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Communication Process,

Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1

Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
Mandrunio and Martin (2018)
OUTLINE: presented the following communication
I. Learning Objectives models:
II. Introduction
III. Communication Models Aristotle’s Communication Model
 Aristotle’s Communication
Model Aristotle emphasized that there are three
 Laswell’s Communication Model variables in communication process:
 Shannon-Weaver’s speaker, speech, and audience.
Communication Model
 Berlo’s Communication Model o Speaker - Always remember that
IV. Types of Communication the speaker variable here is very
 According to Mode significant. If there is no speaker,
 According to Context there will be no speech to produce.
 According to Purpose and Style The speaker adjusts his/her
V. Principles of Effective Communication
speech defending on the profile of
VI. Ethics of Communication
student. The audience
VII. Domain Analysis
VIII. References
demographics such as age, sex,
background, culture, race, religion,
gender, social and economic status
and political orientation or
inclination and among others
At the end of the module, the following
should be considered. Even beliefs
learning objectives will be attained by
views and attitudes also play an
the students with at least 75%
important role when talking about
audience consideration since
1. The students will be able to
oftentimes, the audience bring
describe communication models
these with them when they decode
through concept map.
a message in any given situation.
2. The students will be able to
o Speech - is human vocal
identify the various types of
communication using language and
means of communication used by
3. The students will be able to
people. It is the expression of
illustrate the principles of effective
ideas and thoughts by means of
communication by giving personal
articulate vocal sounds, or the
faculty of thus expressing ideas
and thoughts.
INTRODUCTION o Audience - is the person who
receive the message, either a
Purposive Communication reader or a listener. It is also the
person for whom a writer writes,
 Is writing, speaking, and presenting to
or composer composes. In other
different audiences and for various
words, audience refers to the
purposes (CHED Memorandum Order
spectator’s listeners, and intended
No. 20 series of 2013).
readers of a writing, speech, or
 It is a course that might help us to
convey more of the message to our
listeners/readers and receivers.
 Is very important in human lives,
especially to connect people and make
relationship with them (Sheperd, o Example of Aristotle’s
2019). Communication Model
 Teacher Alice was expecting
that her students will submit
COMMUNICATION MODELS case study which is their
semestral output.

Communication Process,
Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1
Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
Unfortunately, most of them o Effect - is the response we elicit
did not submit. Alice called from the recipient of our
the attention of the students communication. It is also the
response of the sender whether
who were not able to submit and positive or negative.
reminded them that their final grade
depends on their participation,
semestral outputs, etc.

Speaker: Teacher Alice

Speech: About semestral output
Audience: Students
o Example of Laswell’s
Laswell’s Communication Model Communication Model
 GBP NEWS: A water leak
A well-known speaker, Harold Dwight from Bayowg’s tsunami
Laswell described communication as crippled atomic power
being focused on the following Ws: Who station resulted in about
says What in Which channel to Whom 100 times the permitted
and with What effects as seen in the level of materials flowing
model below: into the ocean, operator
Taclobanon Electric Power
Co. said on Saturday. The
o Communicator - this is a person
process of communication
who is able to convey and
begins with the
exchange ideas, news, or
communicator (who)
information. Also someone who is
sending a message (what)
able to talk about their ideas in a
using a medium (in which
way that other people understand.
effect) afterwards. The
o Message - is a short piece of
content sent, the medium
information that you give or send
used, as well as the effect
to a person when you cannot
on the recipient of the
speak to them directly. Message is
message may be analysed
also the main idea in an
through this model. While
advertisement speech, ect., or
this model is similar to
something that you want to tell.
Aristotle’s the sense that job
o Medium - is a system of
is liner and have the same
communication, by which
components, Laswell’s also
information (the message) is
differs in that there are five
transmitted between a writer or
involved, with the addition
speaker (the sender) the audience
of two: medium and effect.
(the receiver). The medium used
to send a message may range
Who: Taclobanon Electric Power Co
from an individual’s voice,
clothing, writing and body
What: Radioactive material flowing into
language to forms of mass
communication such as television,
Channel: GBP NEWS (Television
newspaper, and the internet.
o Receiver - is the person who
Whom: Public
receive the message. He is the Effect: Alert the people of Bayowg from
observer, reader, and listener. The the radiation
receivers’ task is to interpret the
sender’s message, both non-verbal
Shannon-Weaver’s Communication
and verbal.

