Pe Script
Pe Script
Pe Script
i) 3 things: Introduce, consent, privacy. v) Abdominal examina=on: “Ideally, I should expose the pt from
ii) Rub hands with alcohol. nipple line to mid thigh, but for the pt’s modesty, I will only
iii) Put the pt in supine posi=on, 0°. expose un=l pubic symphysis”
iv) Peripheral examina=on: • Expose adequately.
• Observe pts from the end of the bed — age, body size, • Observe from end of bed. Look for: abdominal respira=on,
ethnicity, conscious, comfortable, sallow appearance distension, umbilical (centrally located, inverted), scars (if
• Look for aIachments and connec=ons any, measure and palpate), dilated veins/ caput medusa,
• Branula with/out infusion/connec=on to normal saline visible bowel movement/ peristalsis
• O2 mask with 5L • Check for hernia (orifices intact) – ask pt to turn right/ led
• CBD with straw colour urine then cough. Look at the orifices.
• Started with hand examina=on • Light palpa=on — Kneeling and palpate 9 regions. Always
• Check for flapping tremor asterisk- (+ve in Chronic Liver look at pt’s face. Look for tenderness, rigidity
Disease) • Deep palpa=on — Kneeling and palpate 9 regions. Always
• Check hands for: warmth, pallor, palmar erythema, look at pt’s face. Look for mass. If there is any, describe as
dupuytren’s contracture, clubbing, peripheral cyanosis, lump and bump.
lekonychia, CRT • Check liver. Palpate from RIF. Then measure liver span. If
• Check arms for: bruises, taIoos, injec=on marks, scratch palpable below costal margin then mark with highlighter.
marks, yellow brown skin pigmenta=on Then percuss from above and measure. If liver enlarged,
• Face examina=on: then say it is liver because it has smooth surface etc.
- Eyes — pallor, jaundice • Check spleen. Palpate from RIF then move medially
- Nose — clear discharges towards LHC. Then ask the pt to turn sideways towards you
- Mouth — oral hygiene, oral thrush, central cyanosis, and percuss 9th, 10th, 11th ribs (Traube’s space). If spleen
hydra=on status, tonsils not enlarged, throat not enlarged, say spleen enlarge because presence of notch
injected etc.
• Check for LN enlargement (Virchow’s node) • Check kidneys. Ballot the kidney.
• Check upper chest: • Check for ascites – do shiding dullness.
- Spider naevi — if any, then try occlude the central • Do fluid thrill (if there is ascites). Ask pt to place one hand
arteriole to confirm on abdomen then flick from one side and feel any
- Gynaecomas=a vibra=ons with the other hand.
- Loss of axillary hair • Auscultate for bowel sound. Place stethoscope at ileocecal
• Check leg for edema jx (RIF). Listen for intensity and pitch.
• Listen for renal bruit. Place stethoscope above umbilicus,
2cm lateral to midline.
• Ask pt to sit. Check for renal punch (place one hand and
punch with the other hand) - between 12th ribs and lateral
border of vertebral column.
iii) Sit the pt 45°. • If there is any mass, describe the mass — site, shape, size,
iv) Ask the pt to expose from neck to umbilicus. temperature, tenderness, margin, surface, mobility (move
v) Inspec=on from the end of bed: the mass in X shape, ask pt to tense pect. major muscle
• Ask pt to raise both hands (to exaggerate asymmetry and and repeat moving mass in X shape), rela=on to skin and
skin tethering). Look for asymmetry, scars, obvious mass, deep structures.
s k i n c h a n g e s ( s k i n d i m p l i n g , p e a u d ’o ra n g e , • Ask pt for any nipple discharge. If any, ask pt to squeeze.
hyperpigmenta=on, ulcera=on, nodules, etc), nipple ix)Ask pt to sit by the bed, then palpate axillary lymph nodes by
changes (destruc=on, depression, discoloyra=on, suppor=ng the pt’s arm and palpate using the other hand. Do
displacement, devia=on, duplica=on, discharge), etc. Ask the same for the other side. Axillary LN: anterior, central,
pt to lid her breast to look for scars under the breast. posterior, apical, and lateral.
• Ask pt to ‘cekak pinggang’ to tense the pectoralis major x) Examine for supraclavicular LN.
muscle. If there is aIachment to pectoralis major muscle, xi)Symptoms of metastases:
the mass would be more prominent. • Ask pt to lid clothes from behind. Check for bony
vi) Examine the normal breast first. Cover the other side. tenderness from behind (mets to bone).
• Ask pt for any nipple discharge. If there is, ask pt to • Abdominal examina=on for hepatomegaly (liver mets).
squeeze (never squeeze pt’s breast). xii)I would like to complete my examina=on by comple=ng the
triple assessment.
swelling. - Tremor
i) General inspec=on: - Palms moist and sweaty or dry
• Siong s=ll and composed, or looking nervous and agitated - Tachycardia or bradycardia
• Thin or fat • Eyes:
ii) Inspect the neck: - Lid lag — When the upper lid does not keep pace with
• Ask the pa=ent to swallow. the eyeball as it follows a finger moving from above
swallowing (advanced thyroid ca that has infiltrated - Chemosis — conjunc=va becomes thick, boggy and
the skin — anaplas=c carcinoma) crinkled and may bulge over the eyelids.
(one hand hold the opposite lobe, the other palpate). - Do chicken wing and kau tekan deltoid. Proximal
• Confirm the swelling moves with swallowing. myopathy. Tekan dari dpn pon boleh. No need ke
• Any cervical and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. • Leg — for pre=bial myxoedema (in certain pts with Graves’
• Caro=d pulse (feel one by one). disease, red, blotchy, raised areas may be seen over the
• Check trachea central or not. shins, caused by deposits of myxoid =ssue within the skin).
iv) Percussion — from 2nd intercostal upwards.
Addi3onal informa3on
Pemberton's sign:
• To evaluate venous obstruc=on in pts with goiters.
• +ve — when bilateral arm eleva=on causes facial plethora. It has been aIributed to a “cork effect” resul=ng from the thyroid
obstruc=ng the thoracic inlet, thereby increasing pressure on the venous system.
i) 3 things: introduce, consent and close curtain.
ii) Rub hands with alcohol.
iii) General inspec=on.
iv) Chest inspec=on — look at the chest tube:
• Measure the anchor length in cm
Addi3onal informa3on
• How to tell wether it is chest tube inser=on: • Where to put the tube — at the safe triangle (just above the rib
- Connected to underwater seal system to avoid neuromuscluar bundle):
- Fluctua=on of meniscus with respira=on - Haemothorax — angle is downward (blood goes down)
- Presence of water vapour (air in pleural cavity) — indicates - Pneumothorax — angle is upward (air moves up)
that it’s func=oning
- Presence of bubbles — air trying to escape the lung
- Colour — blood indicates haemothorax
• Ini=ally, 300 ml of water is put in first → observe tomorrow’s
value → if s=ll 300 ml, indicates it drains only air
(pneumothorax), if the volume increase, it is haemothorax.
• The length inserted in no less than 12 cm.
• For MVA pt:
- “Cervical collar in situ, probably have spinal injury”.
- Pneumothorax is mainly due to clavicle and rib fracture. • When to remove the tube:
- Paradoxical movement of chest wall during breathing → - When the drain no longer serve its purpose.
involve 2 segments (2 ribs minimum). - When lung is able to expand fully.
- Put chest tube to prevent tension pneumothorax.
- In pneumothorax — tracheal devia=on, reduce chest
movement during respira=on, hyperresonant, absent
breath sound → check oxygen satura=on.
- Open pneumothorax: injury un=l pleural space.
- How to examine MVA:
- A — intubated or not, connected to oxygen
- B — RR, respiratory effort, signs of open wound, chest
- C
ii) Check for abdomen: - Site, shape, size, tender, warm, side, margin, consistency,
• (Expansile cough impulse) Ask pt to turn his/her head to can’t get above, punctum, discharge, peristalsis
- Irreducible (proceed lump and bump) • Do abdominal examina=on to know the cause of inguinal
• Occlude the deep inguinal ring [1.25cm above the mid hernia (↑ intra-abdominal pressure) — I would like to
inguinal point – between ASIS and pubic tubercle (first complete my examina=on by:
bony prominence ader pubic symphysis)]. Then, ask pt to - Digital rectal examina=on — hard fecal impac=on, BPH
stand up while occluding the deep inguinal ring. (straining during micturi=on)
• Ask pt to cough while occluding the deep inguinal ring - Abdomen examina=on
(Deep Ring Occlusion Test). Posi=ve when there is - Respiratory examina=on (chronic cough) — COPD, TB
something pushing the occluding fingers.
- Indirect — did not pass inguinal canal so not come out 2. Reducible/irreducible
during deep occlusion test. 3. Right/led
4. Direct/indirect
5. With/without complica=ons
Can descend into the scrotum Does not go down into the scrotum
Reduces upwards, then laterally and backwards Reduces upwards and then straight backwards
Controlled, ader reduc=on, by pressure over the deep inguinal Not controlled ader reduc=on by pressure over the deep
ring inguinal ring
My pt an elderly man is lying comfortable in supine posi=on. On inspec=on of abdomen, there is a midline laparotomy scar noted,
with two transverse scars at right and led iliac fossa. There is an obvious right inguinal swelling, no extending to scrotum. There is no
erythematous change, no skin excoria=on, no dilated veins, no punctum or discharge, no visible pulsa=on or peristalsis. Cough
impulse is posi=ve as the mass becomes obvious ader coughing. On palpa=on, mass is oval in shape 5 x 4 cm, sod and doughy, has
well-defined margin, non-tender, not warm to touch, can get below and reducible. Occlusion test is nega=ve. Genitalia examina=on is
normal. Scrotum is well-developed. Both testes are palpable, normal size. Normal sperma=c cord, no bag of worms felt. Since pt’s
swelling is completely reducible, I would like to ask pt to stand for further assessment. When pt is standing, do trans-illumina=on
test. It’s nega=ve. I would like to complete my examina=on by doing rectal examina=on, abdomen and respira=on examina=on.
