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Literature Review Findings Section

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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review Findings Section

Crafting a literature review is a formidable task, often requiring meticulous research, critical analysis,
and proficient writing skills. Among the essential components of a literature review, the findings
section stands out as the cornerstone, encapsulating the essence of your research and its alignment
with existing scholarly discourse. However, navigating through the complexities of this section can
be daunting, demanding a nuanced understanding of the subject matter, adept synthesis of diverse
sources, and precise articulation of insights.

The challenges encountered in composing a literature review findings section are multifaceted.
Firstly, researchers must sift through a vast array of academic literature, spanning various disciplines,
methodologies, and theoretical frameworks, to identify relevant studies pertinent to their research
objectives. This process necessitates discernment and expertise to distinguish seminal works from
peripheral ones, ensuring the inclusion of high-quality sources that contribute meaningfully to the

Once the literature pool is established, synthesizing disparate findings into a cohesive narrative
presents another hurdle. Researchers must synthesize divergent viewpoints, methodologies, and
empirical results into a coherent framework that elucidates the current state of knowledge on the
topic. This demands analytical prowess to identify patterns, discrepancies, and gaps in the literature,
offering insights into unresolved questions or emerging trends that warrant further investigation.

Moreover, articulating the significance of the findings within the broader research context requires
finesse. Researchers must contextualize their findings within existing theoretical frameworks,
elucidating their implications for theory, practice, or policy. This entails critical evaluation of the
strengths and limitations of existing studies, highlighting areas of consensus, controversy, or
ambiguity that contribute to advancing scholarly discourse.

Given the intricacies involved, many researchers find themselves overwhelmed by the task of
crafting a literature review findings section. However, assistance is at hand. ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔
offers a comprehensive solution for researchers seeking expert guidance in navigating the
complexities of literature review writing. Our team of seasoned academics and proficient writers
specializes in crafting impeccable literature reviews tailored to your specific research objectives and
disciplinary requirements.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, you can rest assured that your findings
section will be meticulously crafted to showcase the depth of your scholarship, the rigor of your
analysis, and the originality of your insights. Whether you are embarking on a literature review for a
thesis, dissertation, research paper, or grant proposal, our dedicated team will work tirelessly to
deliver a masterpiece that elevates the impact of your research and enhances your academic

In conclusion, crafting a literature review findings section is undeniably challenging, requiring a

