Awareness Training and Regulated-Breathing Method
Awareness Training and Regulated-Breathing Method
Awareness Training and Regulated-Breathing Method
'Requests for reprints should be sent to Robert Ladouceur, Ecole de Psychologie, Uni-
versitk Laval, Quebec, Canada G l K 7P4.
'R. Ladouceur, & P. Mercier, Awareness: a neglected factor in behavior therapy. (Manu-
script submitted for publication, 1980)
point in their lives, with one percent continuing to stutter during adulthood
(Lanyon, 1978). Within the realm of behavior therapy, much effort has been
devoted to the understanding and the modification of this debilitating prob-
lem. A variety of treatment procedures have been developed, including such
methds as delayed auditory feedback, rhythmic speech, biofeedback, masking,
and shadowing. But unfortunately, the results have been quite modest. In ex-
tensive reviews of the literature, Ingham and Andrews (1973) and Lanyon
(1978) concluded that few procedures demonstrated significant clinical re-
sults. When positive outcomes were obtained, the maintenance and generaliza-
tion of the therapeutic benefits were less than satisfactory.
Among the published studies on the treatment of stuttering, the most strik-
ing and spectacular success is that reported by Azrin and his colleagues (Azrin
81 NUM, 1974; Azrin, Nunn, & Frantz, 1979), using an original method based
on regulated-breathing training. Thick package treatment involves several ele-
ments, such as awareness training, anticipation of stuttering, relaxation train-
ing, learning incompatible activities, corrective and preventive learning, coven
rehearsal, etc. After a single 2-hr. session, a decrease of 94% in stuttered words
is reported, this decrease reaching 98% at a 4-mo. fodow-up. But unfortu-
nately,,both of Azrin's studies suffer from serious methodological weaknesses.
No operational definition of stuttering is provided, and more importantly all
measures of stuttering are based on self-report. Behavioral and objective meas-
ures are of paramount importance in evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic in-
terventions (Nay, 1979; Nelson & Hayes, 1979). Replications in our labora-
tory of regulated-breathing method experiments, with more methodological rigor
have consistently provided statistically significant reductions in stuttering (Bou-
dreau, Jeffrey, Leblanc, & Dupuis, 1976; C8ti & Ladouceur, 1980; Ladouceur,
C6t.6, Leblond, & Bouchard, in press; Ladouceur & Boudreau, 1980), but from
a clinical standpoint the results are much more modest than the ones reported
by Azrin and his colleagues (Azrin & Nunn, 1974; Azrin, et al., 1979). After
treatment and follow-up, the percentage of stuttering was generally around
5%. Such high frequency of disfluent words questions the clinical utility of
this procedure, especially when the normal level is operationally defined as or
below 3% disfluent words (see Webster, 1979).
A perusal of the literature on this clinical problem indicated that in many
instances, providing immediate feedback to the stutterer concerning his dis-
fluencies has brought interesting results (Berecz, 1973; Cooper, Candy, & Rub-
bins, 1970; La Croix, 1973; Shaw & Shrum, 1972; Siege1 & Martin, 1968; Win-
gate, 1959). These data show that, when the patient becomes aware of his
stuttering, its frequency tends to decrease. But, from a clinical perspective, the
maintenance and the generalization of this procedure alone was noc satisfactory.
It may well be that such a specific and limited intervention is not p e ~se suf-
ficient to modify stuttering adequately, but its addition to a more complete and
During the five assessment periods, the rate of speech (total number of
syllables emitted per minute) and the percentage of stuttering (number of
stuttered syllables/total number of stuttered syllables X 100) were calculated
by one observer who was not aware of the purpose of the research and the
phases of the recording. A second observer independently assessed 30% of
the total recording in order to establish an inter-judge coefficient of reliability.
Reliability checks indicated a high percentage of agreement between in-
dependent assessors. The mean percentages of agreement for stuttered syllables
and total syllables were 87.5% and 94.7%, respectively. Also, the stuttered
words identified by the therapist were also evaluated. The independent as-
sessor confirmed that 82.2% of stuttered syllables were correctly identified.
