Vibrations of Vertical Pressure Vessels
Vibrations of Vertical Pressure Vessels
Vibrations of Vertical Pressure Vessels
C. E. FREESE This paper is primarily concerned with the vibration of vertical pressure vessels
known as columns or towers.
Mechanical Engineer, The
Fluor Corporation, Ltd., Los
The procedure for estimating the period of first mode of vibration for columns which
Angeles, Calif. Mem. ASME are the same diameter and thickness for their entire length is outlined. A graph is
included for this purpose which recommends limits between vessels considered to be
static structures and those considered dynamic.
A method for designing vessels considered as dynamic structures is described as well
as a detailed procedure for estimating the period of vibration of multithickness (stepped
shell) vessels and/or vessels built to two or more diameters with conical transitions where
the difference in diameter is small.
There is a brief resume of the “Karman vortexes” effect and a discussion regarding
vibration damping by liquid loading and the benefit of ladders and platforms which help
reduce the effect of periodic eddy shedding.
The design procedure outlined will be useful to the practical vessel designer
confronted with the task of investigating vibration possibilities in vertical pressure
2 What is the most practical method for designing to meet
For many years it was customary to apply guy wires dynamic conditions?
to tall ,slender pressure vessels. In, recent years, refinery and 3 Does the method used produce consistent results and does it
petro-chemical officials have demanded self-supporting vessels provide additional strength to resist the force due to the mass-
from the standpoint of plant appearance and safety. acceleration resulting from the motion of the vessel ?
In order to design a self-supporting vessel of this type, the 4 Is the period of vibration of the dynamically designed vessel
following problems must be carefully analyzed: such that prevailing winds are not apt to cause excessive
1 When it is necessary to deviate from the common practice 5 Are the external attachments ( such as piping, ladders, and
of designing a vertical vessel as a static structure and consider it as platforms) distributed all around the vessel to guard against
a dynamic structure? resonance due to eddy shedding in the “Karman vortex trail” at
critical wind velocities?
Contributed by the Petroleum Division and presented at the ASME
Petroleum-Mechanical Engineering Conference, Denver, Colo., September These problems will be discussed during the outline of a design
21-24, 1958, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL procedure presented in this paper.
ENGINEERS. Before proceeding, it should be pointed out that vessel
NOTE: Statements and opinions advanced in papers are to be vibrations induced by earthquakes are infrequent in occurrence
understood as individual expressions of their authors and not those of the and this paper is more concerned with vibrations induced by wind
Society. Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, July 9, 1958. Paper or other forces which may occur every day or many times during
No. 58 - PET-13. the day may depending upon the location.
. E ' Ig
required at the bottom head seam due to bending moments T
imposed by wind or earthquake forces [9].' Stresses in the 352
longitudinal direction are involved nod the following notation may
E ' Ig
be used to summarize the thickness required:
t C
48 M
4 SE 0.8 P d 2 SE dSE
Pd W
For a steel cylindrical shell, equation (3) may be written:
T 764
. x106 wL3
The terms within the absolute value signs are positive for tensile
stresses and negative for compressive stresses. The first term gives D h
the thickness required for the longitudinal stress resulting from
internal pressure and is positive for pressures above atmospheric By rewriting equation (4) in the form:
moment due to earthquake or seismic disturbance. For vessels, the upper 137 ft 0 in. and three 1ower sections consisting of /8, /16,
7 15
seismic factor will usually have a value of 0.03 to 0.12, depending and 1-in. thick material (the supporting skirt increased from 1 to l
upon the geographical location. Expressed mathematically,
/16 in.). The period of vibration was reduced to approximately 1.4
Whereas the application of this method actually consists of trial
M F3 w' y ' (2) and error, the experienced pressure vessel designer becomes very
proficient in estimating how far down the vessel he can utilize the
After the vessel has been designed in the regular manner material thickness which is based on pressure-temperature
(considered as a static structure) it should be investigated regarding requirements, as well as the length of successive sections of
its possible behavior under vibration conditions. If the vessel thicker material. It is usually unnecessary to carry the seismic
analogy into the design of the anchor bolts because this method is
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
applied only as a "yardstick" to provide reasonable protection with a vibration, they later revised their recommendations as follows:
minimum amount of additional material. However, anchor bolt
stresses should be held low (15,000-16,000 psi) for these vessels or, if
a higher stress is used, the design procedure outlined should be Natural period of vibration Earthquake coefficient
applied to them. Proper tightening of anchor bolts for vessels subject Less than 0.40 sec 0.20
to dynamic behavior is of utmost importance and it is recommended 0.40 sec to 1.0 sec 0.08 divided by period
that they should be pretightened to the predicted working stress to Greater than 1 sec 0.08
avoid stretching and loosening in service It is definitely unnecessary
Attention is again called to the fact that this paper is primarily
to apply this method to the design of the foundation unless the vessel
concerned with vibrations induced by wind or other forces which
is operating in a seismic area.
occur more frequently than earthquakes and it should be noted that the
The design procedure just outlined produces consistent results and
vessel reported as Case II under Field Data is well within the later
also provides additional material to resist the force due to
recommendations outlined here and vibration trouble was encountered.
mass-acceleration of the vessel in motion. A number of years ago,
It is agreed that the current practice is probably adequate for
approximate calculations indicated that the total force due to wind
earthquake design; however, all critical vessels (except the vessel
load plus the force due to mass acceleration was about 1.5 to 1.70
reported as Case II) designed and installed by our company have been
times the static force due to 30 lb/ft, wind load for several different
designed to the seismic analogy method using a 0.20 seismic factor.
size vessels. It was found that the recommended design procedure
Not all vessels designed as static structures have the same thickness
resulted in shell thicknesses within a few thousandths of an inch of
of shell for their entire length and some vessels are of more than one
those obtained by the more lengthy approximation. Many critical
diameter. These vessels, as well as many designed as dynamic
vessels have been successfully installed which were designed to the
structures cannot have their period of vibration estimated from the
seismic analogy method just described.
graph in Fig. 1 or equation (4). It is also desirable to know the change
The same company that produced the first graph of equation (4)
in the vibration period resulting from dynamic design. Of the several
tentatively recommended the seismic design method using a 0.20
methods referred to in reference books on vibration [1, 2, 3] the
seismic factor for their vessels requiring dynamic design in order to be
numerical integration of the equation
on the "safe side." Since this company was mainly interested in the
response of vessels and other structures to earthquake induced
vessel subject to vibration in the first mode by winds of only ten miles
fD D (7)
an hour might be vibrated in the second mode by winds of fifty to sixty
k Tk
miles per hour if external attachments do not interfere with the
Since we are primarily concerned with the resonant condition periodic eddy shedding. Surrounding structures and terrain will also
which occurs when the frequency of eddy shedding equals or is in the have some bearing on the considerations involved.
neighborhood of the natural frequency of vibration for the vessel the It is not the intention of this paper to overamplify the possibility of
symbols for the vessel frequency and period of vibration are shown in the second mode of vibration. Some engineers maintain that
equation (7). From this equation, we can estimate the critical wind vibrations in the second mode could be catastrophic; how
velocity for most vessels.
The value for k was first determined in 1878 by V. Strouhal as
80 / FEBRUARY 1959
Transactions of the ASME
ever, to the knowledge of this author no case of this type of failure has argued that the spring load of 800 to 1000 lb results in a horizontal
ever been recorded. In fact, no one has reported a second mode force of only about 200 to 300 lb at the top of the vessel and this small
vibration in a self-supporting vertical pressure vessel and vessels are force will have very little effect on a moving vessel weighing 50,000 to
in service which have (L/D) ratios in the neighborhood of 40:1. 300,000 lb. If the spring load is doubled, the resisting load at the top of
Steinman's paper refers to the Meier-Windhorst tests at the Hydraulic the vessel is still a small factor in reducing vibration or limiting the
Institute at Munich (1939) wherein the hydrodynamic oscillations of resulting deflection. However, if an accurate estimate can be made of
cylinders yielded sharply defined results for (a) the low velocity range, the vertical expansion for the operating temperature involved, the
(b) critical range, and (c) high velocity range, and further states that, spring could he designed and installed so that the assembly resulted in
"In these vortex induced oscillations, there is no 'catastrophic range' of full cable tension during operation. This in turn becomes a hazard
increasing amplification with unlimited increase of steam velocity" because of possible cable breaking which would endanger personnel. It
[13]. has been suggested that the spring could be entirely eliminated, but this
does not appear attractive due to the thermal expansion of the vessel
Discussion of Correction Methods during operation and the subsequent danger of cable breakage just
outlined. Carrying the wires over sheaves and then straight down to the
This paper would not be complete without a brief discussion of foundation as shown in Fig. 4 has similar drawbacks. Aerodynamic
possible remedies if trouble occurs. One of the first things done to the paneling similar to that used on the pipeline suspension bridge [6] has
vessel reported as Case II under Field Data was to try a spring loaded also been suggested, but is not always desirable from other standpoints,
damping device originally designed by a large process engineering such as appearance and easy access to all sections of the vessel. If
concern and shown in Fig. 3. This device had practically no effect on paneling is used, the sections should be attached by bolting them to
the behavior of the vessel. It can be clips which
TABLE II I J. P. Den Hartog, “Mechanical Vibrations," third edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Observer Time - Number of Amplitude at Amplitude at Period - Percent Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Seconds Cycles Start - Feet Finish - Feet Seconds Decr’t. 2 Stephen Timoshenko, “Vibration Problems in Engineering,” second edition. D.
