Steris Rigid Endoscope Repairs V8

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Rigid endoscope


Our repairs service is founded on STERIS Instrument Management Services offers

Customers a complete end-to-end service and
product portfolio working in complement with your

the belief that all our Customers surgical inventory requirements:

should be provided with a high SURGICAL


quality alternative to device repair SURGICAL

other than the Original Equipment


Manufacturer (OEM), whilst also


offering competitive pricing. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT SALES


At STERIS Instrument Management Our repairs service typically saves Customers

up to 50% on the alternative cost of Originating

Services we are dedicated to Equipment Manufacturers.

enabling patient safety and driving

improvements in quality outcomes
for clinicians and patients.

2 STERIS Instrument Management Services STERIS Instrument Management Services 3


Highly skilled technicians Who do you trust

working from our modern with your rigid
UK facilities utilise the scope repair?
latest repair technologies An endoscope image should provide clear and crisp picture
resolution to ensure the best outcome for the patient and surgical
teams, without distraction from poor quality or poorly functioning

and quality replacement devices. This essential requirement ensures that clinicians
can instead focus on complex procedures which play such an

parts, to provide our

important role in the diagnostic process.

Highly skilled technicians working from our modern UK

Customers with the

facilities utilise the latest repair technologies and quality
replacement parts - to provide our Customers with the
assurance that from the surgeon to our workshops and back

assurance that from the again your surgical devices are always in safe hands

surgeon to our workshops

and back again your
surgical devices are
always in safe hands. We welcome requests to
visit our repair workshops
We repair rigid and flexible endoscopes
please contact us for further information
03452 414747

4 STERIS Instrument Management Services STERIS Instrument Management Services 5


We go beyond the We take the entire product life-cycle

services delivered by into consideration, including the
other repairers sterile services process.
We use bespoke, model-specific
replacement parts. For a rigid endoscope to be autoclaved,
Do you know where
it is essential that the repair process and
It is essential that the right parts are used and fitted specifically
for that model and endoscope manufacturer. For example, the
replacement parts are able to withstand the your instruments go
objective lens assembly needs to be model specific, instead of high heat and pressure of steam sterilisation.
once they leave your
one generic design for each diameter of scope. The following components are required throughout
the repair process to maintain the highest standards: operating theatres?
When non-model-specific optical components are
installed in a rigid endoscope, the result can compromise • The welding of exposed joints
Rigid endoscopes are highly complex and
• Use of heat and pressure-tolerant adhesives
such parameters as field of view and angle of view, and expensive pieces of equipment, which should
• The use of silver /gold soldering and metallised
ultimately degrade image quality for the clinician, potentially be treated with care throughout their entire life-
distal windows to secure the distal window.
compromising the procedure outcome. cycle. Do you know where these instruments
If these three essential components and processes go once they leave the operating theatre? Can

We repair scopes to the exact are not followed when repairing an endoscope
undergoing the autoclave process, the endoscope
you be assured that the greatest care is taken
to restore these devices using the best materials

manufacturer’s standard. will not be able to withstand the harsh autoclave

environment and may experience premature failure.
and techniques available? At STERIS Instrument
Management Services, we believe in providing
Some models of Karl Storz® and Olympus® rigid scopes In addition, the endoscope may be rendered the best possible standard of care and repair,
are manufactured with a formed distal end, which is difficult inappropriate for autoclaving over time due to the with careful handling and quality assurances
to replicate. Without the capacity to replicate the rounded harsh environment of an autoclaving process often throughout the repair process.
without the Customers’ knowledge.
tip, repair companies may shear the tip, compromising the
original design and creating rough edges that can accumulate
bioburden and potentially patient safety. Our reverse engineering
capabilities combined with our technical expertise means that
your repair is undertaken to the exact manufacturer’s standards.

6 We repair rigid and flexible endoscopes STERIS Instrument Management Services 7

Flood Distal Tip Inadequate Altered Light Post Tubing Optical Relay Eyepiece /Video
Damage Damage Illumination Components Fibre Damage Damage Damage Coupler Damage

Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem

• Device sterilisation is a • If an endoscope comes • Excessive flexing of • When a device • Dropping the • Dropping or • When the endoscope • Dropping the
vital aspect of managing into contact with the endoscope shaft repairer or service endoscope mishandling the shaft bends or an endoscope
infection, over time another device such can lead to tensile provider uses endoscope endoscope is dropped
• Cross threading of light • Use of steam
however this process as a laser or shaver in stress on the glass component it can misalign, chip or
post adapter(s) onto • When the endoscope sterilisation
can put excessive stress the operating theatre fibres that will ultimately parts that are completely fracture the
light post is bent the shaft can
on dissimilar materials or clinical environment lead to the snapping not equivalent rod lenses within the • Not completely
“kink” either the inner
leading to a breakdown damage can occur to of illumination fibres. to the original • Excessive heat from relay system. disengaging the
or outer shaft (or
of seals and ultimately the distal tip. Moisture penetration manufacturers parts mis-calibrated light camera coupler
both) or traumatic
the compromise of your into the fibre channel issues can occur. source conducted Solution from the eyepiece
• Use of abrasive separation of the shaft
endoscope. can degrade the through the fibre
cleaning solutions system from the scope • Due to our unique • Cross-threading
outer cladding of Solution optic cable.
and elements during body can occur optical and mechanical video arthroscopes
Solution the decontamination
individual fibres.
• There are many R&D department, into the camera
• Renew any damaged, process. generic lenses on Solution we can replicate
compromised seals to
Solution the market that do • Because of our components that are Solution
• We can replace the
follow the latest OEM Solution • Insertion of a new not match the OEM ‘in-house’ design
tubing system with new
unavailable to other 3rd • Our ‘in-house’ design
methods, including fibre bundle using the specification precisely. and manufacture parties. Because of the
• Careful handling tubes (inner and outer) and manufacturing
laser welding and gold correct acceptance At STERIS Instrument facility we carry an unequalled number of
of these delicate and new fibre bundle department can
soldering. Using poor angle fibres as Management Services unprecedented variety endoscopes that we
instruments will reduce and again affix these to replicate the large
technology and low cost opposed to cheaper, we have an extensive of light post designs repair at our facilities.
the frequency of the main body following variety of eyepieces
components may lead lower acceptance and dedicated R&D allowing us to quickly
damage to the distal OEM design processes. required to repair the
to a reduction in the life angle fibres that can division that can and easily replace.
tip, however, in the ‘real All tubes are medical large number of makes
of the seal. leads to insufficient replicate the OEM and models of rigid
world’ it is impossible grade stainless steel
illumination at the lens components. endoscope eye shields
to eliminate this and all adhesives are
periphery of the image. as opposed to ‘modify
damage entirely. class VI.
If the distal tip damage a generic one to fit’.
is extensive, unlike
other device repairers,
we have the expertise
and knowledge to
replace the insertion
tubes, again following
A Guide to Rigid Endoscope
Damage and Repair Solutions
the OEM design
including the melding
of the shafts to
the main body.

