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Autonomous Vehicle Repositioning System For Double-Parking

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ISSN 2278-3091

Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal 9, No.1.4,
of Advanced 2020
Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse7391.42020.pdf
Autonomous Vehicle Repositioning System for
Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif1, Mohamad Ridzwan Hosaini2, Muhammad Rafiq Kazi Hosaini3,
Ili Najaa Aimi Mohd Nordin4, Amirul Syafiq Sadun5
Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia, [email protected]
R&R Glocal Service Sdn. Bhd., Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia, [email protected]
Cybernetics Focus Group, Advanced Technology Centre, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia,
[email protected], [email protected]

 facilities, an inadequate driver’s education and poor policing

ABSTRACT have led to illegal parking phenomena in many cities. In some
crowded areas, especially in urban areas, information about
Double parking is commonly practiced in crowded areas parking occupancy is still lacking [2] and the result will cause
where parking facilities are limited. Normally, the a serious problem related to the parking. Example of the
double-parked vehicle owner will leave their phone number illegal parking violation cases includes parking on private
on the vehicle or release the handbrake. However, there are spaces or spaces for special user such as reserved for disabled
number of cases that the owner forgot to take the action and people, double-parking, parking on bus-lanes or bus stops,
causing problem for the blocked vehicle to leave the parking parking on pedestrian crossings, parking near signalized
lot. This research will focus on solving the double parking intersections and parking on corners. This situation causes
issues by proposing an automatic approach for the vehicle to traffic disruption and increases the risks of road accidents [3].
reposition itself and it is equipped with a notification system
for the owner. The autonomous system started when a sound
Double-park means to park a car illegally next to a car that is
sensor detect a horn sound from the blocked vehicle. Then,
already parked at the side of the road. The double-parked
the system will automatically start the engine and shift the
gear position from neutral to reverse. At the same time, the vehicle will block some vehicles and prevent it to leave the
brake system will functioning and it will released the brake parking area. Usually, the double-parked vehicle owner will
about 5 seconds or 3.45 meters, when no obstacle behind the leave the handbrake off or leave their contact number. Then,
vehicle. The distance is set to 3.45 meters because it is enough the drivers of a blocked vehicle need to push the
for the blocked vehicle to leave the parking space. If there is double-parked car to have enough space to leave the parking
any obstacle behind the vehicle, the autonomous system will lot. Autonomous car defined as a vehicle that is capable of
not release the brake and the repositioning will be considered sensing its environment and moving with little or no human
unsuccessful. After the repositioning process completed intervention [4]. Many studies related to the autonomous
either success or not, the system will send a notification to the vehicle concept had been conducted and some of them already
double-parked owner mobile phone through SMS implemented in commercial car. Basically, the autonomous
immediately to alert the owner, regarding to their vehicles car concept is achieved by combining various sensors in a car,
status. Based on the experiment, the autonomous vehicle which are integrated together to perceive the vehicle
repositioning system is able to move the blocked vehicle surrounding using an intelligent control system. The system
automatically to the new position as desired and success in
usually able to control the speed of the vehicle and the
sending notification to the owner regarding to their vehicle
vehicle’s brake automatically based on various sensor input.
repositioning condition status.
Then, all the data from the sensors are processed to perform
Key words : Autonomous, double parking, vehicle, the specific function in a modern vehicle. Many autonomous
reposition, SMS. systems for vehicle had been introduced such as Adaptive
Cruise Control (ACC) also known as auto-pilot system,
1. INTRODUCTION emergency brake assist system and Intelligent Parking Assist
System (IPAS) [5] as well as the parking system for
Most cities have areas where the provision of parking supply autonomous vehicle [6]. However, all the system discussed
is unable to meet peak period demand [1]. The lack of parking used for driving aids purpose and a human engagement is still
needed to ensure the safety of the drive with little effort.

Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529

In ACC system [7], a radar attached in front of the vehicle is security purposed. Then, the microcontroller activates the
used to detect if there are any slower moving vehicles in the GSM module to send one or more SMS to the owner and
ACC vehicle's path. If a slower moving vehicle is detected, corresponding security services. This method seems to be
the ACC system will slow down the vehicle and control the practical for autonomous vehicle notification by changing the
clearance, or time gap, between the ACC vehicle and the input from the sensors for home security system to the reverse
forward vehicle [8]. If the system detects that the forward sensor in autonomous vehicle. Based on the previous studies
vehicle is no longer in the ACC vehicle's path, the ACC done by other researchers, the autonomous vehicles have the
system will accelerate the vehicle back to its set cruise control capability to perform the automatic driving with the
speed. The method used in ACC vehicle's speed adjustment is acceptable safety features. These indicate that the idea of
by controlling the vehicle’s engine throttle and brake autonomous repositioning vehicle on double parking is
operation. possible to be implement on the autonomous vehicles with
additional features such as sound recognition to turn on the
In Intelligent Parking Assist System (IPAS), driver allows system and notification system to notify the current condition
designating target position by four complementary methods, of the vehicle to the owner.
which are monocular vision, based parking slot marking
recognition, ultrasonic sensor based parallel parking slot 2. SOUND RECOGNITION SYSTEM
recognition, and drag and drop Graphical User Interface
(GUI). IPAS will generate an optimal path to reach the In double parking situation, the sound recognition system is
designated target position. During parking operations, IPAS use to sense the command from the blocked vehicle in kind of
estimates ego-vehicle pose using Electronic Stability Program horn sound. This process is needed to initiate the
(ESP) sensors such as wheel speed sensors, braking pedal repositioning process and to avoid any irrelevant operation.
switch and steering angle sensor. IPAS automatically controls The command should be specific to ensure the repositioning
braking and steering to achieve planned trajectory by sending process only operated when necessary without disturbance of
required actuations to ESP and Electric Power Steering any accidental situation or noise disturbance. The sound
(EPS). Furthermore, IPAS will informs driver of the on-going recognition system consists of sound sensor module and
parking operation by showing estimated trajectory on the rear microcontroller. The sound sensor will detect the sound
view image [5]. signal from environment and convert it into electrical signal.
Then, the sound sensor will send the signal into
In autonomous vehicle system, the important part is to ensure microcontroller to perform analyzing process. In this study,
safety for the user and other people. To ensure the safety, the sound recognition system is used to initiate the
Geronimi et al. introduced an Automatic Emergency Braking repositioning process by detecting the horn command from
System (AEBS) [9]. The AEBS is an autonomous road the blocked vehicle and then start the vehicle’s engine. To
vehicle safety system which employs sensors to monitor the accomplish this, after the sound recognition system has been
distance of vehicles in front. The microcontroller will detect activated, it should automatically able to control the car’s
situations where the relative speed and distance between the ignition switch to turn on the power and drive the starter
host and target vehicles to suggest if a collision is imminent motor. However, the microcontroller used in the studies is
[10]. In such situation, emergency braking can be Arduino Mega, which is designed with 5 V voltage base
automatically function to avoid collision or at least mitigate system while most of the automobile vehicle used 12 V as a
its effects. The brake operation is controlled by solenoid pump voltage base. Based on this situation, an intermediate circuit
installed inside hydraulic system of the vehicle’s brake. need to be introduced which is relay module which commonly
Another vehicle safety method proposed by Ali et al. use an used in between the control circuit and the main circuit. Then,
Intelligent Transportation System, where the vehicles can the control circuit will provide a low voltage and cur-rent
communicate between vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to while main circuit remain in high voltage and current.
infrastructure to avoid collision [11].
In this research, relay module HS-58S is used to allow the
For the notification system in parking issues, an idea microcontroller Arduino Mega to control the car’s ignition
proposed for home security system using GSM network switch in order to drive the starter motor. Figure 1 shows the
[12]-[14] might be useful. The purpose of the invention to flow process for the sound recognition system. Referring to
home security system was to provide a security device, which the Figure 1, the battery sensor function as a voltage sensor,
gives immediate notification to the owner and security which used to pre-determine the engine condition. It is
services like police station or fire brigade at the moment the connected to the battery terminal to detect the voltage level of
unauthorized event occurs. This was accomplished via the battery. The nominal battery level for most autonomous
microcontroller which detects the unauthorized event based vehicle is 12 V in normal condition and 13.5 V in charging
on the input from various sensors installed at home for condition. By sensing the difference in battery voltage level,

Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529

the Arduino Mega will able to drive and stop the starter motor the manual transmission system, the gear shifter lever of
as soon as the engine run. This process is important to ensure automatic transmission system is not mounted mechanically
that the starter motor does not over run to avoid the damage. to the gearbox but connected electrically through the inhibitor
Figure 2 shows the hardware set up for the sound recognition switch. When the gear shifter is moved, the steel cable will
system. The sound recognition is programmed to detect the drive the inhibitor switch proportional to the gear position.
horn sound in specific sequence, which has been set to be 4
times in a row. In this research, the permanent magnet DC motor is used to
drive the position of the inhibitor switch automatically. Since
the inhibitor switch is connected to the gear shifter lever
inside the car, this will result the movement of gear shifter
lever proportional to the inhibitor switch position. Hence, the
microcontroller Arduino Mega needs to determine the
position of the gear shifter lever to ensure that the permanent
Figure 1: Sound recognition system process magnet DC motor is able to shift the gear precisely. To assist
the microcontroller in determining the exact position of the
gear lever and avoid from over shifted or miss shifted during
operation, a limit switch has been used.

