ML Unit 1
ML Unit 1
ML Unit 1
Human Learning
is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes,
and preferences.
The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also
evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants.
Some learning is immediate, induced by a single event (e.g. being burned by a hot stove), but
much skill and knowledge accumulate from repeated experiences .
The changes induced by learning often last a lifetime, and it is hard to distinguish learned
material that seems to be "lost" from that which cannot be retrieved.
Machine Learning is a system of computer algorithms that can learn from examples through
self-improvement without being explicitly coded by a programmer.
Machine learning is a part of artificial intelligence which combines data with statistical tools
to predict an output that can be used to make actionable insights.
The breakthrough comes with the idea that a machine can singularly learn from the data
(i.e., an example) to produce accurate results.
Machine learning is closely related to data mining and Bayesian predictive modeling.
The machine receives data as input and uses an algorithm to formulate answers.
Machine learning is a subset of AI, which enables the machine to automatically learn
from data, improve performance from past experiences, and make predictions.
Machine learning contains a set of algorithms that work on a huge amount of data.
Data is fed to these algorithms to train them, and on the basis of training, they build the model
& perform a specific task.
These ML algorithms help to solve different business problems like Regression, Classification,
Forecasting, Clustering, and Associations, etc.
Based on the methods and way of learning, machine learning is divided into mainly four
types, which are:
a) Classification
Classification algorithms are used to solve the classification problems in which the output
variable is categorical, such as "Yes" or No, Male or Female, Red or Blue, etc.
The classification algorithms predict the categories present in the dataset.
Some real-world examples of classification algorithms are Spam Detection, Email filtering,
Some popular classification algorithms are given below:
b) Regression
Regression algorithms are used to solve regression problems in which there is a linear
relationship between input and output variables.
These are used to predict continuous output variables, such as market trends, weather
prediction, etc.
Some popular Regression algorithms are given below:
Medical Diagnosis:Supervised algorithms are also used in the medical field for
diagnosis purposes. It is done by using medical images and past labelled data with labels
for disease conditions. With such a process, the machine can identify a disease for the
new patients.
Fraud Detection - Supervised Learning classification algorithms are used for identifying
fraud transactions, fraud customers, etc. It is done by using historic data to identify the
patterns that can lead to possible fraud.
Spam detection - In spam detection & filtering, classification algorithms are used. These
algorithms classify an email as spam or not spam. The spam emails are sent to the spam
Speech Recognition - Supervised learning algorithms are also used in speech
recognition. The algorithm is trained with voice data, and various identifications can be
done using the same, such as voice-activated passwords, voice commands, etc.
1) Clustering
The clustering technique is used when we want to find the inherent groups from the data.
It is a way to group the objects into a cluster such that the objects with the most similarities
remain in one group and have fewer or no similarities with the objects of other groups.
An example of the clustering algorithm is grouping the customers by their purchasing
Some of the popular clustering algorithms are given below:
2) Association
These algorithms can be used for complicated tasks compared to the supervised ones
because these algorithms work on the unlabeled dataset.
Unsupervised algorithms are preferable for various tasks as getting the unlabeled dataset
is easier as compared to the labelled dataset.
The output of an unsupervised algorithm can be less accurate as the dataset is not
labelled, and algorithms are not trained with the exact output in prior.
Working with Unsupervised learning is more difficult as it works with the unlabelled
dataset that does not map with the output.
3. Semi-Supervised Learning
Semi-Supervised learning is a type of Machine Learning algorithm that lies between
Supervised and Unsupervised machine learning.
It represents the intermediate ground between Supervised (With Labelled training data) and
Unsupervised learning (with no labelled training data) algorithms and uses the combination of
labelled and unlabeled datasets during the training period.
Although Semi-supervised learning is the middle ground between supervised and
unsupervised learning and operates on the data that consists of a few labels, it mostly
i t f l b l dd t
consists of unlabeled data.
As labels are costly, but for corporate purposes, they may have few labels.
