P66941 GCSE Turkish 1TU0 2H Teacher Role Play Cards 2022

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Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR1.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Who am I?
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as sen.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Girne’de bir yaz kampında yeni tanıştığın bir arkadaşın ile sohbet ediyorsun.

1 Boş zamanlarında ailen ile genelde ne yaparsın?

Allow the candidate to talk about what s/he does with his/her family in their free
Çok güzel!

2 Ailende kendini en çok kime yakın hissedersin? Neden?

Allow the candidate to say who in her/his family they feel the closest. Why?
Çok güzel!

3 !
Geçen hafta sonu ailenle birlikte neler yaptın?
Allow the candidate to talk about what s/he did with his/her family last weekend.

4 ?
Senin sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you what your hobbies are.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you what you think about friendships.
Give an appropriate brief response.

2 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR2.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Who am I?
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as sen.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Londra’da düzenlenecek Türk festivali için arkadaşın Alara ile hazırlık yapıyorsun.
Arkadaşın festivale ilk defa katılacağı için sürekli sorular soruyor.

1 Bu ne çeşit bir festival?

Allow the candidate to talk about what kind of event this festival is.

2 Festivalde ne tür etkinlikler var?

Allow the candidate to describe the activities in the festival.
Çok güzel!

3 !
Daha önce katıldığın bir etkinlikte neler yapıldı?
Allow the candidate to talk about an event they previously attended.

4 ?
Senin sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask about the transport options to get to the venue.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask what happens after the event.
Give an appropriate brief response.

4 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR3.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Holidays
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as siz.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Türkiye’yi trenle gezmek isteyen bir grup arkadaşınızla, bilet almak için gardasınız.
Gişedeki görevliyle konuşuyorsunuz.

1 Hoş geldiniz. Size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?

Allow the candidate to talk about a destination.

2 Tren yolculuğunu tercih etme sebebiniz nedir?

Allow the candidate to outline her/his reason for choosing travelling by train.

3 !
Türkiye’de trenle en son nereleri gezdiniz?
Allow the candidate to talk about the places s/he has recently travelled in Turkey
by train.
Çok güzel!

4 ?
Sizin sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you how long the journey will be.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you the price of the ticket.
Give an appropriate brief response.

6 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

• The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.
• This is STIMULUS HR4.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Travel and tourist transactions
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as siz.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Ailece Bodrum’da tatil yapıyorsunuz. Alışveriş için giysi pazarındasınız. Satıcıyla

1 Hoş geldiniz. Size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?

Allow the candidate to say what s/he is looking for.

2 Kimin için satın alıyorsunuz?

Allow the candidate to say who s/he is buying for.

3 !
Nasıl bir ürün almayı düşünüyorsunuz?
Allow the candidate to talk about the item s/he wants to buy.

4 ?
Sizin sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask whether a particular colour or size is available.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask for a discount.
Give an appropriate brief response.

8 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR5.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: What school is like
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as sen.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Kahramanmaraş’taki kuzenin ile Skype’ta senin okuldaki günlerin hakkında

1 Merhaba, bana okulunu biraz anlatır mısın?

Allow the candidate to talk about his/her school.

2 Okuldaki dersler ve teneffüsler ne zaman?

Allow the candidate to talk about what about the timetable.

3 !
Genelde öğle teneffüsünde neler yaparsın?
Allow the candidate to explain what s/he does during his/her lunch break time.
Ne güzel.

4 ?
Senin sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you what your favourite lesson is.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you what after school clubs you take part in.
Give an appropriate brief response.

10 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR6.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: School activities
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as siz.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

İstanbul’a düzenlenen bir okul gezisine katılıyorsun. Gezideki yerler hakkında yol
arkadaşınızla sohbet ediyorsunuz.

1 Bana gezi hakkında bilgi verir misiniz?

Allow the candidate to talk about the trip.

2 Bu geziye neden katılıyorsunuz?

Allow the candidate to explain the reasons why s/he wants to join.

