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CMN201-9 Assignment

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ID : 2311521



Culture refers to shared beliefs, values, artifacts, customs, behaviors, laws, religion, way of thinking,
and of course communication theories, styles, and attitudes. These are relatively specialized elements
of the lifestyle of a group of people that are passed on from one to the next through communication.
Here we will be comparing and contrasting two different cultures: Bangladeshi and Italian. Both these
cultures have a rich history. Both cultures have different traditions, values, and worldview.

• Italian Culture: The Italian culture is rich and diverse. Some of their core values are-
* Collectivism: They believe in group effort and working together with their people. Individualists don’t
quite fit into the Italian culture.
*Family orientation: Family is an important concept in the Italian culture. They place emphasis on
building family and maintaining close relationships.
*Italians are proud people. They take great pride in their historical heritage.
*Patriotism: Patriotism is an important part of Italian people who put their country above anything.
*Food and Culinary Tradition: Food is an integral part of their culture and their cuisine is renowned
worldwide E.G (Pizza, Risotto, Cheese, Lasagna etc.).
*Italians have a great sense of Fashion and style. They put great importance to their appearance.
*Italian culture is a high context culture which means they express themselves in an indirect and
diplomatic manner.
*Italians are uncomfortable in uncertain situations. They are a low ambiguity culture which means
they try to avoid ambiguous stimuli, feel stress and react hastily.
*Elders are highly respected on Italian culture and their intellect, wisdom and experience are greatly

•Bangladeshi Culture: Bangladesh has a rich multidimensional cultural heritage. Some of their
core values are-
*Mutual Co-existence: Most people in Bangladesh are Bengalis however it is also home to other
minority group .All of these groups have been co-existing peacefully for long time.
*Family Orientation: Bangladeshi people put great value in setting up a family and they keep close
relationship with their close and distant family members. Family traditions are passed on from
ancestors to the new generation.
*Folk Culture: Folk expressions such are various types of folk songs, pottery, rural lifestyle, folk
philosophy etc. are an integral part of the cultural identity of Bangladesh.
*Patriotism: Bangladeshi people foster a strong sense of patriotism primarily due to its struggle for
independence from Pakistan in 1971.The emancipation of the country from Pakistan and the liberation
war is a matter of great national pride and cultural identity.
*Hospitality: Bangladeshi people are very friendly and hospitable and generous towards their guests.
*Language and literature: Bangla is a widely spoken language and Bangladeshi’s are the only race of
people who had to fight and die for the right to speak their mother tongue. Furthermore, Bangla
literature is very old and rich. So the people take pride in their language and literature.
* Food and cuisine: Bangladeshi food is very flavorful and delicious. The staple of the Bangali people
is rice and fish. But there are other dishes which are cooked using various spices.
* Collectivism: Bangladeshi culture emphasizes teamwork and working together towards the same
*Bangladeshi culture is high context which means people are more expressive and rely on implicit
*Low ambiguity is also a part of the culture. People try to avoid uncertain situations as much as


•Italian culture: Italian culture is predominantly Roman Catholic religious belief based. The Roman
Catholic church has played an important part in shaping the religious system and moral values of the
Italians for centuries. Although there are other religions such as Protestants, Muslims and people who
doesn’t believe in any religions, Catholicism is still the main religion of the Italian people. Catholics
believe in The Pope, the religious figure running the Roman Catholic Church.
Although Italy was primarily a religious country, in recent times, there has been a decline in religious
practice and increase in secularism.

•Bangladeshi Culture: Bangladeshi religious system is very diverse. There are four major
religions; Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism. The majority of the population practices Islam. On
the other hand, a huge chunk of the population practices Hinduism. There are also other smaller
communities of Buddhists and Christian. Furthermore, many of the ethnic minorities have their own
forms of religion.
Bangladesh identifies as a secular nation. However, religion plays a significant part in the lives of the
people. Different religious groups conduct themselves differently from one another. They have their
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own religious festivals and traditions. But people from all religions and castes co-exist in a peaceful

•Italian Culture: In Italian culture, men and women have equal rights in law, but society it still
largely male dominated. Italian society is mainly patriarchal society. However, in recent times, these
roles have evolved and like many other cultures around the world, the typical gender roles are
changing with time.
Traditionally men were considered the primary income earner and the head of the household. Men
were also considered to be the leading figures of society. And women on the other hand were
generally responsible for domestic duties and household chores. Women were also expected to
maintain the family’s reputation and honor.
But at present the gender roles of the Italian culture has changed and conventional gender roles are
more flexible right now as men and women are working as equals in the society.

