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RESEER) gis 0 Beak Sear Doro haal Scanned with CamScannerKhairul’sBasicMath i WN I TS CHT AT ACHTST Khairul’s Basic Math fathon + frat fru area + fre Grae + enefices frees Frcur + fasferrery SiS oer FE. 8 eA afScuPrenpre her acer SefeeeT ee ay LTB BT e-S0 CaCHCe Cy IME (oR SRS Sa CA CORA TA HCH SH HACC IH HH CH FOCI AT AT ST AMT CARICA REIT Written & Edited by Md. Khairul Alam Rajshahi University Khairul’s Publication oad, Islamia Market, Nilkhet, Dhaka-1205—, Khalrul's Basie Math Khairul’s Basie Math ere, Writer: Md. Khairul Alam Published by: Khairul’s Publication Copyright: Md. Khairul Alam (core eas pk ecw ota re a uA rN aca BH HUA CBA BET OER ig SUSI COPAY AT ey aTenTCH aD wary apc wTeeaa arg! Co CA || er wy: I S|: HB WA, 2030 feShr re: CHEAT, goyy yeh nwa: cy, 3034 wehe mews: (F405) era goyp 8¢ Hewat: ITH » 20db OR WAT: afeeT - 209 OR RAT: (AA-AG) - CATT, goR0 Was FecahrerT: Ta: FrRNEMT CRIA Frcitr. Crm), Senet e face fase, arohr fargfanient oR: eRe ET, BI | Prive 3: 8¢0/= Bret ara | ISBN : 978 - 984 - 33 -9977-9 TCH SABLA HAT FE HIG CHA WCC HT CAIMICTET TAL: RPT OTT , CATR: Odb-8- Cbd seat cergeaet “ Khairul’s Basic Math” «| crema ACT: EHTS crore “88, oFeren wich, Mere, Ura CURIE AN: od2du-evd¢r> RG HMAC CAT RTCA TTC BUCA CCH AAPHT CH GA EA | Oddv-evderd pt anges cocigid NRONORIONN | ons nee NsKhairul’s Basic Math itt Khairul's Basic Math ef aq aera CAT aR aca fa CATA OAT RCH fait ory: [ el [RARER Ga He eee HE [_SaRes a er ae uN Pre] [Pre OF ce ACEH] [RCE er arse cree vie | [ See Face war eH ar] [ qa ew We FRE HE] RAY | WMA Faby eee CUMIN ae MRT SAG crea rare BELT | ae ye oy ACHE ACEI CHOC Ye CART ee Haare Fee Galea syns SACS MATA | SOT EE NATO BCH FA Stoica ecUTeT aca ATR |iv Sort ATs ACA UA TAT MLA OTe IR IT CATT: MTPLTA AGT CP MCHA HCAATAT TATA A DAT | Cy Four tt 7 30, Ga APH (sfTw | Se. crea [>. tar wingia race (MBA RU) | farort afaefa) de, afer 20. afm | 3. sifsga gear [PSTU! Fs sana ien cio | 0. spgar sfaae (arfe) ‘ oy (af) | ute |g, areerar Srerst (SrA) (Eng, HSTU) ¢, areyR Safes afm (AaTEReT, a) | 93. SERIE ST AAT | 93, BRAT | y. car ae Dre (aufe) | 9°. fem oe ja. args Fee. (=f@) = eee eae vy Ta: a ETA (ATS) | je |e >. STATA OTH (FAR) | ree | ane L OUGIS WAS FAA SFR, VSM TSTT S-VA, worareh He aeAT Tene IA “afeunrs WES FACS HACUPCT BACH, WEA aa Affe Foul Hors weKhairul's Basic Math v Inner Page em Fee Price rece FER Fe: wate anbtie oR < Sere | Khairul’s Basic Math 214 os "eat Sar axe wa SH wen age coe ore cote or wae) aT Oe Keer ey pees aren oie wal ergs Fan | cere Sas femee WS Be ASAE EH A AR ATE TAS FOE TTT OR ATA STR | rare fire era aifices fafa way € Se FT face oraas Sat TIT BES GI HEA AG AT ahaa <0 aT FOG TER A, SHH HR MARCOTTE ANAT ESM TOT aR Aad BAA, BAT-TT | sears BINT FATS SAA BET TT AGS TAAHTS BETTS - AEE < AT CE AT | BAT A HUT HAA BCS TATAT AR STATON aE AOA RATA BT FA LA | aR ome ey ae Tat: MRP ST 09-30-ROQOR ee| AMOrS: gone, ane aaa, a | Mia, sn ge, ares ge ort, MEL aS ROY, OF TH, ce = weal ga Deby, Tor a8 orb Rage OO, Ce REN, Ce AH, erage ata | ® WCB: FE ast aces RA, cove I RBS, SOF TMA, tase, USE, Ce ge, AON SoH, MOTATORE aS Sem aT ag To oe a Or, after we ora awe ze ore, EAM TT ws ‘arg so: AtererAt agH egal, 4h 97] | fray 5: FS Oar at SI Tega Feta: ‘Srey Rea TT IAD) TEBE cot SoH TF, ay, Gari arceat, faecahs aiecgah firm fet epee: ame Meee TO sreeaah (fois were orca). wep eet arc ena forthe: seem mace | WTC: ateq etey, BR: Diente paces Brat ae ID, caer ae Bap, RM, Beat Fey es Soa (aes ae), Beat Ti (FETE), ory FRR ( zB fale) = onl gop | SF Sie RSET Gna aa wee Re (ole), Short aah Ga SOUSA ALA), Ure ge abe (BaRdy ATER) , recat mega (arenas), Stig SrRcgat (SHA) BESS Tea, SEER aaa. MT Ace, eT Ga 7 a ‘Sel wg ae aera MR, Rey EH, DL Se RSH, aS eA PTR ret, 1 ASE, erat Gena som), a We ABA, GT en Rens ae | eerrprel : tet ifort ge fee, STE TESA, OTA TE | | BRA FRG, acre RSH, am wa, ee mR sere wine rae) front Feet _ aes, cet ( ota, Hee) rar: mreereret were aves) ae ge 7. erect (ara fore) fers) aecath, ore * ZKhairul's Basic Math vii Inner Page i See: rere errecgat, fepanecah, Tes, cacafa crbceraten areata area, VST SAG OPO, SG SMA, Feaeyien MRA, CRT TARA, copia reat, aaa are ee AST ha, ee [Bere TPA wre eee icc FF OM, Tee MA, aoe ae a ae ‘Bre =reaa a i owe wa Ea, eo, ARS get fe recat, Dera ARR, eT, sleet aA, BS RST i G ae aka aaa wren qe fern, Heer ea, Ae | _| sere, a2 caer —— RE Me Ra, STH RH, SE Faber, DTTeeT SERA (gS), fager ae aber, serge aregtt eonae | Prt ect, cer eal, ferns qe abe, zaly me, CORt aie ST, | | afer erecat, afar erect ~) at gee fect, sae areca | aeete erracaat (f¢ a Borer) , TENGE RAT, Cr as ae, aT RS | : SETI + oreteum erat a Giaeitrr arecaal ae epecgah, feria qe Tee ATHITH AF Cote