WEF Scaling Reuse Models 2023

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In collaboration

with Kearney

Scaling Reuse Models:

A Guide to Standardized
Images: Getty Images

Foreword 3

Executive summary 4

Introduction 5

1 Reuse measurement parameters and definitions 6

Reuse measurement scope and parameters: 6
Inclusions and exclusions

Reuse definitions and terminology 11

2 Reuse measurement parameters and definitions 17

Reuse measurement guidelines journey 17

Outcomes from piloting the guidelines 19

3 Calculation models and measurement approaches 21

Metric 1 calculation approach 21

Metric 2 calculation approach 22

Conclusion 25

Contributors 26

Endnotes 27

This document is published by the
World Economic Forum as a contribution
to a project, insight area or interaction. The
views and opinions expressed herein do
not necessarily reflect the views or opinions
of any member of the Consumers Beyond
Waste initiative or of any individual or entity
mentioned in or consulted for this report.
Notably, the measurement guidelines will
be continually refined, as working group
members are still seeking convergence on
several areas noted in the document.

© 2024 World Economic Forum. All rights

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Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 2

January 2024 Scaling Reuse Models:
A Guide to Standardized Measurement


Gim Huay Neo Rajeev Prabhakar

Managing Director, Partner, Kearney,
World Economic Forum United States

Accelerating the adoption of reuse is an important This white paper provides guidance on
driver towards a world free of plastic pollution. standardized reuse measurement and offers
Public and private sector efforts for reuse solutions corporate stakeholders, policy-makers, standard-
have increased significantly in the last years. setters and ecosystem actors a framework to track
Notably, leading consumer goods companies success on reuse models. It is the culmination
have set commitments and implemented plans, of working group member inputs and based
amid a burgeoning innovation landscape. New on recommendations from the team. Select
policy frameworks such as the European Union’s companies in the group also piloted a preliminary
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation and the version of the guidelines against their reuse
forthcoming United Nations Plastics Treaty will provide activities to ensure the principles were tested in
additional ballast to mainstream reuse systems. real-world settings.

Against these developments, it is becoming urgent These guidelines on standardized reuse

to harmonize the way in which standards are set measurement must be continually refined. The
and progress measured. A fragmented approach in CBW initiative warmly welcomes stakeholders to
target-setting and measurement would slow down provide feedback and join our strategic effort to
the widescale adoption of reuse models, create focus on collaborative capacity building. Our goal
inconsistency in the quality of reporting and lead to is to work towards a gold standard on progress
a loss of consumer confidence. measurement for reuse models.

It is with this objective in mind that the World We wish to express our gratitude to all contributors
Economic Forum’s Consumers Beyond Waste and invite readers to explore our measurement
initiative has been convening a multistakeholder guidance. Please join us in this endeavour to cut
working group since early 2022 to discuss reuse plastic pollution.
guidelines and standards.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 3

Executive summary
With governments and companies now
setting reuse targets, it is essential to
standardize how success is measured.

This is to avoid a fragmentation in target-setting and The white paper is targeted at:
measurement approaches, which would slow down
the widescale adoption of reuse. – Corporate stakeholders committed to exploring,
enabling and/or testing new reuse models,
The World Economic Forum’s Consumers particularly within the consumer goods and
Beyond Waste (CBW) initiative has been convening retail sectors.
a working group of leading consumer companies
and non-profit organizations since early 2022 – Policy-makers and standard-setters seeking to
to build a seminal guide to standardized reuse better understand how to measure progress
measurement, with two priority metrics that in on reuse models and what metrics should
combination most robustly track progress on reuse. be incorporated into future legislation and
At the end of 2022, the Forum published a
preliminary version of the guidelines with the – The broader set of ecosystem actors (including
priority metrics, parameters with inclusions and other corporate players, non-profits, reuse
exclusions, and calculation examples. In 2023, solution providers and investors) interested in
these guidelines were piloted and select companies understanding thinking to date on standardized
in the working group tested the metrics in real-world reuse measurement and who may wish to apply
settings against their respective reuse activities. the guidelines to their own reuse activities.
The measurement guidelines have been refined
based on testing outcomes and working group This document provides a summary of
contributions throughout the past year. three areas:

In 2024, working group members will focus on 1. Reuse measurement parameters and definitions
collaborative capacity building and reaching
convergence on remaining areas with divergent 2. Reuse metric prioritization and piloting
stakeholder perspectives (these areas are outcomes
highlighted throughout the white paper). As such,
this guide should be regarded as a status report 3. Calculation models and measurement
that will be iterated and improved over the coming approaches
year. Ultimately, the ambition is for these reuse
measurement guidelines to become the accepted Please note that in this document, reference to the
standard for all stakeholders, which will support stakeholder group that has been collaborating on
accelerating the adoption of reuse models at scale. the guidelines is referred to as “the working group”.
The “CBW community” refers to the broader set of
The Consumers Beyond Waste working group stakeholders that are part of the initiative. The World
on standardized reuse measurement comprises Economic Forum refers to the institution convening
Amcor, Coca-Cola, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the CBW multistakeholder community on reuse.
Greenpeace, Nestlé, PepsiCo, TerraCycle, Unilever,
Walmart and the World Wildlife Fund.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 4

Public and private sector momentum for reuse
models is growing, requiring a standardized
approach to the measurement of progress.