•Bangladeshi Culture: Bangladesh has a more traditional gender role. Society is primarily
patriarchy based. Bengali men have traditionally been in charge of tasks outside of home while women
engage in tasks centered around the domicile.
Traditionally Bangladeshi men have been the primary breadwinners of the family and women
emphasized more on doing household duties and care giving. But currently a step has been taken to
empower the women of the country and they are pursuing education and are engaging in work outside
the boundaries of their homes. Despite all this there are still more conservative gender roles in rural
areas. Religious beliefs also have an impact on gender roles. Certain religious groups, predominantly
Muslims, believe in some concepts where it suggests women to live in a conservative and modest
Although gender roles in Bangladeshi culture is evolving rapidly, there’s still a long way to go before
achieving full gender equality.


•Italian Culture: Verbal and nonverbal communication is a huge part of Italian culture. Traditionally
Italians are very vocal people, and they are very passionate in expressing themselves. Some aspects
of verbal and nonverbal communication is given below:
*Language: The primary language of Italy is Italian.
*Gestures : Italians are known for their expressive gesticulation. They frequently use hand gestures
with the intent to express emotion, make a point or provide additional context in the conversation.
*Speaking manner: Italians generally are passionate speakers and while in a conversation they
frequently change their tone of voice and volume to express emotional context to the conversation.
*Behavior: Politeness and any formal language are valued, especially while addressing someone
older or in a higher power structure or status.
*Physical contact: Italians are comfortable with physical contact and it’s common to see hugging,
kissing, back slapping, and holding hands in public. People may touch their conversation partner with
the intent of showing their engagement in the conversation.
*Proximity: Italians tend to stand close to each other during a conversation because it helps them pay
attention to the body language of the other person and maintain eye contact.

•Bangladeshi Culture: Much like the Italian culture, verbal and nonverbal communication plays an
important role in Bangladeshi culture. Here are some key aspects of said process down below:
*Language: The official language of Bangladesh is Bangla. Although there are various accents in
different parts of the country, a good accent which is understandable to others is valued.
*Respectful Language: It’s important to maintain a respectful language in a civil conversation. It’s also
important to address people by their right titles and failure or reluctance to do so certainly would seem
rude and disrespectful. Bangladeshis are also good listeners, and their courteous communication style
means that they try not to interrupt their conversation partner.
*Speaking manner: Bangladeshi communication can be expressive and changes in tone and volume
of voice might occur to put emotion into the conversation.
*Gestures: Bangladeshis don’t use much hand gestures during conversation. However, they use head
movement in their conversation and sometimes they may point with their chin rather than their index
finger which is considered to be rude.
*Body language: Body language is an important part of Bangladeshi communication. Offering salaam
by nodding the head or touching the forehead with the hand and maintaining good eye contact and
close proximity with the speaker is emphasized.

Communication occurs in a context--- a set of circumstances or a situation. Communication occurs in
intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, formal or informal etc.

•Italian Culture:
*Interpersonal Communication: Italians have a direct and expressive approach in their
communication. They use body language and hand gestures to input emotion into the conversation or
convey message. Physical touch is also normal.
* Formality and Informality: Italians have a formal approach communication. They want to ensure
respect; formal behavior is given to older people and people in a position of authority.
However, informal communication is common among friends.
*Group Communication: In family settings, conversations often revolve around maintaining good
relationships through discussing family matters and getting updates.

•Bangladeshi Culture:
*Interpersonal Communication: There’s a strong emphasis on respect being shown during
conversation. Addressing the other person using the right title, a simple nod of the head or offering
Salaam, and speaking in a polite manner is very much valued.
*Group Communication: Family is an important aspect in Bangladeshi culture and family gatherings,
exchange of information and updates are often shared in conversation.
*Religious Context: Religious values and beliefs play an important role in the communication of
Bangladeshi people as in some areas; topics are approached in a traditional Islamic manner.

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In conclusion, Italian and Bangladeshi cultures show both similarities (family orientation, collectivism,
patriotism, passion for food, respecting the elderly, approach to gender roles, expressive verbal and
nonverbal communication etc.) and dissimilarity (language, nonverbal communication, body language,
progression of gender roles, religious beliefs and customs etc.) between then. However, these
differences reflect the unique histories, geographical locations and other aspects that have shaped
these cultures. Understanding and appreciating these distinct cultural differences is essential for
creating, fostering and maintaining cross-culture communication, amity, friendship and overall effective


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