DS HZM AUS SITEC Xtend CGC-TGC Digital-Generator-Control e

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Digital control range for

diesel/gas engine generators

Si-TEC Xtend CGC/TGC Key features

Precise speed governing

DATA SHEET Dual MPU for redundancy

Automatic engine start

up sequence (including
Models pre-heat/purge, crank, start
fuel limiting and speed
Si-TEC Xtend Recip Control is ramping)
available in two variations:
Driving wide range
4 CGC – of actuators (incl.
Co-Generation Control HEINZMANN all-electric)

4 TGC – Wide range of PIDs

Total Generator Control
Boost pressure limiting

Interfacing wide range of

AVR systems
Description Auto synchronising

Si-TEC (Smart Integrated Turbine & Engine Control) is the world’s only digital kW control & load share
governor fully integrated with an automatic synchroniser and kW/kVAr control, and kVAr/PF control & load
was developed by Dawson Technology Pty Ltd in 1991, which now operates under share
the name of Heinzmann Australia Pty Ltd as part of the HEINZMANN Group.
Flexible configuration
With more than 4000 systems now in operation throughout Australia and
internationally, the Si-TEC Xtend control provides a further enhancement of this User-friendly tuning
already successful product. software (pcTune)
Designed for use with all sizes of generators, the Si-TEC Xtend can be used for
Extensive system
islanded or co-generation (mains/grid parallel) applications on diesel and gas
reciprocating engines, steam turbines and gas turbines.
Optional I/O expansion
Features ´ Accumulated data recording of engine running hours,
Synchroniser ´ kW limiting based on temperature, boost pressure, etc.
kW hours, kVAr hours, etc. (via 4-20 mA signal)
´ Extensive diagnostic functions ´ Adjustable load/unload ramp rates
´ Precise speed governing typically within 0.1 % of ´ Digitally integrated with governor
operating (rated) speed at steady state ´ Engine monitoring via Opal Generator Annunciator ´ Multi-mode kW & kVar power factor control
´ Better than 10 secs (typically within 5 secs for 0.1 Hz,
´ Dual MPU (or prox.) speed sensors for redundancy 1.0 % Volts & 5° phase match) for most applications ´ AVR bias to directly interface wide range of AVRs
´ Automatic start/stop sequence initiated by a single Application range ´ Phase rotation check during synchronising
(digital outputs or +/- 8.4 VDC) for PF sharing/control
logic input to give fuel limited “Guaranteed Start®” ´ 4-20 mA and Modbus RS-485 referencing available
´ Integrated independent “Sync Check” hardware
´ Typically interfaces with all-electric actuators that ´ Power generation applications where up to 24 (3-ph bus & gen check) ´ Power factor or kVAr control when base loaded
provide “instantaneous” position feedback generators can be paralleled together. Multiple groups
´ Optional “Permissive” synchronising function ´ Vector disturbance feature senses loss of grid within
can be combined via GSM modules.
´ Capable of driving wide range of actuators including 40 mSec to maintain full operation of station
´ Intelligent “Dead Bus” detection and closure
electro-hydraulic (e.g. 0-200 mA, Solenoid, etc.) and ´ Single or multiple GSM’s for more complex
EFI engine systems (4-20 mA, 0-5 V, +/-3 V & PWM) applications, e.g. multiple bus and/or feeders ´ Menu adjustable synchronising parameters
Display features via opal
´ Multiple and wide range PIDs (includes 5x speed ´ Co-generation operation – parallel to the grid for:
PIDs, kW PID, process PID, voltage bias control,
generator annunciator
• Soft “bumpless” transfer of loads
synchronising control, kVAr/PF control, etc.) • Peak shaving – set max. limit for import power
Load sharing and load control
´ 4x 20 character LCD display, with “back-light flash”
´ Multi-point “Boost Pressure” limiting curve • Base Loaded to the grid
feature for active alarms
• Export excess power to the grid ´ Digitally integrated with governor
´ Grouping Control logic allows “Bumpless” transfer from
• Prime power – only export to grid ´ Metering of essential generator information (e.g.
single bus to split bus applications (& vice versa) ´ Automatic and isochronous (islanded) kW and kVAr
voltage, frequency, real power and power factor)
´ Systems requiring high quality power based upon load sharing
´ Extensive I/Os that may be expandable via CAN bus
precise frequency and calculations of active and ´ Multiple “Short-Cut” keys to display useful data (e.g.
(e.g. remote digital I/Os, thermo-couples, etc.) ´ Load sharing accuracy to better than 0.5 %
reactive power peak hold, running hours, control status & alarms)
´ Noise and harmonic issues eliminated by design ´ True RMS AC measurement (3-phase voltage &
´ Generating sets in sugar, mining and general ´ Engine monitoring parameters including oil pressure,
current) better than 0.25 % accuracy
´ 3-phase AC RMS voltage and current sensing water temperature, oil temperature, crank battery.
industry, mining sites and townships, rural & remote
´ Optimum control of active power (kWs) and reactive Various alarms and shutdown conditions (e.g. low oil
´ Smart self-tuning torsional filtering communities, hospitals, commercial buildings,
power (kVAr/PF) when grid paralleled pressure, high water temperature, overspeed, etc.).
marine & shipping, defence & telecommunications
´ Configurable alarms can be multi-functional
facilities as well as oil & gas industry ´ “Bumpless” transfer of active and reactive power
´ Bump® feature to optimise tuning of governor

