one can live, work, play and ride while putting the land resources to optimal use following the
National Transit Oriented Development Policy norms. The aim is to facilitate developments by streamlining
policies and making the Manuals/Guidelines as transparent as possible to promote ease of doing business. The
Manual on Form Based Codes explains various developments such as buildings set back, ground coverage, FAR,
heights etc. while Manual on building plan approval and commercial assets covers the process for the approval
of building plans. The Manuals are mandatory while the Guidelines are Recommendatory and the Development
Agreement/Concession Agreement or any other legal agreement between IRSDC (Authority) and
Developments/Concessionaires shall prevail over and above the guidelines.

The advantage of the Manual on Form Based Codes is that it facilitates flexibility in development of mix use
(horizontal and vertical mixing) to make the development sustainable, user friendly and market responsive while
most of the local building byelaws restrict mixing which is essential for development of TOD. The guidelines
propose good practices related to Construction Standards that promote and protect health, safety and general
welfare of the occupant and environment across its life cycle while permitting dynamic building use.

These “Manuals for Station (Re)development including Commercial Development” is a comprehensive set of
documents which provide standards and guidelines in the following order of decreasing priority-

1. Safety Standards, (like fire safety, earthquake related controls, etc.)

2. Passenger and user comfort and convenience.
3. Environmental Conservation (Natural and Man-made)
4. Heritage Conservation
5. Design and aesthetic in harmony

These Manuals and Guidelines have been prepared over a period, after research, site visits, case studies, best
practices, study of other similar national, international designs, National TOD Policy and Form Based Codes (as
advised by MoHUA), National Building Codes, UBBL-2016 and Environment Management Guidelines issued by
MoEF&CC. Some of these have also been applied and tested on the on-going projects of IRSDC.

PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS: The (draft) Manuals and Guidelines were posted on IRSDC’s website. These
documents are available for reference at- www.irsdc.in.The stakeholder consultation was held via six (6) national
webinars during April 2021- July 2021. The attendees were provided with a brief overview of salient features of
the Manual, Guidelines, etc. Over 1300 participants, which included about 25 Government Agencies, Educational
Institutions, Professional Bodies, Centres of Excellence, and senior professionals, attended, and shared their
valuable feedback during the Webinars and over emails.

These Manuals and Guidelines have now been adopted for Station Redevelopment Works after incorporating
relevant feedback and other suggestions by all the stakeholders. Further, final draft Manuals and Guidelines were
discussed in the Plan Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (PSMC) where subject experts were also invited as


special invitees in July 2021. IRSDC’s Board of Directors (BOD) has also deliberated on this subject in August
2021 for adoption and application to the program of (re)development of Railway Stations along with Commercial
Development. These Manuals and Guidelines are expected to transform the railway area around stations into
model development as envisaged also by MoHUA and spur similar development in surrounding area.


Sl. No. Chapter Content

1 Introduction Background, Enabling Empowerment and Intent

2 Building Performance parameters for Architectural Elements, Multi-Modal Parking

Performance Design, Water Supply, Sanitation, Drainage, Electrical Infrastructure,
Parameters Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Pollution Control, Structural Stability,
Maintenance and Upgradation

3 Annexures Design standards and guidelines for Structural Safety, Seismic Safety,
Cyclone/ Windstorm Protection and Landslides Protection.

The manuals and guidelines are intended to be comprehensive for promoting balance and orderly development
of railway stations and surrounding city area. Manuals and Guidelines inter-alia provide the framework, necessary
technique, norms and standards, and development promotion techniques. Conditions may vary from place to
place and accordingly these manuals and guidelines may be applied to all situations and places by adopting to
local conditions. These manuals and guidelines fulfil the need for a planning process which facilitate efficient and
dynamic station development in overall urban framework.

The manuals and guidelines are also intended to be a possible reference for various aspects of urban planning
and design by State Governments, Development Authorities, Private Sector and Planning Organizations.

(Sanjeev Kumar Lohia)

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd.


Section 0.1: About this Handbook

The Handbook for Architectural Design of Commercial
Assets generally follows principles of National TOD
Policy, Form Based Codes as propagated by MoHUA
and National Building Code.

NBC 2016 Provisions-The Chapter 3 of General Building

Rules of NBC 2016, Volume-1, acknowledges Transit
Oriented Development as the means of urban
development around Transit Hubs. It also mentions that-

“However, it can also be applied to existing brownfield

cities where new expansion/development are taken up
backed up with an effective mass rapid transport system
and new nodes. The Authorities may take up
appropriate studies to evaluate suitability of TOD
concept under relevant situations.”

Taking cues from the above, this handbook recommends

a few changes to applicable sections of NBC 2016 in
order to meet the recommendations of National TOD
Policy. These changes are to accommodate Mixed Use,
Mixed Income Development with active frontages, ‘zero’
setbacks and Demand Management based Parking
provisions. Following are the key principles of changes-

1. This handbook does not change any conditions

of NBC 2016 related to human, building and
environment safety.

2. This handbook adopts the conditions of comfort

in NBC 2016 with further value additions. Manual for Building
Plan Approval of
3. In line with NBC 2016, this handbook provides Commercial Assets
more flexibility for architectural design of contains procedures for
commercial assets while upholding the former various Building Permit
two principles. Applications, Fees,
Details and Formats.


Table 1: Remaining parts of the Manuals for Station (Re)development including Commercial Development

Handbook for Station Planning Guidebook for operationalizing Manual of Form Based Codes
(for internal use only) National TOD Policy for Railway for Station (Re)development
Station (Re)development

This document contains Norms, This document contains Tools and This document contains (a)
Standards and Tools for Design of Processes for Layout Planning within Development Control Norms (b)
Station Operational Areas. the Railway Land, with the intent of Format for preparation of Layout
‘Land Value Capture’ for optimum Regulating Plans and (c) Parameters of
monetization. Property Development Card.

Guidebook for Form Based Environment Management Working Policy for Railway
Codes Guidelines for Railway Station Heritage Assets

This document assists in preparation of This document contains guidelines for This document contains Working Policy
Layout Regulating Plans and Property integrating provisions of Environment for the desired response to Railway
Development Card. Management during Layout Planning Heritage Assets.
and is based on the recommendations
issued by MoEF&CC, NGT and other
statutory bodies.


Section 0.2: Inventory of Abbreviations and Definitions

0.2.1. Abbreviations

1. BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards

2. BUA : Built up area
3. BVC : Buildable Volume Card
4. cm : Centimeter
5. CSoR : Construction Supervisor on Record
6. CUDSG : Colorado Urban Design Standards and Guidelines (USA)
7. DCR : Development Control Norms
8. E.C.S : Equivalent Car Space
9. GOI : Government of India
10. IPT : Intermediate Para-Transit
11. IRC : Indian Road Congress
12. IRSDC : Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited
13. IS : Indian Standard
14. Kg : Kilogram
15. LP : Layout Plan
16. LPCD : Litre Per Capita per Day
17. m : Meter
18. MBBL : Model Building Bye Laws- 2016
19. mm : millimeter
20. MoEF&CC : Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
21. MoHUA : Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
22. MoR : Ministry of Railways
23. MOSSR : Manual of Standards and Specifications for Railways
24. NBC : National Building Code 2016
25. NMA : National Monument Authority
26. NTOD : National Transit Oriented Development Policy
27. PDC : Property Development Card
28. RoW : Right-of-Way
29. SDRP : Structural Design Review Panel
30. SEoR : Structural Engineer on Record
31. SQM/ sq.m : Square meter
32. UBBL : Unified Building Byelaws of Delhi-2016
33. UTTIPEC : Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure Centre
34. URDPFI : Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and
Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines

0.2.2. Definition of Technical Terms

1. Buildable Volume Card shall refer to the drawing that provides the Form Based Code parameters
applicable to the Sub-Plot number(s) mentioned in the drawing to which all Development in the Sub-
Plot(s) must conform.
2. Building Sanction shall mean the Sanction issued by Authority permitting applicant to undertake the
construction of the proposed building. It does not constitute acceptance of correctness, confirmation,
approval or endorsement of:
a. The Right to Construct on a Sub Plot for which the Building Construction Permit has been granted
b. Workmanship, soundness of material and structural safety of the proposed building and shall not
bind or render the Authority liable in any way regarding (a) and (b) above.
3. Building Occupancy cum Completion Certificate shall mean the Certificate issued by the Authority to
the applicant, which verifies whether the design and specifications of the proposed building comply with
Manuals for Station (Re)Development including Commercial Development and can be put to use.
4. Building Performance Parameters: These parameters contain minimum standards conforming to
Building spaces, Building features and their behavior.
5. Built Up Area shall mean the total constructed area under roof on all floor(s) of a building (including
cantilevered portion, mezzanine floors, service floors, underground floors, bridges across road RoWs,
Guard rooms, ESS and any other buildings) or part thereof, which shall include carpet area, thickness of
walls, balconies, staircases, mumty rooms, corridors, covered public passages and other building
appurtenances. It shall only exclude open to sky terraces and areas as specified in Development
Agreement, if any.


6. Commercial Assets: As per Section 11 of Railway Act, all assets for Commercial usage are ‘Commercial
7. Footpath shall mean a portion of right of way of road used for the movement of pedestrian traffic. It shall
include adjoining Dead Width and Multi Utility Zones.
8. Layout Plan (Railway Station Layout Plans): A Layout Plan shall be prepared for the Layout Area and
will indicate the configuration and sizes of all developable areas including Sub-plots, location of all
proposed and existing Public , Major and Minor Roads with their widths, dimensions of plots, location of
drains, public facilities and services and electric lines etc; area statement indicating the total area of the
site, area under buildable envelopes, roads, open spaces, appropriate social infrastructure, as required
by specific sections of the development control norms.
9. Property Line shall mean the line defining the boundary of a sub-plot.
10. Right-of-way of Road shall mean the area of land reserved for public use as a street, which may also
include areas devoted to movement of vehicles or pedestrians, footpaths, natural and landscape
features, public amenities and trunk infrastructure of all types (either underground, at surface or above
11. Sub-Plot shall mean land parcels identified in the Layout Plans designated for commercial development.
12. Underground Structure shall mean all permanent constructions below Plinth Level.

