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Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

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Hydrothermal pretreatment for the production of prebiotic

oligosaccharides from tobacco stem
Marcel B. Santana a, Lauren B. Soares a, Eduardo Zanella b, Marcos Fellipe da Silva c,
Boris U. Stambuk b, Rosana Goldbeck c, Alan Ambrosi a, Acácio Zielinski a, Patrícia Poletto a, *,
Jaciane L. Ienczak a
Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Center of Biological Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
Bioprocess and Metabolic Engineering Laboratory, School of Food Engineering, Department of Food Engineering and Technology, University of Campinas, Campinas,


• Effect of temperature and solid load (SL)

on xylooligosaccharides (XOS) yield.
• Yield of 96% of XOS was achieved at
190 ◦ C and 2.93% SL.
• Yield of 10% of cello-oligosaccharides
(COS) was obtained at 190 ◦ C and
17.07% SL.
• 5.5 to 13.2% of XOS can be obtained
from tobacco stem varying SL.


Keywords: Tobacco stem is an abundant and inexpensive renewable source to produce prebiotics by circular economy. In
Xylooligosaccharides this study, hydrothermal pretreatments were evaluated on the release of xylooligosaccharides (XOS) and cello-
Cello-oligosaccharides oligosaccharides (COS) from the tobacco stem by a central composite rotational design associated with response
surface methodology to evaluate the effects of temperature (161.72 to 218.3 ◦ C) and solid load (SL) (2.93 to
Degradation compounds
17.07%). XOS were the main compounds released to the liquor. Desirability function was performed to maximize
the production of XOS and minimize the effects of release of monosaccharides and degradation compounds. The
result indicated yield of 96% w[XOS]/w[xylan] for 190 ◦ C-2.93% SL. The highest value for COS and total
oligomers content (COS + XOS) was 6.42 g/L and 17.7 g/L, respectively, for 190 ◦ C-17.07% SL. The mass
balance for the best yield XOS condition predicted 132 kg of XOS (X2-X6) from 1000 kg of tobacco stem.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Poletto).
Received 27 March 2023; Received in revised form 7 May 2023; Accepted 10 May 2023
Available online 13 May 2023
0960-8524/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

