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How To Write A Literature Review On Teenage Pregnancy

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Writing a literature review on teenage pregnancy can be a challenging task for many individuals.

requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing literature to provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic. Understanding the complexities surrounding teenage
pregnancy, including its causes, consequences, and preventive measures, is crucial for crafting a well-
informed literature review.

One of the primary difficulties encountered in writing a literature review on teenage pregnancy is the
vast amount of information available. Sorting through numerous academic articles, research papers,
and other sources to identify relevant studies and findings can be time-consuming and
overwhelming. Additionally, synthesizing disparate sources into a coherent narrative while
maintaining objectivity can pose a significant challenge.

Furthermore, ensuring the credibility and reliability of the sources used is essential in producing a
high-quality literature review. Assessing the validity of research methodologies, sample sizes, and
data analysis techniques requires a discerning eye and a thorough understanding of research

To alleviate the burden of writing a literature review on teenage pregnancy, individuals may
consider seeking assistance from professional writing services. ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers expert
assistance in crafting literature reviews tailored to specific topics and requirements. Our team of
experienced writers possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct thorough research and
deliver well-written, original content.

By outsourcing the task to ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, individuals can save time and effort while ensuring
the quality and accuracy of their literature review. Whether you're a student, researcher, or
professional looking to explore the topic of teenage pregnancy, our services can help streamline the
writing process and produce a compelling review that meets your needs.

