Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases: The Challenge

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Transboundary animal and

plant pests and diseases

The challenge is creating new ecological niches for the Animal diseases and zoonoses
(re)emergence and spread of pests and Many animal diseases, including zoonoses,
Transboundary animal diseases (TADs)
diseases. As a result, the impact of TADs, have been or can be at the origin of
and plant pests (PPs) have been affecting
and PPs has considerably increased. There major regional or international crises.
livestock and crop production from
are indications that the poorest countries Rinderpest was a major cattle scourge
immemorial time. In fact, they were among
with vulnerable sanitary regulation and in large parts of Europe, Africa and Asia
the ten plagues of ancient Egypt. As a result
infrastructure carry a larger burden than for centuries, bringing about massive
of high mortality of productive animals and
others. The list of imported exotic diseases depopulation of livestock and wildlife. The
drastic reduction of productivity of surviving
and pests has grown while no substantial rapid spread of the H5N1 avian influenza
animals, livestock keepers and farmers
progress has been made in the control (HPAI) virus in Southeast Asia in 2004 and
were periodically confronted with famines,
of local entrenched pathogens. Poor then into Europe and Africa in 2005, was
hunger and distress, but because of the
countries and producers may perceive accompanied by the fear that a human
extensive character of production systems
different risks and incentives associated influenza pandemic might emerge from
and relative isolation of production areas
with TADs and PPs, and it is essential to domestic poultry. More than 60 countries
and countries at that time, the magnitude
recognize these differences in the design were affected by virus incursions, over 300
of subsequent crises was relatively limited:
and implementation of disease and pest million poultry died or were destroyed, and
the spread of pathogens was quite slow
prevention and control measures. It is in the millions of farmers and producers suffered
and most of the TAD were entrenched in
interest of the international community to losses running into billions of dollars. The
well defined areas (enzootics) or contained
avoid creating country or regional reservoirs current human influenza pandemic due to
in groups of countries in the same region
for TADs and PPs that will maintain the the pandemic H1N1/2009 virus has spread
threat at global level. with astonishing speed worldwide. Given
Nowadays, the movement of plant pests the dense populations and close contacts
and animal diseases across boundaries has Key issues between pigs, poultry and humans in many
given rise to global threats to food security, parts of the world, there is serious global
Animal diseases and plant pests reduce
agricultural, aquaculture and fisheries concern that re-assortment of viruses
the availability of food and affect quality.
development and trade and often creates hosted by humans, pigs, or birds may
Although quantification of losses and
global concern on public health especially catalyze the emergence of a more virulent
potential losses due to transboundary
when such diseases and pests affect strain.
pests and diseases is limited, historically,
humans. Increased movement of people,
animal disease and plant pest introduction,
terrestrial and aquatic animals, plants and Foot-and-mouth disease is endemic in
establishment, re emergence and outbreaks
products in the globalized economy on most parts of Asia, Middle East, Africa
have resulted in major food problems
the one hand, and the concentration and and parts of South America. Vector-borne
either directly through yield reductions of
intensification of production systems on zoonotic diseases such as Rift Valley
food crops and losses in animals (or spill
the other, have accelerated and enlarged Fever continue to affect parts of Africa,
over into humans), or indirectly through
redistribution of animal diseases and plant threatening to spread to the Middle East,
the reduction of yields of cash crops and
pests with a clear tendency to expand to the Gulf countries and southern Europe.
lost of consumer confidence, e.g. HPAI,
all regions of the globe (panzootics and Trypanosomosis and East Coast Fever are
rinderpest, potato blight or locusts.
pandemics). In addition, climate change among the most devastating diseases in
sub-Saharan Africa. They affect more than Locusts may spread over about 30 million New and emerging threats
500 000 people and kill more than 3 million square kilometres and affect as many as New and re-emerging plant pests have
animals each year. Furthermore, other 60 countries. In the last major desert locust raised fear of their potential impact on
existing infectious diseases such as African plague from 2003 to 2005 the livelihoods livelihoods, food security and global
Swine Fever, Peste des Petits Ruminants, of about 8 million people were affected markets; some examples are:
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, in North and Northwest Africa. More
Classical Swine Fever and Newcastle than 13 million hectares were sprayed Recent locust outbreaks in Central Asia,
disease are widespread in Africa, Asia with chemical pesticides in order to bring Southeast Asia, and Central and Southern
and Latin America and continue to be an end to the plague. But investment Africa surfaced raising concerns with
a major source of concern to the global in preventive emergency management regard to locust species other than the
community. systems is particularly advantageous. desert locust, putting the livelihoods of
Through development of early warning, more than 15 million people at risk in
In aquaculture, the White Spot Syndrome human capacity building and rapid Central and Southern Africa alone.
Virus in shrimp is considered as the most response systems, at least three outbreaks
serious pathogen of cultivated shrimp. and upsurges were successfully controlled A new cross-border bio-threat developed
Recorded shrimp viral epizootics show the in the Central Region before damage to in 1999 when a virulent strain of the wheat
range and distance that aquatic animals livelihoods of the communities occurred. stem rust disease (Ug99) emerged in East
can travel alongside the movement of their The development cost of the Emergency Africa and reached Iran in late 2007. The
hosts – the major pathway being movement Prevention System for Transboundary regions of the Near East, Eastern Africa
of infected post-larvae, fingerlings and Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases and Central and South Asia at immediate
broodstock. At present there are more than (EMPRES) Desert Locust programme in risk account for 37 percent of global
20 shrimp producing countries affected. the Central Region has been USD 11.5 wheat production. This new rust strain is
million over ten years; the cost of the highly virulent to almost all wheat varieties
Crop pests control operations was USD 7 million. By and could cause devastating crop losses