1. Introduction biomass before and after the pretreatments, COS, XOS, SM (sum of
monosaccharides) and DC (degradation compounds) was evaluated for
Tobacco production is carried out from diverse varieties of Nicotiana each pretreatment performed herein.
tabacum. Brazil occupies a prominent position in tobacco harvesting and
is one of the largest exporters of raw tobacco in the world (FAOSTAT/ 2. Material and methods
ONU, 2021). Revenue from the tobacco industry generates billions of
dollars each year and distributes income to around 615,000 people. On 2.1. Raw material
the other hand, the tobacco agroindustry exposes major social, eco­
nomic, environmental and public health problems (Campos et al., 2016; The tobacco stems were provided by a tobacco agroindustry from
Cruzeiro Szortyka et al., 2021). Brazil. The raw material was dried in an air circulation oven at 45 ◦ C for
Tobacco farming generates thousands of tons of tobacco waste every 24 h. After, the material underwent a granulometric reduction in a knife
year. This is because half of everything planted is not used in the pro­ mill (TE-631/2) and the tobacco stem particles were standardized in a
duction of cigarettes and ends up being underutilized (Guo et al., vibrating sieve system (BERTEL- N◦ SERIES 6273) between 16 and 45
2021b). These residues are mostly derived from the structure that sup­ mesh.
ports the leaves (tobacco stems) and have a chemical composition
similar to some species like wheat straw, rice straw and corn straw (Yuan
et al., 2019). For this reason, published research has shown the interest 2.2. Hydrothermal pretreatment
of the scientific community in investigating the tobacco stem as a
promising biomass for bioethanol production (Guo et al., 2021a; Sar­ Hydrothermal pretreatment was performed in a stainless-steel high-
bishei et al., 2021; Yuan et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021) and prebiotics pressure reactor (Model RTA-BB-450-CM, METALQUIM, Brazil), with a
such as xylooligosaccharides (XOS) (Akpinar et al., 2010). Therefore, it useful volume of 450 mL, 300 ◦ C, heating power of 1.0 kW and
is necessary to offer alternatives to improve the sustainability of the maximum operating pressure of 138 bar (2000 psi). The release and
tobacco industry by exploring the concept of biorefinery as a tool for production of compounds derived from hemicellulosic fraction were
generating products of high commercial interest. evaluated following a Central Rotational Composite Design (CCRD) 22
Tobacco stems represent an abundant and inexpensive renewable including 4 tests under axial conditions and 3 repetitions at the central
resource to produce prebiotics (Akpinar et al., 2010). However, the point, totaling 11 runs. Temperature (161.72, 170, 190, 210 and
pretreatment stage is crucial to reduce the recalcitrance of the biomass 218.3 ◦ C), X1, and solid load (2.93, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 17.07 w/w), X2,
and to facilitate the fractionation of the compounds, aiming at the full were the independent variables. Yield of XOS (%, w [XOS]/w [xylan]),
use of the biomass (Wang et al., 2021). Hydrothermal pretreatment of sugar monomers (w[xylose + glucose + arabinose]/w[poly­
lignocellulosic biomass has attracted much attention and promises saccharides]) and of degradation compounds (w[acetic acid + formic
greater valorization of compounds as it is a clean thermochemical acid + hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) + furfural]/w[polysaccharides])
technology using water as a solvent (Rosero-Chasoy et al., 2023). In were the response determined. The response surface methodology
addition, hydrothermal pretreatment at high temperatures and pres­ (RSM) coupled with multiple regression was applied to model the
sures causes a water ionization process, producing hydronium ions that behavior of the reaction process. The results were statistically analyzed
lead to the depolymerization of polysaccharides through the selective (item 2.6) to select the best condition to produce the highest yield of
hydrolysis of heterocyclic ether bonds and cleavage of acetyl groups XOS and lower yields of sugar monomers and tobacco stem degradation
(Vega et al., 2023). In this reaction, released organic acids catalyze the compounds.
hydrolysis of the hemicellulose fraction, allowing significant amounts of The tobacco stems and distilled water were fed into the hydrother­
XOS with a low degree of polymerization. These reactions are capable of mal reactor and the reactions occurred at 500 rpm for 10 min (counted
cleaving even a small portion of the cellulosic fraction (Yang et al., when the proposed temperature was attained), for each condition. At the
2018), producing fragments of polysaccharides such as cello- end of the reaction the reactor was cooled to 45 ◦ C, and the liquor was
oligosaccharides. obtained through a conventional filtration system using filter paper and
Xylose-based prebiotic oligomers are called XOS and comprise a Buchner funnel, and further filtered in a 0.22 μm syringe filter. The li­
group of polysaccharides with β-1,4-glycosidic bonds. XOS are carbo­ quor was then subjected to XOS, COS, glucose, xylose, arabinose, acetic
hydrates that are part of a bioactive prebiotic group by selectively acid, formic acid, furfural and HMF quantification. The solid fraction
stimulating beneficial bacteria (Rogoski et al., 2023). For this reason, was dried at 105 ◦ C for 24 h in an air circulation oven and the ligno­
these compounds have attracted great attention from the food and cellulosic composition was characterized for starch, cellulose, hemicel­
pharmaceutical industries due to their physical-chemical properties. In lulose, lignin, extractive and ash content as described below.
addition to the prebiotic activity, these bioactive molecules are believed
to alleviate the symptoms of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and stress 2.2.1. Severity factor
(Samanta et al., 2015). Another group of highly valued prebiotics are the The severity factor of each run was calculated according to the
cello-oligosaccharides (COS) obtained from glucose units also linked to temperature predicted in the experimental design and exposure time.
β-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Its applicability is limited due to low availability, Eq. (1) describes the isothermal model used in this study to describe the
high cost of production and recalcitrant nature of cellulose compared to impact of different temperatures on the tobacco stem hydrothermal
other polysaccharides. However, it is a potential prebiotic that could be pretreatment (Aguilar et al., 2018; Aparicio et al., 2021; Falls, 1987).
used in food formulations, dietary supplements or even in drugs that The mathematical model describes the behavior of the three pretreat­
help restore the intestinal microbiota (Ávila et al., 2021). ment steps: heating, isothermal process, and cooling.
This study presents a perspective in the search for tobacco-derived [ ] [ ] [ ]
logRo = Ro(Heating) + Ro(Isothermal) + Ro(Cooling)
biomolecules, strengthening the concept that “Tobacco goes far
beyond cigarettes”, which is known for its great damage to the health of ⎡ tmá x ⎤ ⎡ ctrf ⎤ ⎡ tmax ⎤
∫ ∫ ∫
thousands of people. To date, there is only one study on the fractionation T(t) − 100 T(t) − 100 T‘(t) − 100
logRo = ⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦+⎣ ⎦ (1)
of lignocellulosic structure to recover XOS from tobacco residues using 0 w w w
acid and enzymatic treatment, but not using hydrothermal treatment. In ctri 0

this sense, the feasibility and maximization in oligomer production was Where, logRo is the severity factor, tmax is the time to reach the
evaluated from the optimization of the hydrothermal pretreatment maximum temperature; T(t) and T‘(t) are the behavior of temperature
(temperature and solids load). In addition, the chemical composition of (◦ C) as a function of time (t) in the heating and cooling phase,