It is completely different from supervised and unsupervised learning as they are based on the
presence & absence of labels.
To overcome the drawbacks of supervised learning and unsupervised learning
algorithms, the concept of Semi-supervised learning is introduced.
The main aim of semi-supervised learning is to effectively use all the available data, rather
than only labelled data like in supervised learning.
Initially, similar data is clustered along with an unsupervised learning algorithm, and further, it
helps to label the unlabeled data into labelled data.
It is because labelled data is a comparatively more expensive acquisition than unlabeled data.
4. Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning works on a feedback-based process, in which an AI agent (A
software component) automatically explore its surrounding by hitting & trail, taking
action, learning from experiences, and improving its performance.
Agent gets rewarded for each good action and get punished for each bad action; hence the
goal of reinforcement learning agent is to maximize the rewards.
In reinforcement learning, there is no labelled data like supervised learning, and agents learn
from their experiences only.
The reinforcement learning process is similar to a human being;
for example, a child learns various things by experiences in his day-to-day life.
An example of reinforcement learning is to play a game, where the Game is the environment,
moves of an agent at each step define states, and the goal of the agent is to get a high score.
Agent receives feedback in terms of punishment and rewards.
Due to its way of working, reinforcement learning is employed in different fields such
as Game theory, Operation Research, Information theory, multi-agent systems.
A reinforcement learning problem can be formalized using Markov Decision
Process(MDP). I
n MDP, the agent constantly interacts with the environment and performs actions; at each
action, the environment responds and generates a new state.
Robotics:RL is widely being used in Robotics applications. Robots are used in the industrial and
manufacturing area, and these robots are made more powerful with reinforcement learning.
There are different industries that have their vision of building intelligent robots using AI and
Machine learning technology.
Text MiningText-mining, one of the great applications of NLP, is now being implemented with the
help of Reinforcement Learning by Salesforce
Advantages and Disadvantages of Reinforcement Learning
It helps in solving complex real-world problems which are difficult to be solved by general
The learning model of RL is similar to the learning of human beings; hence most
accurate results can be found.
Helps in achieving long term results.
The popular use case of image recognition and face detection is, Automatic friend tagging
Facebook provides us a feature of auto friend tagging suggestion.
Whenever we upload a photo with our Facebook friends, then we automatically get a tagging
suggestion with name, and the technology behind this is machine learning's face
detection and recognition algorithm.
It is based on the Facebook project named "Deep Face," which is responsible for face
recognition and person identification in the picture.
2. Speech Recognition
While using Google, we get an option of "Search by voice," it comes under speech
recognition, and it's a popular application of machine learning.
Speech recognition is a process of converting voice instructions into text, and it is also known
as "Speech to text", or "Computer speech recognition."
At present, machine learning algorithms are widely used by various applications of speech
Google assistant, Siri, Cortana, and Alexa are using speech recognition technology to follow
the voice instructions.
3. Traffic prediction:
If we want to visit a new place, we take help of Google Maps, which shows us the correct
path with the shortest route and predicts the traffic conditions.
It predicts the traffic conditions such as whether traffic is cleared, slow-moving, or heavily
congested with the help of two ways:
Real Time location of the vehicle form Google Map app and sensors
Average time has taken on past days at the same time.
Everyone who is using Google Map is helping this app to make it better. It takes information
from the user and sends back to its database to improve the performance.
4. Product recommendations:
Machine learning is widely used by various e-commerce and entertainment companies such
as Amazon, Netflix, etc., for product recommendation to the user.
Whenever we search for some product on Amazon, then we started getting an advertisement
for the same product while internet surfing on the same browser and this is because of
machine learning.
Google understands the user interest using various machine learning algorithms and
suggests the product as per customer interest.
As similar, when we use Netflix, we find some recommendations for entertainment series,
movies, etc., and this is also done with the help of machine learning.