GUMIICAIN weRH: ODDLADIELD Math" Khairwls Math opr ccs fies fees orice Basic Math ffx Searchi Khairul’s Basic Math viii > fefea eacra Feet > Freres e Sere ART Cae aT > WS. Be a. > wBTeeACeE ATIC ARAIT Ca RT | 38 | 40 > Ga gam fare rare Ore aa > fete aie enere Bf - 45 > MSu-SPT a STT-aTE Bow 46 > SARC AAS - 1318 > ofa ey an -— bi i > fafee or samKhairul’s Basic Math ix Inner Page | wart. 6 Pri T 106-136 | > RA 6 ay - S | ] > SURO ATTY te | > SIRO WA Ca SAT | | > Sy teat ea --.. | | > BP 6 ree meme te | > SARC Sa —> | 124 | | > emoas fafay > | 126 I | > at wereee aie fag ere 127 is > wares Boa Re ae @ AER 135 SOR-o¢ | ecmefie Rest @ SHIT (Decimal Fraction) | 136-146 SOR-ob | a We ayer (Square & Square root) 147-157 wore-og | ac GH (Train) 158-176 i - ae | 161 164 165 L pe] | (177-196 F 178 }179 183 184 | 188 | 190 195 | SOF-o | gstetet ¢ THE (Boat and Sea "| 197-214 r ' > Sater oe cae eat { > ofee nfs a earSe ee eH Khairul’s Basic Math aft ey ea aT TH TS TH = War Site am wae ay Bead et are ace —™ 94 et AT CC SHTEMT CHAT THT 4 > SAB FEY TH LON CAT HE CT AER BTR COTE eRugiat afer fey ery - BARNETT, UTE, TA oo wT BET, RATE core | We Ba, B. fseas 255 sa ft for seca crc =TeeaT a reer ort - CeRCeTa FRO —- at seem Advanced fy 2% ferfers atat @ are > area ATS aT eS > ane a fea eral Ba a aT > are a wes feats at aT > enya Fase aa A —-———-- > feces fog cafe ee wan aKhairul's Basic Math Inner Pi PBR ER FETE TEE > Ray ST ear ee ea eT |S > aiena @ wy er j > me wr eres eS > Ome ee cae on, > a we ae a | > fees, fewer, ses, orem owe we oom on eee EE | 387 } > 7m fate ea a ae > ee emis > Saree prea - > 9 eq rece care crt a. > Wate 7 eer ae > TE-8S - ws. 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¥0 fet Oe a SEEN ST | ysaiga cet (Reflex Angle): @ arcs frat yz TCT (180°) acorn Cah FR BTA ARCH (360°) SCAT FT OS AFR CHT AT | Confit ert: 8, 180? ACH ay RE 360" cH CaS ca PM AT? /RAKUB (Supervisor)-2017] % Fen 3, aT IT APRS % age ort Cae 180? aR cates ay FRE BOO? a CUT CT IC ee TAT NT | BR AACE OTR AGG BTA AH OMT CRD CaTNCH aO- - CLAFS TT HaAT-o8) @ ga Ca + FT 1, FEC Wat tae Aw FRATT corres fe cme ORT (HE NITIET-0) ¥ age TT a, ARTE 1, RTC & PRATT wane 4, 180°
», fay Ire (#) wv (%) be TT: x°42x92180" (1) >9@ (8) voyaitul’s Basic M: gnairul’s Basic Math x _— the figure bel yo, ln the Tinure Delow, the value of y iy (fea fica y 445 #22)/angladesh Bank Of 2013] al2 baz $ "ae, es 436 Sen b ERE (2X)° S (3N)° A ore cape x4 dn = 180 A,Sx=180 2 y=36 sare, (2N)° & (y + 30°) end cere ae, +30 4, 5 y «36-30 yy, In the figure, what is the value of *a°? (S52 Sex 4 « 0 bs " salieri: #8 S822) Agrani Bank Lad. Sen, op 1 5 nd FEE Oc+ a+b =180 [Abe tat bem ot 80 =72 3 Ge TH (Complementary Angle): BE ere WR ce weee ew coke weet Te 2m A= a, eB arent gue pecan Nar UT RET OR NBS AR Se fee crete (Fe Bee EE. 2 RM: arent farpcora pScertecrst AAR bo” (FTES S carea wa pyo°ed TT EST bo” + way AB er ao") STREET ai, FETT eT ate SIRT, vs Kaye abo AL Ax shoe WN 2 38, ge ore ere aR GOTT SETA 8 FER AAT 08 fet +, 89 fear nee PETCRRES ERIN = 82" Gosia 3 FS WA? [IBBL- (ATO)-2017] & soe fet Bae Ge, wemew cere re GEN S28 (CHM TF RET OT HE OMY ORE A) Bae MB cafe:1 Khairul’s Basie Math 754 3a eH cost HH a eR GRIT en Ca aw 1 CHITA A () vo (=) 8@ (1) 90 omni 1, CAAT = y.cary or ofan Grete Bet Ix. spdane x4 2x <0" [HAM crore aah OC)" eer ven ea a, x= 90" 30” aqua contd fraist era = 30" US TH TSI UO? py ames frat oF ts conta eM} BEE ATE et SATS AA TICE BATE RTOS sks 2 ff sof a8 cart aR ert: sa, yt spre cate TAR BEE (err © Hr %, no feat 3, seo Feil 1, 380 feat 1, 980 feat tens 38, 0 fst aa a CONT WED (aH TERE) @, po eit 4, 200 Fest 4. vo fet 300 feat te 34, BAB arene sermnace ceH sae AIRS Corset CAMTIET.. (criras ses , wo fest a, So feat a. suo feat y, 36¢ feat Baa 4 Se. THAT oe BA corre oe Cte (fio arrears On | , 90 (el %. ¢e fet 4, dbo fit vw 390 fed Rene sp. fngcarn GR cece aR a ore BRT Tm IONS atic MTA. (seat ABE) (Hep: 28 tener coves af oe mt TE I PTR AEM 1), SA: I 0. Which one is the complementary angle (f¢% @™) of 90 degree? (Rajshahi Krishi Cunayon Bank-11) 0 degt a, O degree b.50 degree o.50 degr 4.150 degree Bara Rb, GH FANE oT TUM TENT HT AWA fevers, (rcertore) sa] Bee cP (ara maTeH FGA A HATH bo” HN UHL A | ST ARE GCE EET BO” SPM |) 88, HD a amis a ae AT ODE aig Seta ae Tem ARTEAT | Cort HBS ee TEA FON Gere Cre os ice meorT.00) Bet at ar ATER ‘YAS Catt (Supplementary Angle): AB cores TAB GE TICE eT eee Stale Tye CST aT | CTR 1392 so" HE epee: 20, Hf ARE cores HR ACRTH eM ee era em? (woe fnew) wee CTS ST 5, FPA CT ame | BE 88. 