Pandya 2000
Pandya 2000
Pandya 2000
clonidine group. A significant difference was seen in 0.022), and 2) the last-observation-carried-forward
the mean changes in quality-of-life score at 8 weeks analysis identified additional significant differences
(0.3 points in the clonidine group compared with that showed greater benefit with clonidine for hot
⫺0.2 points in the placebo group), although the flash frequency, hot flash score, and quality-of-life
median difference was 0 in both groups. Treatment score at 12 weeks. Neither of the alternate analyses
effects did not differ significantly between the 4- and is preferable to the available-data analysis, but both
8-week follow-ups for any of the outcome measures illustrate that the main conclusions of the study are
(P ⬎ 0.2 for all treatment-by-week interactions). not sensitive to the handling of missing data, espe-
To analyze treatment effects, we used all avail- cially during the 8-week intervention period.
able observations at each follow-up. To assess the We also tested whether the effects of clonidine at
sensitivity of the results to alternate ways of han- weeks 4 and 8 differed by the stratification variables,
dling missing values, we repeated the primary anal- which interacted with treatment effect in two statis-
ysis with two variations. In the first, we excluded the
tically significant ways. At week 4, the effect of
45 patients who dropped out before the end of the
clonidine on hot flash duration was significantly
12-week study; that is, only data from those who
greater for women receiving tamoxifen for 1 year
completed the study were analyzed. In the second,
than for those receiving it for more than 1 year
missing values at weeks 8 or 12 were replaced by
(P ⫽ 0.024). At week 8, the clonidine effect on hot
the preceding nonmissing value for the patient (last
observation carried forward). Because outcomes flash score was significantly greater for women 3
were defined as changes from baseline, we had no years past menopause than for women more than 3
value to carry forward for missing data at week 4. years past menopause (P ⫽ 0.048). These results
However, dropout rates at week 4 were less than should be interpreted with caution because we tested
10% and were nearly identical in the two treatment 30 potential interactions and thus could expect to ob-
groups. For both alternate analyses, the patterns serve 1 or 2 nominally significant effects by chance.
and magnitudes of treatment effects were similar to Patients self-reported the occurrence and severity
those for the reported analyses. Only the following of potential side effects. Difficulty sleeping was the
changes in statistical significance were seen: 1) The only variable that differed significantly between
analysis of persons who completed the study showed groups; 41% of those in the clonidine group and
less evidence of a treatment effect on quality-of-life 21% of those in the placebo group reported in-
score at 8 weeks (P ⫽ 0.082 compared with P ⫽ creased difficulty (P ⫽ 0.02). Blood pressure was
16 May 2000 • Annals of Internal Medicine • Volume 132 • Number 10 791
Figure 2. Changes in hot flash symptoms and quality-of-life score compared with baseline values, by treatment group and study week. For
each week, the left-hand boxplot with squares represents the clonidine group and the right-hand boxplot with circles represents the placebo group. One
observation at week 12 in the placebo group is not included in the plot of hot flash duration because the patient reported a mean duration of 1 minute at
baseline and 15 minutes at 12 weeks (an increase of 1400%).