ENG - Policy Paper - Neo Extractivism in Indonesias Nickel Epicenter
ENG - Policy Paper - Neo Extractivism in Indonesias Nickel Epicenter
ENG - Policy Paper - Neo Extractivism in Indonesias Nickel Epicenter
The Fragility of Mining Governance, Ecological Damage, and Human Rights Violations on
Celebes Earth
Policy Paper
October 2023
Drafting Team:
Satya Bumi
The risk of environmental damage and human rights violations in the nickel value chain
is reflected in Sulawesi, one of the largest nickel reserve producing areas in Indonesia.
Deforestation cases and human rights violations in Sulawesi, due to nickel neo-extractivism,
revealed a gap between investment, human rights, and the environment that regulators
and investors must pay attention to.
It is important to note that, ambition that is not coincied by efforts to develop strong mining
governance will bear serious consequences, causing deforestation and ecological damage
as well as human rights violations. The government's capacity to balance the protection of
investors interest with respect for human rights and environmental protection is urgently
needed. Governance gaps will actually hinder the government's efforts to combat climate
change by strengthening Indonesia's role as the epicenter of the electric vehicle value chain.
Based on the statement above, Satya Bumi, Walhi Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara,
and Sulawesi Tengah prepared a study on nickel mining governance, including a study
of regulations, truth discovered in nickel extractive locations, as well as the impact of
deforestation and ecological damage, and human rights violations resulting from nickel
We would like to thank the entire team who helped prepare this policy paper. We would
also like to express our thanks to Brown Brothers Energy and Environment, Mighty Earth,
and Limited Liability Company for their assistance in the form of data input, spatial analysis,
and maps of the nickel industry in Indonesia. We hope that this study will provide benefits
and provide input for the government in managing natural resources sustainably and from
a human rights perspective.
Writer Team
Global demand for nickel as a transition mineral for electric vehicles is projected to be
continuously high in the next few decades. This surge was triggered by global demand and
the desire of the global community to prevent climate change through a low-carbon energy
transition. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that demand for these transition
minerals will quadruple by 2040 to meet the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement. The
demands of the global market then encourages an increase in mining activities in nickel-
rich areas, including Indonesia. The IEA then issued a prediction for nickel demands in 2030,
consisting of electric vehicle batteries, stainless steel and other uses, would remain high.
Table 1: Nickel demand projections in 2030 based on three IEA scenarios (in thousands of metric tons).1
Currently, Indonesia is the world's largest nickel producer. Standard & Poor's (S&P) projects
that Indonesia will be able to control 44 percent of the world nickel market by 2027.2 If you
look at the diagram below, the top five nickel producing countries consist of Indonesia, the
Philippines, New Caledonia, Russia and Australia.
Figure 1: Total nickel content in various parts of the world. Indonesia has 21 million metric tons of nickel
reserves in the world.
1 International Energy Administration (IEA), Sept 2021, “Global supply chains of EV batteries”, https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/
2 https://www.kompas.id/baca/riset/2023/08/28/boom-nikel-indonesia-akankah-terus-berlanjut?open_from=Search_Result_Page,
accessed on 4 September 2023
In the next section, these conditions will be strengthened by arguments that describe the
practice of regulatory capture. This practice is commonly used as an effort to support
industrialization practices and separate public interest.
This Policy Paper is intended to observe the relationship between the impact of the global
nickel supply chain on the increasingly massive expansion of nickel mines in Sulawesi. It
will specifically; 1) examine the socio-environmental and human rights impacts resulting
from the implementation of the neo-extractivist model of nickel mining in Indonesia,
especially Sulawesi as one of the largest nickel producing islands; 2) identify various mining
regulations and governance that supports the development of neo-extractivist politics in
Indonesia; 3) provide policy recommendations to minimize the impact of nickel mining
extractive activities.
This policy paper was based on research reports and field observations by Walhi Southeast
Sulawesi, Walhi South Sulawesi, and Walhi Central Sulawesi, all of which had identified
social and environmental impacts as well as human rights violations due to increasingly
expansive nickel mining activities in Sulawesi. The social and environmental impacts that
have been identified are then analyzed based on a human rights perspective, including
providing accentuation based on a business and human rights perspective. In addition, the
social and environmental impacts that become victims' epistemic experiences are analyzed
through the perspective of environmental (ecological) justice and climate justice with a
gender and multispecies perspective.
3 https://www.globaldata.com/data-insights/mining/the-top-five-nickel-producing-countries-thousand-tonnes-2021/, accessed on
4 September 2023
These policies trigger the potential for corruption in the mining sector, which tends to take
the form of regulatory capture. Daniel Carpenter and David A. Moss define regulatory
capture as “the use of regulations that are consistently or repeatedly directed away from the
public interest towards the interests of the industry regulated in the regulation.”5 George J.
Stigler argued that naturally, industry would encourage the state to issue regulations that
made their economic activities easier.6 Thus, state rationality in mining governance is the
shield preventing the state from being held hostage by industry logic.