380 ARE TELA Ts CHM FEE (Frere Freee Frere BheT-20) bo fast %. See ft +, oo see fe = BORE's Basic Math 185 THT IT i as eer Tae ak Amys? (8 sasme-30) 308 a a a ee om ES ‘ort 2 ee swig ithe = woe fet = ame HS SIRE He lene aces, eg ee M235 » ste ES et ICGDF Linon tion, 2019) wee sas oe (8) se (Chava (D) 08 en D af RRS cress om a oo” or ete gator ef TEM A” GH IT GET = Syo*-9" = y0R? TAF CO | safge GT (Adjacent Angle): 28 cota SFr ac xen stinne aes Box sto corner aif GAT IT | Sls TATE eTTCAT BE cote aR cote aT Le onde erat: 0, AB TAI FTI SH SIT ater RTE RT OF a ARE cord Seng a, Ciena aA aA (erste sr cai6-30) ®, yo feat . 930 feat T, 3k0 fist 7%. dbo feat cena 0, fate amor eT CORT be (Sit Ree CATE ww? (arr Fre afi. 0) no fait 4. 330 Feat +t, wo feat %. ve fet Cary oo ER corte ask Ay ret aa 2 cot Zi ait aretet aeR fare fice GAR ws, wT! aTT a Bee ert wa. (NBR-20/5) STR 2. RF GMT i, Re cert Feder cont Bax Confusion Clear: cerca afar ho” a1 Seo" FS Gram aT OT oe wera TT Se aR RF ase FETE Gam’ RRS GAT) HFA SAT oT STE sor Few rat ARES core ote aT] Pre CSM ATG Aw ea GeRAT PTT BB cece ANT wo"+ 0” = vo" Ret CHT AE fre aT prema core arr 1 FRE ACRE aT aT STRPA T TE TEMA ARTS CE TTT | SROKS cat: HAE ea Fafere LOMA BACH T TQIT HOGER | CTA: | b Lo, oTon fratce AB aay BC arer seg GM = ZB See COM (Alternative Angle): 2 wHeIT HATE st ae cre Rokesra (Tere) cer Ta cea crate Faerahe etieaf HATETTT TST GT GUM Bey ST ST AISA Se ATT | ETRE MET ATA SA |Khairul’s Basic Math 756 eS CHT (Corresponding Angle): yb araresrT aReartce Bot welt Fara forest CR AT CRE ATT RE FICE HEAT rep or ori x Core Beng aE, WE TH I A | " A BATE ZX eae LY TORTR ER CHM | RT CHIT HATS GFR HT eR ga CATS TT AAT | feafPre TOT a ET ROM TTT TT GAR AAOTAT b THI AIA IATA MO BCA CRY: TOT a THT TAT aR ATGTET b CAT ATA | are a eeaS a TT ATE oA by THA CM ATT 1 BO” ROA | SHAG at = 180° c7aeg Crt (Interior Angles): cl GHA EPH, VALS SAAT APC VSS A HOLA oT CIE Berg ae WIE CIBER Te OT foe Fa Ty GT CHAT ATE | “ esq Gort (Exterior Angles) :com faye, OSs Seat sage HH ca oe aE AS aE aR rE TET @& Confusion Clear: S@:% Te Tr Comat HTT SI aRee cor eT RCA aT | Few ag Ga TE “esr comet ra arf HR aa GUM TAT | AC PRS Ae eon cas Bee AH wT feey ca OT COREA, Oftatt cra: form (8:8) ZACB + (AR) ZACD = 40°+140°=180"irul’s Basic Math THAT'S CHIT ib 30 wrt: Soffa a CAGE CB srt ems cme | ZA = 1158 = ZB ue! 3. no” La 340" a 330 ASH Corot a aR 82 (ene Fee ram ere) 0" no” aac 140° 0, 8 fA cates RR Cate on ee? Cony wer) Fe, “hee 300 389 8, WAR Re Corea THRE a (ery 6 hives rasteo%) %. dbo dbo 734% "be e. 10 fell Corea me COM CHB? (en o ‘elorears wastern-o¢) aro A330 200 308 6 a oe Coreta AAR we ro whee UsIMT-o8) Fao eo Lae R390 490°
Khairul's Basic Math 158 fey O arene ercereat: A figger fon are arn errs fiat onare geet fs, B from ABC eft fags | ext AB, BC ¢ AC font are wat ABC eis sree fo Cae ate Ses er TH 00 epee rece rere er srr Fggenr ar ef ee I aT Om | TT ft (Base): for BC zen © Ahdfeg (Vertex): fea Aer AME & weg ce: bun ABC fags crema foes ox ReaD cot NK ZA, 2B, LC Bey LMR SEE TT 8 @& aftrgert: AABC fieae afer ot ZACD tert Seog arm wr AR ECATT & Sworn fags Aeiry cree fin Som fe ee tice Bw aT foot AD = ABC figrem SmeT1 SS mg: Regewn A Fg cae een mategs er GRU wT aC | fea AD 5m; Gert AD, BC err 2 Set Spr eae) Supe B 6 C Frate Atay tea etc a west eR a aT | | figs Rae erpyt waters faye fafer tater wor San Frets saree cont were omyepf com ek Srrmofr See RE sere fife orem ety Todt eat aT ee CTOTERE Fae sth = at figs arent fe nD geen ener a SEE UE eas ae a rETE - 03: fpr fon core a sro” eu 9 ac ‘ foo ZA+ 2B + 2C= vo" aha murat NXre haitul’s Basic Math 759 ge A se OF I A ce et ort riers fat ret 180? oxcret cart mgd comn eee " f» aaa oe i. - . 8 es ISTH CARER S00 fit eae Ber Hi core Frcmme Bo Feith, Che CoM STA EE Bem: vo feat an cet Kiger SAE comet af FRET 2 Gort Feqe ae SSH cer we CM Fenton curren sto, BIA S00 mm ITA Sho-Y00 = vo AH! gata Fata mee ace cee ras af, OT HAE = x seat, 9 com xe TTS, BE Xt X420 = 180" (carey fingeera fom cote ora ge NCE TT 30") 60 At, x=160+5 = 32. +. ratafBa offaane 32° Ans: 32° x ae Et cor x420 oo ge Re cree art es, ary = OH, PT ME AH ee? lero ee upierce eH exer afr 2038) +, 60° +. 120° 1.160" 7,90" ta amare: £4 249% 2 190° ag, SEEPS 3°3°3 = 180" a, = = 180° a, 2x=180 x = 90" spear Peer carafe a we 2 Lian" 8. oP fags A corte oftart wes, x, Fae SS, en conte eH we ler son atbanrera se PEI 2008] - = 60" 490° 1.30" 4.50! ent ‘aerate - 03: Ragcenr cacern Ba ge AAR wea ET Te wT RUE, SAS gre a Cay A cI ar ser ph are oe Ty RL RH | LON A RH TT TE ATA ar acaficr AB =0f ,BC=8f. ae AC= 0h Gar, o+8> e¢ a, a>esss AB+BC > AC Bar te CH aE A FACING TT CATE OF AT CAT FE | B 5 OR ete: “3m ager Oe a A? en poet Be 41 Yb, WIRes0 teas\ — Khairul's Basic Math 760 figs aD faagant Feats area OTS w FAB, 3 ADT So fase are fang CRU. [9 CoAT SER Bee g ore iter 2033) HR a8 a.30 VOPR Ben y RCM: (RR ATH RATER CEPA TC ST) fingers ge aren tS weiner FRET | (STATE A) | 648. 