blend of scholarly acumen, analytical rigor, and eloquent expression. However, with the support of
⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, you can transcend these challenges and embark on a journey towards academic
excellence. Trust us to transform your literature review into a compelling narrative that captivates
readers, advances knowledge, and propels your research to new heights.
The first set of examples shows part of the table of contents, so that you can see the kind of
information included in a literature review. Taylor (2004) has described the additional time
commitments reported by students with young families, and the impact these may have on effective
management of study time. See some of the exam questions below that we have collected from
various sources. Disseminate findings Since the Cochrane Collaboration’s reviews are published in
the online Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, they are often lengthy and comprehensive.
This step requires you to synthesize and make sense of what you read, since these patterns and trends
may not be spelled out in the literature, but rather become apparent to you as you review the big
picture that has emerged over time. The aim is breadth rather than depth and to get a general feel for
the size of the topic area. After preliminary examination of the outcome data, the review authors
changed their planned intervention groups. This includes the purpose of the study, who were the
participants, how was the study conducted, and then ultimately, what was found. Here's a guide to
the genre's captivating history and key elements, along with the essential. Empirical literature
reviews present their summaries in quantifiable terms using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Source: nationalgriefawarenessday.com Here are five steps to writing an excellent literature review.
UNC Libraries HSL Academic Process Systematic Reviews Step 7: Extract Data from Included
Studies Systematic Reviews: Step 7: Extract Data from Included Studies Created by health science
librarians. We describe the preliminary steps undertaken before performing the statistical synthesis.
To ensure inter-raterreliability, this procedure is usually carried out by at least two reviewers. The
Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice Implementation. Reporting your review with PRISMA If you
reach the data extraction step and choose to exclude articles for any reason, update the number of
included and excluded studies in your PRISMA flow diagram. That should really help gather your
ideas and motivate you to please take a step back and listen to what specific areas it is advisable to
improve. More broadly, synthesis of the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator and Outcome)
elements of the included studies underpins interpretation of review findings and is an important
output of the review in its own right. Journal of experimental criminology, 10, 487-513. It is used to
identify trends, debates, and gaps in the research. Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of
Interventions version 6.4 (updated August 2023). For example, if you are extracting qualitative data,
you will want to extract data such as theoretical framework, data collection method, or role of the
researcher and their potential bias. Galvan outlines a very clear, step-by-step approach that is very
useful to use as you write your review. A summary table is also called a synthesis matrix. Absolute
and relative magnitude of effect (if both are appropriate). These include information about the main
outcomes, the type and number of studies included, the estimates (both relative and absolute) of the
effect or association, and important comments about the review, all written in a plain-language
summary so that it’s easily interpreted. A good literature review lays the foundation for the
importance of your stated problem and research question. Use a spreadsheet. Please note this is a
very loose outline be sure to speak with your supervisor to ensure that their requirements are met and
that specific elements of your literature reviewresearch are covered. In a literature review it is best to
build a case with selected sources by grouping them thematically so that you can analyze, compare
and contrast the theories, and that policies and practices in the field you are studying or conveyed in
an organized way. A good example of a literature review can't fully consist of the words of other
people, whose works are mentioned in the text.
Instead a literature review explores the key themes or concepts in the literature and compares what
different research has found about each theme. The PICO for each synthesis (also planned at the
protocol stage) defines the question that the specific synthesis aims to answer, determining how the
synthesis will be structured, specifying planned comparisons (including intervention and comparator
groups, any grouping of outcome and population subgroups). It is especially important to consider
other disciplines when you do not find much on your topic in one discipline. Preparing a literature
review is a very important part of writing a dissertation. If you want to post about it on your blog or
social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source. The literature review is an
iterative process because you will do at least two of them: a preliminary search to learn what has
been published in your area and whether there is sufficient support in the literature for moving ahead
with your subject. The main intervention strategy in each study was categorized into one of six
groups: counselling, health education, feedback, incentive-based interventions, social support, and
exercise. The synthesis of study characteristics is also needed for GRADE assessments, informing
judgements about whether the evidence applies directly to the review question (indirectness) and
analyses conducted to examine possible explanations for heterogeneity (inconsistency) (see Chapter
14 ). At a basic level, the term implies a survey of factual or nonfiction books, articles, and other
documents published on a particular subject. It contains 3 sections: Instructions to authors