0.2.3. Inventory of Building Spaces and Features

1. Atrium/ Atria: It is a partly/ fully enclosed space with a minimum double height which is partly/ fully
covered with light roofing/ R.C.C and could be constructed upon. In a building, there may be more than
one atrium at ground or at any other level.
2. Automated Multi-level Parking: Multi Level Parking spaces operated Mechanically or Computerized or
Robotic Means.
3. Balcony: A horizontal cantilevered/non-cantilevered/projected slab including parapet and handrail
balustrade, at any floor level including terrace to serve as a passage or sit out place with at least one side
fully open, except being provided with railing or parapet wall for safety.
4. Basement or Cellar: The lower story of a building below or partly below ground level.
5. Ceiling: A part of a building which encloses and is exposed overhead in a room, protected shaft or
circulation space. (The soffit of a roof light is included as a part of the surface ceiling, but not the frame.
An upstand below a roof light would be considered as a wall).
6. Chimney: An upright shaft containing one or more flues provided for the conveyance to the outer air of
any product of combustion resulting from the operation of heat-producing appliance or equipment
employing solid, liquid or gaseous fuel.
7. Circulation Space: A space (including a protected stairway) mainly used as a means of access between
a room and an exit from the building or compartment.
8. Column: A structural member that supports axial load primarily by inducing compressive stress along the
9. Corridor: A common passage or circulation space including a common hall.
10. Courtyard: A space permanently opens to the sky, enclosed fully or partially by buildings within the
building envelope.
11. Drain: A line of pipes including all fittings and equipment such as manholes, inspection chambers, traps,
gullies and floor traps used for the drainage of a building, or a number of buildings or yards appurtenant
to the buildings, within the same curtilage. Drain shall also include open channels used for conveying
surface water.
12. Enclosed Staircase: A staircase separated by fire fire-resistant walls from the rest of the building.
13. Entrance: A doorway or a passageway used as a means of accessing a building or a site.
14. Escalator: A power-driven, inclined, continuous stairway used for raising or lowering passengers or
15. Exit: An exit may be a doorway; corridor; passageway(s) to an internal staircase, or external staircase,
or to a verandah or terrace(s), which have access to the street, or to the roof of a building or a refuge
area. An exit may also include a horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building at the same level.
16. False Ceiling: A ceiling suspended below a floor, which contributes to the fire resistance of the floor.
17. Fire Staircase: A protected stairway communicating with the accommodation area only through a
firefighting lobby.
18. Fire Tower/Staircase: An enclosed staircase which can only be approached from the various floors
through landings or lobbies separated from both the floor areas and the staircase by fire fire-resisting
doors and open to the outer air.
19. Foundation: That part of the structure which is in direct contact with and transmitting loads to the ground.
20. Lift/Elevator: An appliance designed to transport persons or materials or vehicle between two or more
levels in vertical or substantially vertical directions, by means of a guided car platform.
21. Open Space: An area, forming an integral part of the site, left open to the sky.


22. Parapet: A low wall or railing built along the edge of a roof or a floor; maximum 1.5m for low-rise or
maximum 1.8m for high-rise.
23. Parking Space: An area enclosed or unenclosed, covered or open, sufficient in size to park vehicles,
together with a driveway connecting the parking space with a street or alley and permitting ingress and
egress of the vehicles.
24. Plinth: The portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface of the floor,
immediately above the ground.
25. Podium: A raised platform constructed as top most level of any single/ multilevel parking which can be
used for landscaping, plantation, tot-lot, swimming pool, deck, assembly space, movement, building
tower/s, etc.
26. Protected Stairway: A stair discharging through a final exit to a place of safety (including any exit
passageway between the foot of the stair and the final exit) that is adequately enclosed with fire-resisting
27. Ramp: A sloping surface joining two different levels, as at the entrance or between floors of a building.
28. Refuge Area: A location in a building designed to hold occupants during a fire or other emergency, when
evacuation may not be safe or possible. Occupants can wait there until rescued or relieved by firefighters.
29. Room: An enclosed space within a building that is not used solely as a circulation space. (The term
includes not only conventional rooms, but also walk-in cupboards that are not fittings, and large spaces
such as warehouses and auditoria. The term does not include voids such as ducts, ceiling voids and roof
30. Stack parking: For parking cars in which a hydraulic lift/ platform is used to place cars in spaces on top
of each other.
31. Terrace: A flat open to sky roof of a building or a part of a building having parapet, not being a cantilever
32. Travelator: A power-driven moving path used for transporting people and goods within the same level.
33. Ventilator: An opening in a wall for ventilating the space inside.
34. Wall-Boundary Wall: The boundary of the land belonging to the building, or where the land abuts a road,
railway, canal or river, the centerline of that road, railway, canal, or river.
35. Water Closet (WC): A privy with arrangement for flushing the pan with water. It does not include a
36. Window: An opening to the outside other than a door which provides all or part of the required natural
light or ventilation or both to an interior space and not used as a means of egress/ingress.

0.2.4. Inventory of Legal Terms

1. Alteration: A structural change, such as an addition to the area or height, or the removal of a part of a
building, or any change to the structure, such as the construction of cutting into for removal of any wall,
partition, column, beam, joist, floor or other support, or a change to or closing of any required means of
ingress or egress or a change to the fixture or equipment.
2. Approved: Approved by the Authority having jurisdiction.
3. Carpet Area (Set of Rooms/ Flat/ Apartment): The net usable floor area of an apartment, excluding the
area covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive balcony or verandah area and
exclusive open terrace area, but includes the area covered by the internal partition walls of the apartment.
4. Covered Area: Ground area covered immediately above the plinth level covered by the building.
5. Authority having Jurisdiction: The authority which has been created by a statute and which, for the
purpose of administering the Code/Part, may authorize a committee or an official or an agency to act on
its behalf; hereinafter called the 'Authority'.
6. Boundary: The boundary of the land belonging to the building, or where the land abuts a road, railway,
canal or river, the centerline of that road, railway, canal or river.
7. Building Height:
a. The vertical distance in the case of flat roofs is measured from the highest surrounding road level/
ground level up to the top of structural slab, excluding machine room, irrespective of location of entry
b. In the case of pitched roofs, up to the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects
the finished surface of the sloping roof, and in case of gable facing the road, the mid-point between
the eaves level and the ridge.
c. Architectural features serving no other function except that of decoration and other building
components shall be excluded for the purpose of taking height.
d. If the building does not abut on a street, the height shall be measured from the highest level of the
ground immediately adjacent to the building.
8. Building Line: The line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining a street or an extension of a street
or on a future street may lawfully extend. It includes the lines indicated in any Scheme or Layout Plan, or
in these Codes.


9. Conversion: The change in nature of occupancy to another occupancy or part thereof resulting into
change of use.
10. Disabilities, Hearing: Deafness or hearing handicaps that might make an individual insecure in public
areas because he is unable to communicate or hear warning signals.
11. Disabilities, Non-Ambulatory: Impairment that, regardless of cause or manifestation, for all practical
purposes, confined individuals to wheel chair.
12. Disabilities, Semi-Ambulatory: Impairment that cause individuals to walk with difficulty or insecurity.
Individuals using braces or crutches, amputees, arthritis, spastics and those, with pulmonary and cardiac
ills shall be semi-ambulatory.
13. Disabilities, Sight: Total blindness or impairment affecting sight to the extent that the individual functions
in public areas is insecure or exposed to danger.
14. Dwelling Unit/Tenement: An independent housing unit with separate facilities for living, cooking
(maximum one kitchen) and sanitary requirement.
15. External Wall: An outer wall of a building not being a party wall even though adjoining a wall of another
building and also means a wall abutting on an interior open space of any building.
16. Fire Door: A fire-resistive door approved for openings for fire separation.
17. Fire Lift: One of the lifts specially designed for use by fire service personnel in the event of fire.
18. Floor: The lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks in a building. The general term, floor,
unless otherwise specifically mentioned, shall not refer to a mezzanine floor. (Note: The sequential
numbering of floor shall be determined by its relation to the determining entrance level. For floors at or
wholly above ground level the lowest floor in the building with direct entrance from the road/street shall
be termed as Ground floor, the other floors above ground Floor shall be numbered in sequence as Floor
1, Floor 2, etc. with number increasing upwards.)
19. Floor Plans: Plans and drawings for relevant floors.
20. Floor Plan- Stilt Floor Plan: Stilt or stilt floor means non habitable portion of a building above ground
level consisting of structural columns supporting the super structure with at least two sides open for the
purpose of parking cars, scooters, cycles and landscaping.
21. Ground Coverage: The portion of the building within the outer surface of the structural wall/column/slab
measured at ground level excluding the projection/balcony/canopy/ porch/void/shaft/ permitted free from
FAR and cladding/curtain wall up to 150mm shall be considered as ground coverage.
22. Occupancy Type: A purpose group identified in Appendix D.
23. Owner: The owner is a person, group of persons, a Company, Trust, Institute, Registered Body, State or
Central Government & it’s attached/ subordinate Departments, Undertaking and like in whose name the
property stands registered in the revenue records/ government records/ any other legal documents up to
the satisfaction of Authority.
24. Permit: A permission or authorization in writing by the Authority to carry out the work regulated by the
25. Plinth Area: The built-up covered area measured at the floor level of the basement or of any storey.
26. Pre-Code Building Permit: Validity of building permit granted before the enforcement of these building
27. Storey: The portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor
next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between any floor and the ceiling next above

0.2.5. Inventory of Technical items and features

1. Access: Approach to a plot or a building from a road/ street.

2. Clear Opening Width: Clear distance measured between the inside face of the doorframe (or door stop)
and the face of the door when open at 90 degrees. Door furniture and ironmongery may be disregarded
when measuring the clear opening width.
3. Clear Width: Clear distance measured between walls or other fixed obstructions (except permitted
localized obstructions) or across a path. Skirtings totaling up to 50mm total thickness and shallow
projecting ducts or casings above 1800mm may be discounted when measuring clear widths.
4. Clear Height: Clear Height measured from the top of Finished Floor Level up to the bottom of the finished
ceiling (or false ceiling) level.
5. Combustible Material: A material, if it burns or adds heat to fire when tested for combustibility in
accordance with good practice.
6. Drainage: The removal of any liquid by a system constructed for this purpose.
7. Emergency Lighting: Lighting provided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails.
8. Escape Route: Route forming the part of the means of escape from any point in a building to a final exit.
9. Fire Resistance: The time during which it fulfills its function of contributing to the fire safety of a building
when subjected to prescribed conditions of heat and load or restrain. The fire resistance test of structures
shall be done in accordance with good practice.