Communication Process,
Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1
Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren error) and his friend
Weaver’s model is another received ‘’ I want’’ only.
communication model, it was Again, friend asked Sieg
conceptualized for the function of the (feedback)’’ what do you
radio and television that serves as a want Sieg’’
model for technical communication and,
later in, adopted in the field of Sender: Sieg
communication. In this model, other Encoder: Telephone (Sieg)
factors such as noise, reception,
destination, and feedback have been Channel: Cable
identified. Other terms such as Noise: Distraction in voice
information source the communicator, Decoder: Telephone (Friend)
transmitter for the encoder, decoder, Receiver: Friend
(reception), and receiver (destination)
were introduced.
Berlo’s Communication Model

o Sender - is the main source of the David Berlo’s model is probably the
message or the person who most well-known among the
originates the message and the communication models. Initially, this
sends it to the receiver. model was called SMCR which stands for
o Encoder - the one who develops sender the message, sent through a
and sends the message to. The channel or medium to a receiver.
encoder must identify how the However, it was revised later on to
message will be received by the include noise, hence the acronym
audience or receiver and make SMCRN. The major variables involved in
adjustments, so the message is the communication process are (1)
received the way they want it to source, (2) message and (3) channel,
be received. The encoder uses a and (4) receiver.
medium to send the message- a
text message, email, phone call,
o Source - the source being the
face-to face meeting, or other
originator of the message acts the
communication tool.
encoder. As such, the encoder
o Decoder - the audience decodes
should practice communication
or interprets the message for
skills such as listening, speaking,
themselves. Decoding is the
reading, and writing. His/her
process of turning communication
attitude towards the audience of
into thoughts and ideas. You may
the subject as well as he/she is in
realize that you are hungry and
which includes values, beliefs and
encode the following message to
practices, and culture.
send to your roommate: “I’m
o Message - the second variable
hungry. Do you want to get some
which is message is composed of
pizza today?” As your roommate
content; elements such as the
receives the message, they decode
language used and gestures
or interpret your communication
employed, treatment of the
and turn it back into thoughts to
manner by which the message is
make meaning.
transmitted; and structure which
refers to the arrangement of parts
o Example of Shannon -
or flow of the message. This code
Weaver’s Communication
shows how the message is being
sent; that is the language (verbal
 Sieg made call to his friend
code) used and the accompanying
‘’ come here I want to see
gestures (non-verbal code)
you” During his call, noise
employed. Remember that there
appeared (transmission

Communication Process,
Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1
Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
should be no mismatch between enhances one’s
the verbal and non-verbal codes. message.
o Channel - the third variable which b. Visual
is channel referred to the various Communication - uses
senses, hearing, smelling, tasting, visuals to convey
and touching. information and/or
o Receiver - finally, the last messages.
variable id receiver, the one who
decoded the message. Remember 2. Types of Communication
that the components of this last According to Context
variable are a. Intrapersonal
Communication - this
similar to those of the first since
for communication to be effective
both the source and the receiver means talking to
should have good communication oneself. Some people
skills. label it as
self or inner talk, inner
o Example of Berlo’s monologue and
Communication Model dialogue. This occurs
 Zach is a dedicated and within mind or self.
passionate teacher. He uses b. Interpersonal
strategies during discussion Communication - this
and employs different is an interactive
languages and gestures. He exchange takes place as
also conducts activities that interpersonal
students’ senses are used. communication takes
place. It involves
Source: Zach relationship between
Message: Language and gestures persons.
Channel: Activities and senses used c. Extended
during discussion Communication -
Receiver: Students involves the use of
electronic media like
mobile phones,
computer, tablet and
Madrunio and Martin (2018) stated etc.
the 3 types of communication according d. Organizational
to Mode, Communication - this
communication according to Context, type of communication
and Communication according to according to context
Purpose and Style. focuses on the role that
communication plays in
organizational contexts.
1. Types of Communication e. Intercultural
according to Mode Communication - this
a. Verbal-Non-Verbal is a communication
Communication - a between or among
message may be people having different
conveyed via these linguistic, religious,
types. Even though ethnic, social and
communication is often professional
thought of as verbal, the backgrounds.
non-verbal mode is
equally essential as it