Additional supporting material Appendices with calculations and examples This material is intended
as a practical supplement to the advice in the Cochrane Handbook. Where possible, however, both
relative and absolute measures of effect should be provided. Scandinavian Journal of Management,
31(3), 387-408. Chapter 5: Collecting Data (Cochrane Handbook) A Practical Guide to Data
Extraction for Intervention Systematic Reviews (Covidence) Click on a type of data extraction tool
below to see some more information about using that type of tool and what UNC has to offer.
Source: airfoildb.com Because a literature review is a summary and analysis of the relevant
publications on a topic, we first have to understand what is meant by 'the for example, think about
the disciplines that might contribute information to a the topic such as the role of sports in society.
With such a great amount of interesting articles to read, it can get a little bit overwhelming to make a
selection. Good notes means you will have done a lot of the thinking, synthesising, and interpreting
of the literature before you come to write it up and it will hopefully make the writing process that bit
smoother. As a result, although narrative reviews are informative, they often include an element of
selection bias. The authors found that the literature lacks clarity about how naturalness is defined and
measured, but also found that food consumption is significantly influenced by perceived naturalness
of goods. A copy of this completed form will be available via the intranet to help others carrying out
reviews in the future and to avoid duplicating work already undertaken in the Centre. This approach
was adopted in a review examining the effects of portion, package or tableware size for changing
selection and consumption of food, alcohol and tobacco (Hollands et al 2015). Use a spreadsheet.
Please note this is a very loose outline be sure to speak with your supervisor to ensure that their
requirements are met and that specific elements of your literature reviewresearch are covered.
Microsoft Products (UNC Information Technology Services) Cochrane RevMan RevMan offers
collection forms for descriptive information on population, interventions, and outcomes, and quality
assessments, as well as for data for analysis and forest plots. Within each theme, students can
critique key studies and their strengths and limitations, in order to get a lay of the land and come to
a point where they can identify ways to contribute new insights to the existing academic
conversation on their topic. It should give a theoretical base for the research and help you (the
author) determine the nature of your research. For a meta-analysis of Randomized trials you should
represent the meta-analysis visually on a “forest plot” (see fig. 2). Here is another example of a meta-
analysis forest plot, and on page 2 a description of how to interpret it. Cochrane RevMan 5.0
Download RevMan for Non-Cochrane Reviews (Cochrane Training) Survey or Form Software
(Qualtrics, Poll Everywhere) Survey or form tools can help you create custom forms with many
different question types, such as multiple choice, drop downs, ranking, and more. You will include
relevant theory and empirical research. These tables will help you determine which studies, if any,
are eligible for quantitative synthesis. Taylor (2004) has described the additional time commitments
reported by students with young families, and the impact these may have on effective management
of study time. It’s important to note that not every systematic review includes a meta-analysis but a
meta-analysis can’t exist without a systematic review of the literature.
Have you shown that current methods are inadequate for answering the big question. You will need
to search the cognate literature before claiming there is “little previous research” on your topic.
Covidence allows you to create and publish a data extraction template with text fields, single-choice
items, section headings and section subheadings; perform dual and single reviewer data extraction;
review extractions for consensus; and export data extraction and quality assessment to a CSV with
each item in a column and each study in a row. She wishes to construct a narrowly-focused and
succinct literature review of thinkers who have donned a feminist lens to analyze Dewey’s
approaches to education, learning, and democracy and to employ Dewey’s works in theorizing on
gender and education and on gender in society. At any given assessment age, a child’s current age
equals starting age, plus duration of program, plus years since program ended. FAQs: Literature
Review Template What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.). The literature review chapter
template is provided as a Google Doc. The main intervention strategy in each study was categorized
into one of six groups: counselling, health education, feedback, incentive-based interventions, social
support, and exercise. The Cochrane Handbook and other studies strongly suggest at least two
reviewers and extractors to reduce the number of errors. The literature review must be defined by a
guiding concept (eventually your research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing, or your
argumentative thesis). A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview
of a particular topic. Reviewers can use fillable forms to collect and code data reported in the studies
included in the review, the data can then be uploaded to analytical computer software such as Excel
or SPSS for statistical analysis. A general framework for synthesis can be used to guide the process
of planning the comparisons, preparing for synthesis, undertaking the synthesis, and interpreting and
describing the results. The essay format you use should adhere to will be the citation style preferred
by your instructor. A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you summarize
briefly each article that you have reviewed. At the graduate or doctoral level, the literature review is
an essential feature of thesis and dissertation, as well as grant proposal writing. Cochrane RevMan
5.0 Download RevMan for Non-Cochrane Reviews (Cochrane Training) Survey or Form Software
