No X Reduction For Urea SCR System
No X Reduction For Urea SCR System
No X Reduction For Urea SCR System
PG Student, Mechanical Engineering Department, LDRP-ITR, KSV University, Gandhinagar, India
Lecturers, Mechanical Engineering Department, LDRP-ITR, KSV University, Gandhinagar, India
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, LDRP-ITR, KSV University, Gandhinagar, India
Abstract - Exhaust after-treatment Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems based on urea-water solution are state
of the art technologies mitigating NOx emissions for diesel engine. Major challenges for implementing the systems are
high NOx reduction performance. This study presents a detailed analysis of the urea-water spray wall impingement and
influences on reducing agent distribution formation, thus system performance [13]. So in this review we have according
to studies SCR by urea has been reported to be the most promising method for the control of NO x emissions from diesel
engines. Catalytic decomposition of urea over a fixed flow reactor system has been examined for the selective catalytic
reduction (SCR) of NOx from mobile sources. The conversion of urea into NH3 the major product from the thermal
decomposition of urea, increased with the reaction temperature [1].
Keyword: Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), Urea, NOx, Emission treatment, pollution, Urea Water spray.
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is a means of converting nitrogen oxides, also referred to as NOx with the aid of
a catalyst into diatomic nitrogen (N2), and water (H2O). A gaseous reduction, typically anhydrous ammonia, aqueous
ammonia or urea, is added to a stream of flue or exhaust gas is adsorbed onto a catalyst. Commercial selective catalytic
reduction systems are typically found on large utility boilers, industrial boilers, and municipal solid waste boilers and
have been shown to reduce NOx by 70-95%. More recent applications include diesel engines, such as those found on
large ships, diesel locomotives, gas turbines, and even automobiles.
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO by NH 3 is a well-developed technique and the most common technology for
the control of nitrogen oxides emitted from stationary sources. NH 3 might not be a suitable reducing agent for mobile
sources mainly because of difficulties in its storage, handling, and transportation. As an alternative to overcome these
problems associated with NH3, urea is currently being considered as an NH3 carrier for automotive emission control
applications. It is generally accepted that urea decomposes into NH3 as follows. When urea solution is atomized into a
hot exhaust gas stream, the primary step for the decomposition is the evaporation of water from the droplets of urea
solution [1].
Urea SCR method is suitable for heavy duty and low duty applications due to its higher NOx reduction potential. In urea
SCR, the chemical reactions take place at lower temperature of 200- 400ºC with the aid of catalyst bed. Urea is injected
in liquid form.
In equation (1) the water droplets evaporate from the urea water solution and results in molten urea.
Equation (2) represents the thermal decomposition of molten urea to NH3 and HNCO. This process starts around 152°C.
NH2-CO-NH2(molten)→NH3(gas)+HNCO(gas) (2)
The above two reactions do not require any catalyst and takes place in the decomposition tube. Equation.3 represents the
hydrolysis of isocyanic acid to NH3 and CO2 in the presence of a catalyst.
In general, one mole of urea generates 2 moles of NH3. Also, the exhaust conditions of the engine vary. The major
drawback of this method is handling of large quantities of NH3 because NH3 is toxic and corrosive.
Equation (4) represents standard SCR reaction in which the ratio of NH 3 and NO is 1:1 and some moles of O2 are
consumed. Equation (5) represents slow SCR reaction where pure NO 2 takes place in the reaction. Equation (6)
represents fast SCR reaction with NO and NO2 ratio of 1:1. Besides these reactions, certain undesirable reactions also
occurs which limits the NOx conversion. At lower temperatures below 200º C, NO 2 in the exhaust gas forms Ammonium
Nitrate according to the reaction in equation (7).
The commonly used SCR catalysts are vanadium based. They demonstrate good NOx reduction at 300-450ºC, high
temperature tolerance and superior resistance to sulphur poisoning. Improve the performance at high temperature.
Vanadium demonstrates high temperature good performance at low temperature conditions and high efficiencies.
NO2/NOx ratio improves the low temperature performance of SCR. Ammonia storage capacity is more for these catalysts
at low temperature and less at higher temperature. The oxidation of NH3 in the absence of NOx leads to formation of NO
and N2O (undesirable side reaction) [14].
Sung Dae Yim et al. (2004) Urea was completely decomposed into NH3. As two main reactions including of urea and
catalytic convert oxidation of ammonia during the results of urea into NH3 occurs the thermal decomposition route,
whereas subsequent the oxidation of ammonia is mainly caused by catalytic reaction.
Xiaobo Song et al. (2015) The SCR outlet NOx distribution with urea injection rate have a effect on reduces the NOx
reduction efficiency by up to 7%. SCR inlet NH3 distribution reduces the urea usage by up to 15% to achieve the NOx
reduction efficiency of 90%.
Azael Capetillo et al. (2017) Urea–water injection for an automotive SCR system using for the operation point under
analysis, Results showed predicted performances and the CFD calculated performances. DoE techniques can be used as a
design improvement and improve the performance of the system.
