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Business Tax Invoice

Bill number
ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan Bill date
PO Box 16650 3 Mar 2022
Abu Dhabi Bill period
1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022
Customer Tax Registration No.
Account number

Your bill
Balance from your last bill AED
Previous bill amount 1,040.03

Payment received Cr 530.57

Total remaining 509.46

(Please pay to ensure continuity of service)

Current month charges

Mobile services 729.08
Subtotal of all charges 729.08

Subtotal of taxable services 694.36

VAT amount payable at 5% (Including any adjustments) 34.72

Subtotal of non-taxable services 0.00

Total 729.08
Due before 02 Apr 2022

Total amount payable

AED 1,238.54

You can pay your bill:

Visit or the du app
By phone.
Simply call 188
Auto payments.
Register your UAE credit card online at
Pay via internet banking, phone banking or the bank’s ATMs.
Partner outlets.
Visit to find out about all our partners Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSC
Direct bank transfer. Al Salam Tower, Al Jaddi Street, Media City
IBAN number: AE060550000000005502560 P.O.Box 502666, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Send an email to [email protected] with bank payment remittance, account number, invoice
number and amount paid. Commercial License No. 576513; Commercial Registration No. 77967
Remember to always include your du account number with any payment. Tax Registration No. 100001397700003
1 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan Tax Invoice
Bill Number 0116919271
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022
Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022
Account Number 5.78954

Bill summary
Balance from your last bill

Previous bill amount Payment received Adjustments Subtotal

01 Feb 2022 1,040.03 0.00 0.00 1,040.03

06 Feb 2022 0.00 Cr 530.57 0.00 Cr 530.57

Total 1,040.03 Cr 530.57 0.00 509.46

Total remaining 509.46

(Please pay to ensure continuity of service)

Current month charges

Taxable charges
Monthly charges Usage charges Additional charges Discounts Credits Commitment fees Subtotal
Mobile services 400.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

Total 400.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

Subtotal of taxable services 400.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

VAT at 5% 20.00 14.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.72

VAT adjustment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 420.00 309.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 729.08

Non-taxable charges
Monthly charges Usage charges Additional charges Discounts Credits Commitment fees Subtotal
Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 729.08
Due before 02 Apr 2022

Monthly charges: include all contractual monthly charges at contract and account level for rate plans, bundles and add-ons
Usage charges: include all usage charges for out of bundle voice, sms and data at contract level
National charges: include all out of bundle usage charges for national voice calls at contract level
International charges: include all out of bundle usage charges for international voice calls at contract level
Roaming charges: include all out of bundle usage charges for international roaming (voice, sms and data) at contract level
Additional charges: include activation charges, one time charges, cancellation charges, TV annual charges at contract and account level
Discounts: include all contractual discounts extended at contract and account level
Credits: include all credits applied at contract and account level
Commitment fees: include charges and minimum spend committed at account level (if any)

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AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan Tax Invoice
Bill Number 0116919271
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022
Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022
Account Number 5.78954

Current month charges breakdown

Taxable charges
Monthly National International Roaming Additional Commitment
charges charges charges charges charges Discounts Credits fees Subtotal
Mobile voice services 400.00 0.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

Total 400.00 0.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

Subtotal of taxable services 400.00 0.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

VAT at 5% 20.00 0.00 14.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.72

VAT adjustment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 420.00 0.00 309.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 729.08

Non-taxable charges
Monthly National International Roaming Additional Commitment
charges charges charges charges charges Discounts Credits fees Subtotal

Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

3 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan Tax Invoice
Bill Number 0116919271
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022
Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022
Account Number 5.78954

Charges summary by services

Mobile voice services
Monthly National International Roaming Additional
Service ID Rate plan charges charges charges charges charges Discounts Credits Subtotal
0555207249 Business Mobile Plan 100 100.00 0.00 9.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109.60

0555207263 Business Mobile Plan 100 100.00 0.00 55.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 155.20

0555207236 Business Mobile Plan 100 100.00 0.00 227.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.16

0554808816 Business Mobile Plan 100 100.00 0.00 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.40

Total 400.00 0.00 294.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 694.36

4 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan Tax Invoice
Bill Number 0116919271
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022
Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022
Account Number 5.78954

Free units usage summary

National voice minutes
Service ID Rate Plan Benefits Usage
971555207249 Business Mobile Plan 100 16:40:00 13:47:00

971555207263 Business Mobile Plan 100 16:40:00 00:56:00

971555207236 Business Mobile Plan 100 16:40:00 15:01:00

971554808816 Business Mobile Plan 100 16:40:00 11:53:00

Calling circle minutes

Service ID Rate Plan Benefits Usage
971555207249 Business Mobile Plan 100 168:50:00 01:54:00

971555207263 Business Mobile Plan 100 168:50:00 00:00:00

971555207236 Business Mobile Plan 100 168:50:00 01:50:00

971554808816 Business Mobile Plan 100 168:50:00 00:00:00

National SMS
Service ID Rate Plan Benefits Usage
971555207249 Business Mobile Plan 100 130 0

971555207263 Business Mobile Plan 100 130 0

971555207236 Business Mobile Plan 100 130 0

971554808816 Business Mobile Plan 100 130 0

5 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

05/02 21:33 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000

Mobile voice services details 05/02 22:30 0552326320 00:00:20 0.0000

06/02 17:30 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000

User ID ahsan ullah khan ahsan ullah khan 06/02 17:50 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

Service ID 0555207249 06/02 19:11 0559574999 00:00:01 0.0000

Tariff Plan Business Mobile Plan 100

06/02 21:58 0556550799 00:02:12 0.0000

07/02 08:01 0552326320 00:02:26 0.0000

07/02 16:41 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000

Mobile voice services benefits 07/02 16:43 0559574999 00:01:44 0.0000

07/02 17:13 0559574999 00:00:09 0.0000

Benefits Usage
07/02 18:19 0554263891 00:09:50 0.0000
National voice minutes 16:40:00 13:47:00
07/02 18:31 0554263891 00:17:00 0.0000
Calling circle minutes 168:50:00 01:54:00
07/02 19:24 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000
National SMS 130 0
07/02 20:09 0523655011 00:01:08 0.0000

07/02 20:13 0523655011 00:03:15 0.0000

07/02 22:23 0554263891 00:00:48 0.0000

Mobile voice services 08/02





Monthly charges AED 08/02 16:14 0554263891 00:09:40 0.0000
Monthly Plan Fee (01 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022) 100.00 08/02 17:18 0554263891 00:01:27 0.0000
Total 100.00 09/02 17:00 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

