Dimitrios Iliadelis - Effect of Deep Excavation On An Adjacent Pile Foundation
Dimitrios Iliadelis - Effect of Deep Excavation On An Adjacent Pile Foundation
Dimitrios Iliadelis - Effect of Deep Excavation On An Adjacent Pile Foundation
Dimitrios Iliadelis
Accepted by ...........................................................................................................................
Andrew -J
Chairman, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students I
Effect of Deep Excavation on an Adjacent Pile
Dimitrios Iliadelis
The thesis studies the behavior of single axially loaded pile located close to a 30m
deep braced excavation in Marine Clay corresponding to site conditions of the
Kallang formation in Singapore. Parametric analyses were carried out, using non
linear three-dimensional finite element methods (with Plaxis Foundation 3-D),
comparing different pile lengths (17m, 30m and 42m) cross sections (solid concrete
sections of 0.4m and 1.Om diameter) and proximity to the excavation (2m-lorn). The
results focus on the development of horizontal deformations and bending moments
due to the excavation process. The computed results for end-bearing piles (42m long)
are compared with semi-empirical design methods proposed by Poulos and Chen
(1997). In general, this design method substantially underestimates the computed wall
deflections and bending moments. This result confirms the importance of site-specific
analyses for these types of complex soil-structure interactions.
In dense urban environments where land is scarce and buildings are closely
spaced, cut-and-cover excavations are widely used for basement construction and
development of underground transit facilities. One of the main design constraints in
these projects is to prevent or minimize damage to adjacent buildings. To date, much
of the research has focused on the lateral movements of the retaining wall system and
predictions of ground movements. Since many buildings are supported on deep
foundations, there is a concern that lateral ground movements resulting from the soil
excavation can damage the piles. Although an excavation will cause both vertical and
lateral soil movements, the second component is considered to be more critical, as
piles are usually designed to sustain significant vertical loads. In contrast, lateral loads
imposed by soil movements induce bending moments and deflections on the pile,
which may lead to structural distress and even failure. For this reason, this thesis pays
special attention to the development of lateral pile deformations caused by cut and
cover excavations.
The excavation was performed through primarily granular soils (hydraulic fill,
alluvial sand; Figure 1.I) within the footprint of an existing framed structure. The
main columns were supported by groups of 21m long unreinforced or lightly
reinforced concrete piles. The temporary tieback sheet-pile wall was located as close
as 0.60m to the pile caps. Field observations, including lateral deformations of the
sheet pile wall and lateral and vertical deformations of the main columns, found that
several of the pile caps displaced up to 7.6cm towards the excavation (Figure 1.2).
Movements were two times higher than expected for excavations made under similar
conditions. Thus, the project engineers were concerned about the potential for
cracking and damage to the piles. Fortunately, field observations and finite element
analyses of the construction process showed that the recorded movements were not
large enough to cause serious damage.
- - - - .. ..Flrsl level tCbadc8 In.1all.d (pwlod 2)
-- -- - f xcnvallon complete (pwrlod 7 )
.-. . .. ... Bsckflfl complete and tkbaeks releatud (psrlod 11)
---..-- Shmet plk ontraded (prlod 12)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the behaviour of a single pile, under
axial load, due to construction of an adjacent deep excavation. Parametric finite
element analyses have been carried out to investigate factors including the pile length,
flexural stiffness and proximity to the excavation. The results of the analyses are
compared with the semi-empirical design methods proposed by Poulos and Chen
(1 997).
Figure 2.1 shows the cross section of the reference geometry to be considered in
the thesis. This geometry considers a 20m wide, 30m deep cut-and-cover excavation.
Based on prior design studies (MFish, 2006) the excavation support system 1.2m
thick, 45m deep diaphragm walls, 7 levels of pre-loaded cross-lot bracing and a 1Om
thick jet-grout pile (JGP)raft below the final excavation grade.
* ?Om -- I
, !> -. F
L oOu nCd a~t i o n
Figure 2.1 Cross Section of Excavation with a 17m long adjacent pile
at a distance of 4m
The soil profile emulates ground conditions of the Kallang formation ground in
coastal Singapore comprising 42m of Marine Clays overlying units of Old Alluvium
(OA). The Marine Clay is further subdivided into Upper and Lower units (UMC and
LMC) each of which is underlain by a thin layer of stiffer desiccated clay (F2 Clay).
The groundwater table is located at the ground surface and water pressures are
assumed to increase hydrostatically through the Marine Clay and Old Alluvium.
Figure 2.2 shows the undrained strength profile of the Marine Clay.
Figure 2.2 Undrained shear strength profile of Marine Clay (Whittle & Davies, 2006)
(analyses assume EJs,=400)
Most of the Old Alluvium is classified as very dense silty sands transitioning
with depth to very stiff to hard, silty clay. The shear modulus, G=40MPa at the top of
the OA layer (61.6 mRL) and increases significantly with depth. The SPT blow count
increases remarkably with depth in the Old Alluvium, ranging from N=10-20 bpf near
the upper surface to N> 100 bpf typically over a depth of 6- 1Om. The undrained shear
strength of the Old Alluvium is routinely assigned, su(kPa) = 5*N(bpf) in local
practice. Finally, the JGP layer is assumed to have high undrained shear strength
equal to s, = 300kPa and shear modulus increasing with depth (G=lOOMPa at El.
mRL 6 1.6).
The deep excavation is completed in eight stages. The main purpose of the JGP
layer is to brace the toe of the wall, to reduce bending moments and control lateral
wall deflections. Cross-lot struts are installed after each excavation stage at intervals
of 4m along the excavation. In order to be more effective and to reduce the wall
movement, the struts are pre-stressed (to 50% of the maximum computed loads). In
the excavation, two different types of struts are used (HEM260 and HEM300). Table
3.1 summarizes the pre-load schedule and maximum strut loads found from prior 2D
analyses (MFish, 2006). Figure 2.1 also shows two rows of king piles, inside the
excavation area. These are steel piles (type HEA400) and their main purpose is to
carry the weight of the struts and to prevent them from buckling.