5. Self-driving cars:
One of the most exciting applications of machine learning is self-driving cars. Machine
learning plays a significant role in self-driving cars.
Tesla, the most popular car manufacturing company is working on self-driving car. It is using
unsupervised learning method to train the car models to detect people and objects while
We always receive an important mail in our inbox with the important symbol and spam emails
in our spam box, and the technology behind this is Machine learning.
Content Filter
Header filter
General blacklists filter
Rules-based filters
Permission filters
Some machine learning algorithms such as Multi-Layer Perceptron, Decision tree, and Naïve
Bayes classifier are used for email spam filtering and malware detection.
As the name suggests, they help us in finding the information using our voice instruction.
These assistants can help us in various ways just by our voice instructions such as Play
music, call someone, Open an email, Scheduling an appointment, etc.
These assistant record our voice instructions, send it over the server on a cloud, and decode
it using ML algorithms and act accordingly.
Whenever we perform some online transaction, there may be various ways that a fraudulent
transaction can take place such as fake accounts, fake ids, and steal money in the middle of
a transaction.
So to detect this, Feed Forward Neural network helps us by checking whether it is a genuine
transaction or a fraud transaction.
For each genuine transaction, the output is converted into some hash values, and these
values become the input for the next round.
For each genuine transaction, there is a specific pattern which gets change for the fraud
transaction hence, it detects it and makes our online transactions more secure.
In the stock market, there is always a risk of up and downs in shares, so for this machine
learning's long short term memory neural network is used for the prediction of stock market
With this, medical technology is growing very fast and able to build 3D models that can
predict the exact position of lesions in the brain.
It is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence, which analyses the data, build the model, and
make predictions.
Due to its popularity and great applications, every tech enthusiast wants to learn and build
new machine learning Apps.
However, to build ML models, it is important to master machine learning tools. Mastering
machine learning tools will enable you to play with the data, train your models, discover new
methods, and create algorithms.
There are different tools, software, and platform available for machine learning, and also new
software and tools are evolving day by day.
Although there are many options and availability of Machine learning tools, choosing the best
tool per your model is a challenging task.
If you choose the right tool for your model, you can make it faster and more efficient. In this
topic, we will discuss some popular and commonly used Machine learning tools and their
1. TensorFlow
TensorFlow is one of the most popular open-source libraries used to train and build both
machine learning and deep learning models.
It provides a JS library and was developed by Google Brain Team.
It is much popular among machine learning enthusiasts, and they use it for building different
ML applications.
It offers a powerful library, tools, and resources for numerical computation, specifically for
large scale machine learning and deep learning projects.
It enables data scientists/ML developers to build and deploy machine learning applications
For training and building the ML models, TensorFlow provides a high-level Keras API, which
lets users easily start with TensorFlow and machine learning.
Below are some top features:
2. PyTorch
PyTorch is an open-source machine learning framework, which is based on the Torch library.
This framework is free and open-source and developed by FAIR(Facebook's AI Research lab).
It is one of the popular ML frameworks, which can be used for various applications, including
computer vision and natural language processing. PyTorch has Python and C++ interfaces;
however, the Python interface is more interactive.
Different deep learning software is made up on top of PyTorch, such as PyTorch Lightning,
Hugging Face's Transformers, Tesla autopilot, etc.
It specifies a Tensor class containing an n-dimensional array that can perform tensor
computations along with GPU support.
Below are some top features:
Or the algorithm that is being used is taking a long time for execution.
In such a case, one should go for the Google Cloud ML Engine.
It is a hosted platform where ML developers and data scientists build and run optimum quality
machine, learning models.
It provides a managed service that allows developers to easily create ML models with any
type of data and of any size.
Below are the top features:
Provides machine learning model training, building, deep learning and predictive
The two services, namely, prediction and training, can be used independently or
It can be used by enterprises, i.e., for identifying clouds in a satellite image, responding
faster to emails of customers.
It can be widely used to train a complex model.
Below are some top features:
Below are some top features: