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CSR Charter
and Policy
1. Wipro’s Charter on Corporate Social Responsibility 3

2. Wipro’s CSR Policy 3

3. Governance and Management 3

4. Implementation 4

5. Annexure to the CSR Policy 4

Our approach to social responsibility and
Wipro’s Charter on sustainability rests on three important pillars
Corporate Social
• The Strategic: We choose domains and issues to
Responsibility engage with that are force multipliers for social
change and sustainable development. Social
At Wipro, we think that it is critical to engage with responsibility is as much about being a
the social and ecological challenges that face sustainable organization as it is about external
humanity. It is our conviction that the engagement initiatives. Therefore, some of our areas of
with social issues must be deep, meaningful and engagement lie at the convergence of business
formed on the bedrock of long term commitment; for goals and social purpose.
that is the only way by which real change can happen
• The Systemic: Within the chosen domains, we
on the ground. This is also reflective of the fact that
choose to engage on systemic issues that require
such an approach serves both, enlightened business
deep, meaningful and challenging work. Given
interest and social good. We run our social programs
the nature of social change, this implies
on a strong foundation of ethical principles, good
commitment over the long term, typically for
governance and sound management. This includes,
several decades because genuine change does
among other things, holding ourselves up to public
take that long to occur.
scrutiny through a framework of transparent,
rigorous reporting. • The Deliberative: Our emphasis on depth and on
long term commitment implies a deliberative
approach that precludes spreading ourselves thin
or engaging in ‘cheque book philanthropy’. By

Wipro’s CSR Policy implication, this also means that we are wary of
expanding and growing our social programs as
ends in themselves. We will continue to adhere to
this approach going forward.
Wipro’s engagement with social and ecological
issues goes back a long time. The central tenets of
our approach have been the emphasis on strong,
meaningful work on systemic social issues. Our CSR Governance and
policy articulated below therefore reflects these
principles and strategies that have informed our
long history of corporate citizenship and social
responsibility over the years. (The Annexure to this
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is the
policy provides more details on our CSR initiatives)
apex body that oversees our CSR policy and
programs. The committee comprises of following
At Wipro, we think that the first and foremost independent directors:
responsibility of an organization is to run its
business ethically and in compliance with the law in • Ms Ireena Vittal - Chairperson
letter and spirit. Our framework of ethical business • Mr Patrick Dupuis - Member
starts with a set of foundational values as embodied • Mr Deepak Satwalekar - Member
in Spirit of Wipro and comprises, at the least, the • Ms Tulsi Naidu- Member
following three principles:
An officer of the company at the senior most level
• Unyielding integrity in every aspect of business; reports to the Board CSR committee.

• Treating people everywhere fairly and with respect The goals and objectives along with the annual
– at the workplace as well as in communities budgets for CSR are discussed and signed off at the
outside; and beginning of every year with the board CSR committee
and the Chairman. This happens as part of the annual
• Demonstrating ecological sensitivity in thought strategic and operating plan processes of the
and action. organization. The CSR leadership team allocates the
budgets to programs and projects in domains that are
aligned with the defined priorities and goals.

Along with approval of the annual plan, the board system of rigorous processes for due diligence and
CSR committee reviews progress on all key programs selection of partners that is based on collaboration,
vis-à-vis its broad objectives for the previous year trust and transparency. These core values and
including effective utilization of the funds and a fiduciary principles are reflected through the
formal assessment of outcomes and impacts as lifecycle of the project – from joint goal setting to
considered relevant by the board and the leadership periodic progress reviews and forward planning.
team. The entire annual review process is completed Real social change can happen only over a long
by the board CSR committee within the 1st quarter period of time and that fact is a driving principle
of the new financial year. The annual review cycle is for us to choose partners who we can work with
supplemented by a system of quarterly reporting and on a continuing long-term basis.
review of key progress highlights to the board
committee and the Chairman. In this regard, our approach to the evaluation of
program outcomes and impacts is guided by the
Comprehensive, transparent reporting on recognition of the complex reality underlying social
sustainability and CSR is a cornerstone of good change and developmental progress, especially in a
governance. Wipro has had a strong track record on diverse country like India. We think it is critical to
this count with our annual sustainability report recognize widely varying contextual nuances, the
based on the global GRI framework having been intricate web of interconnections within and across
rated at the highest level continuously. We will domains and the often-uncertain trajectory of long
continue to publish our disclosures on the GRI term outcomes that lead to meaningful impacts.
framework as it is a widely accepted international Illustratively, meaningful outcomes in school
standard. Since FY 2016, we have been publishing an education are not only a result of the quality of
Integrated Report on multiple capitals as part of the teaching -learning that happens within the
Annual Report. In addition, we will report on our CSR boundaries of a school but are closely correlated
programs to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as with the issues of gender, community resilience,
required under Section 135 of the Companies Act livelihoods, energy access, clean water and
2013. Our disclosures as well as other details of our sanitation. Incorporating such an approach while
CSR programs are available in the websites simultaneously avoiding the trap of standardized
www.wipro.com and www.wiprofoundation.org templates with a fixation on quantified outcomes is
what characterizes our policy on impact
assessment. All decisions on outcome/impact
evaluation are taken by the CSR leadership team
and presented to the board as part of the annual
Implementation planning and review cycle

