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Impact of Washing and Fermentation On The Concentration of Pesticide Residues in Nigerian Staple Foods

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

Impact of Washing and Fermentation on the

Concentration of Pesticide Residues in
Nigerian Staple Foods
*1Olajide, J.E.
Department of Biochemistry,
Prince Abubakar Audu University Anyigba, Nigeria

*2Apeh, D. O. 3
Apeh, K. A.
2 3
Department of Biochemistry, Department of Microbiology,
Confluence University of Science and Technology, Confluence University of Science and Technology,
Osara, Nigeria Osara, Nigeria

Corresponding Authors :- *1Olajide, J.E.;*2Apeh, D. O.

Abstract:- The use of pesticides in agriculture is linked to I. INTRODUCTION

accumulation of toxic compounds in the soil, in food, and
its accumulation in animal and human tissues. Pesticide Agricultural products such as maize, beans, rice, and
residues are deposits of pesticides that remain on or in cassava are very strategic in the drive towards food security
agricultural produce after harvest or during storage. This in sub-saharan Africa. However, their post-planting and post-
work examined the effects various processing steps on the harvest stages could be bedeviled by pests which eventually
levels of methoxychlor, dieldrin, p,p’-DDE and α- lead to low produce quality and output. This is an alarming
chlordane residues in common staples; maize, rice, beans issue which calls for control. For this reason, pesticides are
and cassava. The treatments administered included cold applied on plants in the field or on the product after harvest.
water washing, hot water washing, and fermentation for Pesticides are chemicals used to protect crops against weeds,
3 and 5 days. The Quick, Effective, Cheap, Easy, Rugged insects, fungi, and other pests. Pesticide residues refer to the
and Safe (QuEChERS) technique was adopted for pesticide content that may remain on or in agricultural
extraction of pesticide residues while gas chromatography products after being applied which could be of toxicological
tandem mass spectrometry was used for quantification of effect to one-health. The general population is exposed to
the residues in the samples. The processing steps applied pesticide residues either through consumption of treated food
had various effects on the level of residues ranging from - or close proximity to the areas treated with those pesticides.
149% to 100% reduction in level of pesticide; in rice Most of these chemical residues especially derivatives of
processing, washing with hot water had the greatest chlorinated pesticides could bioaccumulate causing health
impact in reducing methoxychlor (55.5-97.1%) and α- hazards. Pesticides on farm may be washed into the water
chlordane (95.5%). Fermentation for 5 days had the bodies and other vegetation thereby posing negative threats
greatest impact in reducing methoxychlor residue from on aquatic life and other plants (Stephen and Benedict, 2011).
cassava (13.6-26.3%), while fermentation of maize for 3
or 5 days had similar impact in reduction of the level of The staple under study are major parts of the diet of
methoxychlor (35.5-79.5% and 39.1-78.4% respectively) humans. Maize is a major source of carbohydrate especially
and α-chlordane (100% and 100% respectively). Hot in the developing world. They are often treated with
water washing of beans was most effective in eliminating pesticides to avoid pest infestation during storage (Ogah et
methoxychlor (98.4%), p,p’-DDE (100%), α-chlordane al., 2012). Beans are leguminous crops that are widely grown
(100%) and dieldrin (100%). Reduction in hazard index for human and animal consumption in the tropics and
was also observed with processing, as a result of reduction subtropics. Despite the importance of the bean crop for
in amount of pesticide going into the diet. human health and needs, it is plagued by insect infestations
from the field to the storage facility. Insects are a major
Keywords:- Organochlorines, Washing, Fermentation, contributor to low yields in African bean crops, affecting
Nigerian Staples. every tissue component and developmental stage. Infestation
pressure is responsible for over 90% of yield loss in extreme
infestations (Isegbe et al., 2016). Cassava has been found to
be an important food source for millions of people in the
tropical regions of Africa, Latin America and Asia
(Atehnkeng et al., 2006). Although the use of pesticides on
cassava is not so common, it could be imparted on by soil

IJISRT24MAR637 www.ijisrt.com 986

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

uptake of pre-planting herbicides and pesticides used on other

crops where mixed farming is being practiced. According to
Jones (1995), rice is a major commodity in world trade
cultivated throughout the tropics. Rice is commonly
cultivated in low land areas with high water harboring
potential; hence it could be indirectly impacted by pesticide
associated with water run-offs.

