Yu Et Al 2020 A Review of Blade Tip Clearance Measuring Technologies For Gas Turbine Engines

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Original Paper

Measurement and Control

2020, Vol. 53(3-4) 339–357
A review of blade tip clearance– Ó The Author(s) 2020
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DOI: 10.1177/0020294019877514

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Bing Yu , Hongwei Ke, Enyu Shen and Tianhong Zhang

Blade tip clearance is one of the important parameters affecting the performance, safety and stability of a gas turbine
engine. However, it is difficult to measure the tip clearance in real time and accurately during the development and test
process of an engine. In order to promote the development of tip clearance–measuring technology and the optimal
design of the gas turbine engine, some typical measuring methods of tip clearance and a novel measuring method based
on AC discharge are introduced. In this article, the significance for measuring tip clearance of an engine is illustrated first.
Then, operating principles, characteristics and developments of those typical measurement approaches are introduced.
After that, these methods are analyzed, and the particular characteristic of each measuring approach is summarized.

Blade tip clearance, operating principles, capacitive method, optical fiber method, microwave method, inductive method

Date received: 22 March 2019; accepted: 31 July 2019

Introduction conditions, the quantitative indicators are not applica-

ble to all engines, but they all reflect a trend that the
Recently, new types of aircrafts have put forward larger the tip the lower the efficiency. Researchers
higher performance and stability requirements for an found that when the tip clearance is doubled, the effi-
engine, which has brought great challenges to the devel- ciency of a low-speed compressor decreases by 1.5%.2
opment of engines. As an important parameter that And when the blade tip clearance of a modern gas tur-
affects the efficiency, stability and safety of the gas tur- bine compressor increases by 0.125 mm, the efficiency
bine engine, blade tip clearance, which is the radial dis- reduces by 0.5%.3 In addition, the experiments carried
tance between a rotor blade tip and the engine casing, out by Australian researchers showed that when the tip
has become the focus of researchers. A schematic dia- clearance of the first stage increases by about 10% of
gram of the blade–casing clearance is presented in the blade’s length, and due to most of the energy is
Figure 1. With the rapid development of aero-engine transferred through the first turbine stage, the output
research, the significance of tip clearance on the engine power will reduce by about 11%, dynamic pressure
has been shown by the results of a large number of ratio will decline by 4.4%, and static pressure ratio will
experiments. decrease by 8.46%. Meanwhile, a slight surge of blades
For example, researchers have found that an will occur, which will affect the engine’s stability.4 A
increase in tip clearance directly results in a decrease in simulation result showed that compared with config-
turbine efficiency.1 That is because as a rotating com- uration 1, which has a small tip clearance of multistage
ponent, the power that a turbine/compressor can pro- high-pressure compressor, configuration 2, which has a
vide/consume depends on the airflow flow through the large tip clearance of multistage high-pressure compres-
area where the blade is located. But the presence of the sor, causes the stable operating range to be reduced by
tip clearance causes a portion for the airflow to flow
away without work and will damage the flow path,
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power System, Nanjing
thereby, affecting the efficiency the turbine. With fur- University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
ther studies, researchers explored the relationship
between the tip clearance and the engine efficiency Corresponding author:
through experiments. Here, some representative results Bing Yu, Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power System,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, No 29, Yudao Street,
are listed. And it should be noticed that when all the
Nanjing 210016, China.
results are obtained under different experimental Email: [email protected]

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340 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

Table 1. Change in tip clearance caused by different factors of

an engine.

Factors Blade tip clearance

Blade fracture Larger

Blade crack Smaller
Disk creep Smaller
Casing Depends on the
deformation deformed shape
Temperature Depends on the
fluctuation thermal expansion
law of blade material
and shell material
Rotating speed Smaller when accelerating
fluctuation and larger when decelerating
Figure 1. The schematic diagram of blade–casing clearance.

40%, and the efficiency and pressure ratio are also clearance measurement methods. In the following part
decreased by 1.5% and 2%, respectively.5 of this paper, several representative tip-clearance mea-
In addition, the blade tip-clearance changes have a surement methods were introduced and compared.
great impact on the rate of fuel consumption. Studies
made by the researchers of the British RR company on
the modern gas turbine engine showed that with the Blade tip-clearance measurement
length of the blade tip clearance increasing by 1%, the methods
efficiency of engine is reduced by about 1.5% and the
From 1930s, more and more institutes began to dedi-
fuel consumption rate increases by about 3%.6 And
cate to the researches on blade tip-clearance measure-
with further researches, a relationship was discovered
ment of the gas turbine engine, the research results
by researchers that the decrease of the tip clearance
obtained by measuring the tip clearance are widely
reduces the fuel consumption of the engine at a given
applied in the development of the engine, and some of
working point, as well as the working temperature.7
the institutes have implemented the active tip-clearance
Furthermore, if the tip clearance is too big, it will
control. At present, many researchers and relevant
not only decrease the efficiency of the engine but also
consume more fuel and even cause a surge.8 On the institutes have developed several tip clearance–
contrary, the decrease in tip clearance can reduce the measuring methods of the gas turbine engine, which
working medium leakage and the loss of the end wall, mainly include tip-timing method, inductive method,
so as to improve the engine performance.9 However, eddy current method, capacitive method, microwave
since the tip clearance is small10–12 and the gas turbine method, optical fiber method, probe method and so
engine is working in environments of high temperature, on. In the following paragraphs, detailed introduction
high pressure and large vibration,13 the factors that and analysis of each theory are presented. And the nar-
cause the changes in tip clearance during the flight are rative structure adopted in this paper is that, first, the
complicated. Among them, temperature and rotating principle of each method is introduced, followed by the
speed are the main factors. In addition, the friction characteristics, and, finally, the development history of
between the fouling caused by corrosion and foreign each method is presented.
objects, the change of the operating load of the turbine
and the friction between the tip and the sealing strip
Tip-timing method
caused by transition state of the gas turbine will also
lead to the changes in the tip clearance. In order to Specific introduction. As a method of non-destructive
make a clear introduction of the factors that affect the testing and evaluation, tip-timing method has many
tip clearance, Table 1 is used to sum up some of those advantages. This method is developed on the basis of
factors. pulse modulation method and is the research hot spot
Based on the aforementioned factors, tip clearance is of blade vibration–detection direction.16 In addition, as
hard to be accurately estimated just by theoretical simu- a measurement method, it can be combined with many
lation; some simulation results of the blade tip clear- non-contact probe technologies. In order to explain its
ance are obtained under simplified conditions, and the main principles, the tip-timing method, with optical
accuracy is relatively insufficient.14,15 So far, only the probes, is chosen to be the example and is being intro-
change situation of the tip clearance can be obtained by duced here. This method uses two timing sensors to
real-time measurements. Therefore, in order to improve launch two beams of self-collimated light, and the sen-
the engine performance and ensure flight safety, it is sors receive the signals when the blade passes through
crucial to research and improve the advanced tip- the measurement area. Meanwhile, a rotor speed
Yu et al. 341

