Brod 1985
Brod 1985
Brod 1985
4, MAY/WUNE 1985
C URRENT-CONTROLLED PWM inverters offer b !H Cntroler
e r, jxt
VS Es L8
aB(Lm+LmLtr1 Xi
Xm Xt
Xt X ode+ fori
Fig. 6. Predictive controller: constant inverter switching frequency.
Fig. 7. Transient model for induction motor.
once every sample period, producing a constant inverter
switching frequency of 1/(27). For faster dynamic response,
the closest inverter voltage vector to v(Tn) can be applied for Ln TORQUE-O.N-m, VDC=300V, FREQ=3OHz, BAND=1. 5A
the entire sample period. 4-
The actual current lags the current reference by as much as
one sample period. Longer lags probably will be realized due 9
to calculation delays. The current ripple cannot be explicity
determines the length of time that the current error vector will tn
remain within the specified value. The inverter switching 4I ti-n
I -1
v. / 3.57
I i
XL . 4.
TIME tSc . U0l J.., 't. ., I.. v1
frequency is minimized by selecting the inverter state that TIME (Secs ) * 10-
maximizes the following expression: Fig. 8. Simulated current error waveform of typical 10-hp induction motor
(8) operating at no-load and one-half rated speed with hysteresis controller
t(k)/nc(k) incorporating three independent controls.
t predicted time before next inverter switching,
within a reasonable tolerance. This assumption will create an
nc number of commutations required to reach the new error for the ramp comparison controller which can produce
inverter state,
k new inverter state. relatively large current errors if the controller gain is low.
The transient model for the induction motor is shown in Fig.
The controller is discussed in detail in [7]. This controller 7 with the parameters for a typical 220-V three-phase 60-Hz
provides an instantaneous current limit, although there will be four-pole 10-hp induction motor listed in the Appendix. The
a calculation delay in determining the next inverter state. The simulations only investigated the steady-state operation of the
controller response might be slower than any of the hysteresis current controllers using the transient model with an operating
controllers due to the necessary calculations, but this was not frequency of 30 Hz and were run for one and one-half cycles
investigated. with the load currents initialized to zero. The simulations did
not incorporate controller or inverter delays and did not
SIMULATION OF THE CURRENT CONTROLLERS account for variation of motor parameters, i.e., saturation.
Simulations were carried out on a VAX 11/780 using the More detail on the simulation technique and additional
Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL). Since simulation results can be found in [8].
the inverter switching period is very short, the constant flux
linkage model for the transient behavior of the induction Hysteresis Controller: Three Independent Controls
machine is employed in the simulations. The machine is Simulation results for the hysteresis controller with three
assumed to be in a high-performance field-oriented drive independent controls illustrate the properties of the controller.
operating at constant speed over the period of the simulation. Fig. 8 shows the current error when the induction motor
The magnitude and phase of the counter EMF is calculated operates at no-load and one-half rated speed with the hystere-
assuming that the actual currents track the current references sis band set at 1.5 A. The average inverter switching frequency
566 IEEE TRANSAC7'C)\ O -t W (- v -,, -CA ? -.I
~Current IA
s._|.s j~~
1.43 2.14 2.86
'0.0 0.83 1.67 2.50 3.33 4.17 5.0 TIME (Secs) *1Q2
TIME (Secs) *102 Fig. 10. Simulated waveforms of typical 10-hp induction motor operating at
Fig. 9. Simulated waveforms of stalled typical 10-hp induction motor with no-load and one-half rated speed with ramp comparison controller.
hysteresis controller incorporating three independent controls. TRANSIENT MODEL OF INDUCTION MOTOR
is approximately 2600 Hz. The figure shows that the maxi- INVERTER SWITCHING FREQ=2000Hz
mum line current error can be double the hysteresis band. 0
referred to as limit cycles in this paper. The switching _
frequency during the limit cycles is approximately 6600 Hz.
Hysteresis Controller: Three Dependent Controls
Simulation results for the hysteresis controller with three r0
dependent controls and the programmed application of the 40
zero voltage vector indicate that the magnitude and phase error 0
in the line currents are small. Also, the current errors remain l4
drawn in the complex plane. The line current errors Aia, Aib,
and A i are the projections of the current error vector A i on
the corresponding A, B, and C axes. The hysteresis controller
switches the A inverter leg when Ai, exceeds the hysteresis
band as represented in Fig. 13 by two switching lines drawn
perpendicular to the A axis. The switching lines are located Re
from the current reference vector by a distance equal to the
hysteresis band. Similarly, the switching lints for phases B Fig. 12. Current vectors in complex plane.
and C can be drawn. Fig. 14 shows the switching diagram that
results when the switching lines for each phase are combined. tm
The switching diagram will move with the current reference
vector since the current reference vector locates the center of
the switching diagram in the complex plane. A somewhat
similar development is contained in [9].
The switching diagram confirms that the maximum line
current can be double the hysteresis band, 2h, and the
maximum spatial current error (magnitude of the current error
vector) is also double the hysteresis band. Fig. 15 shows a
current trajectory which results in the maximum error in a line
current. This trajectory occurs when the initial voltage vector
vI, (A +, B-, C- ), forces the line current vector to hit the
-A switching line which results in the zero voltage vector v8,
(A-, B-, C-). The line current error in phase A can
increase further because of the load resistance, load counter Re
EMF, or movement of the switching diagram due to variation Fig. 13. Switching lines for phase A.
of the current references. The voltage vector will not change
until the actual current vector crosses another switching line.
The maximum current error occurs if the actual current vector Im
hits one of the outside corners of the switching diagram.
The switching diagram can also be used to show that limit
cycles, which are interrupted occasionally, can occur when the
load counter EMF is low. Fig. 16 shows a current trajectory,
indicated by the solid line, that may occur during a limit cycle.
The initial voltage vector VI, (A +, B-, C-), forces the
current vector to travel in the same direction as the voltage
vector since the counter EMF and resistance are assumed to be
zero. The current vector hits the + C switching line, causing
inverter leg C to switch and produce the inverter voltage
vector v2, (A +, B -, C+ ). Next, the current vector will hit
the -A switching line producing the voltage vector V3, (A -,
B-, C+ ). Continuing with the same line of reasoning, the six
nonzero voltage vectors are applied repeatedly, and a high
switching frequency results if there is a low leakage induc- Fig. 14. Switching diagram for hysteresis controller with three independent
tance and a small hysteresis band. Notice that the magnitude of controls located in complex plane.
the current error vector is not reduced to zero during the limit
cycle. The dashed line in Fig. 16 represents a current
trajectory when there is a nonzero counter EMF.
I +
Fig. 17. Frequency domain transfer function model for ramp comparison
which shows that the counter EMF can have a significant Using the concept of cancellation compensation, the time
effect on the line currents and current error especially at constant of the controller TC can be set
equal to the motor
higher motor speeds. The magnitude and phase errors of the stator transient time constant
line currents are reduced by increasing the controller gain or
including some type of compensation. TC = Ts' = L,/r (22)
This frequency-domain analysis is substantiated by the which results in the following expression:
previous simulations. For example, substituting the following
information, obtained from Figs. 7 and 10, JX