Unidad 1 - Espacio de Aprendizaje 2 - Actividad Evaluativa 2
Unidad 1 - Espacio de Aprendizaje 2 - Actividad Evaluativa 2
Unidad 1 - Espacio de Aprendizaje 2 - Actividad Evaluativa 2
Adjectives are used to describe nouns (people, places, animals, fruits, objects,
devices, etc.). In English, different from Spanish, adjectives are placed before the
noun. Consider these examples:
Adjectives are also used in a sentence to make language more diverse and
colorful. Consider this example:
• He is a man.
• He is a smart, tall, young, Colombian man.
When there is more than one adjective within the same sentence, a chosen order
must be followed. Check the following chart: (cuando tenemos más de un adjetivo
en una oración, se debe respetar el orden que se presenta a continuación).
Order of Adjectives
Opinion Beautiful, attractive, smart, ugly, etc.
Size Small, little, big, huge, tiny, etc.
Shape Square, flat, round, rectangular, etc.
Age Young, old, new, ancient, middle aged, etc.
Color Blue, green, red, black, purple, etc.
Origin Colombian, Chilean, American, Thai, etc.
Material Wooden, plastic, paper, diamond, etc.
Purpose Studying, working, sleeping, frying, etc.
Noun daughter, teacher, motorcycle, bed, etc.
Important note: when there is more than one adjective of the same category
within a sentence, start positioning them in alphabetic order accordingly.
Consider this example:
II. Matching exercise. Match the adjectives in the left column with
their corresponding category in the right column. Relacione los
adjetivos en la columna de la izquierda con su respectiva categoría en
la derecha. Use el ejemplo como referencia. (1,0)
Adjective Category
1. Blue (d) a. Purpose
2. Enormous (j) b. Material
3. Hunting (a) c. Origin
4. Disgusting (h) d. Color
5. Metal (b) e. Age
6. Japanese(i) f. Shape
7. Modern (e) g. Size
8. Oval (f) h. Opinion
9. Ancient (k) i. Origin
10. Tiny (g) j. Size
11. Italian (c) k. Age
Possessive Adjectives
III. Write the correct Possessive Adjective for each sentence. (1,0)
IV. Complete the sentences with “have, has, don’t have or doesn’t
have”. Take a look at the family tree to answer the exercises (2,0)
1. Paul has an aunt. Example: Paul has an aunt.
2. Ross and margaret don’t have two songs.
3. Margaret doesn’t have one daughter.
4. Heather and Sam have three children.
5. Tony has a fiancée.
6. Sandra doesn’t have a daughter.
7. Heather has a husband.
8. Mark doesn’t have a brother.
9. Paul doesn’t have two brothers.
10. Tony doesn’t have a wife.
11. Robyn has a brother and a sister.