Figure 2. The diagram of tip clearance–measuring system based on tip-timing method.

synchronization sensor is used to monitor rotor speed from low speed to high speed in theory with high mea-
in real time. With the measured information, the value surement accuracy. Although this method has lots of
of tip clearance can be obtained. The specific system advantages, it still does not overcome the disadvantages
diagram is shown in Figure 2. The system includes two brought by the probes, such as the optical probes used
timing sensors: a rotor speed synchronization sensor in the example method, which are easily affected by
and a signal recorder and monitor. When the experi- contamination and are expensive than other probes,
mental data are being collected by the signal-processing and because of the increase in the number of the sen-
module, mean and standard deviation of the measured sors, the reliability of the system will decrease.
values of blade tip clearance can be obtained by a
computer. Development history. As a theoretical approach, tip-
With this method, there exists an equation17 as timing method is always combined with the other mea-
follows surement methods. With the consideration to keep the
  complete structure of this paper, the specific develop-
d= cot 1 ð1Þ ment of tip-timing method is divided into different
2 2 AB
where d is the distance between the probe and the blade
tip, a is the angle between both timing sensors, AB is Inductive method
the distance between the centers of the top ends, and
CD is the distance between the position where the blade Specific introduction. The principle of inductive method is
sweeps over two beams of light. With the rotor tangen- to measure the tip clearance by measuring the induc-
tial speed v being detected by the rotor speed synchroni- tance change in planar spiral coils.16 There exists a law
zation sensor, the equation can be rewritten as follows that the smaller the tip the higher the inductance
drops.18 According to the principle of electromagnetic
AB a ðt2  t1 Þv induction, when a metal passes the magnetic field, an
d= cot 1 ð2Þ eddy current will occur. This will increase the induction
2 2 AB
current flow, so the load of the oscillation circuit
With this method, two timing sensors that have a increases. The sensor can measure the changes, and
certain angle between each other are being used as a sin- with the numerical relationship, the tip clearance can
gle sensor that can reduce the size of the system, thereby be calculated. Schematics of an inductive sensor for tip-
reducing the impact of the measuring system on the clearance measurement are shown in Figure 3. In this
rotating machine. The signals collected by the high- system, the rotating blade with magnetic property can
speed acquisition model can be considered as digital sig- generate a high-frequency magnetic. So the sensor can
nals; therefore, the measurement system has a strong work in the way discussed previously. When the
anti-interference ability, which means the system can system is working, the coil is electrically connected in
overcome the influence of different scattering character- parallel with an external capacitor to form a parallel
istics, the influence of the different rotor speed and so inductor–capacitor (LC) resonant circuit that has a
on. In addition, this measurement method has no limit unique resonant frequency. With the purpose of intro-
on the rotational speed, and it can cover the full range ducing the system completely, a typical data-processing
342 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

Table 2. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system

designed by Du et al.18

Variables Values

Range of rotating speed 0–80,000 r/min

Maximum measurement range 5 mm
Measurement uncertainty 8 mm

researches had been done,20,21 some works still needs to

be carried out.

Figure 3. Schematics of an inductive sensor for tip-clearance Development history. As a method of non-contact mea-
measurement. surement, the inductive sensor, known as speed pickup
or variable reluctance (VR) sensor has been used for
blade tip timing in compressors and steam turbines
method is discussed here.18 A digitizer is used to mea- since the late 1940s.20 This method does not require a
sure and record the data at a 100-MHz sampling rate. through hole, and it arouses a great interest among
Next, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) was conducted researchers. A non-intrusive inductive tip-clearance
to the data to find out the peak values. Then three sensor, made up of a three-dimensional (3D) solenoid
layers of one-dimensional (1D) stationary wavelet wound around a magnetic core, has been developed.19
transform (SWT) was performed to improve the signal- With the purpose of minimizing the effects of external
to-noise ratio of the peak value signals. Finally, the electromagnetic interference caused by the input impe-
processed signal can be used by the program to calcu- dance approaching 0, a new sensor was designed by
late the tip clearance. researchers, which uses a low-impedance coil with a
According to Faraday’s law, an equation can be limited number of turns. The current flowing in the coil
given as follows circuit can describe the motion of the blade tip.22 In
I 2015, researchers have developed a high-sensitivity
Ua = ðvBÞdl ð3Þ inductive sensor for measuring clearance of a rotating
blade tip, which includes one or more sensing coils. It
can identify the distance between the coil and the tip of
where Ua is the magnitude of the induced voltage, B is the rotating blade, which can be obtained using prede-
the course of the magnetic induction, l is the function of termined calibration curve values.23 In order to over-
coil length, and v is the blade tip speed. come the disadvantage that the installed sensor can
The system designed by this method has the advan- only detect one tip clearance at a specific location, mul-
tages of long life, simple construction, high reliability, tiple sensing coils are used by researchers. With this
pollution resistance, low cost and easy installation. In step, the tip-clearance sensor can simultaneously detect
addition, it does not need a through hole penetrating the blade tip clearances at various positions.18 A
the casing, which is a big advantage. However, when it dynamic experiment using a bench-top test rig demon-
has so many advantages listed, its disadvantages limit strated that the sensor is capable of measuring tip clear-
its applications, for example, because of high tempera- ances ranging from 0 to 5 mm with a resolution of
ture the magnetic force of the permanent magnet will 10 mm. The system specifications are shown in Table 2.
become weak. Without any additional measures, these As for the limitation of the operating temperature,
sensors cannot operate at high temperatures. The usual researchers have tried a lot to overcome it. For exam-
temperature is below 400 K, and the sensors may not ple, using the bypass air to cool the sensors, the system
be useful if the casings are made of ferrous material can be operated in an environment with a gas tempera-
because a ferrous casing significantly reduces the pene- ture of 1373 K.20 Researchers have found that using
trating magnetic field, and inturn the output signal.19 ceramic materials to insulate the sensing coil can pro-
In addition, there is another main disadvantage, that is, tect the coil from being oxidized at high-temperature
the sensor needs precise calibration effort, which means environments effectively. With this measure, the oper-
the sensors can only detect one tip clearance at a spe- ating temperature can be increased to 1300 K, while
cific location at the blade tip. Based on the aforemen- the sensor still has a high accuracy.21 But it should be
tioned advantages and disadvantages, a conclusion can noticed that the measurement signal of an inductive
be drawn out that in low-temperature environment, sensor is inevitably affected by temperature variations
such as the compressor stages, they have broad applica- due to its working principle and unavoidable tempera-
tion prospects. When it comes to the high-temperature ture drift problems, though there are some researchers
environment, such as the turbine stages, though some working on this problem. For example, using
Yu et al. 343

Magnetic field
Signal processing circuit

Eddy current
Oscillator Detector Amplifier

Coil and iron core


Figure 4. The principle diagram of eddy current method.

temperature-compensation circuit to eliminate tem-

perature drift of inductive sensor from 293 to 773 K
was proposed by Lv and Zhu.24 This problem still
needs more reasonable solutions.