(Qualtrics, Poll Everywhere) Survey or form tools can help you create custom forms with many
different question types, such as multiple choice, drop downs, ranking, and more. If the sentence is
awkward, adjust the punctuation and grammar to better integrate the material. A meta-analysis is a
step forward from a systematic review in that it employs mathematical and statistical methods to
summarise the results of studies included in the systematic review (1). Reading a longer section will
give you a better overview and fuller understanding, meaning you can choose what is important and
relevant to your own project. An examination of the included studies always precedes statistical
synthesis in Cochrane Reviews. SB and RR’s positions are supported by the NHMRC Cochrane
Collaboration Funding Program. The table was adapted from tables presented in a review of self-
management education programmes for osteoarthritis (Kroon et al 2014). He identifies the overall
total damage done as more important than the frequency of injuries (Skepper, 2011). That should
really help gather your ideas and motivate you to please take a step back and listen to what specific
areas it is advisable to improve. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing
practices. Available evidence shows that the use of e-cigarettes may result in acute lung function
responses (e.g., increase in impedance, peripheral airway flow resistance) and induce oxidative
stress. Literary review templates are surveys of scholarly sources on a specific subject matter. Source:
s3.studylib.net Here is an example of a literature review conclusion: Example of a literature review
conclusion. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Are you a
researcher or just a student who is up for a college project. Here are five steps to writing an excellent
literature review.
You can record extracted data in electronic tables or forms created in Microsoft Word or other word
processing programs, but this process may take longer than many of our previously listed methods.
This type of review is common in technological and scientific fields but can be applied to any
discipline. Here is an example of a literature review conclusion: The two main methods to refer to the
work of published sources are A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you
summarize briefly each article that you have reviewed. It includes multiple pieces of data derived
from both quantitative and qualitative data analysis in systematic reviews. You can download it in
MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. Supplementary Guidance for Inclusion of
Qualitative Research in Cochrane Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Cochrane Collaboration
Qualitative Methods Group) Look for an existing extraction form or tool to help guide you. How Do
You Make A Summary Of Findings Table For A Systematic Review. If you include studies prior to
the past five years that are not landmark studies, you should defend why you have chosen these
rather than more current ones. A bibliography of the included studies should always be created,
particularly if you are intending to publish your review. A literature review is a survey of scholarly
sources that provides an overview of a particular topic. Learn more about distillersr. (Article
continues below) What Does A Summary Of Findings Table Include. The Cochrane Handbook and
other studies strongly suggest at least two reviewers and extractors to reduce the number of errors. A
good example of a literature review can't fully consist of the words of other people, whose works are
mentioned in the text. Tabulating characteristics of studies that contribute to each comparison can
also help to improve the transparency of decisions made around grouping of studies, while also
ensuring that studies that do not contribute to the combined effect are accounted for. 9.4 Checking
data before synthesis Before embarking on a synthesis, it is important to be confident that the
findings from the individual studies have been collated correctly. To not be confused with a e book
evaluate, a literature evaluate surveys scholarly articles, books and different sources e. It is not just a
descriptive list of the material available, or a set of summaries. An extremely powerful story of a
young southern gothic literature has been haunting readers for centuries. The template follows the
standard format for academic literature reviews, which means it will be suitable for the vast majority
of academic research projects (especially those within the sciences), whether they are qualitative or
quantitative in terms of design. Save hours of manual work and use awesome slide designs in your
next presentation. Other studies claim that burns from melted cheese are more hazardous (Rechaud,
1989; Rarebit, 2009), whilst a minority of recent studies have identified slipping on cheese as a
growing danger (Skepper, 2011). Covidence allows you to create and publish a data extraction
template with text fields, single-choice items, section headings and section subheadings; perform
dual and single reviewer data extraction; review extractions for consensus; and export data extraction
and quality assessment to a CSV with each item in a column and each study in a row. Use a
Research table to compile the main info you need about the items you find in your research -- it's a
great thing to have on hand as you take notes on what you read. What are its most exciting and
promising areas of innovation. A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an
overview of a particular topic. Develop a search strategy and locate studies This is where a reference
librarian can be particularly beneficial in assisting with the creation and execution of electronic
searches. You can see a more complete list of options in the Systematic Review Toolbox. Where
possible, however, both relative and absolute measures of effect should be provided. These studies
disagree about the most significant reasons for cheese-based injury with some arguing that choking
on cheese poses the highest risk (Muffet, 2008; Moon; 2009; Rennet, 2011). You need to fill in all of
the columns for each study you find to properly review the available evidence.

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