Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboards For
Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboards For
Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboards For
Article in South East European Journal of Architecture and Design · March 2016
DOI: 10.3889/seejad.2016.10013
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3 authors, including:
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Violeta Jakimovska Popovska , Borche Iliev , Ivo Spiroski
Faculty of Design and Technologies of Furniture and Interior, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia; Id Design 2012/DOOEL Skopje, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Citation: Jakimovska Popovska V, Iliev B, Spiroski I. BACKGROUND: The paper analyzes the properties of medium density fiberboards (MDF) intended for furniture
Characteristics of Medium Density Fiberboards for production and interior application. Because MDF panels are one of the mostly used wood-based panels in
Furniture Production and Interior Application. SEE J Archit
Des. 2016 Mar 23; 2016:10015. furniture production sector in the Republic of Macedonia it is important to know and understand their basic
10.3889/seejad.2016.10013 physical and mechanical properties.
Key words: wood-based panels; medium density
fiberboards (MDF); physical properties; mechanical AIM: For better understanding of MDF panels and their proper end use by the furniture constructors and
properties; furniture production. designers, physical and mechanical properties of MDF panels present in the market are tested.
Correspondence: Violeta Jakimovska Popovska. Faculty
of Design and Technologies of Furniture and Interior, Ss. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Commercially produced MDF panels taken from one company from wood-based
Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia. E-mail: panel market were tested. Evaluation of the quality of the panels was made on the basis of the obtained results
[email protected] for the physical and mechanical properties of the panels. Properties of MDF were tested according to the national
Received: 30-Jan-2016; Revised: 01-Mar-2016; MKS standards and European norms.
Accepted: 02-Mar-2016; Published: 23-Mar-2016
Copyright: © 2016 Violeta Jakimovska Popovska, RESULTS: Tested MDF panels present on our market are characterized by good physical and mechanical
Borche Iliev, Ivo Spiroski. This is an open-access article properties that meet the requirements of the standards for MDF for use in dry conditions including furniture
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, production and interior applications.
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are credited. CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended to avoid application of these MDF panels in high humidity conditions for a
Competing Interests: The author have declared that no longer exploitation period. For this kind of applications, such as bathroom areas, the furniture constructors and
competing interests exist. interior designers should consider use of MDF.H type of panel for application in high humidity conditions, which
will provide good dimensional stability of the products during whole exploitation period.
homogenous structure and higher isotropy of the Hallein GmbH & Co KG“, Austria. The product
properties compared to solid wood, which has dimensions of the panel were 2070 ×2650 × 19 mm.
different mechanical properties in different directions
Test specimens for determination of the
of the wood.
physical and mechanical properties according to the
Beside standard MDF panels, value added national and European norms were cut from the
variants with enhanced mechanical performance and panels. The following properties were tested: density
improved performance in the presence of moisture (MKS D.A8.085), moisture content (MKS D.A8.083),
and fire are also produced (Wood Panel Industries thickness swelling and water absorption (MKS
Federation) [1]. These value added variants extend D.A8.084), modulus of rupture (MOR-bending
the MDF furniture application in many products such strength) and modulus of elasticity in bending-MOE
as shopfitting and display, interior fitments, exterior (MKS EN 310), internal bond-IB (MKS EN 319) [9]
application (signage and shop fronts). and hardness according to Janka [10].
MDF panels produced in Europe are specified Thickness swelling and water absorption are
according to the requirements defined in the EN 622-1 tested after 24 hours immersion in water, which is a
[7] and EN 622-5 [8]. EN 622-5 defines the standard treatment and after prolongation of the
requirements of MDF that are classified according to treatment up to 48 hours in order to see the behavior
their intended end use. According to that of the MDF panels during exposure of high humidity
classification, the requirements for the following types conditions and prolonged water impact.
of MDF are specified in the standard:
The bending strength and modulus of
general purpose boards for use in dry elasticity in bending were tested in five directions, i.e.,
conditions (type MDF); parallel and perpendicular to the length of the panel
and at the angles of 22.5°; 45° and 67.5° to the
general purpose boards for use in humid panel’s length. Tests in different directions of the MDF
conditions (type MDF.H); panels will provide data for the strength of the MDF
load-bearing boards for use in dry conditions panels in different direction related to the homogeneity
(type MDF.LA); of the structure of MDF.
load-bearing boards for use in humid The obtained data were statistically analyzed.
conditions (type MDF.HLS); One way ANOVA was used to determinate the
significance of the effect of the direction of the force in
light MDF boards for use in dry conditions bending on the MDF bending strength and modulus of
(type L-MDF); elasticity in bending. Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of
the obtained data was applied and Levene’s test for
light MDF boards for use in humid conditions
homogeneity of variances was applied. Tukey’s test
(type L-MDF.H);
was applied to evaluate the statistical significance
ultra-light MDF boards for use in dry between mean values of the properties in different
conditions (type UL1-MDF); panel direction.
ultra-light MDF boards for use in dry Statistical software SPSS Statistic was used
conditions (type UL2-MDF); for statistical analysis of the obtained data.
boards for use in rigid underlay in roofs and
walls (type MDF.RWH)
For better understanding of MDF panels and
their proper end use by the furniture constructors and
designers, physical and mechanical properties of MDF Results
panels present in the market are tested.