The desert locust is the best known contrast, the total cost of the campaign and if its spread is not prevented.

example of migratory crop pests because rehabilitation in North and Northwest Africa
Armyworms are caterpillars that develop
of the speed at which outbreaks occur in the absence of a preventive management
system has been estimated at over into nocturnal moths, capable of long-
and the scale that infestations can reach
USD 390 million. distance migration. Compared with locust
when plagues become fully developed.

Some basic facts With the growing intensification of animal production, incidence
and risks of transboundary diseases, including zoonoses, are
expected to rise. The higher density of domestic animals and
The livestock subsector supports food security and livelihoods of humans, the projected increase in transcontinental movement
over one billion people. Production and trade in animals and animal of people and animals, and changes in ecosystems create a
products are important for the economic development of countries conducive environment for the rapid emergence, amplification and
and represent a key income source for the rural poor worldwide. spread of pathogens.

The livestock sector represents around 40 percent of the value Crop production provides about 84 percent of global food, feed and
of world agricultural output, and is one of the fastest growing fibre needs and virtually all other human endeavours depend on
subsectors of the agricultural economy. food security. Crop pests, including diseases, insects, and weeds
should be overcome to meet future needs.
Livestock diseases impair livelihoods by reducing productivity
and exclude countries from participating in the rapidly growing Global crop losses due to transboundary pests are estimated at
global trade in animals and animal products. Animal diseases are more than 50 percent of potential crop output. Insect pests are
a major limiting factor for efficient animal resource use and sector estimated to have caused the destruction of 15 percent of crops,
development. and 13 percent each by pathogens and weeds, and post-harvest
outbreaks, armyworms usually occur first in agriculture increases the contacts exacerbate poverty. They can also result in
on a smaller scale but may extend over between domestic and wild animals and huge financial losses and require prevention
several hundred square kilometres. The their pathogens. and control measures and eradication
losses caused to cereals and sugar-cane programmes.
in sub-Saharan Africa are estimated at 20 The lucrative trade in exotic animals and in