Eddy current method

Specific introduction. American, British and Russian
researchers are devoted to developing eddy current
method, which is a common method for measuring tip
clearance today. As a branch of inductive method, this
method applies a magnetic field variation produced
when metal passes the magnetic field lines to measure Figure 5. The simplified equivalent circuit of eddy current
tip clearance, and the measurement device mainly con- method.
sists of a probe, a detector, an oscillator, which is com-
posed of detection circuit, and so on. First, the coil is
placed on the engine casing at a certain distance. When where L2 represents the equivalent inductance of
the alternating current is turned on, the coil generates a the eddy current equivalent circuit, r2 is the equivalent
magnetic flux, and the metal blade is induced by the resistance of the eddy current equivalent circuit. M is
magnetic beam to generate a ring current. This current the equivalent mutual inductance between coil and vor-
produces a reverse magnetic flux on the coil that ulti- tex ring, which satisfies M2 = K2 (1  px2 + qx4
mately changes the reactance of the coil. This amount     +    ), where p and q are constants related to
of change is detected by the bridge circuit, amplified, the coil parameters.
rectified and put it out. With this principle, measure- With equation (5), the equivalent impedance can be
ment of tip clearance can be achieved. The principle calculated as follows
diagram of eddy current method is shown in Figure 4. " # " #
v 2 M2 v2 M2
The equivalent impedance of the coil can be Z_ = r1 + r2 + j vL1  vL2
expressed as follows r22 + ðvL2 Þ2 r22 + ðvL2 Þ2
Z = Fðx, m, r, r, vÞ ð4Þ
So the equivalent impedance of the sensors is related
where x is the distance between the coil and measured to the distance between coil and measured conductor,
conductor, m is the magnetic permeability of the mea- which can be the basis of eddy current inductance
sured conductor, r is the resistivity of measured con- measurement.
ductor, r is the size factor of coil and measured In other words, the main idea is that, by keeping the
conductor, and v is the excited voltage frequency of other parameters unchanged except the distance between
the coil. the coil and the measured conductor, the equivalent impe-
With the purpose of explaining the relationship dance of coil is only affected by the value of x. So tip clear-
between Z and x clearly, a simplified equivalent circuit ance could be obtained by acquiring the changing value of
is used to derive the formula (Figure 5). equivalent impedance Z.
With the Figure 5, the following equation25 is With Figure 4, an eddy current sensor placed outside
obtained of the casing is introduced, which can be named with
     ‘‘no hole’’ scheme because it does not need a through
r1 + jvL1 jvM I_1 U_ hole on the casing. But it should be noticed here that it
= ð5Þ
jvM r2 + jvL2 I_2 0 is not the only scheme of this method. This is because
344 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

though this method is a non-contact measurement that Table 3. Specifications of the 3300XL eddy current sensor
can measure the tip clearance while maintaining the cas- system.
ing integrity so as to attenuate the impact of the mea-
Variables Values
surement system on the engine, its working principle
requires the casing material do not drastically change Frequency response 0–10 KHz
the magnetic field lines of the sensor. That means the Linear range of sensors 0.25–2.3 mm
sensors are not suitable for the case where the casing Probe temperature range 222–450 K
are made of ferrous shielding materials. So with the Measurement accuracy within 638 mm
purpose to expand its using scope, researcher will
choose to open a through hole on the casing sometimes, front of the sensing face, the signal was not adversely
and in this way, the sensor is being placed in the inner affected. Based on this phenomenon, they studied the
surface of the casing, this scheme can be named with ‘‘no hold’’ scheme. The sensor they developed could
‘‘with hole’’ scheme. Although this scheme destroys the withstand the operating temperature above 810.9 K
integrity of the engine casing, it avoids some disadvan- and do not need to penetrate the engine casing. The
tages of ‘‘no hole’’ scheme. For example, unlike the ‘‘no heat resistance of the sensor has been increased obvi-
hole’’ scheme, the sensors using ‘‘with hole’’ scheme are ously, which made its applications wider.19 However, it
more insensitive to relative vibration between the case still does not meet the requirements for the tip clear-
and the sensor and the weakening effect of the casing ance measurement of high temperature components.
on the signal is eliminated. In practical applications, With the purpose of improving the heat resistance of
researchers will make a flexible choice according to spe- sensor, an eddy current sensor for tip-clearance mea-
cific requirements. surement was designed by researchers, which could
In order to distinguish the difference between the work at a high temperature of 1075 K. The sensor had
two schemes, in the following development history sec- been employed for active tip-clearance control and
tion, ‘‘no hole’’ and ‘‘with hole’’ will be used. made good results.28,29 These sensors belong to the
The method has advantages of simple structure, ‘‘with hole’’ scheme. In 2008, a tip-timing sensor using
small size, light weight, high sensitivity, wide measure-
eddy current sensors was developed for the measure-
ment range, strong anti-interference ability and without
ment of rotor blade and engine testing.30 After that,
complex adjustments. However, this method is affected
new sensors are constantly evolving. For example,
by the blade material and with a small bandwidth that
researchers developed a sensor with coil wound on a
is usually between 10 and 100 KHz. In order to produce
rectangular former, and this can improve the resolution
a sufficiently obvious signal, the blade tip is required to
of the device when used for sensing the passage of
have a certain thickness that is generally required to be
objects of elongate section.31 An eddy current sensor
greater than 5 mm for an industrial eddy current sensor
based on a pulse-trigger technology was developed in
under 100 KHz. As the sensor output is related to the
2016, which improved the accuracy of eddy current
shape of the tip, installation state and temperature, it is
probes in the insufficient sampling condition caused by
necessary to be calibrated in advance to make it suit-
the limit of narrow-band, and the system accuracy
able for the application environment. The output of the
could reach 0.06 mm;32 this method is of ‘‘with hole’’
sensors may be affected by the environment factors.
scheme. An eddy current sensor based on piezo-
The relationship between the input and the output will
cantilever sensing principle for both blade-timing and
be nonlinear, which challenges the processing of the sig-
tip-clearance measurements was designed; the system
nal. In order to reduce the effect, a typical way is to
had the advantages of non-contact, low power con-
add a nonlinear correction module in the system so that
sumption, insensitivity to contaminants, the validity of
the signal received by the sensor can be compensated.
the system had also been demonstrated by tests for the
Researchers usually use least squares method to fit the
purpose of further application.33 Currently, due to its
curve26 so that the linear relationship between the input
small size, small weight and high precision, the eddy
displacement and the output voltage can be achieved.
current method has been widely used.34 There are some
mature products of eddy current displacement sensors
Development history. The eddy current method for dis- on the market, and they are widely used around the
tance measurement was first proposed by researchers in world due to its stability and reliability, for example,
1977, the method validity was confirmed by experi- the 3300XL eddy current sensor system produced by
ments.27 Soon, this approach was utilized to measure Bentley, USA. The specific system parameters are
blade tip clearance; Sutcliffe made a great contribution shown in Table 3. With the continuous efforts of the
to the application of the method in tip-clearance mea- researchers, some sensors that can perform at extreme
surement. Researchers of Hood Technology environments without losing accuracy are being devel-
Corporation designed an eddy current sensor made of oped.29,35 The eddy current method is verified in a
a magnet and an iron return path wrapped with a coil. laboratory with 3000 r/min revolution and 1300 K tem-
Researchers found that with a shielding material in perature.21 They all belong to the ‘‘with hole’’ scheme.
Yu et al. 345

