Global Citizenship Essay
Global Citizenship Essay
Global Citizenship Essay
Brisa Morales
The Ambassador School of Global Leadership aims to create students who understand the
different versions of the world and reflect on the complexity of what it is to be a Global Leader,
as we navigate the complex web of principles within the Learner Profiles, it becomes evident that
being a Global Leader is a continuous journey of growth and reflection, taking in consideration
qualities like caring, reflective, and principled. ASGL's mission is to highlight the importance of
participating in our community, we as students have the opportunity to be as involved as our
student’s capacities can. Their vision is to make us become career and life ready, they develop
our sense of awareness for our community and the world in general. They input global and
academic competency on us, ASGL teachers and staff teach us principles that help us to see the
world differently, and inquire about the changes in our society. We’re continually engaging with
our beliefs, this greatly distinguishes us from the rest, ASGL aims for individuality and
engagement with our beliefs, communicating our thoughts, and caring about our surroundings.
When I think of someone who embodies the qualities of Caring, Principled, and Knowledgeable,
I immediately picture my mom. The person I am today, I owe it to the values and sense of
integrity my mom has implemented on me. Nancy Cruz is a woman, mother, and a figure to
which I look up to. With her sense of empathy she has raised my sister and I to be always honest
about ourselves. She has teached me that to be able to show the world fairness and compassion I
have to start with myself, teaching me to be honest about my feelings and actions. Proudly, I can
say my mom is my perfect example of a Global Citizen, she not only embodies a strong sense of
fairness and integrity towards others, but she has greatly influenced the person I am today. With
qualities such as Caring, my mom has shown the value of caring and the importance of being
empathic and respectful toward the needs of others, these values had helped me during my
development and performance in and out of school, it has not only shaped my character but it has
inspired me to become a person my sister can look up to. Another quality that my mom firmly
poses and has arduously implemented on me is to be Principle. My mom believes in the fate of
justices to everyone, she acts with integrity and knows what's better for me in every situation. If
I’m having any issues at all, she would advise me with honesty, and not just because I’m her
daughter she would take it easy and let my mistakes pass, she knows what’s better for me and
that’s why she would always advise me to take responsibility for my own actions. With this she
has accomplished for me to be a fair and responsible individual who knows what’s good and
what’s bad, she has created in me a sense of integrity and courage to learn from my mistakes,
making me a complex individual that cares about keep learning. My discipline and balance with
life and with school it’s something that my mom implemented on me as well. Her being an
Knowledgeable individual, influenced students while being a teacher five years ago back in
Guatemala, with her sense of caring and empathy she left an impact on her students, she would
always show how much she cared by being fairly strict and setting boundaries for her students to
become responsible individuals.
Being a Global Leader is not something you become from one day to another. More like a
characteristic that one learns through time, qualities that an IB learner has to implement in an
everyday situation, whether you use them in school as ASGL aims to do, or they can be applied
in a more individualized and personal way in your daily life. The knowledge of these skills helps
me understand the world I live in, its flaws and beauties. When I look back through my years at
ASGL I see a student who slowly started to care about her surroundings, someone who now
inquires about what’s happening around her environment, aims for justice, and leads those
around her to do the same. Acquiring skills like the Open-minded profile, have instilled in me an
appreciation for diverse perspectives and a recognition of the importance of balance in all aspects
of life. ASGL being a very diverse school I got the privilege to learn from different cultures, and
along with diverse individuals. This allowed me to understand different points of views and of
course, cultures, this is something that I would always appreciate about coming to ASGL, and
how it has made me an open-minded individual that honors the values and perspectives of our
communities. At ASGL we have a prominent Hispanic community, which helps us feel
connected and identify with our roots and backgrounds. Everyday at school I seek for a closer
understanding and learning from not only my community but from others too, that’s why classes
like Ethnic Studies opened doors to my range of acknowledgment about my community. These
qualities will contribute to an inclusive environment in future situations, and promote diversity.
These approaches made me realize the role that I can take, making me care about the difference I
could leave on people. The Reflective profile has equipped me with the resilience to navigate
uncertainties and the self-awareness to continuously learn and adapt. Throughout my years in
ASGL I have explore all the different side of my character, I have come to the conclusion that
the values that teachers and staff at this school implements on its students really has shaped the
individual I am today, not only academically but on some personal aspects, today I understand
my strengths and weakness, which only makes me a much competent Global Citizen. In future,
this mastery will be indispensable, allowing me to approach challenges with determination, and
reflect thoughtfully on experiences, ensuring continuous growth and improvement. Reflecting on
my growth and mistakes that only adds to my personal and academic development, being the
complexity of an individual essential to one's continuous growth. The values that ASGL
implements in their students have prepared me and guided me for my incoming journey, once I'm
out of school, confronting a whole new world. I have learned to take advantage of the
opportunities that ASGL has provided to me, through the IB Learner Profiles I have walked each
step of the way of the High School experience echoing the school principles and developing
greater achievements because of it, I have portrayed the leader role when I needed it to, but
mostly I have walked by peoples side making small differences. Experiencing the front role of
what it’s like to grow and learn along with a full of layer’s individuals has prepared me to keep
connecting with people that contribute to my same values. As I become an adult I see myself
maintaining and improving my qualities. I still see myself as a person that keeps asking questions
about her surroundings, trying to make a difference and change, someone who engages with her
community, caring about spreading the voice from those who don't have one, aiming for justices,
equality and fairness.
As my journey to understand what it means to confront the world continues, I reflect on all I
have learned in these past four years and how each learner profile has crafted my beliefs. Today I
realize that as I’m becoming an independent adult who is still growing, I will have the help of
these skills, which will guide me to become a conscious individual. I know that the path to
becoming a Global Citizen would be a long way full of personal and academic exploration. In
becoming aware of my bad and good experiences during my school years I reflect that these
moments would help me overcome future and similar situations. Personally, I still have a
continuous path of learning how to master areas of my academic life, but I know for sure that as I
have developed good qualities throughout my high school years, I will continue to push and
challenge myself to enhance my qualities. As a young global leader driven by the expectation of
contributing to a better community, I reflect on my development through the Learner Profiles. I
recognize the profound impact these profiles have had on shaping my worldview and preparing
me to be a better contributor to the global stage. I know exactly that during my time on ASGL,
classes like Ethnic Studies and clubs like ‘Nuestra Familia’ have created a deeper bond with my
community and sense of belonging. Forming part of a diverse school has expanded my horizons
towards the different cultures making me a dignified open-minded individual. The Inquirer
profile has cultivated in me a relentless curiosity to understand different perspectives and
cultures. Starting with mine, I have become more aware and involved with pieces of my
community. Participating in hispanic/Latinx clubs, classes and advocating for people in my
community. With this quality I was able to engage in continuous learning. Armed with this
inquisitive nature, I am eager to contribute by actively seeking diverse viewpoints and
understanding the layers of global issues. The Caring profile has instilled in me a deep sense of
empathy, compassion, and a commitment to service. As a global contributor, I aim to make a
positive difference in the lives of others and the world around me. Whether through advocating
for social justice, supporting community initiatives, or simply advocating for inclusivity, I aspire
to contribute to a more compassionate and equitable global community.
In essence, the global context provided by the Ambassador School of Global Leadership,
coupled with the profound influence of the Learner Profiles, has been instrumental in shaping my
level of engagement with society and global issues. This educational framework has not only
broadened my horizons but has equipped me with the necessary skills, perspectives, and values
to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. Through the Inquirer, Reflective,
Open-minded, Principled, Knowledgeable and Caring profiles, I have developed a profound love
for learning, experiencing thoughtful moments that expands my personal development, seeking
different perspectives, acting with integrity, commitment to positive change, and evolving with
deeply empathy towards others. The global perspective at ASGL has been the channel for
sharpening these skills, emphasizing their significance in addressing complex global challenges.
As I reflect on this transformative journey, I firmly believe that becoming globally competent is
not merely an advantage but an essential requirement for students around the world. In our
increasingly interconnected and interdependent global community, a global education is the key
to stay informed, empathetic, and effective contributors who can navigate the complexities of
the modern world with resilience and understanding.