The proliferation of plastic waste is harming the progressive laws on reuse. At the regional level, new
planet, people and economies. Half of global plastic extended producer responsibility laws in California
production is for single-use and only 9% of plastics and Oregon are encouraging waste reduction
is recycled globally. Recycling alone will not solve and New York City is evaluating a bill that would
the plastic waste crisis and innovative solutions are mandate fast-casual restaurants to serve food in
needed.1 Aside from the alarming refuse footprint, reusable containers.
plastic production increases carbon emissions
and negatively impacts human health.2 From an Businesses have also started to make new
economic standpoint, single-use packaging is commitments, building additional momentum
inefficient, with 95% of its value lost after initial use, for reuse. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo announced
equating to $100 billion annually.3 industry-first targets in 2022 to achieve 20-25%
reuse by 2030 as a share of their beverage
Reuse has emerged as a promising solution amid portfolios. The start-up innovation ecosystem
the plastic waste crisis. Reusable packaging models continues to flourish, with early pioneers such as
designed to be used multiple times are pivotal to Loop and Algramo expanding into new geographic
achieving a world free of plastic pollution. The United markets and collaborating with retailers globally.
Nations Environment Programme underscores
its potential in the Turning off the Tap report, Innovative partnerships are playing an instrumental
announcing reuse as the most powerful market shift role in scaling reusable packaging systems. Having
Reuse has that must occur in a systems transformation to end partnered with the likes of QYOS and Alner in
emerged as plastic pollution. Lastly, reuse presents a significant Indonesia, Unilever has developed a network of
a promising economic opportunity. Converting 20% of single- more than 350 refill outlets in Greater Jakarta and
solution amid use plastic packaging to reuse globally is estimated Surabaya, dispensing products from many of its
the plastic waste to be a $10 billion opportunity.4 homecare brands, such as Rinso, Sunlight and
Wipol. Walmart is testing a home delivery service
crisis. Reusable
The most recent milestone for the reuse movement with Loop in Arkansas with an assortment of
packaging models
is the European Parliament vote to include reuse products in reusable containers through Walmart+
designed to be provisions in the Packaging and Packaging Waste InHome. Nestlé is partnering with start-up Circolution
used multiple Regulation. Historic United Nations negotiations in Germany to pilot offering Nesquik in standardized,
times are pivotal to are also underway to develop an international reusable containers. The combination of government
achieving a world agreement to end plastic pollution, which can and business activities is an exciting turning point
free of plastic bolster reuse solutions. Moreover, governments and represents a key opportunity to accelerate reuse
pollution. such as France and Chile have designed progress and standardize measurement.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 5

1 Reuse measurement
parameters and
The standardization of measurement
requires a consistent approach to what
constitutes reuse.
Given the multitude of containers and components Throughout these guidelines, the term “shall”
enabling reuse systems, this chapter is divided into denotes a mandatory requirement, while the term
two sections. The first section provides an overview “should” implies a strong recommendation.
of the reuse measurement scope and parameters;
the second outlines definitions of key terms.

Reuse measurement scope and parameters:
Inclusions and exclusions

While reuse is critical to combatting plastic pollution, environmental break-even point to ensure the
there are other approaches that reduce the global impact of reusable containers is less than single-use
waste footprint. Some are listed below as excluded alternatives.
but may still be effective waste-reduction strategies.
Reuse modalities
This effort follows EMF’s categorization, covering
Reuse is defined as an operation by which a four modalities along two modes: refill (container
container is refilled or reused for the same purpose refilled by consumers) and return (container
for which it was conceived, with or without the returned to businesses).
support of auxiliary products present on the market
enabling the container to be refilled. This reflects 1. Refill at home: Consumers refill their reusable
definitions of the International Organization for container at home and are responsible for
Standardization and Ellen MacArthur Foundation maintenance.
(EMF), along with working group input.
2. Refill on the go: Consumers refill their reusable
Reusable containers container away from home and ensure
These are designed to enable the principal
components to accomplish a number of trips/ 3. Return from home: The container is picked up
rotations (loops) in predictable conditions of use and a business is responsible for cleaning and
as part of a reuse system. This includes containers processing.
returned to companies for refilling and containers
retained by consumers for refilling. Reusable 4. Return on the go: Consumers return the
containers should be designed to achieve at least container at a drop-off point and a business is
the number of loops required to go beyond the then responsible.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 6

FIGURE 1 Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s reuse model categorization

The four reuse models

Refill Return
Ellen MacArthur Foundation Packaging refilled by user Packaging returned to business
Reuse Framework

Refill Return
At home at home from home

On the go Refill Return

on the go on the go

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Reuse – rethinking packaging, 2019.

Primary packaging 2. Reuse models are environmentally beneficial.

Reuse models are intended to reduce the overall
This effort focuses only on primary packaging, amount of single-use and virgin packaging used.
defined as packaging that comes directly in Companies shall ensure that reuse systems do
contact with the product. All secondary and tertiary not inadvertently add to packaging waste or
packaging is excluded. proliferate problematic packaging.

Consumer goods focus There are many containers and components

enabling reuse systems. The World Economic Forum
This effort focuses on packaging for consumer recommends the following inclusions and exclusions
goods products. All other sectors were excluded for what constitutes reuse. These are based on a
from the analysis. realistic, current state of reuse systems. This allows
for some non-reusable, but recyclable, containers
Packaging materials and components to facilitate reuse systems in
certain instances. Single-use components that are
These guidelines are material agnostic when it not recyclable will not be counted as reuse.
comes to reusable packaging models, so long as
the criteria set out below are met and the packaging Ideally, reuse systems will evolve such that all
item serves to mitigate plastic pollution. system components are reusable. However, the
Forum recognizes that industry capabilities and
infrastructure are not in place today to achieve this.
Reuse parameters To promote a transition to reuse, the Forum believes
the inclusions and exclusions below balance the goal
of reducing plastic waste with the realities of current
For models to qualify as reuse, they should fulfil two business capabilities.
essential criteria:
The inclusions and exclusions may result in some
1. Reusable containers are part of a broader product formats not counting towards reuse.
reuse system, meaning there are established However, these may represent other circularity
arrangements ensuring the possibility of reuse so types or achieve beneficial outcomes like plastic
that the container is reusable in practice. waste reduction. Ultimately, circular solutions are
key to mitigating plastic waste and companies

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 7

shall ensure other packaging waste reduction if refill at home should be reported on separately vis-
approaches do not undermine reuse and recycling. a-vis the other modalities until measurement ability
is improved, as there is less visibility into consumer
This section represents general agreement from behaviour and number of fills.
the working group, however, alignment on several
topics is still sought. These include parameters for Containers must meet several conditions across
business-to-business (B2B) refill containers and a system for a reuse model to qualify. These
auxiliary product containers. In particular, the group parameters ensure reusable containers and reuse
has yet to agree on recyclability requirements and systems lead to plastic waste reduction compared
timeline, and mechanisms to ensure packaging to single use and prevent unintended consequences
waste reduction. The working group is also exploring leading to greater material use.