simple, and each blade tip clearance can be obtained no

matter the blade thickness changes or not. Second,
capacitive sensors have the advantages of high sensitiv-
ity, high natural frequency, wide band, small power,
high impedance, good dynamic response performance,
and it can work under high frequency. Third, both the
tip clearance and blade vibration can be measured and
detected simultaneously by this method. However, the
system needs to be accurately calibrated and installed,
which limits its application. In addition, the system
accuracy is easily affected by many factors such as the
change of medium dielectric constant, environmental
Figure 6. The system diagram of a capacitive method.
disturbances (magnetic field and electric spark), probe
and casing thermal deformation and calibration error.
Meanwhile, when the material performance is not good,
Capacitive method the insulation resistance will change with the tempera-
Specific introduction. As one of the most effective meth- ture and humidity, which can lead to the zero drift of
ods for measuring tip the working principle of capaci- the sensor.
tive method is to measure tip clearance by acquiring the
variable capacitance formed between sensors probe and
blade tip. The blade tip-clearance changes would lead Development history. Measurement scheme based on
capacitive frequency modulation was first proposed by
to the changes of capacitive, and then the change values
researchers in 1987, and it was applied to measure tip
are being converted into voltage/current signal, so that
clearance in testing machine, the experiments’ results
the change value can be easily detected and analyzed
verified the feasibility of the scheme.3,37 The reason
through the detection circuit and processing circuit.
why the frequency-modulated (FM) system rather than
Therefore, tip clearance can be obtained by measuring
the DC (direct current) capacitance probe system is
the output electrical signal. The system diagram of a
chosen is that the FM system can eliminate the DC
capacitive method is presented in Figure 6.
error, which is the major influencing factor of measur-
As a variable parameter, the capacitive value can be
ing accuracy. Researchers applied two types of inputs
calculated by the following equation16
(ramp and DC) and a dual-amplifier circuit for measur-
s ing the blade tip clearance in the turbine engines; by
Cx = e0 er ð7Þ this way, the measurement system can tolerate varia-
tions of the probe and cable parameters induced by the
where Cx is the measured capacitive value, e0 is the environment.38,39 As high-frequency carrier was not
vacuum dielectric constant, er is the relative dielectric employed in the system, the system’s structure was
constant of the medium between the plates, s is the area more simple and economical. A sensor system based on
of the sensor probe, and d is the distance between the capacitive method that used the probe made by glazed
probe and blade tip. alumina material was developed by researchers.40 The
When the measurement device is working, apart special material used in this system improved the sys-
from the changing tip clearance, other parameters tem’s heat resistance, which caused the system could
remain unchanged. So according to the equation (7), work in the harsh environment of the turbine. Its mea-
the measured capacitive value Cx is inversely propor- surement accuracy reached 15 mm. In order to measure
tional in relation with tip clearance. Thus, by detecting the tip clearance in the compressor and turbine of a
measured capacitive value, the blade tip clearance could BR700 gas turbine, people developed a system based
be obtained. on frequency modulation capacitive probe, its resolu-
As a non-electricity measurement method, in order tion can reach 10 mm; the system specifications are
to establish the relationship between the measured non- shown in Table 4.39 In 2005, researchers look at the
electricity values and the sensor output, the characteris- potential for a dual-use capacitance probe sensor to
tic curve of the sensor should be obtained first. And the measure both tip timing and tip clearance. The system
usual ways to get the curve are lookup table method, designed by them has the ability to detect blade vibra-
least squares method, Lagrange polynomial interpola- tion across resonance.41 A capacitive method sensor-
tion method and cubic spline interpolation method. based ratio-metric measurement principle with syn-
With the requirements of precision and real time, the chronous detector was developed to measure the tip
typical way researchers choose to use in the measure- clearance of a microturbine; the system accuracy is
ment of tip clearance is Lagrange polynomial interpola- about 0.8 mm in the range of 100 mm.42 Then the
tion method.36 research group developed a simple active tip-clearance
The advantages of the system include the following control system based on a synchronous detection tech-
aspects. First, the measurement system structure is nology of a phase-modulated signal in the micro gas
346 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

