Dialog Soekarno
Dialog Soekarno
Dialog Soekarno
Awal Mula
In 1934 Soekarno was arrested and banished to ende, after 3 years in ende with
his wife and adopted son, soekarno was transferred to Bengkulu due to malaria.
Doctor : Politics
Fatmawati : no sir
Soekarno : why
In 1940 japan singned the ‘THREE AXIS COUNTRIES’ agreement with Germany and
Italy. Japan officialy entered the ‘facist’ camp along with American, britian,
Australia and Netherlands.
1 December 1941, emperor Hirohito announces that japan will destroy the
American base at pearl harbor in hawai.
After occupying china, the Philippines and Singapore, the Japanese fleet
pulverizes belanda in the java sea.
[jepang masuk ke Indonesia, kita buat seperti penembakan gitu tapi versi sendiri ]
[di rumah soekarno. Tiba tiba ada tentara jepang mengetuk pintu lalu satu orang
Hirohiki : I’m from the propaganda of the dai Nippon. My superior wishes to
see you, sir.
Hirohiki : we are asking for you cooperation to support dai Nippon in the east
assian war
Soekarno : if I refuse?
[tentara jepang mengambil paksa beras karung dari orang Indonesia dengan cara
mengancam menggunakan senjata. Disini orang Indonesia memberontak
terhadap sekutu tetapi tidak dihiraukan oleh jepang]
[tiba tiba hirohaki datang dan menghentikan tentara jepang yang ingin
menembak soekarno]
Soekarno : whare to
Hitohaki : to Jakarta
Soekarno : it means im released from my exile
Hirohaki : the bellanda banished you and the Nippon freed you
Soekarno and his family were brought to Jakarta on 9 june 1942 by barges
Since the Japanese entered Batavia on 5 march 1942 they launched the 3A
The presence of the Japanese gave birth to two eually strong currents of youth
movements from varios layers
Soekarno : saying that the Nippon will kill the leaders In Indonesia
Soekarno : pearl harbor was destroyed in a matter of hours before the Hawaii
base was destroyed, American was being passive exactly like a capitalist country,
Russia is the biggest industrial country, but they’re too busy with their own
national promblems. And Britain? They always find allies enywhare.
But Nippon, Germany and Italy have the ambition to conquer the world
Soekarno : we can ask for assurance that they won’t hurt our people, sjahrir
Hatta : I agree with sjahrir. Nippon will not be in Indonesian for a long time, but I
also belive in a bung karno. We should be united to protect our people from the
cruelty of the Nippon. To get the sovereingnty of the people we need the people.
And that ones that are good for us, sjahrir. Are the ones are still alive
But how would we do this? They are against us hosting our flag and singing our
national anthem in their organization when, in fact, that’s the most effective way
to attract the sympathy of the youth.
Inggit : I imagine this a long time ago. Long before you took me from my
first husband. For you, love was not enough for our marriage
Inggit : still not enough for you…. But I sincerely accept it. Im just reluctant
for you to have another wife. I hope yoyu respect that. I’ve brought you to the
gete of your dreams
[Ini sekilas ada pidato soekarno di depan rakyat, gausah pidato beneran Cuma
buat formalitas aja biar alurnya nyambung ]
[fatmawati jait bendera merah putih sambil hamil terus melahirkan dikasi nama
Guntur soekarno putera]
However, no one has been to answer the question of chairman dr. radjiman
Number one.. a sanse of nationalism that can unite us as a nation. This natiooon
consist of islands, cultural tribes and languages. Only a sense of nationality can
unite them. A nationality this is not narrow this is not only concerrend with their
own ethnicity. Gandhi said ‘I am a nationalist, but my nationalism is humanity’.
We should not embrace nationalism that secludes us. We should embrace the
one that nutures our relationship.
Fourth point… in order to alleviate poverty in our country, fortunes enjoyed only
by a small group of people, while the poor remain in misery without any
attention, we must provide social welfare for all Indonesian people!
Fifth point… the summary of the previous four items. Namely, to be devoted to
the one only god. Let us observe a goodly Indonesia! The good your own
religions! The muslims, according to prophet Muhammad! The Christian,
according to Jesus. The Buddhist, according to the book of tripitaka. Therefore, let
us respect each other! Belive In god in a clivilized manner. I just proposed the
principies of our nation. There are five points! According to our friend, who Is a
linguist, the name should be pancasila!
The procimation has been written and will be read leater at 10.00
Xxx : 17th
[pagi hari tiba, para warga sudah berkumpul di jalan pegangsaan timur dan juga
ada atsan atasan orang Indonesia]