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Isolation of genes encoding the receptors for steroids, retinoids, vitamin D, and thyroid hormone
and their structural and functional analysis revealed an evolutionarily conserved template for nu-
clear hormone receptors. This discovery sparked identification of numerous genes encoding
related proteins, termed orphan receptors. Characterization of these orphan receptors and, in
particular, of the retinoid X receptor (RXR) positioned nuclear receptors at the epicenter of the
‘‘Big Bang’’ of molecular endocrinology. This Review provides a personal perspective on nuclear
receptors and explores their integrated and coordinated signaling networks that are essential for
multicellular life, highlighting the RXR heterodimer and its associated ligands and transcriptional
plasmids harboring the receptor’s cDNA could be cotransfected which receptors might mediate their signaling (Kliewer et al.,
with a hormone-responsive reporter gene to create a highly 1999). In comparison, the classic endocrinology methods that
defined two-component regulatory switch. With the switch flip- led to the isolation of thyroid hormone in 1914 required 3.5
ped ‘‘on’’ by hormone binding, the resulting powerful transcrip- tons of bovine thyroid gland (Kendall, 1917). Thus, the massive
tional response allowed rapid analysis of the receptor’s DNA shift in ligand screening sensitivity, as a consequence of receptor
and ligand binding domains, as well as ligand and target gene cloning and powerful reporter assays, could now unveil new and
specificity. The cotransfection assay was so versatile as a cell- unimagined signaling systems.
based means to study transcription that it quickly became the
mainstay of virtually every molecular biology laboratory, as well RXR and the Big Bang
as a pharmaceutical discovery tool. Applying the reverse endocrinology approach to the retinoid X
The cotransfection assay provided a quantitative and highly receptor (RXR) led to the identification of the first endogenous
efficient tool for screening, and as it was extremely sensitive to ligand for an orphan nuclear receptor (9-cis retinoic acid, a
small-molecule ligands, it became the mainstay of ‘‘deorphan- metabolite of vitamin A), establishing RXR as the founding mem-
ing’’ efforts. Early results showed that the DNA- and ligand-bind- ber of the ‘‘adopted’’ orphan class (Mangelsdorf et al., 1990;
ing domains of the receptors function autonomously, which led Heyman et al., 1992; Levin et al., 1992) (see Table 1 for receptor
to the idea that one could swap these domains between recep- nomenclature for the entire superfamily). The discovery of RXR
tors, and even other transcription factors, and still retain ligand- and its ligand resulted in the genesis of two prodigious concepts
dependent transactivation (Giguere et al., 1987; Green and in the nuclear receptor field. First, in revealing the existence of a
Chambon, 1987; Petkovich et al., 1987). With the cDNAs of the previously unknown signaling pathway, it provided a proof of
orphan receptors in hand, the cotransfection assay was instantly principle that precipitated a wave of research aimed at linking
adapted as an unbiased ligand screening method that could be other orphan receptors to specific ligands.
implemented even when the receptor’s DNA binding site (or Second, it led to the discovery of RXR heterodimerization with
response element) was not precisely known (Chawla et al., these adopted orphan receptors, thereby defining a novel
2001). This ‘‘reverse endocrinology’’ concept allowed for high- feature of multiple intertwined signaling pathways (Figure 2).
throughput screens of natural, synthetic, and xenobiotic ligands For example, one of the first uses of the cotransfection
that required less-than-micromolar concentrations to unearth assay identified interactions between an orphan receptor and
Utilizing a combination of approaches that included the cotrans- This plasticity allowed the heterodimer rule to expand from the
fection assay and the electrophoretic mobility shift assay, it was prototypical 3-4-5 rule to include DR1 through DR5 response
determined that the classic steroid receptors (GR, PR, AR, and elements selective for each RXR/receptor partner pair. Although
ER) bind as homodimers to response elements configured as in nature RXR heterodimers have adapted the ability to bind
palindromes composed of two hexad nucleotide sequences response elements that vary from the canonical direct repeats,
separated by three base pairs (Beato, 1991). the veracity of the general rule has been confirmed by numerous
In contrast, nonsteroid receptors (i.e., RAR, VDR, and TR), genome-wide binding analyses.