Simply put, it can be said that regulatory capture occurs when the regulations issued are
proven to benefit the industry.7 In general, the national trend actually shows this, where
regulations are formed in such a way as to encourage the interests of the mining industry,
for example:
The Mining and Coal Law was revised in 2020, and one of the problematic
provisions in it was that it removed the authority of regional governments in
mining governance. This cuts off regional community participation in submitting
objections and complaints to regional governments, because their authority has
been centralized back to the Central Government. Lack of accountability, severe
reduction of regional government’s role, and the absence of a public forum to
4 Ana Elizabeth Bastida, The Law and Governance of Mining and Minerals: A Global Perspective, (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020),
p. 3
5 Elizabeth Dávid-Barrett, State capture and development: a conceptual framework, Journal of International Relations and Devel-
opment, 2023, p. 4
6 George J. Stigler, “The Theory of Economic Regulation”, The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Vol. 2, No. 1,
1971, p. 3
7 Elizabeth Dávid-Barrett, Op. cit. hlm. 228
This law also raised concerns for its provisions that loosens reclamation obligations.
Article 99 paragraph (3) of the New Mining and Coal Law provide relaxation of
reclamation obligations and post-mining activities for mining entrepreneurs
who have the potential to create more toxic and deadly mine holes. Article 99
paragraph (3) essentially determined that companies are only obliged to close
mining holes based on the percentage determined by statutory regulations—in
this case government regulations (PP)—not all mine holes resulting from mining
activities. Auriga Nusantara noted that with this policy, the area of ex-mining
holes that are at risk of not being reclaimed has reached 87,307 hectares (Auriga
Nusantara, 2020). Based on reports from the East Kalimantan Mining Advocacy
Network (Jatam), from 2011 to 2021, 40 people were victims of drowning in mine
shafts in East Kalimantan that were not reclaimed (Mongabay, 2021).8
UUCK also reduces the involvement of civil society in preparing the Environmental
Impact Analysis (AMDAL) or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Apart from
not being involved in the process of preparing environmental impacts, the public
also no longer has room to raise objections. Civil society (apart from affected
communities) is positioned as a third party who is only given the opportunity
to submit objections when the AMDAL assessment has been completed and an
Environmental Feasibility Decision is issued.9 This condition is very unhealthy for
the policy-making climate, which puts the environment at risk amidst the onslaught
of the Joko Widodo Government's desire to "improve the country's economy".
8 Dea Tri Afrida, “Indonesia: Tanah Surga Bagi Oligarki” (Indonesia: Heaven for the Oligarchs), https://antikorupsi.org/id/indone-
sia-tanah-surga-bagi-oligarki, Accessed on 11 October 2023.
9 Changes to the editorial are made to Article 26(3) by deleting letters b and c. Article 26(2) now reads as “Preparation of Amdal
documents is carried out by involving communities directly affected by business plans and/or activities.”
1) Through the establishment Create a control mechanism for the Regulations on military/police
military, police and state intelligence deployment on National Strategic
of laws or regulations Projects (PSN)
Ps 7 paragraph (2) number 5 Law No.
34 of 2004, “The main task of the TNI,
apart from defense in times of war,
is to secure vital national strategic
Nickel mining in Indonesia, especially
the Aneka Tambang concession, is a
vital national strategic object. National
vital objects are defined as major
sources of state income.
Create regulations authorizing State- In the Minerba Law (UU 3/2020) BUMN
owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik is given priority to obtain Special
Negara, BUMN) to play a role in the Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha
industrial sector (natural resources, Pertambangan Khusus, IUPK).
banking, etc.) The prioritization manifests into the
ability of BUMN to obtain more than
one Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha
Pertambangan, IUP) and IUPK, and the
ability to transfer the permit to another
party as long as the majority share
(51%) is owned by the BUMN.11
Limiting parliamentary oversight of the The People’s Parliament (Dewan
law Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) is no longer
involved in the process of changing the
designation of forest areas. Previously,
in the Forestry Law (Article 19) the DPR
had a role in researching and giving
approval to changes in forest areas.
After UUCK, DPR’s veto authority in
changes to the designation of forest
areas was removed (Article 36 of
This cuts off the DPR’s supervision of
the Government’s work in formulating
provisions for the use of forest areas.
Establish rules regarding the UUCK gives the President the authority
privatization and public procurement to form many technical regulations on
process, to ensure the Government the business agenda.
has a high degree of discretion at the As per 2021, the President has issued
implementation stage 45 Government Regulations, and 4
Presidential Regulations (a total of 49
regulations issued by the President)
some of which relate to construction,
taxes, forests and spatial planning.12
3) Weaken or disarm Design the judiciary to allow for At the end of 2022, the DPR fired
replacement independent judges with Constitutional Court Judge Aswanto
the independence of political allies because he was deemed to “often
institutions working for cancel laws issued by the DPR”. he was
replaced by Guntur Hamzah who was
accountability: Courts, considered not independent.14
Corruption Eradication Replace law enforcement and prosecu- In 2019 Firli Bahuri was appointed
Commission, CSOs, media, tors with allies chairman of the Corruption Eradication
Commission. Many people think that
etc. Firli is someone close to high-level
Indonesian politicians. This caused the
prosecution of corruption cases during
Firli’s leadership to be very low.15
Table 2: Condition of legal regulations in Indonesia and legal politics that have been captured by industrial
13 Ima Dini Shafira, “Pakar Sebut Pembentukan UU di Rezim Jokowi Didominasi Kepentingan Oligarki”, https://nasional.tempo.
co/read/1653023/pakar-sebu t-pembentukan-uu-di-rezim-jokowi-didominasi-kepentingan-oligarki
14 Marselinus Gual, “Lantik Guntur Hamzah, konflik kepentingan Jokowi dan MK kian terlihat”, https://www.alinea.id/nasional/
lantik-guntur-konflik-kepentingan-jokowi-mk-kian-terlihat-b2ftP9Ixv, diakses 10 Oktober 2023.