(An annexure to the CSR policy provides other

salient details of our CSR program)
The implementation of the CSR programs happens
through multiple channels – Wipro Foundation, a
separate trust set up in April 2017, Wipro Cares, a
trust for employee contributions that are matched by Annexure to the
Wipro and in some cases, directly through functions
and groups within Wipro Ltd e.g. Biodiversity projects CSR Policy
for our campuses is executed directly by the
Operations group of Wipro Ltd. Decisions in this
regard are based on what is most appropriate and Domains of engagement: Wipro’s social and
are taken by the CSR leadership of the company. sustainability initiatives center on Education,
Ecology, and Community Care. The driving principles
Collaborative and partner-driven approach: of these programs are summarized below:
Our implementation approach is to work primarily
through partners with established track records in • Education: Engaging in deep and meaningful
the respective domains. A small team of dedicated systemic work in the area of school and college
sustainability and CSR resources oversee and education. In parallel, our focus is on access to
monitor the execution of the projects. The majority education for socially disadvantaged sections,
of our projects are multi-year ongoing programs with with distinct attention on children with disability
long term goals. Over the years, we have evolved a

• Community and Urban Ecology: Engaging with Complementing our focus on systemic
the community on issues of Ecological educational issues is our work on ensuring access
Sustainability. Given the predominantly urban to good education for children from
nature of Wipro’s operations, significant focus is underprivileged and vulnerable communities e.g.
on issues of urban ecology children of migrant laborers working in
construction sites in a city.
• Primary Health Care: Providing primary health
care services for disadvantaged communities • Education for Children with Disabilities: There has
who are proximate to our areas of business been inadequate focus on education for children
operations with disabilities, especially those from
disadvantaged backgrounds. Started in 2014, this
• Business Sustainability: Reducing and initiative has collaborated with multiple
minimizing the environmental footprint of our organizations that have expertise and experience
operations and enhancing the biodiversity in this domain. Our work spans a wide range of
quotient of our facilities physical disabilities and focuses on providing an
inclusive, nurturing environment that empowers
• Diversity: Encouraging and enhancing diversity
such children to navigate their unique challenges
at the workplace and outside on gender,
with dignity and confidence.
nationality and persons with disability
• Sustainability Education: Started in 2011, our
• Art and Culture and the urban public space: The program, Wipro earthian, brings together two of
role of the arts and culture in creating and our key concerns: education and sustainability.
fostering important human values of social This national level program engages through a
integrity, inclusion, democracy and empathy is partner network of sustainability-educators with
well established. One important way of doing schools, school networks and colleges in 29 states
this is by creating and preserving public spaces and 3 union territories across India. Through this
in our cities. The concept of ‘public space’ here program we also host a national sustainability quiz
refers to not just physical spaces like public program for colleges, organize a unique internship
parks or lakes but intellectual and social spaces program for college students and collaborate on
that are inclusive in spirit. Engaging with urban long-term academic partnerships with some of the
public spaces is l therefore an additional area of leading institutes of higher education in India.
focus for us, that we have added as part of our
CSR charter from the year 2018 onwards. • School Education outside of India: Wipro-Science
Education Fellowship program contributes to
Over the years, these programs have evolved in
improvement of Science and Math education in
scale, scope and maturity as captured in the
schools primarily serving disadvantaged
highlights below:
communities in the US and the UK. The program is
Our work in education is driven by the belief that currently active in California, Florida, Boston,
education is a key enabler of social change and a Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Texas, in the
better society. We believe in a social vision of US; and in Sheffield and London, in the UK.
democracy where each citizen is not only capable in
• Engineering Education: Developing up-to-date
an individual sense but also sees the ethic of equity,
and workplace relevant engineering and
the essentiality of diversity, the ethos of justice, and
technology skills is critical for a country like India
is thus driven by social sensitivity.
where the IT Services industry contributes nearly
• School Education in India: We work on systemic 8% of the GDP. Our efforts in this direction go back
issues in school education in India through a several years and address two important
network of partner organizations who work on dimensions: (a) Skills development for students
multiple aspects of improvement of school that is based on a comprehensive framework of
education. In addition to reaching out directly to post-graduate MS degree program (WASE/WISTA)
schools and teachers, these organizations have and (b) Capacity building among students and
contributed to systemic improvements at faculty of engineering colleges on emerging digital
multiple levels, including state and central technologies (TalentNext).
government level educational reforms.