bind preferentially to response elements composed of two The crystal structures of the heterodimeric unit on DNA have
hexad half-sites arranged as tandem repeats (Koenig et al., elucidated the molecular basis for these interactions (Rastinejad
1987; Näär et al., 1991; Umesono et al., 1991). Further, the spec- et al., 1995; Chandra et al., 2008; Lou et al., 2014). The power of
ificity of each of these receptor/DNA interactions was shown to the direct repeat rule is that it offered every heterodimer a molec-
be encoded uniquely by the nucleotide spacing between the ular binding target even in advance of knowledge of its regulatory
two half-sites of the direct repeat. Thus, the response element function. Even so, with five different binding sites (six if we
for vitamin D was shown to be a direct repeat spaced by three include the single inverted repeat for RXR/FXR), there are still
nucleotides; for thyroid hormone, the spacing is four nucleo- more heterodimers than binding sites. Thus, as would be ex-
tides, and for retinoic acid, it is five nucleotides (an axiom that pected, individual sites can be the target of multiple receptor het-
became known as the 3-4-5 rule) (Figure 3) (Perlmann et al., erodimers. This promiscuity adds a layer of complexity that may
1993; Umesono et al., 1991). However, perhaps the most striking be explained, in part, by tissue-specific expression of individual
difference between these receptors and their steroid-binding, receptor complexes or perhaps features in the chromatin envi-
homodimeric counterparts was that the nonsteroid receptors ronment that help to ‘‘craft’’ specific binding environments.
bind DNA as part of a heterodimer in which their common partner Another interesting general property of the RXR heterodimer is
is RXR (Yu et al., 1991; Kliewer et al., 1992; Bugge et al., 1992; that, with only one or two special exceptions, the heterodimer
Leid et al., 1992; Marks et al., 1992; Zhang et al., 1992). There partners are all ligand dependent. Indeed, a curious evolutionary
are now known to be three RXRs (RXRa, RXRb, and RXRg), at oddity of the nuclear receptor superfamily has been the rather
least one of which is expressed in every cell in the body. The surprising finding that not all of the orphans have ligands that
three RXR proteins are highly conserved and functionally inter- bind in a reversible, regulatory fashion. For those orphan recep-
changeable both as heterodimer partners and as receptors for tors in which such ligands have not been forthcoming, structural,
9-cis retinoic acid (Mangelsdorf et al., 1992). biochemical, and physiological evidence indicate that the ligand
The paradigm of RXR heterodimerization quickly expanded binding pocket is either absent or occupied continually by a lipid
into the universe of orphan receptors that now included the (Wisely et al., 2002), phospholipid (Krylova et al., 2005; Li et al.,
PPARs, LXRs, FXR, PXR, and CAR. The success of this para- 2005), or hydrophobic molecule such as heme (Raghuram
digm was due in large part because it provided a simple but et al., 2007; Reinking et al., 2005; Yin et al., 2007). Consequently,
elegant solution to the evolution of target gene specificity. On these orphan receptors generally behave as constitutive activa-
its own, RXR was shown to function as a self-sufficient homo- tors or repressors of transcription. With respect to their DNA
dimer, binding to a direct repeat of half-sites separated by one binding, they also function predominantly as monomers or
nucleotide (i.e., a DR1 element). The DR1 sequence was ideally homodimers.
poised for evolution because it only required sequential intro- Of the 48 nuclear receptors in humans, approximately half of
duction of single nucleotides in the spacer between the two them fall into the subclass lacking traditional ligands. This obser-
DR1 half-sites to generate novel binding motifs (DR2, DR3, vation is of evolutionary interest, as this subclass comprises the
DR4, etc.). A key driver of that process was the innate structure most ancient members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, and
of the RXR ligand binding domain that permits it to adopt multiple homologs are found all the way down to the most primitive inver-
conformations and thereby dimerize with different nuclear re- tebrate species. Notably, the only invertebrate species in which
ceptors when bound to each of the direct repeat motifs (Rastine- ligand-dependent nuclear receptors have been discovered thus
jad et al., 1995; Chandra et al., 2008; Lou et al., 2014). In this way, far have been nematodes and arthropods. In C. elegans, for
each new heterodimer partner can bind to one of the half-sites, example, only one out of 284 nuclear receptors has been charac-
whereas RXR can continue to occupy the other because of the terized as ligand dependent (Motola et al., 2006; Taubert et al.,
flexibility of its dimerization domain (Perlmann et al., 1993). 2011). In Drosophila, which has 21 nuclear receptors, only two