3 31 19 .25 .05 1.63 8.55 Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.
1 33.2 20 .30 .05 1.66 9.00 3 N.O. Myklestad, “Fundamentals of Vibration Analysis,” first edition, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N.Y.
3 38.2 22 .30 .05 1.74 8.18 4 Reference [1], p.373
1 38.2 22 .30 .05 1.74 8.18 5 R. L. Solnick and R.H. Bishop, “Noise, Vibration, and Measurement Problems,
Aver. 1.69 8.48 Resulting from Fluid-Flow Disturbances,”TRANS,ASME, vol.79, 1957, pp. 1045-
6 R.C. Baird, “Wind-Induced Vibration of a Pipe-Line Suspension Bridge, and Its
been reported and here again, the external attachments are well Cure,”TRANS.ASME vol. 77, 1955, pp. 797-804.
distributed about the circumference. 7 References[1], p. 459
8 Reference [2], pp. 370 to 382 incl.
The increased per cent decrement in Table II is partly due to the addition 9 E.O. Bergman , “The Design of Vertical Pressure Vessels Subjected to Applied
of insulation which would have a more noticeable effect on a small Forces,” TRANS.ASME, vol. 77, 1955, pp. 863-867.
diameter column. Internal pressure is believed to increase the stiffness 10 D. B. Steinman, “Problems of Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Stability,”
Proceedings, Third Hydraulic Conference, June, 1946, Univ. of Iowa Bulletin No. 31,
and probably was a contributing factor. Whereas the bottom liquid is Page 139. Graph shown in Fig.2 reproduced by permission.
near the base and would not be expected to contribute to the increase in 11 R.C. Baird , “Aerodynamic Vibration of Tall Cylindrical Columns,” Paper No. 58
-PET - 4.
per cent decrement, it could conceivably have some effect. 12 Report of Fluor Research, unpublished
The corresponding logarithmic decrements for the two conditions are 13 Reference [10] pp. 144 and 145.
0.045 and 0.082.
1 Self-supporting vertical pressure vessels should always be
investigated regarding their possible behavior under vibrating I Estimating Period Of Vibration
2 If the statically designed vessel has a period of vibration such The weights of the following items are used for estimating the
that it is necessary to consider it as a dynamic structure, it should be period of vibration when applying equation (4) (or the corresponding
designed to the seismic analogy method using a 0.20 seismic factor. graph of this equation ) or when numerically integrating equation (6):
It is not necessary to apply this analogy to anchor bolts, if they are
not stressed over 15,000-16,000 psi.
3 The period of vibration of multithickness vessels and most 1 Weight of Shell and Heads.
multidiameter vessels may be estimated by the numerical integration 2 Weight of Trays, Caps, and Internals.
of equation (6). The length of the sections used for solving equation 3 Weight of Manways and Nozzles.