Table 4. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system

designed by Mueller et al.39

Variables Values

Operating frequency 5 MHz

Minimum blade tip velocity 1 m/s
Maximum blade tip velocity 500 m/s
Oscillator sensitivity 150 KHz/pF
Demodulator sensitivity 200 mv/KHz
Measurement range 0–2.5 mm
System resolution 0.01 mm
Signal to noise ratio 25 typically
Figure 7. The system diagram of a microwave method based
on phase ranging.
turbine, which made the applications of the sensor
more extensive.43 In their research, periodic autocali-
bration was used to reduce the effects of temperature Microwave method based on phase ranging
drift on the sensor output. The main idea is to match Specific introduction. Microwave tip clearance–
the parasitic board capacitances arranged in parallel measuring system based on phase ranging includes four
with the reference and the probe capacitors carefully. main parts: microwave generator, signal-adjusting cir-
In order to remove the influence of the distributed cuit, phase detector and microwave probe. The work-
capacitance introduced into the system by the cable, ing principle of the system is that the sensor emits a
researchers proposed two different methods: one is to continuous microwave signal, and when the signal
ground both plates of the capacitor, but it is unsuitable reaches the blade tip, it will reflect. The phase of the
for the measurement of tip clearance while the blades microwave signal reflected by the tip will be different
are as one plate of the capacitor. The other one is to than the internal reference signal. Thus with the change
make the potential of the cable’s inner shield to track value of the phase, the value of the tip clearance can be
the potential of the sensor capacitor plate point to obtained. The system diagram of a microwave method
point.44 In recent years, researchers studied different based on phase ranging is presented in Figure 7.
configurations for capacitive gauges and found that With this method, there exists the following
wide bandwidth is required for accurate measurement equation46
of the turbine engines’ tip clearance. According to their
experimental results, as the bandwidth of the gage is uc
d= ð8Þ
reduced, the pulse amplitude is reduced and the pulse is 4pf
delayed, which will lead to the increase of the measure-
where d is the blade tip clearance, u is the calculated
ment error of the tip clearance and the error of the
phase shift between the emitted and the reflected wave,
blade’s apparent position. So with the purpose of accu-
v is the speed of microwave, and f is the frequency of
rate measurement, a bigger bandwidth is the direction
the microwave. With the relationship that is shown in
of technological development.45 Nowadays, because of
its high heat resistance, small size and light weight, the equation (8), it can be proved that the microwave sys-
capacitive method has been one of the most effective tem can effectively measure small tip clearance.
methods for measuring tip clearance, and it is used Due to the effect of spatial filtering effect, signal
worldwide. Many companies have developed the capa- leakage and so on, the precision of the sensor will
citive displacement-measurement systems. For exam- decrease. So the measure signal should be corrected.
ple, Micro-Epsilon’s CS series capacitive displacement- The typical way to get the correction coefficients is to
measurement sensors have good precision; the AS-5000 put two test signals with stable frequency difference
sensor developed by Milliren Technologies, Inc., into the mixer and use the spectrum analyzer to analyze
America. (MTI) has a high precision, which can reach the output intermediate-frequency signal.47
0.0025 mm. The advantages of this method include that, first,
the sensor has the internal self-calibration function,
which means that the sensor can work properly regard-
Microwave method less of the temperature and wear of the rotating blades.
Second, the sensors are not affected by vibration and
Microwave method can be divided into two different
methods according to the working principle. One is the length of the cable. But, as the radiation spot of the
microwave method based on phase ranging, while the microwave system is relatively large, there must be an
other is the microwave method based on resonant fre- inevitable spatial filter in the measurement system,
quency. Between them, the microwave method based which will limit the accuracy of the system. When the
on phase ranging is the mature and traditional working tip clearance is lower than 2 mm, the measurement is
principle, and both are very promising measurement less sensitive due to the near-field effect of the micro-
methods. wave sensors.48
Yu et al. 347

Development history. The first application of this Table 5. Specifications of the second-generation probes of
method on a 65-MW gas turbine was reported in Meggit Corporation.53
1998.49 Further researches ware made in the following
Variables Values
years, researchers designed a microwave tip-clearance
measurement system that could operate at a high tem- Operating frequency 24 GHz
perature of 1900 K, and the measurement accuracy of Maximum operating temperature 1173 K
the system reached 0.05 mm. The experimental results Maximum measurement range 6 mm
confirmed the possibility of the microwave system to Measurement accuracy 625 mm
be simultaneously applied to measure the tip clearance,
rotor axial displacement and blades extension.50,51 In
2013, an optical-electromagnetic model based on
microwave blade tip sensor was developed; this model
could make precise phase measurement for relatively
small blades, and it could calculate and analyze remo-
tely without practical tests that are expensive and time-
consuming, which greatly saved time and labor.52 A
new 24-GHz microwave sensor system for real-time
tip-clearance monitoring of small-size turbines was
developed by researchers; the system was verified by
software simulations and prototype experiments.53 The
measurement results were similar to the simulation
results, and the system was finally used in an actual
Figure 8. Probe with a resonator.
engine. The measurement accuracy of the system
reached 25 mm. They used the second-generation
probes of Meggit Corporation in the experiments,
whose specific system parameters are shown in Table 5. work at temperature of 1173 K.56 However, this kind of
In 2015, a microwave-sensing system based on short- sensor requires extremely high resonant frequency; oth-
range radar principle was developed by researchers; erwise, it is difficult to meet measurement demand.
with the use of microwave method, the system could
Development history. In 1996, researchers in the
withstand high-temperature and high-pressure environ-
United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) designed
ments.54 In 2017, researchers designed a microwave
a tip-clearance measurement system with the microwave
sensor–based blade tip-timing measurement system that
method based on a resonator structure; the system can
used a 24-GHz microwave sensor with an outer dia-
be simultaneously used for tip-clearance measurement
meter of 8 mm. With the results that they obtained, the
and active tip-clearance control of gas turbine engine,
system was considered feasible for use in applications
and results of the experiments were satisfactory.57 In
with a polluted medium.55
recent years, researchers developed a novel 24-GHz
microwave system for real-time blade tip-clearance
Microwave method based on resonant frequency monitoring. The system employed high-temperature-
Specific introduction. Different from the aforemen- resistant circular waveguide resonator probes, and the
tioned method, the work principle of this method is that suitability of the system for real-time blade tip measure-
the resonant frequency of the microwave resonator ment was tested on a DM80 engine;56 the specific para-
would be affected when the blade approaches or leaves meters of the system are shown in Table 6. Chinese
the microwave probe, so the tip-clearance value can be researchers designed an open resonator structure sensor
obtained by calculating the resonance frequency differ- based on the microwave method. The sensor model
ence of resonator under different conditions. The main operated at 24 GHz, and through the simulation calcu-
differences of the measure system guided by this method lation, the measurement range is between 0 and 6 mm.58
to the measure system guided by microwave method At present, because the sensors using microwave
based on phase ranging are the structure of the sensor method can work in harsh environments of the engine,
and the types of detector. The system guided by this it has become a promising method for measuring the tip
method needs probes with resonator and a detector to clearance; however, the high realization costs will be the
monitor the resonant frequency rather than the phase. key problem for researchers to solve.
The phase detector should be replaced by a frequency
detector. Except that, the remaining parts are the same
as Figure 7. With the purpose of distinguishing them, the Optical fiber method
probe diagram with a resonator is presented in Figure 8. The optical fiber method is generally divided into the
As the microwave technology is based on the princi- reflection-type optical fiber method, the optical probe
ple of resonance frequency measurement, the impact of measurement method and the laser Doppler position
fuel and other pollution can be ignored, and sensors can method. Among them, the laser Doppler position
348 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