P ExcavationStage
Figure 2.3 Construction Sequence of the C&C Excavation
2.2 Characteristics of the Piles
The analyses consider circular solid section concrete piles, with diameter 0.4m
and 1.Om and lengths 17m, 30m and 42m. In the first case, the pile tip is bearing on
the F2 Clay layer, the second is a floating pile lying in the middle of the Lower
Marine Clay layer and the third case is end-bearing on the deep F2 clay. The
calculations also consider a range of pile- excavation offset distances ranging from
2m to 1Om.
Plaxis 3-D Foundation has the feature to model the skin friction resistance
depending on depth, e.g. constant or linearly. However, version 1.5 beta does not
include the feature of entering different skin resistance for each soil layer, when soil
profile is not uniform. Therefore, the skin friction of the pile is assumed to increase
linearly with depth along the pile (Table 2.1). Since the piles are embedded in clay, it
is recommended that the skin friction resulting from p-Methods is used, (Appendix
Table 2.1 Skin Friction for the piles
Qbf = qbf Ab
qbf is the end bearing capacity (Appendix A)
Ab is the base area of the pile
Table 2.2 presents the end bearing capacity Qbffor each pile.
Qbf (kN)
The bearing capacity of a single vertical pile under axial load is the sum of the skin
friction and the tip resistance.
Qsf is the ultimate load carried in side friction: Qsf= fs As
fs is the limiting skin friction (Table 2.1)
As is the embedded surface area
The deep excavation induces bending moments on the pile which should be
checked if they can cause cracking of the pile. Due to the bending moments, tensile
stresses are induced in the cross section of the pile, while compressive stresses exist
due to the axial load from the foundation. In the simplest case of elastic stresses on an
unreinforced circular section the stresses can be represented as shown in figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4 Tensile and compressive stresses in the cross section of the pile
Where M is the bending moment induced in the pile, I is the second moment of area
cross section,
Clearly the potential for cracking will depend on the tensile or bending capacity
of the pile section. For the worst case scenario of unreinforced concrete piles,
cracking will occur if tension develops, hence onepOis required at all depths.
According to the Eurocode, the minimum reinforcement for a concrete pile is
Astee]= 0.0 1*Aconcrek
which, (for reinforcement cover = 1Ocm) corresponds to Astee]=
7cm2and 8 1cm2for the 0.4m and 1.Om diameter piles, respectively.
in which Epis the Young's modulus of the pile, I, is the moment of inertia of the pile,
Es is the averaged elastic modulus of the soil and L is the embedded pile length.
Table 2.4 presents the flexibility factor used in the current analysed for concrete piles.
KR d(m)
0.4 1.O
17 4.6010~~ 1.8*lo5
L (m) 30 4.7010" 1.8*10-~
42 1.3 1 0-
"-7. lo-'
12.7MPa, which is the average elastic modulus of the reference soil profile. For each
pile, the parameter I, = 1.256010-3 m4 and 4.9010-2m4 for the 0.4m and 1 .Om diameter
piles, respectively.
The piles used in the finite element analyses range in flexibility as indicated in Table
Table 2.5 Pile Characterization
KR d(m)
0.4 1 .O
17 flexible
very Medium
(m) 30
flexible flexibility
42 Very flexible
The struts are modeled using 2-D linear elastic plate elements with axial
stiffness. The current beta-version does not enable pre-loading of these elements, so
additional point loads are necessary to represent the strut installation. Embedded piles
are a new and innovative feature of Plaxis 3D Foundation (v. 1.5 beta). These
elements are not connected directly to the finite element mesh and can be placed at
arbitrary locations within the model. The current analyses consider circular piles with
specified end bearing and skin friction will be simulated by introducing appropriate
values for the factors Ttop,Tbotand F,, respectively (Table 2.1). The embedded piles
are axially loaded by a vertical point load corresponding to the design working load,
3.2 Geometry of the 3-D model
The 3-D finite element model assumes symmetry such that, only half of the
excavation is simulated., The model considers the effect of a 16m length of a
excavation on the response of adjacent pile. These assumptions are essential to limit
computation demands associated with large 3-D models.
Figure 3.la presents the top working plane of the model (El. 103 mRL)
corresponding to the ground surface. The dimensions of the model are 16m x 32m and
the vertical dimension is defined by the program to be 3m below the lowest working
plane. The figure shows the diaphragm wall, the borehole, the embedded pile and strut
locations. All the geometry lines perpendicular to the diaphragm wall is where the
struts are going to be placed, in deeper working planes.
tiiilE Pile
a b
Figure 3.1 Plan view of working plane a) at 0 m (el. 103 mRL) and b) at -2m (el. 10lmRL)
As mentioned before, Plaxis 3D Foundation, version 1.5 beta does not include
the feature of pre-stressing the struts, which are simulated as "beams" in the model. In
order to account for the pre-stressing of the struts, horizontal point load are applied, at
the points where the struts are connected with the diaphragm wall (Figure 3.lb). In
order to activate the pre-loading, the following procedure is adopted: We first create
point loads at the strut ends and then install the loads while the strut (beam) is
inactive, to set the preload. Then, in the next phase, we remove the loads and activate
the struts (beam). The struts are generally sufficiently stiff to pick up at least 90% of
the load. In Figure 3.lb the working plane at elevation -2m (el. 101 MRL) is
presented. Apart from the diaphragm wall and the embedded pile, we can also see the
struts and the horizontal point loads acting at the strut ends.