• Primary Health Care: We work with partners on • Working with communities everywhere: Wipro has
the critical matter of providing access to good a presence in more than 70 countries around the
quality primary health care services to world and more than 10% of our workforce are
underprivileged communities around our from nationalities other than Indian. We think it is
locations and in remote underserved areas. Our crucial to engage with proximate communities
work in primary health care touches the lives of wherever we have significant presence, e.g. the
thousands of people with particular emphasis on US, UK, Europe, Philippines, Australia etc. In line
maternal and childcare. In 2020-21, we crafted a with this, we will continue to expand and
comprehensive integrated response to the strengthen our community programs in all the
Covid19 crisis that covered the entire cycle of geographies where we have significant presence.
Testing, Tracing, Isolation and Quarantine, This is a reaffirmation of our belief that at its core,
Secondary and Tertiary care. A crucial element in CSR and sustainability must transcend
this entire process is building community boundaries, whether organizational or national.
resilience in terms of awareness, ownership and
actions that enable them to handle their primary Given that we are primarily an urban-centric
health care needs more effectively. organization, it is important for us to involve and
to contribute to the urban landscape we are a
• Disaster Rehabilitation: We focus on long term part of. Urban communities are diverse and
rehabilitation of affected communities after a represent a wide range of interest-groups Aligned
natural disaster. The nature of engagement with our core values of respect for the individual
varies depending on the individual context of the and being global and responsible, our keen
geography, culture and larger socio-economic interest is in contributing to our cities becoming
realities of the region. In the past, we have helped social and cultural spaces that are at once
rebuild the lives of people affected by Karnataka vibrant, democratic, inclusive
Floods, Bihar Floods, Odisha Floods, Uttarakhand and innovative.
and Kerala floods, Cyclone Amphan, the
Japan Tsunami, Hurricane Sandy and In conclusion: Over the past several years, we
Philippines Cyclone. have established a strong foundational
framework for social and environmental
• Business Sustainability: Our work on Wipro’s initiatives, both within
business sustainability, based on the Triple the organization as well as outside. Our endeavor
Bottomline framework, focuses on a range of will be to continuously and dynamically build on
ecological and workplace initiatives, the principal this and steer it in the right directions. The coming
ones of which center around Energy and Carbon, together of business, government and civil society
Water, Waste, Biodiversity, Supply Chain to address society’s biggest challenges holds
Responsibility, People Diversity on the aspects of great promise – it is an idea whose time has
Gender, Disability and Nationality, Employee come. To this, we will bring our distinctive vision,
health, wellness and safety, Employee commitment and energy to the fullest.
empowerment through continuous learning,
advocacy forums and a framework of Note: In the next page, we provide a visual
comprehensive public reporting. summary of our domains of engagement while the
table maps our domains of engagement with the
Going forward our CSR charter will seek to further areas specified in Schedule VII to Section 135 of
strengthen the domains that we are already the Companies Act 2013.
engaged in. We may also choose to add to and
modify our domains of engagement in future as
appropriate. Our network of partners has been
instrumental in the effectiveness of our programs
and we will continue to leverage and develop the
partnership model to the fullest extent possible.