09/02 17:21 0559574999 00:00:08 0.0000

09/02 20:20 0554263891 00:03:35 0.0000

11/02 10:53 0589409943 00:01:39 0.0000

Usage charges Usage AED 11/02 18:37 0554263891 00:00:18 0.0000

National calls 10:01:13 0.0000 11/02 18:38 0554263891 00:05:59 0.0000

International calls 00:02:57 9.6000 11/02 20:12 0589409943 00:00:39 0.0000

Business calling circle 01:10:30 0.0000 11/02 21:41 0559574999 00:00:01 0.0000

12/02 22:11 0554279969 00:03:09 0.0000

Total 9.60
12/02 22:44 0524120250 00:00:25 0.0000

13/02 20:00 0589409943 00:01:07 0.0000

13/02 22:11 0554434899 00:00:45 0.0000

14/02 04:44 0589409943 00:01:29 0.0000

Usage charges 14/02 07:43 0589719556 00:03:38 0.0000

National calls Our network 14/02 19:15 0554263891 00:14:20 0.0000

15/02 06:25 0558137150 00:09:32 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED
16/02 08:20 0525152499 00:00:14 0.0000
01/02 06:28 0552326320 00:01:02 0.0000
16/02 16:52 0552326320 00:00:28 0.0000
01/02 07:19 0553101942 00:00:51 0.0000
16/02 16:53 0554434899 00:00:37 0.0000
02/02 19:50 0554263891 00:00:26 0.0000
16/02 16:54 0552326320 00:01:01 0.0000
02/02 22:08 0552326320 00:00:55 0.0000
16/02 19:00 0554434899 00:00:42 0.0000
03/02 06:59 0552326320 00:01:28 0.0000
16/02 19:11 0554263891 00:07:42 0.0000
03/02 09:51 0554263891 00:00:45 0.0000
17/02 14:16 0552326320 00:00:56 0.0000
03/02 09:58 0554263891 00:02:58 0.0000
17/02 14:18 0552326320 00:03:07 0.0000
03/02 17:55 0552326320 00:00:22 0.0000
17/02 14:26 0586334228 00:01:48 0.0000
03/02 18:01 0552326320 00:00:26 0.0000
18/02 06:40 0558137150 00:01:58 0.0000
03/02 19:47 0589409943 00:00:14 0.0000
18/02 14:01 0552326320 00:00:43 0.0000
03/02 19:47 0589409943 00:02:49 0.0000
18/02 18:06 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000
03/02 19:51 0589409943 00:00:34 0.0000
18/02 18:21 0558081335 00:01:02 0.0000
03/02 20:22 0589409943 00:00:36 0.0000
18/02 18:23 0552326320 00:00:36 0.0000
03/02 20:46 0552326320 00:00:59 0.0000
18/02 18:24 0558081335 00:02:40 0.0000
04/02 12:39 0589409943 00:01:08 0.0000
18/02 20:41 0529433740 00:00:38 0.0000
05/02 13:09 0559488623 00:01:38 0.0000
19/02 10:10 0527871138 00:00:14 0.0000
05/02 17:06 0527070444 00:01:10 0.0000
19/02 21:45 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
05/02 17:33 0527070444 00:01:34 0.0000
19/02 22:53 0554434899 00:00:56 0.0000
05/02 17:44 0559574999 00:00:07 0.0000
19/02 23:02 0554434899 00:00:10 0.0000
05/02 20:14 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000
19/02 23:03 0554434899 00:01:54 0.0000
05/02 20:23 0553374999 00:00:20 0.0000
20/02 11:02 0554434899 00:00:52 0.0000
05/02 20:50 0553374999 00:00:07 0.0000
20/02 11:29 0554434899 00:01:33 0.0000
05/02 20:53 0553374999 00:01:39 0.0000

6 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

20/02 16:53 0552326320 00:00:52 0.0000 01/02 05:54 0508394585 00:01:46 0.0000

20/02 18:06 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 01/02 08:08 0566194968 00:01:14 0.0000

20/02 19:21 0525152499 00:09:10 0.0000 01/02 09:11 0566194968 00:04:26 0.0000

20/02 19:45 0556914838 00:07:08 0.0000 01/02 09:28 0502867048 00:02:15 0.0000

20/02 22:02 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 01/02 09:36 0566191985 00:00:51 0.0000

21/02 08:04 0551883537 00:01:22 0.0000 01/02 09:38 0566192122 00:01:04 0.0000

21/02 08:39 0551883537 00:00:42 0.0000 01/02 09:44 0503163795 00:00:34 0.0000

21/02 09:11 0553033031 00:00:14 0.0000 01/02 09:46 0566191985 00:01:42 0.0000

21/02 17:31 0553023031 00:00:39 0.0000 01/02 09:49 0566194968 00:02:25 0.0000

22/02 10:32 0528777441 00:01:55 0.0000 01/02 10:03 0508394585 00:01:45 0.0000

22/02 20:37 0559574999 00:00:01 0.0000 01/02 11:12 0508394585 00:01:11 0.0000

22/02 21:28 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 01/02 11:16 0508394585 00:07:58 0.0000

23/02 12:48 0556239193 00:00:40 0.0000 01/02 15:28 0566194968 00:00:30 0.0000

23/02 17:18 0528777441 00:01:49 0.0000 01/02 15:44 0566194968 00:00:12 0.0000

23/02 21:41 0589171775 00:02:27 0.0000 01/02 21:31 0504992800 00:00:29 0.0000

24/02 16:55 0556658551 00:02:20 0.0000 02/02 05:04 0503163795 00:00:13 0.0000

24/02 16:59 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 02/02 06:01 0563915172 00:00:13 0.0000

24/02 19:05 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 02/02 08:58 0508394585 00:01:53 0.0000

24/02 20:25 0528777441 00:00:43 0.0000 02/02 15:53 0507437569 00:04:38 0.0000

24/02 20:52 0554434899 00:01:29 0.0000 02/02 16:02 0507437569 00:00:54 0.0000

25/02 17:04 0556239193 00:00:53 0.0000 02/02 16:03 0566191985 00:02:02 0.0000

25/02 17:23 0556239193 00:00:54 0.0000 02/02 16:24 0504931176 00:00:19 0.0000

25/02 19:21 0558801797 00:01:40 0.0000 02/02 16:26 0566194968 00:02:40 0.0000

25/02 20:21 0523655011 00:00:50 0.0000 02/02 20:25 0566194968 00:00:52 0.0000

26/02 09:28 0526007600 00:00:31 0.0000 02/02 20:28 0507437569 00:00:21 0.0000

26/02 10:53 0553023031 00:03:27 0.0000 02/02 20:28 0507437569 00:01:21 0.0000

26/02 18:46 0553355777 00:00:34 0.0000 02/02 20:34 0566191985 00:01:58 0.0000

26/02 19:13 0553355777 00:00:45 0.0000 03/02 05:02 0503163795 00:00:18 0.0000

26/02 19:38 0553355777 00:01:08 0.0000 03/02 05:09 0566194968 00:00:10 0.0000

26/02 19:48 0553023031 00:04:43 0.0000 03/02 07:24 0566194968 00:00:26 0.0000

27/02 09:54 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 03/02 07:25 0508394585 00:00:15 0.0000

