Literature Review On Groundwater Quality

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Navigating through the vast expanse of academic literature can be a daunting task, especially when it

comes to crafting a comprehensive literature review on a complex topic like groundwater quality. It
requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of existing studies to provide a cohesive
overview of the current state of knowledge in the field.

Writing a literature review demands not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also the
ability to identify relevant sources, evaluate their credibility, and effectively integrate them into a
coherent narrative. It involves sifting through numerous articles, reports, and scholarly publications,
extracting key insights, and organizing them in a logical and structured manner.

Moreover, the process of conducting a literature review is time-consuming and requires meticulous
attention to detail. It often involves grappling with conflicting findings, methodological differences,
and gaps in the existing literature, which can further complicate the task.

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You can download the paper by clicking the button above. We aimed to become a globally preferred
service provider and we have become one. Water is a vital resource in the ecosystem since it supports
life of all living organisms. Though, it occupies about. For the interpretations of VES results IX1Dv.3
software were use to generate the layered model of each sounding and also adopting curve matching
techniques. Consequently adsorption, filtration and root zone treatment takes place. This paper
emphasis on the study of the effectiveness that wetland plant Colocasia esculenta and Canaindica
have on the treatment of Greywater with the help of horizontal subsurface flow root zone system.
The aquifer geometry in the study area has been interpreted by carrying out 1D resistivity sounding
using the conventional four electrode resistivity meter. The calculated WQI values ranged from 40.11
to 454.37 with an average value of 108.94. Among all the groundwater samples, 11.86% were
excellent, 54.24% were good, 23.73% were poor, 1.69% were very poor, and 8.47% were unfit for
drinking purpose based on WQI. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. To assess
and identify threats and pollution hazards to groundwater quality To discuss ways of protecting
groundwater from pollution. It can be concluded from the results obtained in this study, that there is
need to improve on the quality of borehole. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. IOSRJAC Optimization modeling of water quality in pollution regions of nigeria
Optimization modeling of water quality in pollution regions of nigeria Alexander Decker
M0333063067 M0333063067 theijes Presentation for tb.pptx Presentation for tb.pptx
DANIEL617505 C012311114 C012311114 IOSR Journals Bacteriological Characteristics of Spring
Water in Ambo Town, West Shoa Zone. Groundwater stewardship includes the need to protect the
resource from pollution and, where it is already negatively impacted from human activities, to
restore the water to an acceptable quality. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This
research was aimed to investigate the drinking water quality of tube wells from different areas in
Khulna City, Bangladesh, by developing the WQI. Zasim Uddin Groundwater is one of the most
important natural resources which plays a vital role for drinking and irrigation usages. Download Free
PDF View PDF Can Tho University Journal of Science Khac bi?t v. QR Codes Generate QR Codes
for your digital content. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 162(1-4), 327-346. The contacts
between certain saturated and dry formation zones having different resistivity values can be
identified from the resistivity section. The reed bed unit is found to be reducing the concentrations
of TSS, TDS, BOD, COD by 63%, 79%, 86%, 53% respectively on an average. Designing of PoU
Water Disinfection Unit using Copper Designing of PoU Water Disinfection Unit using Copper
Bb24349353 Bb24349353 11.variation of water quality across cooum river in chennai city
11.variation of water quality across cooum river in chennai city Water quality Water quality ENV
4800 Final Presentation ENV 4800 Final Presentation Water microbiology Water microbiology
bacteriological analysis of analysis,chemical analysis of water,solid phase e. Assessment of drinking
water quality from different sources in smallholder ru. There are as many as 781 villages declared as
over-exploited villages out of 1540 revenue villages. Avishkaarsgrowup Lemna Minor Yousaf Riaz
Lemna Minor Yousaf Riaz Yousaf Riaz BACTERIOLOGY OF WATER AND ANALYSIS -
and Infection care Physico-Chemical and Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water of Four Springs of.
By overlaying the natural flow lines derived from the DEM with the reconstructed physical drains a
comparison of the flow direction and the orientation of the drains was achieved. A study to evaluate
the attitude of faculty members of public universities of. Alexander Decker Prevalence of nasal
carriage of community associated methicillin- Prevalence of nasal carriage of community associated
methicillin- Alexander Decker Comparative analysis between monophasic and biphasic methods of
blood culture Comparative analysis between monophasic and biphasic methods of blood culture
Alexander Decker Abnormalities of hormones and inflammatory cytokines in women affected with
p. This leads to the insufficiency of ground water resources which is essential for domestic as well as
agricultural purposes within the state.