Based on prior analyses by MFish (2006) the pre-load schedule of the struts is
shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Pre-load forces of Struts and applied horizontal point loads
Since the struts are installed every 4m in plan view, the applied horizontal point
loads are equal to 4 times the pre-stress of the strut at every elevation, and their values
are listed in the last column of Table 3.1.
3.3 Material Input
Upper MC 102.9 l6 0 3 0.25 8.6* 10-5 0.7
F2 Clay 85.6 19 88 0 11.7 0.25 8.6* 10-5 0.7
.Lower MC 83.4 16.8 0 5.2 0.25 8.6* 10-5 0.7
F2 Clay 63.2 20 88 0 11.7 0.25 8.6* 10-5 0.7
OA 100
61.6 2o 40 0.25 8.6* 10-4 1
weathered 500
53.9 500 0 67 0.25 8.6* 10-5 1
JGP 16 300 0 108 0.15 8.6* 10-5
Since the soil stratigraphy remains the same in the whole area of the excavation
which will be simulated, we need only one borehole in the model in order to introduce
the different soil layers with the appropriate elevations. The details of the borehole,
the location of which in plan view was shown in figure 3.3, are given in the following
figure. On the left of figure 3.3, we can see the soil profile of the borehole and the
level of the groundwater table.
- - 1
Figure 3.2 Details of the borehole introduced in the model, with all the elevations
If we choose the "Soil" option, in the window which opens we can input the
value of the & for each layer. This process is presented in figure 3.4 in which it is
also shown that for the analyses we assumed that the value of the KOis the same in
both horizontal directions. The input of this soil parameter in the 3-D model is
important because it will later be used to calculate the initial conditions of the
Figure 3.3 Details of the borehole introduced in the model, with the KOvalues for each layer
In the next figures, the process of defining the material properties of the Lower
Marine Clay layer is briefly described. On the right part of figure 3.5 the unit weight
and the permeability of the material for all three directions is defined. In the "Material
Set" part of the window, it is important to define the correct material model and
material type for the mode. In our case, the Mohr-Coulomb model will be used, and
"Undrained" properties are assigned, to enable simulation of the undrained response
of the low permeability clays (computing effective stresses and pore pressures.
Figure 3.4 General Properties of the Lower Marine Clay
Figure 3.6 presents how the Stiffness and Strength Parameters are introduced
into the finite element model for the Lower Marine Clay. For this layer, the Poisson's
ratio v = 0.25 and the shear modulus GEf = 5200kPa. The value of the Elastic
Modulus befis automatically calculated by the program.
-Coulomb Lower MC
Figure 3.5 Strength and Stiffness parameters for the Lower Marine Clay
According to Table 3.2, the undrained strength on the Lower Marine Clay,
increases with depth. In order to simulate this behavior in the model, we have to select
the "Advanced" properties for the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and assign the correct
value of Cinnemen~ It is also important to specify the depth from which this parameter
will be used by the model, which is equal to elevation -20m for the case of the Lower
Marine Clay layer.
~cedpuameters Mohr-Coulomb
The procedure for introducing the properties for all the soil layers, including the
JGP layer, is the same as this described in the current chapter.
3.3.2 Embedded Pile Properties
Two different piles are studied in the current thesis. They are solid section
concrete piles with diameter 0.4m and 1.Om respectively. All the necessary properties
which were introduced in the program are listed in the following table.
Pile 1 Pile 2
d (m) 0.4 1.O
A (m2) 0.1256 0.785
E (MP~) 40000 40000
I2 (m4) 0.00 1256 0.049
v 0.2 0.2
Y (mlm3) 24 24
Parameters Ttop,Tbt are used to specify the skin friction at the top and at the tip
of the pile respectively. The skin friction at the ground surface (Ttop)is taken equal to
zero, and for every pile, the skin friction at its tip (Tbot)is taken equal to the skin
friction corresponding to that point (Table 2.1) multiplied by the perimeter of the pile.
Parameter F, corresponds to the tip resistance (Table 2.2).
Table 3.4 presents the values for Ttop,Tbotand F, for all piles analyzed and
Figure 3.7 illustrates an example for a 30m long, 1.Om diameter pile.
Table 3.4 Skin Friction and Tip Resistance introduced into Plaxis
Figure 3.7 End-bearing and Skin Resistance of a 30m long, 1.0m diameter pile, as they
are introduced in Plaxis 3-D Foundation program
Figure 3.8 shows the input data of all the material properties mentioned above
for the 0.4m diameter solid section concrete pile with length 30m.
I Pile Properties
Matorialset --
, [I .Om diameter
Figure 3.8 Properties of solid section concrete Pile, 42m long, with 1.0m diameter
In the analyses performed, each pile is axially loaded with a point load. A Factor
of Safety equal to 2 was used and the axial load of each pile is presented in Table 3.5.
where E ,is the Young's Modulus for the reinforced concrete and f,is the strength of
the concrete. Usually it is f,=34-55 MPa and by assuming that high quality concrete
is used for the construction of the diaphragm wall, we have:
The Poisson's ratio for the concrete is vl2 = v13 = v23 = 0.2, SO by using the equation
G = E*2.(l+v),we get G12= GI3= G23= 9.601o7 kN/m2.
All these properties of the diaphragm wall are shown in the next figure.
r brotoPic
tii Lineor
C' Non l i a r
81 : - 1 kN/d 012: [9.600~*07
I wd
All the necessary properties introduced into the finite element analysis, regarding the
strut material properties, are shown in the following table.
The following figure schematically shows the input of these parameters in Plaxis 3-D
Foundation for the HEM300 type strut.
