Session 3 & 4: HR Planning
Session 3 & 4: HR Planning
Session 3 & 4: HR Planning
HR Planning
Human Resource Planning
HRP is the process of determining manpower requirements and the means
for meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plan of
the organisation.
Workforce Planning:
1. Future Requirements based on Business Plans and External Environment
vs. Present Workforce Data: to understand changes required in size and
structure of the organization
2. Makes Demand vs. Supply Projections: number and skills
3. Identifies Specific Plans for filling gaps: such as through training,
promotion, job posting or external recruitment
Human Resource Planning
• Helps in detailing the number and kind of personnel required
for carrying out the operations
• Gives adequate lead time for recruitment, selection, training
and development of personnel
• Helps in reducing cost of production as labour can be
effectively controlled & utilised
• Helps in detecting surplus or shortage of manpower
• Is essential to make training and development programmes
more effective
• Helps in internal succession of key personnel
FIGURE 5–2 Linking Employer’s Strategy to Plans
Forecasting HR Requirements
• Environmental scanning – economic, political, social, legal and technological
environments help in ascertaining the future structure and size of the organization
and types of skill sets required, and availability of personnel etc.
• Internal Scanning – takes into consideration factors such as how many personnel are
already available with what skills, who can be promoted to higher levels, what will
be predictable turnover levels due to retirement, death, resignations, dismissals etc.
• Forecast/Estimate future HR requirements regarding:
- Functional category – functions, department or division level
- Number and skills required
- Levels at which they are required – junior, middle, lower level
Techniques of Forecasting Demand
for Employees
• Sources of Information
• Periodic forecasts in business publications
• Online economic projections
• Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
• Other agencies and private sources
Current Projected Projected Internal
Staffing - Outflows + Inflows = Supply for
Level This Year This Year Next Year
Voluntary Turnover
• Voluntary turnover is the percentage of employees that leave their job. The word
voluntary indicates that the employee chose to leave the employer. There are
various reasons for voluntary departures from an organization, such as finding a
new job, joining a more desirable brand, or relocation.
• Understanding your voluntary turnover and the reasons for turnover is essential,
as it will create the basis for the components an employer needs to work on to
retain their team members.
• To calculate voluntary turnover over a year, use this formula:
Example: let’s say an organization has 1,000 employees. During the
year, 75 employees leave voluntarily. The voluntary employee turnover
rate would be ??
75 / 1,000 * 100 = 7.5%
Involuntary Turnover
• Involuntary turnover is the percentage of employees who have been
dismissed or laid off by the company in a given period. A high
involuntary turnover indicates poor workforce planning or a lack of
initiative to develop employees.
• To calculate involuntary turnover rate, you can use the same formula
as the voluntary turnover rate but use the correct data of involuntary
leavers (dismissal or staff members that have been laid off).
Employee Retention Rate
• A company’s employee retention rate is an indicator of its ability to
keep employees over a period of time. Generally, a good employee
retention rate is over 90%.
• You want to strike a balance between retaining the existing
employees and allowing for new employees with more desirable skill
sets and ideas to join the company.
• Below is the formula to calculate the employee retention rate:
If None
Variances End
If Surplus If Shortage
End End
Strategic Human Resource