15 Avit Hidayat, “Firli Bahuri cs Dianggap Melemahkan KPK”, https://koran.tempo.co/read/nasional/451343/firli-bahuri-cs-diang-
16 See; IRMA, https://responsiblemining.net/
Based on the illustration above, the legal conditions for protection in Indonesia
are currently very weak. Regulatory capture that uses business logic suppresses
environmental and human rights protection in mining governance. These changes
consequently limit public accountability mechanisms for activities that have an
environmental impact, while empowering the government to further exercise
control. These conditions furthers risks civil society and communities impacted
because it relies on the government to pay more attention to society's interests
and to have credible monitoring and information mechanisms in its policy making.
Whereas, the records have shown that public interest is often put aside, especially
if public accountability and the public's ability to supervise are also weakened by
the lack of available information.17
1) Deforestation in Sulawesi
17 Pandangan Kritis Terhadap UU No. 11 tahun 202 tentang Cipta Kerja: Masa Depan Ekonomi dan Lingkungan Hidup, Yayasan
Madani Berkelanjutan 2021
18 https://komiu.id/dalam-18-tahun-terakhir-sulawesi-tengah-kehilangan-hutan-seluas-559-96115-hektar/, accessed on 11
September 2023
19 https://www.kompas.id/baca/humaniora/2023/07/13/ekspansi-pertambangan-nikel-picu-deforestasi-seluas-25000-hektar,
accessed on September 11 2023
The threads connecting these three events can be seen, which further
strengthen the initial thesis that the nickel industry in Indonesia is run with a
neo-extractivist approach.
20 Op. Cit.
21 https://komiu.id/dalam-18-tahun-terakhir-sulawesi-tengah-kehilangan-hutan-seluas-559-96115-hektar/, accessed on 11
September 2023
22 https://komiu.id/dalam-18-tahun-terakhir-sulawesi-tengah-kehilangan-hutan-seluas-559-96115-hektar/, accessed on Septem-
ber 11 2023
23 WALHI Sulawesi Tengah dan Komunitas Peduli Perempuan Dan Anak (KPPA), Pemanfaatan Kerang Sungai (Meti) Oleh Mas-
yarakat Desa Tompira Dalam Kepungan Industri Ekstraktif Di Morowali Utara, n.d, pg. 6
24 WALHI Sulawesi Tengah dan Komunitas Peduli Perempuan Dan Anak (KPPA), Pemanfaatan Kerang Sungai (Meti) Oleh Mas-
yarakat Desa Tompira Dalam Kepungan Industri Ekstraktif Di Morowali Utara , n.d, pg. 10
25 Ibid, pg. 2
26 https://majalah.tempo.co/read/investigasi/165153/deforestasi-nikel, accessed on September 10 2023
November 2021
Table 3: Shows mining expansion (brown) and slowly consumed forest (green).
Kolaka Regency is also one of the regions in Southeast Sulawesi that has
very active mining activities – marked by the emergence of nickel mining
companies spread across various districts. One of the locations of nickel
extractive activities that have the potential to change the landscape of forest
areas can be found in the Pomalaa Block, in Kolaka Regency can be seen
through the map below.27
27 WALHI Sulawesi Tengah dan Komunitas Peduli Perempuan Dan Anak (KPPA), Op. Cit, pg.25
28 Minerba One Data Indonesia (MODI) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2022.
29 WALHI Sulawesi Tengah dan Komunitas Peduli Perempuan Dan Anak (KPPA), Op. Cit, pg. 33
Table 4: The IUP concession area column is analyzed by the author of the 2021 Year-End Notes of Walhi
Sulawesi Region. The deforestation area column for Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi is analyzed from
Tempo's investigative report "Tentacles of the Nickel Mines"
30 WALHI Sulawesi Selatan, Loeha Raya, Lumbung Merica Nusantara: Etnografi Perkebunan dan Studi Valuasi Ekonomi Kebun
Merica di Tanamalia Luwu Timur, 2023, pg. 33
31 WALHI Sulawesi Tenggara, Ancaman Espansi Pertambangan Nikel Terhadap Wilayah Kelola Rakyat Di Kecamatan Pomalaa,
Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, 2023.