" . -
1. ' -
IS Linear I
r IE -1 w/~Z- ;
Figure 3.11 Properties of the strut type HEM300 introduced into the model
After the geometry and the properties for all the materials have been introduced
into the model correctly, the mesh is ready to be generated. This is done first by
generating the 2-D mesh, and then extending for the 3-D geometry. Figure 3.1 1 shows
the plan view of the 2-D mesh for the problem we are studying. We can notice that the
mesh is more refined in the area included by the diaphragm wall and the line 14-15
described in section 3.2. This is done in order to obtain numerically more accurate
After the 2-D mesh has been created, we are ready to generate the 3-D one,
which is shown in figure 3.12. In this figure we can determine the different soil layers.
We also notice that the mesh around the pile is more refined than the rest of the area,
in which the finite element mesh is coarser.
Figure 3.13 Generation of the 3-D model
3.5 Calculation Steps
After the procedure described in the previous sections has been completed, we
are ready to set up the analysis procedure. The analysis of our 3-D model is done in
28 calculated phases, which are listed below. The reason we have so many phases,
while there are only eight excavation stages is the fact that for each excavation stage
we first have to apply the horizontal point loads at the strut ends, which represent the
pre-stress force, then deactivate these loads and activate the struts, and finally perform
the actual excavation step.
In Table 3.9 we can see that the first phase includes the determination of the
initial conditions of our problem, which is done with the KOprocedure. After this is
done, we sequentially activate the embedded pile with the axial load on its top, the
diaphragm wall and finally the grouting, inside the excavation. Before beginning with
the excavation stages, it is important to reset all displacements from the first 4 phases
to zero. This is done because our main concern is to analyze the behavior of the pile
when the deep excavation is performed and as a result, the impact of the construction
of the diaphragm wall to the pile is of minor importance.
Figure 3.12 presents a 3-D view of the final calculation phase which
corresponds to excavation to -30m, and identifies the diaphragm wall the struts and
the JGP raft. Finally, the vertical point load at the top of the embedded pile can be
seen. In this figure, the embedded pile is located 4m from the deep excavation.
Figure 3.14 View of final calculation step for a pile located 4m away
from the excavation face
4. Results of Finite Element Analyses
This chapter presents results of finite element analyses for single pile
foundations next to the 30m deep excavation in Singapore Marine Clays. The
excavation support system and modelling details are given in the preceding chapter.
According to previous 2-D finite element analyses (MFish, 2006) the maximum
deflection of the diaphragm wall is expected to be approximately 50mm and it occurs
at depth of 22.5m. This was confirmed by the 3-D analyses.
Figure 4.1 shows the maximum horizontal displacements of 0.4m and 1.0m
diameter piles for a 18m deep excavation. The figure compares the lateral deflections
of piles located 2m from the wall with those of the diaphragm wall itself. The results
show that the top of the wall is displaced 24mm from the excavation while maximum
wall deflection 49mm occurs at a depth of 22.5m. The piles exhibit very similar
deflections. The maximum deformation occurs at the toe of the piles 6h=
lorn 2m
* Upper marine clay
- __+
F2 clay Dirphrclgmwall
0.401die pik
1.hdii pile
F2 clay
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.1 Maximum deformations for 17m long piles located 2m from the excavation face, for a
18m deep excavation
The results in Figure 4.1 show that for a small distance between the piles and the
excavation face, the deformations of a floating pile are very similar to those of the
wall (and consequently of the soil). Moreover, increased bending stiffness of the pile
has no effect on the lateral pile deformations.
When the distance between the pile and the excavation face is increased from
2m to 4m, Figure 4.2, there is still little change in the computed pile deflections. In
this case, the pile head deformations are 22mm, while the toe movement is 34mm.
The toe movement is 3mm less than the wall at the same elevation.
, Diaphragm wall
t - - - 0.4mdia pile
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.2 Maximum deformations for 17m long piles located 4m from the excavation face, for a
18m deep excavation
Figure 4.3 Bending moment envelopes for 17m long piles located 2m distance from the
diaphragm wall, for 18m deep excavation
Enmlope of 0.4m diam.
Moments of 0.4m diam.
Figure 4.4 Bending moment envelopes for 17m long piles located 4m from the diaphragm wall,
for 18m deep excavation
Table 4.1 presents the tensile stresses which develop on the pile sections for a
18m deep excavation. The results show that if the piles are unreinforced, then
cracking is likely to occur. However, the minimum reinforcement suggested by
Eurocode 2 (section 2.2.2) is enough to prevent cracking.
max M
M at As*
L(m) d(m) I (m4) H(m) (m) N(kN) (MPa) (cm2)
2m 17 0.4 1.25 18 12 29 85 4 5
dist. 17 1.0 4.910-~ 18 12 420 523 3.5 5
4rn 17 0.4 I.25 18 12 26 111 3 4
dist. 17 1.0 4.910-~ 18 12 260 530 2 3
For the 30m long piles, the maximum horizontal displacements for both the
0.4m and 1.0m diameter piles occur at a depth of approximately 24m for excavation
to the final grade (30m deep excavation). The lateral deformations of the piles and of
the diaphragm wall are plotted in Figure 4.5. All the pile deformations in this figure
are for a pile to excavation face distance equal to 2m. According to this figure, the
horizontal deformations at the top of the piles are 25mm and 24mm for the 0.4m and
1.0m diameter piles, respectively, while the maximum deformations are 47mm and
46mm, respectively.
- -
- Upper marine clay
> F2 clay
-- Diaphragm wall
O.4m dia pile
F2 clay
Lower marine clay
-40 -20
Deformation (mm)
20 40
Figure 4.5 Maximum deformations for 0.4m and lm diameter, 30m long piles at a 2m distance
from the diaphragm wall, for a 30m deep excavation
When the distance between the pile and the excavation face is to 4m, Figure 4.6,
there is negligible change in pile head deflections (23mm and 2 1mm for the 0.4m and
1.0m diameter piles, respectively) while the maximum movements are reduced by
about 10% (44mm and 4 1mm,respectively).