20 1 oan Beate foal are eer aaCT aT aE THAT AT 8. If the two sides of a triangle are 5 & 6, the third side cannot be /Agrani Bank Lid Oficer, 2013) a)7 b)3 o)8 4) 12 tard «Solution: 5+6= [1 is bigger than 7, 3 &8 but not bigger than 12 So the Ans:d eatearate - 00: fingers carer a aren ores, BEM ag ETE TER, is eCOTH A Te RAM eH om eres ry cae CaP eT 4 arom fr AB =f. ,BC= aff, ax AC= eft 3 UU, ¢-9< BER ACB 3 [yom we aM, AC - AB < BC B ac arate wa: caf Srgcers eA area Rael TatEETR @, b ame 32 aeIET CH CoH AAD ste Facatt eet wT eS, are eT CORE Re | Fes A er a Fra RT A TANIA 0,289, GAT ARTA MT, MT RT 38 C= IAPS a! 08: ABagemer corn Pe fg ee OTH FRAN TT THOR ARTE AAMC ATHY | Bp ¢ O Confusion Clear: 44 fra e4 ey Senza Frye, ore fg arate eat ere eff HRT TAT fia ferdte face AN Fre woT) RTA: TS OF HT ST: (3 fagen of austere (ii) Pacer mT ges CRRA TTS HR SIT OPT EA | fea AD ost ABC fagces TSmeRTe FAIA HE BI SY STATE Git Rargcor momecTA aA fagees AAR eT ER | fm AB+BC+AC > AD+BE+CF sn ter aft > wea aft Ce ete: vw, Rewang ABC ere argo ary aarmeteg Ai x, AD wat wr fbr AABD et care X TART AABC <8 CRIT BO] (oseH fram) wax? 2x beat jn —_——ul's Basic Math 761 fea sof ee We Res foatS arate cae care fog mT Sr oat et AABD TM AABC eet ace, wrx orem y cit a5 feeata CORA NAN =Ix. Boe: atte; c -0¢: y sara -0@ I A arafors AC seit qeem ore a ete cet 2B acer i. ae oT, ZB UR ZA 8 ZC tert tare ay, at a favre arate aay YF TS BOTH TE Zor | Bete AC TRE tere perme 7 . : . © Notes Cea RIC TE AMAT Cor ER on ETEK co eee me BEER RATE SAAR -O8 + CTT finger aan ara ae Fane comterma sree ona sree TTS A Cores FA TROUT FAM BA | CTT: A sora feaBOS AB = BC = 5 fine AR ex ferrite ZC ex: BC aes fete ZA rma aT) ZA = ZC (arm feettte wenn sam) Please Bae Sf eo ae we eet fips of ae cots ona go feq fox figces sen gaat sa aan a EEE Taare @ fargeemia Tae Te Tea Ferdte ere Pe BR, B si © oom, fags ABC we frga DEF o# BC 78 = EF TR=5 SOR) cERE BC ot EF Te mt aan, oi wromt Rete corren wee ZA eee ZD om ARR wR ZA = 50° a ZD = SUP 4 ma 68 wren CR aa RTT we Fre REE IE S Babee ZA =ZC = 45° we ZA oR CCE HS, aN B e UR aged fetite aeeT TURES AB 8k BC STAT Gm AB ag 8 fide wT BC=8 ORR! fram & ct carpet = i fits: (Se ATE SER TEN IS TEST T CF ST ¥ “earning points: Oye afer 4 Sato Aes ETE ATTY TE SAGE 04g: fg aa TR Ae FATT ATE Sm AABC aa BC ae D is aE FH TARO ACD afesrant = wR ZA + 88E ZB ZACD = 140° erate, (2B =90") + (ZA= 50") = 140" | Ph aferg camtt couse Faerie care aes COMET FATT Tee ae tar aE Ge wa MET CHT RCE TF cor Berg ea or ottte wary corracrs Taf ATAWE fingey AABC 4 BC ate D ste afte rat een, ZACD a ae eet (NBR 2015) BLA+ LB-ZC LLA+ LB aZA-ZB-ZC ZRH LC Bate s esis ZACD = ZA + ZB P * = ® ‘ pret at 4" | 3 ert OL Cae HS af {Ss SAPTE-ob | fires aig corrorera CAPR B AIGA Al Ob? apeae Eargcord OT HI yf afery cores ah GE TICE eT RS AT | NT AR: GT GT ROHN ORT ( Bega, omnpe, wept -Lerfay crmme) Ry GHeTTH TAE Obo” BT so, Tere Sggrers food gre afore Bey PRE COM FRAGA GUD erat we EAT fats es tr or 3038 (73030) 1. 30° b. 980" c. 880” d. vo" Ans: b Solution: ores SCE OR | co ager cr te alt afirg cot Faeratw CAT See a carers safe coe, font afeg cores aa aca UB seg TeTets eA TT | reney fewrsra fenft cares 7afB = d¥o* ea & A canes wale eet we0") ORemember: <#f freras oe sere pttete ate wea Bt sary crit eat AT eH CF aT aT aeB wee em ae feo ome a A eran B c fas pr ete Areaan ref eA rere Te AS AA OY TRE aS Bea ARE CHI feETS TATE OT | Cisafrare- ob: figcerr creer gare wera recurere ater wh ate raTaRTeT @ OE | fotr ABC frgcert AB ar AC ama nefey mttaer Laan oat aac EP ote BC are area ¢ EE are BC aga wots | oehe Ey = ‘ BC ann i . ‘ en 3, Sagres fom mea TaN UMTRTE WG yo FDA REM ARE oFER fiver (pent ante ft. $0) om . SERTE e a8 he CONT TOON 4 RET TE AD REHE 4o aE wae aw MLN HOA HY A oT TEA Fem 0 a Yo sews Ua UO HO RH BME AIG ad we we wa ya arg aa ae 81age ails Baste Math a8 Co ae Mo RT ANT oi oe 3g Ans: ¢ zsojtion: SCT TA SOPTER RCM OT GET TR CTI UE at S |g rest Boa Fer ca Fae to eet afta ae |fageen fears snk a CR aR Bar eee = 1 a Z - BUY Cc off fags a4 Zon Sf =m faye aba wie, TIgis © cEMeT aEM Rom | wie eb fax fq TART RT FHI OTS THT TAS aa aT ee GaSe AG CH aT UR AT CEA, at freer a RACE Ae et ar SU APS Cea TH EIR A ores finger gone xe AT FT: TINS, SIGS @ CRE TAA AE TA aes ra IS: Fac MISC see AAS frye ATA FRA 6 TEQS Cts IT 3, for TTT . 