(6) should not exceed twenty to twenty five feet in order to have the 4 Weight of Insulation and Fireproofing.
estimated period within approximately 5 per cent of the true period. The total weight (items 1 through 4) of the vessel or vessel section
Complicated units with long, conical transitions (making it is considered as a uniformly distributed load acting on the vessel
impractical to consider the cone as a straight shell having uniform when it is considered as a cantilever beam, i.e., a cantilever beam
properties) require more involved methods of approximation, or deflecting under its own weight. Note that equation (4) requires the
recognition that the estimated period for these units, if estimated to total weight to be divided by the total length in feet to obtain the Unit
equation (6), may be more than 10 per cent in error. loading in pounds per foot, whereas equation (6) and the deflection
4 The evaluation of wind velocity effects should include equations shown in Fig. 9 are based on the total weight of each
considerations pertaining to the distribution of external vessel section under consideration.
attachments as well as the surrounding equipment and terrain. It The numerical integration of equation (6) is accomplished by
should be borne in mind that liquid loading in vessels having trays dividing the vessel into the required number of sections - one section
will help dampen vibration, but should not be relied upon as a cure- for each different thickness of plate with no section exceeding twenty
all. or twenty-five feet in length, keeping in mind that the greater the
5 Anchor bolts must be properly pretightened to a torque which number of sections, the more accurate will be the estimate.
will prestress them an amount equal to their estimated working After determining the weight and moment of inertia for each section,
stress, otherwise they may stretch sufficiently to affect the period of estimate the deflection at the e.g. of the section either
vibration and possibly work loose.
% decrement
the last section on the free end does not have an end moment MT or a
A 1
shear load Ws to take into consideration and the end deflection and the
end slope are not required to find the total deflection at the center. The 100
center of gravity of each section is considered to be at its midpoint.
Note: A five per cent decrement
Before proceeding with the deflection estimate, the designer should
means that each swing is 5 per
find all of the shear loads and end moments as shown in Fig. 10.
cent less than its predecessor.
It is then a simple matter to find the total deflection of each
section, square the deflection, and then tabulate the weight times the
so that they may be added to find Wy and Wy2 as shown in Fig. 11.
deflection and the weight times the deflection squared for each section,
Wy 2
1 or
T 1108
(8) Nth swing amplitude =
per cent decrement = 100(1-A)
to further simplify the arithmetic after the weight-deflection data are
As previously mentioned, many designers prefer to graphically The term per cent decrement is of value when comparing the damping
estimate the deflection, but the numerical method is suggested for effect of different loading conditions for the same column.
5.81 10 6 E
dynamic wind forces can, however, lead to much more costly designs C D3 (11)
S In BtL
than we have found to be necessary. The author is primarily concerned 2 2
with the possibility of forced resonant vibrations stimulated by in which
transverse cyclic wind forces associated with the Karman vortex trail
Am = maximum vibration amplitude at top of column
and, to deal with this possibility, suggests that flexible vertical
B = ratio of total mass per foot to mass per foot of steel shell
pressure vessels be designed to resist a lateral force equal to 20 per
C = coefficient for peak periodic wind force - given as 1.71 by
cent of the gravity force. This lateral force is, for most flexible vessels
Steinman (reference [10] of the paper)
(those with shell thicknesses greater than 0.4 in. if the total mass is
D = diameter of shell
twice the mass in the shell) greater than our customary design for
E = modulus of elasticity of steel
either wind or earthquake. The justification for use of this seismic
L = height of column
force is not presented, either as factor for a seismic design or for
S = Strouhal number
avoiding wind-induced vibrations.
= amplitude ratio for two successive maxima, for free oscillations
t = thickness of shell
An anomalous feature of the author's “seismic analogy” method of
In = natural logarithm of . (This is the "logarithmic decrement."
design is that it logically leads to the conclusion that a simple vertical
cylindrical shell, such as a steel smokestack up to 0.8 in. thick,
The "damping ratio" or ratio of actual to critical damping
requires no special consideration because of possible wind vibration,
= peak vibratory stress at base of column
is equal to the logarithmic decrement divided by 2)
whereas a fractionating column of the same thickness and diameter
must be strengthened because of the added mass due to the insulation,
Any consistent set of units may be used in these equations.
trays and fluid thereon, ladders, piping, and other appurtenances. Such
As a numerical example, let
a conclusion cannot be supported by past experience; excessive
C = 1.71
vibration of steel stacks has occurred, whereas vibration of
S = 0.20
fractionating columns has seldom been a problem. The author notes
B = 2.00
one case of fractionating column vibration but this stopped when the
D = 4.00 ft
column was put into operation; either the liquid on the trays provided
L = 150 ft
adequate damping or the added mass of the liquid increased the
t = 1 in. or 1/12 ft
natural period to a less critical value.
