Ganong SBA
Ganong SBA
Ganong SBA
What is the usual sequence in which they occur when they affect respiration?
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(b) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
(c) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
(d) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
(e) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
15. The following events that occur in the carotid bodies when they are exposed to hypoxia
are listed in random order:
(1) depolarization of type I glomus cells
(a) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2
(b) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3
(c) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
(d) 3, 1, 4, 5, 2
(e) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
16. Injection of a drug that stimulates the carotid bodies would be expected to cause
(a) a decrease in the pH of arterial blood.
(b) a decrease in the PCO2 of arterial blood.
(c) an increase in the HCO3– concentration of arterial blood.
(d) an increase in urinary Na+ excretion.
(e) an increase in plasma Cl–
17. Variations in which of the following components of blood or CSF do not affect respiration?
(a) Arterial HCO3 – concentration
(b) Arterial H+ concentration
(c) Arterial Na+ concentration
(d) CSF CO2 concentration
(e) CSF H+ concentration
1. The action potential of skeletal muscle
(a) has a prolonged plateau phase.
(b) spreads inward to all parts of the muscle via the T tubules.
(c) causes the immediate uptake of Ca2+ into the lateral sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
(d) is longer than the action potential of cardiac muscle.
(e) is not essential for contraction.
2. The functions of tropomyosin in skeletal muscle include
(a) sliding on actin to produce shortening.
(b) releasing Ca2+ after initiation of contraction.
(c) binding to myosin during contraction.
(d) acting as a “relaxing protein” at rest by covering up the sites where myosin binds to actin.
(e) generating ATP, which it passes to the contractile mechanism.
3. The cross-bridges of the sarcomere in skeletal muscle are made up of
(a) actin.
(b) myosin.
(c) troponin.
(d) tropomyosin.
(e) myelin.
4. The contractile response in skeletal muscle
(a) starts after the action potential is over.
(b) does not last as long as the action potential.
(c) produces more tension when the muscle contracts isometrically than when the muscle contracts
(d) produces more work when the muscle contracts isometrically than when the muscle contracts
(e) decreases in magnitude with repeated stimulation.
5. Initiation of an action potential in skeletal muscle
(a) requires spatial facilitation.
(b) requires temporal facilitation.
(c) is inhibited by a high concentration of Ca2+ at the neuromuscular junction.
(d) requires the release of norepinephrine.
(e) requires the release of acetylcholine.
6. A 35-year-old woman sees her physician to report muscle weakness in the extraocular eye
muscles and muscles of the extremities. She states that she feels fine when she gets up in
the morning, but the weakness begins soon after she becomes active. The weakness is
improved by rest. Sensation appears normal. The physician treats her with an
anticholinesterase inhibitor, and she notes immediate return of muscle strength. Her
physician diagnoses her with
(a) Lambert–Eaton syndrome.
(b) myasthenia gravis.
(c) multiple sclerosis.
(d) Parkinson disease.
(e) muscular dystrophy.
7. A mouse is engineered to lack a transcription factor necessary for the normal development
of osteoclasts. Compared to normal littermate mice, which of the following would be
reduced in the knock-out animals?
(a) Phosphate deposition in trabecular bone
(b) Hydroxyapatite levels in bone
(c) Osteoblast proliferation
(d) Secretion of acid proteases
(e) Bone collagen
8. The skeleton of a normal male college student would be expected to display which of the
following features, relative to that of his 7-year-old brother?
(a) Merging of cortical bone and trabecular bone.
(b) Differentiation of osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
(c) An extended amount of proliferating cartilage that contributes to bone elongation.
(d) A meeting of the lacunae with the trabecular bone.
(e) Ephyses that are united with the bone shaft
1. Nociceptors
(a) are activated by strong pressure, severe cold, severe heat, and chemicals.
(b) are absent in visceral organs.
(c) are specialized structures located in the skin and joints.
(d) are innervated by group II afferents.
(e) are involved in acute but not chronic pain.
2. Which of the following are correctly paired?
(a) Neuropathic pain and withdrawal reflex
(b) First pain and dull, intense, diffuse, and unpleasant feeling
(c) Physiological pain and allodynia
(d) Second pain and C fibers
(e) Nociceptive pain and nerve damage
3. A 32-year-old female experienced the sudden onset of a severe cramping pain in the
abdominal region. She also became nauseated. Visceral pain
(a) shows relatively rapid adaptation.
(b) is mediated by B fibers in the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves.
(c) is poorly localized.
(d) resembles “fast pain” produced by noxious stimulation of the skin.
(e) causes relaxation of nearby skeletal muscles.
4. A ventrolateral cordotomy is performed that produces relief of pain in the right leg. It is
effective because it interrupts the
(a) left dorsal column.
(b) left ventrolateral spinothalamic tract.
(c) right ventrolateral spinothalamic tract.
(d) right medial lemniscal pathway.
(e) a direct projection to the primary somatosensory cortex.
1. Water is absorbed in the jejunum, ileum, and colon and excreted in the feces. Arrange
these in order of the amount of water absorbed or excreted from greatest to smallest.
(a) Colon, jejunum, ileum, feces
(b) Feces, colon, ileum, jejunum
(c) Jejunum, ileum, colon, feces
(d) Colon, ileum, jejunum, feces
(e) Feces, jejunum, ileum, colon
2. Following a natural disaster in Haiti, there is an outbreak of cholera among displaced
persons living in a tent encampment. The affected individuals display severe diarrheal
symptoms because of which of the following changes in intestinal transport?
(a) Increased Na+ – K+ cotransport in the small intestine
(b) Increased K+ secretion into the colon.
(c) Reduced K+ absorption in the crypts of Lieberkühn.
(d) Increased Na+ absorption in the small intestine.
(e) Increased Cl− secretion into the intestinal lumen.
3. A 50-year-old man presents to his physician complaining of severe epigastric pain,
frequent heartburn, and unexplained weight loss of 20 pounds over a 6-month period. He
claims to have obtained no relief from over-the-counter H2 antihistamine drugs. He is
referred to a gastroenterologist, and upper endoscopy reveals erosions and ulcerations in
the proximal duodenum and an increased output of gastric acid in the fasting state. The
patient is most likely to have a tumor secreting which of the following hormones?
(a) Secretin
(b) Somatostatin
(c) Motilin
(d) Gastrin
(e) Cholecystokinin
4. Which of the following has the highest pH?
(a) Gastric juice
(b) Colonic luminal contents
(c) Pancreatic juice
(d) Saliva
(e) Contents of the intestinal crypts
5. A 60-year-old woman undergoes total pancreatectomy because of the presence of a tumor.
Which of the following outcomes would not be expected after she recovers from the
(a) Steatorrhea
(b) Hyperglycemia
(c) Metabolic acidosis
(d) Weight gain
(e) Decreased absorption of amino acids
6. Maximum absorption of short-chain fatty acids produced by bacteria occurs in the
(a) stomach.
(b) duodenum.
(c) jejunum.
(d) ileum.
(e) colon.
7. A premenopausal woman who is physically active seeks advice from her primary care
physician regarding measures she can take to ensure adequate availability of dietary
calcium to ensure bone health later in life. Which of the following dietary components
should enhance calcium uptake?
(a) Protein
(b) Oxalates
(c) Iron
(d) Vitamin D
(e) Sodium
8. A decrease in which of the following would be expected in a child exhibiting a congenital
absence of enterokinase?
(a) Incidence of pancreatitis
(b) Glucose absorption
(c) Bile acid reabsorption
(d) Gastric pH
(e) Protein assimilation
9. In Hartnup disease (a defect in the transport of neutral amino acids), patients do not
become deficient in these amino acids due to the activity of
(a) PepT1.
(b) brush border peptidases.
(c) Na - K ATPase.
(d) cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR).
(e) trypsin.
10. A newborn baby is brought to the pediatrician suffering from severe diarrhea that worsens
with meals. The symptoms diminish when nutrients are delivered intravenously. The child
most likely has a mutation in which of the following intestinal transporters?
(a) Na - K ATPase
(b) NHE3
(c) SGLT1
(d) H+ ,K+ ATPase
(e) NKCC1
11. In infants, defecation often follows a meal. The cause of colonic contractions in this
situation is
(a) histamine.
(b) increased circulating levels of CCK.
(c) the gastrocolic reflex.
(d) increased circulating levels of somatostatin.
(e) the enterogastric reflex.
12. The symptoms of the dumping syndrome (discomfort after meals in patients with intestinal
short circuits such as anastomosis of the jejunum to the stomach) are caused in part by
(a) increased blood pressure.
(b) increased secretion of glucagon.
(c) increased secretion of CCK.
(d) hypoglycemia.
(e) hyperglycemia.
13. Gastric pressures seldom rise above the levels that breach the lower esophageal sphincter,
even when the stomach is filled with a meal, due to which of the following processes?
(a) Peristalsis
(b) Gastroileal reflex
(c) Segmentation
(d) Stimulation of the vomiting center
(e) Receptive relaxation
14. The migrating motor complex is triggered by which of the following?
(a) Motilin
(b) NO
(c) CCK
(d) Somatostatin
(e) Secretin
15. A patient is referred to a gastroenterologist because of persistent difficulties with
swallowing. Endoscopic examination reveals that the lower esophageal sphincter fails to
fully open as the bolus reaches it, and a diagnosis of achalasia is made. During the
examination, or in biopsies taken from the sphincter region, a decrease would be expected
in which of the following?
(a) Esophageal peristalsis
(b) Expression of neuronal NO synthase
(c) Acetylcholine receptors
(d) Substance P release
(e) Contraction of the crural diaphragm
16. A patient suffering from severe ulcerative colitis undergoes a total colectomy with
formation of a stoma. After a full recovery from surgery, and compared to his condition
prior to surgery, which of the following would be expected to be decreased?
(a) Ability to absorb lipids
(b) Ability to clot the blood
(c) Circulating levels of conjugated bile acids
(d) Urinary urea
(e) Urinary urobilinogen
17. A surgeon is studying new methods of liver transplantation. She performs a complete
hepatectomy in an experimental animal. Before the donor liver is grafted, a rise would be
expected in the blood level of
(a) glucose.
(b) fibrinogen.
(c) 25-hydroxycholecalciferol.
(d) conjugated bilirubin.
(e) estrogens.
18. A 40-year-old woman comes to her primary care physician complaining of severe, episodic
abdominal pain that is particularly intense after she ingests a fatty meal. An imaging
procedure reveals that her gallbladder is acutely dilated, and a diagnosis of cholelithiasis
is made. A gallstone lodged in which location will also increase her risk of pancreatitis?
(a) Left hepatic duct
(b) Right hepatic duct
(c) Cystic duct
(d) Common bile duct
(e) Sphincter of Oddi
19. Compared to hepatic bile, gallbladder bile contains a reduced concentration of which of
the following?
(a) Bile acids
(b) Sodium ions
(c) Protons
(d) Glucose