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

respectively; w is an empirical parameter related to the activation en­ temperature was maintained at 35 ◦ C and the run time was 30 min. The
ergy, set at 14.75 for this raw material (Falls, 1987); ctri and ctrf are the concentrations of HMF and furfural were analyzed on HPLC coupled to a
time when the isothermal phase of treatment is initiated and terminated diode array detector (DAD). Compounds were separated at 30 ◦ C with
(min), respectively. Nova-Pak C18 (4um, Waters) using acetonitrile/water (1:8 with 1%
acetic acid) as the mobile phase at a rate of 0.8 mL/min.
2.3. Chemical characterization of lignocellulosic biomass
2.6. Statistical analysis of pretreatment processes
The composition of the raw tobacco stems and after different pre­
treatments was quantified as follows: (1) moisture content was deter­ To model the release of compounds of the hemicellulosic fraction
mined by gravimetric method (Aoac, 1995); (2) content of extractives by from tobacco stems, the response surface methodology (RSM) coupled to
sequential extraction with ethanol and water according to the procedure a multiple regression was applied. Statistical significance of the effects
of National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL/TP-510–42619); (3) was checked by ANOVA and the non-significant effects were excluded
cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and ash were quantified according to the from the initial model and experimental data were refitted only for
method given by the NREL/TP-510–42618 (Sluiter et al., 2008); (4) total significant parameters (p ≤ 0.05). The adequacy and quality of the
starch was determine by methodology established by the (AOAC, 2005). adjustment were evaluated by Plack-of-fit, determination coefficient (R2)
The solid yield after hydrothermal pretreatment were quantified and their adjusted R2. A second-order polynomial equation was used to
according to Eq. (2) (Ilanidis et al., 2021), where Srecovery is the recovery adjust the experimental data. The generalized model used in the RSM is
percentage; Sbefore is the mass subjected to pretreatment; Safter is the shown in Eq. (5).
mass recovered after pretreatment (dry basis).

3 ∑
3 ∑
2 ∑
Safter (g) Y = β0 β i Xi + βii Xi2 βij Xi Xj (5)
Srecovery (%) = × 100 (2) i=1 i=1 i=1 j=i+1
Sbefore (g)
Where Y is the predicted response, β0, βi, βii and βij are regression
2.3.1. Recovery of oligosaccharides coefficients for terms of interception, liner, quadratic, and interaction,
The yields of XOS and COS were calculated based on xylan and respectively. Xi and Xj are independent variables. Once the mathemat­
glucan content by Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively (Xiong et al., 2023). ical models were obtained, multi-response optimization using the
[XOS] desirability function (Derringer and Suich, 1980) was used to maximize
YXOS %, = *100 (3) the production efficiency of XOS and minimize the production of sugar
wxylan [Xylan]
monomers (SM) and degradation compounds (CD). For the execution of
[COS] the CCRD and data analysis, Statistica v. 13.5 software (TIBCO Software
YCOS %, = *100 (4) Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) was used.
wglucan [Glucan]

Where XOS and COS are the mass of X2-X6 and C2-C6 (g) produced 3. Results and Discussion
during hydrothermal pretreatment; Xylan and Glucan are the poly­
saccharide fraction available in the raw tobacco stems (g). 3.1. Effect of hydrothermal pretreatment on tobacco stem composition

2.4. Determination and quantification of mono and oligosaccharides The chemical characterization of the raw tobacco stems showed the
(XOS and COS) following composition: 31.81±1.72 % of cellulose, 5.30±0.00 % of
starch, 16.51±0.84 % of hemicellulose (composed of 13.70% of xylan,
XOS and COS were quantified in accordance with (Ávila et al., 2020) 1.73% of arabinose and 1.08% of acetyl), 16.67±0.45 % of lignin, 28.53
by high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed ±0.23 % of extractives and 5.35±0.07 % of ash. The results obtained for
amperometry detection (HPAE-PAD), using a Dionex® chromatograph cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are close to those found in the liter­
equipment (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) equipped with Carbopac PA-1 column ature for tobacco residues (Guo et al., 2021a; Silverstein et al., 2007;
(4×250 mm) and a Carbopac PA-1 protection pre-column (4×50 mm), Yuan et al., 2019). The extractive content obtained in this study is in
GP50 pump, and ED40 electrochemical detector. The running conditions accordance with that reported by Sarbishei et al., (2021), who stated
were flow of 1 mL.min− 1, 25 ◦ C, and total running time of 25 min that tobacco stems contain 30 to 50% of the total weight of biomass in
divided into 3 stages. In the first, from 0 to 10 min, an isocratic method extractives. Currently, there are no studies in the literature that have
was adopted using 95% NaOH (100 mM) and 5% of sodium acetate (300 quantified the amount of starch present in tobacco stems.
mM) in 100 mM NaOH as eluent; 10–15 min linear gradient up to 100% The chemical composition of solid fractions and solid yield (%) of
of the eluent composed of sodium acetate (300 mM) in 100 mM NaOH; each pretreatment is presented in Table 1.
20–25 min isocratic method using 95% NaOH (100 mM) and 5% of The cellulose content increased from 31.81 to approximately
sodium acetate (300 mM) in 100 mM NaOH as eluent. Peak areas were 49–55% (Table 1) after pretreatment. Hemicellulose and extractives
integrated and adjusted in peaknet software based on Sigma-Aldrich ® showed variations along with the different pretreatments, but they
standards such as Glucose (C1), Xylose (X1), Cellobiose (C2), Xylobiose presented lower content in relation to the cellulose, since the hydro­
(X2), Cellotriose (C3), Xylotriose (X3), Cellotetraose (C4), Xilotetrose thermal pretreatment is efficient for the solubilization of these fractions.
(X4), Cellopentose (C5), Xylopentose (X5), Cellohexose (C6) and Xylo­ For example, at temperatures close to 210 ◦ C, the content of hemicel­
hexose (X6). lulose in the recovered solid was close to zero. Aguilar et al., (2018)
reported that the cellulose and lignin content of agave bagasse was
2.5. Determination of sugars, organic acids, HMF and furfural increased and preserved after hydrothermal pretreatment conditions,
corroborating with the herein results. Starch was not detected after the
Analysis of glucose, xylose, arabinose, cellobiose and, organic acids hydrothermal pretreatment. A reduction in the extractive fraction was
was determined by ultrafast liquid chromatography (UFLC) using Shi­ also observed in all runs performed (Table 1).
madzu Prominence LC-20A chromatograph (Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) After hydrothermal treatment, solids yield (%) ranged from 37.29 to
with a Bio-rad® column Aminex HPX-87H (300×7.8 mm) and RID-20A 51.20% (Table 1). The lowest yield was observed when using an SL of
refractive index detector. The injection of 10 μL of the sample was eluted 2.93% and the highest recovery was found at the mildest temperature of
with 5 mmol/L of H2SO4 at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min. The oven the experimental design (161.72 ◦ C). Huang et al., (2019) used H2SO4-