32 Tempo Data 2022
33 Tempo Data 2022
Third, since not all of these 330 mines have existed since 2000, our third
measurement only looks at how much deforestation has occurred in each
concession since the year, in which MODI 2023 stated as the most recent
year in granting concession permits (amendment year). The calculations
are limited to how much forest is logged by mining in Indonesia. Since the
most recent grant of permits or permit amendment alone, may result in an
underestimated amount of deforestation carried out by the mine.
This is because of the mines, many had been operating and clearing forest
for years before they received the latest permits or amendment. The area of
forest deforested since 2014 as an adjustment year was 78.948 hectares.
Table 5: Three ways to measure total deforestation carried out by nickel mines in Indonesia
The table below stated that in 10 of the 12 nickel mines with the highest
deforestation rates for which data are available, half were established before
the year, which, according to MODI 2023, is the year of their most recent
amendment or permit grant. (This corresponds to the starting date indicated
by MODI 2014.)
Note: “Not Specified” indicates that MODI 2014 does not states concession permit start dates. tanggal mulai izin konsesi.
“Not Available” indicates that the concession is not listed in MODI 2014.
The table above shows that of the ten nickel mines with the highest
deforestation rates in Indonesia for which data are available, half already
exist (and may have cleared forest land) before the years indicated by
MODI 2023 as the year of the most recent permit grant or amendment.
However, we have decided to limit deforestation measurements based on
each nickel concession in the year in which MODI 2023 has observed the
latest amendment or permit grant, because with a sufficiently high degree of
confidence, we know that from the most recently recorded amendment or
permit grant year to date, the legal boundaries of concessions will most likely
not change.
We also know that, within the same time frame, each concessionaire has
assumed legal control over his or her land area, and that any deforestation
that occurs within that land area is likely to be carried out by the concessionaire
himself for mining purposes. In other words, even though we know that about
half of these concessions have cleared forest land long before the last period
of amendment or permit grants, we still decided -- out of extreme caution -- to
measure deforestation that began only in the year in which each concession
underwent its most recent amendment or permit grant, even though this
method most likely results in underestimating the amount of deforestation
that has occurred.
Name of nickel Loss of tree cover from % High Hectares Productive forests
mining concession permit readjustment Carbon categorized
with the highest - now Forest35 as main
deforestation rate area of
Ranking Hectares Biodiversity Hectars %
in Indonesia remained remaining
Table 7: illustrates the three nickel concessions with the highest deforestation rates in Indonesia that overlap
with forests with high carbon stocks, and Key Areas of Biodiversity.
34 For further information regarding HCS, you can visit the website: https://highcarbonstock.org/
35 This section is taken from an indicative map that still needs to integrate HCS assessment. However, it can still be seen
through imaging where there are young forests with medium to low density to high density forests.
Figure 10: Location of PT Vale (Soroako) minerals that overlap with key biodiversity areas according to IUCN.36
The map interpreted below: is located on the eastern side of Central Sulawesi,
within the Indonesian Industrial Estate Morowali (which it partially owns). The
Bintang Delapan license was issued (or last amended) in 2010. Figure 12
shows that in 2021, 85 percent of the area can be said to be High Carbon
Stock forests. This, coupled with the fact that Bintang Delapan is the second
fastest deforesting nickel mine in Indonesia, suggests that the company will
continue to increase carbon emissions from deforestation along with clearing
natural or regenerating forests.
36 BirdLife International (2023) World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. Developed by the KBA Partnership: BirdLife Interna-
tional, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, American Bird Conservancy,
37 Citation: Lang, N., Schindler, K., & Wegner, J. D. (2021). High carbon stock mapping at large scale with optical satellite imagery
and spaceborne LIDAR. arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07431.
The Map interpreted below: The Bintang Delapan are almost entirely located
within an area classified by the International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) as a "Major Area of Biodiversity" with an overlapping area of
17,105 hectares (see Figure)
Figure 13: Some of the Major Areas of Biodiversity cover most of the Bintang Delapan nickel mineral
concession area
The map interpreted below: the picture below is the largest nickel mining
block owned by the state-owned mining company, Aneka Tambang. The
block was granted in 2010 and is located on the west coast of Southeast
Sulawesi province. The figure below shows that in 2021, more than 60 percent
of concessions were classified as High Carbon Stock forests. This, coupled
with the fact that Aneka Tambang is the nickel mine with the third fastest
deforestation rate in Indonesia, shows the potential for Aneka Tambang to
continue to increase deforestation-related carbon emissions in the future.
3) Nickel Refining and Large Destructive Power and Marine Pollution Risk
Nickel processing facilities are often located close to nickel extraction sites, so energy-
intensive that they require reliable power generation. Existing and planned nickel extraction
and smelting projects rely on burning large amounts of coal, diesel and fuel oil, resulting
in a significant emissions footprint. In Sulawesi, for example, a boom in nickel mining and
smelting has tripled electricity demand in the region. New coal-fired power plants are being
planned to meet that demand. Thus, some of the biggest socio-ecological impacts of nickel
In addition, something that requires serious concern is the matter of waste disposal. There
seems to be no safe way to dispose of the highly toxic tailings produced by HPAL smelters,
at least in Eastern Indonesia. Although there are four methods to remove toxic tailings,
there are drawbacks to these four methods
Method of Disposal The process of tailings Drawbacks of this tailing disposal method
disposal through this
method Long version Short version
Deep Sea Tailings Tailings are discharged The experience of China’s Ramu It can be done
Placement (DSTP) through a drain pipe nickel production in PNG shows albeit highly
located more than that despite its location close to risky. It is
100 meters below sea deep-sea trenches, DSTP does currently legal.