27/02 11:25 0528777441 00:00:58 0.0000 03/02 07:28 0566194968 00:00:12 0.0000

27/02 11:26 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 03/02 10:13 0566194968 00:00:48 0.0000

27/02 11:32 0553023031 00:01:15 0.0000 03/02 14:19 0566192205 00:00:32 0.0000

27/02 11:36 0556633687 00:00:40 0.0000 03/02 17:53 0503383415 00:01:07 0.0000

27/02 11:38 0556633687 00:00:57 0.0000 04/02 05:06 0503163795 00:00:07 0.0000

27/02 11:53 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 04/02 19:56 0566194968 00:00:48 0.0000

27/02 12:43 0559574999 00:00:06 0.0000 04/02 21:53 0565759885 00:00:39 0.0000

27/02 17:34 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 05/02 10:38 0507210257 00:01:04 0.0000

27/02 20:54 0552326320 00:00:47 0.0000 05/02 11:53 0567599925 00:00:43 0.0000

27/02 21:51 0553023031 00:00:18 0.0000 05/02 12:14 0567599925 00:00:16 0.0000

27/02 22:04 0553023031 00:00:30 0.0000 05/02 14:42 0503236077 00:00:28 0.0000

27/02 22:39 0553023031 00:00:31 0.0000 05/02 17:58 0501123433 00:00:52 0.0000

27/02 22:48 0553023031 00:00:34 0.0000 05/02 18:07 0501123433 00:00:12 0.0000

28/02 08:35 0526007600 00:00:27 0.0000 05/02 19:24 0508961666 00:00:20 0.0000

28/02 08:43 0559574999 00:00:14 0.0000 05/02 19:53 0508961666 00:00:16 0.0000

28/02 17:52 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000 05/02 19:58 0508961666 00:00:57 0.0000

28/02 18:04 0553023031 00:01:24 0.0000 05/02 20:59 0569792327 00:00:57 0.0000

28/02 19:01 0529433740 00:01:30 0.0000 05/02 21:01 0569792327 00:00:48 0.0000

28/02 20:16 0552326320 00:00:55 0.0000 05/02 22:12 0566672046 00:01:00 0.0000

28/02 20:26 0526636754 00:01:02 0.0000 06/02 16:48 0503379933 00:00:23 0.0000

28/02 21:12 0526636754 00:00:08 0.0000 06/02 17:20 0503379933 00:00:06 0.0000

Total 0.00 06/02 17:57 0504139553 00:00:31 0.0000

06/02 19:22 0507210257 00:01:50 0.0000

06/02 21:32 0544414376 00:08:22 0.0000

National calls Other network 07/02 05:41 0566191985 00:01:30 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED 07/02 06:38 0563915172 00:00:19 0.0000