Electronic parking brake mechanism consists of a permanent

magnet DC motor, wire rope, pulley, and limit switch. It is
used to press and release the brake during operation. In
electronic parking brake system, the permanent magnet DC
motor is mounted under the driver seat while the pulley is
Figure 2: Hardware set up for sound recognition system mounted near to the brake pedal. One end of a wire rope is
attached to the permanent magnet DC motor while the other
3. AUTOMATIC DRIVE SYSTEM end is attached to the brake pedal. The permanent magnet DC
motor is mounted with rope drum which is used to role the
The aim of automatic drive system in this research is to allow wire rope or release it. The pulley is used to guide a wire rope
the vehicle to move and stop in linear direction. After the during the operation. This mechanism allows the system to
vehicle’s engine is successfully started using the sound press and release the brake by controlling the direction of
recognition system, the automatic drive system will take place permanent magnet DC motor. However, there is a risk of the
by automatically shift the gear lever from Neutral (N) to wire rope to jump out from the pulley if over rotation occurred
Reverse (R) position. Then, the brake will slowly release and when the brake is fully released. Therefore, to keep the wire
the vehicle will begin to move in reverse direction. After a few rope tight, the limit switch is mounted beside the brake pedal
seconds, the brake will automatically pressed again causing with the special bracket designed to cut off the permanent
the vehicle to slow down until finally stop. In order to magnet DC motor supply immediately when the brake is
accomplish the repositioning process, the system should be completely released to avoid the wire rope jump out from the
able to control the vehicle’s transmission and brake. Hence, pulley. Figure 3 shows the whole system for automatic drive
two mechanisms are designed for this purpose, which are vehicle.
called gear shifter mechanism and foot brake mechanism.
The operation for both mechanisms will be controlled by
microcontroller Arduino Mega and HS-58S relay module.

In gear shifter mechanism, transmission control consist of a

permanent magnet DC motor which used to shift a gear lever
and a limit switch to detect the position of the gear lever. The
permanent mag-net DC motor is mounted at the top of car’s
automatic transmission or gearbox where the inhibitor switch
is located. The inhibitor switch commonly refers as neutral
safety switch, which is a safety device that only allows the
engine to start when the automatic transmission is in either on
Park (P) or Neutral (N) position. The purpose of the neutral
safety switch is to prevent the car from starting while in gear, Figure 3: Automatic drive system block diagram
which would cause it to move forward unexpectedly. Unlike

Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529

In automatic drive control, the system has been programmed

to provide the coordination and sequence of operation for both
mechanisms – brake and gear shifter. After the vehicle
successfully start, the microcontroller Arduino Mega will
read the initial position of the gear and performed the
necessary shifting by rotating the motion of permanent Figure 4: Block diagram of gear position control
magnet DC motor. This feedback system helps the
microcontroller Arduino Mega to drive and stops the 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
permanent magnet DC motor at desired position. After the
gear is successful shifted to Reverse (R) gear position, the The function of sound recognition system is to start the car’s
reverse sensor will start to sense to determine the condition at engine by detecting the specific car’s horn sound sequence
the back of the vehicle either there is obstacle or not before and drive the ignition switch circuit via electromagnetic
proceeded to the next process. If there is no obstacle, Arduino relay. Initially, the experiment is conducted by using smart
Mega will release the brake by controlling another permanent
phone to provide the sound sources. Then, the sound
magnet DC motor in brake mechanism for 5 seconds to allow
recognition system will differentiate the horn sounds and
the movement of the vehicle before the brake is pressed again
evaluate which type of horn could be detect by the system.
to stop the vehicle. Then, the gear will shifted back from
Reverse (R) to Neutral (N) position. Next, the automatic drive Each horn sound that are successfully detected by the system
system will send a signal to microcontroller to cut off the will be counted. The system is programmed to allow only 2
engine after all the processes are completed. In another seconds delay between each horn to the next horn. If the delay
situation, when the reverse sensor sense an obstacle behind be-tween horns is more than 2 seconds, the counter will
the car , the Arduino Mega will not release the brake instead automatically reset. After successfully received the horn
of shifted the gear back to Neutral (N) position and send the command, the system executed the next step which is
signal to microcontroller to cut off the engine. The controlling the electromagnetic relay to start the engine. The
autonomous repositioning system also equipped with a testing is repeated three times for each horn type to acquire
notification system, which is designed base on Global System more accurate results. Table 1 shows the experimental result
for Mobile (GSM) communication technology. The system with different type of horn sounds. Five different horns has
will utilize the Short Message Service (SMS) to send the been used which are Bosch horn, Denso horn, Hella horn,
message to the owner mobile phone every time the Piaa horn and Nikko horn. Based on the results in Table 1, the
repositioning process is completed. The notification system is sound recognition system successfully detect the sound input
consists of SIM800L which contains GSM/GPRS module, the from different car horns demonstrated by android application
GSM antenna, SIM card and it is connected to the
at 87%. It shows that the system can be operated by various
microcontroller Arduino Mega. The notification system work
type of horn sounds that generated by the android application.
is depending on the signal from the automatic drive system.
Besides, the system is able to analyze either the sound
The message will be addressed to the owner mobile phone
number which is pre-registered in the system. Two sets of detected is a true command or not.
messages are programmed in this system. The first one is to
notify the owner that the repositioning process is successful Table 1: Sound recognition system with different type of horn
when the process in automatic drive system is completed. The
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
second message is to notify the owner that repositioning
process is not successful when the automatic drive system Horn Horn Engi Horn Engi Horn Engi
Type sound ne sound ne sound ne
unable to complete the repositioning process due to any counted start counted start counted start
obstacle behind the car.
Bosch 4/4 / 4/4 / 4/4 /

Automatic drive system also programmed to detect real time Denso 4/4 / 4/4 / 4/4 /
condition behind the car. This means when the car starts to Hella 4/4 / 4/4 / 3/4 x
move the reverse sensor always give the feedback to the Piaa 3/4 x 4/4 / 4/4 /
microcontroller about the current condition. If there is Nikko 4/4 / 4/4 / 4/4 /
obstacle appear instantly behind the car, the microcontroller
Arduino Mega will received the signal from reverse sensor as
After the test was completed, the system is now ready to be
interruption and automatically performed the emergency
installed on the vehicle. In this experiment, the real car horn
brake by controlling the brake mechanism to stop the car, thus
is used to give the command for sound recognition system.
the collision between the car and the obstacle can be avoided.
This experiment is important to ensure that the sound
Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the closed loop gear
recognition system is able to detect the actual horn command
position control.
from other vehicle. Then, the system must initiate the
repositioning system by turn on the hazard light to give a sign
Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529

for the user and start the tested vehicle engine. During the car
movement, the speed does not controlled by any program or
mechanism. When the gear shifted to Reverse (R), the car’s

Average distance (m)

engine rotates in idle running condition, which is between 7
600 to 800 rpm. During this time, the engine produces a 6
minimum working torque for the car to move. Hence, the 5
speed of movement is depends on the road surface where the 4
car is moving. If the speed is considered as normal on a flat 2
road surface, it will be faster when the car moves towards a 1
declined surface and will be slower or completely stop when it 0
moves toward inclined surface. 3 4 5 6 7
Time (s)
The distance of movement is set by programmed the duration
of the car to move and the condition of the road either inclined Figure 7: Relationship between distance and time
or declined. The maximum speed of movement at flat road Emergency brake is the safety features in this research to
surface in idle engine running condition is 5 km/h. To avoid the collision when the repositioning system is running.
measure the distance and time relation, the experiment is The emergency brake is programmed to be activated as soon
conducted on a flat road surface. Figure 5 shows the sound as the reverse sensor detect the obstacle and able to completely
recognition system installed on the vehicle and Figure 6 stop the car before the collision occurs. The testing for
shows a measuring tape is placed on the road to measure the emergency brake has been conducted to evaluate the
travel distance of the car. The timer is varies from 3 seconds performance of the autonomous repositioning system. The
to 7 seconds by programming and the distance is recorded. obstacle used is a set of cardboard boxes with the dimension of
Usually, the average normal parking space size is around 9 L 74 cm x W 28 cm x H 64 cm and it is placed behind the car.
feet or approximate 2.7 meters in width. Therefore, the car To have a reliable performance of the emergency brake, the
must be able to move at least 2.7 meters to provide the space experiment is repeated by varies the initial distance between
for blocked vehicle to leave the parking space. From the the vehicle and the obstacle. Then, the final distance after the
experiment, average travel distance against timer set for the vehicle completely stop by emergency brake is measured and
car to move are plotted as shown in Figure 7. By referring to
recorded in Table 2.
the figure, the suitable time duration for the automated system
Table 2: Emergency brake testing results
is chose to be 5 seconds because it allows the average Initial distance of Final Distance (m) Average
movement distance for 3.45 meters, which is sufficient for the obstacle (cm) 1st 2nd 3rd Distance (m)
blocked vehicle to leave the parking space.
80 80 80 80 80
100 100 100 100 100
150 40 45 43 42.7
200 34 36 30 33.3
250 28 25 27 26.66
300 13 10 12 11.7