Don't let the complexities of writing a literature review on teenage pregnancy overwhelm you. Trust
⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ to provide the support and expertise you need to create a standout academic
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writing goals.
Low quality health care only increases the likelihood of sick babies and children that require
additional medical attention, essay teenage pregnancy. This problem has had such a rise to fame
because this is a problem that can be prevented. However, I am thoroughly satisfied with the work of
expert. Aria, L, (2009), Teenage Pregnancy: The Making and Unmaking of a Problem, The Policy
Press, New Jersey. In conclusion, people must take a collective responsibility of talking to the teens
about pregnancy and relationships so that they will be aware of whatever that occur if they are in any
relationship. Teens feel all sorts of things that adults do not always understand. Early pregnancy is a
serious problem for teenagers. Parents usually find out when it is too late to adjust the situation. The
issue of teenagers having to get consent from their parents before. This latter fact cannot be altered
however good the antenatal care is given, but at least medical staff will be prepared for the
possibility and prepared to support a baby with a low birth weight, often born prematurely (Law,
2012). Berthoud, R. (2001). Teenage births to ethnic minority women. Time passed by and
something that no one could ever imagine would happen to her. Teenage pregnancy has become a
major issue in the area of Lowmans. Useful Linking Words and Phrases to Use in Your Essays -
ESLBuzz Learning English. In a lot of arguments about teen pregnancy there is talk about making
condoms more readily available, but I think that other forms of birth control that are more
consistently effective should be promoted instead. Augustine Ferdinand Curriculum Vitae Sample
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young women are affected in all aspects and have their future derailed to a certain degree. Sorry, but
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Advertisement Advertisement Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks,
online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Hence my thesis which focuses on the impact of
teenage pregnancy on the educational and career opportunities of females. Young women in our
communities are falling pregnant while still at school, which limits their ability to achieve their long
awaited goals in life. The young woman who becomes pregnant sets in motion a series of events that
ultimately leads to the disaster of a teen birth. The pregnant teen becomes a statistic and assumptions
are made about her character, intelligence and maturity. According to data from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, approximately 190,000 babies are born
to teenage mothers each year, accounting for about 10% of all births. In addition, some young people
may not have access to reliable information about birth control methods, or they may feel
uncomfortable discussing these issues with their parents or other trusted adults. This time she was
very careful with her pregnancy, and did everything she can to make this one live. Your order will be
completed by a writing expert who is ready to evidence originality with reliable plagiarism-checking
results. Issues with the academic writing style and field-specific terminology just make matters
worse. As adolescent sexual activity has become more and more visible, teenage pregnancy has been
deemed a social problem in many countries. Its better for them to just enjoy high school and college
so they can have that experience, teenage pregnancy persuasive essay.
Cherry, A et al, (2001), Teenage Pregnancy: A Global View, Greenwood Publishing Group, New
York. Here we aim to improve the activation function to power it for wind speed forecasting. This
can lead to risky behavior and decision-making. The two study groups and those lost to follow-up
were similar in demographic characteristics. T h e enectiveness of special programs for pregnant
adolescents and their offspring is examined, and implications for policy and prevention are onered. It
is a shame, an embarrassment but to most teenage girls it is something else. Each year, around
750,000 females between 15-19 become pregnant. Share to Teenage pregnancy persuasive essay
Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Medical professionals suggest that they should be readily
available through different channels. The abortion ratio is the percentage of pregnancies ending in
(induced) abortion. Thus, this shows that youth intervention programs are essential to help educate
adolescents on prevention methods. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single
issues or ongoing subscriptions. Policy makers should be considerate when they are putting
mandatory laws for requiring parental consent. With the onset of peer pressure and the glorification
of sex in the media, essay teenage pregnancy, adolescents are even more suspectible and likely to
engage in unhealthy sexual behaviors that can lead to early pregnancy and other harmful outcomes.
Also, the families of the under-aged parents are directly affected by the consequences, disrupting the
functionality of the family. Another result of this study reviewed that most teen parents do not marry
the father or mother of the baby and the ones that do end in divorce in most cases. Teen pregnancy is
a rising social problem in the United States and among other countries. The influence of parents is
crucial in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy. Nobody wants to have their reputation damaged
by a written literature review that contains plagiarism. It is important to address the root causes of
teenage pregnancy and to provide access to resources and support to prevent it. Nevertheless, health
care professionals, educators, and social workers make note of the fact that 700,000 to 800,000 births
to adolescents each year is a highly undesirable phenomenon. The study seeks to ascertain what are
the causes of teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy can result in multidimensional consequence on
the teenage mothers as well as the child. Dealing with teenage pregnancy is a difficult issue because
of a lack of public mandate and no. There is a high risk that babies born from teenage mothers are
premature, or that they have a low weight at birth. 2. The mothers may also encounter complications
or difficulties at birth; they have a higher risk of anaemia than 3. There are differences in how
families respond to the pregnancy of a teen daughter. In order for one to examine the causation of
teenage pregnancy, a. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of attachment styles on
adolescents’ self-esteem among secondary school students from blended family in Kiambu County,
Kenya. The data that was collected was taken straight from the affected age and targeted different
reasons that effect teen pregnancy. The pregnant teen becomes a statistic and assumptions are made
