Final Project 1
Final Project 1
Final Project 1
MAY, 17,2021
This is to declare that this project work is done under the supervision of Project
advisor,AMSALU.D and having the title student clearanceinformationmanagement
No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can be considered
as plagiarism. All referenced part has been used to argue the idea and have been cited properly. The
project team will be responsible and liable for any consequence if violation of this declaration is
Date: __________________
I approve that this industrial project report entitled “student
clearanceinformationmanagement systemforuniversity!” by:
Name Signature
is approved by me for submission. I certify further that, to the best of my knowledge, the report
represents work carried out by the students.
It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid down by the
First and foremost and above all our biggest thanks would be to Almighty God
because nothing could be possible without his free will and the completion of this
project is supported by him.
Secondly we would like to thank our Advisor amisalu.D for them restless edition of
our documentation, input to the quality of this document, heart full guidance,
valuable advice, and providing to execute this project.
Finally, the last but not the least, even if it is usual the group members would like
to thank each other. The main contributors to do this document project are
teamwork, friendship and the belief that we may achieve something we set out to
We also hope that this project and documentation may be testaments to our
continued friendship and better work without helps of the particular that
mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this.
Since, the current manual based system has many problems encountered as listed in statement of
problem some of them are there is less data security, it is difficult to retrieve files, and loss of
data may be occurred. This computerized system solves such problems.Hawassa University
student clearance system can use the new system effectively and easily. The project student
clearance system developed with the objective of making the system reliable, easier, fast, and
more informative.
The core idea of this project is to minimize the paper work and centralize the data, minimize
costs and time devotes as well as gives fast access for customers. Here all the communication is
taken in secure manner. For further security the data base is stored in the back-end mysql and so
no intruders can access it. It has homepage to provide different information’s, login page and
each actor’s page to do individual work in each page.
Table of Contents
Declaration I
Adviser Approval II
Acknowledgment III
Abstract IV
Acronomy V
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the project 4
1.3.1. General Objective 4
1.3.2. Specific Objective 4
1.4 Scope of the Project 5
1.5 Limitation of the Project 5
1.6. Methodologies 6
1.6.1. Data gathering Methodology 6
1.6.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology 6
1.6.3 System Implementation 6
1.6.4 Testing Methodology 6
1.6.5. DevelopmentEnvironment 7
1.6.6. SystemRequirement 7 Hardware Requirements 7 Software Requirements 8
3.1 Introduction 13
3.2 Functional Requirements 13
3.3. Non Functional Requirements 14
4.1Introduction 47
4.4.2. ProcessView 49
4.5. DatabaseDesign 52
4.6. ER Diagram 53
5.1 Conclusions 54
5.2 Recommendations 54
List of tables
Table 1 Non-functional requirement 15
Table 15 Filing clearance form use case description use case description 29
List of figures
Fig 3.1 usecase diagram 16
Acronym Definition
1.1 BackgroundOf Study
Hawassa University (HU) was established at Hawassa in April 2000.Since 1976 the different
colleges of HU had been operational starting with the college of Agriculture. The University has
been formed by merging three colleges in Southern Ethiopia: Hawassa College of Agriculture
(ACA), Wondogenet College of Forestry and Dilla College of Teacher Education and Health
Sciences. The historical background of the three colleges is briefly described below.
Awassa College of Agriculture (ACA) was established in July 1976 to offer a 2-year Diploma
course with specialization in Plant Science, Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering and Home
Economics with the objective of training middle level technicians that would serve as agriculture
development and home agents all over the country. In the 1990-91 academic years the college
launched a four-year Program in Plant Production and Dry Land Farming, Animal Production
and Range Land Management and a five-year program in Agricultural Engineering and
Mechanization. Moreover, the teaching staff of the college has actively been engaged in
conducting research and offering consultancy services to various organizations.
Wondo Genet College of Forestry (WGCF) was established as Forestry Resources Institute in
January 1978 to train forest technicians in a two-year Diploma program. In 1996/7 academic
year, the college was upgraded to a four-year degree program following the transfer of the
Forestry Faculty from Alamaya University to WGCF. Through sustained effort and support
provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the college
has been successful in establishing training programs as well as building essential infrastructure,
teaching facilities, staff and over all institutional capacity.