V. Praveena et al. (2017) Urea SCR methods are used to control the excess of NOx and NH3. In cold conditions, a mixer
is used which vaporization of the spray by impaction on its walls. A common issue in Urea SCR is the NH3 slip. Pre-
saturation of the system with NH3, thermal management and urea dosing helps the system to achieve 98% NOx
Jibing Jiang et al. (2015) NOx emissions reduction after the temperature control was evaluated by the simulated SCR
model validated by specific experimental factors. The improved NOx emissions reduction efficiency can exceed 90%
with more steady working performance.
In all read summary, to following conclude for developed and process experimental setup for engine in Urea SCR
catalytic system used for operation under analysis. The improved NOx emissions reduction efficiency can exceed more
steady working performance, Urea SCR outlet NOx distribution with urea injection rate have a effect on reduces the NOx
reduction for increased efficiency.
The engine was started by hand cranking with diesel fuel supply, and allowed to get to steady state (for about 30
minutes). Water to engine cooling jacket flow rate was maintained and water flow pressure to eddy current dynamometer
was maintained throughout the experiments. Water flow pressure was maintained using a ¼ th HP water pump. The
software was run and operated in online mode with to record the data online, software was logged every time and data
will be stored in the computer hard disk. . The first experiments was conducted about diesel engine for number of load
1kg, 3kg, 5kg, 7kg, 9kg and 11kg without urea SCR converter operation and second experiment was same number of
load with urea SCR converter system was arranged after diesel engine operation. I have taken reading to measure the
exhaust gas emissions of gases like CO, CO2, O2, NOx and HC which were coming from urea SCR system. The readings
have been taken by Exhaust Gas analyser.
Model TV1
Make Kirlosker Oil Engines
Type Four stroke, Water cooled, Diesel
No. of cylinder One
Bore 87.5 mm
Stroke 110 mm
Combustion principle Compression ignition
Cubic capacity 0.661 litres
Compression ratio 3 port 18:1
Observation was done by taken reading for exhaust NOx emission. Different data comes from the observation in this
experiment with their results data was shown in tables for pure diesel for steady state condition. We used two different
conditions for finding the best result of C.I. Engine significant of the total emission output.
[1] Engine without Urea-SCR System.
The observed data and table find out steady state condition by experiment on diesel engine without joined Urea SCR
converter as results data are shown in table. The given data obtained to Find Fuel Consumption (Kg/hr) and use to gas
analyser with measured emissions of main unborn hydrocarbons (HC) and Nitrogen oxides (NO x) at different load.
100% diesel
Load Torque FC SFC Mech.Eff. BTE ITE HC NOX
(kg) (Nm) kg/h kg/kWh (%) (%) (%) ppm Ppm
1 1480 1.81 0.62 2.22 10.53 3.86 36.69 26 91
3 1477 5.44 0.67 0.80 26.05 10.71 41.11 23 111
5 1469 9.07 0.77 0.55 36.87 15.46 41.94 34 154
7 1481 12.70 0.90 0.46 45.19 18.79 41.59 41 215
9 1521 16.33 1.05 0.40 52.12 21.27 40.81 35 348
11 1507 19.96 1.17 0.37 56.86 23.02 40.48 43 373
Table 2 Observation and Result data for Diesel engine at without Urea SCR System condition
Table 2 Observation and Result data for Diesel engine at with Urea SCR System condition
1) Nox Vs Load
From the above table and graph 1, we can see the reading of Nitrogen oxides (NO x) different between without Urea SCR
system and With Urea SCR system at different load 1kg, 3 kg, 5 kg, 7 kg, 9 kg and 11 kg are accordingly 7.10%,
13.80%, 18.09%, 23.7%, 19.58% and 11.31%. The maximum saturation condition at load of 7 Kg after that deferens is
decreasing. Means resonance reading is at 7 Kg load percentage is 23.7%.
2) HC Vs Load
From the above table and graph 2, we can see the reading of Hydrocarbons (HC) different between without Urea SCR
system and With Urea SCR system at different load 1Kg, 3 Kg, 5 Kg, 7 Kg, 9 Kg and 11 Kg are accordingly 11.54%, -
13.04%, 11.76%, 19.51%, -5.71% and 4.65% . The maximum saturation condition at load of 7 Kg but it is not in
sequence at anyway. It is random and Zigzag.
Nox Vs Load
1.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00
Load (Kg)
Graph.1 Nox (ppm) Vs Load (kg) graph reading between without Urea SCR System and with Urea SCR System
Graph.2 HC (ppm) Vs Load (Kg) graph reading between without Urea SCR System and with Urea SCR System
This paper has presented on principle and based on this simplified model. The main conclusions and achievements of this
method is successful model so that the model is able to predict the Urea SCR catalytic converter output during a NOx and
HC emission test in diesel engine. We found that the emission in NOx is decreased at any load and sequentially decreased
up to 7 Kg load and maximum deferent 23.7% at 7 Kg load. In HC emission is not fixed in sequence but it is also found
at 7 Kg load getting emission is deferent maximum 19.51%. Also we found that at 7 Kg load achieved resonance
decreased in emission in both NOx and HC. After all, when load is not fixed and it is variable from 1 Kg to 11 Kg the
average emission of NOx in percentage 15.60% and in HC percentage is 4.78%. Thus we are getting reduce emission of
NOx and HC with use of Urea and SCR system.
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