10. Fire Resisting Material: The materials or elements of construction having property to withstand the
standard fire exposure.
11. Fire Separation: The distance in meters measured from other buildings on the site, or from other sites,
or from the opposite of a street or other public space to the building.
12. Floor: The lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks into a building. The general term, floor,
unless otherwise specifically mentioned, shall not refer to a mezzanine floor.
13. Landing: A platform or part of floor structure at the end of a flight of stairs or ramp.
14. Level: Gradient not exceeding 1:60.
15. Lift Machine: Part of the lift equipment comprising the motor(s) and the control gear therewith, reduction
gear (if any), brakes and winding drum or sheave, by which the lift car is raised or lowered.
16. Load - Dead Load: The load due to the weight of all walls, permanent partitions, floors, roofs, and finishes
including services, and all other permanent construction.
17. Load - Imposed Load: The load assumed to be produced by the indented occupancy or use, including
the weight of movables partitions, distributed, concentrated, impact, inertia and snow loads, but excluding
wind loads.
18. Load-Live Load: The variable load assumed to be produced by the indented occupants.
19. Load-Wind Load: The load due to the effect of wind pressure or suction.
20. Masonry: An assemblage of masonry units properly bonded together with mortar.
21. Means of Escape: Structural means whereby [in the event of fire] a safe route or routes is or are provided
for persons to travel from any point in a building to a place of safety.
22. Mechanical Ventilation: The mechanical system(s) or equipment(s) used to circulate air or to replace
stale air with fresh air.
23. Non-Combustible Material: A material which does not burn nor add heat to fire when tested for
24. Road/Street Level or Grade: The officially established elevation or grade of the central line of the street
upon which plot fronts and if there is no officially established grade, the existing grade of the street at its
25. Road/Street Line: The line defining the side limits of a street.
26. Room Height - Under Slab: The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the finished
ceiling surface.
27. Room Height: The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the finished ceiling
surface. Where a finished ceiling is not provided, the underside of the joists or beams or tie beams shall
determine the upper point of measurement for determining the head room.
28. Room Height-Under False Ceiling: The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to
the finished false ceiling surface.
29. Soffit: The lowest underside of a structural member such as a beam, coffer slab or flat slab.
30. Wheel Chair: Chair used by disabled people for mobility. The sizes of wheel chairs are mentioned below:
a. Small wheel chair: 0.75 x 1.05 m
b. Large wheel chair: 0.80 x 1.50 m
31. Wheelchair Accessible: Category 3 dwelling constructed to be suitable for immediate occupation by
wheelchair user where the planning authority specifies that optional requirement M4(3)(2)(b).


Chapter 1: Introduction
Section 1.1: Background
1.1.1. The Handbook for Architectural Design of Commercial Assets within Sub-Plots contain relevant
clauses from NBC-2016 applicable to regulate Architectural Design of Commercial Development within
Railway Land. This shall enable the Developers 1 to prepare Architectural and Engineering Design and
proposals as per the prior approval of Railway Station Layout Plan.

1.1.2. These Codes have been derived from:

• National Building Code of India-2016 (NBC) (IN)

• Model Building Bye-Laws-2016 (MBBL) (IN)
• Unified Building Bye-Laws (UBBL) of Delhi-2016 (IN)
• Manual for Standards and Specifications for Railway Stations (IN)
• Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation Guidelines (IN)
• UTTIPEC Street Design Guidelines (IN)
• Indian Road Congress Codes (IN)
• Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Ease of Doing Business (IN)
• Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (IN)
• Building Regulations in the United Kingdom (UK)

Section 1.2: Enabling Empowerment

1.2.1. Railway Board, Ministry of Railway, GOI, vide letter no 2011/LMB/WCS/22/07/25 Pt 1 dtd. 17.10.2018,
conveyed approval of Union Cabinet that Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd (IRSDC).
as the nodal agency and main Project Development Agency (PDA) for redevelopment/development of all
stations and further approved that ‘Railways/ RLDA/ IRSDC shall consult urban local bodies/ other statutory
authorities while approving its plans in terms of powers conferred to it under Section 11 of the Railways Act
1989 so that the development in Railway Land is harmonious with surrounding development, generally
following National Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy. No Change of Land Use is required PAN
India by Railways for developing railway land for commercial use.’

1.2.2. IRSDC being a Nodal Agency for planning, approving and implementing Station (Re)Development Works
on principles of TOD shall approve its own building plans as per the Section 11 of The Railway Act 1989
(Amendment 2008).

1.2.3. This handbook is applicable for the proposed commercial development on Railway Land identified in the
Railway Station Layout Plans.

Section 1.3: Intent

1.3.1. The Handbook for Architectural Design of Commercial Assets within Sub-Plots contain the Minimum
Standards that building spaces, features and their respective behaviors must conform to.

1.3.2. This Handbook and the Manual for Building Plan Approval of Commercial Assets must be read in
consonance with the approved Railway Station Layout Plan as well as the Property Development Card
(PDC) or Buildable Volume Card (BVC) applicable to the Sub Plot 2. The PDC/ BVC shall hold supremacy
in Building Plan scrutiny and sanction.

‘Developer’ shall be an individual or entity appointed to develop Sub-Plot
Subject Sub-Plot means the concerned Sub-Plot for which application is being made.


Chapter 2: Building Performance Parameters

Section 2.1: Building Performance Parameters as defined in Clause 1.3. are further detailed out in the following
paragraphs by aggregating provisions of NBC, MBBL-2016 and other national/ international Codes
as given in Para 1.1.2 which are necessary for safety and better living conditions of the occupants.

Section 2.2: Therefore, the following features shall be the Basis for Application of this Handbook-

2.2.1. Calculation of Occupancies shall be as per NBC 2016, Volume-I, Part 4 Fire and Life Safety, Section 4.3
- Table 3: Occupant Load.

2.2.2. For buildings with Equal Proportions (plus minus 15%) of Floor use, the aggregate occupancy of a
building shall be calculated as Aggregate of Occupancies for All Floors as per their Actual Use. For
example, if a building has 300 sq. m. floor space for residential, 200 sq. m. floor space for commercial, and
200 sq. m. floor space for school, the occupancy shall be calculated as: (300/ 12.5 + 200/ 6 + 200/ 4) = 107

2.2.3. For buildings with Unequal Proportions (where variation in proportion is higher than 15%), the
occupancy shall be calculated based on the Highest Occupant Load amongst all the uses possible or
planned within the building.

2.2.4. In case a building has been sanctioned for any particular Occupant Load, its use can change subject to
Prior Approval from the Authority.

2.2.5. The same principle shall be followed for calculation of Capacity Factor as per the NBC 2016, Sections and - Tables 4 and 5 respectively.

Section 2.3: Architectural Elements

2.3.1. The Layout Plan/ total railway land considered for development is designated as plot area and its sub-
division into use premises is called as Sub-Plot.

2.3.2. Boundary Wall

Railway Station Areas are to be planned on Principles of Transit Oriented Development and Form Based
Controls which encourage ’Zero-Setbacks’ and ‘Built to edge’ active frontages where Boundary Walls are
not envisaged.

However, In case boundary walls are required, these will be allowed in the form of Transparent (or Semi-
Transparent, ensuring adequate visibility through them) fencing above a low wall of 0.45m height -- and the
total height of fencing not exceeding 1.80m from the crown of the adjacent street, if such a street exists. In
the absence of such a street, the height of the boundary wall shall be measured from the natural ground
level along the outer edge of the Sub-Plot. For Sub-Plots within close proximity of Heritage Buildings
(notified or not notified) or Heritage Areas, the controls for Boundary Walls shall be as per approved

For Railway Operational Areas, requirements of MSSR, 2009 (including modifications of 2020) shall be

2.3.3. Minimum Clearance Height within Buildings

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 3, Section 12, Clause 12.2.1 Height

All habitable and circulation spaces in a building shall have a minimum clearance height 3 of 2.75m.

2.3.4. Railings (Parapet)

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 4, Clause 4.12: Parapet

3 From top of the finished floor till bottom of the ceiling or false ceiling, whichever is lower.

DESIGN OF COMMERCIAL ASSETS Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of roof/terrace, balcony, etc. shall not be less than
1.0m and more than 1.50m in height (shall not apply where roof/terrace is not accessible by a staircase).
However, on the terrace floor in the portion where DG Set, Water Tank, and other services equipment are
installed, lightweight screen shall be constructed to hide such equipment. For buildings of height 24m and above, the parapet wall/railing shall be 1.8m or as per the approval of Fire
Department, whichever is minimum. An additional handrail at 1.00m shall be provided in the railing if the height of the railing is 1.20m or above
in the public areas.

2.3.5. Exit Requirements

Minimum exit requirements shall be as per applicable Fire Regulations of local/ civic authorities.

2.3.6. Staircases
Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 3, Section 12.18, Clause 12.18.1 to 12.18.3

All staircases in all buildings shall conform to specifications listed in the National Building Code (NBC) of
India 2016, Part Ill - Development Control Rules and General Building Requirements and the Fire Laws
relevant to each location, as defined in the State/City Fire Laws and Codes.
i. Minimum Clear Width: Staircases to be provided as per the Local Bye-Laws/ NBC and for mixed-
use (vertical) buildings 2m of minimum clear width of flights is advisable to take care of change
of building use/occupancy in future.
ii. Minimum Tread: The minimum width of tread without nosing shall be 300mm.
iii. Maximum Riser: The maximum height of riser shall be 150mm. The number of risers shall be limited
to 12 per flight.
iv. Minimum Headroom: The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase shall
be 2.20m. The minimum clear headroom in any staircase shall be 2.20m.
v. Minimum Height of Handrails: The minimum height of handrails along staircases shall be 1.00m
from the top of the riser to the top of the handrail after leaving the Minimum Clear Width of the

2.3.7. Fire Staircase

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4: Fire and Life Safety, Section Staircases

i. Minimum Clear Width: Staircases to be provided as per the Local Bye-Laws/ NBC and for mixed-
use (vertical) buildings 2m of minimum clear width of flights is advisable to take care of change
of building use/occupancy in future.
ii. Minimum Tread: The minimum width of tread without nosing shall be 300mm.
iii. Maximum Riser: The maximum height of riser shall be 150mm. The number of risers shall be limited
to 12 per flight.
iv. The staircases may be internal or external staircases.
v. In case of internal staircases, a handrail shall be provided on one side of the staircase of width less
than 1500mm, and on both sides of the staircase of width 1500mm and more.
vi. Minimum Headroom: The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase shall
be 2.20m. The minimum clear headroom in any staircase shall be 2.20m.
vii. All external stairs shall be directly connected to the ground.
viii. External stairs shall have straight flight, not less than 1500mm wide.
ix. In case of external staircases, handrails are to be provided on both sides, and shall be of a height not
less than 1000mm and not exceeding 1200mm.
x. No external staircase shall be inclined at an angle greater than 45° from the horizontal.
xi. Fire Staircase shall be located such that it can be easily visible and accessed without hindrances in
case of emergencies.