Dilla College of Teacher Education and Health Sciences were established in 1996 with two
faculties: Faculty of Teacher Education and Faculty of Health Sciences. The objective of the
college was to train secondary school teachers and mid-level health professionals. The college
was afterwards separated from Hawassa University and now stands as a university by its own;
however, the Health faculty has been moved to Hawassa.
The university has since upgraded its capabilities, adding new colleges, institutes and
departments, programs and research facilities. Currently, HU is actively engaged in
expansion activities to increase its intake capacity. As part of this, the University has got
61 hectares of land from Administration of Yirgalem Town, and has started construction
of buildings to expand the existing programs and to launch new ones.
One of the activities that are performed in University of Hawassa is student clearance activity.
Clearance is the process of approving students cleared from any doubt. Based on our observation
and Answers of different university’s societies now a day University of Hawassa is in the
process of modernizing its operations by automating and improving existing manual processes
but they do not use an automated system for students clearance activity it is still now performed
manually. As part of this, the project team would like to automate student Clearance system in
order to manage data more effectively and provide faster and more efficient services.
The current Clearance process of the university requires the students to go around the
university and staffs to sign clearance forms and to queue in line repeatedly to submit or get
other forms. Sometimes the process takes more than an hour and days. Therefore it is important
to automate clearance system for university of Hawassa students.
The current clearance system of student’s in Hawassa University stay several days for the
purpose of the getting clearance. In case of student clearance the University should offer extra
services like food, electric power, and water supplies when students take clearance at the end of
semester that means university affect with economical, because the university used manual based
studentt clearance system. This clearance processing system service currently uses manual
system which creates the following major problems:-
Difficult to manage and control clearance forms, distributing clearance form for the
students, those tasks are difficult to the officers.
Difficulties involved in searching for specific record due to:
Massive data redundancy: duplicate data in multiple files, leading to data
inconsistency, different values used for the same attribute.
Required high consumption and cost of paper, especially at the end of academic year,
when the University prepares clearance form for every student of the university to be
cleared from University.
Students waste more time and get stressed during the carry out of the clearance process.
This happens because of multiple moves that a student does from one office to another
office to get their clearance form signed by concerned body. That means Students
travelling one office to the other and queuing in line to sign clearance form whether to
checkup they have borrowed or not of university materials.
It creates wastages of material & time.
Lack of data security. How?
o To regardless of size, for any organization is important to protect its data and other
valuable assets. One of the biggest information security risks for businesses is paper
because printed documents can be easily lost, mishandled or damaged while digital data
The problem discussed above reflects because of the absence or lack of computerized system.
Hence it became necessary for automating the clearance system to eliminate the shortcoming of
the manual system.
To deploy the system and maintenance when need maintain the system
The introducing clearance there are many types of clearance form, such as student, employ and
so on, from these we select student Clearance management system, which is going to be
implemented for Hawassa University will automate the operation of clearance management
system of the University.
Generally the scope of this project concerns with only automate student clearance system in
Hawassa University.
There are many university staffs that have granted clearance but this project is limited to
automate Clearance system for Hawassa University students only because of the following
Time factor in the sense that the semester was short and as a result combining this
task is tedious since there is a lot of staff is there.
Financial constraints:
The system couldn’t give service to academic staff and administrative staff i.e.
limited only for students.
If the students lost/damage the university property, he/she couldn’t gain clearance,
until the students pay the cash personally to finance.
1.6. Methodologies
Here for the analysis of our project we have selected system analysis and design method
specifically OOSAD (Object Oriented Software Analyze and Design) model. We have selected
this because of the following advantages:-
1. Unit testing: - First we will test each unit of the system. So, if a problem is encountered
it will be immediately maintained.
2. Integration Testing: - After we test each unit of the proposed system we will perform
an integration test to check whether the system meets all the functional requirements.
When a number of components are complete, it will test to ensure that they integrate well
with each other and other components.
3. System Testing: - After all of the above testing are checked we will test our system by
other people and we will collect about our system.