3 !
En son katıldığınız bir okul gezisini anlatır mısınız?
Allow the candidate to describe the last school trip s/he took part.

4 ?
Sizin sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you about your preparations for the trip.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you the places you particularly want to see.
Give an appropriate brief response.

12 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR7.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Work
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as siz.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

İzmir’de turizm ofisinde çalışıyorsunuz. Gelen turistlerle ilgileniyorsunuz.

1 Turlarınız hakkında bilgi alabilir miyim?

Allow the candidate to give information about the city tours.

2 Şehir turlarınıza nasıl katılabiliriz?

Allow the candidate to explain how you can participate in the tours.
Çok güzel!

3 !
Gezilerinizde yemek veriliyor mu?
Allow the candidate to explain if food and drinks are included.
Teşekkür ederim.

4 ?
Sizin sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you how many people are going to attend the tour.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you how you will pay for the tour.
Give an appropriate brief response.

14 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR8.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Ambitions
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as siz.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Spor salonunda çalışmak istiyorsunuz. Çalışmaya başlamadan önce ilkyardım
eğitimi almanız gerekiyor.

1 Merhaba, size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?

Allow the candidate to explain why s/he needs to do first aid training.

2 Biraz kendinizden bahseder misiniz?

Allow the candidate to tell you about herself/himself.

3 !
Kendinizi geliştirmek için başka ne tür eğitimler almayı düşünüyorsunuz?
Allow the candidate to say what other training s/he wants to participate in.
Çok güzel.

4 ?
Sizin sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you when the training is scheduled for.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you what time lunch is served.
Give an appropriate brief response.

16 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR9.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Town, region and country
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as siz.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Türkiye’de tatildesiniz ve yakınlardaki bir kasabaya günübirlik bir gezi planlıyorsunuz.
Turizm bürosundasınız ve görevliyle konuşuyorsunuz.

1 Hoş geldiniz. Size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?

Allow the candidate to ask you about information on activities available in town.

2 Akşam nasıl etkinlikler yapmayı seversiniz?

Allow the candidate to explain what s/he likes to do in the evening and why.

3 !
Türkiye’de kaldığınız sürece neler yaptınız?
Allow the candidate to say what s/he has already done during his/her holidays in

4 ?
Sizin sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you for information about restaurants in town.
Give an appropriate brief response.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğiniz bir sorunuz var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you the time of the last bus for the return journey.
Give an appropriate brief response.

18 P66941A
Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1)

Time 22 to 24 minutes (total) which Paper
includes 12 minutes’ preparation time reference

PAPER 2: Speaking in Turkish
Task 1: Role play
Instructions to the teacher
Higher Tier

You do not need any other materials.

• You should open the role play with the introduction provided.
• The role play is recommended to last between two and two-and-a-half minutes.
• The set questions and comments must be asked as they are presented.
• Candidates
must not read out whole, prepared sentences in answer to

• There must be no supplementary questions and no rephrasing.

The statements/questions may be repeated but no more than twice.

• This is STIMULUS HR10.

Turn over

©2022 Pearson Education Ltd.

Topic: Cultural life
Instructions to teacher
• Address the candidate as sen.
• The target language phrases below must be asked verbatim. There must be no
supplementary questions and no rephrasing of questions but questions may be

Begin the role play with the following introduction.

Sen ve kuzenin Ali Eskişehir’deki bir düğüne davetlisiniz. Düğün hakkında konuşuyorsunuz.

1 Türkiye’deki düğünlerde gençler ne giyer?

Allow the candidate to talk about what young people wear at Turkish weddings.

2 Düğünlerde genelde nasıl müzikler tercih ediliyor?

Allow the candidate to say what type of music is generally played at weddings.

3 !
Bana en son gittiğin Türk düğününü anlatır mısın?
Allow the candidate to tell you about the last Turkish wedding that s/he attended.
Çok güzel!

4 ?
Senin sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you who else is invited to the wedding.

5 ?
Başka sormak istediğin bir soru var mı?
Allow the candidate to ask you about what would be a good wedding present.
Give an appropriate brief response.

20 P66941A

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