Make sure swelling is completely reducible. Find landmark: Midway between ASIS and pubic tubercle. Occlude opening with one
finger. Ask pt to cough, if nega=ve, ask pt to stand, finger s=ll occlude the opening. Ask pt to cough again.
Right recurrent completely reducible inguinal hernia with no complica=ons such as strangula=on, ischemia or incarcera=on.
complica=ons of previous opera=on, abdominal mass, urinary and bowel symptoms, respiratory problems, heavy liding). Ader that, I
would like to perform complete physical examina=on. Then, do pre-op assessment, op=mize pt’s condi=on, take blood for
inves=ga=ons, do CXR, ECG, prepare pt for laparoscopic hernioplasty where we put in mesh to induce fibrosis and prevent hernia.
Need highly experienced surgeon, longer opera=on =me, and risk of recurrence if surgeon is not experience enough.
Other op3on for surgery?
• Herniotomy: excision of sac ader reduc=on, usually in children because they have weak and immature ligament.
• Hernioplasty
• Pantaloon hernia (saddle bag hernia): combined direct and indirect hernia
• Maydl’s hernia: two adjacent loops of small intes=ne are within a hernial sac with =ght neck – double lumen
• Skin changes
• Shape
• Size
• Tenderness
• Temperature
• Margin (regular/irregular)
• Surface
• Consistency
• Mobility
i) General abdominal inspec=on – moving with respira=on, scars, viii)Cough for parastomal hernia.
visible mass, visible peristalsis etc. ix)Check for shiding dullness (ascites).
ii) Site of stoma (right/led iliac fossa): x) Check for bowel sound (ausculta=on).
• RIF – ileostomy (greenish) xi)I would like to complete my examina=on with:
- bowel rest
vii)Surrounding skin (inflamma=on)
Sample script
There is stoma at ____________, measured _________________ cm from umbilicus. The content of stoma is _______________.
There is presence / absence of sprout. I think it is ileostomy/ colostomy with/without complica=ons due to ________.
Addi3onal informa3on
• Look for the distribu=on of varicose vein/ calf swelling/ direc=on (ke atas)
Lipodermatosclerosis ii) If the valve is incompetent, percussion is transmiIed
• Check for ankle edema (machinery murmurs indicate secondary arteriovenous fistula)
2. Ask pt to stand: Check front and back of leg by asking pt to 7. I would like to complete my examina=on:
• Palpate along the varicose vein distribu=on (feel for fascia • Abdominal Examina=on
defect or thickening of vein) • Per Rectal Examina=on
• Look for either varicose vein / ulcer (arterial or venous) • Bruits — caused by turbulent flow beyond a stenosis, or an
• Skin changes — moIled, gangrene irregularity in artery wall.
↳ bluish-red lace ,
changes, gangrene, etc) • Then divide ankle to brachial systolic reading. Ra=os >1
• Peripheral pulses: indicate s=ff, calcified limb vessels.
- Dorsalis pedis — runs from a point on the anterior • Measuring the blood pressure
surface of ankle joint, midway between malleoli, • CVS examina=on
towards the cled between 1st and 2nd metatarsal • Caro=d pulse examina=on
bones. • Neurological examina=on
- Posterior =bial — 1/3 of the way along a line between • Abdominal examina=on
=p of medial malleolus and point of the heel.
- Popliteal
• Ask pt to lid the leg un=l the leg turns pale. Es=mate the
degree of Buergers angle.
thickened nails,
trophic changes -
scaly skin ,
i) Adequate exposure — from umbilicus all the way down. i) Ask pt to stand up.
ii) General examina=on — distress, comfortable, swea=ng. ii) Check the distribu=on of varicosi=es — great saphenous
• Skin changes — any atrophic changes, dry scaly skin, iii) Do trendelenburg or tourniquet test.
loss of hair, diabe=c nephropathy (diabe=c related
infec=on) or immunocompromised • Swelling → hemosiderin deposi=on → lipodermatosclerosis
between the toes and pressure areas • Any necro=c base on the wound
✓ Check for — site, size, surrounding skin (any • Femoral pulse → popliteal pulse → posterior =bial (in
spreading celluli=s), edges (granula=ng, roll between =p of medial malleolus) → dorsalis pedis (half
pearly edges which is a sign of basal cell between medial and lateral malleolus)
2. Pallor
3. Perishingly cold
4. Paralysis
5. Paraesthesia
6. Pulseless