2.3.8. Fire Tower/Firefighting Shaft

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4, Section 2.24 Firefighting Shaft (Fire Tower) and UBBL 2016, Chapter 9, Clause 9.3.13. Fire Tower

i. The firefighting shaft shall be equipped with Fire Doors of 120 minutes fire resistance rating.
ii. Fire Towers shall be considered the safest escape routes for multistoried buildings. Their number,
location and size shall depend on the building concerned, and its associated escape routes.
iii. A fire lift, internal hydrant, hose reel, etc. shall be required in the fire tower.


iv. For buildings with over 8 storeys or 24.0m in height, at least one exit shall preferably be a fire tower.
v. The fire towers shall be constructed of walls with a two-hour fire-resistance rating, and have no
openings other than the exit doorways.
vi. Platforms, landings and balconies in the fire towers shall also have the same fire-resistance rating.
vii. The area of the lobby shall be a minimum of 6.00sq. m., with minimum length of any side as 2.00m.
viii. To enable fire services personnel to reach the upper floors with the minimum delay, one fire lift per
1200 sq.m of floor area shall be provided and shall be available for the exclusive use of the firemen in
an emergency.
ix. It shall have loaded capacity of not less than 545 kg (8 persons lift) with automatic closing doors of
minimum 0.8 m width.

2.3.9. Service Ducts and Shafts

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4, Clause Service ducts and shafts & Refuse Chute Openings in walls or floors which are necessary to be provided to allow passages of all building services
like cables, electrical wirings, telephone cables, plumbing pipes, etc, shall be protected by enclosure in
the form of ducts/ shafts having fire resistance not less that 120 min. The inspection door for electrical shafts/ ducts shall not be less than 120 min. Medium and low voltage
wiring in shafts/ ducts shall either be armored type or run through metal conduits. Space between
electrical cables/ conduits and walls/ slabs shall be filled with a fire stop material with fire resistance rating
not less than 120 min. For Plumbing Shafts in the core of the building, with shaft door opening inside building the shafts shall
have inspection doors having fire resistance rating not less than 30 min. Plumbing shaft doors which open
in the wet areas or in naturally ventilated areas or no external wall of the building may not be fire rated. Refuse chutes, shall have opening at least 1m above roof level for venting purpose and they shall have
an enclosure wall of non-combustible material with fire resistance of not less than 120 min. They shall not
be located within the staircase enclosure or service shafts, or air conditioning shafts. Refuse chutes
inspection panel and doors shall be tight fitting with 60 min. fire resistance. Sprinkler protection system
shall be provided for the refuse chutes. Refuse chutes shall be at least 6m away from exits.

2.3.10. Fire Command Centre

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4, Clause 3.4.12 Fire Command Centre (FCC) Fire Command Center shall be on the entrance floor of the building having direct access. The control
room shall have the main fire alarm panel with communication system (suitable public address system)
to aid floors and facilities for receiving the message from different floors. Fire Command Centre shall be constructed with 120 min rating walls with a fire door and shall be
provided with emergency lighting. All controls and monitoring of fire alarm systems, pressurizing systems,
smoke management systems shall happen from this room.

2.3.11. Lifts
Source: NBC 2016, Vol-2, Part 8, Section 5: Installation of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks, Section 3, Clause 3.1 Conformity with Lifts
Act and Rules, Clause 3.2 Conformity with The Electricity Act, 2003 and Rules/Regulations Thereunder and NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 3, Section
B-6.4 Lifts, Clause B-6.4.2 Lift Size, Clause B-6.4.3 Lift Door, B-6.4.6 Handrails Provision of lifts are mandatory for all public buildings of any height, like- Railway Stations and for all
other buildings with height 15 m and above. For all other buildings lifts are advisable to ensure universal

i. The installation shall generally be carried out in conformity with the Lift Acts and Rules, wherever
they are in force.
ii. All electrical work in connection with the installation of lifts shall be carried out by following the
amended/updated provisions of The Indian Electricity Act, 2003.
iii. Lifts should be easily accessible from all entrances to the building.
iv. All floors shall be accessible 24 hours by the Lifts.
v. The Lifts provided in the buildings shall not be considered as a means of escape in case of


vi. The minimum size of the lift car shall be 1500mm wide by 1500mm deep, that allows easy
maneuverability of wheelchair users.
vii. The clear opening of the entrance to the lift car shall be at least 900mm.
viii. There shall be no difference in level between the lift door and the floor surface at each level. The
gap between the lift door and the building floor shall not be more than 12mm.
ix. Handrails shall be placed at a height of 900mm from the floor level of the Lift.
x. Fitness Certificate for lifts shall be obtained from the concerned authority before occupation.

2.3.12. Lift Lobbies

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 5, Section 5.4.4 Lifts and NBC 2016, Vol-2, Part 8, Section 5: Installation of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks,
Section 5A Lift Arrangements and Planning Dimensions, Clause 5.2

i. In a dual-line arrangement (lifts opposite each other), the lobby shall be between 1.5 times to 2.5
times the depth of one car.
ii. For in-line (single line) arrangements, the lobby shall be typically half of the above
iii. The Lift Lobby shall not be used as a thoroughfare and shall meet applicable fire regulations.

2.3.13. Escalator
Source: NBC 2016, Vol-2, Part 8, Section 5: Installation of Lifts, Escalators and Moving Walks, Section 5 Lift Arrangements and Planning
Dimensions, 5B Escalators and Moving Walks

i. It is important that the boarding and alighting areas adjacent to an escalator or travelators are not
part of another circulation route for safe boarding and alighting at landings.
ii. The area of this space is defined as a distance between the handrails plus 160mm, multiplied by a
depth of 2.00m to 2.50m -- depending on the configuration of the escalator or moving walk.
iii. Fitness Certificate for escalators and travellators shall be obtained from the concerned authority
before occupation.

2.3.14. Refuge Balcony/Area

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4: Fire and Life Safety, Annex E, Section E-4 Horizontal Exits/ Refuge Area

Refuge Area: An area within the building for temporary use during emergency exit and generally serves
as a staging area protected from the effect of fire and smoke.
i. Refuge area shall be provided in buildings of height of more than 24m.
ii. Refuge area provided shall be planned to accommodate the occupants of two consecutive floors
(where the refuge is provided and the floor above) -- by considering an area of 0.30 sq.m. per
person for the calculated number of occupants, and shall additionally include one wheelchair space
area of 0.90 sq.m. For every 200 occupants, a portion thereof -- based on the occupant load served
by the area of refuge, or a minimum of 15 sq.m., whichever is higher -- shall be provided as under:
a. The Refuge Area shall be provided on the periphery of the floor, and open-to-air at least
on one side, protected with suitable railings.
b. Refuge area(s) shall be provided at/or immediately above 24m, and thereafter at every
15m or so.
iii. Refuge Areas for apartment buildings of height above 60m., while having balconies, shall be
provided at 60m. and thereafter at every 30m.
iv. Refuge Areas shall be directly accessible from common lobby in the building

2.3.15. Doorways
Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4, Clause Doorways.

i. Every exit doorway shall open onto an enclosed stairway, or a horizontal exit of a corridor, or
passageway providing continuous and protected means of exit.
ii. No exit doorway shall be less than 1000mm in width except of Assembly buildings, where the door
width shall be not less than 2000mm. Doorways shall be not less than 2100 mm in height.
iii. To prevent confusion regarding the direction of the exit no mirrors shall be placed on exit doors.
iv. Exit doorways shall open in the direction of travel, without the use of a key.
v. Signs for Lift Landings and, Floor Numbering, Stair and Lifts Identifications, Stair re-entry, etc. shall
be as Annex D of Part 4 of NBC 2016, Volume I, or its latest version.


2.3.16. Passageway/Corridors
Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4, Clause Corridors and passageways of means of egress and Annex D.

i. Corridors and passageways shall be of a width not less than the calculated aggregate width of exit
doorways leading from them, in the direction of travel to the exit.
ii. The minimum clear width of a corridor in a residential building shall be 1.35m for single loaded and
1.8 m for double loaded and in all other buildings shall be 1.5m for single loaded and 2m for double
loaded. For Assembly Buildings the minimum clear width of the Corridor shall be 2m.

2.3.17. Pedestrian Ramps

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 4, Clause Ramps, MBBL-2016, Chapter 11, Clause 11.8.3 Ramps, and Chapter 5, %.4.7 Ramps

i. The slope of a ramp shall not exceed 1-in-12 (8 percent).

ii. Any change in travel direction on the ramp shall be preceded by landings of 1.50m × 1.50m size.
iii. Each landing shall be not less than 1500mm long in the direction of travel.
iv. Handrails at a height of 800-1000mm shall be provided on all ramps on both sides.
v. The ramps should have a non-slippery surface material.
vi. Ramp shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards of safe place.
vii. For building above 24.0 m. in height, access to ramps from any floor of the building shall be through
smoke fire check door.
viii. In case of nursing homes, hospitals etc. area exceeding 300 sq.m. at each floor one of the exit
facilities shall be a ramp of not less than 2.4 m. in width for stretcher and not for vehicular

2.3.18. Ramps for Basement Parking

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 4, Clause Ramps

i. The ramp to the basement and parking floors shall not be less than 7.2 m wide for two-way traffic
and 4.0 m wide for one way traffic, provided with a gradient of 1:10 for cars and 1:15 for heavy
vehicles. At curved portions of the ramp or for circular ramps the slope should not be more than
ii. Ramp may also be provided in a setback area which can be sloped considering unhindered
movement of fire Engine and in no case the gradient shall be less than 1: 10.
iii. All structural design/safety aspects as per latest BIS Manual & NBC, shall be complied along with
consideration of weight of Fire Engine & its maneuverings.
iv. The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.4 m for stretcher and not for vehicular
movement. In this case, handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.
v. Ramps shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards or safe places.
vi. Basement entry/ exists, and other provisions for fire safety shall be as per applicable fire safety
regulations (Local regulations, if available. Else, as per National Building Codes).