01/02 05:05 0566194968 00:00:12 0.0000 07/02 06:39 0565759885 00:00:09 0.0000

01/02 05:27 0566191985 00:01:02 0.0000 07/02 08:21 0566191985 00:00:28 0.0000

7 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

07/02 12:33 0504992800 00:01:02 0.0000 13/02 10:03 0505287716 00:03:04 0.0000

07/02 13:19 0566194968 00:03:16 0.0000 13/02 10:07 0506167194 00:01:08 0.0000

07/02 14:38 0545448031 00:02:33 0.0000 13/02 10:09 0547067374 00:16:38 0.0000

07/02 14:42 0566194968 00:00:37 0.0000 13/02 11:32 0506167194 00:00:30 0.0000

07/02 15:30 0566194968 00:01:23 0.0000 13/02 11:38 0506167194 00:01:11 0.0000

07/02 18:30 0508961666 00:00:26 0.0000 13/02 11:40 0506167194 00:00:31 0.0000

07/02 18:59 0508961666 00:00:11 0.0000 13/02 17:56 0566191985 00:02:08 0.0000

07/02 19:08 0562786943 00:00:59 0.0000 13/02 18:56 0503112199 00:01:35 0.0000

07/02 19:10 0508961666 00:00:49 0.0000 13/02 19:06 0503112199 00:00:57 0.0000

07/02 19:28 0504139553 00:00:22 0.0000 13/02 19:48 0507437569 00:00:38 0.0000

07/02 19:30 0566194968 00:00:55 0.0000 13/02 19:51 0503163795 00:01:00 0.0000

08/02 05:30 0566191985 00:01:25 0.0000 13/02 20:04 0508394585 00:03:35 0.0000

08/02 07:10 0507437569 00:04:01 0.0000 13/02 21:13 0566193653 00:04:09 0.0000

08/02 08:02 0565759885 00:00:10 0.0000 14/02 04:42 0504912540 00:00:37 0.0000

08/02 08:58 0566194968 00:00:25 0.0000 14/02 06:50 0504992800 00:00:27 0.0000

08/02 10:47 0508394585 00:01:31 0.0000 14/02 08:02 0504992800 00:00:10 0.0000

08/02 11:23 0566194968 00:00:21 0.0000 14/02 08:26 0508394585 00:01:53 0.0000

08/02 14:18 0566194968 00:03:08 0.0000 14/02 13:04 0503112199 00:02:06 0.0000

08/02 18:46 0508394585 00:01:24 0.0000 14/02 14:54 0503112199 00:00:26 0.0000

08/02 19:23 0507210257 00:10:07 0.0000 14/02 17:32 0566194968 00:02:18 0.0000

08/02 22:36 0544414376 00:04:16 0.0000 15/02 05:04 0503112199 00:00:38 0.0000

09/02 05:38 0566191985 00:01:25 0.0000 15/02 06:47 0508394585 00:02:03 0.0000

09/02 07:12 0507437569 00:00:15 0.0000 15/02 11:44 0566194968 00:00:51 0.0000

09/02 14:17 0566194968 00:02:11 0.0000 15/02 15:48 0566194968 00:00:17 0.0000

09/02 15:17 0566194968 00:00:12 0.0000 16/02 04:59 0503163795 00:00:13 0.0000

09/02 17:03 037229442 00:00:36 0.0000 16/02 07:55 0503163795 00:00:39 0.0000

09/02 20:25 0504158969 00:02:44 0.0000 16/02 08:21 0503163795 00:00:15 0.0000

09/02 21:05 0566194968 00:01:19 0.0000 16/02 08:36 0503163795 00:00:43 0.0000

10/02 08:08 0543025020 00:05:40 0.0000 16/02 08:50 0566194968 00:04:26 0.0000

10/02 09:47 0547067374 00:03:00 0.0000 16/02 14:30 0566194968 00:01:13 0.0000

10/02 12:15 0508394585 00:01:03 0.0000 16/02 15:07 0566194968 00:00:26 0.0000

10/02 12:18 0506167194 00:02:36 0.0000 16/02 16:42 0566191985 00:01:55 0.0000

10/02 14:53 0566194968 00:00:25 0.0000 16/02 16:48 0564702698 00:02:09 0.0000

10/02 14:57 0566192205 00:00:57 0.0000 16/02 17:03 0508394585 00:00:38 0.0000

10/02 20:06 0506167194 00:01:23 0.0000 16/02 17:06 0508394585 00:00:21 0.0000

10/02 20:37 0508394585 00:02:32 0.0000 16/02 17:07 0508394585 00:00:41 0.0000

11/02 07:54 0563915172 00:00:37 0.0000 16/02 17:09 0566194968 00:00:42 0.0000

11/02 07:55 0564808816 00:02:36 0.0000 16/02 17:10 0503163795 00:01:13 0.0000

11/02 11:05 0505029154 00:02:21 0.0000 16/02 17:15 0508394585 00:01:16 0.0000

11/02 11:12 0506930467 00:02:16 0.0000 16/02 17:18 0566194968 00:01:19 0.0000

11/02 11:21 0566192205 00:00:22 0.0000 16/02 17:35 0504912540 00:01:30 0.0000

11/02 16:48 0568692602 00:00:10 0.0000 16/02 17:37 0508394585 00:01:41 0.0000

11/02 17:03 0506930467 00:01:54 0.0000 16/02 17:49 0508394585 00:00:24 0.0000

11/02 17:57 0545060515 00:00:32 0.0000 16/02 17:56 0508394585 00:00:48 0.0000

11/02 19:00 0563494760 00:04:54 0.0000 16/02 17:57 0502629561 00:02:22 0.0000

11/02 20:44 0509818251 00:00:44 0.0000 16/02 18:01 0508394585 00:00:05 0.0000

11/02 21:13 0566194968 00:01:23 0.0000 16/02 18:18 0508394585 00:00:58 0.0000

11/02 21:42 0509818251 00:00:35 0.0000 16/02 18:34 0508394585 00:00:37 0.0000

12/02 12:08 0506167194 00:02:53 0.0000 16/02 18:37 0503163795 00:01:57 0.0000

12/02 12:13 0505287716 00:00:24 0.0000 16/02 18:39 0565759885 00:02:18 0.0000

12/02 12:37 0506167194 00:00:47 0.0000 16/02 18:43 0507210257 00:05:04 0.0000

12/02 13:07 0506167194 00:00:26 0.0000 16/02 18:53 0507210257 00:06:23 0.0000

12/02 13:25 0506167194 00:01:00 0.0000 16/02 19:03 0508394585 00:01:41 0.0000

12/02 13:38 0506167194 00:00:38 0.0000 16/02 19:58 0508394585 00:02:26 0.0000

12/02 13:43 0506167194 00:00:21 0.0000 16/02 21:17 0508394585 00:00:24 0.0000

12/02 15:28 0506167194 00:00:55 0.0000 17/02 06:49 0503163795 00:00:06 0.0000

12/02 17:37 0504912540 00:00:18 0.0000 17/02 09:35 0566194968 00:00:27 0.0000

12/02 17:37 0503163795 00:00:37 0.0000 17/02 10:02 0504912540 00:00:51 0.0000

13/02 09:58 0566194968 00:00:57 0.0000 17/02 11:01 0566194968 00:00:45 0.0000

8 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