8 STERIS Instrument Management Services STERIS Instrument Management Services 9


UK based repair centres in:

Northamptonshire and Hertfordshire
Why STERIS Instrument Repairing 5,000 rigid endoscopes each year
All repairs certified to ISO 13485

Management Services?
A range of warranties available

There are numerous reasons as to why Customers choose to repair

surgical instruments and devices with us, including: reliability, industry
leading capability and customer support but it doesn’t end there.

We offer full inventory For added reassurance to our

assessments and departmental Customers all our device repairs are
evaluations that identify each ISO 13485 accredited, combined
touch point the devices encounters with a range of warranties ranging
throughout its usage cycle. from 90 days to 12 months.

North America facilities in:

Birmingham, Alabama
Ft Lauderdale, Florida
St Louis, Missouri
Dallas, Texas
Stow, Ohio
Our parts are of the We can offer savings of up to
highest quality manufactured 50% on an OEM repair. Symbiotic relationship with
to OEM standards multiple R&D departments within
the STERIS global family

We provide ongoing trend UK based repair centres

analysis and periodic process in Northamptonshire and
reviews to maximise the Hertfordshire.
useful lifespan of your • Repairing over 5000 rigid
instrument inventory. endoscopes each year.

Please speak to your sales representative to ensure

these services are available in your territory.

10 STERIS Instrument Management Services STERIS Instrument Management Services 11


We provide the highest standard STERIS Instrument

in quality assurance for all the Management Services
devices you commit to our care. Repairs Customer Charter
The STERIS Instrument Management Services Customer Charter is
a set of standards that outline what our customers can expect from
us and what we will strive to always deliver.

Safety – At the forefront of everything we do is the safety of your

patients, this defines the processes, parts and resources that we
use to ensure we provide the highest standard in quality assurance
for all the devices you commit to our care.

Longevity – We recognise the investments you make in your

surgical devices, that’s why we can repair equipment that is no longer
supported by the original manufacturer, keeping it in service for longer.
All our repairs come with a range of warranties. Just ask us for details.

Savings – We can typically offer savings of up to 50% when

compared to an OEM repair, and, any repairs we make will not
compromise warranties, in fact, we are confident we can extend the
life of your devices maximising the life of your surgical assets.

Assurance – Our repair centres are UK based so you know exactly

where your endoscope is being repaired. We welcome visits from our
Customers. Contact us for further information

Education – By providing education and training on effective

handling of your surgical devices, we can help you not only extend
the life of your surgical assets but reduce costs associated with
common or avoidable repairs.

12 STERIS Instrument Management Services 13


Booking a repair Contact us

It’s simple to book a Customer
01 The experience we provide to our Customers is as
repair with us recognises they
STEP need a repair important to us as it is to you, that’s why at STERIS
Instrument Management Services we take a different
approach to business. We go beyond the traditional
boundaries of a supplier and provider, and instead
Customer develop trusted partnerships.
03452 414747 02 There are a number of ways in which you can find out
(or emails) to STEP We schedule the more about working with the leaders in surgical device
ask for their 03452 414747
device to be
collection of the device/s management.
through a courier (or we
offer our own Collection
You can email us
Service via our team
of Customer Service [email protected]
Representatives) and
send a waybill. The You can call us on
03 /04 device is then picked up
STEP and delivered straight to 03452 414747
one of our repair facilities

The device is checked Or if you’re not quite ready to pick up the phone yet that’s no
(quoted if required) and problem, you can visit our website at:
logged into the system
– this is not done by the
If the go technician (since 99%
ahead is of the time, it’s obvious
05 what type of repair it is.
given, the
device is sent STEP 03452 414747
Or connect with us on:
to us for repair Twitter (@SterisIMS)
The device is then
Linked In
repaired, our standard Facebook (@STERISIMS Europe)
turnaround is generally
almost always within 72
06 /07 hours, most often within
48 hours.
STEP Quick reference number
Once repaired, the
Bookings, repairs or quotes
device is separately
quality tested. As a Please call
standard part of the 03452 414747
The device is then
08 repair, the scope will be
sent back to the STEP autoclaved to test for
customer via courier leakage.
14 STERIS Instrument Management Services 15
Head Office EMEA
Rutherford House, Stephensons Way, Derby, Derbyshire, DE21 6LY.

T: 01332 387100 | W:

E: [email protected]

As our policy is one of continual

improvement, we reserve the right to
modify designs without prior notice.

Synergy Health UK ltd trading as STERIS Instrument Management Services

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