Abott Lab

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Abbott Laboratories (Pakistan) Limited

Statements of Earnings
For the Year Ended December 31
Sr. No Description 2022
1 Revenue-net 49,257,722.00
2 Cost of sales - 34,731,760.00
3 Gross profit 14,525,962.00
4 Distribution and selling expenses - 7,038,482.00
5 Adminstraive and general expenses - 885,901.00
Operating expense - 7,924,383.00
Operating profit 6,601,579.00
Other charges - 1,464,698.00
Other Income 1,058,174.00
Finance costs - 47,400.00
Profit before taxation 6,147,655.00
Taxation - 3,143,469.00
Profit after taxation 3,004,186.00
Earning per share-basic and dilluted $ 30.69

Abbott Laboratories (Pakistan) Limited

Statement of Financial Position
For the year December 31
Sr.No Assets 2022
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 11,989,333.00
Intangible assets 26,904.00
Long-term loans 66,509.00
Long-term prepayments 7,513.00
Long-term deposits 646.00
Total non-current assets 12,090,905.00

Current assets
Stores and spares parts 340,748.00
Stock-in-trade 8,515,228.00
Trade debts 1,276,655.00
Loans and advances 533,859.00
Trade deposits and short-term prepayments 910,115.00
Interest accrued -
Other receivables 1,432,351.00
Short-term investments 830,079.00
Taxation - net 23,826.00
Cash and bank balances 7,966,029.00
Total current assets 21,828,890.00
Total assets 33,919,795.00

Equity and liabilities

Share capital and reserves
Authorised capital 2,000,000.00
Issued, subscribed and paid up capital 979,003.00
Capital reserve 1,058,639.00
Revenue reserve - Unappropriated profit 15,068,387.00
Total equity 17,106,029.00

Non-current liabilities
Deferred taxation - net 499,662.00
Staff retirement benefits 1,579,752.00
Gas Infrastructure Development Cess (GIDC) payable -
Lease liabilities 127,076.00
Total non-current liabilities 2,206,490.00

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 11,866,573.00
Unclaimed dividend 66,419.00
Unpaid dividend 2,402,173.00
Current maturity of lease liabilities 120,211.00
Provision against GIDC 151,900.00
Total current liabilities 14,607,276.00
Total liabilities 16,813,766.00
Contingencies and commitments -
Total equity and liabilities 33,919,795.00
akistan) Limited
December 31
2021 2020 2019 2018
42,569,856.00 35,283,377.00 30,155,875.00 29,719,279.00
- 26,494,583.00 - 23,437,221.00 - 21,628,135.00 - 19,917,837.00
16,075,273.00 11,846,156.00 8,527,740.00 9,801,442.00
- 6,569,384.00 - 4,935,846.00 - 5,061,510.00 - 4,503,521.00
- 722,001.00 - 642,162.00 - 731,620.00 - 610,885.00
- 7,291,285.00 - 5,578,008.00 5,793,130.00 5,114,406.00
8,783,888.00 6,368,148.00 2,734,610.00 4,687,036.00
- 1,017,890.00 - 708,375.00 - 522,802.00 - 786,315.00
732,846.00 760,691.00 352,023.00 458,654.00
- 88,365.00 - 76,905.00 - 53,090.00 - 15,606.00
8,410,479.00 6,243,559.00 2,510,741.00 4,343,769.00
- 2,443,422.00 - 1,708,310.00 - 1,210,856.00 - 1,649,436.00
5,967,057.00 4,535,249.00 12,998,865.00 2,694,333.00
$ 60.95 $ 46.33 $ 13.28 $ 27.52

akistan) Limited
ncial Position
ember 31
2021 2020 2019 2018

10,006,158.00 9,070,460.00 8,267,557.00 7,191,606.00

49,017.00 66,255.00 78,372.00 24,879.00
71,646.00 68,033.00 57,496.00 55,009.00
7,513.00 7,513.00 7,513.00 7,513.00
966.00 1,746.00 3,880.00 4,119.00
10,135,300.00 9,214,007.00 8,414,818.00 7,283,126.00

284,097.00 244,519.00 276,322.00 178,815.00

6,721,491.00 4,981,489.00 6,049,215.00 4,428,893.00
1,216,257.00 935,468.00 903,829.00 1,143,015.00
455,639.00 277,661.00 133,171.00 147,183.00
302,173.00 425,048.00 559,152.00 620,876.00
- - 6,288.00 7,857.00
447,976.00 420,836.00 639,215.00 383,054.00
7,841,030.00 6,506,404.00 - -
344,437.00 921,431.00 1,013,151.00 410,302.00
819,347.00 988,881.00 2,757,519.00 5,678,136.00
18,432,447.00 15,701,737.00 12,337,862.00 12,998,131.00 .
28,567,747.00 24,915,744.00 20,752,680.00 20,281,257.00

2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

979,003.00 979,003.00 979,003.00 979,003.00
892,145.00 767,608.00 649,470.00 533,783.00
15,483,490.00 13,843,641.00 11,743,920.00 11,722,225.00
17,354,638.00 15,590,252.00 13,372,393.00 13,235,011.00

269,737.00 227,587.00 239,609.00 255,405.00

1,466,048.00 1,464,964.00 - -
- 172,825.00 - -
127,076.00 626,294.00 297,727.00 173,719.00
1,862,861.00 2,491,670.00 537,336.00 429,124.00

9,039,575.00 6,407,481.00 6,710,714.00 6,510,381.00

58,163.00 50,291.00 48,825.00 66,208.00
- - - -
93,744.00 189,955.00 83,412.00 40,533.00
151,900.00 186,095.00 - -
9,343,382.00 6,833,822.00 6,842,951.00 6,617,122.00
11,206,243.00 9,325,492.00 7,380,287.00 7,046,246.00
- - - -
28,560,881.00 24,915,744.00 20,752,680.00 20,281,257.00

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