FIGURE 2 Reuse inclusions and exclusions by modality

Reuse Packaging Key Inclusions

modality type assumptions vs exclusions

Return on 2.A.1. Reusable Reusable (returnable)

the go container packaging container

Single-use Single-use recyclable

container packaging container

Single-use non-recyclable
packaging container

Return 2.A.1. Reusable Reusable (returnable)

from home container packaging container

Single-use Single-use recyclable

container packaging container

Single-use non-recyclable
packaging container

Refill on 2.A.2. B2B refill Reusable (returnable or refillable) container used to refill a dispenser system – e.g. container
the go container used by consumer packaged goods (CPG) company to refill a food dispensing system

Single-use recyclable container used to refill a dispenser system – e.g. container *

used by CPG company to refill a food dispensing system that is recyclable

Single-use non-recyclable container used to refill a dispenser system – e.g. container

used by CPG company to refill a food dispensing system that is not recyclable

2.A.1. Reusable container Reusable (refillable) container used by a consumer – e.g. consumer brings a
(keeper container) refillable container and refills it using the food dispenser system

Single-use Single-use recyclable container used by a consumer – e.g. consumer uses

container a provided single-use bag with the food dispenser system that is recyclable

Single-use non-recyclable container used by a consumer – e.g. consumer

uses a provided single-use bag with the food dispenser system

Refill at 2.A.1. Reusable container Reusable (refillable) dispenser container

home (keeper container) – e.g. refillable hand soap dispenser

Single-use Single-use recyclable dispenser container – e.g. single-use hand

container soap dispenser that is recyclable

Single-use non-recyclable dispenser container – e.g. single-use hand soap

dispenser that is not recyclable

2.A.3. Auxiliary Reusable (refillable) individual container used to refill a dispenser – e.g. individual
product container soap carton used to refill the hand soap dispenser

Single-use recyclable container used to refill a dispenser – e.g. individual soap *

carton used to refill the hand soap dispenser that is recyclable

Single-use non-recyclable container used to refill a dispenser – e.g. individual

soap carton used to refill dispenser that is not recyclable

*Designed for recycling today and should be recyclable in

practice and at scale by 2030 (see recyclability section below).
Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 8
Recyclability Additional transparency

To guard against the unintended proliferation of

In practice and at scale plastic waste, companies shall be transparent on
progress by reporting the percentage of products
For a container to count as recyclable, it must be in their reusable portfolio that are sold in containers
recyclable “in practice” and “at scale” as defined that do and do not meet the recyclable in practice
by EMF. “At scale” means that a container must and at scale criteria.
be proven to be recyclable, beyond tests, pilots
or single geographies. “In practice” means that
significant recycling rates are achieved by that Reusable container requirements
type of container. The threshold for a container to
be recyclable “in practice and at scale” is that it
achieves a “30% post-consumer recycling rate in Reusability
multiple regions collectively representing at least
400 million inhabitants. A possible alternative, For a container to count as reusable, at least
especially relevant for more local players, is to check 95% of a reusable container by weight should be
if a 30% post-consumer recycling rate is achieved in reusable (including all packaging components). At
all the markets where their packaging is sold.”5 a minimum, the main container shall be reusable.
This includes returnable containers and refillable/
Alternatively, companies may take a more local keeper containers. For example, if a bottle
approach in which they monitor at a country level is reusable but the lid is not, the container is
whether a packaging type achieves a 30% post- considered reusable. However, if only the lid can
consumer recycling rate. Reuse volume would only be reused, this would not count because the main
count in countries where this is achieved, irrespective container is not reusable.
of meeting the 400-million-person threshold.
Reusable containers should be part of a broader
Recyclable containers reuse system, meaning there are established
arrangements ensuring the possibility of reuse so
Furthermore, in accordance with the guidance of that the container is reusable in practice.
EMF, a container “can be considered recyclable if its
main packaging components, together representing Recyclability
>95% of the entire packaging weight, are recyclable
according to the above definition, and if the As each container will eventually reach the end
remaining minor components are compatible of its useful life, reusable containers should be
with the recycling process and do not hinder the recyclable in practice and at scale.
recyclability of the main components.”6
Durable containers designed to be used for at least
Designed for recycling three years do not need to be recyclable in practice
and at scale (e.g., metal water bottles, ceramic
A container format is designed for recycling if it soap dispensers).
meets international design for recycling standards
(e.g., RecyClass and APR), which provide guidance
on the compatibility of packaging elements with Business-to-business (B2B) refill
existing recycling streams.
container requirements
Timeline grace period
To ensure reuse systems lead to a reduction in
The Forum recognizes that several products on virgin materials, containers used by businesses on
the market today are designed for recycling but the back end must also meet certain criteria (e.g.
are not yet recyclable in practice and at scale. To to fill product into a refill station).
support organizations in transitioning to reuse and
scaling infrastructure while mitigating unintended Reusability
consequences, these container types may be
counted until 2030 if they are designed for recycling. B2B refill containers should ideally be reusable. If
B2B refill containers are not reusable, companies
This grace period aims to incentivize efforts to should strive for reusable solutions.
scale recycling infrastructure for container types
showing promise in meeting recyclable in practice Recyclability
and at scale criteria and/or to allow companies to
transition container types to those meeting these At a minimum, B2B refill containers shall be
requirements. The Forum anticipates that the timeline designed for recycling and be recyclable in practice
grace period approach will be nuanced next year. and at scale by 2030.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 9