Si-TEC Xtend recip interface Si-TEC Xtend CGC used for mains (grid) parallel application
I/O features ´ Individual output relays can have multiple functions by
combining alarms

´ 16 logic inputs, with LED status indication, of which ´ Each “alarm” can be selected to directly “Trip” the
´ RS-232 Diagnostic port for Si-TEC support software
12 are user defined for a wide variety of uses, Generator C/B
´ “Customer RS-485 LAN” has read/write facility for a
including, “Rated Speed”, “Fast Rate”, “Sequence Hold”, ´ 4 analogue inputs (3x 4-20 mA, 1 x RTD) for user
wide range of registers. Standard LAN protocols are
“Base Load”, “Overspeed Test (Auto)”, etc. selectable applications. E.g. kW, kVAr, PF & base load
Modbus RTU and ASCII.
´ 9 relay outputs, with LED status indication, of which references, engine temp, etc.
´ “Si-TEC LAN” for inter-module communications for up
8 are user defined for control or alarm functions ´ 3 analogue outputs (4-20 mA) for direct driving user
to 24 Si-TEC Xtend modules of any type combination
applications, E.g. kW, kVAr, PF, RPM meters, actuator
Typical control functions include: ´ “CAN Bus” port for CGC to Opal & RIO interface
position & fuel % indication
• “Fuel Solenoid”
• “Engine Cranking” ´ I/O connections utilise plug-in terminal strips

• “Engine Pre-Heat/Pre-Lube” ´ Further I/Os expansion is possible via CAN bus

Software tools
• “Generator C/B”, etc. (Windows® based)
Typical alarm functions include:
• “Reverse Power”
Si-TEC pcConfigure
• “Reverse kVAr”
´ Allow storage & retrieval of set point parameters to &
• “High kW load”
from a Si-TEC Xtend module via a PC
• “High/Low Frequency”
´ Graphical configuration of “Boost Pressure” mapping &
• “High/Low Voltage”
linearisation curve
• “Phase out of balance”
• “Vector Disturbance” etc. ´ Operates in a safe controlled environment
´ Saves all set point parameters to disk
´ Data can be sent by email
´ Data can be printed for archival records
Dimensional drawing
´ Menu driven set-up & alarm configuration

Si-TEC Xtend Physical ´ Software interface via PC or remote access

Si-TEC pcTune
´ Allows generator tuning to be performed remotely and
in a controlled environment
´ Allows generator tuning to be performed with
increased accuracy in true engineering values
´ Provides 100 % repeatable results Si-TEC DataView
´ Recovery characteristics tested by inducing errors and ´ High speed power station monitoring system for PC,
recording results graphically configurable for up to 24 nodes (including CGC, GSM,
ADG, temp scanner, feeders, etc.)
´ 16 traces of user selected digital values can be
selected for display ´ Includes extensive data logging (up to 100 data per
node), event recording, and archiving (up to several
´ Multiple PID tuning menus
´ Other displays include “Digital Instrument Panel”,
´ Data extracted via Modbus RS-485 or Ethernet
“System Overview” and “Live Steam Map”
(Modbus TCP/IP)
´ Data can be sent by email
´ Exporting of log file via CSV format for up to
´ Data can be printed for archival records 20 parameters
´ Software interface via PC or remote access ´ Operates independent of PLC/SCADA

* All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Subject to alterations. ©Heinzmann Australia Pty Ltd, 2020

Heinzmann Australia Pty Ltd Phone: +61 7 3868 3333

10 Virginia Street E-Mail: [email protected]
Geebung, QLD 4034, Australia www.heinzmann.com.au

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