The safety of food has significant impact on food

security (SDG 2) and human health (SDG 3), hence the
increasing concern on safe food consumption. Residual
chemicals are persistent organic contaminants that have
serious lethal effect on human health when exposed beyond
certain levels. In order to mitigate the health impact
associated with the consumption of pesticide residues in food,
this work examined the effect of washing, soaking, and
fermentation processes on the residual content of
methoxychlor, p,p’-DDE, dieldrin and α-chlordane in rice,
maize, cassava and beans. It also took into account the effect
of processing on the hazard index of residues in food.


A. Study Area, Sample Collection and Preparation

Food samples were taken from four towns in Kogi State,
Nigeria. About 1kg of maize, cassava, beans and rice samples
were purchased from open markets into ziploc bags.

B. Study Design
Samples were screened for the presence of pesticide
residues. After obtaining the GC-MS/MS result and
establishing samples that were contaminated, selected
contaminated samples were processed to determine the effect
of processing on level of residual pesticides. The processing
steps are described below: fermentation/soaking for three and
five days (cassava, maize), soaking in cold water for 5
minutes and washing off the water (beans, rice), allowing to
boil in hot water for 5 minutes and washing off the water
(beans, rice) and sun drying (cassava, maize). After
processing, samples were subjected to extraction and
quantification of pesticide residues, to determine the effect of Fig 1: Optional Processing Steps Applied to Staples
processing on the levels of residual pesticides. Following a-Maize, b-Cassava, c-Rice and d-Beans
processing, a total of 26 samples were analysed for residual
pesticides. C. Extraction and Quantification of Pesticide Residues
The Quick, Effective, Cheap, Easy, Rugged and Safe
(QuEChERS) method was employed to extract the residual
pesticides from the food samples. This involved a single
extraction in acetonitrile with the addition of salt and buffers
to aid the extraction of both non-polar and polar compounds.
Gas chromatography was use to determine pesticides. The
extract (2 µl) was injected into a TQ8040 Gas
chromatography tandem Mass spectrometry equipped with;
SH-RXi-55il MS-type fused silica capillary column (30m,
0.25mm id & film thickness 0.25µm), helium gas, flow
control mode: linear velocity, one minute sampling time, 200
C ion source temperature, 250oC interface temperature, CID
gas: Argon gas. The pesticide residues assayed for were
organochlorides; α- chlordane, Dieldrin, P, P’- DDE, and

IJISRT24MAR637 www.ijisrt.com 987

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

D. Data Analysis Several other studies have established the important role
Data obtained from the GC-MS/MS analyses were of washing in removal of pesticide residues from various food
analyzed using Ms Excel 2013. Thereafter, figures and tables matrices. Ryad and Mahmoud (2016) reported that washing
were used to present the results. of olives in cold water for 5 minutes removed 48% of
cypermethrin, 26%-36% of chlorpyrifos, 67% of diazinon,
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 66% of profenfos, and 26%-39% of L-cyhalothrin. Lentza-
Rizos et al. (2006) also reported that the residues of
A. Effect of Processing on Pesticide Residues in Food azoxystrobin on grapes were reduced by 75%.
Figure 2 to 14 show the effect of various optional food During rice cooking, Medina et al. (2021) in their study
processing steps on the concentration of four (4) pesticides concluded that pre-soaking rice with extra water before
residues while Table 1 show the percentage reduction in the cooking proved to be the method that generates the greatest
concentration of the pesticide residues due to the reduction in pesticide level, the authors thought that soaking
corresponding treatments. The result shows that washing of probably contributes to increasing grain water absorption
rice after soaking for five minutes in cold water is able to capacity, achieving a greater effect of destroying pesticides
reduce the concentration of pp’-DDE by 28.4%, during cooking. Blanching (washing) of beans in warm water
methoxychlor by 44.4-86.2% and α-chlordane by 94.7%. has shown effectiveness in reduction of DDT in beans by
Allowing rice to boil for five minutes before washing off the 50%, while washing removed 20% of DDT from potato
water was able to reduce the concentration of methoxychlor (Holland et al., 1994). Soaking of beans resulted in 9.88%
by 55.5-97.1% and α-chlordane by 95.5% but makes pp’- reduction while boiling resulted in 48.15% reduction in the
DDE more available (-149%). It further revealed that concentration of pirimiphos-methyl (Aondona et al., 2019).
fermentation of cassava for 3 or 5 days has minimal effect on Thus, supporting the effect of both cold and hot water
the reduction of levels of pesticide residues; its effect on washing treatment of beans found in this study, and
methoxychlor was its reduction by -5.3-26.3% and 13.6- suggesting that warm/hot water treatment of beans is more
28.1% respectively. This may be due to slow water removal effective than cold water washing in removal of pesticide
from cassava unlike the other staples where the water used residues.
for washing can be discarded almost completely.