17/02 11:03 0566194968 00:00:29 0.0000 22/02 12:36 0561161717 00:00:30 0.0000

17/02 11:22 0566194968 00:02:29 0.0000 22/02 16:57 0509251369 00:00:23 0.0000

17/02 15:14 0566194968 00:00:35 0.0000 22/02 17:24 0509251369 00:00:22 0.0000

17/02 17:05 0508394585 00:00:44 0.0000 22/02 17:42 0506914425 00:01:56 0.0000

17/02 19:35 0568692602 00:02:17 0.0000 22/02 18:34 0506665003 00:00:39 0.0000

17/02 20:48 0506167194 00:01:34 0.0000 22/02 20:36 0502241800 00:00:28 0.0000

17/02 20:53 0506167194 00:00:16 0.0000 22/02 20:53 0509970996 00:00:22 0.0000

17/02 21:43 0506167194 00:00:33 0.0000 22/02 21:16 0509970996 00:00:51 0.0000

18/02 04:50 0503163795 00:00:01 0.0000 22/02 21:43 0566352854 00:00:19 0.0000

18/02 04:59 0565759885 00:00:22 0.0000 22/02 21:49 0562759106 00:00:43 0.0000

18/02 06:36 0566191985 00:01:17 0.0000 23/02 09:18 0561161717 00:01:09 0.0000

18/02 11:59 0503163795 00:00:32 0.0000 23/02 19:23 0506665003 00:00:18 0.0000

18/02 16:28 0566194968 00:00:55 0.0000 23/02 20:32 0508303153 00:01:21 0.0000

18/02 16:29 0565759885 00:00:53 0.0000 23/02 21:36 0566048239 00:04:50 0.0000

18/02 16:36 0503163795 00:01:16 0.0000 23/02 21:51 0568372040 00:01:48 0.0000

18/02 16:38 0566194968 00:00:37 0.0000 23/02 22:13 0507134158 00:00:41 0.0000

18/02 19:34 0562206332 00:00:35 0.0000 24/02 11:48 0543229433 00:00:59 0.0000

18/02 19:37 0562206332 00:03:59 0.0000 24/02 12:12 0507131340 00:00:36 0.0000

18/02 19:44 0504158969 00:04:40 0.0000 24/02 17:32 0507749382 00:00:20 0.0000

18/02 20:45 0509540241 00:07:19 0.0000 24/02 19:17 0508303153 00:00:21 0.0000

18/02 20:55 0507624972 00:00:21 0.0000 24/02 19:45 0562569579 00:00:56 0.0000

18/02 20:59 0565759885 00:00:25 0.0000 25/02 17:13 0502366696 00:00:42 0.0000

18/02 20:59 0566194968 00:00:29 0.0000 25/02 18:04 0502366696 00:00:10 0.0000

18/02 21:15 0565759885 00:00:09 0.0000 25/02 18:16 0502366696 00:02:54 0.0000

19/02 11:46 0566191985 00:00:48 0.0000 25/02 18:52 0562569579 00:00:58 0.0000

19/02 14:47 0569792327 00:00:26 0.0000 25/02 18:53 0568372040 00:00:34 0.0000

19/02 20:08 0566191985 00:01:19 0.0000 25/02 18:54 0568372040 00:01:07 0.0000

20/02 11:17 0503163795 00:01:23 0.0000 25/02 18:57 0502277738 00:00:32 0.0000

20/02 11:21 0508394585 00:00:45 0.0000 25/02 19:23 0507617618 00:03:09 0.0000

20/02 11:48 0507382582 00:00:36 0.0000 25/02 19:28 0502277738 00:00:12 0.0000

20/02 16:47 0507382582 00:00:46 0.0000 25/02 20:53 0568372040 00:00:14 0.0000

20/02 16:52 0569785186 00:00:38 0.0000 26/02 11:40 0505332770 00:01:01 0.0000

20/02 16:54 0569785186 00:00:17 0.0000 26/02 12:03 0505332770 00:01:25 0.0000

20/02 17:03 0507382582 00:01:56 0.0000 26/02 12:08 0505332770 00:00:13 0.0000

20/02 17:06 0501733505 00:00:55 0.0000 26/02 16:20 0502277738 00:00:42 0.0000

20/02 17:08 0508394585 00:03:02 0.0000 26/02 16:32 0569745998 00:00:28 0.0000

20/02 17:12 0566191985 00:03:11 0.0000 26/02 17:52 0502277738 00:00:29 0.0000

20/02 17:15 0507382582 00:00:44 0.0000 26/02 18:25 0505435500 00:00:10 0.0000

20/02 19:18 0503163795 00:01:14 0.0000 26/02 20:17 0502277738 00:00:10 0.0000

20/02 19:32 0503163795 00:00:10 0.0000 27/02 09:10 0506663962 00:00:32 0.0000

20/02 19:41 0566194968 00:00:36 0.0000 27/02 09:40 0506663962 00:00:13 0.0000

20/02 22:04 0506233227 00:00:13 0.0000 27/02 16:08 0547770744 00:00:32 0.0000

20/02 22:08 0566191985 00:01:31 0.0000 27/02 17:16 0544449093 00:00:18 0.0000

21/02 06:01 0503163795 00:00:15 0.0000 27/02 18:31 0561985378 00:00:11 0.0000

21/02 06:19 0508394585 00:00:18 0.0000 27/02 20:10 0506167194 00:00:19 0.0000

21/02 06:20 0503163795 00:00:21 0.0000 27/02 23:00 0501136209 00:03:03 0.0000

21/02 09:18 0503163795 00:02:47 0.0000 27/02 23:34 0507382582 00:01:00 0.0000

21/02 10:01 0508394585 00:00:17 0.0000 27/02 23:49 0507382582 00:00:31 0.0000

21/02 12:52 0504992800 00:00:18 0.0000 28/02 19:05 0504477794 00:00:33 0.0000

21/02 12:59 0566194968 00:01:44 0.0000 28/02 19:08 0502857888 00:00:48 0.0000

21/02 13:25 0566194968 00:00:28 0.0000 28/02 19:09 0504477794 00:00:04 0.0000

21/02 13:26 0504912540 00:03:55 0.0000 28/02 20:58 0505731085 00:06:15 0.0000

21/02 13:30 0503163795 00:00:27 0.0000 Total 0.00

21/02 13:39 0565759885 00:01:02 0.0000

21/02 14:59 0566194968 00:00:34 0.0000

21/02 16:52 0566194968 00:00:31 0.0000 International calls

21/02 18:21 0508394585 00:01:06 0.0000 Date Time Number Country Duration AED
21/02 21:15 0562206332 00:05:26 0.0000 25/02 07:02 +8801735030890 Bangladesh 00:01:13 4.8000
21/02 21:40 0509818251 00:01:05 0.0000

9 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

26/02 08:11 +8801710853438 Bangladesh 00:01:44 4.8000 13/02 11:02 0555207236 00:00:21 0.0000

Total 9.60 13/02 13:45 0555207236 00:00:40 0.0000

13/02 14:14 0555207236 00:00:53 0.0000

13/02 22:07 0555207236 00:00:19 0.0000

Business calling circle 14/02 13:25 0555207236 00:00:33 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED 14/02 15:58 0555207236 00:00:37 0.0000