E = 30 x 106 psi or 4320 x 104 psf
Our own experience is that the fractionating columns can be safely
In = 0.10 (damping ratio = 0.10/2 = 0.0159)
designed for static wind loads alone. The possibility of excessive
From equation (l0) or (11), = 1270 psi.
Then, from equation (9), Am = 0.135 ft or 1.62 in.
wind vibration simply appears too remote to justify any added expense
to prevent such vibration. Strengthening of the steel shell, by adding
The possible deflection and stress calculated here are hardly large
thickness, merely reduces the natural period of vibration and increase
enough for concern. The assumed damping is reasonably small but
the wind velocity necessary to produce forced oscillations; it is not at
could be much less without serious results. As a matter of further
all safe to assume that it would eliminate or reduce the amplitude of
interest, the natural period of vibration for this column is 2.39 sec, the
vibrations that might otherwise occur.
wind velocity for resonant vibrations is 8.4 fps, and the Reynolds
Why is it that tall vertical pressure vessels, such as fractionating
number for this wind velocity is 214,000. This is within the region
columns, are far less severely affected by wind vibration than are
where C should be around 1.71 and S around 0.20, as was assumed. A
self-supporting steel smokestacks? The greater mass per unit of gross
value of 1.71 for C is probably the maximum obtainable. It actually
cross-sectional area cannot alone be responsible since large
determines the peak value of the periodic force, which probably
above-ground oil pipelines have been observed to vibrate in the wind.
includes higher harmonics; the coefficient for the fundamental
There will be added aerodynarnic damping because of attached
frequency component may be substantially less. Also the coefficient
platforms, piping, etc., but it can be shown that the energy absorbed
will be less if the column is not a true circular cylinder or if the
by this form of damping is probably not enough to limit the vibration
Reynolds number is greater than 500,000.
amplitude to reasonable values. The external irregularities due to
Note especially, as shown by equation (11), that the bending stress
platforms, piping, etc., could, however, reduce the applied periodic
is, for a given damping ratio, proportional to the cube of the diameter,
wind force.
inversely proportional to the square of the height, inversely
A sound theoretical analysis for forced vibration of the resonant
proportional to the shell thickness, and inversely proportional to the
frequency will answer the question raised in the previous paragraph.
mass ratio B. The greater values of the thickness and mass ratio for
Actual numerical values for the possible vibration amplitude and
pressure vessels, as compared to steel smokestacks, are particularly
resulting stress can be evaluated if the damping constant for the
important in minimizing the seriousness of possible wind-excited
column can be determined or estimated. The detailed analysis,
vibration. Thus, both experience and theory lead to the conclusion
although straightforward, is too lengthy for inclusion in this brief
that vertical pressure vessels, such as fractionating columns, are not
review, but the final equations are listed. It is assumed that the vessel
nearly as likely to vibrate excessively in the wind as are
vibrates in a sustained wind as a uniform cantilever beam in the
self-supporting steel smokestacks.
fundamental mode.
Am 3.30 106
C D2
S In Bt
Standard Oil of California, San Francisco, Calif.
H q
application. The Frahm dynamic absorber system has two resonant
frequencies and one frequency of zero amplitude. A properly sized
liquid chamber would decrease the amplitude to zero at one frequency,
where reduce it over a limited range of frequencies, but amplify it at two
frequencies outside this range. In other words, at certain frequencies
B = short diameter of the base in feet the liquid may not slosh to oppose vibration, but instead be in phase to
H = distance between the base and the center of gravity of the amplify it. Frahm antiroll tanks for ships are dealt with in Den
Hartog’s book [17]. A liquid chamber appears to be an energy
foundation and vessel
absorber of this same type.
ds = coefficient of dynamic subgrade reaction
In Case III, no excessive movement has been reported although the
q = static soil pressure per unit of area
critical wind velocity is in the neighborhood of 8-10 miles per hour.