Jakimovska Popovska et al. Medium Density Fiberboards for Furniture Production and Interior Application
water immersion treatment up to 48 hours is above 12 The analysis of variance of the obtained data
% which shows that these MDF panels should not be for modulus of elasticity in bending (ANOVA: F (4; 55)
used in high humidity areas for a longer period, = 4.4; p = 0.004) showed that there is a statistically
although incidental exposure to water will not significant differences in the mean value of this
decrease the panel stability and its properties. property in different panel directions. The post-hoc
Tukey’s test showed that MOE parallel to the panel’s
Table 1: Statistical data for physical and mechanical properties length statistically differs from the MOE at the angle of
of MDF panel 45° to the panel’s length. Besides this differences, the
95% value of MOE in two major directions of the MDF
Property N Mean SD* SE**
Interval for
Min Max
panel are similar and there are no statistically
Lower Upper
significant differences between them, which also
Bound Bound speaks for the high isotropy of the properties of the
695.2 710.9 671.3 716.3
Density (kg/m3) 12 703.10 12.37 3.57 MDF panel.
4 6 6 5
Moisture content (%) 12 7.75 0.09 0.03 7.70 7.81 7.61 7.92
Thickness swelling after 24 h
12 9.07 1.56 0.45 8.07 10.06 6.91 11.46 The homogeneity of the MDF panel also can
Thickness swelling after 48 h
12 13.84 1.37 0.39 12.97 14.71 12.18 15.94
be seen from the polar diagram of bending strength
Water absorption after 24 h (%) 12 20.47 3.45 1.00 18.28 22.67 15.33 23.10 shown on Figure 1. Approaching of the diagram to the
Water absorption after 48 h (%) 12 31.83 2.92 0.84 29.97 33.68 27.14 34.43 form of circle speaks for higher isotropy of the MDF
IB (N/mm2) 12 0.61 0.07 0.02 0.57 0.65 0.51 0.76
Janka hardness (N/mm2) 12 47.68 2.13 0.43 46.78 48.58 41.20 50.52 bending properties.
*, SD, standard deviation; ** SE, standard error.
The obtained values of bending strength and
modulus of elasticity in bending of tested MDF panels
The statistical data for the bending strength in all tested directions exceed the minimal values for
and modulus of elasticity in bending of tested MDF general purpose MDF (20 N/mm for the bending
are shown in Table 2 and 3. strength and 2200 N/mm for the modulus of elasticity
in bending) and load-bearing MDF for structural
Table 2: Statistical data for MOR in different directions of the application defined in the standard EN 622-5 [8].
95% Confidence
Force Std. Std. Interval for Mean
N Mean Min Max
direction Deviation Error Lower Upper
Bound Bound
Parallel 12 35.30 2.10 0.61 33.96 36.63 32.29 38.89
Perpendicular 12 35.54 1.19 0.34 34.78 36.30 33.24 36.87
Angle 22,5° 12 34.13 1.31 0.38 33.30 34.96 31.44 35.84
Angle 45° 12 35.14 1.59 0.46 34.13 36.15 32.38 37.49
Angle 67,5° 12 35.68 1.58 0.46 34.68 36.68 33.34 38.31
Table 3: Statistical data for MOE in different directions of the Figure 1: Polar diagram of bending strength of MDF panel
95% Confidence
Force Std. Std. Interval for Mean
N Mean
Deviation Error Lower Upper
Min Max According the values of thickness swelling
Bound Bound after 24 hours immersion in water, internal bond,
Parallel 12 3208.78a 98.48 28.43 3146.21 3271.35 3001.55 3328.65
Perpendicular 12 3347.18b.a 169.59 48.96 3239.43 3454.93 3008.64 3540.98 bending strength and modulus of elasticity of bending,
Angle 22,5° 12 3225.50a 183.33 52.92 3109.01 3341.98 2930.87 3580.98 tested MDF panels beside furniture production and
Angle 45° 12 3098.72c.a 99.34 28.68 3035.60 3161.83 2874.28 3210.51
Angle 67,5° 12 3238.06a 157.42 45.44 3138.04 3338.08 2968.69 3509.48 interior design, also can be used as load-bearing
The mean values with the same letters are not significantly different at 0.05 probability panels in dry conditions (as type MDF.LA).
Jakimovska Popovska et al. Medium Density Fiberboards for Furniture Production and Interior Application
more important property for high density fiberboards utilization of burned wood in manufacture of medium density
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obtained value for Janka hardness shows that the
tested MDF is durable for application in furniture
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In conclusion, medium density fiberboards are 9. Macedonian standards: MKS D.A8.085, MKS D.A8.083, MKS
one of the most rapidly used wood-based panels for D.A8.084.
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furniture production and interior applications. It is
recommended to avoid application of these MDF
panels in high humidity conditions for a longer
exploitation period. For this kind of applications, such
as bathroom areas, the furniture constructors and
interior designers should consider use of MDF.H type
of panel for application in high humidity conditions,
which will provide good dimensional stability of the
products during whole exploitation period.
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