- 1
Diaphragm wall
- - F2 day
- --.-------
-- 0 . h dia pile
I dia
F2 clay
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.6 Maximum deformations for 0.4m and l m diameter, 30m long piles at a 4m distance
from the diaphragm wall, for a 30m deep excavation
In figure 4.7 the bending moment envelopes for both piles are presented for pile-
excavation face distance equal to 2m. The maximum predicted bending moments are
much larger for the lm diameter pile than for the 0.4m diameter one and equal to
1122kN-m and 45kN.m respectively. The reason for the negative bending moments
for the 0.4m diameter pile at elevation approximately -18m is because at this depth a
stiffer layer of F2 Clay is present.
Bending Moments (kNm)
600 0 500 1000
11 Enwlope of 0.4m diam.
Pile for D m deep exc.
of 1." diam.
Figure 4.7 Bending moment envelopes for 30m long piles located 2m from the diaphragm wall,
for 30m deep excavation
Figure 4.8 Bending moment envelopes for 30m long piles located 4m from the diaphragm wall,
for 30m deep excavation
Table 4.2 presents the tensile stresses which develop on the pile sections for a
30m deep excavation. The results show that no tensile stresses will develop for the
0.4m diameter piles, but cracking is likely to occur for the 1 .Om diameter piles, if they
are unreinforced. However, the minimum reinforcement suggested by Eurocode 2
(section 2.2.2) is enough to prevent cracking.
max M
M ut As*
L(m) d(m) I (m4) H(m) z(m) N(kN)
( k ~ ~ ) (MPa) (cm2)
2m 30 0.4 1.2510" 30 23 45 522
dist. 30 1.0 4 . 9 1 0 ~ ~ 30 23 1122 814 10 16
4m 30 0.4 1.2510" 30 23 39 556
dist. 30 1.0 4.910-~ 30 23 871 769 8 13
For the 42m long end-bearing piles, additional analyses have been carried out
for pile-wall spacing up to 1Om. The maximum horizontal displacements of the wall
and for both the 0.4m and 1.0m diameter piles occur at a depth of approximately
22.5m during excavation to the final grade at a depth of 30m. The deformations of the
piles and of the diaphragm wall are plotted in Figures 4.9 and 4.10 for pile-wall
spacing of 2m and 4m, respectively. The figures show that there is negligible change
in pile head deflections (24mm and 23mm for the 0.4m and 1.0m diameter piles,
respectively, while maximum movements are reduced by about 10% (47mm and
46mm, respectively).When the distance from the diaphragm wall is increased from
2m to 4m, the maximum movements are reduced by about 10% (44mm and 42mm,
- C
- F2 clay -
-- - -
Diaphragm wall
0.4mdim pile
> ----.---- 1,omdja pile
F2 clay
k Old Alluvium, Weathered
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.9 Maximum deformations for 0.4m and l m diameter, 42m long piles at a 2m distance
from the diaphragm wall, for 30m deep excavation
--- Diaphragm wall
0.4mdia pile
---------I .Om dia pile
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.10 Maximum deformations for 0.4m and l m diameter, 42m long piles at a 4m distance
from the diaphragm wall, for 30m deep excavation
When the pile is located 10m from the diaphragm wall, there is little difference
in the computed mode shape, Figure 4.1 1. However, there is a significant reduction in
the maximum deformations. The results show 6, = 29-30mm for both 0.4m and 1.Om
diameter piles.
0 -
F2 clay
20 -
30 -
Lower marine clay
F2 clay
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.11 Maximum deformations for 0.4m and l m diameter, 42m long piles at a 10m distance
from the diaphragm wall, for 30m deep excavation
The bending moment envelopes for both piles are presented in figures 4.12 and
4.13 for pile-diaphragm wall distances equal to 2m and 4m, respectively. The
predicted bending moments are much larger for the 1.0m diameter than for the 0.4m
diameter pile (MMax= 1190kN-mand 972kN-m,respectively for piles located 2m from
the diaphragm wall and MMax= 43kN-m and 39kNem at 4m).
Bending Moments (kNm)
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
Figure 4.12 Bending moment envelopes for 42m long piles located 2m from the diaphragm wall,
for 30m deep excavation
- - - -Envelope
- of 0.4m diam. pile
Figure 4.13 Bending moment envelopes for 42m long piles located 4m from the diaphragm wall,
for 30m deep excavation
Finally, when the pile-wall separation is increased to 10m (Figure 4.14), then
there is a large reduction in the maximum moments (MM, = 18kN.m and 505kN*m,
for the 0.4m and 1.Om diameter pile, respectively).
Figure 4.14 Bending moment envelopes for 42m long piles located 10m from the diaphragm wall,
for 30m deep excavation
The figures show that the maximum moment for the 42m long piles with 1.0m
diameter is 1190kN-mand occurs at a depth 22.5m. According to the analyses (Figure
4.1 5), at this point the axial load is 289 1kN.
The values of both the maximum bending moment and horizontal deflection
depend a lot on the pile to excavation face distance and decrease significantly when
this distance increases. In Figure 4.1 6, the maximum bending moment is reduced by
approximately 60% when the pile to excavation distance is increased from 2m to 1Om.
Bending Moment (kNm)
-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
45 -
Figure 4.15 Bending moment envelopes for a 42m long pile with 1.0m diameter, located at
different distances from the diaphragm wall, for 30m deep excavation
Similarly, as shown in figure 4.17, the pile to excavation distance affects the
maximum observed horizontal deformation on the pile as well. For example, the
maximum deformation of the pile decreases by approximately 40% when the distance
increases from 2m to 10m. On the other hand, the diameter of the pile, and
consequently its rigidity does not play an important role for the maximum horizontal
deflections, as it was clearly shown in the figures of chapter 4. As it was observed, the
increase of the pile diameter from 0.4m to 1.0m slightly reduces the horizontal
deformations. It does, however, influence the maximum moment of the piles, as it was
expected. In all cases these were lower than the pile's bending moment capacity.