4, GPT ew aI I a women fag wRET 6 arg TT re aq eT |e ordre Roe he = : Z : ‘ Oa finger wag rider ee a? ser ye of RO rer 3e ai fitrR ea eT ORT ATT EH caret orate east fem cae TR: 5 Re a Ras Tg TS eR HHT AE ET CTE ‘ EVAN © ® ' & rene af fr wemek 30 of RE s.r eo ag Fa care A ca Fg FEA Tee UT eT ERS A HE EH A 8 Ws tea oT: foie OTE SRR Go” SS wits a Ta ay waar (age Away ETT STOTT CATTTE R | ITEC arAPL RO MUGPO STE THT HATS MT RET FHBSKCC ETAT lj cea rar care FARE A KETENE wT MAS\ I's Basic Math Oat one 90, finger earn are amin oe Fre HPT RAB NB a? feos fea | eget fom ag wera Foor area aT sans fen one seratba For ane TF ai aE cart re Tg Seta BR aE META TE TT riacetha Bare 6 wee can wala 22 ate 6 ws Ge APT Say 38, GR Sages meas cH BorerTOUT ATH RMT RS fp AR MAH NS WE AH 7 (RAKUB (Cash)-2017 = Wag ¢ cede cat Tee te GOT TE fer oatet a for ae, Bar eT 8 face Foatb cor >a ent rage Faget a TET TA AT AABC #2 ADEF 44 ZA = 2D 2B = ZE aR £C= ZF fq AABC at ADEF 70 77) B c 90, WPF AP Figen a se 9 wren SAGE cant ATT KH, wee FR GE CHT A? Be Fo aA ye, BB figres wee cara Breer maT age ager a or RR AT - (ares Fir ae: Preto) San: for cor 99. Fee cant coat eran or em finger Sista Wiest H finger acer? (erate zea Paw 2053) orp ager s.r fag ot ror fae & aaiion fangs Bee: = » Sa:crq (In-centre): froer canes safeties Tear Cl fea ftw BT UNF weLEY Te | A foae- AABC- © ZA, 2B @ ZC ain aafetae aga fre fay O | BH Om fagetts sesrry | B c HORE ote ow. Toe ce sto er OR Te - (eralie RATER FR: PreF-or) tae a, fcr 1. Rear TERR tan o*facea (Circumcentre) fararer ag at feta Gor whee rem fryers weTETA ca firqce farts er wie ACTS AA fom. faces n AABC- 4 AB, BC ¢ AC aime Se are wm TART OP, OQ.OR | > ® ws O ey ofacore @eaea (Centroid) a « fagcerm Airy ee fate ater mara ster oer ot Fate faftre = everpairul’s Baste Math 7165 pai- O Sa o rit fier AABC-4 A.B ¢ C Atiry aa vim fede ae wT BCAC.AB | 495 4M fing core cence mafirgy areca smerorarer i? AQBR.CP | taster Fite zomg O fears 1 amt O ea freer ACFE | RE AROAIOET TAT RC 8:3 CRE cenaEA RE a atic OB=20R ° Q 4 REET CRITE AIG TaPicere Seow Spt sat ate | well: >. CRIT Cty ST 9, PORTEOT GET © eT | Te: @ set fee (i) FRC fag (ii) gercenh ager 9. TERE AWE © eer | Te: (i) rat feager Gi) >Re Gi) RTE ger o carters finger fea erat 1 ()-7rerit figs (Right angled triangle): (rxce fagces Gora mace ch eH IC or recers eee cart ACH CIEE ATR fe AT | - fa ZB = no° at > *ATHT Chrcentt fingcora ABs Harare RaeET AE CHT TENE HATS A 90 LETT acerca etdte TRE ER S| “ - a | i i i i 8 ares Bo aefe MemeTr CMTE HE wn eR Boa TEE rarer Anges AACR ARTEL efor Coraerceg APT 1 cot AeoraTes Bees AN aoe AIC CoAT AT, AC*= AB2+ BC (afeger = 9+ GF) A OTS TTT Coat Beit: Ls gare ge ee ester a Bere OT AT Ae TA TT LSTA fern 7Khairul’s Basic Math + recent firgcem crane: = * (ae 2 or aac’ fy ae cma ear ane Few form seer ABCD at tats o a3 IKE BCD aarti fees sere 2 aft (taf) » Baer (ee) 3 coeta farrba fexetet ort: Anak D Q \ 8 0 0 © 0 font fore erices cour ApH or freer off SE (BEC. BEC. BGC) 70% Fae, ama Fae BAB yo @ Bway CATE oF apse ETE areca afar FB ane FC wfen fetes ae ores crore al STE ee REE | POTEET CaTAN cote: Tan fargcra NE Te fay nie my Ty are Swe ¢ Ge cA ETT ‘Sswet_(Altitude/ height) weat (Median) | fagren Shfiogaht cece ao fhe amet Sos EET Avenel care ends went ROT wise eet fp Sweet) (RTS TTS a STAT | | Snel aes gaa ac bo GH eA eet (Sat Rn eee OS OT | m Confusion Clear: vraag ¢ aaeaty fares eR we EET Se | Sie fagces foot Seer tem =a) Sigs Cae ar Sa ar Saas Somes | eprsy sea qe Sev oa Tey a we . at soston fargo weyers iy aR!Cysts Fore am seer, ae nie coon a TET TATA 5 = ARE SY org Am Sa SED ip: GRC AEA =z Khariul’s Geometry (Basic to Advanced) | spicanieliiiet Theory 44 3az Practical aren + ffm fSfew Berger + seas THT een SAUSISH Sc SIeH seme er GUMHICIML TA: ODADe-vdew | Q . — Pratt finger Aeretators aoa ect: srretl fngrent Sfogues Se wafes aon, 2 fingoae cn gh ater Se fie wferema aa AeTT (Goren: asic ABC fagrs eifeS sigs Gat aah aca irae teal ST | 4 WME | wast Sega AC ee Sta eee wieaB AB at BC some Baa | ance wiosanara 7afea aa A ster 7| ease Thrones RPI aera Frc TH, I> | AB>+BC? l | | gpm AC =5,AB = 3. aR BC=4 By yc | qasmecn era me 5344? aI, 25=9416 a, 25=25 | . a at fe | am, SEES ACH 5 oa cites & caer amert tf AeUtT fera a, we asadice eqn ear | ean 9 Pre ¢ 8 fide wer siege wae ¢ fide za) ‘wane zat as | SE erin | arent frgeera Bora Peers Ae PH CTE AE AE See See AG As TA ATH, ES LS See cara ory ea PROT BPE ANT | HOLES TT AS AT Hea AAT etetoreT OTA a ROT ATS AC CABLE A AG | SA CAOTRTA ATT GAT TTR HOTS A AT | ORE SAE AIT ST TAT ST RO a AT PTA AGA Oracentt firgcers cart acenta BIATS: merge wfeger waar orem s hog nro eee GES HATE HA TAY AAT A TH aa STS BA Hea (ROTA TALS AT Orca Rigor orgenfee a area egos fs x ax 9 x V2 Pree aT fz sneer eer af 3.23 23.2 = ‘pects eae afr 3 3 4 8 5G eta 3744) HS Mh careers ere afr 62 8 #10 221 [2 Nat oe] eH O48? © reer wagare af 9 #128 15 eat [3 wrt © anger egos af 12 # 16 9.20 2 | 4 wat oo © agora sare aft 15 2:20 2.25 er 5 watt Gel & crgecrm erate uf 30 #40 2.50 2H 10 at et} Cage sept ster) (? #1, 36464 = 100 a1 100=100— Khairul's Basic Math 768 = Sige O a8 sigpifioe areca fey amore wrprre a 5 2 122 13 ey atatt S412 = 1, 254144 = 169 at 169=169 2 ROMS TSE Sans eto OTT a Uae Sacer ae acre ar oe Bem ce amor erprre a 8 815 517 aT Pre oR ae Aes ON OTT agama wpe ah 10 2 24 126 aT) O fifty ete areca eter: ‘opept erate ape are ae MUCUT IC RCH ATCT UT Fico SATE CCT CAR CAT OB FT| Corfe ee: oa. 17 of, 15 of 8 eA ae Fg (or wr ATE) () FRR (a) safeate () ace (9) erent Bea TTT octet wafer 17? 