• Systemic Reforms (WATIS) • School for underprivileged (Wipro Cares)
Education • Science and Math Education • Sustainability • Education for Children
in US and the UK (Wipro SEF) Education (earthian) with Disability

• Improving Engineering Education • Higher education in Engineering for

College (Mission 10X) IT skills building
• Sustainability Education (earthian)

Energy &
Ecological Solid
Climate Water Biodiversity
Sustainability Waste

Community Disaster
Care Rehabilitation

Art & Urban Public

Culture Space

Figure 1: Visual Schematic of our current domains of engagement

Table: Mapping Wipro’s domains of engagement with Schedule VII

Wipro’s domains of engagement Schedule VII listed domain

Item (ii) : Promoting Education including special

education and employment enhancing vocation skills,
School Education
especially among children, women, elderly and the
differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects

Engineering Education Item (ii) : -do-

Sustainability Education Item (ii) : -do-

Higher Education in Engineering for IT

Item (ii) : -do-
skills building

Education for children with disability Item (ii) : -do-

Item (iv) : Ensuring environmental sustainability,

Ecological sustainability : Energy, Water, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna,
Waste, Biodiversity animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural
resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water

Wipro Limited Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: strong commitment to sustainability
Doddakannelli, 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is a leading and good corporate citizenship, we
Sarjapur Road, global information technology, have over 190,000 dedicated
Bangalore-560 035, consulting and business process employees serving clients across six
India services company. We harness the continents. Together, we discover
Tel: +91 (80) 2844 0011 power of cognitive computing, ideas and connect the dots to build
Fax: +91 (80) 2844 0256 hyper-automation, robotics, cloud, a better and a bold new future.
wipro.com analytics and emerging technologies
to help our clients adapt to the digital
world and make them successful.
A company recognized globally for its For more information,
comprehensive portfolio of services, please write to us at [email protected]
Hero MotoCorp Limited

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1. Introduction
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Hero MotoCorp Limited (the “Company”) has adopted
the following policy and procedures with regard to Corporate Social Responsibility. The Board
may review and amend this policy from time to time subject to the recommendations of
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.

2. Policy Objective & Philosophy

It is pertinent that business enterprises are economic organs of society and draw on societal
resources, we at the company believe that a company's performance must be measured by its
Triple Bottom Line contribution to building economic, social and environmental capital towards
enhancing societal sustainability. HMCL believes that in the strategic context of business,
enterprises possess, beyond mere financial resources, the transformational capacity to create
game-changing development models by unleashing their power of entrepreneurial vitality,
innovation and creativity. In line with this belief, the Company will continue crafting unique
models to generate livelihoods and create a better society. Such Corporate Social Responsibility
("CSR") projects are far more replicable, scalable and sustainable, with a significant multiplier
impact on sustainable livelihood creation and working for a cause of humanity.

3. Definitions
“Board of Director” or “Board” means the Board of Directors of the Company, as constituted
from time to time.

“Company” means a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 or under any
previous company law.

“CSR Programmes” means Programmes, projects and activities carried out in this regard are the
subject matter of this Policy.

“Corporate Social Responsibility Committee or Committee” means CSR Committee

constituted by the Board of Directors of the Company, from time to time.

“Independent Director” means a Director of the Company, not being a whole time director and
who is neither a promoter nor belongs to the promoter group of the Company and who satisfies
other criteria for independence under the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Agreement
entered with the Stock Exchanges.

“Policy” means Corporate Social Responsibility.

Any other term not defined herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the Companies Act,
2013 or any other applicable regulation.

4. Policy
 To direct HMCL's CSR Programmes, inter alia, towards achieving one or more of the
following - enhancing environmental and natural capital; supporting rural development;
promoting education including skill development; providing preventive healthcare, providing
sanitation and drinking water; creating livelihoods for people, especially those from
disadvantaged sections of society, in rural and urban India and preserving and promoting

 To develop the required capability and self-reliance of beneficiaries at the grass roots, in the
belief that these are prerequisites for social and economic development;

 To engage in affirmative action/interventions such as skill building and vocational training,

to enhance employability and generate livelihoods for persons including from disadvantaged
sections of society;

 To pursue CSR Programmes primarily in areas that fall within the economic vicinity of the
Company's operations to enable close supervision and ensure maximum development