Table 6. Specifications of the system designed by Violetti

et al.56
Semiconductor laser
Variables Values

Operating frequency 24 GHz

Maximum operating temperature 1173 K Casing
Vibration resistance Good Probe

method is a new developing direction of the optical tip

clearance–measuring technology. Limited by the work-
Figure 9. The system diagram of the reflection-type optical
ing environment, they do not perform well in high-
fiber method.
temperature component gap measurement in high-
brightness environments.
As for the measures to guarantee the measurement measuring system was insensitive to most environmen-
reliability and accuracy, introducing reference fiber tal factors, which greatly improves the reliability and
compensation, high-precision amplification circuit and measurement accuracy of the system. With further
filter into the measurement system are the typical ways. researches, researchers designed an optical fiber sensor
based on reflected light-intensity modulation for tip
clearance and vibration of the blade, and the experi-
Reflection-type optical fiber method ments were being carried out on Motoren-und
Specific introduction. The working principle of this Turbinen-Union (MTU). The results showed that the
method is that when the light emitted by the light system resolution can reach 15 mm.61 In 2009, a novel
source passes through the optical fiber to the blade, the
method based on optical low-coherence reflectometry
reflected light is received by the receiving optical fiber,
for monitoring the tip clearance was presented by
and then the photosensitive device receives the light
researchers. The measuring probe was robust, inher-
output from receiving optical fiber. The output light
ently self-calibrating and insensitive to environmental
intensity depends on the distance between the reflector
variations, and its accuracy is better than 10 mm, which
and optical fiber probe, so that tip clearance can be
reaches 4 mm.62 Researchers designed a reflective
obtained by detecting light intensity. The system dia-
intensity-modulated optical fiber sensor in 2013, which
gram of the reflection-type optical fiber method is pre-
could simultaneously do tip-timing and tip-clearance
sented in Figure 9.
measurements. Then they made some improvements to
The system has several advantages of high sensitiv-
the optical sensor and studied four different configura-
ity, high resolution, anti-electromagnetic interference,
tions of the sensor; the research results were very help-
stable performance, design flexibility, the ability to
ful to develop applications related to structural health
work in harsh environments and the potential to be
monitoring system or active clearance control sys-
applied for static and dynamic real-time detection.
tems.63–65 Based on past results, they applied the
However, the system structure is complex, and if the
reflected intensity-modulated optical fiber sensor for
blade surface is ablated by high temperature or is con-
taminated by some factors, the reflection coefficient of the health monitoring of engine by measuring real-time
the blade will decrease, so the system sensitivity is tip-timing and tip-clearance measurements, and the tip-
reduced. Assuming the reflector and the fiber is perpen- clearance measurement for the first stage of an aircraft
dicular, if the reflector surface is slightly oblique, it will engine’s compressor was carried out using the optical
have a great effect on sensitivity. These shortcomings fiber sensor; its main component was a tetra-furcated
limit its application. bundle of optical fibers, with which the resulting preci-
sion of the experimental measurements could reach 12
Development history. Dhadwal first developed an opti- mm.66–68 Recently, they carried out experimental
cal scanning system for experimental engine researches. researches on the vibrational behavior of a rotating
The system incorporated the technologies of fiber disk by three optical fiber sensors, which demonstrated
optics and semiconductor laser sources for monitoring the suitability of this innovative optical system to char-
blade tip deflections, vibrational modes and changes in acterize rotating disks in simulated working environ-
blade tip clearances in the compressor stage of rotating ments of the engine. Using this sensor, not only the
turbomachinery. The system resolution can reach 50 amplitude and frequency of the vibration but also the
mm.59 In 1998, in order to reduce the light spot and number of nodal diameters of the disk and its variations
improve system efficiency, researchers added self- during the tests can be identified.69 In recent years, the
collimation optical fiber into the measuring system. study on this field is still a hot spot. Researchers devel-
They used two sensors to measure the time difference oped a tip clearance–measuring system composed of the
between the blades, so that the tip-timing signal can be reflective intensity-modulated optical fiber bundle, main
used to estimate the tip clearance.60 By this way, the signal-processing unit, high-speed data acquisition card
Yu et al. 349

Table 7. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system Table 8. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system
designed by Jia et al.70 designed by Ye et al.77

Variables Values Variables Values

Range of rotation speed 0–6000 r/min Beam diameter 100 mm

Sensitivity of the sensor –0.0733 /mm Minimum measurement range 0.5 mm
Maximum measurement range 5 mm Maximum measurement range 3.5 mm
Measurement accuracy within 625 mm Measurement accuracy within 615 mm

and a computer.70 The good response characteristics of

the system could provide a wide prospect for its use in
engine-health monitoring or fast-action tip-clearance
control; its accuracy could reach 25 mm, and the system
specifications are shown in Table 7.

Optical probe measurement method.

Specific introduction. The method principle can be
introduced as follows. First, a laser beam emitted from
the probe is projected onto the measured object, and
then when the gap changes, like from position A to
position B, the position of the light spot on the photo-
electric receiver changes with different return path of
reflected light which is distinguished by virtual line and
solid line. Then the clearance can be obtained by calcu-
lating the change quantity. The system diagram of the
optical probe measurement method is shown in Figure
10. The system includes a laser generator, a probe, an
optical fiber, a photoelectric conversion device, a signal
recorder and a monitor.
The system characteristics include that no limitation
to the measured object material, high measurement Figure 10. The system diagram of the optical probe
accuracy, fast frequency response, small fiber probe measurement method.
size and easy to install, it can work in high rotating
speed environments and suitable for static and dynamic
real-time detection. However, the system is hard to developed a blade tip clearance–detecting technique
realize, and the working environment is high tempera- based on the multi-beam tip timing. After that, they
ture, high pressure and large vibration; therefore, the put it into the measurement of blade tip clearance.77
system should be protected to avoid pollution and The system specifications are shown in Table 8. In
equipment damage. 2015, researchers designed a distributed fiber-optic sen-
sing system that is unaffected by temperature, and the
Development history. In the middle of 1980s, an opti- system can be used on the measurement of gas tur-
cal triangulation technology was developed, which was bine.78 In addition, researchers still pay attention to the
applied to the gas turbine engine and realized the online tip-timing method; they compared different analysis
measurement. Many researchers had studied this kind methods for tip-timing data.79 And after that in 2016,
of measurement technology, and some research results researchers studied the method to improve the blade-tip
had already obtained the practical application.71–75 timing accuracy of the fiber bundle sensor. They used
Researcher of Tianjin University designed a multi- both software and hardware to reduce the errors caused
mode optical fiber coupled laser ranging system. Multi- by the tip-clearance change, and the effectiveness of the
mode optical fiber was utilized for optical transmission, proposed method was proved by experiments.80 And
which ensured that the system probe could receive the uncertainties of blade-tip timing were also studied
enough light power.76 The resolution of the system is by researchers.81,82
about 0.02 mm under the range of 9 mm. Furthermore,
they proposed a rotating blade tip clearance–measuring
technique using blade-tip timing and dual-frequency Laser Doppler position method
laser phase ranging,17 and they verified its effectiveness Specific introduction. Using the laser Doppler position
with experiments. Some researchers designed the multi- method to measure tip clearance is a new developing
beam sensors with a triangular cone layout, and they direction of the optical clearance-measurement
350 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