level. The waste is then not guarantee clean disposal.
supposed to flow into The main problem is the “sliding”
deeper waters because of or rising of highly polluted water
the density of the water from subsurface sewers that rise
back to sea level. Currently, it has
been legalized through PP 22/2021
Article 390. Despite Indonesia’s
international commitment to reject
Dry stacking Tailings are placed in Dry stacking can be done in the Cannot be done
large open spaces, in dry Australian desert, but it cannot be in Indonesia.
conditions. done in equatorial regions where
rainfall rates are high.
Tailing dam Natural valleys whose In wet climates, water accumulation Can be done but
expanses are filled puts pressure on tailings dams. very risky
with tailings, which are Sulawesi and Maluku are also areas
restrained from lateral with high tectonic activity, and
movement by the dams may not be fully earthquake-
construction of dams or resistant. The collapse of the
barriers. Vale tailings dam in Brazil in 2019
caused 270 fatalities. A dam holding
Indonesia’s Weda Bay Industrial
Estate waste collapsed and allegedly
spilled into the sea on January 30,
2022 (BHRRC 2023: 15).
Backfilling The tailings are backfilled Tailings from the HPAL process It can only be
into the emptied mine pit. exceeded mined material by a done if the
ratio of 1.4 to 1.0. Therefore, mines logistics can be
whose ore goes into the HPAL plant managed, and it
will not have space to accommodate is still quite risky.
tailings coming out of the factory.
Leaching into the surrounding water
surface is also a big risk.
38 Daniel Macmillen Voskoboynik and JD Farrugia, The Nickel Nexus: Mapping the Frontiers of Carbon Neutrality, JHU-UPF Public
Policy Center, 2022, pg.3.
After the promulgation of PP 22/2021, PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara's gold mine was
granted a DSTP permit by KHLK as of March 2022. This permit was granted to dump 58.4
million tons of tailings per year into the sea of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.41
Even after only six months since the permit was granted it has already severely impacted
the fishermen. Fish swimming patterns change, causing fishermen to suffer losses.42
Ecological Action and People's Emancipation (AEER) together with the Rosa Luxemburg
Institute released a study that provides a picture of the environmental hazards that
lurk DSTP. No studies can guarantee the non-upwelling of nickel hazardous waste
into shallow seas. 15% of nickel waste pollutants will be released into shallow seas;
DTSP causes hyper sedimentation; causing it to be prone to plume sharing, where
small particles of waste carried by currents move for kilometers and enter the fish
food chain, because marine life has a vertical migration lifestyle, it is very likely to kill
marine life that migrates from shallow to deep sea.43 This condition further shows the
weakness of nickel mining governance due to the absence of a protection perspective
for Indonesian marine life. Even though the east sea is named the Coral Triangle.44
39 n Morowali, Obi, and Weda Bay. see: AEER and Rosa Luxemburg, 2020, �HYPERLINK "https://www.aeer.or.id/2023/06/23/
40 Dirhamsyah, et. al, State of the Coral Triangle: Indonesia, Mandaluyong: Asia Development Bank, 2014.
41 Muhamad Fajar Riyandanu, “Dituding Buang Limbah Ratusan Ribu Ton ke Laut, Ini Respons Amman This article is posted on
Katadata.co.id titled "Dituding Buang Limbah Ratusan Ribu Ton ke Laut, Ini Respons Amman" , https://katadata.co.id/am-
eidyonasution/berita/636d1d289d06f/dituding-buang-limbah-ratusan-ribu-ton-ke-laut-ini-respons-amman author: Muhamad
Fajar Riyandanu Editor: Ameidyo Daud Nasution”, https://katadata.co.id/ameidyonasution/berita/636d1d289d06f/dituding-
42 Fachrur Rozie, “Pembuangan Limbah ke Laut Bikin Nelayan Sumbawa Barat Susah Cari Ikan”, https://www.liputan6.com/news/
43 AEER dan Rosa Luxemburg, ibid, pg. 37 - 43.
44 ADB, Coral Triangle Initiative, dan gef, “State of The Coral Triangle: Indonesia”, 2014, https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/
45 Walhi Region Sulawesi, “Catatan Akhir Tahun 2021: Red Alert Ekspansi Nikel di Indonesia”, https://www.walhi.or.id/uploads/
46 https://www.celebesta.com/2021/08/20/update-pengakuan-wilayah-adat-region-sulawesi/, accessed on September 24 2023
Southeast Sulawesi There are 4 customary territories maps with an area of 67.469 hectares, and
29.355 hectares of them have customary forest potential
North Sulawesi There is 1 customary territories map with an area of 3.506 hectares and 634
hectares of which are potential customary forests
Table 9: Map of Customary Territories and Forest Area Based on the Customary Territory Registration System
There are at least seven human rights that are often violated by nickel mining companies,
including: rights to land and resources (including the right to property), the right to a clean
environment, the right to life, the right to culture, forced displacement, consultation and
participation in decision making, and discrimination against women.