01/02 04:56 0555207236 00:00:13 0.0000 15/02 08:39 0555207236 00:00:33 0.0000

01/02 17:34 0555207236 00:00:22 0.0000 15/02 16:22 0555207236 00:00:18 0.0000

01/02 22:09 0555207236 00:01:43 0.0000 15/02 20:47 0555207236 00:00:36 0.0000

02/02 09:44 0555207236 00:00:59 0.0000 15/02 21:11 0555207236 00:00:11 0.0000

04/02 21:04 0555207236 00:00:37 0.0000 16/02 07:56 0555207236 00:00:39 0.0000

05/02 11:42 0555207236 00:01:24 0.0000 16/02 16:15 0555207236 00:00:15 0.0000

05/02 12:25 0555207236 00:02:13 0.0000 18/02 20:36 0555207236 00:00:23 0.0000

05/02 12:29 0555207236 00:00:17 0.0000 20/02 10:02 0555207236 00:00:07 0.0000

05/02 12:40 0555207236 00:00:49 0.0000 20/02 19:43 0555207236 00:00:02 0.0000

05/02 12:44 0555207236 00:00:16 0.0000 21/02 08:56 0555207236 00:00:45 0.0000

05/02 13:32 0555207236 00:00:54 0.0000 21/02 09:17 0555207236 00:00:38 0.0000

05/02 13:47 0555207236 00:00:58 0.0000 21/02 21:14 0555207236 00:00:27 0.0000

05/02 16:41 0555207236 00:02:39 0.0000 24/02 11:29 0555207236 00:00:14 0.0000

05/02 16:46 0555207236 00:00:49 0.0000 24/02 12:51 0555207236 00:01:27 0.0000

05/02 17:04 0555207236 00:01:07 0.0000 24/02 13:01 0555207236 00:00:47 0.0000

05/02 17:49 0555207236 00:02:53 0.0000 24/02 20:26 0555207236 00:01:12 0.0000

05/02 18:14 0555207236 00:00:32 0.0000 24/02 22:07 0555207236 00:00:25 0.0000

05/02 20:21 0555207236 00:00:10 0.0000 25/02 17:12 0555207236 00:00:47 0.0000

05/02 20:23 0555207236 00:00:21 0.0000 26/02 12:53 0555207236 00:00:44 0.0000

05/02 20:55 0555207236 00:00:26 0.0000 26/02 13:34 0555207236 00:00:20 0.0000

05/02 21:00 0555207236 00:00:37 0.0000 26/02 21:46 0555207236 00:03:06 0.0000

05/02 21:02 0555207236 00:01:12 0.0000 27/02 10:40 0555207236 00:00:55 0.0000

06/02 17:32 0555207236 00:00:46 0.0000 27/02 11:31 0555207236 00:00:58 0.0000

06/02 17:49 0555207236 00:00:45 0.0000 27/02 17:36 0555207236 00:02:09 0.0000

06/02 19:14 0555207236 00:00:41 0.0000 27/02 21:07 0555207236 00:02:14 0.0000

06/02 19:39 0555207236 00:00:51 0.0000 28/02 18:00 0555207236 00:01:24 0.0000

06/02 19:58 0555207236 00:00:45 0.0000 Total 0.00

06/02 20:10 0555207236 00:00:33 0.0000

07/02 16:04 0555207236 00:00:49 0.0000

Total 109.60
07/02 17:14 0555207236 00:01:00 0.0000

07/02 17:26 0555207236 00:00:23 0.0000

07/02 17:46 0555207236 00:01:45 0.0000

07/02 18:09 0555207236 00:00:56 0.0000

07/02 21:14 0555207236 00:00:45 0.0000

08/02 18:14 0555207236 00:00:24 0.0000

08/02 18:25 0555207236 00:00:15 0.0000

08/02 18:40 0555207236 00:00:20 0.0000

08/02 18:53 0555207236 00:04:42 0.0000

08/02 21:13 0555207236 00:01:34 0.0000

09/02 18:59 0555207236 00:02:06 0.0000

09/02 19:21 0555207236 00:00:13 0.0000

09/02 19:28 0555207236 00:00:31 0.0000

09/02 19:29 0555207236 00:00:06 0.0000

10/02 12:17 0555207236 00:00:29 0.0000

12/02 09:05 0555207236 00:01:03 0.0000

12/02 09:08 0555207236 00:00:19 0.0000

12/02 10:13 0555207236 00:00:15 0.0000

12/02 12:24 0555207236 00:00:01 0.0000

12/02 14:13 0555207236 00:00:19 0.0000

12/02 19:10 0555207236 00:00:13 0.0000

12/02 22:17 0555207236 00:00:11 0.0000

13/02 10:29 0555207236 00:00:34 0.0000

13/02 10:42 0555207236 00:00:26 0.0000

10 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

21/02 19:06 0559574999 00:00:06 0.0000

Mobile voice services details 21/02 21:57 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

22/02 11:18 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

User ID ahsan ullah khan ahsan ullah khan 22/02 14:01 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

Service ID 0555207263 22/02 21:50 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

Tariff Plan Business Mobile Plan 100 Total 0.00

Mobile voice services benefits National calls Other network

Date Time Number Duration AED
Benefits Usage
05/02 14:17 037829115 00:00:41 0.0000
National voice minutes 16:40:00 00:56:00
05/02 14:42 037829115 00:00:12 0.0000
Calling circle minutes 168:50:00 00:00:00
05/02 19:28 037828942 00:00:16 0.0000
National SMS 130 0
12/02 11:57 037828942 00:00:19 0.0000

12/02 12:10 037829115 00:00:31 0.0000

12/02 19:23 037829115 00:00:21 0.0000

Mobile voice services 14/02 19:41 0545798999 00:00:21 0.0000

14/02 21:22 0545798999 00:01:50 0.0000

Monthly charges AED 14/02 22:33 0545798999 00:00:09 0.0000
Monthly Plan Fee (01 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022) 100.00
20/02 14:55 0547890540 00:09:11 0.0000
Total 100.00 22/02 10:44 037828942 00:00:58 0.0000

26/02 19:15 037828942 00:00:42 0.0000

26/02 22:40 0502800764 00:00:34 0.0000

28/02 18:12 037828942 00:00:40 0.0000

Usage charges Usage AED Total 0.00

National calls 00:22:59 0.0000

International calls 00:22:48 55.2000

Total 55.20
International calls
Date Time Number Country Duration AED
13/02 17:05 +923054204472 Pakistan 00:00:52 2.4000

13/02 20:54 +923054204472 Pakistan 00:21:56 52.8000

Usage charges Total 55.20

National calls Our network

Date Time Number Duration AED
01/02 13:31 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
Total 155.20
03/02 22:20 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

05/02 19:40 0559574999 00:00:19 0.0000

05/02 21:56 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

06/02 20:25 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000

07/02 19:20 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

07/02 21:04 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

08/02 20:19 0559574999 00:01:08 0.0000

10/02 22:04 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

10/02 22:05 0559574999 00:00:06 0.0000

10/02 22:17 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

12/02 00:18 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

12/02 16:42 0559574999 00:00:06 0.0000

12/02 19:46 0557795115 00:00:18 0.0000

12/02 21:47 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

12/02 21:49 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000

12/02 21:58 0559574999 00:02:07 0.0000

13/02 22:28 0559574999 00:00:54 0.0000

14/02 21:32 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

14/02 21:33 0559574999 00:00:08 0.0000

16/02 14:05 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

17/02 23:44 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000

19/02 20:13 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000

20/02 22:02 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

11 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

02/02 21:48 0555505131 00:01:04 0.0000

Mobile voice services details 02/02 21:51 0529433740 00:00:39 0.0000

02/02 22:36 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

User ID AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP AL 02/02 22:49 0529433740 00:00:56 0.0000

KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP 03/02 11:23 0558910632 00:00:27 0.0000

Service ID 0555207236
03/02 11:33 0558910632 00:00:33 0.0000

03/02 12:05 0558910632 00:01:59 0.0000

Tariff Plan Business Mobile Plan 100 03/02 13:13 0551157748 00:18:43 0.0000

03/02 16:17 0559552886 00:00:41 0.0000

Mobile voice services benefits

03/02 16:19 0527228877 00:01:51 0.0000

03/02 16:39 0559552886 00:00:13 0.0000

Benefits Usage 03/02 16:57 0559552886 00:03:11 0.0000
National voice minutes 16:40:00 15:01:00 03/02 20:03 0555505131 00:00:29 0.0000
Calling circle minutes 168:50:00 01:50:00 03/02 20:15 0507534325 00:00:50 0.0000
National SMS 130 0 03/02 20:27 0555505131 00:00:27 0.0000