From this equation the following conclusions can be drawn. The In Case I, the vessel has operated successfully with a calculated wind
softer the supporting soil, the lower is the natural frequency and the velocity to cause resonance of 10-12 miles per hour. Both of these
frequency may be raised by increasing the area if the foundation base vessels were designed to the seismic analogy method. In Case II
[16]. where the seismic analogy method of the design was not used, the
In general, observed frequencies have been lower than the vessel vibrated during the construction period. Does the author imply
calculated frequencies. This is probably due to the vessel and that since Case III and I were dynamically designed and Case II was
not that this was the main reason that vibration did not occur or could
foundation acting together in a manner somewhere in between the two
it be that the ladders and platforms were distributed around the former
extreme assumptions. If the supporting soil is relatively strong, the
two vessels such that the formation of the Karman vortex trail does not
first assumption is more nearly correct. If the materialize? It appears that the ladders, platforms, piping, and
insulation might be the major factor in preventing vessels from
Engineering Department, Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Okla. Mem. ASME. vibrating. No doubt there are many vessels with a height to diameter
Engineering Department, Phillips Petroleum Company. ratio greater than 20 which are operating
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of this discussion.
Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, N. J. 7
Engineering and Development Department. Universal Oil Products Company, Des Plaines, III.
Mem. ASME.
Journal of Engineering for Industry FEBRUARY I 959 / 89
Patent no. 2604838, dated July 29, 1952, to W. B. Traver, of mph, and apparently used a 4-ft 0-in. diam with his selected Strouhal
Standard Oil Company of Indiana, teaches provision of a roughened number of 0.20. Adding 3 in. of insulation, and using a Strouhal number
surface near the top of a stack either by small strips ranging from 1/4 of 0.18 (based on field data for two vessels reported in the paper) gives a
to 1 in. depth, or by the use of steel grating. This increases the skin critical velocity of 7.1 mph for the vessel as originally outlined and 7.8
resistance on the surface of the cylinder to prevent formation of mph for the design as recommended in the paper. (The period of vibration
Karman eddies. However, it does not seem to be a very practical decreased from 2.39 to 2.19 sec.) It is agreed that the recommended
remedy because of the cost of attaching the large number of small design does not materially affect the critical wind velocity for most vessels.
strips to the stack. It is also agreed that stacks may cause more trouble from vibration than
vessels, because they do not have liquid loading and are usually lighter in
Author's Closure weight. However, the inference pertaining to ignoring a stack of 0.8 in.
Before replying to specific questions or comments, the author thick should be further clarified, because the L/D ratio would determine
wishes to thank the discussers for their review and comments whether or not the stack should be designed for vibration. Also, there is no
pertaining to the design of vertical vessels subject to vibration. mention of stacks in this paper and it is not recommended that this design
It is hoped that sufficient interest has been stimulated in this subject procedure should be applied to them. Since processing is not involved,
to result in obtaining more field data than we presently have at our stack designers usually increase the resistance to vibration by a generous
disposal. Up to the present time very little has been done to obtain conical section in the lower zone which sometimes runs from
information pertaining to tall, slender vessels. If no complaint was ¼ to 1/3 the height of the stack. The pressure vessel designer can seldom
received from the operators, it has been assumed that no critical resort to this because of internal construction. In order to clarify the
vibration would ever occur. This is a normal and expected attitude; statements concerning stacks, the following tabulation is based on Mr.
however, it has not contributed to our knowledge of vessel behavior as Ludwig's definition of a flexible vessel; i.e., one with a shell thickness
heights have increased. greater than 0.4 in. if the total mass is twice the mass in the shell:
As pointed out in this paper and described more in detail in the
paper given by Mr. Baird, we have had definite experience with one
vessel which did give trouble and, after completing this paper the
author was informed that this vessel still has to have anchor bolts Vessels
retightened at intervals which indicates that some excessive vibration Diam, Shell th, wt/ft,a Max L,
may still be taking place. in. in. lb L/D ft
The author does not agree with Mr. Ludwig that we can generalize 36 7/16 360 20 60
regarding the relationship of total mass to the mass of the shell itself. 48 7/16 480 18 72
Mr. Ludwig's use of a mass equal to twice the mass of the shell in his 60 7/16 600 17 85
4-ft 0-in. diam X l-in. thick example would result in very heavy 72 7/16 720 15 90
internals. To me, each vessel should be considered individually during a
This is double the wt/ft for 7/16-in. plate.