The impact of extractive activities that will affect the human rights of indigenous peoples
and local communities can be seen in the figure below.47
Figure 16 : The impact of extractive activities that affect the human rights
47 WALHI Sulawesi Selatan, Loeha Raya, Lumbung Merica Nusantara: Etnografi Perkebunan dan Studi Valuasi Ekonomi Kebun
Merica di Tanamalia Luwu Timur, 2023, pg. 8-14
In South Sulawesi, the existence of PT. Vale has affected the rights of communities
around concession areas. In addition to potentially threatening the existence of
rainforests, the company's operations also have the potential to threaten the
survival of thousands of farmers in Loeha Raya. Further implications, mining will
have a devastating impact on the economic, social, and cultural rights of pepper
farming communities. In every potential abuse of rights due to women's corporate
operations, both individuals and collectives, including women farmers will feel a
different and distinctive impact because of their womanhood.48
Walhi South Sulawesi identified the human rights violations of pepper farmers in
Loeha Raya as follows:49
Right of the farm workers Loss of employment and right to a decent income
Table 10: Identifying the Impact of Violations of Farmers' Rights in Loeha Raya, South Sulawesi.
Further impacts caused by PT. Vale's increasingly expansive operations are that
female farmers have the potential to lose their land, which will result in the
potential loss of a decent income, both as farmers and as farm workers. loss of
income will consequently affect the right to adequate education for children, the
right to children and families, and the right to food. This situation will also impact
the farmer family’s resilience to face natural disasters due to climate change.
Losing access to land will ultimately impact the enjoyment of other rights because
Apart from that, women farmers are also significantly impacted by the lack of access
to water because they often must fetch water from water sources that are located
far away, thus adding to the double burden on women farmers. The presence of
officers on plantations also increases the risk of rights violation; officers’ presence
is more than likely to induce feelings of intimidation, fear, anxiety and worry
when they work on the plantations. female farmers are also at risk of being the
target of violence, especially those who champion land rights through protests
due to the repressive actions of the authorities.51 Thus, the expansion of PT Vale
will have the potential to perpetuate the feminization of poverty because female
farmers' access to land is affected by mining expansion. This situation will have
implications for the pepper supply chain which involves female farmer workers,
female collectors, female traders and women's groups who depend directly or
indirectly on the pepper supply chain.52
The burden of women is reflected on Hasniah's family; her house is directly across
the Nickel Ore stockpile, and there is only about 15 meters distance between her
door and the operation. The dense activity of trucks carrying nickel ore from the
jetty to the stockpile pollutes the air of the surrounding community. This, coupled
with factory activities that produce dust, smoke and pungent odors have become
Hasniah's daily diet.
Figure 17 and 18: Appearance of dust in the homes of PT Vale nickel mining victims
With dust filling her house, Hasniah now suffers from disease all over her body.
According to the results of the doctor's examination, Hasniah suffers from
cholesterol, gout, high blood pressure, a dry cough with phlegm and shortness
of breath. Apart from her, her siblings and grandchildren were also victims of air
North Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi, is the exploitation area of PT. Gunbuster
Nickel Industry (PT. GNI). It is not an exaggerated claim to say that the business
effectively impoverishes and starves the population by depriving the civilians of
their sources of livelihood. WALHI Central Sulawesi and the Women and Children
Care Community (KPPA) has identified potential rights that would be harmed due
to the impact of the company’s extractive operations, which can be seen at the
table below;54
Table 11: Identification of Human Rights Impacts Due to Extractive Activities in North Morowali Regency
53 Ibid, p. 20
54 Ibid.
55 Ibid.
Right to work Rice fields were damaged due to mud floods and pollution
Table 12: Identification of Other Impacts Due to Extractive Activities in the Pomalaa Block
Furthermore, WALHI Southeast Sulawesi identification results show that there are
other impacts caused by extractive activities as shown in the table below.56
Consumer protection rights Consumers risk their health due to consumption of contaminated
agricultural products
Children’s rights to play The coastline, which is usually a place for children to play, is polluted
due to mud sedimentation
Right to mobility Mud floods enter the highway, causing traffic jams
Table 13: Identification of impacts caused by extractive activities in the Pomalaa Block
Increasing demand for transition minerals poses risks for various stakeholders, which
actually hinders the sector's contribution to sustainable development and hinders efforts
to combat climate change. Weak governance and corruption present major challenges
for Indonesia, which is blessed with abundant natural resources. Indonesia faces a risk
of increasing contestation between human rights and environmental protection, and the
needs of the global community.57
56 Ibid.
57 Michelle Michot Foss and Jacob Koelsch, Need Nickel? How Electrifying Transport And Chinese Investment Are Playing Out In
The Indonesian Archipelago, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, 2022.
58 Penelope Simons and Audrey Macklin, , The Governance Gap: Extractive Industries, Human Rights, and The Home State
of 2023 concerning Amendments to Presidential Decree Number 41 of 2004 concerning Licensing or Agreements in the Mining Sector in Forest Areas.