03/02 20:29 0555321123 00:01:03 0.0000

03/02 20:37 0555321123 00:00:31 0.0000

03/02 20:54 0529433740 00:02:13 0.0000

Mobile voice services 03/02 21:43 0529433740 00:01:03 0.0000

Monthly charges AED 03/02 22:22 0551157748 00:01:02 0.0000

Monthly Plan Fee (01 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022) 100.00 03/02 22:27 0551157748 00:00:33 0.0000

Total 100.00 03/02 22:30 0529433740 00:00:51 0.0000

03/02 22:49 0551157748 00:00:32 0.0000

03/02 23:03 0551157748 00:00:10 0.0000

03/02 23:16 0529433740 00:00:31 0.0000

03/02 23:32 0529433740 00:00:20 0.0000

Usage charges Usage AED
03/02 23:45 0529433740 00:00:43 0.0000
National calls 09:34:51 0.0000
04/02 01:10 0529433740 00:01:23 0.0000
International calls 01:06:49 227.1600
04/02 01:14 0551157748 00:02:35 0.0000
Business calling circle 01:12:58 0.0000
04/02 01:25 0529433740 00:00:56 0.0000
Total 227.16
04/02 01:30 0529433740 00:01:08 0.0000

04/02 01:35 0529433740 00:00:59 0.0000

04/02 02:42 0551157748 00:00:30 0.0000

04/02 18:56 0529433740 00:00:59 0.0000

Usage charges 04/02 19:07 0555321123 00:00:55 0.0000

National calls Our network 04/02 19:16 0555321123 00:00:53 0.0000

04/02 20:49 0529433740 00:02:33 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED
05/02 14:46 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
01/02 09:41 0529433740 00:01:31 0.0000
05/02 18:46 0529433740 00:02:40 0.0000
01/02 09:50 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
05/02 22:05 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
01/02 16:48 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000
05/02 22:30 0529433740 00:00:09 0.0000
01/02 18:22 0554279969 00:00:50 0.0000
06/02 12:18 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000
01/02 22:13 0529433740 00:00:45 0.0000
06/02 12:40 0553311166 00:00:16 0.0000
01/02 22:34 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000
06/02 13:52 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000
01/02 22:39 0559574999 00:00:07 0.0000
06/02 14:06 0551157748 00:09:37 0.0000
01/02 23:19 0529433740 00:00:53 0.0000
06/02 20:30 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000
01/02 23:33 0529433740 00:00:28 0.0000
06/02 21:33 0527948490 00:00:45 0.0000
01/02 23:42 0529433740 00:00:16 0.0000
06/02 21:35 0559574999 00:00:01 0.0000
02/02 11:43 0523655011 00:00:23 0.0000
06/02 21:37 0527948490 00:00:45 0.0000
02/02 11:48 0551157748 00:01:10 0.0000
06/02 22:46 0529433740 00:00:37 0.0000
02/02 12:17 0551157748 00:00:29 0.0000
07/02 09:30 0523655011 00:01:29 0.0000
02/02 13:47 0551157748 00:03:30 0.0000
07/02 09:36 0523655011 00:00:16 0.0000
02/02 13:52 0551157748 00:08:49 0.0000
07/02 12:49 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000
02/02 14:04 0522168046 00:00:38 0.0000
07/02 17:58 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
02/02 17:04 0527228877 00:00:56 0.0000
07/02 18:59 0527948490 00:01:19 0.0000
02/02 19:04 0551157748 00:04:34 0.0000
07/02 19:14 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000
02/02 19:14 0551959207 00:00:37 0.0000
07/02 21:41 0527228877 00:00:31 0.0000
02/02 19:16 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000
07/02 21:43 0556674953 00:00:33 0.0000
02/02 21:18 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000
07/02 21:45 0529433740 00:01:12 0.0000

12 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

07/02 22:00 0527228877 00:00:25 0.0000 11/02 19:37 0557330350 00:00:17 0.0000

07/02 22:20 0527228877 00:00:18 0.0000 11/02 19:40 0557330350 00:02:21 0.0000

07/02 22:34 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 11/02 20:53 0508043331 00:00:26 0.0000

07/02 22:36 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000 11/02 21:06 0529433740 00:00:52 0.0000

07/02 23:11 0529433740 00:00:36 0.0000 11/02 21:09 0508043331 00:00:08 0.0000

07/02 23:13 0529433740 00:00:18 0.0000 11/02 21:11 0508043331 00:01:35 0.0000

08/02 10:54 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000 11/02 22:21 0529433740 00:00:26 0.0000

08/02 10:54 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 12/02 09:19 0523655011 00:00:14 0.0000

08/02 10:55 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 12/02 10:04 0554369465 00:01:02 0.0000

08/02 15:37 0529433740 00:01:18 0.0000 12/02 11:39 0523655011 00:00:50 0.0000

08/02 17:50 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 12/02 12:12 0523655011 00:01:18 0.0000

08/02 17:51 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 12/02 12:37 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

08/02 19:18 0553023031 00:02:21 0.0000 12/02 12:41 0553070016 00:00:45 0.0000

08/02 20:50 0553023031 00:01:22 0.0000 12/02 12:43 0551157748 00:05:53 0.0000

08/02 20:54 0553023031 00:05:51 0.0000 12/02 12:56 0553070016 00:00:09 0.0000

08/02 21:21 0553023031 00:06:33 0.0000 12/02 15:31 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

08/02 21:46 0529433740 00:02:24 0.0000 12/02 19:36 0523655011 00:01:17 0.0000

08/02 22:04 0529433740 00:00:45 0.0000 12/02 19:55 0523655011 00:00:46 0.0000

08/02 22:20 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 12/02 19:57 0529433740 00:02:37 0.0000

08/02 22:55 0529433740 00:01:20 0.0000 12/02 20:00 0523655011 00:01:04 0.0000

08/02 23:25 0529433740 00:01:19 0.0000 12/02 21:18 0529433740 00:01:42 0.0000

09/02 10:57 0523655011 00:00:28 0.0000 12/02 21:34 0523655011 00:00:52 0.0000

09/02 18:02 0523655011 00:01:01 0.0000 12/02 22:46 0529433740 00:00:35 0.0000

09/02 18:41 0554481118 00:00:20 0.0000 13/02 09:01 0555505131 00:00:23 0.0000

09/02 18:51 0554481118 00:00:08 0.0000 13/02 09:16 0555505131 00:00:17 0.0000

09/02 19:47 0527948490 00:00:22 0.0000 13/02 11:28 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