Upper marine clay
- I
- 11 1 F2 clay -.-.-..---
-- Displnagm wall
2m &st
-- - 4m dist
> I D
I f I F2 clay
Deformation (mm)
Figure 4.16 Horizontal Deformations of a 42m long pile with 1.0m diameter, located at different
distances from the diaphragm wall, for 30m deep excavation
Table 4.3 presents the tensile stresses which develop on the pile sections for a
30m deep excavation. The results show that no tensile stresses will develop for the
0.4m diameter piles, but cracking is likely to occur for the 1 .Om diameter piles located
close to the diaphragm wall (2m-4m), if they are unreinforced. The minimum
reinforcement suggested by Eurocode 2 (section 2.2.2) is enough to prevent cracking.
max M
M ut As*
L(m) d(m) I (m4) H(m) z(m) N(kN) (MPa) (cm*)
2m 42 0.4 1.25 30 22.5 43 1363 - -
dist. 42 1.0 4.9 10 -' 30 22.5 1190 2890 25 38
4m 42 0.4 1.25 10" 30 22.5 39 1457 -
dist. 42 1.0 4.9 10 -' 30 22.5 972 2314 7 11
1Om 42 0.4 1.25 10" 30 22.5 18 1464
dist. 42 1.O 4.9 I 0-' 30 22.5 505 2582 -
5 -
10 -
15 -
g 20
25 -
35 -
40 -
45 --
. -- .- .- . .- . . .... ---. . -. .. . -- - -. -- .- ..---.... --.-.----.. . ---.....-.
. - .-- .
,-. -------. -
Figure 4.17 Distribution of axial forces for a 42m long pile with 1.0m diameter, located 2m from
the diaphragm wall
5. Method proposed by Poulos and Chen (1997)
Poulos and Chen (1997) developed a series of design charts for predicting the
maximum deflection and bending moment of a single pile due to excavation-induced
lateral soil movements, with specific attention being focused on braced excavations in
clay layers. The basic problem analyzed and the parameters selected are shown in
Figure 5.1 where B, the half-width of the excavation, H is the total thickness of the
soil layer, X is the distance of the pile from the excavation face, c, is the undrained
shear strength of the soil, Esis the Young's modulus of the soil, y is the unit weight of
the soil, Lp is the pile length, d is the pile diameter, Ep is the Young's modulus of the
pile, Elwis the stiffness of the wall, s is the spacing of the struts, L, is the wall length
and h, is the maximum depth of the excavation.
For the simulation of the plain-strain excavation a two-dimensional finite element
program was used and the analyses of the pile response were carried out using a
boundary element program.
Where ,
M is the maximum bending moment (kNom), pmaxis the maximum
deflection (mm), Mb, pb are the basic bending moment and deflection respectively, k ,
k',, are the correction factors for undreamed shear strength, kd, k'd are the correction
factors for the pile diameter, kNc,k'Ncare the correction factors for the excavation
depth, k E l , k'EIware the correction factors for wall stiffness, kk,k'k are the correction
factors for strut stiffness and k , k', are the correction factors for the strut spacing.
Figures 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 present the variations of Mb,pband of all the correction factors
respectively. It should be noted that all these values correspond to stability factor
0 4 8 12 16 21
Distance from excavation face, X (m)
0 4 8 12 16 20
Distance fmm oxcavarion h e , X (m)
Figure 5.2 Basic Bending Moment and Basic Deflection versus Distance from Diaphragm Wall
El,r 40. MI%
Figure 5.3 Correction Factors for Bending Moment (Poulos and Chen, 1997)
0.1 I 10 100
1.6 2
El, x IO' (kNm2)
Figure 5.4 Correction Factors for Deflection (Poulos and Chen, 1997)
5.2 Application of the Method for the 42m long Piles
In principle, the method previously described in section 5.1 can be applied to the
end-bearing 42m long embedded piles presented in section 4.3.
In figure 5.3 we notice that the charts provide predictions of the correction
factors kNcand k'Ncfor a range 0.3<Nc<4.5. For the 30m deep excavation analyzed in
Chapter 4 using an average value of the undrained shear strength c, of the soil profile
(Figure 2.2), we get a very high stability factor, Nc = 17.
Figure 5.5 Estimation of active and passive pressures below the excavation base
If the JGP layer inside the excavation is considered (Figure 5.5), then the
difference between the active and passive pressures is:
Where A, P are the active and passive pressures, respectively, y is the unit weight of
the soil for depth H, ~,,~l, and S~,JGPare the undrained shear strength of the clay and
the JGP layer, respectively and h is the depth below the excavation where the
diaphragm wall has negligible deformation (Figure 5.4). For the base of the
excavation (h=O) and for equilibrium conditions (A=P), we get:
Therefore, for the prediction of the maximum bending moment and deflection of
the pile we will assume a value Nc= 4.3/1.3 = 3.4 which is also very close to the value
of the stability factor for which the design charts of Figures 5.2 and 5.3 were
Tables 5.1 and 5.2 present the predictions of the maximum bending moment and
deflection according to the design charts proposed by Poulos and Chen, for 42m long
piles with 0.4m and lm diameter. The tables show the values of the correction factors
which were used for each case, and the predictions made by this method. The last
column of the tables includes the predictions of the finite element program Plaxis 3-D,
which were discussed in Chapter 4.
