81743H-Basic Swivel, CS1,2-8 63
81743H-Basic Swivel, CS1,2-8 63
81743H-Basic Swivel, CS1,2-8 63
No. Date Initial Description
13 8
1 6 7 3 4 5 2 H 2013-04-24 SBM Changed Bolt
Sizing Table
Packer Cup
Stab Guide Part Packer Cup Packer Cup Global
Casing Weight Backup Part
Number Part Number Part Number
11 Number
8.625" x 28-36p 81240 81241 50389 E108582WR45318
9.625" x 36-43.5p 81764 81763 50384 E109581WR45318
9.625" x 40-47p 81170 81171 50377 E109583WR45318
9 12 12 12 10 10 10 10
9.625" x 47-53p 81170 81171 50183 E109582WR45318
9.625" x 53.5-58.4p 81883 81882 50394 E109587ECP45318
BOUGHT OUT PARTS 10.75" x 32.7-51.0p 82278 82277 50184 E110751WR45318
ITEM 10.75" x 45.5-55p 81256 81256 50184 E110751WR45318
8 50119 3/8-16UNC, SHCS x 1/2" long 4 H 10.75" x 55-60p 81256 or 82120 81257 or 82119 50378 E110759ECP45318
9 50118 3/8-16UNC, SHCS x 1 1/2" long 4 10.75" x 60.7p 81256 81257 50280 E110752WR45318
10 50231 2-236 70 Duro Nitrile O-Ring 5
10.75" x 60.7-65.7p 82120 82119 50280 E110752WR45318
11 50242 2-233 70 Duro Nitrile O-Ring 1
10.75" x 65.7-73.2p 81311 81310 50280 E110752WR45318
12 50126 2-244 70 Duro Nitrile O-Ring 3
13 50243 2-259 70 Duro Nitirle O-Ring 1 11.75" x 47-54p 81499 81500 50185 E111751WR45318
11.75" x 60p 81499 81500 50390 E111754ECP45318
ITEM 11.75" x 65-71p 81766 81765 50385 E111756ECP45318
1 81164 Carrier-SealAssbly(8.63-13.38)-02 1 12.75" 50-58.4p 82040 82041 50423 E112752WR45318
2 See Sizing Table StabGuide 1 13.375" x 48-61p 81363 81308 50186 E113382WR45318
3 See Sizing Table BU-PkrCup 1 13.375" x 54.5-72p 81165 81166 50146 E113381WR45318
4 See Sizing Table Packer Cup 1 G 13.375" x 77p 82589 82590 50502 E113387ECP45318
5 81162-Spacer-PkrCup-02,CRTi-8.63 Spacer-PkrCup-02 1
6 80841-Lug-Latch-06,CRTi-7.0 Lug-Latch-06 6
7 81163-Swivel-BUPkrCup(8.63-49.0p)-01,CRTi-8.63 Swivel-BUPkrCup-01 1
Material: Tolerances (unless otherwise noted):
Tol. T.I.R. Finish
Title: Basic.Swivel,CS1,2-8.63
Notice: Decimal: x.xxx ±0.005 0.004 63Ra Basic Swivel Casing Seal Asm
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