 To carry out CSR Programmes in relevant local areas to fulfil commitments arising from
requests by government/regulatory authorities and to earmark amounts of monies and to
spend such monies through such administrative bodies of the government and/or directly by
way of developmental works in the local areas around which the Company operates;
 To carry out activities at the time of natural calamity or engage in Disaster Management

 To contribute to the Prime Minister’ National Relief Fund or any other fund set up by the
Central Government for socio-economic development and relief and welfare of the
Scheduled Caste, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women;

 To contribute or provide funds to technology incubators located within academic institutions

which are approved by the Central Government;

 To contribute to any fund setup by the Central Government or State Government(s)

including Chief Minister’s Relief Fund, which may be recognized as CSR activity;

 To promote sustainability in partnership with industry associations, like the Confederation of

Indian Industry (CII), PHD, FICCI, etc. in order to have a multiplier impact.

5. Implementation
To implement the Company's CSR Programmes through Company personnel or through external
implementing agencies or through Raman Kant Munjal Foundation (and other Registered Trusts /
Society or a Section 8 company that are established or that may be established by the Company or
its holding/subsidiary/associate Company from time to time). In such cases, the Company will
specify the CSR Programmes which may be undertaken by those Trusts/Societies or Section 8
companies in accordance with their objects and administrative and accounting processes laid
down in the respective Trust Deeds/ Memorandum and Articles of Association.

6. Governance
Every year, the CSR Committee will place for the Board's approval, a CSR Plan delineating the
CSR Programmes to be carried out during the financial year and the specified budgets thereof.
The Board will consider and approve the CSR Plan with any modification that may be deemed

The CSR Committee will assign the task of implementation of the CSR Plan within
specified budgets and timeframes to such persons or bodies as it may deem fit.
The persons/bodies to which the implementation is assigned will carry out such CSR Programmes
as determined by the CSR Committee within the specified budgets and timeframes and report
back to the CSR Committee on the progress thereon at such frequency as the CSR Committee
may direct.

The CSR Committee shall review the implementation of the CSR Programmes periodically and
issue necessary directions from time to time to ensure orderly and efficient execution of the CSR
Programmes in accordance with this Policy.

The CSR Committee will review periodically and keep the Board apprised of the status of the
progress of implementation of the approved CSR Programmes.

Finally at the end of every financial year, the CSR Committee will submit its report to the Board.

7. CSR Expenditure
CSR expenditure will include all expenditure as may be permitted under the applicable laws,
including contribution to corpus for CSR Programmes approved by the Board on the
recommendation of its CSR Committee, but does not include any expenditure on an item not n
conformity or not in line with activities which fall within the purview of Schedule VII of the Act

8. Reporting
The Board’s Report of the Company to include an annual report on CSR containing particulars
specified in the annexure to the rule pertaining to a financial year commencing from April 1,

9. Disclosures
The contents of the approved CSR Policy shall be disclosed in the Board’s Report and displayed
on the Company’s website.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1. Introduction

The Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (“the Policy”) has been formulated in accordance
with the provisions of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as
“Act”) and rules framed thereunder, as amended from time to time.

Hero MotoCorp Ltd. (“the Company” or “HMCL”) believes that since a business derives
various benefits from the society, it must, in return, create value for all stakeholders and
create a positive impact for a sustainable future.

This Policy will be effective April 1, 2021 and will provide the guiding principles for selection,
implementation and monitoring of Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) activities of the
Company along with the framework to carry out/undertake the identified activities.

2. Policy Objective & Philosophy

It is pertinent to note that business enterprises are economic organs of society and draw on
societal resources. We, at HMCL, reckon that a company's performance must be measured
by its triple (+one) bottom line contribution to building economic, social and environmental
capital thereby enhancing societal sustainability along with governance. HMCL believes that
in the strategic context of business, enterprises possess, beyond mere financial resources,
the transformational capacity to create game‐changing development models by unleashing
their power of entrepreneurial vitality, innovation and creativity. In line with this belief, the
Company will continue to craft unique models to generate livelihoods and create a better
society. Such CSR projects are far more replicable, scalable and sustainable, with a significant
multiplier impact on sustainable livelihood creation and working for the cause of humanity.