Table 5.1 Comparison of Poulos and Chen method with finite element results
for 0.4m diameter piles
2m distance
Pmax F.E.
' k'cu k'd ~ ' N C ~'EIW k' k k's (mm)
14 0.99 1 1.3 1 1.22 1.02 22.4 46.5
4m distance
Mmax FOE-
Mb kcu kd ~ N C ~EIW, kk ks
(mem) ( ~ r ~ * m )
27.5 0.95 0.8 1.4 1 1.2 1.15 40 50
Qmax F.E.
Pb k'cu k'd ~'NC k'Elw k'k k's
(mm) (mm)
13.5 0.99 1 1.3 1 1.22 1.02 21.6 44
10m distance
Mma, F*E*
Mb kcu kd ~ N C ~EIW, kk ks
( ( ~ r ~ - m () m - m )
20 0.99 0.8 1.1 1 0.92 0.97 16 25 ,
Qmax F.E.
Pb k'cu k'd ~ ' N C ~'EIW k'k k's
10.5 0.97 1 1.2 1 1.22 1.02 15.2 28
Table 5.2 Comparison of Poulos and Chen method with finite element results
for lm diameter piles
2m distance
Qmax F.E.
Pb k'cu k'd ~ ' N C k' EIW k'k k's
14 0.99 0.96 1.3 I 1.22 1.02 21.5 43.3
4m distance
Mmax FOE*
Mb kcu kd ~ N C ~EIW, kk ks
(m*m) (m-m)
27.5 0.95 11 1.4 1 1.2 1.15 555 967
Qmax F.E.
Pb k'cu k'd ~ ' N C ~'EIW k'k k's
13.5 0.99 0.96 1.3 1 1.22 1.02 20.7 40
10m distance
Pmrx F.E.
Pb k'cu k'd ~ ' N C ~ ' E I W k'k k's
(mm) (mm) .
10.5 0.97 0.96 1.2 1 1.22 1.02 14.6 27.2
The results presented in Tables 5.1 and 5.2 indicate that the design charts
proposed by Poulos and Chen (1997) underestimate the deflections and bending
moments indeed by the excavation in Singapore marine clay. This result is due, in
part, to the use of JGP to stabilize the base of the excavation.
According to the design charts presented in Figures 5.2 and 5.3, for the
prediction of the maximum bending moment, the pile to excavation face distance not
only determines the value of the basic bending moment Mb but also influences the
value of all the correction factors. Similarly, for the predictions of the maximum
deflection, the pile to excavation face distance determines the value of the basic
deflection pb and influences the value of three correction factors. This means that
Poulos and Chen regard the pile to excavation face distance to be the most important
parameter which influences the final predictions. This can be confirmed by the finite
element results according to which both the maximum bending moment and the
maximum deflection decrease significantly when the distance is increased to 1Om.
On the other hand, the rigidity of the pile influences only one correction factor,
which is kd for the bending moment and k'd for the maximum deflection. The value of
the correction factor kd has a wide range from 0 to 100, which is much bigger than the
range of the other correction factors. However, the range of the correction factor k'd =
0.8-1.0. Consequently, according to Poulos and Chen (1997) the pile rigidity
influences significantly the maximum bending moment observed and very little the
maximum deflection. This is also verified by the results from the finite element
analysis where we notice that the maximum deflection is slightly reduced when the
pile diameter is increased form 0.4m to 1 m.
6. Conclusions
The thesis has presented results of numerical analyses to evaluate the lateral
deflections and bending moments induced in a single foundation pile due to adjacent
excavation. The analyses are based on a case study derived from related group design
project (MFish, 2006) and focus on ground conditions and excavation support systems
selected for the Circle Line in Singapore. The project comprises 30m deep
excavations in Marine Clay which are supported by 1.2m thick diaphragm walls, 7
levels of cross-lot bracing and a IOm thick jet grout pile raft. The current analyses
used Plaxis 3-D Foundation (v. 1.5, beta) to compute the response of an adjacent
single pile. A short parametric study has compared the effects of the pile embedment
depth, proximity to the diaphragm wall and flexural stiffness.
The main results of the numerical analyses can be summarized as follows:
The maximum bending moment and lateral deflection depend on the pile-
diaphragm wall distance and decrease significantly when this distance
increases. The maximum bending moment is reduced by approximately 50%
when the pile to excavation distance is increased from 2m to 1 Om.
The pile-diaphragm wall distance affects the maximum observed horizontal
deformation on the pile. The maximum deformation of the pile decreases by
approximately 40% when the distance increases from 2m to 1Om.
The diameter of the pile does not play an important role for the lateral
deflections. As it was observed, the increase of the pile diameter from 0.4m to
1.Om slightly reduces the horizontal deformations. It does, however, influence
the maximum bending moment of the piles, but in all cases these were much
lower than the pile's bending moment capacity.
If the piles are unreinforced, cracking is likely to occur, especially at the 1.Om
diameter piles. If the minimum reinforcement suggested by the regulations is
installed, no damaging of the piles is expected to happen.
Throughout the thesis, it was clear that analyzing the effect of a deep braced
excavation on an adjacent pile by using non-linear finite element methods has many
benefits: First of all, the problem is modelled in detail and all the important
parameters relating soil properties and excavation support system are induced.
Moreover, the model can be established for the site specific conditions. Results of the
numerical solutions for 42m long piles have been compared with design charts
proposed by Poulos and Chen (1997) for estimating the maximum lateral deflections
and bending moments in the pile. For the example geometry considered in this thesis,
the Poulos and Chen (1997) analyses are highly sensitive to the N, factor, estimated
basal stability. In using the Poulos and Chen (1997) method, basal stability is
estimated taking into account the JGP raft. The results suggest that the Poulos and
Chen (1997) method can underestimate substantially the lateral deflections and
bending moments induced in end-bearing piles.