Packaging reduction Auxiliary product container
To ensure there is not a direct replacement of
single-use packaging with B2B refill containers,
companies shall ensure B2B refill containers Auxiliary products are used to refill reusable containers
are delivering products with meaningfully less that a consumer retains (keeper containers). Auxiliaries
packaging than single-use. For instance, this fall under refill at home and may require separate
may be achieved by changing the format of the reporting vis-a-vis the other modalities. To count
product to provide more functional units in less as reuse, auxiliary product containers should be
space or by lightweighting container materials. designed and marketed to be used in tandem with
The working group recognizes the need to specify a keeper container. Keeper containers and auxiliary
what “meaningfully less” means and will explore product containers do not need to be sold together.
determining thresholds for packaging reduction. Auxiliary product containers should deliver the final
products without the need for transformation except
Format comparisons with dilution of the product in water.

When comparing B2B refill containers to their Reusability

single-use alternatives to assess packaging
reduction, the use case of the reusable product Ideally, the auxiliary product container should
should be the same as that of the original product also be reusable. If auxiliary product containers
sold in single-use containers to ensure like-for-like are not reusable, companies should strive for
comparisons. Furthermore, the format should be reusable solutions.
considered and products compared in a standard
manner (e.g. diluted liquid volume). Recyclability

These criteria intend to promote accurate At a minimum, auxiliary product containers shall be
comparisons ensuring reuse models are developed designed for recycling and be recyclable in practice
to reduce plastic packaging across product and at scale by 2030.
formats while allowing for business innovation.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 10

Packaging reduction the customer experience but are not functional needs
(e.g., optional flavour additives).
To ensure there is no direct replacement of single-
use packaging with auxiliary product containers, Reusability
companies shall ensure auxiliary containers are
delivering the product with less packaging than Supplementary product containers should ideally
single-use containers. Ideally, auxiliary product be reusable.
containers should also deliver more functional units
per container than single-use containers and fill a Recyclability
keeper container multiple times. The working group
recognizes the need to specify what “meaningfully At a minimum, supplementary product containers
less” means and will explore determining thresholds shall be designed for recycling and be recyclable in
for packaging reduction. practice and at scale by 2030.

Format comparisons Packaging reduction

When comparing reusable product containers to Furthermore, to minimize any additional plastic
their single-use alternatives to assess packaging supplementary product containers adding to
reduction, the format and use case of the reusable the quantity of plastic waste, if the supplemental
product should be comparable to that of the original product container is not reusable, companies
product sold in single-use containers to ensure like- should strive to ensure as many functional units are
for-like comparisons. delivered with as little packaging as possible.

Reuse inclusion and exclusion examples

Supplemental product container
Detailed examples of inclusions and exclusions
requirements for all four modalities of reuse are included in a
separate annex document, the link to which is
Supplementary products are those designed and available in endnote 7.
marketed to be used with a reuse system to enhance

Reuse definitions and terminology

Many terms and concepts are applied in a specific common understanding, terms and definitions used
way when discussing reuse systems. To ensure by the initiative are captured below.

FIGURE 3 Definitions and terminology

Term Definitions Term Definitions

Reuse An operation by which a container is Reuseable container Packaging designed to enable the
refilled or reused for the same purpose principal components to accomplish a
for which it was conceived, with or number of trips or rotations in normally
without the support of auxiliary products predictable conditions of use as part of a
present on the market enabling the system of reuse. Containers should be
container to be refilled. designed to achieve at least the number of
loops required to go beyond the environ-
Refill A mode of reuse in which a consumer mental break-even point to ensure that the
fills their own container with product. impacts of reusable containers are less than
The consumer is responsible for their single-use alternatives.
cleaning/maintenance of the container.
Uses One use equates to a container being
Return A mode of reuse in which a consumer gives filled and then subsequently emptied.
a container back to a company to clean
and fill. The consumer is not responsible for Loops The number of turns an individual packag-
cleaning/maintenance of the container. ing item takes. One loop is completed when
a container has been filled for use a
Return on the go Consumers return the packaging at a second time. Detailed examples of loops
store or drop-off point (e.g. in a deposit by reuse modality are provided below.
return machine or mailbox).
System of reuse Established arrangements (organizational,
Return from home Packaging is picked up from home by a technical or financial) which ensure the
pickup service (e.g. by a logistics company). possibility of reuse, in closed-loop,
open-loop or a hybrid system (ISO 18603).

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 11

Loop definitions by modality

FIGURE 4 Return from home example

Subscription service – personal care item such as shampoo

In this example of a subscription service for a personal care item such as shampoo, a loop is achieved once
the reusable shampoo bottle is returned to the service provider, cleaned and refilled for a new consumer.

Purchase and use Collection and reverse logistics

Consumer purchases shampoo from a service When a consumer has finished shampoo, truck picks
that delivers items in reusable containers. up reusable container from the consumer’s home and
ships it back to the service provider or wash hub.

1 2

Loop complete

4 3

Refilling and sanitizing Washing and sanitizing

Provider refills cleaned bottle with product for The wash hub receives reusable container
the next consumer. One loop is complete when to be cleaned, sanitized and dried.
a bottle has been filled for the second time.

FIGURE 5 Return on the go example

Reusable coffee cup

When the cup has been refilled successfully for a second consumer after being collected,
cleaned and returned to the vendor, the cup has achieved a loop.

Purchase and use Collection and reverse logistics

Consumer purchases coffee in a reusable cup from Cups are collected from bins (at stores or on the go)
a store. When finished, the consumer returns the and transported to wash stations.
cup to a collection site (either in-store or a drop-bin).