Sensor probe Table 9. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system

designed by Neumann et al.86
Laser sources 2

Variables Values
2 1

Lens Grating 2
Blade tip velocities 300 m/s
Measurement uncertainty 5 mm
Measurement frequency 5.3 KHz

limitation to the material of the blades. Its spatial reso-
Figure 11. The structure diagram of laser Doppler position lution is 5 mm.86 The system specifications are shown in
system. Table 9. Since the laser Doppler position method can
simultaneously measure the tip clearance, blade vibra-
tion and the velocities of the blades, the applicable
technology. First, the frequency of reflected light (or prospect of the method is very extensive.
scattered light) is related to the velocity of the blade
and the spacing of the interference fringes when the
Probe method
blade passes through an interference fringe area at a
certain speed. If the interference fringe spacing along Specific introduction. Probe method is the tip clearance–
the radial direction of the blade is monotonously measuring method based on spark discharge principle.
increasing (or decreasing), it indicates that the tip clear- Its specific working process can be described as follows.
ance and the speed of the blade are changing. First, the probe with DC (direct current) voltage is
Wavelength division multiplexing is used to generate moved along the radial direction by a stepping motor,
two sectorized interference fringe systems with opposite and then, when gas discharge occurs between blade tip
fringe spacing gradients within the same measurement and probe, the probe stops moving; the tip clearance
volume. With this, not only the velocity but also the could be obtained by measuring the moving distance of
position of moved objects can be determined. The posi- the probe from the casing. The diagram of tip
tion of moving objects (e.g. turbine blades) can be clearance–measuring system based on probe method is
determined via the monotonic quotient function of the presented in Figure 12. The system mainly consists of a
two measured Doppler frequencies. The structure dia- probe, an actuator, a controller and a computer.
gram of the laser Doppler position system is presented The characteristics of probe method are that its prin-
in Figure 11. ciple is relatively simple. As long as the blade is a con-
The system advantages include high measurement ductive material, no matter how the blade tip shape is,
accuracy and insensitive to the blade speed. However, the tip clearance can be measured stably and reliably
how to miniaturize the probe so that it can be used on by probe method under high-temperature and high-
the operating engine is still a challenge. In addition, pressure environments. However, the original method
with the aim to operate in real time, the system raises can only measure the minimum tip clearance of the
high requirements for signal-processing units. engine rotor. The fluctuations of applied voltage, tem-
perature and the working fluid’s pressure, and the end
Development history. Using the laser Doppler position face deface of the probe and blade would all change the
method by combing laser technology and optical fiber discharge starting distance, and then to produce mea-
technology to measure single blade clearance and vibra- surement deviation. The structure of mechanical actua-
tion in a turbine engine was first presented in 2006, and tor applied for probe motion is complex, and
the system had high temporal resolution and high posi- manipulation of the device is also required to be skilled.
tion resolution.83,84 Using fiber probes made the system The risk of collision between the probe and the blade
more flexible and not affected by temperature and elec- limits the maximum operating rotating speed.
tromagnetic disturbance. The system’s measurement Meanwhile, the probe is not suitable as a fixed equip-
accuracy is 20 mm. Then researchers applied the tech- ment in a shaping engine. It is more suitable for the
nology for vibration monitoring and tip-clearance mea- experimental study, and it can measure the gap between
surement on a working compressor at speeds of up to the longest blade and casing under stable state, which
50,000 r/min and 586 m/s blade tip velocity, which was also can be a reference for other tip clearance–
superior to many conventional tip-clearance measure- measuring methods.
ment methods.85 A new laser Doppler position sensor
was introduced in 2015, which could be applied to Development history. The discharge probe sensor to mea-
simultaneously measure the tip clearance, blade vibra- sure the distance between the blade and the casing was
tion and the velocities of the blades; the sensor is insen- first designed in 1983, and the method was applied suc-
sitive to electromagnetic disturbances and has no cessfully for the minimum tip-clearance measurement
Yu et al. 351

Table 10. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system

design by Sheard and Killeen.89

Variables Values

Range 6 mm
Resolution 2.5 mm
Repeatability 66 mm
Accuracy (ambient) 10 mm
Accuracy (900 K) 25 mm
Sample rate 30 KHz
Minimum target presentation time 2 ms
Probe diameter at the tip 4.8 mm
Maximum un-cooled probe temperature 900 K
Maximum gas temperature 1673 K
Actuator dimensions 215 3 72 3 60 mm
Actuator weight 1.7 kg
Actuator environment temperature limits 323.15 K
Output from the controller RS232

sensor component will not rotate when the tip-

Figure 12. The diagram of tip clearance–measuring system
clearance probe fails due to extraordinary wear and
based on probe method.
tear.95 However, high realization costs caused by the
system applications were still limited to experimental
tests. There are several sensors in the market, for exam-
in the following years.87 After that, people developed
ple, the small-probe displacement sensor made by
the second-generation tip-clearance measuring system
HBM. However, characteristics of their product do not
based on discharge probe method, which can only mea-
meet the real-time measurement requirements of the
sure the tip clearance of the longest blade, and the sys-
engine tip clearance. Till now, due to the disadvantages
tem resolution was 2.5 mm under the measurement
of the complex structure, high costs and limitations to
range of 6 mm.88 Then a new tip clearance–measuring
the material of the blade, the probe method has been
system based on spark discharge was designed. The sys-
gradually substituted by other methods.
tem probe was composed of an electrode and
frequency-modulated capacitive method. Meanwhile,
researchers built a cooling system that helped the mea- Probe method based on AC discharge. Recently, a novel tip
suring system to work in high–temperature environ- clearance–measuring method based on AC discharge is
ments. The new system could measure each blade tip proposed by researchers from Nanjing University of
clearance and not be limited to the minimum tip the Aeronautics and Astronautics. The method applies the
precision of the system is about 2.5 mm, and the spe- breakdown voltage with the fixed probe to measure the
cific parameters of the measuring system are shown in tip The specific principle can be described as follows:
Table 10.89 However, the structure of the system which under certain conditions, the voltage required to break
uses both the probe method and the capacitive method through the air gap of a certain distance is determined.
is complex, and it is unsuitable for the measurement of Using the relationship between the breakdown voltage
real engine’s tip clearance. In America, discharge probe and the air gap, the measurement of the tip clearance
method was applied in the experiments of the project can be realized.
named with high-temperature turbine developing unit The main job is to obtain the relationship between
(HTTDU), the turbine inlet temperature was up to the breakdown voltage and the blade tip clearance.
1673 K, the system accuracy is about 60.025 mm, and Therefore, in order to explore the regular relationship,
the test results were satisfying.90 Japanese researchers the research team did a lot of experiments. First,
made deeper researches to the probe method and Townsend discharge method was used to obtain the
improved the probe-moving defect of the traditional numerical relationship between the tip clearance and
method.91–94 Ultraviolet rays were applied to irradiate the breakdown voltage. The equation can be described
tip clearance, which led to the linear relationship as follows
between the spark discharge voltage and the tip clear-
ance. Therefore, tip clearance can be obtained under Vs =   ð9Þ
the condition of the fixed electrode, and the system ln ln aPL
measurement accuracy is 0.05 mm. In addition, ð1 + l1Þ
researchers pay attention to the safety of the measuring
When the gas type, gas pressure and electrode mate-
device. They designed a tip-clearance probe with anti-
rial are determined, a, b and l are the constants. Vs is
rotation feature within the probe housing, so that the
the breakdown voltage, and L is the blade tip clearance.
352 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

Table 11. Specifications of tip clearance–measuring system

based on AC discharge.