the design stage. Obviously, there will be those where conditions of
terrain and prevailing winds will cast doubt regarding the justification
of added cost to the vessel. Vessels
The cost angle of designing to the method recommended in this Diam, Shell th,b wt/ft, Max L,
in. in. lb L/D ft
paper has been overemphasized. Taking Mr. Ludwig's example and
36 7/16 180 24 72
designing it to the 0.2 seismic analogy results in the following
48 7/16 240 21 72
60 7/16 300 19 84
Top 104 ft — 1-in. plate (orig. thickness) 72 7/16 360 18 108
Next 16 ft — 1 1/8-in. plate b
L/D and max L values for stacks actually are independent of shell thickness
Next 8 ft — 1 1/4-in. plate because the value of the abscissa (wD/h) of the graph shown in Fig. 1 does not change
Next 8 ft — 1 3/8-in. plate as the material thickness is changed ( w and h are proportional).
Next 8 ft — 1 7/16-in. plate A comparison will show that the 36-in-diam vessel can be considered
Skirt 6 ft — 1 7/16-in. plate as a static structure if not over 60 ft high, whereas the 36-in. stack could
This represents an increase of only 7,500 lb added to a vessel be considered as a static structure up to 72 ft high, regardless of its
originally designed as 146,000 lb (when l6,000 lb is subtracted for thickness. Similar values are shown for other diameters. As previously
insulation). This approximation is based on ASTM A-212-B Material, mentioned, it was not intended to apply the graph shown in Fig. 1 to
S.R. and x-rayed, and includes 1/8-in. corrosion allowance in the l-in. stacks. However, there does not appear to be a great discrepancy in this
plate, which means that this vessel would have 7/8-in. thickness for respect when it is realized that all of the metal put in the stack may be used
resisting pressure in the hoop direction. We then have 7/16 in. of for structural strength since there is no internal pressure.
material available to resist the bending in the longitudinal direction. Stacks are frequently built using the thinnest calculated material
Mr. Ludwig ignores the pressure stress when he reports his bending thickness, and sometimes local buckling has occurred due to warpage
stress due to his estimate of the maximum amplitude of vibration. and/or external forces. I do not believe a true comparison between stacks
Costwise, this vessel would represent an investment of approximately and vessels can be made.
$36,500 as originally outlined. The added material and labor would be The calculation of the periodic force and resulting amplitude is difficult
approximately $1350 which is an increase of only 3.7 per cent. In to make with any degree of accuracy, because we lack field data on
this case, the added material accomplishes two things; first, it vessels. Past attempts to apply some of the data from Reference [10] in
increases the section of the vessel where bending stresses occur and the paper have not always give results consistent with the field data taken
will reduce the possibility of failure from fatigue, a condition which to date. This does not mean the approximations of this nature should not
could exist if the critical wind velocity was prevalent; second, it gives be made, but we cannot place too much reliance in them.
more resistance to bending if a harmonic condition occurs. Mr. Ludwig’s bending stresses are very low because he included all of
Mr. Ludwig reported a critical wind velocity of 8.4 fps or 5.7 the shell material for bending, whereas in actual design work we have to
combine the pressure stresses with the bend-
90/ FEBRUARY 1959 Transactions of ASME
ing stresses. Also, Mr. Ludwig's stress is based on his estimate of the might have been satisfactory if designed to the seismic analogy
amplitude and ignores the fact that a deflection exceeding the normal method, but there is no proof of this. Recognition is given to the
amplitude might result if resonance occurs, as reported for the vessel desirability of distributing ladders, platforms, and other accessories
outlined as Case II and reported by Baird. circumferentially about the vessel to reduce the effect of periodic eddy
Mr. Hicks and Mr. Sellers discuss the possibility of the foundation shedding.
and soil-bearing capacity as contributing to the flexibility of the The heavy reference line shown in Fig. 1 is independent of height
system. This possibility has not been ignored. However, there has and considers L/D ratios more important than height. A vessel 30 in.