1.6.5. DevelopmentEnvironment
Thereare severaltypesofwebprogramminglanguagethatareusedformakingasitemore
dynamicBut for this projectwe are choosing:-
1.6.6. SystemRequirement
o Server Computer: For best performance, the system needs Server Computer with Intel
Pentium4 CPU 8.00 GHZ, 200 GB of available RAM and 500GB of hard disk that acts
as a back end for storing incoming client reservations.
o Client computer: The client computer should have the following specification, minimum
hard disk requirement and RAM size that is enough for browsing cases 1.00 GB with
low processor speed. Router: To be connected with service provider.
Based on our data gathering the current clearance system of the Hawassa University is a manual.
When the students of the university leave the university they take clearance form from the
registrar and go to different office to sign clearance form. The students may sign clearance form
when they want to fill withdrawal, to take ID card for the second time, during the end of each
year and finally when they graduate and leave the university. This makes the system so tedious
and time consuming. Here, students have to visit all the clearance offices with a form for them
to sign. Once these forms are signed, it proves that the student have been cleared and validate as
they return the materials they borrowed. This process takes a lot of time to be completed and
possess a lot of stress for all students involved.
Before sign in the clearance form each officer first check all the property borrowed by the
student whether return or not. If that is return he/she signs in to the clearance otherwise he/she
didn’t sign in to the clearance form. In order to control the list of students who borrow the
property from the office they use document paper which contain the information about borrower
and borrowed material like name of borrower, identification number of borrower , types of
borrow material etc.
In the manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the
clearance form is needed, a search operation is conducted on the file cabinets to locate a
particular student’s clearance form.
The new system is designed to solve problem affecting the manual system in use. It is designed
to be computerized thereby relieving both student and staff from much stress as experienced
from the manual system.
This will do the analyzing and storing of information either automatically or interactively. The
system will be made accessible over Internet. The new system gives full system functionality
that is needed by system user to use system functionalities.
The proposed system will also have some other features like.
The above listed points are described what the project teams are proposed to do and since the
proposed system is automated the students can perform the clearance with efficiently and
The processes of clearing require that the students be cleared in various office of the
University from all the office it is time wasting, stressful
Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to students
repeatedly visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.
Difficult to easily manage students who don’t return the equipment that borrow from the
Difficult to search, retrieve, update and delete the data about the borrower of the
The absence of electronic data storing mechanism it requires huge storage space.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with featuring the proposed system by using different UML feature modeling
techniques such as use case diagrams, the use case descriptions (scenarios), sequence diagrams,
activity diagrams, and class diagram.
After identifying the actors and use cases, the use cases are developed and textual descriptions
(scenarios) are stated. The Sequence diagram id depicted based on the use cases which are
developed for the proposed system. Activities will be represented by the activity diagrams.
3.2Functional Requirements
1. Registrar administrator
Should be Manage property (for clearance of different materials and for return of
materials) when students borrowed and return the borrowed materials.
3. Student
Borrow materials.
Return materials.
These requirements include the qualities of the system that are desirable from the
users’ point of view. The new system will use windows type graphical user
User interface interface. This type of interface is easy to use for very little additional training and
common to most computer users. The system will enable the users to use the
At the end of the project, every activity in the development process will be
Documentation documented for future reference. There will also be a documentation of
implementation language for maintenance during system failure.
Usability is the ease with which a user can learn to operate, prepare inputs for, and
interpret outputs of system or component. The system should support ease of use
that is it shouldn’t be complex to use. The user interface should be user friendly.
Our system contends the help facility for user.
Performance It concern on the speed of operation of the system. The search result for any query
should not take more than seconds if the database is available on the same
machine and not more than seconds if the database.
Portability It is the ease with which a system or component can be transferred from one
environment to another.
It ensure the integrity of the system from accidental or malicious damage the client
system user can’t log as an system administrator i.e. they can’t do the activities
Security that performed by the administrators. This controls the unauthorized users to
update the database.
Error handling To reduce input fault, the system will: - Respond to error inputs by asking the user
condition to re-enter data in the correct format.
The database should be backed up in a reliable secondary storage media. This used
to the user to recon problems or data loss problem occurred.
The analysis model describes the structure of the system or application that you are modeling. It
consists of class diagrams, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams that describe the logical
implementation of the functional requirements that you identified in the use case model. The
analysis model identifies the main process in the system and contains a set of use case
realizations that describe how the system will be built.