Variables Values

Range 6 mm
Accuracy 50 mm
Sample rate 50 KHz
Probe diameter at the tip 1 mm
Probe length 50 mm
Voltage frequency 5–20 KHz
Figure 13. The diagram of the tip clearance–measuring system Output voltage 0–30 kV
based on AC discharge. Maximum un-cooled probe temperature 2500 K

With the guide of this relationship, a measuring sys-

tem based on AC discharge was developed. The dia-
gram of the measuring system is shown in Figure 13.
The measuring system is mainly composed of the power
module, metal probe, blade model, voltage-
measurement module and data-processing module. The
power module adopts an AC voltage source, and its
output voltage and frequency can be adjusted continu-
ously. The metal probe is made using materials with
good conductivity and heat resistance. The metal probe
connected with high-voltage terminal of the power sup-
ply device is the anode, and the blade model connected
with low-voltage terminal of the power supply device is
the cathode. The gas discharge will happen between the
probe and blade tip when the output voltage reaches
breakdown voltage. The voltage measurement module Figure 14. The relationship curve between the breakdown
is applied for measuring breakdown voltage, and all voltage and the tip clearance.
the data are analyzed and processed by the data-
processing module. Specifications of the tip clearance–
measuring system based on AC discharge are presented
in Table 11.
At present, some preliminary achievements are
obtained. First, theoretical analysis and the experiment
of gas discharge are made to prove the feasibility of the
measuring method. The relationship curve between the
breakdown voltage and the blade tip clearance under
standard atmospheric pressure air is presented in
Figure 14. The system calibration and tip-clearance
measurement are carried out on the test platform. With
the characteristics of high heat resistance, low power
consumption and high stability, the tungsten copper
probe with planar structure is more suitable for mea-
suring the tip clearance. Exploring through experi-
ments, small fluctuations of temperature and humidity
under normal temperature and atmospheric pressure
environment have little effect on the experimental sys- Figure 15. Experimental results with small fluctuations in
tem that is shown in Figure 15. When the tip clearance temperature and humidity.
is between 0 and 6 mm, the designed system has a high
measurement accuracy, and its measurement error is
within 650 mm. Compared with the traditional probe and friction generated by the probe movement. In addi-
method, the measuring method based on AC discharge tion, it has the potential to be applied to high rotating
not only effectively avoids the inconvenience of instal- speed situations. With the deeper study of this method,
lation and operating difficulties which mechanical it can contribute to engine optimization design and
actuator brings but also improves the safety of the safety control, meanwhile improve the efficiency and
measurement system and eliminates dangers of collision stability of the engine.
Yu et al. 353

Table 12. Specifications of different tip clearance–measuring methods.

Method Inductive Eddy current Capacitive Microwave Optical fiber Probe AC discharge
method method method method method method method

Maximum working 1373 K 1075 K 1300 K 1900 K 1000 K 1673 K 1700 K

Highest precision 10 mm 5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 10 mm 25 mm 50 mm
Measure range 0–5 mm 0–2 mm 0–5 mm 0–6 mm 0–5 mm 0–7 mm 0–6 mm
Maximum 80,000 7900 8000 30,000 30,000 7000 8000
speed (r/min)
Probe Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Moved Fixed
Key problem Needs precise Needs Hard to High Light Complex Not mature
installation calibrated calibration realization refection structure enough
in advance costs loss and high risk

Conclusion facilitate its application to the measurement work of

high-speed engines such as micro turbojet engines.
With the aforementioned analysis, a conclusion can be
Due to the advantages of small size, low weight and
achieved that the blade tip clearance is an important
high precision of the eddy current system, it has become
parameter which may affect the efficiency, stability and
a common measurement method in recent years.
safety of the gas turbine engine. Considering the signifi-
However, this method can only measure metallic mate-
cance of the blade tip clearance of an engine, several
rials, and the blade tip is required to have a certain
types of measuring methods are developed by research-
thickness and its bandwidth cannot support the high-
ers, and each method has its own characteristics. With frequency sampling requirements of the engine’s tip-
the purpose of having a more intuitive look at the char- clearance measurement. As the output of the sensor
acteristics of each method, based on the information varies with the blade tip shape, mounting state and
collected earlier, the optimal parameters of these environmental temperature, it needs to be calibrated in
research papers are shown in Table 12. advance. With the decrease in coil size, the parasitic
In the following paragraphs, some analyses and com- resistance increases, causing the sensitivity of the sensor
ments on the advantages and disadvantages of each the- to decrease. The effective solution to solve the distur-
ory are given. bances and how to increase the bandwidth of the sen-
The advantages of tip-timing method are that it sors will be the key research problem in the future.
overcomes some influencing factors in principle, such The capacitive method has good heat resistance and
as the different rotor speeds and the changes of electri- has the advantages of simplicity, low cost and robust-
cal signal amplitude. As for the disadvantages of this ness. Its working temperature can be up to 1300 K.
method, it depends on the probes used in the system. Currently, it is one of the most effective methods to
In addition, using this method will add a rotor speed measure the tip clearance of the gas turbine engine and
synchronization sensor to the system which will reduce has been widely applied by many industrial companies/
the system reliability. institutions, such as RR, GE, PW, BMW-RR, ABB
With the advantages of long life, simple construc- and NASA. However, low spatial resolution, short
tion, high reliability and so on, inductive method is measurement range, unsuitable for high rotating speed
widely used in the measurement field of vibration and situations and calibration requirements constrain the
displacement. However, the low operating temperature wide application of the capacitive sensors.
and the need of precise installation greatly limit its Microwave method can be applied in harsh environ-
application. But with the development of science and ments of the engine, and microwave sensors are very
technology, there are some solutions proposed by robust and insensitive to contamination and the rotat-
researchers. For example, the working temperature of ing speed. However, the wavelength of the microwave
the sensors can be increased by using cooling air to would change with the blade thickness, which would
cool the sensors while operating or by wrap the probe affect the measuring accuracy. Currently, the hollow
with high-temperature-resistant material. But these waveguides at the sub-millimeter wavelengths is almost
research works are in the laboratory testing phase, it is impossible to achieve, and the realization cost for
still a challenge to improve its heat resistance. In addi- higher accuracy is very expensive. But predictably with
tion, by using multiple coils, the tip-clearance sensor the technology development and the cost reduction, the
can simultaneously detect the blade tip clearances at approach may be a promising measurement method in
various positions which can increase its scope of appli- the future.
cation. A benefit from its working principle is that it The advantages of optical fiber method are stable
can be used in a wide range of rotating speeds. This will performance, strong resistance to electromagnetic
354 Measurement and Control 53(3-4)

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