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

Table 1
Chemical composition of solid fractions and solid yield (%) obtained after each hydrothermal pretreatment performed with tobacco stem.
Experimental design Content in recovered solid (%) Solid yield (%)

Run Temperature ( C)

SL in dry basis % (w/w) Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Extractives Ashes

1 170 5 49.83±2.29 12.04±0.36 30.53±0.13 10.37±0.57 1.71±0.12 48.00

2 210 5 51.53±2.76 0.39±0.00 43.25±1.21 7.05±1.00 2.60±0.04 40.00
3 170 15 53.87±1.36 11.87±0.13 34.34±2.39 6.49±1.47 1.10±0.00 46.67
4 210 15 49.27±1.66 0.00±0.00 43.84±0.79 8.28±0.37 2.37±0.11 44.27
5 161.72 10 49.13±1.89 13.78±1.51 30.29±0.16 9.85±0.53 1.60±0.07 51.20
6 218.3 10 50.30±1.14 0.00±0.00 49.40±0.58 5.55±0.16 1.80±0.01 43.68
7 190 2.93 55.41±1.23 7.32±0.33 36.38±0.37 6.33±0.18 1.79±0.01 37.29
8 190 17.07 49.65±1.37 4.25±0.22 42.84±0.72 6.02±0.40 2.47±0.15 42.64
9 190 10 51.90±1.48 4.89±0.16 37.86±0.43 7.28±1.19 2.24±0.05 41.31
10 190 10 52.00±0.02 5.28±0.00 36.89±0.49 7.63±0.69 2.19±0.12 40.84
11 190 10 51.10±0.64 4.95±0.19 37.47±1.00 7.58±1.71 2.21±0.05 41.16

SL: solid load.

