01 B Inggris LK 1
01 B Inggris LK 1
01 B Inggris LK 1
A. quinn eighteen
B. quien
C. quenn eighty
D. queen
3 .
12 .Count this simple sum and translate dress
in English.
1000 – 100 = umbrella
A. one hundred minus one
thousand equals nine hundred 4 .
B. one thousand minus one
hundred equals nine hundred
C. one hundred plus one thousand
equals nine hundred yacht
D. one thousand plus one hundred
equals nine hundred 5 .
13 .Miftah : It is very hot today …. Uma
Uma : Okay Miftah. cat
A. Sweep the floor, please
B. Open the window, please
C. Close the window, please
D. Can you get it for me, please C Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan
berikut dengan jelas.
4 What
. will you say if you want to ask
for help to your friend?
twenty 5 What
. will you say if you want to
praise someone?