about her character, intelligence and maturity.
Most sexually active teens tend to skip the most effective contraceptive methods in favor of a more
pleasurable sexual experience. Seydou Coulibaly 2019 This paper estimates the impact of natural
resources rents on non-resource tax revenue mobilization. Statistics show that most teenagers who
become pregnant do not end up going to college. Both patients lived in an area where leishmaniasis
is endemic. You are a high schooler who deals with a literature review for the first time. The effort is
real for societies and traditions that do not practice early marriages. This essay has been submitted by
a student, teenage pregnancy essay. It was also mentioned as having a low use of contraceptives.
Berthoud, R. (2001). Teenage births to ethnic minority women. Communities said that “Teenage
pregnancy is very visible when it happens but the reductions are. Teenage pregnancy can be defined
as pregnancy of women who have not reached twenty years when the pregnancy ends regardless of
the marital status. Teenage pregnancy affects education the most in young women. Many teens are
unaware of the healthcare risks associated with early pregnancy. Access to comprehensive sex
education and affordable and effective contraception is crucial. The literature was reviewed by
several peers and doctors to come up with the opinions and solutions that were revised in the article.
Such people as they hand the condoms to their young customers should advice them that it is
important to use them to prevent AIDS as well as babies. However, many teens that have a
wonderful, affectionate family and are very confidante are merely looking for the few minutes of
pleasure and avoid using protection. For some, these pregnancies are planned but majority of teen
pregnancy is unplanned. For this reason, many will experience feelings of frustration, and of
resentment, and even anger, toward their babies. Teenage pregnancy essay The rise of teen pregnancy
has an adverse effect on the healthcare system as teenagers are at increased risks for pre-term
delivery, low birth weight and neonatal mortality (). According to Medline (2012) birth in very young
mothers carries with it increased risks of low birth weight babies, and prematurity, both linked to the
high numbers of teenage mothers who continue to smoke during pregnancy. Doe 3 Doe 4 The
Importance Of Prevention Teenage Pregnancy Causes and Effects Free Essay Sample Teen
pregnancy and childbearing are associated with increased social and economic costs through
immediate and long-term effects on teen parents and their children. United States Has The Highest
Rate Of Teenage Pregnancies. In this essay, I will present arguments on why teenage pregnancies
should always be discouraged. Moreover, an increase of adolescent pregnancy is becoming an serious
issue among numerous countries. In order for one to examine the causation of teenage pregnancy, a.
Zmiany zachodzily takze w liczbie lektur obowiazkowych w danej klasie oraz w doborze tytulow. S
showing out of 1000 pregnant teens, 68 births occur. If you use competent help writing a literature
review, this problem will vanish. Also, our service specializing in writing your literature review
includes a complete list of literature.
This study aimed to increase understanding of the context of teenage pregnancy, by (1) describing
the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of pregnant teenagers and their partners; (2)
exploring whether teenage pregnancies are planned and how they are received; and (3) exploring
factors associated with unplanned teenage pregnancy.MethodsA population health-register based
sample survey was conducted in Badulla District, Sri Lanka. By working together and promoting
education and communication, we can reduce the rates of teenage pregnancy and support young
people in making healthy and informed decisions about their reproductive health. If necessary, seek
out community or faith based programs that can help in fostering a nurturing and non-judgmental
voice on the subject. When used in combination, and access to can reduce unintended teenage
pregnancies. States with the largest teenage populations generally have the highest numbers of teen
pregnancies. This phenomenon is more profound in blended families where there are multiple
relationships that can lead to many challenges. The literature was reviewed by several peers and
doctors to come up with the opinions and solutions that were revised in the article. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. While the rates have decreased for all groups,
Hispanic teenagers saw only a slight drop in pregnancy rates between 1990-2002. However, the
growing problem of teenage pregnancy in Lowmans is a major cause for concern. It is true that the
teen pregnancy and birth rate was much higher prior to. Worldwide, one in five girls has given birth
by the age of 18. She goes straight to the point and the point is to prevent teen pregnancy. Maybe
you’re on the verge of getting a doctorate and want a literature review to be just ideal. Although it is
just a theory, teenage pregnancy essay, these young women often change their plans and projections
and about their future and focus on being mothers, teenage pregnancy essay. The pressure offered by
parents and guardians also serves to damage the female emotionally. Teenage pregnancy can ruin a
teen’s life and also the. Generic selectors. Exact matches only. Search in title. Search in content.
Search in excerpt. Search in posts. Search in pages. Samples Sex Essay On Teenage Pregnancy. Yet
we are shocked at the increasing numbers of teens who are sexually active. Most teenagers enter into
parenthood less prepared than they need to be, for the stress and pressures a new baby brings.
Similarly, she has tested treatments that pregnant teenagers should undergo in order to safeguard the
welfare of the unborn baby. Share to Teenage pregnancy persuasive essay Share to Facebook Share to
Pinterest. ECLAC Distribution Unit.Newsletter on progress towards the Millennium Development.
The end result also proves that teens will have higher risk pregnancies and premature, under
nourished babies will be born for lack of knowledge of how to take care of a baby in the womb. At
the same time, the problem continues to be significant and to represent a major challenge to
educators, health care providers, and social service support systems. The good news, according to the
Guttmacher Institute (2006), is that the teenage birth rate in 2002 was 30 percent lower than the peak
rate of 61.8 bi rths per 1,000 women which was reached in 1991. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This time she was very careful with her pregnancy,
and did everything she can to make this one live. Dealing with teenage pregnancy is a difficult issue
because of a lack of public mandate and no. Teenage mothers are also more likely to have a lower
educational attainment and may face financial challenges as a result of their pregnancy. Experts