Communication Process,
Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1
Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
3. Types of Communication information must be consistent
According to Purpose and with the organizational
Style objectives, plans, policies and
a. Intrapersonal procedures. The message
Communication - this which is inconstant may play
means talking to great confusion and distort the
corporate interests.
oneself. Some people
3. Integration - this principle
label it as self or inner
which is integration explains
talk, inner monologue
that because of communication
and dialogue. This
the efforts of human resources
occurs within mind or of the organization should be
self. integrated towards
b. Informal achievement of corporate
Communication - objectives. The significant aim
certainly does not of communication is to achieve
employ language. the set target.
4. Economy - the inessential use
PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE of communication system will
add to cost. The system of
COMMUNICATION communication must be used
effectively, timely i.e. at the
 According to the article of Vicky appropriate time and when it
(2018), lack of effective is necessary. The use of
communication renders an communication system can be
organization handicapped. The achieved in the economy this
following are the principles of way.
effective communication: 5. Feedback - the purpose of
communication will be
defeated if response is not
1. Clarity - the message must be
taken from the receiver. The
understood by the receiver.
confirmation of the receiver of
The words used should be
the message in its right
simple. The language hence it
perspective from its receiver
should not create any
fulfills the object of
confusion that may leads to
communication. The feedback
misunderstanding. Language is
is significant only in case of
the tool of communication;
written communication and
hence it should be clear and
messages sent through
understandable. “When a
messengers. In case of oral
reader is asked what qualities
type of communication, the
they value most in writing,
feedback is immediately
people who must read a great
deal professionally put clarity
6. Need for Communication
and adequacy at the top of
Network - for effective
their list. If they have to invest
communication this network is
too much effort in figuring out
essential. The managerial
writer’s meaning, they will give
effectiveness also depends
up in dismay and frustration.
upon availability of adequate
2. Adequacy and Consistency -
network. The route through
the sender must carefully take
which the communication
into account that the
passes from sender to its
information to be
receiver refers to
communicated should be
communication network.
complete and adequate in all
7. Attention - the message
respect. Inadequate and not
communicated must draw the
complete message leads
attention of the sender or
confusion and delays the
receiver staff and ensure
action to be taken. Sufficient
action from him in the right

Communication Process,
Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1
Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
perspective. The efficient
conveying.  Mandelbaum (2019) posited
that, ethical communication is
 As posited by Mandrunio and type of communication that is
Martin (2018), since predicated upon certain business
communication is two-way values, such as being honest,
process, it is important that concise, and responsible with
you know the principles to be one’s words and the resulting
observed to make it effective. For actions. As a set of principles,
both verbal and written ethical communication considers
communication, you should be that one’s thoughts must be
able to apply the following conveyed and expressed
principles: effectively and exactly, and that
the resulting actions or
1. Know your purpose in consequences will potentially be
communicating. Are you based solely on how the message
communicating basically to was communicated. Meanwhile,
inform, to entertain, to
ethical communication defines a
persuade? While you make
framework or set of acceptable
have more that purpose, there
communication principles that
is still a more dominant
align with an enterprise’s
objective or reason why you
communicate. overarching code of conduct or
2. Know your audience. In code of ethics.
both speaking and writing, you  Mandelbaum (2019) the following
should know your audience as examples of how ethical
it will dictate the speaker or communication can change the
writing style you are going to outcome of a problem in a
employ. You have to consider business or workplace
the age, educational environment, revealing why
background, professional, ethical communication principles
culture, and other salient should be followed:
features of your listeners or
readers. 1. Medical Industry. In the
3. Know your topic. You medical industry, there lot
communicate essentially codes of ethics that medical
because you want to share professionals have to follow,
something. You may then with regard to their actions
utilize several or multiple and communication. This
communication techniques to principle makes sure that all
easily catch the attention of patients and fellow medical
the audience. professionals have their rights
4. Adjust your speech or protected.
writing to the context of 2. Property Consulting
the situation. The Industry. Ethical
environment in which your communications in the
speech and writing is to be property consulting industry
delivered determines the kind can take several forms,
of language you will use. including revealing key pieces
5. Work on the feedback given of information to would be
you. Take kindly to criticisms. home owner of a property
In the long run, constructive including “negative” truths
criticisms will prove beneficial about the property.
to you as you learn to address 3. Marketing Industry. In the
them. marketing industry, ethical
communication can include
revealing to clients that their
business marketing

Communication Process,
Principle, and Ethics LESSON #1
Purposive Communication Date (03/27/2022)
applications are not optimal,
and that a cheaper vendor, or
a different from of marketing,
will yield better results.
Virtually every industry can
benefit from ethical
communication principles,
which always seeks to ensure
that every enterprise member
is able to present valuable
pieces of details so that the
best decision can be made.
.  Book reference
 Website reference (if applicable)


 A systematic analysis for

language use in a particular
domains in order to identify and
define the specific knowledge,
skills, and abilities one must
possess in order to function in the
specific real-world language use

2 Types of Domain Analysis

1. Descriptive domain Analysis

- Is used and useful to

2. Instrumental Domain Analysis

- is used and useful to designers
of knowledge organization

Domain Analysis Format

1. Domain Description
2. Domain Components and
3. Research Questions and Design
4. Data Collection and Analysis
5. Specific Skills, Knowledge,


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