In all, 80, 79, 50, 24, and 14 out of 100 water samples from the end. In each case, the number of
water samples that were contaminated. These attribute values were then multiplied by the
corresponding rank values to yield the different zones of landslide hazard. IOSR Journals pollutant
levels of the lake water of Tadie pollutant levels of the lake water of Tadie COLLINS KUFFOUR
Algal Bioassay Studies in Waste Water Algal Bioassay Studies in Waste Water iosrjce
Determination-Of-Sources-Of-Water-Pollution Determination-Of-Sources-Of-Water-Pollution
COLLINS KUFFOUR C021202016027 C021202016027 theijes Simultaneous Quantitation of
Manganese (II) and Iron (III) In An Industrial E. Most of the new established buildings and
particularly the sangam (confluence) region at Rudraprayag was severely ruined in this flood. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. Adrian Sanabria Recently uploaded ( 20 )
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the Cloud's True Potential: Why Multitenancy Is The Key. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts
and Articles in minutes. Krishnamurthy Download Free PDF View PDF A groundwater flow model
for overexploited basaltic aquifer and Bazada Formation in India Anil M Pophare, Yashwant
Katpatal, B. The impact of equal groundwater sharing has developed inconsistency in the ecosystem
management of the area the need of the hour is sustainable governance for groundwater resources.
Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. Theaveragevalue
for the study area is 7.2, the water is slightly alkaline. A total four layer strata was obtained in the
present study. The obtained results of VES have been compared with the existing bore well and tube
well logging data. Application of rapid bioassay method for assessing its water purification by. Piotr
Maloszewski (PhD, DSc) at HMGU-Institute of Groundwater Ecology, Neuherberg, Germany,
served as associate editor for the Journal of Hydrology for 3 years and 5 years as associate editor in
Hydrological Science Journal. The presence of these toxic metal and ions in water are important
parameters to evaluate water quality. Samples for physico-chemical analysis were collected in 2-L
plastic containers. Thereafter, colonies were purified to obtain pure cultures and then stored on agar.
It plays an important role in economic development and the general well-being of the country. IJERA
Editor Optimization of Physical Parameters affecting Disinfection of Water by Copper Optimization
of Physical Parameters affecting Disinfection of Water by Copper SONAL GARG Assessment of
physicochemical and bacteriological drinking water quality of d. Bacterial isolates such as Proteus,
Escherichia, Shigella, Streptococcus. The DEM was generated from.dwg contour map and the data
imported into ArcGIS, The 141.91hactor basin was then delineated into sub-catchments using
ArcGIS Hydro extension tools. Thathireddipalle is the smallest Village and Penumuru is the biggest
Village. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe
InDesign. The results of the descriptive analysis of the boreholes are as shown in Table 1. Water
treatment, groundwater monitoring and effective nutrient management in the study is recommended.
A comprehensive analysis has been conducted to explore the groundwater hydrochemistry and effects
of major ions on the suitability for potable water and agricultural uses. The need to assess the
groundwater quality is becoming increasingly important as groundwater sources become more and
more contaminated by seawater intrusion, industrial effluents and unsustainable agricultural practices.
Powerful manifestation of growing water scarcity; Meteoric growth after 1960.
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. People dependent on this water may prone to health hazard. Samples for
physico-chemical analysis were collected in 2-L plastic containers. Water samples from 59 tube wells
were collected from different locations during the pre-monsoon time. Total Hardness and Alkalinity
are more than the permissible limit, water is not good for industrial purposes as it is hard, it can be
used for domestic purposes as there is no considerable health effect due to hardness. Water samples
were collected in 250 ml capacity sterile bottles. Groundwater resources are now included, for
example, as part of integrated urban water management (IUWM). The study utilized Remote Sensing
and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. In addition, water suitability classification for
drinking and irrigation purposes was performed based on some physicochemical parameters, such as
electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solid (TDS), total hardness (HT), sodium adsorption
ratio (SAR), and soluble sodium percentage (SSP). So, there was neither salinity nor toxicity
problem of irrigation water, so that ground water can safely be used for long-term irrigation. Issuu
turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. These
results provide reliable information about the protective capacity of the geomaterials overlying the
aquiferous unit and the fracture geometry using various geophysical indices. Thathireddipalle is the
smallest Village and Penumuru is the biggest Village. According to a report on combating alcohol
abuse from Georgetown University in Washington D.C. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. IOSR Journals Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of selected well water in
some c. It was observed through this work, that the water is rarely treated, while the storage tanks.
The DEM was generated from.dwg contour map and the data imported into ArcGIS, The
141.91hactor basin was then delineated into sub-catchments using ArcGIS Hydro extension tools.
Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. Results and Discussions
Water samples were analyzed and the obtained values were compared with standard values. The
model domain is characterized by three hydro-stratographic layers and. This study was done thus to
serve two purposes, one is to make awareness of the toxicity of heavy metal and irons and two is to
seek quality water supply program either provided by public or private. Total Hardness: Hardness is
attributed principally to Ca and Mg. The area consists of compound flow of vesicular basalts with
exclusive weathering and joints. One of the largest impacts appeared at Kedarnath, a Hindu shrine,
which is an important pilgrimage destination. However, among the ten-end users of some of the
boreholes, water samples. The most important aim of site selection for municipal landfill is to ensure
that the selected site has minimum negative effects on the environment and society. The VES 2 and 8
result shows that the high resistivity value in the cross section. Similar results have been reported by
some authors on the. Similar to Quality assessment of some groundwater samples in ogbomoso
Physicochemical and Bacteriological Analyses of Sachets Water Samples in Kano.
Download Free PDF View PDF Construction and evaluation of prototype subsurface flow wetland
planted with Heliconia angusta for the treatment of synthetic greywater akansha srivastav The
present work describes the method of construction and evaluation of prototype wetland system (root
zone method) and the removal of various contaminants from the synthetic greywater by root zone
treatment process using Heliconia angusta. Simultaneous Quantitation of Manganese (II) and Iron
(III) In An Industrial E. Total Hardness and Alkalinity are more than the permissible limit, water is
not good for industrial purposes as it is hard, it can be used for domestic purposes as there is no
considerable health effect due to hardness. KH curve type is observed in the 30 % and KQ, HK are
in the 20% VES locations. IOSR Journals Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of selected
well water in some c. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing
subscriptions. Total 20 groundwater samples were collected from the whole area and analysed for
various physicochemical parameters following standard protocols at the Department of Agricultural
Chemistry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during March to December 2017. The
resistivity measurements obtained in sounding have been interpreted by curve matching technique to
calculate the layer parameters (resistivity and thickness) and subsequently to reconstruct the depth
sections of the profiles. Acidity increases the capacity of the water to attack geological materials and
leach toxic trace metals into the water. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
9, 135- 141. Landslide inventory map is also considered while classifying the the different zones of
landslide hazard. It has been reported that major epidemics in the World had been. The ground
information on landslide occurences were also considered while classifying the landslide
susceptibility zones. Mizoram state is blessed with abundant rainfall and number of perennial
streams. However, large amount of rain water is lost through runoff due to rugged topography and
high degree of slope resulting from complex geologic formation. Articles Get discovered by sharing
your best content as bite-sized articles. A preliminary study on the toxic potentials of shea butter
effluent using Cla. It plays an important role in economic development and the general well-being of
the country. To investigate damage assessment in the Mandakini valley, a GIS-based methodology
has been developed for quantifying and spatially mapping the flood affected areas. A very strong
correlation exists between potassium and Electrical Conductivity, TFC and TVC also show strong
correlation. Periodic collections of the raw greywater and treated Greywater were done to enable
quality testing using standard methods. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food
Technology, 1(4), 40-51. Maintenance of these structures should be made mandatory by providing
budget. The area consists of compound flow of vesicular basalts with exclusive weathering and
joints. Sodium is slightly more than the permissible limit. To determine the zones with acceptable
landfill potential in city of Bojnourd, 16 digital layers prepared in GIS software were combined; as a
result, the whole studied region was divided into different zones (appropriate to inappropriate) and
classified according to the priorities. This treated Greywater can be utilized for gardening and for
flushing the water closet. These attribute values were then multiplied by the corresponding rank
values to yield the different areas of suitability. The resistivity and thickness of the first layer are 2.6
ohm m to 140 ohm m and 0.2 m to 0.9 m respectively was observed. The reed bed unit is found to be
reducing the concentrations of TSS, TDS, BOD, COD by 63%, 79%, 86%, 53% respectively on an
average. These parameters were used to assess the suitability of groundwater for domestic purpose by
comparing with the WHO and Indian standards.
Sodium is slightly more than the permissible limit. A study was carried out to identify the seawater
intrusion and submarine groundwater discharge zones along the coast of South Chennai. The
considered water quality parameters are pH, EC, TDS, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron,
manganese, boron, sulphate, bicarbonate, chloride, sodium adsorption ratio, residual sodium
carbonate, soluble sodium percentage,Kelly’s ratio, magnesium percentage and hardness. Alexander
Decker Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial study of mixed isoniazid Synthesis,
characterization and antimicrobial study of mixed isoniazid Alexander Decker A novel biological
rote of. Equiline diagram explained the relationship among the alkali with total cations and anions
where cations were more dominant than anions at 1:1 ratio. More information about the publisher
can be found in the IISTE’s homepage. Recently uploaded Azure Migration Guide for IT
Professionals Azure Migration Guide for IT Professionals Christine Shepherd Unlocking the Cloud's
True Potential: Why Multitenancy Is The Key. In addition, water suitability classification for
drinking and irrigation purposes was performed based on some physicochemical parameters, such as
electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solid (TDS), total hardness (HT), sodium adsorption
ratio (SAR), and soluble sodium percentage (SSP). The chemical investigation on water pollution of
kurnool district by water qu. One of the largest impacts appeared at Kedarnath, a Hindu shrine,
which is an important pilgrimage destination. Mizoram state is blessed with abundant rainfall and
number of perennial streams. However, large amount of rain water is lost through runoff due to
rugged topography and high degree of slope resulting from complex geologic formation.
Bacteriological Characteristics of Spring Water in Ambo Town, West Shoa Zone. It's like a
masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Also, construction of in situ wetlands, various types,
use of raw materials for energy efficiency and reduction in operational cost will be noteworthy for
environmental applications. Download Free PDF View PDF Geoinformatics for Coastal Wetland
Inventory of Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh Ijesrt Journal Coastal wetlands include littoral zones,
brackish water and estuarine regions, lagoons and coral reefs. Among the anions, HCO 3 was the
most dominating ion, which makes all groundwater Original Research Article Zakir et al.; AJACR,
2(1): 1-13, 2018; Article no.AJACR.43974 2 unsuitable for irrigation. Most of the concentrations of
manganese encountered were below. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. You
can download the paper by clicking the button above. The chemical analyses of these samples were
done for quality assessment. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your
digital publishing. Thanh Th?o Download Free PDF View PDF Quality of Surface Water at the
Surrounding Area of the Lam Thao Superphosphate and Chemical Joint Stock Company and the
Impact of Local Sources Dung Nghiem The determination of surface water quality at the
surrounding area of the Lam Thao Superphosphate and Chemical Joint Stock Company, Lam Thao
district, Phu Tho province was conducted. Assessment of the Coliform Bacterial Load of Some
Drinking Water Sources in D. It was observed through this work, that the water is rarely treated,
while the storage tanks. The level of microbial contamination is such that the water. The presence of
these toxic metal and ions in water are important parameters to evaluate water quality. Though there
are some ongoing irrigation projects, no irrigation through surface water except tank irrigation is
being practiced. Groundwater is also an important source of irrigation water to produce sufficient
quantity and quality of food for a growing population. Physicochemical and Microbiological analysis
of tube-well water from Noakhali. In the remaining 20 mandals the rainfall was above normal.
These thematic layers were ranked and weighted based on their relative importance in causing
landslide. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 162(1-4), 327-346. It was observed through
this work, that the water is rarely treated, while the storage tanks. American Public Health
Association, Washington, DC. Lamsoge Download Free PDF View PDF IDENTIFICATION OF
REMOTE SENSING AND GIS Prof. The study concluded that HCO 3, Mn, Cd and Pb were the
major contaminants in groundwater of Sadar upazila of Jamalpur district, Bangladesh. In view of
this, 53 groundwater samples of dug wells taping basaltic water table aquifer located in Haveli
taluka adjoining Pune city of Maharashtra, India were collected and analyzed for major cations and
anions to evaluate the suitability using water quality index (WQI). To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
Furthermore, acidity may give a sour taste to water. Hydrologic Cycle. Cycling of water between
ocean atmospheric and land reservoirs Responsible for distribution of water in land reservoirs. The
electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater is higher in the northern part of the study area indicating
probable seawater intrusion. The only existing continental scale recharge model, the WaterGAP
Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) (Doll et al. 2003, Doll and Florke 2005, and Doll and Fiedler
2008), was originally designed to estimate global runoff, and does not fully quantitatively account
for detailed hydrogeological processes, in particular for soil moisture change processes related to
groundwater recharge. The generated spatial information on coastal geomorphology, land use and
wetlands will aid in understanding the spatial distribution and extent which will ultimately help in
further planning and taking in time appropriate decisions for sustainable development. Water
resources The net ground water availability in the district is 1450.10 MCM. Ground water utilization
is 1038.25 MCM and the ground water balance for future irrigation development is 411.85 MCM.