make accurate citations, use current books, and derive conclusions from them.
Interventions aim to further lower the rates to reduce impacts on teenage mothers and their children.
Resort edukacji wydawal kolejne programy nauczania, zmieniala sie tez struktura szkoly. The
Guttmacher Institute (2006) identified the following states as having the highest number of
adolescent pregnancies: California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois. Between 2010 and 2014
the rate has been dropping 7. The similarity score of your literature overview will be low if you use
our writing service. Based on the findings it can be concluded that peer pressure. In the event having
a child in teenage years lead to the death of the mother or the unborn child, the future is negatively
and strongly affected. Without the use of the protection, not only one STD’s a threat, but pregnancy
hit hand. You won’t also write a literature review originally without flexible thinking and new
approaches. Your order will be completed by a writing expert who is ready to evidence originality
with reliable plagiarism-checking results. As we notice in the study that teenage pregnancy is mainly
common. Professional associations advocate for the provisions of reproductive health care to
teenagers on a confidential basis. GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with
custom GIFs. Questions like, why is a teenage girl in Mississippi four times as likely to give birth as
a teenage girl in New Hampshire. You should draft your paper traditionally with an introduction,
body, and conclusion. Poverty is a significant effect and a factor in teenage pregnancy where
statistics show adolescent pregnancies occurs mostly in people who are underprivileged. Pros And
Cons Of Transtheoretical Model Of Change 878 Words 4 Pages Teens are affected by their own
perceptions of what others are doing and therefore act on bad behavior. Sexually transmitted diseases
such as chlamydia, which can bring about future sterility, as well as syphilis, which puts the baby at
risk, and even HIV, are also a real risk among young people whose sexual relationships may be
casual, with several short term partners, one after the other. Researchers have argued that adolescents
should not be restricted from accessing contraception because it is indirectly endangering their
health in the name reducing teenage pregnancy which could lead to death (Stanhope et al., 777).
Parental approval requirement on contraception from another outlook is a problem in that it could
lead to adverse results connected with belated access to medical care on time among adolescents
who despise involving their parents in their contraception decisions. Some teenagers engage in it
owing to pressure from their peers to be sexually active. However, the overall number of unsafe
abortions has remained the same, making the proportion of unsafe to safe terminations greater as
time goes on Sedgh et al. The two study groups and those lost to follow-up were similar in
demographic characteristics. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Out
of the 1,008 young people more then half said they watch the show and makes them feel more aware
of the risks, 82% think the show helps reveal the challenges of teen pregnancy. Doe 3 Doe 4 The
Importance Of Prevention Teenage Pregnancy Causes and Effects Free Essay Sample Teen
pregnancy and childbearing are associated with increased social and economic costs through
immediate and long-term effects on teen parents and their children. Those girls who date older men
are more likely to become pregnant before they attain womanhood. Excellence is the thing we never
sacrifice for anything. This study can be seen as one that has immense educational value. Teenage
pregnancy essay The rise of teen pregnancy has an adverse effect on the healthcare system as
teenagers are at increased risks for pre-term delivery, low birth weight and neonatal mortality ().
Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns.
In this study the teen’s names were not given, the goal was not to know who the teens were, but to
know what can be done to make the awareness of this problem known to teens and their parents. It
also has an economic impact on the medical field as teens are unable to afford adequate health care
for their babies. Teenage pregnancy is also associated with poor educational. We researched the most
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number Phone number should have at least 10 digits. Teens feel all sorts of things that adults do not
always understand. Professional associations advocate for the provisions of reproductive health care
to teenagers on a confidential basis. There is a high risk that babies born from teenage mothers are
premature, or that they have a low weight at birth. 2. The mothers may also encounter complications
or difficulties at birth; they have a higher risk of anaemia than 3. Thus, the need for more
intervention and prevention programs tailored to the needs of teenagers is essential to maintaining a
healthy and sustainable health care system. This fact is significant for every literature review writing
service, and ours isn’t an exception. Thus, the paper will focus on the effects of teen pregnancy on
adolescents and the healthcare system. Girls who become pregnant as teens who had planned on
going to college and getting an education have to figure out alternative solutions such as going to
community college or taking classes online. The best things for teens to do is wait, wait to have a
baby. Teens are often not careful and have unprotected sex. Bumiputera SMEs. Download Free PDF
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makers should be considerate when they are putting mandatory laws for requiring parental consent.
But if this is cut short, teenage pregnancy essay, especially for the girls, through teenage pregnancy,
they more often than not end up giving up their education and start family obligations. In the case
for Latinas and teenage pregnancy there are barriers that prevent them from receiving any health
care. In this way they are a general tool for solving problem ranging from economy to various
engineering fields. This phenomenon is more profound in blended families where there are multiple
relationships that can lead to many challenges. Some private organizations have tried to fill this gap,
but it has not paid off without the public resources. Time passed by and something that no one could
ever imagine would happen to her. Information collected will only be used by the researcher. Video
Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. Generally, states with the largest
numb ers of teenagers tend to have the greatest number of teenage pregnancies. A sample survey was
given to eighth graders in New York community both sexual active and those who abstained.
Pregnancy in the period of adolescence irreversibly changes the lives of minors. How to Write a
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They have little or no information about how to prevent pregnancy.

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