catalyzed hydrothermal pretreatment (170 ◦ C and 1 h) and high SL (20% acetic acid, formic acid, furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural) can be
w/w) in the tobacco stem and obtained solid yields of 59%. Sarbishei consulted in Table 2.
et al., (2021) obtained solid yields close to 50% after a pretreatment of The severity factor of pretreatment directly affected the production
tobacco residue by ammonia soaking for 3 days followed by NaOH of degradation compounds (ΣDC) and the formation of sugar monomers
pretreatment, varying temperature (0, 25 and 80 ◦ C) and time (3 or 6 h) (ΣSM, Table 2). It was observed that the higher the severity factor, the
and attributed this great loss of mass to the fine size of the particles and lower the pH of the medium and the higher the sum of degradation
the high extractive content in biomass. compounds (ΣDC). For example, at severities close to 4.0, the highest
Extractives are almost 1/4 of the tobacco stem and in this fraction are ΣDC was obtained. On the other hand, at severities close to 3.0, higher
observed several compounds (Akpinar et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2019; ΣSM were produced. According to del Río et al., (2022) severities in the
Zhang et al., 2021), such as nicotine, capable of negatively influencing range of 3.50 to 4.00 were interesting for removing xylan from ligno­
two critical steps to obtain prebiotics: enzymatic hydrolysis and purifi­ cellulosic biomass during hydrothermal pretreatment, resulting in liquor
cation (Zhang et al., 2021; Aline Otaviano et al., 2023; Álvarez et al., rich in XOS, avoiding the generation of degradation compounds such as
2023). Although extractive content is low in the remaining solid fraction furfural and HMF.
(Table 1), the liquid fraction is rich in this component (data not shown). Table 2 shows that the concentration of XOS ranged from approxi­
Extractives from the tobacco stem are quite soluble in water, so an mately 3.98 to 11.28 g/L and COS ranging from 0.01 to 6.42 g/L.
alternative for obtaining a hemicellulosic hydrolysate with a low con­ Monomers of xylose, glucose and arabinose were separately quantified
tent of extractives would be to remove them in hot water (Guo et al., and their concentrations varied with the temperature (see Supplemen­
2021b) before the hydrothermal pretreatment step. This procedure tary Material). The glucose content was higher than the xylose content
would represent a substantial increase in the purity of the liquor ob­ in all runs, as the total starch content was released into the liquid stream
tained, facilitating the oligomer purification process. during processing. In the same way, HMF content was higher than
furfural (see Supplementary Material). As expected, degradation com­
pounds showed higher concentration in higher temperatures (Table 2).
3.2. Effect of hydrothermal treatment on the solubilization of compounds At 190 ◦ C and 2.93% SL, the lowest concentrations of monomeric sugars
(ΣSM = 1.07 g/L) and degradation compounds (ΣDC = 0.65 g/L) were
During hydrothermal pretreatment, hemicellulose is the main poly­ obtained. At 210 ◦ C and 15% SL, the highest concentration of inhibition
saccharide that undergoes autohydrolysis. The experimental design was compounds was found, reaching the sum of 13.9 g/L.
carried out to understand how temperature and solid load (SL) affect the According to the data obtained through experimental design
hemicellulose depolymerization. High pressure and temperature con­ (Table 3), mathematical models were built to describe the behavior of
ditions cause the formation of OH– and (H3O)+ ions that act as catalysts hydrothermal pretreatment of tobacco stem. From the models, the
and induce the release of xylan acetate and hydrolyze glycosidic bonds response surface was performed with data based on the % (w/w) of XOS
(Aparicio et al., 2021). Subsequently, there is a decrease in the pH of the released from xylan, the % (w/w) of the sum of monomers (SM) released
medium, due to the cleavage of the acetyl groups, releasing acetic acid. from cellulose, starch and hemicellulose, and finally, % (w/w) of the
The acidic environment is responsible for accelerating the hydrolysis of sum of degradation compounds released from each pretreatment
xylan into xylose and XOS. As the severity of the process increases, (Fig. 1).
oxidation of these sugars to furfural and organic acids may occur It is noted in Table 3 that for all the proposed models the variables
(Manfrin et al., 2021). Total XOS, SM and DC were significant (P < 0.001), did not present lack
Temperature and time are the primary parameters that influence the of fit (P > 0.05) and could explain up to >94% of the entire variance of
XOS profile obtained through hydrothermal treatment (Monteiro et al., the data with adjusted R2 >92%. Indeed, it is possible to conclude that
2021). In contrast, pressure is typically considered to have a minimal all models fitted the experimental data. The effects of the parameters on
effect on the solvent strength of pressurized hot liquid water (Plaza and the dependent variables are shown in 3D response surface plots (Fig. 1)
Turner, 2015). In this study, temperatures of 161.72 ◦ C, 170 ◦ C, 190 ◦ C, as a function of temperature and SL.
210 ◦ C, and 218.3 ◦ C were used, with corresponding process pressures of Regarding the effects of the model on XOS yield, it was observed that
0.65 MPa, 0.79 MPa, 1.25 MPa, 1.91 MPa, and 2.25 MPa. Monteiro the quadratic regression coefficient of temperature (X12) and the linear
et al., (2021) varied the pressure between 2.5 and 10 MPa during hy­ coefficient of SL (X2) exerted significantly negative effects, while the
drothermal pretreatment of mango seeds and concluded that the tested quadratic regression coefficient of SL (X22) and the interaction of tem­
pressures did not significantly affect the XOS extraction yield or hemi­ perature (X1) and SL (X2) had significantly positive effects on yield. The
cellulose conversion. response surface (Fig. 1A) illustrates how the effects of independent
Data for the pH of the liquid fraction, the severity factor calculated variables influenced the yield of XOS. It was observed that the highest
for each run and COS, XOS, the sum of monosaccharides (ΣSM, glucose, xylan conversion in XOS occurred in regions with low SL (<10 % w/w).
xylose and arabinose) and the sum of degradation compounds (ΣDC,

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

Table 2

Codified values of CCRD and results for the variables analyzed in the hydrothermal pretreatment of tobacco stem (COS, XOS, sum of sugar monomers – SM and sum

of degradation – DC), yield of XOS and COS (%) and severity factor.
Experimental design Compounds (g/L) Yield (%, w/w) Severity factor
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
Run Temperature (◦ C) SL, in dry basis, %(w/ COS XOS SM DC *XOS COS * SM * DC pH(Ф) ln
w) (Ro)