to 60 percent. bushmeat increases the risk of the spread Disaster prevention

of transboundary animal diseases and the
More cost effective, livelihood saving and
Unlike migratory pests, quarantine pests emergence of zoonotic diseases that have
ecologically less devastating prevention
and diseases can be introduced to a previously not been identified.
strategies require timely and coordinated
country mainly by trade and movement
reaction from national, regional and
of people. Fruit flies, for example, aphids, The spread of aquatic animal diseases
international partners and the ability to
cassava mosaic virus, banana wilt, are can be aggravated by globalization,
mobilize resources at short notice to
increasingly important as transboundary intensification of farming practices,
address both life and livelihoods risks as
pests. Economic losses due to fruit flies introduction of new species, expansion of
well as environmental concerns. Emergency
alone are estimated at more than the ornamental fish trade, unanticipated
prevention can be defined as actions taken
USD 1 billion per year. interactions between cultured and
in anticipation of an emergency to facilitate
wild populations, climate change and
rapid and effective response to a threat and
The larger grain borer originally arrived other human-mediated movements of
aims at:
from Central America in the 1980s, first in aquaculture commodities.
the United Republic of Tanzania and then
Early warning and detection systems
Kenya. During the last 20 years, this storage
providing relevant and timely information
pest has spread over many countries in Policy
and analysis for effective decision-making.
West, Central and East Africa. The beetle is considerations
causing devastating post-harvest losses of Transboundary animal diseases and plant Governments and relevant partners
up to 90 percent on stored maize and on pests represent a serious threat to global prepared to prevent, mitigate and manage
dried cassava, both primary staple foods in food security in all of its dimensions – threats to agriculture, food and health.
most African countries. availability, stability, access and utilization
(safety). They reduce production and Capacity development
The encroachment of humans and productivity, disrupt local and national
Strengthening the capacities of national
livestock into areas not previously used economies, threaten human health and
veterinary and plant health services and

pest infestations another 10 percent. Losses of 100 percent biodiversity. Estimates of losses due to aquatic animal diseases
occur in specific circumstances, creating enormous variability in range from USD 17.5 million (white spot disease of shrimp in India
productivity and risks to the livelihoods of farm families. in 1994) to a global estimate of more than USD 3 billion resulting
from shrimp diseases. Movement of aquatic animals has been
Most threatening are outbreaks of migratory pests because of their
recognized as a major pathway for the introduction and spread of
sudden emergence, often without or with limited warning, triggered
aquatic animal diseases.
by changing ecological conditions or agricultural practices which
favour an explosive increase in the pest population and its rapid In forestry, due to climate change, the mountain pine beetle, a pest
spreading into neighbouring areas. The unexpected appearances of North American forests, is expected to decrease in generation
of such massive pest outbreaks hit the countries which in most time and winter mortality, which will increase the risk of range
cases are ill prepared, with no or only poor capacities to effectively extension into vulnerable ecosystems.
cope with rapidly evolving and fast moving threats.

The aquaculture sector is being challenged by infectious diseases

that are constraining the development and sustainability of the
sector through direct production losses, increased operating
costs, restrictions of trade and impacts to the environment and
systems should be a top priority in coping Disaster risk reduction and prevention Regional organizations and research

with transboundary bio-threats in a more should have priority and should institutes should play a more active part
effective manner. This includes development ensure cross border multistakeholder to systematically address transboundary
of self-reliant training capacities, programmes and coordinated animal and plant health issues.
development of appropriate legal and policy approaches.
frameworks, introduction of economic and The scientific community and industry

environmentally sound coping technologies, The international community and the should be involved in developing

building national surveillance and diagnostic public need to be made aware that environmentally friendly control

systems, support to adequate infrastructure investment in emergency and disaster technologies and strategies.

and tools, and practised contingency plans prevention is economically beneficial and
reduces pressure on already vulnerable All stakeholders, including producers at all
and field exercises.
communities. levels and capacities, must be engaged in
the design and implementation of disease
Protecting livelihoods
Support should be given to build human and pest prevention and control measures
To address the challenges of large-scale
capacities, enhance networking among to protect their livelihoods and to ensure
emergencies caused by transboundary
stakeholders, regional and interregional their participation.
bio-threats more effectively and to
cooperation between affected countries,
provide better coordinated and timely Partnerships and coordination among
and to develop self-reliant surveillance
assistance to the affected countries,
systems, knowledge bases, tools and relevant international, regional and
several considerations are critical to protect
standards to implement transboundary national organizations as well as financial
livelihoods, health and nutrition, and food
management concepts. institutions should be encouraged and

For further information

WSFS Secretariat
Office of the Assistant Director-General Tel: (+39) 06 570 53101
Natural Resources Management and Environment Department Fax: (+39) 06 570 56172
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Email: [email protected]
World Summit on Food Security Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
Rome 16–18 November 2009

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