82 = 280 = 225464 =3289 = 289 WR Zeal wal ce faye | 20. ren ge en ne 328 a my Fu ay ty ORT 9 oe teas TT sfogr = (eR) + er? Dx =yle)? +(@)? = ve =e oi racer ages steer treba mas wer GoM Papa Pett Bago 8 mer watt xe of ‘Two plans leave the airport at the same time, Minutes later, plane A is 33 miles due north of the airport and plane B is 56 miles due east of the airport. How far apart are the two planes? (BB Ass: Director-:-11) (Aetenarcos ae aca eee FHA 1) BeA-65 2g, Galt aca gre Sa OG aiews Or crore 1 AR eT a aw Boh afegERE tas 1 fio wer friar wftoecert BH ww? [ation « Profane xa eed} 20094! PETROBANGLA —(UDA)-2017) a4 43 4.6 x5 sare TRS aca ofa, racer fangrera oy = x ARETE el = (x - 1) fibre oe foyer = (x + 1) fit 2 amr Frgce Cr, x 4 Gey? aN + (ke 1p (Aerenate Sora] x-t 3 an xt xt Lext+x2-2x41 ae dx osfogr= 4+ 1 = SiR [ar sae cestea x Mca ae Ce aor RAED cI ate, Seis AAS BEE ANT Bar: o:B.e = wfoge = ¢ sedis org, ft ag aoSCETN ATG MTT y ar we aT WITT IMTS RA OBC a.769 fee (wee (nova wu fe eet 9 cide a; Pew Sega Se MOTT» CRT A | SOG Coat Bar: 30 cree Peal seria fafae fore MTG tt So tem sare ress 2 man afeget 7y oe Sat: 20 2 EC Sete ei Fr am Fe ae ae ey MOTE AACE PT 24, 6a aC Serge fg 3a cafe a [RAKUL (Supervisor)-2017] SRA ator Ie EEA RIE EET ces) e830 42698 Reese ene ace fingers foyer So em emer sate er se-sacm comer me 6 afin ander BOR: O38 A Srezcera seca AMT = 28:0 mI webise WT Bd83@ TENA ART ATF | ae, macel finpore fer wef icra sepa ix i memes so bm © @ fie | mo CREM freer senti-oe | \Melpis2:¢9 ferret oe y9, orem cae (s2xe}ea=e0l ue 4 ee 1. 8@ 4, oo . tere ay, CTT CRN cgoRt RET 13 co ere AEATAT 30 cof | Regen cm Fate EH fr rece sir ftir sores 2009] 24 4.27 1.28 3.30 Ben 8 Pg ofgimm, 2s =atb+c=30 1, a+b)" - 2ab = 169 twat, b = ot a, 17? - 2ab = 169 rat aH, 2ab = 289 - 169 -13=17- [rare fare] ai, a? +b? = (13) = 169 get CTT FTCA CORTE = | 60 = 30 aiefit1 Ans: 30 2 SHOE HA >> Oe we arene esi Sqr Ser enh igre MTEC A 3430 HEA ea Fy ese SAERE se =H frseta oR RTE SEG BANE SOXC re eg Sf UH 5g IaR G AAI SREG = 941 TEAR Ray eee Sho aH ITE = v0 1 34, eb aS 80 YB Spi ceed RACHA ACR TATE ae ee or a HEHE SED HT? 8S 82 afeia Cr Cae & EE EH ATT TER) Bees BEE 84 ters feat et, ery AeA LAAT A FACE A (wn ger ps can ware EARN ATE TAA) a ~ —————ewooaoa——awawawasw,m= Khairul's Basie Math TW fepy Ce aT Ab, Gait sear Sagres crfowen avis ge yO | CRE AIT ATE 8 ary me OTT eB 2 har 2on (Help: oa-¢ aibtocecn ¢ frea on een aga aibracen seo8e wr] Bat sea ag NN 2 A RR as ee OE GF caer Ne HBT Gy wea Ten APTA CATT | SIMA AT NH ACE FRET He ar at ae ef we? (Help: angers septa: isbts99 a EEA ofege | BoE sof, so, aah apc a cre Reg ara a aT - (ner to) + ee er 4 aR EM Baye 03, ae Ragen foe near co yibs eee cmt wae Cem Twos) CER THe TTT: iY sre fa ay aa | ZB = 90 Ra ZA ott ZC ot AR OS OT SST ‘aera, Ta obs fe = no” | OME Lm orm eA CO MTA BO hes, a CaP Ge tee MIEN bo” Tee TT ATS | TE AA AT ATH n A os, FET Ragee ETE fae awe com co? eA SE CTA eR fem wo ofimscer weer seireemy safer goon) 30° 4,00" 1, 80° Wo" ees Oasceth fagcra Bers faq ate: 190, AABC 4 ZA = 70" oe ZB = 20° Um fined cor aeitay (aii @ Reon tnlt oferaces (Bhar 278) Fre -$03) we, racer 4 saa, 1 yr a Ra cat TN: BABC 4 ZA + ZB+2C = 180° A = 70°420°4.2C = 130" = ZC = 180-90 C= 90? nt Trcey ae CEN TTeNT eR age orrarh Ainge | S & 8. yO, 38 CH 6 @ Cia TRAP figale— Ifa waren eens extent (arm) FicaMt-gose) aE at aR 1, ace = Tact vet orm: araqer, 127457=144425= 169 rata, 13°=169 ones, Sieger = ore Hef" gear fing weal aca fgeT on, re rece ference IGT BT BED AL Canty fre iG oe stare arm (Rw pom) cee! “ean cet nears ort a amc a, ages cent BHT ren fagcanr cen ares wT CENCE aA = oy ea res apshe eta cote AP sree arc ae |inairal’s Basic Math EE SEE Se ey eta vm _ TENDERS © UM Cait oem fee ea) coe: O88 OREN 8 Ge | FeaR mR = 2xoxe ofp= wage i ce, 9 CNA fg wfoGE ie rene sorte cases one a TE TR 03 0. RE a ee wr | 300 auoey aes TT 2 3x2) = =ix08 = .0 Bat 0.05 F002 ‘aay eb, Sef cert figs FSR RIOT wT He Tie Caf 0.9 fie BR 0.0 fibre aH faagaRa cRTIET aE? (ar ener ts aC © Boe af: fon) [Mlelp: Sx(2xe) =» X08= 00] Bat: 0.08 3 (i) PMA fags (Acute Angled Triangle): i fargree fonts met TART (bo” aR TCS aT) OT apTRTA FANE aA | TER Se ABC oe pacar firger | TRE gee conta Bora: caret BE Tres aol ATE tA Te aOTA OLE FECA | OS « © o,f Ragone Poa carga ETC €,04,9 ARATE Re BT co CAA TGA (*) erent (@) eA (1) apc (8) core Bou em, ateyh> a? adie AB2+ BC? > AC? aeHob >8m > 8d (ii) werent fag (Obtuse Angled Triangle): A x Fagen ce HET STR A Fg AT) OTT Sen ABC wrath geen farger wet ZABC SH cape wo ore GE TE ACN TE OTT FASE t & Oe ange CoAT Bot: FT eats: © SAB corey RECHT A oo pS © Say yD cont =pACATT Se LS Perec cet ace ie ae A A , fag eB are aT oe SE ey got we a rae A fag 1eof arg ores TAT oe aaceye Shs soe a ca err AT TMT APIS 2:3: Befie nora: we: we ws /7 ede meet xix tx V2 8), eet raters scot frgcne wipro tral 12 ofr, Rages cm we a LAR, (2905 fifiex) BeR-36 71 oh, TT: sect waft fing ed zero COM RARE a Fg CoE TT @_ GA AT AT AT eat 9 BERIT CFAT CB, OTR AAR, * Srgefa are = x, oRET ERS x cet = sees 1 same PEE TE sean Gagatta corr a, SMAXX x L ie (tg SH GT ERS TT SONS SNE) 144, x eesti P= 72 ( a RAE ea ea CATR CANT CO UT) fagata omer = ae 2 oer = 36 Bet ovat af Sbeis aad aT: Baas AATHT AANA RELATE MICA foul AS Ts OE wT FA CM ACT | Fagen afSgat sets ee aca cre ce aofe ae care aoa cme Cra wa | A D xd? (d= tia at = age SfeEs) 2 coreen afer gree RT CA OTR ORI CTH TS RH ME HAE eT i | rarer ear: x 5 Ja pot esti? B ¢| try, gro omar ea RE eR ATA | 2s, eatt saftey mae fingers wfegEr OM 2u Git wn faguiba cRmER ee aT Cif? [er 6 BAT ware 3o0e] 8b * te 168 aR bert AM: A, AAT FA ANCA OH ere Prencnarers agai x? + x my ax? = Ree aa, x? = sae [Bwet = x, Bi = x]‘aa xhairul’s Basic Math 773 x S59 TENE TR Fearae BERLE GAG So A, ET MELON GRIESE? [eT GOTSTE (SP ca, Seo of RS, 1. xe fake aeewiak = tana 8. ees of an isosceles tight triangle has length of 8, then the area of the sis esina ret 8 cm, ingots caeem €E2)//BBL (PO)-17] #16 be4 8 4. 8v2 Ans: a = @ 7m fees (Equilateral Triangle): Brae gers tay: Tare af et ora fen team oe cererne ame wa sre eA crore aa deo” TR, Set CIT A SboHO = wo® aang figera ya: Ora MgC AT: aE aE a eH, AAT 3a( fe 3 see cer) 1 Armare fitgcers came = Tp} Gren Engen re rer to a a) CR ere 8¢, Sy RATT Ora rece Tam farge Get awa? [erem, (GaEET) -se] ei TE Za: RATS © FATT SPT Sa ATG MS ASA TAT AST | CTT HT TH SES ST ee AA | 8b, Trae fingers areca wah orrmeTT CAM Sats CT OTA Kaige ery Sa OT ~latenert Brie eer. (tern wied)-203%] (*) exert firger () zee fag (ot) aCe FET (8) wafer figs Bes: 88. AABC eeft aaate figs, Bax AB 6 AC cece efits oaen Beng conan aaR oe [ere (oa *rfe)-2034] F880" 390° A Qo" Lo" Sas ORT: SABC mr finger ZA=ZB= ZC = 80" Pare son Sern ate corr coerce sen = vo" TERR wah afey cart a s20” SrA WP ARE GEA AA 92043820 = 38071—= Khairul's Basic Math 74 i. ABC fig ZB = ZCam BC ar Se D ae Fg ace cam eSB xeM? fore sey aa ‘soratntt.2ox! AC > BC @AC> AD 4, AB> AC a *ACSAD Berg ATT: ABC fagce 2B = ZC «AC = AB efie AC AB SEM AD ses 1g 1 we AC= AD 8b, AABC oe areata finger, Bam AB @ AC atecn afte xen Berig CHR AP 4? esra (cette fe) 3094] 480" 8340" abo? + mw20" tay STATA: AABC st firs ZA=ZB= ZC = 0° SCS core wie are aes sae Bey sae ce + HARE sare CorereTTE Te = s¥0" | gear, ae afey cart az 330° TET gD afRea GUA WA 3204330 = 380" | co, caft amee finer caf Ter IG a ee IH, fngaia cHME So TE Fee [oorHovTT fetoxey 3s 2 a 58 ta ema: open igen aware a aor gem cemer a 2 o,f orang fargrerr ore sree Beef 4 AR, eon Bete ORT WE RT rere Mt) sratata: rma frac ot Ta oe aR beh CTT RAT a ~ See eee 3 coer ae a 8 Bn wR TE, Sisei4 wii todd ¢, aeftora fxes aot Tent Amami (C200 fife) Bem-es Jo ai: () Bo: Os UY eo, marary Firgrere fetta caf ery ere cra HS aNfeafe (ar ata Fry whim: gu30) Saat: Te OST TOL , OR PHAM CAT ay ery erat woe ates DoS ea ALE EA, Byof 1 & sae = SRS Trae ges FEF TE AE) axe, aE ere ATE aE ayr svainul’s Basic Math 715 yesvmebesieNet ms) te gf SRT PAT ot HT gre corn = 3? fos x Ra (TE 4 FA OE ST tae a ap, ae ee He OND cD me oat ae STE | crotece ery face za ; pierre FRI Tore STS etary: ff, frgetba aerarg = a gern fgets ifr = asta = 3a oxad afters = fiorare Fingcera Cmramrcera arf = fgets cree = Js(—a)(e— BG 0) lek ah Ren cx cer Grerae core Cate Ere] = [38 ay ay =e GaGa) [3a Ga=2a,3a=2a, 3a—2a ea es 3a a _ ft _ Ba “222 16 4 ace gC AN ATT TAT: i snort ABC 251g fages: AD, BC tet softy D at Size a 2 : wc, BC=a aBD= 5 .aCD= > owt AD = Borat x é ADC wrmcent Faxgcer Tercera ar ea a ATS AD*4DC?= AC’ [AC= al [2m eats cace eer TR CT 1 OR, ABC HRT FARE CREET 5 ore GAT THR FOALS? (aT fer SHV (TEO) 30301 8 t,o orearg gee MET OTT “SPSL % Boas a Baace B 1, og ave «war Bee “4 Bec ee= cD= 2 2 ov, ACD var fire, AD? + CD? = CA* (err mi, AD’ =CA*-CD* 2am ates) B TOE a ar aren teh = oe Mt a 2 Be, 0 Ree warm: (ferfte trace sare at ara *Derb sare UE wara ) ea, aa TE THRE ONG 8 HAL AI ws BORE FE? 23 43 (163 (9) 3213 Bae vb. cefe maa fargrem are ONE 2 Cr. a TEE Cre eB? @ Bast. (@) Bon. On. a. () lof 9 tae 9, ao arte Rigen caer 36/3 Th OL, eer Baa RT ee? @) 3643 (@) 36 (124.3 (= 48 Bent TT: avn oven ota 8 4 atha’s36x4 Thavsldd ay, a=(12)? $12 Werk were a1? ofFra= 3x12 = 36 ey, eB ray SagrORT TIE MOTH A UG 2 Aap oe coe 2 3 ARDENT cag am | ATE EF “arem tah Fe7 (027 fafKeH) + [BADC.