This document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, initial and working directories, and media devices available. It also logs loading fonts, reading application settings and encrypted data, and initializing the OpenGL renderer with ANGLE on the NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU.
This document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, initial and working directories, and media devices available. It also logs loading fonts, reading application settings and encrypted data, and initializing the OpenGL renderer with ANGLE on the NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU.
This document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, initial and working directories, and media devices available. It also logs loading fonts, reading application settings and encrypted data, and initializing the OpenGL renderer with ANGLE on the NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU.
This document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application on Windows. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, initial and working directories, and media devices available. It also logs loading fonts, reading application settings and encrypted data, and initializing the OpenGL renderer with ANGLE on the NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU.