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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 8, 8494 – 8502

The Academic Performance Challenges of Students in terms of

Obtaining the Cumulative average Required from Donors to
Continuing Study

1Mohammed Al Matalka, 2Mohammad Al Dwakat

Arabic lecturers, Rabdan academy, [email protected]
Assistant professor, Rabdan academy, [email protected]

The study aimed at identifying the challenges faced by Jordanian students on scholarship who are
studying abroad. A descriptive method was used and an e-questionnaire was selected to collect data.
The questionnaire consists of five parts: demographic information, financial challenge items, social
challenge items, academic and management challenge of donors, and lastly, cumulative average
required of continuing study. The sample size of this study was 357 students. Accordingly, the
researcher distributed 357 questionnaires and received 350. Only 346 questionnaires were analyzed
after cleaning data. The study found that financial challenge and social challenge have a significant
impact on cumulative average required. On other hand, it is found that academic and management
challenge of donors does not have a significant impact on cumulative average required. This study
can provide further insights for scholarship bodies, organizations, and education sectors on how to
pay attention to such factors that affect scholarship students. Further studies are recommended to
investigate the effect of these factors on similar contexts with looking at the use of qualitative
research design.

Keywords: The Academic Performance Challenges, Scholarship Cumulative Average Required,

Donors, Social factors, Financial factors.

1. INTRODUCTION achievement, and prospects for better living

(Alsheikh, 2019; Mishra, 2019).
Academic performance is defined as a student's
ability to complete academic assignments, and With the growing number of educational
it is assessed using objective criteria such as institutes, there is a greater need to place focus
final course grades and grading point average on providing students with specialised
(e.g., Carroll, & Garavalia, 2004; Naser, & knowledge and technical skills in order to boost
Hamzah, 2018; Olivier et al., 2019). Many their productivity and prospects for better
scholars have identified several factors that living, which leads to a country's economic
affect a student's academic achievement (Kim progress (Stanca et al., 2021; Tri, et al, 2021).
et al., 2018; Lei, 2018). In this day and age of Indeed, the primary goal of educational
globalization, increasing economies, and rapid institutes is to assist students in understanding
development, improving educational output and course material and obtaining a grade that
retention rates is critical to the prosperity of allows for academic and professional
any nation. Thus, education is seen as advancement (Apriana et al., 2019; Indrawati,
extremely important for an individual because & Kuncoro, 2021). Gender, study habits, age,
it is required for obtaining good jobs, discipline, the contribution of a teacher in
8495 Journal of Positive School Psychology

academic achievement of students, class and so on. The examination of student

attendance, time management, socialization, academic achievement may be beneficial to
sleep patterns, socialization, partying both students' parents and college
behaviors, socioeconomic status, educational policymakers. The quality of education can be
background of parents, and other factors all enhanced by implementing effective measures
have an impact on students' learning and taking necessary action on the factors that
performance. In recent decades, there has been are most responsible for students' academic
an increase in research on characteristics that achievement.
contribute effectively to the quality of
academic accomplishment of students (Al-qadi,
& Naser, 2022; Al-Thamawi, 2017; Farah, 2. Literature Review
The scholarship is defined as sending students
One of the most important issues in regard to on scholarships to study in universities in
academic performance is related to those various disciplines and degrees, which is
students who have scholarship. More deeply, organized by a government agency or one of
the issues of scholarship students and their the bodies with educational goals (Campbell, &
social, economic, and academic conditions in Neff, 2020; Latief, & Lefen, 2018). During
the scholarship countries have received the learning process, some challenges are seen to
attention of researchers in different fields. be obstacles for these students to completing
Scholarships to study inside or abroad are not their educational path and obtaining
new to the communities. With the development educational certificates, we have dedicated this
of education, the increase in the number of article to shed light on the most prominent
students enrolled in education in its problems experienced by scholarship students.
comprehensive and sustainable development Learning is not only the product of formal
plans, for cadres with a qualified company in education, but also the product of families,
all disciplines needed by the labor market. The communities and peers. Social, economic and
scholarship programs are seen to be an cultural forces influence learning and thus
advanced and qualitative leap in higher academic achievement (Farah, 2021).
education; to keep pace with the rapid global
developments in scientific and technical fields. Indeed, many postsecondary institutions
The program aims primarily to send qualified throughout the world are competing to expand
competencies to study in the best international university attendance, including targeting
universities in various countries of the world to under-represented cohorts of students and
build qualified, trained, and professional cadres claiming to improve engagement, retention, and
capable of paying the wheel of economic and employment results for all students (Morgan, et
social development (Al-Mousa, 2009; Farah, al., 2018; Robson, et al., 2018). To achieve
2021). these goals, many universities allocate varying
amounts of money to provide scholarships,
Accordingly, the current study aims to bursaries, and grants - all of which are often
investigate various factors impacting college misused terms that refer to giving money to
students' academic performance and to improve students based on academic merit or to
educational quality in terms of earning the assisting disadvantaged or under-represented
cumulative average required by donors to students in gaining access to tertiary education.
continue study. To accomplish this goal, well- Little studies have been performed to examine
structured questionnaires were issued to the benefits that these scholarships provide to
engineering students enrolled in various students and their families (Al-Mousa, 2009;
universities with scholarship programs. Farah, 2021; Latief, & Lefen, 2018).
Undoubtedly, different elements influence the
quality of students' academic achievement,
including instructor efficacy, student study
habits, distracting issues, family environment,
Mohammed Al Matalka 8496