1 2

Loop complete

4 3

Refilling and sanitizing Washing and sanitizing

Provider refills cleaned cup with product for the The wash hub receives reusable container
next consumer. One loop is complete when a cup to be cleaned, sanitized and dried.
has been filled for a consumer for the second time.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 12

FIGURE 6 Refill on the go example

Beverage refill station

The first loop occurs when the bottle has been filled, emptied and filled for a second time.

Purchase and use System enablers

Consumer purchases, carries and cleans their own Providers maintain the dispensing stations (e.g. water,
containers. They fill containers at “on the go” soda, bulk dry goods) at which consumers refill their
dispensing systems. own containers.

1 2

Loop complete

Consumer refills their own containers at dispensing
stations. One loop is complete when a consumer
fills their container for a second time.

FIGURE 7 Refill at home example

Refillable hand soap dispenser

In this example, when the first 16 oz have been dispensed and 16 oz refilled, one loop is complete. For instance, a reusable
soap dispenser that dispenses 160 oz liquid soap before it reaches the end of its useful life has achieved 9 loops.

Purchase and use Purchasing refill

Consumer purchases a 16 oz refillable soap Consumer purchases soap refill container (auxiliary
dispenser (keeper container) full of product and uses product container) and refills soap dispenser (keeper
the product. container) to the top when 4 oz of soap remain.

1 2

Loop complete

One loop is complete when a soap dispenser (keeper container) has been fully
dispensed of its original volume (e.g. 16 oz dispensed) and filled for the second
time from the refill container (auxiliary product container) (e.g. 16 oz replaced).

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 13

Packaging type terms Packaging type terms and definitions are
expanded upon below to ensure a common
and definitions understanding.

FIGURE 8 Definitions and terminology

Term Definitions Term Definitions

Primary Consumer/retail packaging – packaging Auxiliary product Container used to refill a keeper
directly in contact with product. container container and by which volume delivered
via reuse can be determined. May serve as
Secondary Packaging used to group a number of a proxy to inform number of loops.
primary packages together (e.g. boxes).
Supplementary product Product that can be used with a system of
Tertiary Packaging used for the transport of reuse to enhance the experience but is not
packaging units (e.g. pallets). required for it to function (e.g. an optional
flavour additive to a beverage).
Returnable container A type of reusable container. Container
taken back or sent back to a business Supplementary product Container used to deliver supplementary
for cleaning and filling (e.g. a soda bottle container product.
returned at a deposit box, a ketchup bottle
picked up from a home and returned to a B2B refill container Container used by a business to deliver
company to refill). product to a refill station for subsequent
access by a consumer (e.g. a bag of
Keeper container A type of reusable container. Container is coffee grounds use to fill a refill station in a
designed to be reused and is kept by grocery store).
consumer to be refilled for use by the
consumer in refill modalities (e.g. refillable System enabling Product or container that is not the primary
water bottle, laundry detergent bottle). mechanism packaging itself (e.g. keeper container or
Note: a dispenser container is a type of auxiliary product container) but is
keeper container (e.g. soap dispenser). necessary for a system of reuse to
Keeper containers may be referred to as function or supports the refilling of a
"parent containers" in other fora. container (e.g. bulk dispenser, refill kiosks).

Auxiliary product Product used to refill or load reusable Packaging component A part of packaging that can be separated
container. An example of an auxiliary by hand or by using simple physical means
product is the detergent used to refill a (e.g. a cap, a lid) (ISO 18601).
reusable container at home (keeper
container). The container used to transport
the detergent home to the keeper container
is the auxiliary product container (adapted
from ISO 18603).

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 14

FIGURE 9 Refill at home illustration

Refill at home Refill at home

Supplementary product container

(e.g. flavour bottle)

Auxiliary product container Supplementary product (e.g. flavour syrup)

(e.g. soap refill bottle)

Auxiliary product (e.g. soap)

Keeper container
(e.g. refillable bottle)

Keeper container
(e.g. refillable soap dispenser)

System enabling component

(e.g. carbonated beverage maker)

FIGURE 10 Refill and return on the go illustration

Refill on the go Return on the go

B2B refill container Supplementary product container

(e.g. soda syrup container) (e.g. flavour bottle)

System enabling mechanism

(e.g. soda fountain)

Keeper container Reuse infrastructure

(e.g. reusable cup) (e.g. return receptacles, wash stations)

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 15

FIGURE 11 Return from home illustration

Return from home Other

Returnable container
(e.g. refillable soda bottle)

Packaging component
(e.g. spray nozzle)

Measurement units Definitions of measurement units are displayed for

clarity for the remaining sections of the report.

FIGURE 12 Measurement units

Term Definitions Term Definitions

Product portfolio The total quantity of product produced Product unit Specific item of package intended for use
by a company for consumption from a by the consumer (e.g. a can of soda, a
container. This includes items sold in bottle of shampoo).
bulk, fountain or alternative formats such
as concentrates where the company Unit of sale The unit of sale can be defined using both
producing and/or selling the product may volume and product unit. This is the
not necessarily sell the container from number of units a company sells at the
which it is consumed. scan level (e.g. a case, a six-pack or
individual item).
Unit A standardized measure, often convertible
to a volume measure. Total product volume The total serving volume of product
intended for consumption or use by
Functional unit Reference unit that serves to evaluate the a consumer. This includes the final
amount of product delivered, essentially reconstituted product volume if the only
one "serving size" of a product (e.g. number addition needed is water (e.g. in the case
of washes a container of detergent can of concentrates and tablets intended to be
complete, number of brushes in a tube of mixed with water at home, the total volume
toothpaste, number of servings of food or should be the diluted volume but would
beverage in a container). exclude any other external ingredients).

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 16

2 Reuse measurement
parameters and
Leading consumer companies and NGOs
convened to build seminal guidelines on reuse
measurement and identified two priority metrics.