The effect of processing of maize by 3- and 5-day long

fermentation on the level of methoxychlor and α-chlordane in
maize was high, result revealed similar range when the
treatment lasted for 3 days or 5 days; 35.5-79.5% and 39.1-
78.4% respectively for methoxychlor and 100% for α-
chlordane. Cold water washing of beans was effective in
removing high level (98%) of pp’-DDE residues from beans,
hot water per-boiling was effective with the removal of 100%
of p,p’-DDE, dieldrin and α-chlordane residues and about
98.4% of methoxychlor.

The effectiveness of washing on removal of pesticide

residue could depend on the location of the residue, age,
water solubility, temperature and the type of washing
(Holland et al., 1994). It is also affected by the nature of Fig 2: Effect of Processing on Level of
sample, such as thickness, type, wax amounts on the cuticle, Methoxychlorin Rice (1)
and surface area; pesticide characteristics; and retention time
of various pesticide residues (Yang et al., 2022). According
to Bonnechère et al (2012), the most effective technique for
removing pesticide residues from agricultural products in
households and commercial processing is washing. To
support this statement, the study of Yang et al. (2022)
examined various methods of washing on reduction of
pesticides from leafy vegetables such as; alkaline water
washing, blanching, boiling, washing with NaHCO3, washing
with detergent, washing with running water, washing with
stagnant water, ultrasonic cleaning, and washing with
vinegar, they concluded that washing under running water
was the most effective method of all in pesticide removal.

Fig 3: Effect of Processing on Level of

Methoxychlor in Rice (2)

IJISRT24MAR637 www.ijisrt.com 988

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

Fig 4: Effect of Processing on level of Fig 7: Effect of Processing on Level of

Methoxychlor in Maize Methoxychlor in Cassava

Fig 5: Effect of Processing on Level of Fig 8: Effect of Processing on level of

Methoxychlor in Maize Methoxychlor in Beans

Fig 6: Effect of Processing on Level of Fig 9: Effect of Processing on level of pp'-DDE in Beans
Methoxychlor in Cassava

IJISRT24MAR637 www.ijisrt.com 989

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

Fig 10: Effect of Processing on Level of pp'-DDE in Rice Fig 13: Effect of Processing on Level of
α-Chlordane in Maize

Fig 11: Effect of Processing on Level of Fig 14: Effect of Processing on Level of
α-Chlordane in Rice Dieldrin in Beans

A variety of pesticides applied directly on crops undergo

limited penetration, and are mostly confined to the outer
surfaces, as such food processing steps such as washing,
peeling and dehulling could be effective in removing them
(Holland et al., 1994). Previous studies suggested that
processing steps such as soaking and steaming at 1000C lead
to the degradation of pesticide (Kaushik et al., 2009; Pareja
et al., 2011). Generally, surface residues will be more
amenable to washing than systemic residues. Other factors
that may impact residue removal by washing includes; the
water solubility of the residue, the washing temperature, and
length of time between application and processing (Holland
et al., 1994). This study shows how important basic food
processing steps are in reducing levels of various pesticides.
The percentage reduction suggests that these pesticides will
be bioavailable at levels for below their MRL if properly
Fig 12: Effect of Processing on Level of processed before consumption.
α-Chlordane in Beans

IJISRT24MAR637 www.ijisrt.com 990

Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

Table 1: Effect of Processing (% Reduction) on Pesticide Residues in Food

Treatments p,p’-DDE (%) Methoxychlor (%) Dieldrin (%) α-chlordane (%)
Cold water washed rice 28.4 44.4-86.2 - 94.7
Hot water washed rice -149% 55.5-97.1 - 95.5
Fermentation of cassava (3 days) - -5.3-26.3 - -
Fermentation of cassava (5 days) - 13.6-28.1 - -
Fermentation of maize (3 days) - 35.5-79.5 - 100
Fermentation of maize (5 days) - 39.1-78.4 - 100
Cold water washed beans 98 45 8.04 8.0
Hot water washed beans 100 98.4 100 100