2.3.19. Atrium
Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 5, Clause 5.5.11 General

Atrium/Atria at any floor shall be permitted in all buildings and provided at any floor. It will be counted only
once in the FAR. It may be enclosed by light roofing or R.C.C as per development control norms provided
in 03a Manual for Form based Codes for Station (Re)Development. Construction over Atrium may be

2.3.20. Windows
Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 3, Section 8.4, Clause 8.4.1 Projections into Open Spaces

i. Sunshades over windows/ventilators or other openings not more than 0.75m wide.
ii. The opening controls of windows for wheelchair users shall be provided at a height of 800mm-
1000mm from the floor level.
iii. Windows shall provide an unobstructed viewing zone for wheelchair users between 600mm
and 1400mm.
iv. Curtain or Venetian Blind controls/ Ropes shall be at 800-1000 mm height from the finished floor
level for wheelchair users/ short stature persons.
v. Window handles should be at least 80mm long.


2.3.21. Toilets for Differently Abled

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 8, Clause 8.7 Toilets

One special W.C. in a set of toilets shall be provided for the use of differently abled with essential provision
of washbasin near the entrance for the differently abled.

i. The minimum size shall be 1500 mm x 1750 mm.

ii. Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900mm and the door shall swing out.
iii. Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50mm clearance from wall shall be made
in the toilet.
iv. The W.C. seat shall be 500mm from the floor.

Section 2.4: Multi-Modal Parking Design

Source: Draft Master Plan of Delhi for 2041, URDPFI Guidelines- Volume-I- Clause 8.2.6. passenger Car Units (PCU) and Equivalent
Car Space (ECS) for different vehicles

ECS Avg. Area including Distribution by mode

Standard by mode circulation (sq. m.) per 1 ECS (TOD Scheme)
Cars 1 23
Commercial Vehicles (Tier-1
3.5 80.5
cities) 0.6
Commercial Vehicles (Tier-2
2.5 57.5
& 3 cities*)
Motorcycle, scooter 0.25 5.75 0.1
Auto Rickshaws 0.5 11.5 0.1
Bicycle & Cycle rickshaws 0.1 2.3 0.1
Bus/ Shared Vehicles (Tier-1
3.5 80.5
Bus/ Shared Vehicles (Tier-2
2.5 57.5
& 3 cities*)
Total =
As per requirements
Emergency Vehicles 3.5 80.5
stated by IRSDC
* Requirements for Tier-2 & 3 cities are as per URDPFI Guidelines, as the standard Commercial Vehicle and Bus
sizes are smaller than that in Tier-1 cities.

2.4.1. Design of Parking for Cars

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 3, Section 10 Off-Street Parking Spaces, Clause 10.3

i. Individual and common parking space for a car shall at least be 3.00m x 6.00m and 2.75m x 5.00m,
respectively. In case of high-rise buildings parking would be permitted at any or all of the following:
a. Open Area: 23 sq.m per E.C.S
b. Basements: 32 sq.m per E.C.S
c. Stilts: 28 sq.m per E.C.S
d. Podium: 28 sq.m per E.C.S
e. Roof top: 28 sq.m per E.C.S
f. Stacked Parking: 16 sq.m / Multi-level (with ramp): 30 sq.m/ Multi level- Automated parking:
16 sq.m per E.C.S is also permitted.
ii. Each car parking space should be connected to the street providing access to the plot through an
access/exit lane.
iii. The minimum width of the access/exit lane shall be 3.00m and 6.00m for unidirectional and
bidirectional movements, respectively where the lane provides access/exit to more than 10 car
parking spaces.
iv. The hard surface approach road to the building and space all around it shall be capable of taking
the weight of fire engine, weighing upto 45 ton having 6.0 m width (with 9.0 m turning circle at the
corners) for building upto 40.0 m in height and 9.0 m width (with 12.0 m turning circle at the corners).
In case of buildings more than 40.0 m in height shall be provided and the layout for the same shall
be done in consultation with Fire Department. The said open space shall be kept free of
obstructions and shall be motorable.
v. The minimum turning radius along the centre of the lane shall be 5.0m.
vi. The maximum slope of access/exit lane at any point along the lane shall be 1:7.


vii. A minimum clear height of 2.40m shall be maintained at all points in the parking space and
access/exit lanes.

2.4.2. Design of Parking for Two Wheelers

i. The minimum dimension of a space provided for parking a two-wheeler shall be 1.1m x 2.5m.
ii. Each two-wheeler parking space should be connected to the street providing access to the plot
through an access/ exit lane.
iii. The minimum width of the access/exit lane shall be 2.00m and 4.00m for unidirectional and
bidirectional movements, respectively where the lane provides access/exit to more than 10 two-
wheeler parking spaces.
iv. The minimum turning radius along the centre of the lane shall be 4.50m.
v. The maximum slope of access/exit lane at any point along the lane shall be 1:7.
vi. A minimum clear height of 2.40m shall be maintained at all points in the parking space and
access/exit lanes.

2.4.3. Design of Parking for Emergency Vehicles

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-1, Part 3, Annex D, Clause D-2.8 Vehicular Access

i. Necessary provision shall be made by the plot owner for parking of emergency vehicles like
Ambulance, Fire tender, Police, etc.
ii. A Right-of-Way (RoW) of width at least 6m shall be provided upto the entrance to the building to
facilitate emergency vehicle movement.

2.4.4. Design of Parking for Handicap Parking

Source: URDPFI Guidelines, Vol-1, Chapter 8, Clause 8.2.18. Special Requirements for Barrier Free Built Environment for Differently abled
and Elderly Persons

Parking spaces for individuals with physical disabilities, when placed between two perpendicular, angular
and parallel parking spaces, should be 3.60m to 3.80m wide. The length of the aisle should be 6.50m,
6.30m and 7.30m for 90°, 45-60° and parallel parking respectively.

2.4.5. Design of Parking for Bus

Source: MPD 2041, Section 22.12 Transport, Table 22.43 Indicative On-site Parking (ECS) Requirements for projects

i. The minimum dimension of a space provided for parking a bus shall be 12m x 4m.
ii. The minimum width of the access/exit lane shall be 7.50m and 9.00m for unidirectional and
bidirectional movements respectively.
iii. The minimum turning radius along the centre of the lane shall be 12.00m.
iv. The maximum slope of access/exit lane at any point along the lane shall be 1:7.
v. A minimum clear height of 5.50m shall be maintained at all points in the parking space and
access/exit lanes.

2.4.6. Design of Parking for Intermediate Para Transit

Cycle-Rickshaw, E-Rickshaw, and Auto-Rickshaw together shall be referred to as Intermediate Para Transit
i. The minimum dimension of a space provided for parking an IPT shall be 1.5m x 3.0m.
ii. The minimum width of the access/exit lane shall be 2.0m and 3.3m unidirectional and bidirectional
movements respectively.
iii. The minimum turning radius along the centre of the lane shall be 3.0m.
iv. The maximum slope of access/exit lane at any point along the lane shall be 1:12.
v. A minimum clear height of 2.40m shall be maintained at all points in the parking space and access/
exit lanes.

2.4.7. Design of Parking for Bicycle

Source: UTTIPEC, 2009 – Street Design Guidelines, Chapter 5- Design Toolkit: Mandatory Components, Section 6F: Other Geometric
Guidelines for Cycle Tracks

i. The minimum dimension of a space provided for parking a bicycle shall be 1.1m x 2.5m.
ii. For Public Bicycle Sharing Docks, the space required shall be as per system specifications. In case
of absence of systems specifications, the minimum dimension per dock shall be 1.1m x 2.5m.


iii. Cycle Track Capacity:

a. For One-way Traffic: Two Lane - 2.5m to 5.0m; Three Lane - Over 5.0m
b. For Two-Way Traffic: Two Lane - 2.5m; Three Lane - 2.0m to 5.0m; Four Lane - Over 5.0m
c. The length of grade should not exceed from 90m (295 ft) to 500m (1640 ft) for the gradient
of 1:3 to 1:7, respectively.
iv. Vertical clearance: The minimum headroom provided should be 2.25m (7.38 ft).

2.4.8. Design of Pedestrian path in parking areas (Basement, Stilt, etc.)

Source: Auckland Design Manual, Chapter 5, Clause 5.3.2 Pedestrian access and legibility (http://www.aucklanddesignmanual.co.nz/sites-

Pedestrian path in parking areas shall be provided with a minimum width of 1.2m and following design

i. Create pedestrian paths that are distinct from vehicle aisles. In shaded parking areas, use paint
finishes, and in outdoors use a surface texture change to highlight this difference.
ii. Avoid requiring pedestrians to share a route with vehicles in order to access the parking area exit.
iii. Consider pedestrian crossings where vehicle and pedestrian paths cross, especially at or near
building entrances.
iv. Create pedestrian ‘safe refuge areas' where people may need to congregate, for instance around
ticketing machines or lift lobbies. Raise these areas on kerbed footpaths and protect with bollards
if necessary.
v. Where pedestrian routes include a footpath level raised above the vehicle aisle, provide ramps at
crossing points to improve accessibility.
vi. Make walking routes clear, direct and intuitive. Routes to and from car parking areas should arrive
in a safe, well-lit area. Highlight pedestrian routes with special lighting or surface treatments that
clearly indicate the way out.
vii. Pedestrians should not need to venture through a side or rear entrance to access parking.

Section 2.5: Water Supply

Adequate water supply storage facilities, as published in the NBC 2016 of India, Part IX: Plumbing Services,
Section I, shall be provided in all buildings. The use of groundwater as a source of water supply shall conform to
regulations of the Central Ground Water Authority.

Section 2.6: Sanitation

Adequate sanitation facilities, as published in the NBC 2016 of India, Part IX: Plumbing Services, Section II, shall
be provided in all buildings.