2-1 Problems facing scholarship students of appropriately, and this problem disappears by
continuing study mixing the student with the rest of the students,
getting to know them, and using the foreign
There are many problems that students may
language constantly.
face between psychological, academic and
legal problems, where the student is placed in In addition, the difficulty of living alone is
different atmosphere, customs, cultures, and another issue. The scholarship students may
legal systems, these challenges are presented find it very difficult to live alone, and manage
below based on reviewed studies (e.g., Al- their life at first, as he/she has to find a house,
Mousa, 2009; Al-Thamawi, 2017; BTS take care of its cleanliness and arrangement,
Academy, 2022; Farah, 2021; Latief, & Lefen, take care of food matters, and manage his/her
2018). personal expenses appropriately, in addition to
focusing on his/her studies. Besides, racism
Firstly, the failure to understand the nature of
could create a challenge among scholarship
the new educational stage for most beginners
students. Racism is a bad act, which is still
and the study system among all students can be
prevalent in many countries, and the student
serious challenges. A student may face a
may be exposed to racism during his/her
problem in adapting to the university system,
university studies, so he/she must deal with it
which may differ radically from the previous
with caution and calm.
education system. One of the challenges is
associated to legal problems. The scholarship There is a considerable amount of research
student may be ignorant of the laws of the available on factors affecting the academic
universities and/or donors’ conditions. For performance of students at different study
example, students who study in a foreign levels. The previous research pointed out many
country can face serious challenges regarding factors that influence students' academic
laws. For instance, in the country where she/he performance in general. Undoubtedly, previous
studies, which may differ from the laws of studies that dealt with the problems faced by
his/her country in the wake of many legal students on scholarships to continue study.
violations, such as the occurrence of violations
As an example, Al-Abd al-Moneim (2017)
while driving, or in matters related to social and
attempted to identify the cognitive obstacles
health care, and the law may differ from one
facing students on scholarships in the countries
state to another, or from one city to another
of America and Britain. The researcher used
within the same country. This makes it difficult
the descriptive analytical approach and
for the student if he/she wants to move in the
designed a questionnaire and applied it to 542
country of scholarship, and if the student faces
students on scholarships in the countries of
any legal problem, he/she must communicate
America and Britain, and it was concluded that
directly with the embassy or consulate of
the obstacles related to the embassy of the
his/her country.
country of the study In the Kingdom, it ranked
In addition, the difficulty integrating with the first with a rate of 91%, and one of the most
cultures of others is also a serious challenge, prominent of these obstacles was the delay in
Students may suddenly find themselves in an the dates of personal interviews from the
environment other than their environment, and embassy in the country of study. The
a world other than theirs, where they meet a scholarship students agreed that the most
large number of students from different prominent obstacles related to the Ministry of
cultures and religions. Besides, language Education were the lack of a list of
problem is also seen to be a challenge. This administrative procedures that the scholarship
problem appears at the beginning of the should follow, and the lack of clarity e.g., the
student's academic life, despite the possibility scholarship rules and regulations. The three
of mastering the language, which is a highest obstacles were from the viewpoint of
requirement for many international universities, the scholarship students in both countries: the
he/she may not master how to use it high cost of living in the candidate country for
8497 Journal of Positive School Psychology

scholarship, and the mission’s failure to hold United States of America, Australia, and
meetings with the scholarship student to listen Barkatania. In her study, she described the
to the problems they face. With regard to the repulsive factors in the sending country and the
obstacles associated with the university, the attracting factors in the receiving country. The
most prominent of them were the lack of study was applied to 247 female students, and
acceptance from one university for both the researcher used the social survey method,
spouses, the lack of knowledge of some state and a simple random sample was chosen. The
university systems, and the long response from researcher observed that there are a number of
the universities that were sent. The results of expulsive factors that pushed the girl to prefer
the study also indicated that the general average scholarships abroad for study, the most
of obstacles related to the academic supervisor important of which is the lack of specialization
faced by the scholarship students e.g., the most in Saudi universities for females, and the
important of which was the difficulty of dependence of education in local universities
contacting the supervisor, and his/her delay in on indoctrination and conservation, and local
responding to administrative inquiries. universities get low marks in their evaluation.
Additionally, the supervisor's lack of interest in The most prominent attractive factors were
the student, and they agreed that the student their desires to obtain an advanced education
does not have the right to express his/her and acquire a new language, in addition to the
opinion about the supervisor. The results of the certificate they would obtain. It also shows the
study showed that there were statistically girls’ desires to transfer new hides to their
significant differences between the averages of community; on the most prominent personal
both groups of American and British factors, the importance of self-reliance
scholarship students in favor of those studying changers and fulfilling their needs on their
in America regarding cognitive obstacles. own, followed by the desires to change the
While it was found that there were no view of others about Saudi women.
statistically significant differences between the
averages of both groups about the obstacles
related to the scholarship student. 3. Methods and Hypotheses
In addition, Al-Ghamdi, (2015) aimed to A questionnaire was used to collect data from
examine the relationship between the participants (See Appendix). This
psychological stress and academic achievement questionnaire was adapted from Farah (2021).
among a sample of students on scholarships to It includes four sections as follows:
the Oregon University in the United States of demographic information, financial challenge’s
America, in addition to identify the differences items, social challenge’s items, the items of
on the psychological stress scale between male academic and management challenge of
and female students, and between high and low donors, and lastly, cumulative average required
academic achievement. Of both sexes, the of continuing study. This questionnaire was
study sample consisted of 170 Saudi students, administered through online survey. Each item
and the researcher used the descriptive was measured using a 1-5 point Likert scale
correlative approach and the psychological where 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree,
stress scale prepared by him, and concluded 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree.
that there is a negative relationship between The items are built to serve the main research
psychological stress and academic aim. Accordingly, this questionnaire intends to
achievement, and it was found that there are no address the effect of financial challenges, social
differences on the psychological stress scale challenges, and academic and management
between male and female students. challenge of donors towards cumulative
average required of continuing study. As for
A study by Al-Naeem (2014) with the aim of
the study sample, the sample included a total of
revealing the factors that help girls to prefer
357 subjects both male and female by period
scholarships to developed countries. The study
starting from the first of May till the end of
was applied to Saudi scholarship students in the
Mohammed Al Matalka 8498

June 2022. The study sample was collected in B. The mean value (2.34 to less than 3.67)
Jordanian students who get scholarships from is of moderate degree.
different bodies including Ministry of
C. The mean value from (3.68 to less than
Education, Embassies located in Jordan,
5) the response is high.
Jordanian Universities, and Companies
providing scholarships. These students study in
various countries located in European e.g.,
Greece, Hungary, …, Asia e.g., China, India, 4. Study-Model
Malaysia…..and North America.
The decision to accept or reject the hypothesis
in this study is based on statistical significance
when the probability is less than the
significance level which is below (0.05). The
current study intends to investigate the
following hypotheses:
H1: There is a relationship between academic
performance challenges of scholarship students
(financial challenges, social challenges, and
academic and management challenge of
donors) and cumulative average required of
continuing study among Jordanian scholarship
Figure 1: Study Model Presenting the
students studying abroad.
Relationship between Variables.
H1-a: There is a relationship between financial
challenges and cumulative average required of
continuing study among Jordanian scholarship 5. Analysis and Discussion
students studying abroad.
5-1 Demographic Information of Respondents
The five-stage Likert scale was adopted to
correct the study measures, where each of its This section consists of demographic
items is given one score out of its five degrees information of respondents including gender
(strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and Academic year level. Table 1 illustrates the
strongly disagree), and it is represented demographic information.
numerically (5, 4, 3, 2,1). The following scale Table 2: Demographic information of
was adopted for the purposes of analyzing the respondents (N=346)
results as shown by using the following
equation: Demographic Category Frequency Percent
Variables (100%)
Gender Male 233 67.3
Female 113 32.7
Total 346 100%
Academic First Year 150 43.4
Year Second 17.6
- The values of the mean of the Year
individuals’ responses were calculated Third
according to the following equation: The
Fourth 19.1
response range is 5 -1/3 = 4/3=1.33, so the 66
values are as follows: More 9.2
than four 32
A. The mean value from (1 to less than years
2.33), the response is of a low degree. Total 346 100%
8499 Journal of Positive School Psychology