1 170.00 (-1) 5.00 (-1) 0.42 5.88±0.02 4.43±0.01 0.79±0.00 81.51 1.48 15.70 2.79 4.84 3.12
±0.00 ±0.02
2 210.00 (1) 5.00 (-1) 1.15 5.45±0.25 1.94±0.01 4.06±0.03 75.55 6.87 6.87 14.37 3.67 4.29
±0.13 ±0.00
3 170.00 (-1) 15.00 (1) 1.70 9.12±0.22 13.68 3.20±0.01 37.73 3.03 14.46 4.71 3.85 3.27
±0.15 ±0.06 ±0.01
4 210.00 (1) 15.00 (1) 0.76 9.68±0.00 5.10±0.20 13.86 40.04 1.35 5.39 14.65 3.57 4.28
±0.11 ±0.06 ±0.01
5 161.72 (-α) 10.00 (0) 1.13 8.10±0.24 11.03 1.13±0.01 53.21 3.20 18.52 1.90 4.80 3.01
±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.01
6 218.30 (α) 10.00 (0) 0.15 7.65±0.07 1.54±0.01 9.94±0.09 50.25 0.42 2.59 16.69 3.61 4.52
±0.04 ±0,01
7 190.00 (0) 2.93 (-α) 0.01 3.98±0.03 1.07±0.00 0.65±0.01 96.25 0.10 6.60 4.02 4.72 3.68
±0.00 ±0.01
8 190.00 (0) 17.07 (α) 6.42 11.28 9.39±0.01 8.56±0.09 39.98 9.80 8.51 7.75 3.81 3.71
±0.04 ±0.12 ±0.03
9 190.00 (0) 10.00 (0) 3.81 9.65±0.21 4.84±0.06 4.71±0.03 63.39 10.78 8.13 7.91 3.89 3.76
±0.23 ±0.03
10 190.00 (0) 10.00 (0) 3.75 9.20±0.03 4.45±0.05 4.25±0.03 60.44 10.61 7.47 7.14 3.92 3.74
±0.01 ±0.02
11 190.00 (0) 10.00 (0) 3.68 9.69±0.53 4.09±0.01 4.17±0.02 63.64 10.41 6.87 6.99 3.94 3.75
±0.02 ±0.03
Response variables used to generate response surfaces.

Table 3
Effects of independent variable temperature (X1) and SL (X2) for the dependent variables evaluated.
Response variable Factors Regression Coefficient Standard Error t-value p-value − 95% 95%

XOS Total (%, w/w) Constante 62.49 0.97 64.43 0.000 60.11 64.86
X21 − 5.67 0.71 − 8.03 0.000 − 7.40 − 3.94
X2 − 19.82 0.59 –33.44 0.000 − 21.27 − 18.37
X22 2.50 0.70 3.55 0.012 0.78 4.21
X1X2 2.07 0.84 2.46 0.049 0.01 4.12
R2 0.995
adjusted R2 0.992
p – lack of fit 0.608
p – value (model) <0.001

SM (%, w/w) Constante 7.89 0.53 14.75 0.000 6.65 9.12

X1 − 5.05 0.45 − 11.23 0.000 − 6.09 − 4.01
X21 1.79 0.51 3.51 0.008 0.61 2.97
R2 0.945
adjusted R2 0.932
p – lack of fit 0.173
P – value (model) <0.001

DC (%, w/w) Constante 7.02 0.57 12.29 0.000 5.70 8.34

X1 5.30 0.48 11.03 0.000 4.19 6.41
X21 1.46 0.55 2.67 0.028 0.20 2.72
R2 0.942
adjusted R2 0.927
p – lack of fit 0.096
P – value (model) <0.001

Temperature had negative effects on the XOS yield region when increasing process cost. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the process
distanced from 190 ◦ C. High SL caused a significant decrease in XOS to be able to obtain high XOS yields and low SM and DC yields.
production. This phenomenon is directly associated with SL, where high The effects of the models for the yield of SM and CD showed some
XOS yield (>60%) can only be possible in low SL (≤10%, w/w). similarities (Table 3). Only temperature exerted linear and quadratic
The effect of temperature and acidic environment generated during effects on the model yield of these variables. The quadratic effects of
hydrothermal pretreatment releases unwanted products for prebiotics temperature contributed positively and significantly to the yield of SM
production such as sugar monomers, furfural, HMF, organic acids and and DC, while the linear effects of temperature exerted negative and
phenolic compounds (Henríquez et al., 2021). Hong et al., (2019) re­ positive effects for SM and DC, respectively. In general terms, this means
ported that acetic acid, furfural and lignin were responsible for inhib­ that to obtain a hydrolyzed medium with low SM yield it is necessary to
iting the growth of probiotic bacteria fermenting XOS. In addition, high work at higher temperatures (above 200 ◦ C). However, to achieve low
concentrations of SM and DC directly impact on XOS purification, DC yields it is necessary to apply low temperatures (around 160 ◦ C).

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

Fig. 1. Response surfaces generated from the CCRD as a function of temperature and solid load (SL) for XOS yield (%) (A); SM – sugar monomers (%, w/w) (B); DC –
degradation compounds (%, w/w) (C).