Fermentation has been identified as a processing eliminating methoxychlor (98.4%) and dieldrin (100%). With
method that possess high potential for reduction of pesticide this finding, the populace is encouraged to adopt the optional
residues in food. One highly effective and promising method processing steps on food where and when applicable, as they
involves fermenting foods using natural microflora or have been seen to have residue minimization and elimination
intentionally introducing probiotic strains. Detoxification effects.
processes may entail enzymatic hydrolysis or oxidation of
pesticides, breaking them down into less harmful substances ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
(Armenova et al., 2023). In this study, fermentation was
effective in reducing methoxychlor (35.5-79.5%) and α- This work was funded by the Nigerian Tertiary
chlordane (100%). In a study by Zhang et al. (2016), Education Trust Fund (TETFund) through the Institutional
application of strains of the bacteria Lactiplantibacillus Based Research Grant (IBR) intervention disbursed at Prince
plantarum at room temperature for 10 weeks reduced phorate Abubakar Audu University, Anyigba, Nigeria.
levels in corn silage by 24.9 - 33.4%. Đorđević et al. (2013)
also reported 81% degradation of pirimiphos/pirimiphos- REFERENCES
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ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637

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Volume 9, Issue 3, March – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR637


Levels of Pesticide Residues Resulting from Various Processing Treatments

Food Code Treatment Methoxychlor pp'-DDE α-chlordane Dieldrin
RICE H1 Raw Rice 0.00027 ND ND ND
RICE H2 Cold water washed rice 0.00015 ND ND ND
RICE H3 Hot water washed rice 0.00012 ND ND ND
RICE G1 Raw Rice 0.02136 0.00088 0.01122 ND
RICE G2 Cold water washed rice 0.00295 0.00063 0.00059 ND
RICE G3 Hot water washed rice 0.00063 0.00219 0.00051 ND
MAIZE C1 Dry maize 0.27454 ND 0.00251 ND
MAIZE C2 Soaked 3 days 0.17695 ND 0.00000 ND
MAIZE C3 Fermented 5 days 0.06002 ND 0.00000 ND
MAIZE D1 Dry maize 0.12736 ND 0.00201 ND
MAIZE D2 Soaked 3 days 0.02616 ND 0.00000 ND
MAIZE D3 Fermented 5 days 0.07752 ND 0.00000 ND
BEANS A1 Dry Beans ND 0.00527 ND 0.01753
BEANS A2 Cold water washed beans ND 0.00009 ND 0.01612
BEANS A3 Hot water washed beans ND 0.00000 ND 0.00000
BEANS B1 Dry Beans 0.04900 ND ND 0.01753
BEANS B2 Cold water washed beans 0.02689 ND ND 0.01612
BEANS B3 Hot water washed beans 0.00077 ND ND 0.00000
CASSAVA E1 Dry Cassava 0.71364 ND ND ND
CASSAVA E2 Fermented 3 days 0.52594 ND ND ND
CASSAVA E3 Fermented 5 days 0.61631 ND ND ND
CASSAVA F1 Dry Cassava 1.25089 ND ND ND
CASSAVA F2 Fermented 3 days 1.31671 ND ND ND
CASSAVA F3 Fermented 5 days 0.89913 ND ND ND


Hazard Index of Pesticides before and after Treatment

FOOD CODE TREATMENT Methoxychlor pp'-DDE α-chlordane Dieldrin
0.01 0.1 0.02 0.02
RICE H1 Raw Rice 0.027
RICE H2 Cold Water Washed Rice 0.015
RICE H3 Hot Water Washed Rice 0.012
RICE G1 Raw Rice 2.136 0.0088 0.561
RICE G2 Cold water washed rice 0.295 0.0063 0.0295
RICE G3 Hot water washed rice 0.0625 0.0219 0.0255
MAIZE C1 Dry maize 27.454 0.1255
MAIZE C2 Soaked 3 days 17.695 0
MAIZE C3 Fermented 5 days 6.002 0
MAIZE D1 Dry maize 12.736 0.1005
MAIZE D2 Soaked 3 days 2.616 0
MAIZE D3 Fermented 5 days 7.752 0
BEANS A1 Dry Beans 0.0527 0.8765
BEANS A2 Cold water washed beans 0.0009 0.806
BEANS A3 Hot water washed beans 0 0
BEANS B1 Dry Beans 4.9 0.8765
BEANS B2 Cold water washed beans 2.689 0.806
BEANS B3 Hot water washed beans 0.077 0
CASSAVA E1 Dry Cassava 71.364
CASSAVA E2 Fermented 3 days 52.594
CASSAVA E3 Fermented 5 days 61.631
CASSAVA F1 Dry Cassava 125.089
CASSAVA F2 Fermented 3 days 131.671
CASSAVA F3 Fermented 5 days 89.913

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