Ee - Sec-C-Lesson Plan
Ee - Sec-C-Lesson Plan
Ee - Sec-C-Lesson Plan
1 Introduction to electrical To teach the overview of Chalk and talk Enclosed 04.09.23
engineering five units and explain the
basic concept about
AC/DC machines
2 Principle of operation and To teach the Definition, Chalk and talk 1. What is a Enclosed 04.09.23 Text book
construction of single construction, transformer? 1
phase Transformer working principle, 2. Give the basic
operation of single phase principle behind the
Transformer working of
3. What are the parts
of a transformer?
3 E.M.F equation of a Teaching the students to Chalk and talk 4. Give the emf Enclosed 05.09.23 Text book
transformer derive the emf equation of equation of the 1
a transformer and voltage transformer.
transformation ratio. 5. What is voltage
transformation ratio?
4 Equivalent circuit of To teach what is the need Chalk and talk 6. Define voltage Enclosed 07.09.23 Text book
transformer for Equivalent circuit of regulation? 1
transformer 7. What is an ideal
8. What are the no
load losses in a two
transformer? And
state the reasons for
such losses.
9. What are the
losses occurring in a
5 Transformer tests To obtain the Chalk and talk 10. What is the Enclosed 08.09.23 Text book
performance of purpose of the 1
transformer by magnetizing current
(i) open-circuit test in transformer?
(ii) shortcircuit test 11. What are the
components of
primary no-load
6 Losses and Efficiency To teach the different Chalk and talk 12. Why Transformer Enclosed 09.09.23 Text book
types of losses occuring Rating in KVA? 1
in transformer and to 13. Define the term
determine the efficiency efficiency.
14. What is All day
15. Name the factors
on which hysteresis
loss depends.
7 Three phase transformer To teach the Introduction Chalk and talk 16. What are the Enclosed 11.09.23 Text book
to three phase different types of 1
transformer and its connections in three
connection phase transformer?
8 Auto Transformer To explain the Chalk and talk 17. What is an Enclosed 12.09.23 Text book
construction of auto autotransformer? 1
transformer, saving of cu 18. What are the
and the uses of auto uses of
transformer. autotransformer?
19. What is the
condition for
maximum efficiency
9 Overview of single phase To teach the single phase Power point 20. Write the Enclosed 13.09.23 Text book
transformer & Problems transformer with real presentation application of single 1
time applications and to and three phase and
solve the problems transformer. internet
frequently asked in
university question paper.
11 Types of DC generator, To teach the classification Chalk and 4. Mention the types of Enclosed 19.09.23 Text book
EMF equation of DC generator and to talk DC generator. 1&
derive the emf equation 5. Write the emf Reference
equation of DC book 1
12 No load and Load To explain the Chalk and 6. Draw the Enclosed 20.09.23 Text book
characteristics of series characteristics of series talk characteristics of series 1&
and shunt generators and shunt generators with generator Reference
diagram 7. Draw the book 1
characteristics of series
13 DC motor - Torque To understand the Chalk and Enclosed 21.09.23 Text book
definition of motor, talk 8. What is the principle 1&
working principle, of DC motor? Reference
operation and to derive 9. What are the book 1
the torque equation constructional parts of
DC machine?
10. What is armature
reaction? What are its
11. Define Fleming’s left
hand rule?
12. What is back e.m.f in
D.C motors?
14 Speed-Torque To teach the various Chalk and 13. What are the losses Enclosed 23.09.23 Text book
characteristics of series torque-speed talk in DC machine? & 1&
and shunt motors characteristics of series 15. What is the 25.09.23 Reference
and shunt motor with the expression for Torque book 1
help of torque and speed in a DC motor?
15 Speed control methods of To explain the various Chalk and 16. What are the Enclosed 26.09.23 Text book
dc motor and application types of speed control talk important 1&
methods in series and characteristics of dc Reference
shunt motors using motors? book 1
equations and T-N 17. What is the
diagrams expression for speed in
a DC motor?
16 Problems To solve all the university Chalk and Enclosed 28.09.23 Text book
problems in D.C. talk 1&
Generator and motor Reference
book 1
17 Principle of operation of 3- To understand the Power point 18. Why the induction Enclosed 30.09.23 Text book
phase induction motor construction and working presentation motors are called as 1
operation of 3-phase rotating transformer?
induction motor 19. What is the principle
of an Induction
20. What is the difference
between induction motor
and synchronous motor?
21. What are the
advantages of induction
18 Torque, slip characteristics To explain the derivation Chalk and Enclosed 03.10.23 Text book
of torque equation and talk 22. What is RMF? 1
torque-slip characteristics 23. Define Slip of
of 3-phase induction induction motor.
19 Speed control methods- To understand the Chalk and 24. What are the speed Enclosed 04.10.23 Text book
stator side various methods of stator talk control methods for an 1
side speed control with T- induction motor?
N equation
20 Speed control methods- Understand the various Chalk and 25. What are the speed Enclosed 05.10.23 Text book
rotor side methods of rotor side talk control methods for an 1
speed control with T-N induction motor?
equation 26. Why the Rotors of
Induction Motor are
21 Single-phase induction To teach the working Chalk and 27. What are the types Enclosed 07.10.23 Text book
motor operation of 1phase talk of single phase 1
induction motor and induction motor?
explain torque-speed 28. Mention the
characteristics of single advantages of capacitor
phase induction motor run motor
22 Single-phase induction To understand the Chalk and 29. Why is the single Enclosed 09.10.23 Text book
motor starting methods various starting methods talk phase induction motor 1
of 1-single phase not self-starting?
induction motor with
30. How to start squirrel
cage motor?