As indicated in Table 1, the majority of the students who are enrolled in the fourth year
respondents were male comprising (67.3%), with the percentage of (19.1%). Next, it is
while the remaining are female (32.7%). This followed by second year students at (17.6%).
kind of difference could be due to the culture Third year students were (10.7%) of the entire
effect among parents who are willing or not respondents. In addition, (9.2%) of the
willing to send their daughter outside of Jordan respondents belong the fifth academic year or
by themselves. Regarding academic year, the more.
majority of the respondents belong to the first
5-2 Descriptive Statistics Analysis of Study’s
year students at (43.4%), it is followed by
Table 3 Descriptive Statistics of the Study Variables
Mean Std. Deviation Rank
Independent Variable (IV): Intermediate
Academic Performance Challenges of 3.43 .242
Scholarship Students
Dimension one of the IV: High
3.81 .348
Financial Challenge
Dimension two of the IV: Intermediate
2.50 .472
Social Challenge
Dimension three of the IV: High
3.98 .252
Academic Management of Donors
Dependent Variable (DV): Intermediate
Cumulative average Required of 2.50 .412
Continuing Study
Valid N (listwise)
It is essential to identify the variables according Do academic performance challenges of
to their means in order to highlight how scholarship students (financial challenges,
respondents replied to the questionnaire. social challenges, and academic and
Hence, this study sorted the items by mean management challenge of donors) affect
accordingly. Academic performance challenges cumulative average required of continuing
of scholarship students as the main IV scored a study among Jordanian scholarship students
mean of (3.43) and a standard deviation of studying abroad? To answer this question, the
(0.242) ranked to be intermediate; in regard to study tested the associated hypotheses, using
its dimensions: it is illustrated that financial regression analysis.
challenge with a mean of (3.81) and a standard
Table 2 Regression Analysis to discern the
deviation of (0.348) ranked to be high.
Relationship between the independent variable
Academic management of donors with the
(academic performance challenges of
mean of (3.98) and a standard deviation of
scholarship students) and dependent variable
(0.252) was also ranked high. Social challenge
(cumulative average required of continuing
scored a mean of (2.50) and a standard
study) as listed
deviation of (0.472). This study also identified
the mean of cumulative average required of
continuing study scoring (2.50) and a standard
deviation of (0.412).
5-3 Inferential Analysis and Discussion
This section discusses the inferences that may
be gleaned from the data. It addresses the
research main goals.
Mohammed Al Matalka 8500

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.617 .316 8.285 .000
Academic Performance Challenges-.035 .092 -.021 -.384 .701
of Scholarship Students
a. Dependent Variable: Cumulative Average Required
Table 2 displays the relationship’s findings This could be due to the fact that even though
between academic performance challenges of these students are facing serious challenges due
scholarship students and dependent variable to the financial issues and donors’
cumulative average required of continuing managements of scholarship, these students
study. It is found that there is no significant struggle to achieve the targeted cumulative
relationship between the IV and DV as the average.
P.Value is below 0.05. More precisely,
As for other hypotheses, this study also tested
academic performance challenges of
the relationship between each dimension and
scholarship students was 0.701 which is above
0.05 rejecting the following hypotheses: H1
Table 3 Regression Analysis to discern the relationship between financial challenge, social challenges
and towards cumulative average required of continuing study
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.153 .395 5.457 .000
Financial Challenge .150 .065 .127 2.299 .022
Social Challenge -.127 .048 -.145 -2.671 .008
Academic Management of
.022 .089 .013 .247 .805
a. Dependent Variable: Cumulative Average Required

Table 3 presents the relationship’s findings 6. Conclusion

between independent variable’s dimensions and
In light of this economic reality experienced by
the dependent variable. It is found that there are
the scholarship students in the scholarship
significant relationships between all of
country, they are trying to adapt economically
financial challenges and social challenges
and financially to continue studying and obtain
dimensions toward cumulative average
a scientific degree. The financial challenges
required as the P.Value is below 0.05. More
scored a mean of (3.81) indicating that
precisely, financial challenge was (0.022)
respondents mostly agree and strongly agree
which is below 0.05 and social challenge was
that they were sometimes unable to manage
0.008 which also below 0.05 such results
their expenses in a way that is compatible with
accept the following hypotheses: H1.1 and
the amount of the reward, which leads them to
H1.2. As for the other dimension, the table
seek help from parents and/or others. In
shows that there is no significant relationship
addition, it is also observed that their monthly
between academic management of donors and t
expenses exceed the scholarship money amount
cumulative average required. More
allocated to me. Accordingly such failure of
specifically, the P Value of academic
some students to rationalize their monthly
management of donors is 0.805 which is above
expenses caused them to complain about the
0.05. Such finding rejects the following
insufficient stipend allocated to them and such
hypotheses: H1..
thinking about monthly expenses distracts them
from focusing on their studies.
8501 Journal of Positive School Psychology

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