The following are the use cases that will include at Hawassa University Clearance system
Upload materials
Manage User account
Manage Property
Entry condition The user must be already registered (the user must have
user name, password and account type)
Alternative Flow of event Step 5.1, If the identification is not correct the system
display incorrect user type, user name and password try
again message and the system display the login page. The
system give chance to try again.
Exit condition The system user logged in to the system allow to try for
four time then after this condition the system can lock for
24 hours.
Description for property management use case it is general use case for
Alternative Flow of event Step 3.1. If Officer enters wrong information the system
display message in order to correct wrong information.
Entry condition Officer login to the system, the property already exist.
Alternative Flow of event Step 5.1. If the property is not found the system display
“information not found” message.
description If the property that borrowed by the student are returned the
Entry condition Officer login to the system, the property must be returned to
Alternative Flow of event Step 5.1.If the Recorded information is not found the system
display “information not found” message.
Use case description for account management use case this is general use case for
Change Password
description This use case helps the user when it is necessary to create
new user account.
Alternative Flow of event Step 3.1. If user enters wrong the system display message in
order to correct wrong information.
description This use case helps the users when he/she wants to update
his/her account.
Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the user account does not exist the system display
“account not found” information.
description This use case helps the user when it is necessary to change
login password.
4. The system change the password and save the new password
Alternative Flow of event Step 3. If user enters wrong the system display message in
order to correct wrong information.
Step 4. If users input does not exist in the database the system
display the password does not exist message
description This use case helps the user to delete user account if it is no
more necessary.
Entry condition The user login to the system, the account exists.
Alternative Flow of event Step 3.If the user account does not exist the system display
“account not found” information.
Description The system users may forget their password so this use case
help to the system user to recover the forget password .
Alternative Flow of event Step 4.if the user miss required information the system display
the message to fill all required information
Description The system checks the name and ID of the student on the
registrar database and approve if not exist, Registrar take the
approved clearance form from the student and approve the
clearance form for the last time by putting the seal of the
university and their signature.
Flow of event 1. The Registrar have a database of Student and the material
they borrow
registrar Database
Description The system checks the name and ID of the student on the registrar
database and reject if exist.
Flow of event 1. The Registrar have a database of Student and the material
they borrow
Description Students click the submit button after they fill the required
information to request for clearance approval.
Entry condition Student Must fill the required information on the clearance form
and click the submit button
Exit condition Students waiting until the system say some thing
Table 15 Filing clearance form use case description use case description
Description Registrar upload the student information and give user name,
password and privilege to the student
Entry condition Registrar users must be login to the system to their own page.
5. The user fill the required field and click add button
6. The system validated the user input and save the data into
the database
Description Students of Hawassa University sign Clearance online and then they
take the approved clearance form.
Entry condition Students must sign clearance and they must approved by the
system and Registrar officer.
11. Registrar Print the cleared clearance form and approve the
student clearance form
description The Actor wants to report how many students are Cleared from the
All the system users open the system and the system display the login page. Then the system user
fill the login form fields and the system validate the users input, the user click the login button,
the login form creates the login form controller which allow to execute the users input from the
database, the systems database validate the users Identification and return the result to the login
controller. Login controller validates the result and displays their page to the user. Then the
system user work on their own page whatever they want to do.
This sequence diagram shows the steps how the students of Hawassa University follow to fill
clearance online. To fill clearance online the student of the university must be registered and
later login based on the previous registration. The user open the system and fill the login form
field , click login button, then the system display clearance form page. Students fill the required
filed on their own page and click the submit button. The users input validated by the system and
creates clearance form controller which allow executing the users input from the database. The
systems database validates the query and returns the result to clearance form controller. Then if
the users input are valid in systems database the system display the cleared and printable page
and create print controller to execute the users command. The system user clicks the print button
and takes the cleared clearance form. But if the user’s information exists (if student have
materials on his /her hand) in the central database the system notify the user by telling they have
responsibility that they must complete and where they have responsibility.
Activity Diagram
The above diagram show the activities performed when the system user login into the system.