Reuse measurement guidelines journey

Metric selection approach and rationale CBW conducted an initial prioritization of the longlist
of 15 metrics based on three criteria: 1) range, 2)
At the start of this effort, the group evaluated a applicability and 3) stakeholder interview input.
reuse metrics longlist, categorized into four ways Subsequently, five reuse metrics were shortlisted for
of measuring reuse: 1) weight/units, 2) share of further evaluation.
business, 3) efficiency and 4) availability.

FIGURE 13 Reuse metrics prioritization criteria

Reuse metrics – initial prioritization criteria

Range Applicability Stakeholder interviews

Metrics that represent the range of ways Metrics that effectively measure reuse Metrics recurringly identified by core
to measure reuse (e.g. by weight, across industries, product types and stakeholders interviewed as
share of business and effectiveness) different reuse modalities high-potential metrics worth evaluating

Reuse metrics shortlist

Metric #1 Metric #2 Metric #3 Metric #4 Metric #5

Share of volume Share of % reuse by Total functional Reuse
or product units revenue weight units effectiveness

Share of business Weight & packaging units Share of business Effectiveness Effectiveness

Weight & packaging units Share of business Effectiveness Availability

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 17

The shortlisted metrics were then evaluated to understand trade-offs between metrics. Working group
members discussed each metric and recommended if they should be deprioritized or tested in 2023.

FIGURE 14 Reuse metrics prioritization rationale

Metric Summary Recommendation

Reuse effectiveness Measuring reuse by effectiveness, measuring % of

portfolio that is actually reused by using loops achieved Test
Metric that best captures reuse effectiveness and scale,
despite assumptions required

Total functional units Interim step to calculate reuse effectiveness metric –

calculates the total # of loops per item across reusable items Deprioritize
Merged with reuse effectiveness metric, which builds on the
calculation of this metric

% reuse by weight Measuring reuse by weight of packaging that is reusable

Driven by weight-based skews and inability to measure

Share of revenues Measuring reuse by share of revenues (%) achieved from

reuse models Deprioritize
Driven by inability to provide sense of scale and commer-
cially sensitive data required

Share of volume Measuring reuse by volume or product units (e.g. litres of

or units beverage, kilos of food or kilos of personal care/home care Test
Metric is applicable across modalities, sectors and products

From this evaluation, the group prioritized a set of achieved by reusable containers. This metric
two metrics best representing progress on reuse. best captures reuse system effectiveness
despite the need for data-based assumptions.
1. Share of volume or units: Evaluates the share By evaluating loops, this metric measures the
of volume or units sold through reuse models portfolio that is actually reused and reflects how
(e.g. litres of beverage, cubic metres of food, well a reuse system is working.
litres of personal/home care products) and can
currently most feasibly be used by companies. The proposed measurement approach recognizes
This metric can be applied across modalities, the value in distinguishing between the share of a
sectors and products to capture the full range product portfolio that is reusable and that which is
of reuse activities. It measures how much of reused. There is general alignment in the group on
a company’s portfolio is reusable and reflects the intent of the metrics and the need to use them
corporate efforts to offer products through together. Metric 1 is more accessible, as companies
reuse. can more easily apply the metric today. Metric 2
is more challenging to implement due to a lack of
2. Reuse effectiveness: Assesses effectiveness data availability and visibility, and capacity building
by evaluating the average number of loops is needed.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 18

Outcomes from piloting the guidelines

In 2023, the CBW working group companies the guidelines in real-world settings against their
from the consumer packaged goods (CPG) and respective reuse activities.
retail sector piloted the preliminary version of

FIGURE 15 Corporate reuse activities

Personal care Home care Beverage Food Country or local data Regional data

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo set Unilever has partnered with digital Walmart is piloting a home Nestlé is partnering with the
industry-leading targets in 2022 to start-up QYOS to install refill delivery service with Loop in start-up Circolution in Germany for
deliver 25% and 20% reuse by stations in Jakarta, Indonesia, Bentonville and Rogers, Arkansas, a pilot that offers Nesquik in
2030. Disruptive innovation will across a selection of home care offering an assortment of products standardized, reusable containers
help deliver these goals, including brands and is extending this refill in reusable containers via that Circolution rents to Nestlé and
Coca-Cola’s universal bottle programme to the communities in Walmart+ InHome (return for which they handle reverse
designed to be reused across its ever-growing network of waste from home). logistics (return on the go).
multiple brands (return on the go) banks in the Greater Jakarta and
and PepsiCo’s expansion of its East Java regions (refill on the go).
SodaStream business, an
at-home sparkling water maker
(refill at home).

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 19

A product- The Consumers Beyond Waste initiative convened Metric 2 lessons
based approach quarterly workshops for the group to refine the
is preferred guidelines, share lessons learned and support Lessons include that additional capacity building is
over linking the companies in applying and testing metrics. needed to measure actual loops in refill modalities,
particularly for at-home behaviour and bring-your-
metric directly
Metric 1 lessons own models as this is currently reliant on qualitative
to packaging. consumer research. Furthermore, loyalty schemes
Additional capacity Lessons learned include that a product-based and technology (QR codes and apps) can help
building is needed approach is preferred over linking the metric directly in tracking loops/return rates but their level of
to measure actual to packaging. Additionally, measuring diluted simplicity and convenience is key for consumer
loops in refill product volumes is preferred over measuring the acceptance. Lastly, return modalities are easier to
modalities. compacted volumes for concentrated products as measure than refill modalities.
it is a fairer representation of reuse volumes versus
single-use volumes. Unilever tested metric 2 on select reuse projects.
These include Omo Dilute at Home in Brazil and
Unilever applied metric 1 to its full portfolio sales Dove Bodywash in the US to explore visibility into
volume. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are applying it to at-home consumer behaviour, Alner and QYOS in
their total beverage volumes and aligning with their Indonesia exploring packaging QR codes and apps
reuse commitments. Lessons such as the focus on to understand refills/returns on the go, and a return-
measuring product volume rather than packaging on-the-go pilot with ASDA and Co-Op in the United
weight, coupled with alignment on metric 1, have Kingdom to track return rates.
allowed PepsiCo to better measure its refill at home
and return on the go modalities.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 20

3 Calculation models
and measurement
The two metrics most accurately and
holistically represent progress on reuse
models when used in combination.