been no observation to justify this assumption. A check into the effect in diameter and 90 It 0 in. high can be more critical than a 200-ft
of anchor bolt stretch did not affect the period of vibration estimate 0-in-high vessel of a larger diameter. This reference line from 0.4 sec
sufficiently to bother with it—other than to require pretightening to on the left to the 0.8 sec on the right of the graph is empirical. There
reduce elongation during vessel deflection. When the total mass of certainly are vessels having periods of vibration above this line which
concrete and the surface charge of earth is considered, it is difficult to were not designed as recommended that are satisfactory. This line at
agree that they materially influence the natural frequency. If the soil one time was a horizontal line at 0.4 sec, and experience indicated that
bearing capacity is low, it is usually necessary to drive piles to support it could be safely changed as shown. Future data may result in another
vessels and similar heavy equipment. revision for this limit.
The desire for analytical approach is appreciated. However, The method outlined in the paper for numerically estimating the
pressure vessels do not always lend themselves to a true scientific period of vibration for a vessel having a shell varying in thickness is
analysis. In this case, so many variables exist that assumptions made intended for designers who are not experts in vibration. We are
in order to solve equations are apt to produce misleading results. The programming this work for computing machines along with our other
fact that a number of successful vessels have been built using this vessel program, but computing machines are not always available, and
sornewhat empirical approach is reasonable justification for its other methods of approximation are not very reliable unless performed
consideration. If we cannot justify a design method on the basis of by experts in the field of vibration. It is not always necessary to
successful operation, then we would be forced to discard many of our estimate this period and frequently it can be approximated by using
practices which are based on experience, including earthquake design. the graph in Fig. 1. It is up to the designer to decide the degree of
It is also noted that some reviewers are equally positive that it is accuracy he wishes to attain.
unnecessary to take any precautionary measures because they have not The column described by Mr. Acquaviva has considerable difference in
experienced any difficulty in the past. Therefore, we have one more the diameter of the top and bottom section. Our experience has been that
instance where the variables are too many to draw a definite vessels of this type are not as critical as tall, slender columns which are the
conclusion and data pertaining to location, terrain, wind currents, same diameter for their entire length. I have some reservation regarding
detail vessel design, and vibration for each case are not available. If the accuracy of estimating critical wind velocities for this type of vessel
we had at our disposal sufficient data taken from existing units, we when the diameter difference exceeds 6 to 12 in.
probably could work out a more analytical approach. Here is another example of experience and each individual will
To my knowledge there have been no wind-tunnel tests pertaining have his own idea of :a correct solution.
to vertical vessels except those mentioned in Reference [10]. If I were compiling data pertaining to existing vessels, I would
Investigation of testing models for tall, slender columns will definitely attempt to include all possible information on surrounding
immediately reveal that, in order to obtain reliable data for L/D ratios structures, wind currents, and geological data, in addition to details of
of 30 and 40 to one, the model size will be difficult to work with, vessel construction. A successful installation in one locality may not
because the diameter is so small in order to avoid excessive height. be trouble free in another.
Some of the larger wind tunnels could probably handle models large The vibration dampener shown in Fig. .3 in the paper was applied
enough to be practical, but the cost would be very high. to the vessel which vibrated at an excessive amplitude. This had
Connecting critical vessels to nearby structures of to adjacent practically no effect on the behavior of the vessel, but was not
vessels is always desirable if the location of the equipment permits. removed. Liquid loading helped to prevent excessive amplitude
This cannot be accomplished in many instances. build-up, but as previously mentioned, it was recently discovered that
I do not agree that the use of a single liquid chamber is comparable the anchor bolts have to he retightened at frequent intervals.
to Frahm antiroll tanks. The type of motion differs and I believe that My reply regarding cost of designing to a 0.2 - seismic factor was
there is very little possibility of the liquid amplifying vibration. included with the reply to Mr. Ludwig’s comments.
However, as pointed out in Conclusion No. 6 in the paper, any Mr. Fred Ruud's statement that the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation
proposed remedy must be carefully analyzed to avoid additional uses a seismic analogy method for some of their tall vessels is
trouble from some other source. particularly interesting in view of the fact that seismic factors of 0.25
The paper does imply that the vessel reported under Case II to 0.30 were mentioned, and the author wishes to thank Mr. Ruud for
his interest and express regret that he did not have the opportunity to
prepare written discussion on this paper.