The user opens the systems home page and clicks the login link. The system displays the login
form page. Then they fill the user name and password to login and click the login button. The
system validates the users input and display their page if the user input are correct or notify the
error and display the login form page.
Home page
4.1 Introduction
In this part of the project, all about application design is represented in an object oriented model
and technique diagrammatically. This design part of the project includes all object oriented
diagrams including subsystem decomposition, proposed system architecture, component diagram
and finally deployment diagram. This all diagram represent the requirement and on what way to
solve the requirement of the proposed application in detail.
System design results in the following products:
List of design goals, describing the qualities of the system that developers should
Webpage architecture, describing the subsystem decomposition in terms of subsystem
responsibilities, dependencies among subsystems, subsystem mapping to hardware, and
major policy decisions such as control flow, access control, and data storage.
Define what methods or mechanisms the project team uses to achieve requirements of the
Fill the gap between the system specification produced during requirements elicitation
and analysis.
Make the system easily manageable by individual team member.
Design scope describes the qualities of the system that developers should optimize. The
following are the qualities that our system should focus on.
Performance: Hawassa University clearance system should respond fast with high
throughput, i.e. it should perform the task of Hawassa University Student clearance system
Error Handling and Extreme conditions: The system should be robust enough to handle
error conditions and continue with normal operations. If an error occurs, the system should
identify the error and notify to the user.
Availability – Hawassa University Student clearance system should be accessible from any
computer if the computer is connected with a server computer by local area network and
will be accessible anytime a user would want to use the program.
Security: Hawassa University Student clearance system should be secured, i.e., not allow
other users or unauthorized users to access data that has no the right to access it.
4.4.2. ProcessView
The process view architecture is to shows process organization of the system that takes into
account some non-functional requirements, such as performance and availability. It addresses
issues of concurrency and distribution, of system’s integrity, of fault-tolerance, and how the main
abstractions from the logical view fit within the process architecture on which thread of control
is an operation for an object actually executed.
4.4.3. DeploymentView
Deployment View shows the hardware for your system, the software that is installed on that
hardware, and the middleware used to connect the disparate machines to one another.
Deployment diagram helps to model the physical aspects of an object oriented software system it
models the right time configuration in static view and visualize the distribution of components in
an application. The figure below shows the physical layout of the system. The following diagram
presents deployment for the new system and the need of physical aspect of hard ware for the
system after it deployed.
4.6.2. ER Diagram
An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a graphical representation of an information system that
shows the relationship between people, objects, places, concepts or events within that system
An ER Diagram also called an entity –relationship model that is the graphical representation of
entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in computing in regard to the
organization of data within database or information systems. An entity is a piece of data, an
object or concept about which data is s
Figure:4.5 ERD
Hawassa University Students Clearance processing system is one of the activities which
are done manually. By considering the problems of the manual system, our team found solution
which reduces the problems of the existing system. With the contribution of each member
of the team and advisor in developing the new system from starting of data (requirement)
analysis to the implementation, we reached to the final result. During the developing this
project, team face some challenges, but by the cooperation’s of all team members reach to
their goal and come with this new project.
Generally, based on the existing system problems the team will find a proposed solution
which solves some problems of the existing system. Like it decreases time consumption, energy
consumption, resource loses during processing the clearance system in manual system.
Based on shortage of time and some other condition like resources we do not include
some features to our project. The team wants to recommend those who wants further work on
our project like adding chat room, which facilitates communication between administrator and
the different offices listed in this project and student to ask the administrator why he/she
can’t approve their clearance request and if the students lost the university property, he/she
cannot physically contact with the casher person in order to pay. The other features we
recommend to be added to in this project are clearance processing for administration of
students and other worker like cafeteria workers, and library workers and all employees of the
Hawassa University.
Object Oriented Analysis& Design, Understanding System Development with UML 2.0 and
Mike O Docherty 2005
e%20project%20development %20references&f=false
Object Oriented Analysis& Design, Understanding System Development with UML 2.0 and
Mike O Docherty 2005
mvc-coding-structure/ (Dec 15, 2017)
6. One of the offices which sign in to the clearance form is sport master so what kinds of thing
you cheek before sign in the clearance form?
7. How do you handle student information during borrowing materials from this office?