Metric 1 calculation approach

Metric 1 captures the share of a product portfolio that is reusable. It measures

how much of a company’s portfolio is reusable and reflects the scale of a
company’s efforts to offer products through reuse models.

FIGURE 16 Metric 1 summary and calculation

Summary Volume calculation

Measuring reuse by volume* (e.g. litres of beverage, cubic

Metric #1: meters of food, or litres of personal care/home care
[Volume or units of product
Share of volume delivered*** through reuse models]
products) or units** (e.g. number of soap dispensers sold,
or units servings of beverage)
Measuring the [Total volume or units of product
portfolio that is delivered*** across all formats (reuse
reusable and non-reuse models)]

*Volume shall include the final diluted volume intended for consumer use (e.g. for concentrates or tablets). Please see "volume" definition.
**Units: Companies may opt to use the unit that best represents their business activity and most accurately captures their reuse activities (e.g. functional unit, unit of sale).
***Delivered: Quantity of product made available for use by a consumer (e.g. quantity of product produced and sold by a CPG company, product sold by a retailer).

Metric 1 is measured against the entire portfolio to Additional transparency

ensure the inclusion of product sold through reuse
modalities and alternative formats in measurement and
allows for business innovation rather than anchoring First-fill
calculations to traditional packaging formats.
To guard against unintended consequences,
Measurement granularity companies should be transparent on progress
by reporting the percentage of “first-fill” product
The volume baseline for reporting is ideally at a volume or units sold through reuse. First-fill volume
global category level. For companies that have can be captured for pre-filled keeper containers
more diverse product ranges, it may be necessary or returnable bottles. Understanding the relative
to segment reporting further by product type or to volume sold through first fill and refill, especially as
narrow reuse reporting to specific category types, measurement capacity for metric 2 is built, will offer
provided companies are transparent about the insight into operational reuse success.
scope of their reporting. Though reporting at the
global, category level is desirable, transparency
below this level will be crucial to understanding
reuse successes and opportunities.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 21

Reuse and refill Volume

Companies should be transparent about the % Refers to the volume of product sold through
volume sold through return and refill modalities reuse. This should be reported in cubic metres
respectively. While return and refill modalities both or litres to support product comparison. Using
count towards broader reuse, visibility on this volume enables easier comparison across
alongside information on first fill and refill volume will companies and product types regardless of the
be useful in monitoring and promoting learning. type of packaging used. Companies suited to
volume measurement include a) companies with
Recyclability homogenous product portfolios and b) CPG
companies and producers.
To guard against unintended increases in plastic
waste, companies should be transparent about their Unit
progress by reporting the percentage of products
in their reusable portfolio sold in containers that do Companies may opt to use the unit that best
and do not meet the recyclable in practice and at represents their business activity and most
scale criteria. accurately captures their reuse activities. The two
most applicable unit types are:

Unit versus volume – Functional unit, which captures the servings of

product and allows for accurate comparison
across product types, formats and modalities.
The option to use units or product volume is given
to capture ample data and enable broader company – Unit of sale, which captures the number of
participation. While measurement comparability items sold and is more readily available data for
is pivotal, the main objective currently is to drive many companies today, particularly retailers.
progress on reuse. Measurement in units that most
accurately represent a company’s reuse activities will To support the accurate application of unit
offer a key window into this. measures, standardization steps should be taken
when possible to ensure like-for-like comparisons.
The Forum recognizes the working group’s concern This can include standardizing serving size or
about data inconsistencies that may arise from using proxying volume sold using the volume of the
units other than functional units (e.g. unit of sales). most popular products. Companies that may
The Forum acknowledges the need to refine this prefer to measure in units include a) those with a
approach and will support capacity building to ensure diverse product mix, b) those with diverse product
comparability across companies when units are used. formats and c) retailers, for whom volume may be
difficult to calculate.
Ideally, companies will be able to use both volume
and units to measure reuse to shed as much light as A company selling a product across more
possible on activities; however, this may not always be than one reuse modality would ideally report in
possible. Below are considerations for what product a way that distinguishes total volume sold through
portfolio or corporate conditions may dictate the refill vis-à-vis total volume sold through return
use of one or the other. Companies should provide formats. The total volume sold via each modality
transparency about the units they are using for may be added to understand reuse success
measurement and articulate the reason for the selection. across the portfolio.

Metric 2 calculation approach

Metric 2 captures the effectiveness of a company’s Metric 2 was refined to increase its measurability
reuse models by evaluating how often a container and application. Phase 1 focuses on collecting
is reused (loops). By measuring loops, this metric information on reuse effectiveness. Phase 2 of
reflects how well a reuse system is working. the metric will include the addition of minimum
This metric is critical to avoiding unintended targets by category to ensure the environmental
environmental consequences (e.g. a large quantity performance of reuse activity is better than for
of product is offered through reuse but in practice single-use containers. These targets will be
containers are treated by consumers as single-use). informed by industry data and environmental
break-even analysis, and nuanced across category,
Today, many companies have limited visibility into material and geography. As data, technology
and the ability to measure loops. The working and infrastructure improve, these targets can
group proposes a staggard approach to help be adjusted while the primary metric of average
companies build capacity and gather required data number of loops remains unchanged.
to utilize this metric.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 22

Measurement granularity When containers are not individually identifiable,
proposed approaches are applicable only to
Reuse effectiveness will, by necessity of the containers that are owned and/or operated by a single
calculation, need to be measured by reuse modality company to enable an understanding of the total
to provide relevant insights. Where metric 1 can population of containers. While metric 1 may capture
more easily be measured across modalities, metric the volume of product sold to consumers who bring
2 is closely linked to the delivery method. Where their own BYO container, there is no accurate method
possible, measurement of reuse effectiveness at the to proxy the loops accomplished by BYO containers
category level by modality for reporting purposes is in a way that is individually identifiable.
needed but additional granularity is encouraged.
Across the calculation approaches in the annex
Metric 2 archetypes document, the metric 2 output (average number
of loops achieved) should be very similar with
The visibility required to measure metric 2 varies similar system conditions. Individually identifiable
across reuse systems and modalities. There are five containers do provide the further benefit of
archetypes for reuse modalities to approach metric providing additional informative metrics – for
2 calculations. These archetypes are based on data instance, the average lifetime of a container or the
availability – differences in whether containers are maximum number of loops achievable – which can
individually identifiable. inform the reuse system and container design.