7. References
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induced soil movement", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, ASCE, 126( 1 1).
Plaxis 3-D Foundation Manual (2004). http://www.plaxis.nl
Poulos H.G. & Chen L.T. (1997) "Pile response due to excavation-induced lateral soil
movement", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE,
Whittle A.J. (2005). "1.364:Advanced Geotechnical Engineering" class notes,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Whittle A.J. & Davies R.V. (2006). "Nicoll Highway Collapse: Evaluation of
Geotechnical Factors Affecting Design of Excavation Support System", To appear
International Conferenceof Deep Foundations, Singapore.
Whittle A.J. & Hashash Y.M.A. (1994). "Soil modelling and prediction of deep
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Geomaterials, Sapporo Japan, Balkema, 589-594.
Appendix A. Calculation of End Bearing Resistance and Skin
Appendix A presents analytical calculations of the tip resistance, skin friction and
bearing capacity of each pile used in the finite element analyses.
For the estimation of the tip resistance in clays, we use the following equation:
~ 1 0 ~ " " ' ' " ' ' " " ' " " " " ' ~
-4d -
According to the figure, the range of Nc is 7-13. In the following calculations, we will
use Nc=9, which is considered to be a good average for this parameter.
In this case, the pile lies at the top of the F2 Clay layer, which, at this depth has su=88
kPa (Figure 2.2). At this depth, it is oo= 287kPa.
For Pile L e n ~ t h30m
In this case, the pile lies at the top of the middle Lower MC layer, which, at this depth
has su=39kPa (Figure 2.2). At this depth, it is oo= 5 15kPa.
In this case, the pile lies at the top of the OA Weathered layer, which, at this depth has
s.=100 kPa (Figure 2.2). At this depth, it is oo= 72 1 kPa.
For the estimation of the skin resistance in the different clay layers, we will use the a-
Methods and P-Methods.
According to this method, the skin friction of the pile is equal to f, = a. su, where suis
the undrained strength of the clay and the parameter a can be derived from the
following figure:
Upper MC Layer:
At the top of the layer, it is s,=18 kPa, so according to API(1981) the value for
parameter a is equal to 1. Thus, fs = a*s, => fs= 18 kPa.
At the bottom of the Upper MC layer, it is su=25kPa and in this case we have f, = a*
s, => f, = 25 kPa.
Upper MC Layer:
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous pile, so we have:
F2 Clay Layer:
The value of the undrained shear strength s, is 88kPa and for this value, according to
API(198 1), it is a=O.S.
Lower MC Layer:
At the top of the layer, it is su=31 kPa, so according to API(1981) the value for
parameter a is equal to 1. Thus, fs = a*s, => f, = 3 1 kPa.
At the tip of the pile (depth 30m) the undrained shear strength of this layer is su=39
kPa and in this case we have fs = a- s, => fs= 39 kPa.
For Pile Lenpth 42m
Upper MC Layer:
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous piles, so we have:
F2 Clay Layer:
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous pile, so we have
f, = 44 kPa.
Lower MC Layer:
At the top of the layer, it is su=31 kPa, so according to API(1981) the value for
parameter a is equal to 1. Thus, f, = a- su=> fs= 3 1 kPa.
At the bottom of this layer the undrained shear strength of this layer is s U 4 7kPa and
in this case we have f, = a- s, => f, = 47 kPa.
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous pile, so we have
According to this method, the skin friction of the pile is equal to f, = P*o',, where a',
is the effective stress of the layer at the particular depth and the parameter P can be
derived from the following figure. According to Burland(1973), we choose f3=0.25.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.t
Upper MC Layer:
At the bottom of the Upper MC layer, it is o',,=102 kPa (Figure 2.2) and in this case
we have f, = p*rr9,,=> f, = 25.5 kPa.
Upper MC Layer:
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous pile, so we have:
F2 Clay Layer:
At the top of the layer, it is a',,=102 kPa, so at this point we f,= p*o',, => f, = 25.5
At the bottom of the F2 Clay layer, it is a',,=129 kPa (Figure 2.2) and in this case we
=> fs= 32.25 kPa.
have fs = $-o'~,
Lower MC Layer:
At the tip of the pile (depth 30m) the effective stress is a', = 197 kPa (Figure 2.2)
and in this case we have fs= => fs= 49.25 kPa.
Upper MC Layer:
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous pile, so we have:
F2 Clay Layer:
The value of the skin friction is the same as the previous pile, so we have:
Lower MC Layer:
At the top of the layer, it is a',,=129 kPa, (Figure 2.2) so at this point we have fs=
P-a', => fs= 32.25 kPa.
At the bottom of this layer, the effective stress is a', = 265 kPa (Figure 2.2) and in
this case we have fs= => fs= 66.25 kPa.
F2 Clay Layer (lower):
At the top of the layer, it is 0',,=265 kPa (Figure 2.2), so at this point we have fs=
p*a9,=> fs= 66.25 kPa.
At the bottom of this layer, the effective stress is o', = 285 kPa (Figure 2.2) and in
this case we have fs= p-o'vO=> fS= 71.25 kPa.
Table A. 1 summarizes the skin friction for the three different pile lengths.
a-Method fl-Method
Layer Top Bottom Top Bottom
18 25 0 25.5
Pile 1 MC
F2 Clay -
(17m deep) . M c
F2 Clay
Upper ,g 25 0 25.5
Pile 2 MC
F2 Clay 44 44 25.5 32.25
31 39 32.25 49.25
(30m deep) MC
F2 Clay -
18 25 0 25.5
Pile 3 MC
F2 Clay 44 44 25.5 32.25
31 47 32.25 66.25
(42m deep) Mc
F2 Clay 44 44 66.25 71.25