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

Therefore, the low yield of SM is directly associated with high DC yield, 52.3 %.
and the opposite is also true (Fig. 1B and C). There are some studies in the literature that pointed to hydrothermal
After modeling the yield of XOS, SM and DC of hydrothermal pre­ pretreatment as a green technology to generate XOS with relatively high
treatment performed on the tobacco stems, a multi-response optimiza­ purity (Yan et al., 2022). In addition, other studies showed that hydro­
tion procedure using the desirability function was carried out with the thermal pretreatment is not suitable for large scale XOS production due
models to maximize the production of XOS and minimize the effects of to low yield (Chen et al., 2021; Yan et al., 2022), needing to include
SM and DC in the process. The result indicates that the optimal condition combined stages of enzymatic or acidic hydrolysis for conversion of
for this optimization would be close to 190 ◦ C and 3% SL (corresponding short-chain oligomers (Capetti et al., 2023). However, the results found
to the run 7 of this study). in the present study demonstrated the opposite, since the recovery ef­
Optimization has shown that it is possible to maximize the produc­ ficiency of XOS in relation to xylan was higher for most of the runs
tion of XOS with high purity, however, to obtain liquor with low con­ performed (Table 2). In addition, it was possible to obtain optimization
centrations of unwanted compounds it is necessary to work with low SL. parameters (temperature and SL) to attain higher concentrations and
The negative effect of undesirable compounds can be mitigated using yields of XOS and lower release of inhibitory compounds and sugar
separation and purification technologies already used for XOS liqueurs, monomers (xylose, arabinose, and glucose) in relation to the consulted
such as activated carbon (Chen et al., 2016), combination of ion ex­ literature for tobacco residues and other biomasses.
change columns, mobile bed chromatography coupled to adsorbent Statistical analysis showed that 2.93% SL and 190 ◦ C was the best
columns (Choi et al., 2016) and nanofiltration (de Oliveira et al., 2022). condition to obtain the highest depolymerization of xylan in XOS.
However, due to the low SL used, the viability of the process must be
3.2.1. Evaluation of the yield of xylan into XOS evaluated considering, for example, the type of reactor and the mode of
As previously discussed, higher solid loadings led to higher concen­ operation (batch or continuous). The statistical model can also be used
trations (g/L) of XOS in the liquor. However, when the XOS yield (%, w/ to predict a condition that generates a desired XOS yield. As an example,
w) was evaluated, based on the xylan content present in the biomass at least 60% of the XOS yield can be obtained using a reasonable SL
(13.7%), it was observed that the values were low. That is, the extraction (10%) at 190 ◦ C.
efficiency decreased due to mass transfer limitations or medium satu­
ration. XOS yields ranged from 37.73 to 96.25% (Table 2). At 190 ◦ C and 3.3. Profile of oligomers (XOS and COS)
17.07% SL, the XOS yield was 39.98% w/w, while at the same tem­
perature, using only 2.93% SL, the yield was 96.25%. According to the XOS (X2-X6) and COS (C2-C6) released during the trials were
consulted literature, there are no studies that achieved such high values analyzed in the liquid fraction (Figs. 2 and 3, respectively). At temper­
of XOS yield using a single-stage hydrothermal pretreatment. In this atures above 190 ◦ C and SL equal to or <10% there was a low concen­
sense, SL of 2.93% and temperature of 190 ◦ C were efficient to release tration of X6, and below 210 ◦ C, the XOS profile was similar in all runs
high XOS content from the hemicellulosic fraction of the tobacco stems with low concentrations for X5. The most prominent xylooligomer at
in a simple hydrothermal process. The XOS yields achieved in this study 190 ◦ C and 17.07% SL was X4 (3.19 g/L), followed by X3 (2.92 g/L) and
(39.98–96.25%) were higher than that obtained by (Akpinar et al., X2 (2.74 g/L). X6 presented concentration (2.43 g/L) like X2. The
2010), that studied enzymatic (8.2%, w/w) or acid hydrolysis (13% w/ highest concentration was reached at 190 ◦ C and 17% (w/w) releasing
w) of xylan from the tobacco stem, previously subjected to an alkaline 11.28 g/L of XOS.
(KOH) process for xylan recovery. Interestingly, COS was also quantified in liquid fraction, indicating
Despite that, Swart et al. (2021) reported that the SL content can that, in some conditions, hydrothermal pretreatment also influenced the
positively and negatively affect the yield and quality of XOS. Working on depolymerization of the starch and/or cellulose chain. COS is also a
high SL there may be a limitation in heat and mass transfer resulting in prebiotic compound and therefore its presence in liquor, along with
higher production of degradation products. In contrast, they can result XOS, can be a benefit as the concentration of total oligomers increases.
in high concentration of XOS, ordering less energy and reduced size of COS profile varied with temperature for oligomers between C3 and C6.
the equipment (Modendach and Nokes, 2012). It is important to high­ C2 was present in all conditions tested (Fig. 3) reaching values of 6.42 g/
light that the type of biomass and reactor configuration can also L in the condition of 190 ◦ C-17% SL. The sum of COS and XOS con­
contribute to these results. For this reason, the time to attain the process centration at this condition was of 17.7 g/L. The COS yield (Table 2) was
temperature (temperature ramps) during the hydrothermal pretreat­ lower than XOS, achieving 10.6% (190 ◦ C-10% SL), but the lower results
ment of tobacco stem of some conditions performed herein are shown in is quite understandable since hydrothermal pretreatment presents a
Supplementary material. Another important point to emphasize is the tendency to preserve cellulose-lignin (cellulignin) and cause a solubili­
severity factor, that was calculated for each run (Table 2). This calcu­ zation of the hemicellulosic fraction (Aparicio et al., 2021). Current
lation enables the description of the combined effect of time and tem­ technologies generally use more efficient methods for COS production,
perature in a single variable, thereby facilitating the comparison with such as acid hydrolysis, enzymatic processes, and supercritical treat­
other operating conditions (Landis et al., 2021). ment (Ávila et al., 2021).
Several studies in the literature already applied hydrothermal pre­ According to Henríquez et al., (2021) the production of XOS is
treatment in different biomasses in comparison to those obtained here. directly dependent on the amount and type of xylan present in a
Zhang et al., (2022) achieved a high yield of XOS (80.4 % w/w), close to lignocellulosic biomass, which varies from one species to another.
that reported herein, using a combined method of ball grinding, ultra­ Currently, the most studied biomasses for XOS production are wheat
sound, and hydrothermal treatment for corn stover. Despite the excel­ straw, sugarcane bagasse, corncob and rice straw. Two steps accompany
lent performance, the authors worked at high temperature (215 ◦ C) for a the production of XOS in most of those studies. The first is a pretreat­
long time (90 min) and low SL (5%, w/v). Xiong et al., (2023) reached ment to defragment the recalcitrant lignocellulosic complex and
XOS concentration (X2-X5) close to that reported in the present study partially solubilize xylan. The second stage is usually an enzymatic hy­
(12.6 g/L) using formic acid to catalyze hydrothermal pretreatment drolysis to obtain functional short-chain XOS, with a degree of poly­
followed by enzymatic hydrolysis for bamboo wastes and the yield merization between 2 and 6, due to the greater prebiotic potential and,
presented by the authors was 68.0 %. Guo et al., (2022) also used hy­ therefore, commercial appeal (Capetti et al., 2023; Henríquez et al.,
drothermal pretreatment (at 180 ◦ C for 30 min and 10% SL) of bamboo 2021). The results obtained in the present study showed liquor rich in
residues and obtained a XOS recovery of 34.4 %, a value close to run 3 XOS by using only a single stage of hydrothermal pretreatment without
(170 ◦ C and 15% SL) presented in this study. Sun et al., (2015) using undergoing enzymatic hydrolysis.
sorghum residue reached a concentration of 7.5 g/L and a XOS yield of The tobacco stems have characteristics close to wood due to the

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

Fig. 2. Profile of the released XOS (X2-X6) for each run performed for tobacco stem varying temperature (◦ C) and solid load (SL, %).

Fig. 3. Profile of the released COS (C2-C6) for each run performed for tobacco residue varying temperature (◦ C) and solid load (SL, %).

rigidity and three-dimensional aspect. Lignin, hemicellulose, and cel­ (190 ◦ C + 17.07% SL) and the central point (CP) of the CCDR (runs 9, 10
lulose interact forming unique and complex structures. In these bio­ and 11, 190 ◦ C + 10% SL) had a production of 132, 55 and 86 kg of XOS
masses, xylan is found in three forms: (1) free, (2) such as (X2-X6), respectively. It was also possible to observe that working in low
glucoronoxylan bound to cellulose units; or (3) lignin-linked in xylan- SL and at a temperature of 190 ◦ C it was possible to attain almost three
lignin complexes (Santibáñez et al., 2021). The xylan-lignin complex times more XOS than other conditions. However, when analyzing the
is the most difficult to break (Santibáñez et al., 2021). However, in the xylan balance in run 8, it is observed that there is a lack of approximately
case of the tobacco stems, the hemicellulosic fraction showed suscepti­ 37% of this component in the stream. Most likely, oligomers with a
bility to autohydrolysis when submitted to hydrothermal treatments, polymerization degree >6 should be present in this liquor, which was
indicating that this polysaccharide may be arranged in the “free form”. not measured in the present study. In relation to COS production, runs 8
and CP (runs 9, 10 and 11) were the only ones that were able to obtain
detectable amounts of this oligomer, presenting values corresponding to
3.4. Mass balance 31 and 34 kg, respectively.
Monteiro et al., (2021) carried out a hydrothermal process in mango
Fig. 4 shows mass balances for the runs 7 to 11, since they represent seed shell at a temperature of 180 ◦ C for 15 min and reported a high
the lowest, medium, and highest XOS and COS yield obtained herein. concentration of XOS > X6 in the liquor. From 1000 kg of biomass, 17 kg
Mass balances were calculated by an input of 1000 kg (dry basis) raw of XOS (X2-X6) and 64 kg of XOS > X6 were obtained. In another study,
tobacco stems. According to Fig. 4, runs 7 (190 ◦ C + 2.93 %SL), 8

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169




Fig. 4. Mass balance performed for the main compounds of tobacco stem. Run 8: 190 ◦ C and 17.07 % SL. Run CP: 190 ◦ C and 10% SL.; Run 7: 190 ◦ C and 2.93% SL.

Monteiro et al., (2022) using the treatment mentioned before, obtained by this fraction.
11.7 kg of XOS and 56 kg de XOS > X6 from 1000 kg of sugarcane
bagasse. According to these findings, enzymatic hydrolysis to solubilize 4. Conclusion
xylan chains could be useful to increase XOS yield in this study.
In addition, the contents of cellulose and lignin were higher in the The optimal temperature for XOS production was determined to be
solids obtained and strategies to produce second-generation ethanol or 190 ◦ C. The selection of an optimal SL for XOS production depends on
antioxidant compounds and new fuels can be explored in future studies the specific objectives of the process. If the aim is to produce a solution

M.B. Santana et al. Bioresource Technology 382 (2023) 129169

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