Literature Review Down Syndrome
Literature Review Down Syndrome
Literature Review Down Syndrome
It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing scholarly works to provide a comprehensive
overview of the topic. Delving into various academic journals, books, and other reputable sources is
necessary to gather relevant information and viewpoints. Moreover, organizing the gathered data in a
coherent and logical manner while addressing key themes and debates adds another layer of
complexity to the process.
One of the difficulties often encountered is the sheer volume of literature available on Down
syndrome. Navigating through this vast sea of information to identify the most pertinent studies and
findings requires careful attention and discernment. Additionally, ensuring that the literature review
remains focused and relevant to the specific research question or topic can be a daunting task.
Furthermore, synthesizing the diverse perspectives and research findings into a cohesive narrative
requires strong analytical skills and critical thinking. It involves comparing and contrasting different
studies, identifying patterns and trends, and evaluating the strengths and limitations of the existing
Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review on Down syndrome, seeking
professional assistance can be beneficial. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert services to aid
individuals in crafting high-quality literature reviews. Their team of experienced writers can assist in
conducting thorough research, synthesizing the literature, and presenting the findings in a clear and
compelling manner.
By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and effort while
ensuring that your work meets the highest standards of academic excellence. Whether you are a
student, researcher, or professional, their services can help you effectively communicate your ideas
and contribute to the existing body of knowledge on Down syndrome.
Mosaic Down syndrome is the least common Down syndrome making up only 1% of Down
syndrome individuals. Down syndrome is usually suspected right at birth when they show some of
the symptoms. If they suspect the child has Down syndrome they will do further testing. They never
take a second and realize how lucky they are. Gastroesophageal reflux is when your stomach
contents have a backup into your esophagus. It is surprising how drastically the lifespan of Down
syndrome individuals have increased over the years. Down syndrome is the most common genetic
disorder, and it occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. They may have an increased
risk of GI blockage which is a digestive problem. Trisomy 21 makes up 95% of Down syndrome
individuals. Down syndrome is a condition caused by an error in cell division that results in an extra
21st chromosome. Report this Document Download now Save Save Down Syndrome For Later 0
ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 38 views 4 pages Down Syndrome Uploaded by
violando sj AI-enhanced description DS is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of
a third copy of chromosome 21. They are trisomy 21, mosaic Down syndrome, and translocation
Down syndrome. The individual either has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. People
with Down syndrome often have physical differences, such as a flat face and a short neck, and they
may also have intellectual disabilities. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. It is
typically associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate
intellectual disability. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. These Down Syndrome characteristics are normally
hard to detect by a parent. It also takes them much longer to sit, crawl and walk (Down Syndrome-
Genetics Home Reference). The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, similar to
the mental age of an 8 or 9 year old child. The age when women start having a higher risk is 35 and
higher. Most Down syndrome individuals did not inherit their condition. When an individual with
Down syndrome is affected by it, they develop a blockage in their airway because of their soft tissue
and skeletal defects. Most often to test for Down syndrome they will do it with a blood sample.
Today an individual with Down syndrome can live past sixty depending on the extent of their health
problems (Down Syndrome-Mayo Clinic). Some contain forty-six chromosomes and others contain
forty-seven chromosomes. A small percentage of Down syndrome individuals can also be affected
by a developmental condition called autism spectrum disorder which affects their communication
and social skills. A large amount of Down syndrome individuals also usually need glasses and
hearing aids due to hearing problems and vision deficiencies (Down Syndrome-Encyclopedia of
Children’s Health). There are many individual factors that can affect DPI. The cells will then be
looked at under a microscope and pictured.
Some individuals don’t get to choose the way they look or control the way they act. It is typically
associated with physical growth delays, characteristic facial features and mild to moderate
intellectual disability. The effects the individual has because of the extra material is, slowed
development, many health problems, and behavioral issues. It also takes them much longer to sit,
crawl and walk (Down Syndrome-Genetics Home Reference). Oddly enough most Down syndrome
babies are born to women under 35 because younger women have a higher birth rate. You can use
essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Today an individual with Down syndrome
can live past sixty depending on the extent of their health problems (Down Syndrome-Mayo Clinic).
Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from
scratch. There are many individual factors that can affect DPI. Usually they are misaligned and this
causes them to have a higher risk of over extending their neck. The picture will be used to see the
different shapes and sizes of the chromosomes and pair them. Although, there’s no way to 100%
guarantee this due to how many different defects Down syndrome carries. Usually the defect occurs
in egg cells, very seldom does it occur in sperm cells (Down Syndrome-Genetics Home Reference).
They have many health problems and development issues. It is the most common genetic cause of
learning difficulties. Usually doctors will assess the extent of the individuals effects by Down
syndrome and get them the treatment they need. Trisomy 21 makes up 95% of Down syndrome
individuals. Adding to the list small children can also develop leukemia. Most often to test for Down
syndrome they will do it with a blood sample. They never take a second and realize how lucky they
are. The first page of the PDF of this article appears above. People with Down syndrome often have
physical differences, such as a flat face and a short neck, and they may also have intellectual
disabilities. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that individuals with Down syndrome have an
increased risk for. Having one child with Down syndrome does not 100% guarantee you to have a
second with Down syndrome. Mosaic Down syndrome is the least common Down syndrome
making up only 1% of Down syndrome individuals. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our. You will be able to get a quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many
different ways. Down syndrome is the most common genetic disorder, and it occurs when there is an
extra copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is usually suspected right at birth when they show
some of the symptoms. If they suspect the child has Down syndrome they will do further testing.
They are trisomy 21, mosaic Down syndrome, and translocation Down syndrome.
About 15% of individuals with Down syndrome have a condition called hypothyroidism. There are
around 13 Characteristics of Down Syndrome in a baby. Usually they develop speech and language
skills slower than most children and they may be harder to understand. Unfortunately Alzheimer’s
disease affects approximately half of Down syndrome adults by the time they are 50 or 60 years old
(Down Syndrome-Genetics Home Reference). Down syndrome is a disorder that affects
chromosome 21. The age when women start having a higher risk is 35 and higher. Most Down
syndrome individuals did not inherit their condition. Today an individual with Down syndrome can
live past sixty depending on the extent of their health problems (Down Syndrome-Mayo Clinic). The
chromosomal defect occurs as a random event during the development of reproductive cells. Most of
the time, now would be the time doctors would see the extra chromosome 21 (Down Syndrome-
Encyclopedia of Children’s Health). By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Most
often to test for Down syndrome they will do it with a blood sample. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. You
can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Report this Document Download
now Save Save Down Syndrome For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 38
views 4 pages Down Syndrome Uploaded by violando sj AI-enhanced description DS is a genetic
disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. If they overextend
their neck it can cause a serious injury to the spinal cord (Down Syndrome-Mayo Clinic). The least
common cause is when part of chromosome 21 attaches to another chromosome during the
development of reproductive cells. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. Lastly there’s Translocation and it’s a bit different from the other types. Usually
doctors will assess the extent of the individuals effects by Down syndrome and get them the
treatment they need. Having one child with Down syndrome does not 100% guarantee you to have a
second with Down syndrome. Mosaicism Down syndrome otherwise known as Mosaic Down
syndrome happens when there is a mixture of two types of cells. Adding to the list small children can
also develop leukemia. Oddly enough most Down syndrome babies are born to women under 35
because younger women have a higher birth rate. Gastroesophageal reflux is when your stomach
contents have a backup into your esophagus. Some contain forty-six chromosomes and others
contain forty-seven chromosomes. Down syndrome is the most common genetic disorder, and it
occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is surprising how drastically the lifespan of
Down syndrome individuals have increased over the years. A small percentage of Down syndrome
individuals can also be affected by a developmental condition called autism spectrum disorder which
affects their communication and social skills. This text is free, available online and used for guidance
and inspiration.
The least common cause is when part of chromosome 21 attaches to another chromosome during the
development of reproductive cells. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your
paper. Down syndrome is the most common genetic disorder, and it occurs when there is an extra
copy of chromosome 21. It also takes them much longer to sit, crawl and walk (Down Syndrome-
Genetics Home Reference). They never take a second and realize how lucky they are. There are
many individual factors that can affect DPI. These Down Syndrome characteristics are normally hard
to detect by a parent. Down syndrome ultimately affects the individual both mentally and physically.