(Store Keeper)-2017] Pete ag * A a, CART erat OMG FEM = a memoir Pe jo 4 B C- Sates nairul’s Basic Math 177 | Tne SR Tea eG =a A a a2 B Cc (@ +4a4+4-a)=3y3 ! J re 3 ap Gara 3V5 a Baeenesd Sati=3 9 .a=2 Bon? Sie ab. Goi AIT HQT HUTS Tee Cae 2 HPA TET oa rE 6/3 RT fagotta tex tar fade eA? [ox-SoN cF-(3HSS.S) J+ RAKUB officer-2015] “om i. ETAT igre Bocas Rares ee | eae Fes Fs Son fgets text 5 8 63. ibrar era) 2 ene, S (a+ (a) *afaarg fryer (Isosceles Triangle): finger Wit Tg ae Ice wafeare feng A | CTA Oo rafeay fargcert Cabs: " © yaaa (far AB=AC=b) pHi Ne © Fa FA Te RvRTS er S TT | ek TEE TGR COA BURT: FATT FASO IA aT ART CMT THA FATT | fiw AB= AC Sou ZB = ZC Sit AABC aa srftarg fags | \ re afte frgeeer omer = fda? — 0? (cre b = ROR a = FAA AT TRTTTING | 4 DRE ete $0, ABC figeea AB = AC 21 Roa cert 18 ? =. ZABC= ZACB 4, ZABC >ZACB =, ZABC = ZBAC wae a. ZACB > ZABC ORM: mafia Ree CFT AACS TR OTHE 8. AABC a AB=BC x ZC = 40° 8", ZB=? % 100° 470° 18 ga a TT: e Treg AB = BC LA=ZC = 40° B C A ZA+ZB+ZC = 180° | 40°28 +40"= 180° aR FAA GF FATS CMON FAIA BEA =>ZB=180'-80° 2 ZB=100°778 7 Khairul ath er gen oe es Ce nT ea” ST tea Aad corey often er So Se = 20ld] + PRAKUEE eSnperviser)-2017] “ fois se ae 80" Aare! fe, eer: ee ames MATH AN | STE HT ca sien fingers Hf ae ra mT AE frais _ aera ec aun aon PCr Aza va" (26°40) = Hot-SET= SoP ear, GR NTA A FSP co, macy ager ADE cares mt 80” aa. 45", 45° 3, 50°, 50” 4.55%, 59" ¥.60",60 by AS", ; Bey 88, se gc rr re AS TEN TH ET LA — ats Fs Fo) ‘a aaerel EIT 51, SEM Bay oT cerca FAS pry Se ATA GCE AA TATA ARTS cxafen cart SHCA 9" cH coe a RCA A 90° care 1 oR at HIRT AAS Ba CH ARR COATT A ALA STE AEN AA HI | A aT TE PR AT 50°, een aag carat wee 180° - 50° = 130° a1 asf ge comet se. Ifthe angles (cor) of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:2, the triamgle- (SB Lid. Of, 71] «) has one angle greater than 80° 4) is equilateral es a) is isosceles b) is obtuse uu, cenh afer, ngs GAT be A, oc MAT Te ALT bo FPA) Age cna wer cee oe ART) = cu at ft, sea, 400 af, see iH, BH aN: caer 12 of4x (io) - (16) = 4-f400 = 256 = 4x J14d = 4x1 2= 48 ee ern ae agme AP RPH TEWATRAG 3 CAA, e T ED 2 TA, fe TEN advan ap liiefm 1 Beto, a, ap at ie =; 36-4 =2 = aydedi to eb. aot safer fingrent efi Or 6 FRB AT ae Oa Se Seer ey, Ee = 10a 12H, 414 tf soa RT: , efter Ot b = 6 Fe. ear FAI Ts OF a = 9 A, bob oe went = 2a b= BAN = $fio0=36 = SY apn ut 4ul's Basic Math 79 Sn sco ae gon a a ae ia? exe, AT 16 A a Kg oT HE 7 7 6 =. 1osth, 120i fe, i. at fi, y loath, Fae ae Oy RET AN TIT ag = 54, SATS, SNFEN+ON = 16 1ON= 16 8. x= 1 qoaefT = Ox = 6 wae HATA ATG = SKI=5 6—S zt TERE SE 100-36 = 3 ge 12 wf fe, ARR TR i ge, oo rafiere Fag ef to & LAR, eae ORT TT ae ABE AVE So oft, er | wrere NEE f camer 3? i Ve SOLA (EVES stork (Nsowimh (svo/S afer, Bere (s) feevarg finger: (Scalene Triangle): @ fagren forte ag? era ere frag a ope ET aT | CT Briar: © of ag wernt f » © RASTA SPT B b c 27m: Rrewarg fingers cme = y/s(s—a)fs—b)(s—c) eae 28 (fT) = arb+e -.S (se sR = SED, One erat: 93, Gob finger fom arg Tref TUMEETT So, 38 de FAB fagaRE CET Fe? (eras eR GUM HTT BRA cere CouTE TATRTBEM-20 Sb [PARSE COA COTA COUSTRER ~2034 FART) | % vo fit 4, v8 fiom st, po ior 1, 8b Rib Baa TAN, mbites REDE, SOHNE 2 Rg 2 figatta cram = /s(s—a)(s—b)(s—¢) = Ya0(ay — peylas — deyles —3¢) THR S VOxXbKaXe” = Vox mares = (weer 3 Free PTE 8 FAT TEM TITET SET BS AA B er pha 3 Ge aTRa SAT ATTA) = Saxe ve TROKhairul's Basic Math 780 ag, ae Femwag Rigor wg feria fiat 8& OTF, , 08 TA, ue 30 OLA. me [IBBL- (ATO)-2017] “ee % 20u wf ofe, tow af rR, af oon of LR, eau tt oh, te, TTT fear fngcon “fRAat = 28 = arbre = 42434420 = 96 4A S foray firgoes ora: = [s(s— ans bse) = [36GB ~AEB-3HB=20) = 48x 6x14%28 m= VAR Du 6x OXIA KDE (HART FRAT 81 FT ALT CT FATS THT IG) = [OD (GKE)X(2EX 2B) ( HST CONT Cre aIeR) = DKG6XDS rE TR AE CTBT Coe AAS CHT REC) =336 Bex fo, cof Kage arch et es eeaTC 20%, 21 FR, Re 29 ARETE Re aH OMI rE A A, 2 (oats fara) 210 of 4. 215 offi, 1, 225 af f% 22507, tee ATT: offAtat 2s = 20421429 -. wi ofetat, s = ‘a ores = [35085 — 2035 — 21)35— 29) = 35x15 x14x6 = VSN TX 3X5X7XIX 2X3 = J(7XT)X (5X5) (3X3)X (2X2) (ABTA Cael GHTIC Ix ARE Baw CIT eA) = 7X5x3x2= 210 of 98, aol fagced alt sea OG 5,6,7 Fi. Redox aha fayatda cement Go? 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(ow MEAITE-C?) ee: eae we, fangeera pRare wafer sree craecets Cae PE TET HA ROAM FAM? (HF RUAAT-08) Wee eRe, ro, Tear Ragen ReaD rere werReres afihe ater BT aPeTy Ca as aB-— (rer Fey He: Prep) Ra: oui ye. 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