Indonesian mining law is then regulated in Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral
and Coal Mining. The rules marked the start of a new phase of state intervention. The law
introduced a new licensing system and instructed companies to use domestic mining services
rather than foreign mining services. In addition, the aim of this law is to shift Indonesian
mineral production away from mere extraction activities by attracting investment into the
metal manufacturing sector. This legislative product then provides more opportunities for
Indonesia's economic elite to own mining concessions.59
The government have also drafted various regulations to accelerate the use of electric
Presidential Decree Number 55 of 2019 concerning Regulates the requirement to use domestic
Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor component levels (TKDN).
Vehicle Program for Road Transportation
PP Number 73 of 2019, which was amended by PP One of the important points contained in the PP is
No. 74/2021 the 0 percent Luxury Goods Sales Tax (PPnBM) on
Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles.
Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2022 Use of battery-based electric motorized vehicles
as operational service vehicles and/or individual
service vehicles for central and regional government
agencies. It contains directions for accelerating
the development of electric vehicles, including for
ministers and regional heads.
The creation of a policy ecosystem to accelerate the electric motorized vehicle program
further strengthens foreign dominance, especially the Tsingshan Group from China which
currently operates the largest nickel syndicate in the world, including nickel ore mining,
nickel refining, refining, ferronickel production, raw steel production, logistics, port
management, trade, and transportation. This syndicate of nickel companies—which is the
most important element of the electric vehicle supply chain—is managed by Tsingshan.
Tsingshan's vertically integrated operations illustrate how a company's historical presence
in a country with high regulatory uncertainty can paradoxically provide a starting point
for relatively stable downstream expansion. A broadly integrated supply chain not only
equips Tsingshan with the flexibility necessary to manage uncertainty, but also gives them
significant leverage in dealing with governments looking to expand end-to-end development
in the same way.62
59 Angela Tritto, How Indonesia Used Chinese Industrial Investments to Turn Nickel into the New Gold, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2023, p. 5
60 Ibid, p. 6
61 https://www.kompas.id/baca/ekonomi/2022/10/15/regulasi-percepatan-penggunaan-kendaraan-listrik-sudahkah-efektif,
accessed on 24 September 2023
62 In 2017, the company acquired Wenzhou-based Ruipu Energy to handle production of advanced lithium-ion battery technol-
ogy. In September 2018, Tsingshan joined GEM, Brunp Recycling, and Hanwa in signing another joint venture agreement for
the company. construction of a factory to produce nickel sulfate crystals from nickel laterite in Indonesia. Later, the group
If you look at the existing policy ecosystem, there is the potential for policies that have been
set by the Indonesian Government to fail to manage governance risks, including mining
governance. The diversity of mineral governance risks at the national and local government
levels that need to be responded to through the creation of a strong policy ecosystem, can
be seen in the table below:65
signed a joint venture with Guangzhou Automotive Corporation Group and Guangxin Holding Group to invest in a new ver-
tically integrated company for battery production. Even further downstream, Tsingshan signed a 5.5 billion yuan (US$850.73
million) deal with Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co. Ltd. in January 2021 to invest in new energy vehicle projects.
Overall, Tsingshan estimates nickel equivalent production of 600,000 tons in 2021, 850,000 tons in 2022, and 1.1 million tons
in 2023. See, Angela Tritto, loc.cit
63 The Constitutional Court decided that the Job Creation Law was conditionally unconstitutional, the government issued a
Government Regulation in Lieu of Law or Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation which is substantially the same
as the Job Creation Law, the substance of the regulated norms still ignores environmental aspects.
64 https://www.kompas.id/baca/humaniora/2023/01/28/sisi-lingkungan-hidup-tetap-diabaikan-dalam-perppu-cipta-kerja, ac-
cessed on 18 September 2023
65 Kathryn Sturman, et,al., op.cit., p. 12
Constraints on climate change and land use have been pushed back for decades as extractive
industries have destroyed forests and fossil fuel emissions that cause global warming have
increased significantly since pre-industrial times. Biosphere integrity warns that the pillars
of the biosphere are being damaged by humans consuming too much biomass, destroying
too much habitat, and deforesting too much land.66 Six of the nine current planetary
boundaries that have been breached can be seen in the diagram below. The length of the
slice represents the current state.67
66 Julia Conley, Six Out of Nine Planetary Boundaries Already Crossed, Study Warns, https://www.commondreams.org/news/
six-planetary-boundaries-crossed, accessed on 24 september 2024
67 Six of the nine limits have been breached. In addition, ocean acidification is approaching its planetary limits. The green zone
is the safe operating space (below the limit). Yellow to red represent increasing risk zones. Purple indicates high-risk zones
where interglacial earth system conditions are violated. See, Katherine Richardson, op.cit., p. 4
Companies must be required to carry out environmental due diligence to identify, prevent
and calculate how they deal with adverse impacts on the environment, including climate
change. This is in response to the fact that climate change and human rights are essentially
interrelated because climate change threatens the effective enjoyment of various
human rights including the rights to life, water and sanitation, food, health, housing, self-
determination, culture and development.