One of them is the age a woman conceives, older women have a higher risk of having a child with
Down syndrome. Report this Document Download now Save Save Down Syndrome For Later 0
ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 38 views 4 pages Down Syndrome Uploaded by
violando sj AI-enhanced description DS is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of
a third copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is usually suspected right at birth when they show
some of the symptoms. If they suspect the child has Down syndrome they will do further testing.
The individual either has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. Around the age of fifty
individuals with Down syndrome often experience a decrease in their thinking ability. They have
many health problems and development issues. This is because older eggs have a higher chance of
cell division complications. They may not get to choose the way they look or act but they add a sense
of difference into society. Today an individual with Down syndrome can live past sixty depending
on the extent of their health problems (Down Syndrome-Mayo Clinic). Usually the defect occurs in
egg cells, very seldom does it occur in sperm cells (Down Syndrome-Genetics Home Reference). Our
experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. If
they overextend their neck it can cause a serious injury to the spinal cord (Down Syndrome-Mayo
Clinic). Celiac disease is when you are either sensitive or allergic to gluten. Receive a tailored piece
that meets your specific needs and requirements. With spinal problems if individuals with Down
syndrome have it, it affects the top two vertebrates in their neck. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain
disorder that individuals with Down syndrome have an increased risk for. Depending on how severe
the problem the child could need life saving surgery. You will be able to get a quick price and instant
permission to reuse the content in many different ways. It is surprising how drastically the lifespan of
Down syndrome individuals have increased over the years. People with Down syndrome have an
increased risk of certain medical problems, such as heart defects, respiratory problems, and
Alzheimer’s disease. Some of these include the person's age, weight, height, and activity level.
Trisomy 21 Down syndrome is when an embryo has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two.
The characteristics of Down syndrome are actually caused by the full or partial extra material of
chromosome 21 (“What Is Down Syndrome”). You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. Unfortunately Alzheimer’s disease affects approximately half of Down
syndrome adults by the time they are 50 or 60 years old (Down Syndrome-Genetics Home
Reference). They never take a second and realize how lucky they are. Mosaicism Down syndrome
otherwise known as Mosaic Down syndrome happens when there is a mixture of two types of cells.
Report this Document Download now Save Save Down Syndrome For Later 0 ratings 0% found
this document useful (0 votes) 38 views 4 pages Down Syndrome Uploaded by violando sj AI-
enhanced description DS is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of
chromosome 21. Trisomy 21 makes up 95% of Down syndrome individuals. People with Down
syndrome have an increased risk of certain medical problems, such as heart defects, respiratory
problems, and Alzheimer’s disease. Although, there’s no way to 100% guarantee this due to how
many different defects Down syndrome carries. It also takes them much longer to sit, crawl and
walk (Down Syndrome-Genetics Home Reference). Our experts will write for you an essay on any
topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. Around the age of fifty individuals with
Down syndrome often experience a decrease in their thinking ability. The effects the individual has
because of the extra material is, slowed development, many health problems, and behavioral issues.
Usually children with Down syndrome are diagnosed at or even before birth, some signs of Down
syndrome at birth include quieter than most babies, less responsive, and weak muscles. They are
trisomy 21, mosaic Down syndrome, and translocation Down syndrome. The average IQ of a young
adult with Down syndrome is 50, similar to the mental age of an 8 or 9 year old child. About 15% of
individuals with Down syndrome have a condition called hypothyroidism. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our. The total number of chromosomes is forty-six like normal, but extra
material: whether it is full or partial, attaches to a different chromosome. The cells will then be
looked at under a microscope and pictured. The age when women start having a higher risk is 35 and
higher. Usually they develop speech and language skills slower than most children and they may be
harder to understand. There are many individual factors that can affect DPI. You will be able to get a
quick price and instant permission to reuse the content in many different ways. Gastroesophageal
reflux is when your stomach contents have a backup into your esophagus. Depending on how severe
the problem the child could need life saving surgery. Most Down syndrome individuals did not
inherit their condition. It is surprising how drastically the lifespan of Down syndrome individuals
have increased over the years. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Parents can find out if they are at risk of
having more children with Down syndrome by going to a genetic counselor (Down Syndrome-Mayo