Section 2.7: Drainage

Source: NBC 2016, Vol-2, Part 9: Plumbing Services, Section 2, Clause 4.2 Drainage and Sanitation Requirements

2.7.1. General

i. Adequate drainage facilities, as published in the NBC 2016 of India, Part IX Plumbing Services,
Section II, shall be provided in all buildings.
ii. The manner in which it is intended to connect the drainage system of a building to a public sewer
shall be subject to approval by the Authority.
iii. All buildings having a minimum sewerage discharge of 1000 litres per day and above shall
incorporate wastewater recycling system. Design and specifications of wastewater recycling
system shall conform to the norms published by the Central Ground Water Authority.
iv. There should be at least one water tap, and arrangement for drainage, in the vicinity of each water
closet or group of water closets in all buildings.
v. Each dwelling unit in premises (abutting a sewer or with a private sewage disposal system) shall
have at least one water closet, one kitchen wash place or a sink, and one bathing place or shower,
to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene.
vi. For Residences:
a. Dwelling with individual convenience shall have at least the following fitments:
i. One bathroom provided with a tap and a floor trap;
ii. One water closet with flushing apparatus with an ablution tap; and


iii. One tap with a floor trap, or a sink in the kitchen, or wash place. Where only one
water closet is provided in a dwelling, it is desirable to have the bath and water closet
accommodated separately.
b. Dwellings without individual conveniences shall have the following fitments:
i. One water tap with floor trap in each tenement,
ii. One water closet with flushing apparatus and one ablution tap bath for every two
tenements, and
iii. One bath with water tap and floor trap for every two tenements.
vii. The requirement of water supply for various occupancies in buildings shall be as per Table 2-1: Per
Capita Water Requirement for Various Occupancies/Uses to Table 2-2: Flushing Storage
viii. The water and tank requirements shall be based on intended use(s) of floor and its spaces, permits
for which shall be sought during Building Construction Permit and Post-Occupancy change(s).
ix. The Authority shall be apprised where water demand is optimized through recycling and other
means and would be assessed based on overall water balance calculations.
x. The requirement of sanitary fittings and installations for different occupancies in buildings shall be
as per the updated/amended NBC 2016.

Table 2-1: Per Capita Water Requirement for Various Occupancies/ Uses

Type of Occupancy (Iitre per capita
1. Residential
a) EWS/LIG dwelling units (Litre Per Capita per Day (LPCD)/Dwelling unit) 135
b) MIG and above category flats/houses/floors (LPCD/Dwelling unit) 225
c) Hotels with lodging accommodation (per bed) 180
2. Educational
a) Day Schools (per head per day) 45
b) Boarding Schools (per head per day) 135
3. Institutional (Hospitals)
a) No. of beds not exceeding 100 340
b) No. of beds exceeding 100 450
c) Staff quarters and hostels 135
4. Assembly – Cinema halls, Auditoria, etc 15
(per seat accommodation)
5. Government or Semi-public business 45
6. Mercantile (Commercial)
a) Restaurants (per customer) 70
b) Other business building 45
7. Industrial
a) Factories where bathrooms are to be provided 45
b) Other business building 30
8. Storage (including warehouses) 30
9. Hazardous 30
10. Intermediate Stations (excluding Mail and Express stops) 45 (25)*
11. Junction Stations 70 (45)*
12. Terminal Stations 45
13. International and Domestic Airports 70
*The values in brackets are for such stations where bath facilities are not provided.

Table 2-2: Flushing Storage Capacities

S.No. Classification of building Storage capacity (Iitre)

1. For tenements having common convenience 900 litre per WC seat
2. For residential premises other than tenement 270 litre net for one WC seat each, and 189 litre.
having common conveniences for each additional seat in the same flat
3. For factories and workshops 900 litre per WC seat, and 180 litre per urinal
4. For cinemas, public assembly hall, etc 900 litre per WC seat, and 350 litre per urinal


Table 2-3: Domestic Storage Capacities

S.No. No. of Floors Storage Capacity (Iitre) Remarks

For premise occupied tenements with common conveniences:
1. Ground Floor Nil Provided down-take fittings
are installed
2. Floors 2, 3, 4, 5 and upper floors 500 litre per tenement -
For premise occupied as flats or blocks
1. Ground Floor Nil Provided down-take fittings
are installed
2. Floors 2, 3, 4, 5 and upper floors 500 litre per tenement -

Explanatory Notes:
• If the Premises are situated at a higher level than the road in front, storage of water at the ground level
shall be similar to the floors above.
• Provided that the total domestic storage calculated as per Table 2-3 is not less than the storage calculated
on the number of down-take fittings, then storage shall be permitted according to scale given below:
i. Down-take taps 70 litre each
ii. Showers 135 litre each
iii. Bathtubs 200 litre each

Section 2.8: Electrical Infrastructure

Electrical infrastructure, as published in the NBC 2016, Part 8- Building Services, Section II, shall be provided in
all buildings.

Section 2.9: Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

Refer Manual 05- Environment Management Guidelines for preparation of Environment Management Plans,
issued by MoEF&CC vide letter dt.28.05.2020.

2.9.1. Rainwater Management

• The roof and terrace of a building, and the remaining area of the Sub-Plot, shall be provided with an
effective rainwater drainage system.
• Rainwater shall not be discharged into adjacent plots.
• Rainwater should be diverted to green areas, recharge pits or stormwater drains. The manner of
channeling rainwater discharge shall be as specified in Manual 05- Environment Management Guidelines.
• Sub-Plots should have adequate Rainwater Harvesting Structure and storage. It should also have
Recharge pits.

Section 2.10: Pollution Control

2.10.1. Air Pollution

Sufficient devices to be installed to maintain the desired Air Quality Index (AQI) both indoor and outdoor.
All buildings shall conform to provisions of the Air Pollution Control Act, 1981.

2.10.2. Water Pollution

Source: MBBL 2016 Chapter 14, Table 14.3 Environmental Conditions for Building and Construction

Separation of grey and black water should be done by the use of dual plumbing. All buildings shall conform
to provisions of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (Amended in 1988).

2.10.3. Noise Pollution

Source: The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and NBC 2016, Vol-2, Part 8, Section 4: Acoustics, Sound Insulation and
Noise Control. Noise shall not exceed 55 dB(A) for daytime (6.00 A.M. to 10.00 P.M), and 45 dB(A) for night time (10.00
P.M. to 6.00 A.M.). In general, Noise control techniques may be classified into three categories:

i. Noise Reduction at the source;


ii. Noise Control of the transmission path; and

iii. The use of Noise Protective Measures at the receiver. The noise level at the boundary of the public place, where loudspeaker or public address system or any
other noise source is being used, shall not exceed 10 dB(A) above the ambient noise standards for the
area -- or 75 dB(A), whichever is lower.

a) Zoning
The zoning of the different Sub-Plots shall be done by taking into account, besides other aspects,
the Noise Levels from different occupancies.
Wherever necessary, experts in the field may be consulted.
b) Green Belts and Landscaping
Where relief from noise is to be provided, green belts may be used with considerable width.
In case of Railway tracks, additional noise barriers may be provided in buildings for Noise
Insulation. The extent of relief that may be derived from the above measures shall be estimated
only after considering other environmental factors.
Only thick belts of plants and trees (greater than 30m) are of real value. Strong leafy trees may
be planted to act as Noise Baffles. Shrubs or creepers may also be planted for additional
protection between tree trunks.
Artificial mounds and banks should be formed wherever possible. A minimum of hard paving, and
as much of grass as possible, may be used.
c) Railway Track and Highway Noise Barriers
A well-designed barrier of even a modest height (say 3m) can ensure that all open space areas
are free from excessive noise levels. There are two types of such barriers:
i. Solely to reduces noise like free-standing walls and artificial mounds
ii. Forms a part of the building complex (barrier blocks) like single and multistoried utility
buildings and garages.
d) Planning and Design against Indoor Noise
i. Sound Insulation of Non-Industrial Buildings by Constructional Measures
ii. The desired (acceptable) noise levels, and the recommended insulation values for the
various areas, may be achieved by providing Sound Insulation Treatment constructional
iii. All building activity shall be in accordance with the Noise Pollution (Regulation and
Control) Rules, 2000.
e) Planning and Design against Outdoor Noise and Vibrations
i. Refer Clause 5.6 of ‘Report on Updation/ Revision of Manual for Standards and
Specifications for Railway Stations 2009 & Cost Optimization strategies for Station
Redevelopment Projects’ dated September, 2020.
ii. From the experience of stations already implemented, it is advisable that vibrations should
not propagate in the structure of the building. For this purpose, mitigation measures should
be put in place appropriately.
iii. Acoustics: General conditions of the acoustics as mentioned in the Development
Agreement should be followed.
iv. Specific conditions related to vibrations, noise and acoustic can be made part of the
Development Agreement by IRSDC.

Section 2.11: Structural Stability

2.11.1. Applicability

The following Structural and Seismic Safety Bye-Laws shall apply to all new buildings.

2.11.2. Additions and Alterations to Existing Buildings

An alteration or addition to an existing building that is not structurally independent shall be designed and
constructed in such a way that the entire structure conforms to the structural and seismic safety
requirements for new buildings.
No alteration or addition to an existing building shall be permitted unless the following three conditions are
complied with:
i. The alteration or addition complies with the requirements for new buildings.
ii. The alteration or addition does not increase the seismic forces in any structural element of the
existing building by more than 5% -- unless the capacity of the element, subject to the increased
force, is still in compliance with the requirements for new buildings.


iii. The alteration or addition does not decrease the seismic resistance of any structural element of the
existing building -- unless the reduced resistance is equal to, or greater than, that required for new

2.11.3. Change of Use of Buildings or Part of a Building

When a Change of Use results in a structure being reclassified to a Higher Importance Factor (I) as defined
in the IS:1893-2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Fifth Revision), the building
shall conform to seismic requirements for a new building with the Higher Importance Factor.