From the results shown in Table 2, there is no movement for

the obstacle, which is less than 100 cm. The sensor detects the
presence of obstacle as soon the automatic drive system
initiate. Hence, the brake is not allowed to release by the
system. This is because the obstacle is initially located under
Figure 5: Sound recognition installation the sensor operating range. When the obstacle distance is
above 100 cm, the brake is released by the system and the car
begins to move. Then, the distance between obstacle and the
vehicle is decreased as the car moves towards the obstacle
until the sensor detect the presence of an obstacle at the
distance less than 100 cm. Then, the emergency brake is
activated and stop the car to avoid collision.

The significant decrease in final distance can be seen when

the initial distance between obstacle and the vehicle is higher
because the car is accelerating over time. When reversing, the
speed will keep increasing until it reached the equilibrium
Figure 6: Movement distance measurement
Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529

state for engine idle rpm which previously measured at 5 From the full system testing, it proved that the autonomous
km/h at flat road surface. The moment of inertia created by repositioning vehicle system able to work with desired
the car make it harder to stop immediately when the brake is functions such as able to start the engine after receiving the
pressed. As for the notification system, data is received each horn command from other vehicle, shift the gear from neutral
time the repositioning system processes completed either the to reverse, control the brake condition to allow the vehicle to
car is successfully repositioned or otherwise. Figure 8 shows move and stop. Then, alter completed, the system will
the SMS received by the owner in their cell phone either automatically cut off the engine and send SMS notification to
successful or not. With a mobile update, the vehicle owner can
the vehicle owner. Figure 10 shows the position of the car
keep track of their vehicle movement after leaving it on
before and after repositioning process is completed.


(a) (b)

Figure 8: (a) SMS received by the owner cell phone successful

(b) SMS received by the owner cell phone unsuccessful
After completing several tests and each subsystem shows (b)
good results, these subsystems are ready to be combined
together to per-form the overall function which is autonomous Figure 10: (a) Vehicle at double parking condition in initial
vehicle repositioning system for double parking condition position (b) Vehicle at double parking condition already moved in
with notification system. The main control unit will be final position
connected to the centralized wiring connector on the vehicle,
including sensors and all designed mechanism as in Figure 9. 5. CONCLUSION
All external centralized wiring connector are set to male type
and the main control unit connector were set to female type so Based on the results presented, an autonomous vehicle
that the connection become easier and safe. repositioning system for double parking condition has been
successfully developed and function as desired. The sound
recognition system is able to detect the horn command from
blocked vehicle and then automatically start the engine. Next,
the automatic drive system is able to perform gear shifter and
control the vehicle foot brake to allow the vehicle to move and
stop in linear direction. Furthermore, it shows the ability to
detect the real time obstacle during repositioning process and
perform emergency brake when necessary. Hence, collision
between vehicle and any obstacles along its travel path can be
avoided. The notification system can provide the status of the
vehicle to the owner by sending the SMS after the
repositioning process is done or undone due to any obstacles.
The owner will get immediate response from the system and
take the alternative to move their vehicle manually if the
repositioning is not successful.

In short, this research can provide solution for automobile

Figure 9: Main control unit connected to external wiring circuit user to leave the parking area faster when they stuck on
double parking condition. The victim of double parking will
Muhammad Rusydi Muhammad Razif et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(1.4), 2020, 523 - 529

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Grant No. H136 and Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia https://doi.org/10.30534/ijatcse/2019/2581.42019
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