The document outlines the daily lesson log for a class on applied economics. The lesson focuses on evaluating business viability and impacts on the community. Students will learn to define business socio-economic impact, identify positive and negative impacts, and prepare a simplified socio-economic analysis tool (SEAT) to analyze impacts. The teacher will discuss socio-economic impact concepts through case studies, explain the SEAT components and how to gather data for it. Students will then complete a SEAT to analyze the socio-economic impacts of a business.
The document outlines the daily lesson log for a class on applied economics. The lesson focuses on evaluating business viability and impacts on the community. Students will learn to define business socio-economic impact, identify positive and negative impacts, and prepare a simplified socio-economic analysis tool (SEAT) to analyze impacts. The teacher will discuss socio-economic impact concepts through case studies, explain the SEAT components and how to gather data for it. Students will then complete a SEAT to analyze the socio-economic impacts of a business.
The document outlines the daily lesson log for a class on applied economics. The lesson focuses on evaluating business viability and impacts on the community. Students will learn to define business socio-economic impact, identify positive and negative impacts, and prepare a simplified socio-economic analysis tool (SEAT) to analyze impacts. The teacher will discuss socio-economic impact concepts through case studies, explain the SEAT components and how to gather data for it. Students will then complete a SEAT to analyze the socio-economic impacts of a business.
The document outlines the daily lesson log for a class on applied economics. The lesson focuses on evaluating business viability and impacts on the community. Students will learn to define business socio-economic impact, identify positive and negative impacts, and prepare a simplified socio-economic analysis tool (SEAT) to analyze impacts. The teacher will discuss socio-economic impact concepts through case studies, explain the SEAT components and how to gather data for it. Students will then complete a SEAT to analyze the socio-economic impacts of a business.
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School Grade Level 11/12
Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 7 Quarter QUARTER 2 Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates an understanding of… A. Content Standards various socioeconomic impacts of business on the following sectors: consumer, supplier and investors, government, households, and international trade. The learners shall be able to … B. Performance Standards conduct a socioeconomic impact study on consumers (new product and services); suppliers; investors (capital, income) government (tax revenues, poverty alleviation, basic services); households (standard of living, employment) and international trade (exports and imports of goods and services) leading to options in venturing into a business. Evaluate the viability and impacts of business on the community: C. Learning 1. Define what business socio-economic impact. Competencies/Objectives 2. Identify the negative and positive impact of the business. 3. Prepare a simplified SEAT (Socio-Economic Analysis Tool) II. CONTENT EVALUATING BUSINESS VIABILITY AND ITS IMPACTS TO THE COMMUNITY (Part 1) III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. TG’s Pages 2. LM’s Pages 3. Textbook’s Pages B. Other Resources IV. PROCEDURES Review the concept of socio- Today, we will be discussing the Ask students to brainstorm examples of 1. Reviewing previous lesson or economic impact of businesses Review and recall the previous topics definition of business socio-economic businesses they know and discuss their presenting the new lesson Introduce the new lesson of ready for the assessment. impact. impact on society. preparing a simplified SEAT Explain the importance of a simplified SEAT in analyzing the At the end of the lesson, the students Explain to the students that the purpose of socio-economic impact of businesses 2. Establishing the purpose of the should be able to define what business the lesson is to identify the positive and State the objective of the lesson: to lesson socio-economic impact is and explain its negative impact of businesses in society. prepare a simplified SEAT and apply importance in the economy. it in analyzing the socio-economic impact of a business 3. Presenting examples/instances of To start off the lesson, let's look at some Show students real-life case studies Show a sample SEAT and discuss its the new lesson examples of business socio-economic of businesses that have positive and components and purpose impact. For instance, when a company negative impacts on society. Present a case study of a business creates job opportunities, it contributes to Example of a positive impact: A and demonstrate how a simplified the growth of the economy by increasing company that produces eco-friendly SEAT can be used to analyze its consumer spending and reducing poverty. products and reduces waste in socio-economic impact Additionally, businesses can impact production. society through the implementation of Example of a negative impact: A corporate social responsibility (CSR) company that emits harmful programs that benefit the environment or pollutants in the air and contributes the community in which they operate. to environmental degradation. Now, let's define business socio- economic impact. Business socio- economic impact refers to the positive or Discuss the concept of externalities negative effects that businesses have on and how it relates to businesses and Discuss the components of a the social and economic aspects of a society. simplified SEAT 4. Discussing new concepts and community. It encompasses a wide range Externalities: the unintended effects Explain how to gather data for a practicing new skills #1 of factors, such as job creation, taxes of economic activities on unrelated simplified SEAT paid, and CSR initiatives. By third parties. Guide the students in filling out a understanding the concept of business Have students identify externalities simplified SEAT template socio-economic impact, we can analyze in the case studies presented. how companies impact the economy, environment, and society. Let's now discuss the importance of Discuss the concept of social understanding business socio-economic responsibility and how it relates to impact. Businesses play a critical role in businesses and society. Analyze the socio-economic impact the economy, and understanding their Social Responsibility: the idea that of a business using the simplified 5. Discussing new concepts and impact is essential for policymakers and businesses should act in the best SEAT practicing new skills #2 stakeholders to make informed decisions. interests of society. Discuss the findings and the Additionally, businesses that prioritize social responsibility and community Have students identify examples of implications of the analysis engagement can build a positive social responsibility in the case reputation and attract more customers. studies presented. To develop mastery of the concept of business socio-economic impact, we will have a group activity. Students will be Divide students into groups and divided into groups and asked to choose a assign them a specific industry to company they are interested in. They will research. research and analyze the company's Have them identify the positive and 6. Developing Mastery socio-economic impact, including job negative impacts of that industry on creation, taxes paid, CSR initiatives, and society. other relevant factors. Then, each group Then, have them present their will present their findings and findings to the class. recommendations on how the company can improve its socio-economic impact. 7. Finding practical applications of To find practical applications of the Discuss with students how they can Discuss how the simplified SEAT concepts and skills in daily concepts and skills learned, students will use the information they learned to can be used in decision-making living reflect on how businesses impact their make informed decisions about the processes for businesses and local community. They will think of businesses they support. government policies examples of businesses that have Have students brainstorm ways they Encourage the students to apply the positively impacted their community and can support businesses with positive concepts and skills they have learned discuss how they can support these impacts on society. in analyzing the socio-economic businesses. Additionally, students will impact of businesses in their daily discuss ways they can contribute to their lives community through entrepreneurship and social responsibility. In this lesson, we learned about the definition of business socio-economic Summarize the importance of impact and its importance in the Discuss with students the importance analyzing the socio-economic impact economy. We also discussed examples of of understanding the impact of of businesses and the role of a 8. Generalizing and abstractions business socio-economic impact and how businesses on society and how it can simplified SEAT in this process about the lesson businesses impact society. Finally, we affect their decisions as consumers Discuss how the skills and concepts developed mastery of the concept through and future business leaders. learned in this lesson can be applied a group activity and reflected on practical in real-world scenarios applications of the skills learned. To evaluate learning, students will 9. Evaluating Learning complete a short quiz to test their understanding. For additional application, students will Have students research a local business be asked to choose a business in their and write a report on its impact on local community and create a plan on society. 10. Additional Activities for how it can improve its socio-economic For students who may need additional Application or Remediation impact. For remediation, struggling help, provide them with simplified case students can work with a partner to studies and additional resources to help analyze the socio-economic impact of a them better understand the concepts business together presented.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation. B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?