2.11.4. Design for Structural and Seismic Safety

For applicable Design Standards, and guidelines for Structural Safety, Seismic Safety, Cyclone/ Windstorm
Protection and Landslides Protection, Refer Annexure-1. Structural Design Basis Report

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.2 Structural Design Basis Report (SDBR)

A Structural Design Basis Report (SDBR) shall be prepared for all buildings and submitted along with the
Notice of Commencement of Construction 4
In compliance of the design with the above Indian Standard, the Structural Engineer on Record will submit
a structural design basis report in the Proforma attached herewith covering the essential safety
requirements specified in the Standard. The “Structural Design Basis Report (SDBR)” consists of four parts
(Form No.6, MHA Expert Committee Report)
Part 1: General Information/ Data
Part 2: Load Bearing Masonry Buildings
Part 3: Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Part 4: Steel Buildings
i. Drawings and Documents to be submitted for approval of appropriate authorities shall include
SDBR as detailed bow:
a) Part 1: Completed
b) Part 2: (if applicable) – completed
c) Part 3: (if applicable) – undertaking that completed Part 3 will be submitted before
commencement of construction. Part 4: (if applicable) – undertaking that completed
d) Part 4 will be submitted before commencement of construction.
ii. SDBR as detailed below shall be submitted to the appropriate authority as soon as design of
foundation is completed, but not later than one month prior to commencement of construction.
a) Part 1: Completed
b) Part-2, Part-3 or Part-4: (if applicable) Completed Seismic strengthening/retrofitting

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.3 Seismic strengthening/retrofitting

Prior to seismic strengthening/retrofitting of any existing structure, evaluation of the existing structure as
regards to structural vulnerability in the specified wind/seismic hazard zone shall be carried out by an RSE/
RSDA. If as per the evaluation of the RSE/ RSDA the seismic resistance is assessed to be less than the
specified minimum seismic resistance as given in the note below, action will be initiated to carry out the
upgrading of the seismic resistance of the building as per applicable standard guidelines.
1. For masonry buildings reference shall be made to IS 4326 and IS 13935.
2. For concrete buildings and structures reference shall be made to IS15988: 2013 Seismic evaluation
and strengthening of existing RCC buildings. Buildings with Soft Storey

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.4 Buildings with Soft Storey

In case, buildings with number of storeys, such as the ground storey consisting of open spaces for parking
that is “Stilt buildings” or any other storey with open halls, special arrangements are to be made to increase

4 The format for the Structural Design Basis Report is specified in the Structural Design Basis Report, Form 11, Government of Assam.

(Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority, n.d.)


the lateral strength and stiffness of the soft/open storey such as Steel bracing / Shear walls / Brick infills
between columns. Dynamic analysis of building is to be carried out including the strength and stiffness
effects of infills and inelastic deformations in the members, particularly, those in the soft storey, and the
structural members are to be designed accordingly.
Alternatively, the following design criteria are to be adopted after carrying out the earthquake analysis,
neglecting the effect of infill walls in other storeys:
a) The columns and beams of the soft storey shall be designed for 2.5 times the storey shears and
moments, calculated under seismic loads specified in the other relevant clauses; or,
b) Besides the columns designed and detailed for the calculated storey shears and moments, shear
walls shall be placed symmetrically in both directions of the building as far away from the centre of
the building as feasible; to be designed exclusively for 1.5 times the lateral storey shear force
calculated as before. For details of design and provisions, IS 1893, Part 1 shall be referred. Review of structural design

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.5 Review of structural design

i. The Competent Authority may create a Structural Design Review Panel (SDRP) consisting of senior
SER’s and SDAR’s whose task will be to review and certify the design prepared by SER or SDAR
whenever referred by the competent authority.
ii. The Reviewing Agency shall submit addendum to the certificate or a new certificate in case of
subsequent changes in structural design.
iii. Table-2-4 gives requirements of SDRP for different seismic zones namely III, IV and V and for
structures of different complexities.
iv. In seismic Zone II, buildings & structures greater than 40m in height will require proof checking by
SDRP as per detail at Sl. no.3 of Table 2-4.

Table 2-4: Proof Checking Requirements for Structural Design

S. No. Type of Structure Submission from SER or SDAR To be Proof Checked

Load Bearing Buildings up to SDBR Not to be checked
three storeys
Buildings upto seven storeys SDBR To be checked
(R.C.C/Steel framed structure) Preliminary design To be checked
Building greater than seven SDBR To be checked
storeys (R.C.C/Steel framed Preliminary design To be checked
structure) Detailed structural design and To be checked
structural drawings
Special Structures SDBR To be checked
Preliminary design To be checked
Detailed structural design and To be checked
structural drawings

i. The table 2-5 below may be referred for Occupant Load/Live load for different building types.

Table 2-5: Occupant Load/ Live load for different buildings types

S. Occupant Load per 100 sq. m. of

Type of Occupancy
No. Plinth or Covered Area
1 Residential, Institutional, Business and Industrial 10.0
2 Educational and mercantile 33.3
3 With fixed or loose seats and dance floor 166.6
Without seating facilities inc. dining rooms 66.6

ii. At the preliminary proposal stage of a project, the objective is to undertake feasibility
study/comparison of a number of possible alternatives of structural schemes and determine the
most cost effective one, detailed structural calculations are not necessary for each alternative
scheme. However, it is necessary to determine the member sizes and reinforcement content in
order to determine the cost. By making conservative assumptions it is possible to derive simplified


calculations for both analysis and design. This is called “Preliminary or approximate analysis, and
After the most cost-effective scheme is selected and signed-off by the Client, the detailed
calculations are performed on the selected scheme to determine the precise structural members
and composition (size, dimension and stress behavior), and this is called the “Detailed structural
In the aforesaid, the design of structural members is typically assumed to account for all the stress
loads applicable in the given project.

iii. Special structure means large span structures such as stadium, assembly halls, or tall structures
such as water tanks, TV tower, chimney, etc.
It will be seen from the Table 2-4 above that there is a wide range of structure typology, and the
requirement by the Competent Authority for third party verification will depend on the type of
structure. Third-Party Verification of Structural Design

Third-party verification of the structural design of a building shall be required for all buildings. Third-party
verification of structural design shall be undertaken by institutes of National Repute as per terms mentioned
in clauses below. This certificate shall be submitted to the Authority at the time of application for Building
Sanction. For Structures in Airspace above Railway Station or other operational structures

i. All structures in Airspace, above Stations, Platforms, Concourse, etc. to be vetted along with the
respective operational area designs from Civil Engineering Institutes of National repute, like IITs,
ii. The Developer/ Concessionaire shall submit certificate of Structural Safety in Design, as per
iii. The Developer/ Concessionaire shall submit a certificate of Construction Safety as per Clause
iv. The Developer/ Concessionaire to have its own QA&QC policy, department, engineer, etc. as per
agreement between Developer and the Authority and Clause
v. Authority Engineers to be appointed by mutual consent of Developer/ Concessionaire and IRSDC
to supervise and conduct surprise checks. Structure in Sub-Plots for Commercial Use

i. All structures 40m and above shall require Third-Party Verification as per clause above.
ii. All special structures less than 40m in height involving change in structural system, like columns
etc. require Third-Party Verification as per clause above. Certification regarding structural safety in design

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.6 Certification regarding structural safety in design

Structural Engineer on Record (SEOR) shall give a certificate of structural safety of design as per proforma
given in Form-3 and Form 14 (of the MHA Expert Committee Report) at the time of completion. Constructional safety

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.7 Constructional safety

i. Supervision: All construction except load bearing buildings upto 3 storeys shall be carried out
under supervision of the Construction Supervisier or agency responsible for Managing on-site
Construction for various seismic zones.
ii. Certification of structural safety in construction: Construction Supervisor on Record (CSOR)
shall give a certificate of structural safety of construction as per proforma given in Form-13 (of the
MHA Expert Committee Report) at the time of completion. Quality control and inspection

Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.8 Quality control and inspection


All material and workmanship shall be of good quality conforming generally to accepted standards of Public
Works Department and Indian standard specification and codes as included in Part-V Building Materials
and Part-VII Construction practices and safety of National Building Code of India.
i. Inspection: All the construction for high-rise buildings higher than seven storeys, public buildings
and special structures shall be carried out under quality inspection program prepared and
implemented under the Quality Auditor on Record (QAR) or Quality Auditor Agency on Record
(QAAR) in seismic zones IV & V.
ii. Certification of safety in quality of construction: Quality Auditor on Record (QAR) or Quality
Auditor Agency on Record (QAAR) shall give a certificate of quality control as per proforma given
in Form-15. Quality Inspection Programme to be carried on the site shall be worked out by QAR/
QAAR in consultation with the owner, builder, CER / CMAR.
Notes: Sections and shall not be applicable for Government buildings that are
designed and constructed under the supervision of in-house architects/engineers.

Section 2.12: Maintenance And Upgradation

2.12.1. Maintenance of Buildings Responsibility for Maintenance of Buildings

It shall be the responsibility of the Developer of a building to ensure that the building is kept in good repair,
such that its Structural Stability is not compromised. Periodic inspection and Maintenance Certificate

All buildings shall require periodic inspection by a SEOR at intervals specified in the Schedule <_____>
The SEOR shall inspect the building to ascertain and certify to the Authority, in the format prescribed in
Form No. 45, that the building’s Structural Stability has not been compromised due to lack of adequate
maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to submit the certificate to the Authority no later
than one month after the date on which inspection is due.
If the certificate is not submitted within the stipulated period, the Authority may post notices on prominent
locations on the building, or advertise a notice issued to the Developer, that the building has not been
inspected for adequate maintenance as required by these Building Codes -- and that the building may not
be safe for use. The format for this notice is prescribed in Form <_____>.
It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to ensure that the posted notices are not removed until the
Maintenance Certificate is submitted and accepted by the Authority. The cost of affixing and removing
notices, and any additional audits for structural safety, etc. shall be payable by the Developer. If the
Maintenance Certificate is not submitted within six months of the issue of notice, Authority shall revoke
Building Occupancy Certificate for the building.

2.12.2. Maintenance of Lifts, Escalators and Travelators Responsibility for Maintenance of Lifts, Escalators and Travelators

It shall be the responsibility of the Developer of a building to ensure that lifts, escalators and travelators in
the building are kept in good repair, such that their use is safe. Maintenance Protocol

Maintenance protocol for lifts, escalators and travelators shall be as per the latest versions of IS 1860: 1980
Code of Practice for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Electric Passenger and Goods Lift; IS
6620: 1972 Code of Practice for Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Electric Service Lifts; and IS
4591: 1968 Code of Practice for Installation and Maintenance of Escalators. NOC for operation and maintenance of Lifts, Escalators and Travelators

The developer has to obtain an NOC from the concerned authority for operation & maintenance of Lifts,
Escalators and Travelators, before expiry of the initial NOC.

2.12.3. Maintenance of Fire Prevention and Safety Provisions

It shall be the responsibility of the Developer of a building to ensure that all the Fire Prevention and Safety
Provisions in a building are kept in good working condition and not violated at all times.