3. Definitions

“Administrative Overheads” means the expenses incurred by the Company for general
management and administration of Corporate Social Responsibility functions in the
Company but shall not include the expenses directly incurred for the designing,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of a particular Corporate Social Responsibility
project or programme.

"Board of Directors" or "Board" means the collective body of the directors of the Company.

"CSR Programmes" means programmes, projects and/or activities carried out by the
Company as per the provisions of the Act, rules framed thereunder, Schedule VII and this

“Ongoing Project” means a multi-year project undertaken by the Company in fulfilment of

its CSR obligation having timelines not exceeding three years excluding the financial year in
which it was commenced, and shall include such project that was initially not approved as a
multi-year project but whose duration has been extended beyond one year by the Board
based on reasonable justification.

"Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility (SCSR) Committee” or “Committee”

means the SCSR Committee as constituted by the Board of Directors of the Company, from
time to time.

Any other term not defined herein shall have the same meaning as defined in the Companies
Act, 2013 or rules framed thereunder.

4. Guiding Principles


The Company shall spend its CSR expenditure in accordance with Section 135 of the
Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder. The broad guiding principles for selection
of CSR activities are:

 Support may preferably be extended to those activities wherein the Company has prior
experience to make them most effective. However, this shall not be a restriction for the
Company to undertake any other activity as may be deemed suitable by the Committee.
 A needs assessment, if required, may be carried out to identify the areas of intervention
along with the availability of the resources.
 The programmes identified/adopted should be adaptive and flexible to meet the
changing dynamics.
 Focus should be on long-term sustained impact of the programmes rather than one-time
impact or requiring continuous intervention.
 All quantifiable socially conscious efforts should be measured and appropriately

Basis the above mentioned guiding principles, the Committee will identify the areas for the
CSR Programmes of the Company from any of the activities getting covered in Schedule VII
to the Act or any other area as may be permitted from time to time.


The implementation of the identified CSR activities shall be carried out either directly by the
Company and/or through an implementing agency. The implementing agency shall fulfill the
criteria as specified under the Act or rules made thereunder. The Company shall clearly define the
objectives along with the desired timelines to effectively implement the activities within the given
time frame and work towards active engagement of all employees to achieve maximum benefits.
The modalities of execution shall be defined with every identified project. There should also be a
check on the available resources, milestones, measurements and accountability so as to effectively
implement the activities.


There shall be a robust monitoring system to ensure that the identified CSR activities are carried
out to reap optimal benefits for the beneficiaries. There shall be a periodic review by the
Committee for the projects undertaken. The Committee may suggest modifications in the planned
activities considering the existing scenario/circumstances.


The Committee shall formulate and recommend an annual action plan to the Board for its
approval. This annual action plan shall include the following details:
 the list of CSR projects or programmes that are proposed to be undertaken in areas or
subjects specified in Schedule VII of the Act;
 the manner of execution of such projects or programmes as specified in the rules;
 the modalities of utilisation of funds and implementation schedules for the projects or
 monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programmes; and
 details of need and impact assessment, if any, for the projects undertaken by the

Every year, the Committee will place for the Board's approval, an annual action plan
delineating the CSR Programmes to be carried out during the financial year and the
succeeding years in the case of Ongoing Projects along with the specified budgets thereof.

In case of an ongoing project, the Board, on the recommendation of the Committee, shall
approve the implementation of the project with timelines and year-wise allocation and shall
be competent to make modifications, if any, for smooth implementation of the project within
the overall permissible time period. It shall also monitor the implementation of ongoing

5. Reporting & Disclosures

The Company shall from time to time report and provide adequate disclosures as may be
required pertaining to CSR activities and programs carried by it.

6. Review

This Policy shall be reviewed by the Committee and approved by the Board of Directors as
and when required or at least once in three years and updated accordingly.

7. Limitation and amendments

In the event of any conflict between any of the provision of this Policy and the Act or rules
framed thereunder or any other statutory enactments, the provisions of such Act or rules or
statutory enactments shall prevail over this Policy.
In case of any amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s), notification(s) etc. issued by the
relevant authorities, not being consistent with the provisions laid down under this Policy,
such amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s), notification(s) etc. shall prevail upon the
relevant provisions of this Policy and the Policy shall stand amended accordingly from the
effective date of such amendment(s), clarification(s), circular(s) etc.

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