The stage of ground water development arrived at 72% and hence the district falls under semi-
critical category. Avishkaarsgrowup Lemna Minor Yousaf Riaz Lemna Minor Yousaf Riaz Yousaf
AND ANALYSIS - BASICS Society for Microbiology and Infection care Physico-Chemical and
Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water of Four Springs of. Since the antibiotics persist in the
environment (Zuccato et al. The paper presents a simple and effective method using the 2-D
interpretation of the VLF-EM data to delineate fracture zones in the area and in locating the
groundwater sources that successfully helped in providing a sustainable development socially,
economically and in environmental to protect and enhance this valuable resource for future
generations. Relationship between land surface temperature and different land cover were analyzed.
Antibacterial activities of some commercially available herbal remedies in ow. Inyang, C.U (2009),
“Antibiogram of Bacteria Isolated from Borehole Water”, Nigerian Journal of Microbiology 23.
People dependent on this water may prone to health hazard. The study utilized Remote Sensing and
Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Donec placerat nisl magna, et faucibus arcu
condimentum sed. The authors review a generalized scenario of groundwater in the Greater Dhaka
Area, focusing on the deterioration of groundwater quality over the years and its impact on the
environment. Through this study, it was identified that the system is capable of removing organic and
inorganic impurities such as Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Nitrates,
COD, BOD and microbes. Two sampling campaigns (dry season and wet season) were done in 2008
at three villages being Thach Son, Chu Hoa and Luong Lo. 18 surface water samples, single and
composite, were collected per campaign. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial study of
mixed isoniazid Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial study of mixed isoniazid A novel
biological rote of. All the values obtained for BOD and COD were found to be higher than the
permissible levels, indicating the. Pseudo cross section and resistivity cross section map were
formulated by using IPI2WIN software.
Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. These wetlands
in the world being great ecological and economic significance, global efforts are being made to
manage these resources on a sustainable basis. ALEX LEWIS, Kayla warren, joe Mckenna, ciara
griffith. The authors review a generalized scenario of groundwater in the Greater Dhaka Area,
focusing on the deterioration of groundwater quality over the years and its impact on the
environment. The road was buffered 50m on both side to delineate the study area. The drinking
water standards of WHO (1971 and 2006) and Bureau of national standards (1983 and 1991) was
the basis for the groundwater quality evaluation for drinking purpose. Resources Dive into our
extensive resources on the topic that interests you. A study to evaluate the attitude of faculty
members of public universities of. Bacterial isolates such as Proteus, Escherichia, Shigella,
Streptococcus. This highway is the most important road connecting Aizawl city and other parts of
the country. This leads to the insufficiency of ground water resources which is essential for domestic
as well as agricultural purposes within the state. Knowledge gaps have been identified, and
recommendations made about how to address these gaps. Nosocomial and hospital-related
infections”, Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 16, 315-325. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. The study utilized Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
(GIS) techniques. In the present study, potential zones for the occurrence of ground water in Aizawl
district of Mizoram of have been identified and delineated using remote sensing and GIS techniques.
It is not only the basic need for human existence but also a vital input for all development activities.
The concluding study aims to assess the extent of exposure to fluoride in inhabitants of Raebareli
district in Uttar Pradesh, India, generating baseline data about the fluoride-contaminated area.
Assessment of physicochemical and bacteriological drinking water quality of d. The resistivity and
thickness of the first layer are 2.6 ohm m to 140 ohm m and 0.2 m to 0.9 m respectively was
observed. Furthermore, acidity may give a sour taste to water. The present study investigates the
Landslide Susceptibility Zones of Kolasib district using Remote Sensing and Geographic
Information System (GIS) techniques. Lee, J.D. (1999), “Concise Inorganic Chemistry”, Fifth
edition. This research was aimed to investigate the drinking water quality of tube wells from
different areas in Khulna City, Bangladesh, by developing the WQI. A very strong correlation exists
between potassium and Electrical Conductivity, TFC and TVC also show strong correlation. The
most important aim of site selection for municipal landfill is to ensure that the selected site has
minimum negative effects on the environment and society. Theaveragevalue for the study area is 7.2,
the water is slightly alkaline. By overlaying the natural flow lines derived from the DEM with the
reconstructed physical drains a comparison of the flow direction and the orientation of the drains
was achieved. The calculated WQI values ranged from 40.11 to 454.37 with an average value of
108.94. Among all the groundwater samples, 11.86% were excellent, 54.24% were good, 23.73%
were poor, 1.69% were very poor, and 8.47% were unfit for drinking purpose based on WQI. Due
complex tectonic set up and unplanned developmental activities in Mizoram, the most common geo-
environmental hazard in the state is landslide.

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