23 Principle of operation of Understand the Chalk and 31. How the rotor of Enclosed 10.10.23 Text book
alternators construction and working talk alternator is classified? 1
operation of alternators 32. Define voltage
regulation of alternator.
33. What are the two
types of rotors used in
24 Applications To know the various Power point 34. What are the Enclosed 11.10.23 Text book
applications of induction presentation applications of single 1
motor and alternator phase induction motor?
35. What are the
applications of
25 Problems Solving all university 12.10.23 Text book
problems in D.C. 1
26 Servo Motor- DC servo To understand the basic Power point 35. What is servomotor? Enclosed 14.10.23 Text book
motor concepts of servo motor presentation 1&
36. What are the types
and explain the of servo motor? Reference
construction and working 37. Give some book 1
of DC servo motor applications of Servo
27 Servo Motor- AC servo To explain the Chalk and 38. Mention the Enclosed 16.10.23 Text book
motor construction and working talk advantages of AC servo 1&
of AC servo motor motor Reference
book 1
28 Stepper motors- variable To understand the Chalk and 39. What is a stepper Enclosed 17.10.23 Text book
reluctance stepper motor definition, various talk motor? 1&
terminology of stepper 40. Define Step angle. Reference
motors and explain the 41. What are book 1
working operation of applications of stepper
variable reluctance motor?
stepper motor 42. What are the types
of stepper motor?
29 Stepper motors- To explain the working Chalk and 43. Compare variable Enclosed 18.10.23 Text book
operation of permanent talk reluctance and 1&
permanent magnet stepper magnet stepper motor permanent magnet Reference
motor stepper motor. book 1
30 Single phase synchronous To understand the Chalk and 44. List four Enclosed 19.10.23 Text book
motor – reluctance motor construction, working talk applications of 1&
operation and reluctance motors. Reference
applications of reluctance 45. Write some book 1
motor. applications of
hysteresis motor?
31 Single phase synchronous To understand the Chalk and 46. Write some Enclosed 21.10.23 Text book
motor – hysteresis motor construction, working talk advantages of hysteresis 1&
operation and motor over induction Reference
applications of hysteresis motor? book 1
motor. 47. Write some
applications of
hysteresis motor?
32 Universal motor To teach the construction, Chalk and 48. Write some Enclosed 25.10.23 Text book
working operation and talk applications of 1&
applications of universal hysteresis motor? Reference
motor. 49. State the advantage book 1
of universal motors.
Give the types of
universal motor.
33 Repulsion motor Understand the Power point 50. What is the working NIL 26.10.23 Text book
construction, working presentation principle of repulsion 1&
operation and motor? Reference
applications of repulsion book 1
34 Synchronous motor To understand the Power point 51. Write the NIL 28.10.23 Text book
construction, working presentation Characteristic features 1&
operation and of synchronous motor. Reference
applications of 52. Mention the book 1
synchronous motor. application of
synchronous motor.
35 Domestic wiring To teach the various types Power point 53. What are the main Enclosed 30.10.23 Reference
of wiring methods in presentation parts of fluorescent book 3
practice. lamp wiring?
36 Principle of electrical Understand the basic Chalk and 54. Write the principle Enclosed 02.10.23 Reference
heating principle of electrical talk of Electric heating. book 3
heating and explain the 55. What are the
various types of electrical applications of electric
heating with diagrams heating?
56. Classify the electric
37 The laws of illumination Understand the concepts Chalk and 57. Define illumination. Enclosed 04.11.23 Reference
of law of illumination and talk 58. What are the two book 3
various terms present in laws of illumination?
38 Electric lamps Analyze the various Chalk and 59. What are types of Enclosed 06.11.23 Reference
electrical lamps with its talk electric lamps? book 3
diagram and operation 60. What is
incandescent lamp?
61. How light sources
are classified?
Photometers Understand the definition, Chalk and 62. What is Enclosed 07.11.23 Reference
39 types and working talk Photometer? book 3
operation of photometer
40 Electroplating Explain the concepts of Chalk and 63. What is the Enclosed 08.11.23 Reference
electroplating with talk principle of book 3
necessary diagram electroplating?
64. What are the uses
of electro plating?
41 Electric traction Understand the concept of Chalk and 65. What is meant by Enclosed 09.11.23 Reference
electrical traction with talk electric traction? book 3
suitable diagram Mention its
66. What is meant by
electric traction?
Mention its
42 Air conditioning To know the definition, Chalk and 67. What is air Enclosed 14.11.23 Reference
working operation and talk conditioner? book 3
types of air conditioning 68. What are the types
of air conditioning
69. What are the
processes involved in
air conditioning?
43 Earthing Analysis the safety of Chalk and 70. What is the Enclosed 15.11.23 Reference
earthen and various talk purpose of earthing? book 3
method to implement
1. B.L. Theraja, “Electrical Technology Vol.II AC/DC Machines”, S. Chand, 2008.
2. A.Chakrabarti, M.I.Soni, P.V.Gupta, “Textbook on power systems engineering”, DhanpatRai, 2008.
1. Battacharya S K, “Electrical Machines”, Technical Teachers Training institute, 2 nd edition.2003.
2. J.B.Gupta, “Theory and Performance of Electrical Machines”, J.K.Kataria& Sons, 13 th edition, 2004.
3. S.L.Uppal, “Electrical Power” Khanna Publications (p) Ltd, Delhi, 2002.
4. G.C.Garg, “Utilisation of Electric power and electric traction”, Khanna Publications (p) Ltd, Delhi, 2006.
Assignment 1: Mention the types of transformer used for various industrial applications.
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
1 Slight
2 Moderate
3 Substantial