FIGURE 17 Metric 2 summary and calculation

Phase 1 Phase 2

Metric #2: [Average number of loops achieved]

Reuse [Average number of loops achieved] Minimum target: Standardized number
effectiveness of loops by category*
Measuring the
portfolio that is
reused – Initial focus on how to measure loops across reuse
– Gather additional data and input from across the
systems and modalities to help companies build capacity
industry to inform loop targets
– Gather loop data to better understand how many loops
– Explore nuance by category and geography
are being achieved

*Standardized loop number is informed by environmental break-even analysis data, differing by category/geography as needed.

FIGURE 18 Metric 2 archetypes

Return Refill

Return from home/Return on the go Refill on the go

1. Container is individually identifiable 3. Container is individually identifiable

2. Container is not individually identifiable 4. Container is not individually identifiable

Refill at home

5. Container is not individually identifiable; refilled with auxiliary product

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 23

Metric 2 term and calculation, the number of returnable containers
in circulation at the start of the time period should
calculation discussion be proxied by using the number of new returnable
containers previously sold over the designed life of
Time period the container under conditions of normal use. This will
vary depending on the expected average container
The expected lifetime of a reusable product lifetime and the expected time between refills.
will vary by product type. Ideally, containers go
through loops over the course of many years Uses and loops
depending on product type and category dynamic.
However, to bound measurement of this metric In some modalities, “uses” may be counted to
to support company progress and learning, loops approximate loops. For purposes of calculation, 2
accomplished within a set timeframe will still provide uses are equivalent to 1 loop. Over the lifetime of a
valuable information. For reporting purposes, container, loops achieved can be approximated by
measurement will need to be taken on an annual the total number of uses minus 1 (n-1).
basis. To support learning about reuse system
effectiveness and product design, measuring loops Calculation examples for metrics 1 and 2
over more time periods is encouraged.
Detailed calculation examples for metrics 1 and 2
Number of returnable containers in circulation (including the archetypes for metric 2) are included
in a separate annex document.7
To bound assumptions of the total returnable
containers in circulation for the purposes of loop

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 24

The measurement guidelines allow organizations
to track progress on reuse in a harmonized
manner that supports target-setting.

The guidelines aim to ensure progress on reuse The collective aim is to support organizations in
is measured in a consistent way, which will achieving more holistic and robust measurement
enable target-setting at scale. The guidelines via the implementation of technology solutions and
must be continually refined to create an accepted the use of proxy datasets. This includes promoting
standard that can be used across industries and the broad application of existing solutions and
organizations. To this end, the Consumers Beyond imagining new ways to capture at-home refill
Waste initiative is seeking engagement from behaviour. Furthermore, enhanced data-sharing
companies and policy-makers in advancing this capabilities across companies will support the
strategic effort. capturing of the true effectiveness of reuse systems,
particularly for modalities where multiple companies
Metric 1 should be implementable for most provide components of a reuse system.
companies today. Broad stakeholder adoption of
this metric is needed to strengthen visibility into Finally, the initiative will continue to work with a
reuse activities and progress. Metric 2 requires wide range of public sector actors to promote
capacity building to achieve its full utility. Measuring the widescale adoption of reuse and inform
the effectiveness of reuse activities across modalities measurement approaches. A broad network of
ranges from relatively easy to more challenging. organizations is working to enable the expansion of
For these more complex reuse applications, there reuse activities, including the creation of enabling
remains limited visibility into the actual adoption rate. technology, the development of reuse infrastructure
The initiative will support companies in measuring and the provision of reporting mechanisms. New
metric 2 by exploring ways to enhance data policy frameworks such as the EU’s Packaging and
gathering and reuse implementation. Packaging Waste Regulation will offer the needed
tailwinds to accelerate the harmonization of reuse
measurement and target-setting at scale.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 25

World Economic Forum Kearney

Thom Almeida Beth Bovis

Lead, Circular Economic Systems, Partner, Kearney, USA
World Economic Forum
Christina Carlson
Hannah Davin Manager, Kearney; Project Fellow, World Economic
Early Career Programme Trainee, Forum, USA
World Economic Forum
Rajeev Prabhakar
Partner, Kearney, USA


Laurence Denmark
Creative Director, Studio Miko

Xander Harper
Designer, Studio Miko

Danielle Carpenter

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 26

1. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Global Plastics Outlook: Economic Drivers, Environmental
Impacts and Policy Options, 2022, https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment/global-plastics-outlook_de747aef-en.
2. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking
the Future of Plastics, 2016, https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/the-new-plastics-economy-rethinking-the-future-
3. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company, The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking
the Future of Plastics, 2016, https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/the-new-plastics-economy-rethinking-the-future-
4. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The New Plastics Economy: Catalysing action, 2017, https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.
5. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The Plastics Initiative: Global Commitment – Reporting Guidelines April 2023, https://
6. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The Plastics Initiative: Global Commitment – Reporting Guidelines April 2023, 2023, https://
7. The calculation examples for metrics 1 and 2 can be found at https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_CBW_Annex_
Calculation_examples_for_metrics 1_and_2_2023.pdf.

Scaling Reuse Models: A Guide to Standardized Measurement 27

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