DESIGN OF COMMERCIAL ASSETS NOC for Fire Prevention and Safety

The developer has to obtain an NOC from the concerned local body/ authority for Fire Prevention and
Safety provisions in the buildings, before expiry of the initial NOC.

1. Design for Structural and Seismic Safety
Source: MBBL 2016, Chapter 6, Clause 6.1.1 Additional provisions in building regulations/ bye-laws for natural hazard prone areas

1.1 Design Standards

The structural design of foundations, elements of masonry, timber, plain concrete, reinforced concrete, pre-
stressed concrete, and structural steel shall conform to:

The provisions of the NBC 2016 of India, Part VI - Structural Design (Section - 1 Loads, Section - 2
Foundation, Section - 3 Wood, Section - 4 Masonry, Section - 5 Concrete, and Section - 6 Steel), and the
following Indian Standards:

1.2 Structural Safety Guidelines

i. IS 456: 2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete

ii. IS 800: 1984 and 2007 Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel
iii. IS 801: 1975 Code of Practice for Use of Cold Formal Light Gauge Steel Structural Members in
General Building Construction
iv. IS 875 (Part 1): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) For Buildings
and Structures - Part 1: Dead Loads -- Unit Weights of Building Materials And Stored Materials
v. IS 875 (Part 2): 1987 Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures - Part 2;
Imposed Load
vi. IS 875 (Part 4): 1987 Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) forBbuildings and Structures - Part
4; Snow Loads
vii. IS 875 (Part 5): 1987 Design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures - Part 5;
Special Loads and Load Combination
viii. IS: 883: 1966 Code of Practice for Design of Structural Timber in Building
ix. IS: 1904: 1986 Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Foundations in Soils: General
x. IS 1905: 1987 Code Of Practice For Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry
xi. IS 2911 (Part 1): Section 1: 1979 Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Pile Foundation
Section 1:
a) Part 1: Section 2 Based Cast-in-situ Piles
b) Part 1: Section 3 Driven Pre-cast Concrete Piles
c) Part 1: Section 4 Based Pre-cast Concrete Piles
d) Part 2: Timber Piles
e) Part3: Under-Reamed Piles
f) Part 4: Load Test on Piles
xii. IS 456: Plain and Reinforced Concrete: Code of Practice
xiii. IS 1893: Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
xiv. IS 2062: 2011 Hot Rolled Medium and High Tensile Structural Steel - Specification
xv. IS 8500: 1991 Structural Steel-Micro alloyed (Medium and High Strength Qualities) -- Specification
xvi. IS 806: 1968 Code of Practice for Use of Steel Tubes in General Building Construction
xvii. IS 811: 1987 Specification for Cold-formed Light Gauge Structural Steel Sections
xviii. IS 1367 (All Parts) Technical Supply Conditions for Threaded Steel
xix. IS 2155: 1982 Cold Forged Solid Steel Rivets for Hot Closing (6 to 16mm Diameter)
xx. IS 1929: 1982 Cold Forged Solid Steel Rivets for Hot Closing (12 to 36mm Diameter)
xxi. IS 1149: 1982 Specification for High Tensile Steel Rivet Bars for Structural Purposes
xxii. IS 6639: 1972 Hexagon Bolts for Steel Structures
xxiii. IS 3757: 1985 Specification for High Strength Structural Bolts
xxiv. IS: 4000: 1992 High Strength Bolts in Steel Structures - Code of Practice
xxv. IS 1363: 2002 Part 1 Hexagon Head Bolts, Screws and Nuts of Product Grade ‘C’
xxvi. IS 816: 1969 Code of Practice for Use of Metal Arc Welding for General Construction in Mild Steel
xxvii. IS 814: 2004 Covered Electrodes for Manual Metal Arc Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese
Steel -- Specification


xxviii. IS 1395: 1982 Specifications for Low and medium Alloy Steel covered electrodes for manual metal
arc welding
xxix. IS 7280: 1974 Specifications for Bare wire electrodes for submerged arc welding of structural steel
xxx. IS 3613: 1974 Acceptance tests for wire flux combination for submerged arc welding of Structural
xxxi. IS 6419: 1996 Welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc welding of structural steel --
xxxii. IS 6560: 1996 Molybdenum and Chromium-Molybdenum Low Alloy Steel Welding Rods and Bare
Electrodes for Gas Shielded Arc Welding -- Specification
xxxiii. IS 813: 1986 Scheme of Symbols for Welding
xxxiv. IS 9595: 1996 Metal-Arc Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese Steel -- Recommendations

1.3 Seismic Safety Guidelines:

i. IS 1893: 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (Fifth Revision)
ii. IS 13920: 1993 and 2016 Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic
Forces -- Code of Practice
iii. IS 4326: 1993 Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings -- Code of Practice
(Second Revision)
iv. IS 13828: 1993 Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings -- Guidelines
v. IS 13827: 1993 Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings -- Guidelines
vi. IS 13935: 1993 and 2009 Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings -- Guidelines
vii. IS 1498: (1970) Classification and Identification of Soils for General Engineering Purposes

1.4 Cyclone/Wind Storm Protection Guidelines:

i. IS 875(3): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for Buildings and
Structures, Part 3, Wind Loads
ii. Guidelines [based on IS 875(3): 1987] for Improving the Cyclonic Resistance of Low-rise Houses
and Other Building

1.5 Landslides Protection Guidelines:

i. IS 14458 (Part 1): 1998 Guidelines for Retaining Wall for Hill Area: Part 1 Selection of Type of Wall
ii. IS 14458 (Part 2): 1997 Guidelines for Retaining Wall for Hill Area: Part 2 Design of Retaining/
Breast Walls
iii. IS 14458 (Part 3): 1998 Guidelines for Retaining Wall for Hill Area: Part 3 Construction of Dry-
Stone Wails
iv. IS 14496 (Part 2): 1998 Guidelines for Preparation of Landslide -- Hazard Zonation Maps in
Mountainous Terrains: Part 2 Macro-Zonation.

Explanatory Note: Whenever an Indian Standard including those referred to in the NBC 2016 -- or the
NBC is referred, the latest revision of the same shall be followed, except specific criteria, if any, mentioned
against that Code.


Our sincerest gratitude to the following institutions / Experts for their valuable feedback and suggestions:

Indian Railways World Bank

• V. Shrivastava, ED/Heritage, Railway Board • Serge Salat
• Mona Shrivastava, CE/SD/Northern Railway • Gerald Ollivier
TCPO, MoHUA • Tatiana Peralta Quiros
• R. Srinivas (Town & Country Planner) Architectural Heritage Division, INTACH
NIUA Varanasi Development Authority
• Hitesh Vaidya, Director NIUA Town Planning departments of Govt. of Rajasthan and
Delhi Urban Arts Commission Madhya Pradesh
• Nivedita Pande, Member Dept. UD- Govt. of West Bengal
Delhi Development Authority Kolkata Port Authority
• Anurag Jain, VC, DDA Indian Institute of Architects
• Leenu Sehgal, Commissioner Planning GEM-ASSOCHAM
• Manju Paul, Addl. Commissioner (Plg.)-I, UTTIPEC • Pankaj R. Dharkar, Chairman,
• Uttam Gupta, Director Plg./ UTTIPEC • Neeraj Arora
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority • Amit Sharma
• Milind Patil, Senior Planner Independent Experts
• Vidya Kotak, Sr. Planner • Ravindra Singh, IAS (Retd.)
CIDCO • Shyam Khandekar, Urban Designer, Netherland
• Avinash Shabade • Sujata Govada, Urban Designer, Hong Kong
HUDCO • Fabrice Morenon, SNCF, France
• Dr. Akshaya Kumar • Shreyas Bharule, University of Tokyo
ITPI • Nilabh Nagar, Urban Designer, H S Contractor
• Prof. Dr. D.S. Meshram, President Consultancy Pvt Ltd
• S.B. Khodankar, Secretary General • Sanjay Bhardwaj, Partner Team3
• A.K Jain, Ex Commissioner (Planning),DDA • Rahul Upadhyay
IUDI • Ajay Khare, Conservation Architect
• Anuraag Chowfla, President • Gurmeet Rai, Conservation Architect
• Arunava Dasgupta, Vice President, IUDI and HoD, • Shikha Jain, DRONAH
Urban Design Dept., SPA Delhi • Rima Hooja, Historian
• Aishwarya Tipnis, Conservation Architect
• Nishant Upadhyay, Conservation Architect

All other experts who participated in Public Consultant for finalization of these manuals

Project Team
IRSDC Team Our special thanks to the Shakti Sustainable Energy
Foundation and its team of experts-
• Sanjeev Kr. Lohia, MD & CEO, IRSDC
• R. K. Singh, Director (Projects and Planning) • Anshu Bharadwaj, CEO
• V.B. Sood, CGM (Projects and Planning) • Shubhashis Dey, Dir. Climate Policy Program
• P.S. Uttarwar, Sr. Expert (Planning and Architecture) • Vivek M Chandran, Asso. Dir. Transport Program
• Deep Sharma, GM (Civil) • Creative Footprints (Appointed by SSEF)-
• Paromita Roy, JGM (Urban Design and Planning) - Adarsha Kapoor, Sr. Urban Designer
• Mriganka Saxena, Sr. Expert (Urban Design / Planning) - Somi Chatterjee, Sr. Conservation Arch.
• Karm Jit Singh, Consultant/IRSDC (former Dy. - Sudhir Vohra, Sr. Architect
Director- Building, DDA) - Ashim Manna, Sr. Urban Designer
• Rishav Paul, Architect - Sheeba Amir, Sr. Urban Planner
• Utkarsh Chaudhary, Architect - Saparya Varma, Sr. Conservation Arch.
• Nitish Mehrotra, Civil Engineer - Somya Johri, Sr. Conservation Arch.
- Abdullah Nisar Siddiqui, Green Building Expert
- Sutanu Pati, MBA- Finance
- Abhijit Sinha, Sr. Editor
- Sanjay Prakash, Sustainability Expert, SHiFt
- Shinjini Bhattacharyya, Conservation Arch.
- Vinshi Raj, Urban Regenerator
- Sabreena Ashraf, Urban Regenerator
- Saad Yaazdani, Architect
- Chetan Aggarwal, Architect

© Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited

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