The Mann-Whitney test performed on baseline data indicated no signifi-
cant differences among groups on the percentage of stuttered syllables (z =
.94, p > .05). When this test was applied to the data of the second phase, the
awareness-trained group reduced frequency of stuttering significantly more
than the second group ( z = -2.0, p < .05). At no other phase were such
comparisons significant ( p < .05). As depicted in Fig. 1, both groups fol-
lowed a similar trend except for the post-awareness-training period.
Friedman analyses of variance (Siegel, 1956) were conducted to deter-
- ~*oreneroand regulated
b r e a m l halnlng.
l2i ItaguMedbrWlhlnghalnlng.
FIG. 1. Percentage of stuaered syllables for the group given in Session 1 aware-
ness training plus the regulated-breathing method and for the group given regulated-
breathing only during each phase of the study
mine the changes in the percentage of stuttering across the various phases of
the experiment. Significant differences were obtained for Group 1 ( ~ = 2
25.3,df= 4 , p < .001) andGroup 2 (x," 14,df = 4 , p < .05); seeFig.
1. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test further ~ieldedsignificant dif-
ferences for both groups from baseline data to posttest ( p < .05) and follow-
up periods ( p < .05). Interestingly, no significant changes were observed
between the latter two phases, which implies that the positive butcomes ob-
tained at posttest were maintained at follow-up. Concerning the rate of speech,
all comparisons among the various phases of the experiment were statistically
nonsignificant ( p > . I ) .
The differential results obtained by each group after the second phase in-
dicate the i m p o r a c e of awareness training in the modification of stuttering.
Indeed, when stuttering is measured after this training but prior to the introduc-
tion of the regulated-breathing method, we observe a significant reduction in
the percentage of stuttered syllables for subjects trained to identify each stut-
tering episode, relative to that for subjects submitted to a baseline condition.
But within-group comparisons do not indicate statistically significant differ-
ences from baseline to awareness-training phase for Group 1. Such data par-
tially confirm the first aspect of our hypothesis, which stated that systematic
awareness training would bring a significant reduction in stuttering. Various
explanations could account for such results. First, the length and the intensity
of our awareness-training procedure may explain the results. Our subjecrs were
trained to identify skillfully 80% of their stuttering during one 5-min. period.
Bearing this fact in mind, it is quite surprising that such a short training period
produces a statistically significant reduction in stuttering, a clinical disorder
particularly known to be resistant to any form of therapy. Second, it may
prove to be important to train stutterers to become aware not only of the fre-
quency of their stuttering, but also of the different types of stuttering, such as
interjection of sounds, syllables or words, repetitions, prolonged sounds, tension
pauses, etc. (see Williams, Darley, & Spriestersbach, 1978). Finally, in addi-
tion to learning to identify each stuttered episode, the stutterer may reduce this
problem if he becomes aware of other behavior closely associated with stutter-
ing, such a s muscular tension in the masseter muscle or irregularity in the
respiratory cycle. Such a position is very close to chat recently put forward by
Lanyon ( 1978).
The present data further support the efficacy of the regulated-breathing
method. But the results are far from being as satisfactory as the ones reported
by Azrin and his colleagues (Azrin & Nunn, 1974; Azrin, et al., 1979). The
latter reported a 98% reduction after one or two sessions. In their second
study a 97% reduction was maintained at a 3-mo. follow-up. In the present
effects to the therapist and to the assessment procedures. The elements com-
bined with the regulated-breathing method did not even provide satisfactory
In conclusion, at this stage, we may consider Azrin and Num's method
as a promising technique in the modification of sturtering. But further work
should be carried out before claiming that the method can eliminate stuttering.
Taking into consideration the positive trend in the results obtained in this re-
search with brief awareness training, further work should be conducted in using
various forms of awareness training over a more extended period. Such work
'is being conducted in our laboratory.
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~ c c e p i e dJune I S , 1981.