NSTEMI Treatment - Should We Always Follow The Guidelines

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Neth Heart J (2019) 27:171–175


NSTEMI treatment: should we always follow the guidelines?

A. W. J. van ’t Hof · E. Badings

Published online: 14 March 2019

© The Author(s) 2019

Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) has Netherlands this might have serious consequences,
been diagnosed more often in recent years, not only as most NSTEMI patients present at non-PCI centres.
since the introduction of high-sensitive troponin as- In this issue of the Netherlands Heart Journal,
says, but also because of the ageing population. The Hoedemaker et al. [3] report the results of a 6-month
outcome is rather good in the short term; however, registry of NSTEMI patients. Almost 900 patients
in the long term the outcome is poor due to the high were registered at 23 Dutch non-PCI centres. The first
incidence of co-morbidities such as renal failure, dia- remarkable finding was that almost 15% of patients
betes and hypertension. The diagnosis of NSTEMI is did not undergo angiography, despite the presence of
rather difficult. During the 2018 ESC meeting an up- high (HR) or very high risk (VHR) criteria. Secondly,
date of the universal definition of MI was presented only 58% of VHR and 61% of HR patients underwent
[1]. A diagnosis of NSTEMI can only be made if acute angiography within the time frames (<2 h (VHR) and
myocardial injury (defined as a rise and/or fall of car- <24 h (HR)) recommended by the 2015 ESC NSTEMI
diac troponin (cTn) above the 99th percentile upper guideline.
reference limit (URL)) is present in combination with
acute myocardial ischaemia. Type 1 MI is caused by Same-day transfer
atherosclerosis (plaque rupture or erosion), whereas
type 2 MI is the result of an imbalance between oxy- The decision concerning transfer to a PCI centre was
gen demand and supply (hypertension, anaemia or at the discretion of the cardiologist at the non-PCI
tachycardia) (Fig. 1). Only patients with type I MI centre. Almost 56% of patients had an indication
might benefit from early angiography and/or revas- for same-day transfer because of the presence of at
cularisation; however, in daily practice it is not easy least one HR criterion (most often rise and/or fall in
to discriminate between type 1 and type 2 MI. cTn); however, only 25% were transferred to a PCI
The most recent NSTEMI guidelines recommend centre. These transferred patients were younger and
same-day transfer for all high-risk patients who more often underwent revascularisation, suggesting
present at a non-PCI centre ([2]; Fig. 2). In the a selection of specific patients. Routine same-day
transfer of all HR patients might only benefit those
with an indication for revascularisation (percutaneous
A. W. J. van ’t Hof () coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass
Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical
grafting (CABG)), but not for those with an indication
Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands
[email protected] for medical therapy. Only 43% of patients underwent
PCI, whereas 36% were medically treated. This report
Department of Cardiology, Zuyderland Medical Centre, shows that it is highly questionable whether routine
Heerlen and Sittard, The Netherlands
same-day transfer of all high-risk NSTEMI patients to
Department of Cardiology, Isala Hospital, Zwolle, The a PCI centre, as recommended by the ESC guideline,
Netherlands is cost-effective. Although the report of Hoedemaker
E. Badings et al. [3] does not provide a definite answer, it sug-
Department of Cardiology, Deventer Ziekenhuis, Deventer, gests that a more selective approach to referral might
The Netherlands be non-inferior and perhaps more cost-effective. A se-

NSTEMI treatment: should we always follow the guidelines? 171


Fig. 1 Model for inter-

preting myocardial injury
(aStable denotes <20%
variation of troponin val-
ues in the appropriate clini-
cal context, bIschaemia de-
note signs and/or symp-
toms of clinical myocardial
ischaemia, MI myocardial
infarction, URL upper refer-
ence limit). With permission
of Oxford Press.

rious limitation is the lack of outcome data, and a lack Time to angiography
of the reasons why coronary angiography was not per-
formed in 15% of patients. The strength of the report Angiography in both VHR and HR patients did not
is the description of daily practice in a nationwide meet the time frames as recommended by the ESC
registry of non-selected patients. Guidelines are of- guideline. This might be due to the fact that 24/7
ten based upon reports from randomised clinical tri- coronary angiography is often not possible at non-
als of selected patients and might not be applicable PCI centres. This is probably the reason why angiogra-
for all patients with suspected coronary ischaemia. phy was performed more rapidly when patients were
The implementation of guidelines is highly dependent transferred to PCI centres. Would it be cost-effec-
on national organisation and logistics. In the Nether- tive to have 24/7 angiography performed at non-PCI
lands, many non-PCI centres have facilities for cardiac centres as well? Recently, Badings et al. [4] reported
catheterisation, whereas in many hospitals outside the a post hoc subgroup analysis of the Early or Late In-
Netherlands or Europe, many patients present to hos- tervention in unStable Angina (ELISA)-3 trial of HR
pitals where no catheterisation is possible and rapid patients randomised at a non-PCI centre to early or
transfer to a more specialised cardiac centre might be late coronary angiography. Although the sample size
more effective in this kind of situation. When reading was small, no difference in infarct size or clinical out-
the text of the 2015 guideline in detail, it states that come was present between patients who underwent
high-risk NSTEMI patients should be transferred the immediate referral for angiography at the PCI cen-
same day to hospitals with on-site catheterisation fa- tre (STEMI-like approach) versus a strategy of delayed
cilities in order that they can undergo invasive coro- angiography at the non-PCI centre. In this ELISA trial
nary angiography within 24 h. This is different from VHR patients were excluded. It remains undebated
the statement in Fig. 2 of the guideline, in which all that in VHR patients coronary angiography should
HR patients presenting at non-PCI centres should be be performed very early (within 2 h, STEMI-like ap-
transferred to a PCI centre. So there is a discrepancy proach) and the low percentage (58%) of VHR patients
between the text and the figure in the guideline. who underwent coronary angiography within 2 h in
Another reason why it is not necessary to transfer the Dutch registry is therefore a matter of concern.
all high-risk NSTEMI in the Netherlands is the well-or- Patients with chest pain suggestive of cardiac is-
ganised regional care with good communication and chaemia who do not show ST elevation have diverse
strict protocols not only with the PCI (heart) centres diagnoses, varying between pulmonary embolism,
but also with the emergency ambulance service. non-cardiac chest pain, takotsubo cardiomyopathy
and myocarditis; in the end only a minority are di-

172 NSTEMI treatment: should we always follow the guidelines?

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Fig. 2 Selection of non-

ST-elevation acute coronary
syndromes (NSTEMI-ACS)
treatment strategy and tim-
ing according to initial risk
stratification (EMS emer-
gency medical services,
PCI percutaneous coronary
intervention). (From [2] with
permission of Oxford Press)

agnosed as acute MI. A liberal referral strategy of all medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the origi-
these patients to PCI centres is unwise. The challenge nal author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
for the future is the proper selection of patients who
might benefit from rapid referral. This might best be
done in dedicated departments for emergency cardiac References
care, and is mostly not dependent on the presence of
PCI facilities. The question remains, however, whether 1. Thygesen K, Alpert JS, Jaffe AS, et al. Fourth universal
further improvement might be achieved if non-PCI definition of myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J. 2018;
centres also perform 24/7 coronary angiography.
2. Roffi M, Patrono C, Collet JP, et al. 2015 ESC Guidelines for
The report of Hoedemaker et al. [3] again shows the the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients
enormous value of high-quality and nationwide reg- presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation: Task
istries on acute MI. Up to now, there is no such registry Force for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes
in the Netherlands. Fortunately the Netherlands Heart in Patients Presenting without Persistent ST-Segment El-
Registry (NHR, www.nederlandsehartregistratie.nl) is evation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur
working on implementing a national registry on acute Heart J. 2016;37(3):267–315.
3. Hoedemaker NPG, et al. Treatment patterns of non-ST-
coronary syndromes during 2019. This might help
elevation acute coronary syndrome patients presenting at
in further optimising the care for all patients with non-PCI centres in the Netherlands and possible logistical
NSTEMI in the Netherlands. consequencesofadoptingsame-daytransfertoPCIcentres:
a registry-based evaluation. Neth Heart J. 2019; https://doi.
Conflict of interest A.W.J. van ’t Hof and E. Badings declare
that they have no competing interests.
4. Badings EA, Remkes WS, Dambrink JH, et al. Timing of
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of intervention in high-risk non-ST-elevation acute coronary
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License syndromes in PCI versus non-PCI centres : sub-group
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which per- analysis of the ELISA-3 trial. Neth Heart J. 2016;24(3):181–7.
mits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any

NSTEMI treatment: should we always follow the guidelines? 175

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