Reflecting on the various problems described above, it is also necessary to refer to how
states and businesses should act based on what are called the United Guiding Principles
on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) issued by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011.69
This international instrument is a new breakthrough in placing corporations as actors who
bear responsibility for human rights. There are three main pillars regulated in the UNGPs,
The first pillar, namely the state's obligation to protect human rights, emphasizes the
importance of steps that States must take in terms of effective policies, laws and regulations
to prevent, investigate, punish and redress human rights violations. Other important
operational indicators according to the UN Guiding Principles of States' duties to protect
human rights, include the need to build policy coherence, both horizontally and vertically.
The second pillar is the Company's responsibility to respect human rights. In carrying out
their responsibilities, companies must know and be able to demonstrate that they respect
human rights by, namely (1) making a policy commitment that supports the responsibility to
respect human rights; (2) carrying out human rights due diligence continuously to identify,
prevent, mitigate and quantify human rights impacts; (3) implementing processes that
enable remediation for impacts that reduce human rights for their business activities and
contributions. Furthermore, the third pillar of the UN Guiding Principles emphasizes the
need for victims to have greater access to effective remedies, both judicial and non-judicial,
including state-based and non-state mechanisms.71
68 Ibid
69 Indonesia supports UN Resolution No.17/4 in June 2011. There are 31 principles formulated by the UNGPs related to these
three pillars, consisting of 10 principles of obligations for the government, 1 for companies, and 7 for access to recovery.
70 The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’
Framework, UN Doc. A/HRC/17/31, 21 March 2011.
71 Alex Newton, The Business of Human Rights: Best Practice and the UN Guiding Principles, (Oxon: Routledge, 2019), p. 7
Based on the various facts and data presented above, we see that there are at least four key
actors who have shared responsibility for improving mining governance in Indonesia. They
are: the Indonesian government, the Indonesian House of Representatives, independent
state institutions, business actors and the international world.
a) The government
The government bears the great responsibility to change the extractivist mindset
in Indonesia. The government must stop aiming for economic improvement by
destroying the environment and threatening human rights. If the Indonesian
government truly feels it has an obligation to stop the rate of global warming as it
promised in the Paris Agreement, then stopping all activities with environmental
damage is the right way to go. This includes designing strong mining governance,
both at the national and regional levels by adopting an energy transition strategy
that is fair, sustainable and based on human rights.
72 On September 26 2023, Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 60 of 2023 concerning Business Strat-
egy and Human Rights (Stranas B&HAM) was issued. Regarding Business and Human Rights policies in Indonesia. Previously,
Komnas HAM had established a National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights through Komnas HAM Regulation No.
1 of 2017. Then, several actions related to business and human rights were included in the 2015-2019 RANHAM through
Presidential Decree no. 33 of 2018.
73 The policies and practices of 38 large-scale mining companies in the world, including Indonesia, can be measured through
corporate responses to local workers, sustainability of community life, worker complaints, community complaints, air quality,
water quality, waste management and emergency preparedness. See, Responsible Mining Foundation, RMI Report 2020:
Summary, (Nyon: Responsible Mining Foundation,2020), p. 3
The impact on human rights and the environment continues to worsen due to fragile
mining governance. The fragility of mining governance can be seen from the dominance
of corporations that have taken over the mining governance space. This situation will have
implications for discrimination and systematic violations of farmers' rights which tend to
continue to increase along with the confiscation of resources, especially land rights. Often
the setting of development agendas in the energy and mineral resources sector, including
the use of nickel as an energy transition mineral, has had a negative impact on the rights
and environment of farmers.
Meanwhile, the economic benefits of this development are only enjoyed by other parties,
giving rise to environmental injustice and energy injustice. The government has an obligation
to protect the rights of farmers affected by corporate actions that have the potential to
harm farmers' rights, especially access to land affected by extractive activities. Extractive
companies are also responsible for increasing incidents of human rights violations and
environmental degradation. At this point, the government must provide space for the
reinterpretation of natural resource governance through an approach based on human
rights and environmental protection.
1. Aligning the paradigm of "state control" with "as much as possible for the
prosperity of the people" as stated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. So that the prosperity of the people
becomes a consideration for the state. This is useful for ensuring that no individual
is impoverished as a result of state control of Indonesia's natural resources.
2. Develop a blueprint for nickel mining governance that does not damage the
environment and threaten human life;
4. Revise the Mining Law, Job Creation Law, and UUPA to restore provisions that
strengthen environmental protection and human rights in mining governance;
7. Opens the latest list of all nickel mines that have received Borrow-Use Permits.
The Job Creation Law through the provisions of Articles 110A and 110B opens up
the possibility for miners working without permits in forest areas to settle fines
before November 2023. As a form of transparency both in the process and in
the interest of community participation, ideally the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry and ESDM will jointly disclose data on fines and payments. granting a
Borrow-to-Use Forest Area Permit (IPPKH) before November 2023.
October 2023
Drafting Team:
Satya Bumi
Walhi Sulawesi Selatan
Walhi Sulawesi Tengah
Walhi Sulawesi Tenggara