09/02 20:15 0551565910 00:00:14 0.0000 13/02 12:26 0551157748 00:02:38 0.0000

09/02 21:38 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 13/02 12:41 0551157748 00:00:24 0.0000

09/02 22:47 0529433740 00:00:38 0.0000 13/02 12:56 0551157748 00:03:07 0.0000

10/02 11:42 0523782604 00:00:28 0.0000 13/02 14:28 0529433740 00:00:57 0.0000

10/02 11:48 0523655011 00:02:27 0.0000 13/02 16:33 0557330350 00:00:26 0.0000

10/02 11:55 0523782604 00:00:09 0.0000 13/02 18:15 0508043331 00:00:08 0.0000

10/02 12:39 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 13/02 18:21 0508043331 00:00:11 0.0000

10/02 12:52 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 13/02 18:28 0527399967 00:00:50 0.0000

10/02 13:46 0551157748 00:05:23 0.0000 13/02 18:32 0527399967 00:00:06 0.0000

10/02 14:26 0551157748 00:02:05 0.0000 13/02 20:04 0523655011 00:00:30 0.0000

10/02 17:52 0553311166 00:00:43 0.0000 13/02 21:19 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

10/02 18:34 0523655011 00:02:07 0.0000 13/02 21:33 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

10/02 18:57 0527948490 00:00:59 0.0000 13/02 21:41 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000

10/02 19:27 0553070016 00:01:25 0.0000 13/02 21:47 0529433740 00:01:07 0.0000

10/02 19:42 0529433740 00:01:44 0.0000 13/02 22:15 0529433740 00:00:39 0.0000

10/02 20:11 0523655011 00:02:26 0.0000 13/02 23:31 0523655011 00:00:26 0.0000

10/02 21:09 0527948490 00:02:53 0.0000 14/02 09:51 0559574999 00:00:01 0.0000

10/02 21:32 0527948490 00:01:09 0.0000 14/02 10:48 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000

10/02 21:42 0529433740 00:00:23 0.0000 14/02 16:39 0527399967 00:00:27 0.0000

10/02 21:50 0527948490 00:00:53 0.0000 14/02 17:08 0527399967 00:00:07 0.0000

10/02 21:59 0527948490 00:00:14 0.0000 14/02 20:44 0529433740 00:00:40 0.0000

10/02 22:25 0529433740 00:01:32 0.0000 14/02 20:53 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

10/02 22:27 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 14/02 20:58 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

10/02 22:29 0529433740 00:00:40 0.0000 14/02 21:53 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

10/02 22:30 0529433740 00:00:15 0.0000 14/02 22:29 0529433740 00:00:38 0.0000

11/02 10:00 0552087145 00:00:42 0.0000 15/02 08:40 0523655011 00:00:55 0.0000

11/02 15:56 0551157748 00:04:47 0.0000 15/02 12:39 0555505131 00:00:58 0.0000

11/02 19:02 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 15/02 12:47 0523655011 00:01:51 0.0000

11/02 19:11 0557330350 00:00:51 0.0000 15/02 18:06 0557766449 00:00:39 0.0000

11/02 19:19 0557330350 00:01:21 0.0000 15/02 18:49 0523655011 00:01:24 0.0000

11/02 19:23 0557330350 00:00:48 0.0000 15/02 20:12 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

11/02 19:31 0557330350 00:01:49 0.0000 15/02 20:14 0523655011 00:00:41 0.0000

11/02 19:35 0527948490 00:01:56 0.0000 15/02 21:08 0523655011 00:01:05 0.0000

13 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

15/02 23:16 0529433740 00:00:43 0.0000 19/02 20:01 0523655011 00:01:26 0.0000

15/02 23:49 0529433740 00:00:16 0.0000 19/02 21:13 0529433740 00:00:30 0.0000

16/02 10:11 0523655011 00:00:26 0.0000 19/02 21:34 0529433740 00:00:44 0.0000

16/02 11:35 0551157748 00:01:27 0.0000 19/02 22:16 0529433740 00:00:54 0.0000

16/02 12:09 0555566550 00:00:37 0.0000 20/02 10:09 0527948490 00:00:29 0.0000

16/02 16:42 0559055833 00:02:09 0.0000 20/02 10:13 0523655011 00:00:36 0.0000

16/02 17:32 0557766449 00:00:08 0.0000 20/02 10:38 0527948490 00:00:56 0.0000

16/02 17:45 0523655011 00:01:58 0.0000 20/02 10:39 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

16/02 19:26 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 20/02 13:01 0527948490 00:00:56 0.0000

16/02 19:55 0526443050 00:00:43 0.0000 20/02 13:04 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

16/02 19:59 0526443050 00:01:13 0.0000 20/02 13:13 0523655011 00:01:33 0.0000

16/02 20:04 0526443050 00:01:48 0.0000 20/02 13:20 0523655011 00:01:13 0.0000

16/02 21:19 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 20/02 17:00 0526640888 00:00:35 0.0000

17/02 09:15 0527948490 00:01:45 0.0000 20/02 17:02 0526640888 00:00:08 0.0000

17/02 10:02 0551157748 00:00:40 0.0000 20/02 17:09 0526640888 00:01:06 0.0000

17/02 10:04 0551157748 00:00:20 0.0000 20/02 18:00 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

17/02 10:20 0527948490 00:00:31 0.0000 20/02 18:49 0523655011 00:01:34 0.0000

17/02 10:26 0527948490 00:00:01 0.0000 20/02 19:05 0526443050 00:01:19 0.0000

17/02 10:42 0551157748 00:02:29 0.0000 20/02 19:10 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

17/02 11:00 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000 20/02 19:32 0523655011 00:00:58 0.0000

17/02 11:04 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000 20/02 20:41 0529433740 00:00:59 0.0000

17/02 14:20 0551157748 00:00:27 0.0000 20/02 21:47 0529433740 00:00:50 0.0000

17/02 19:59 0523655011 00:02:53 0.0000 21/02 09:01 0553023031 00:01:32 0.0000

17/02 21:23 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 21/02 09:11 0529433740 00:00:53 0.0000

18/02 17:18 0528228828 00:00:22 0.0000 21/02 09:35 0551157748 00:07:37 0.0000

18/02 17:26 0528228828 00:00:13 0.0000 21/02 09:51 0558244570 00:02:07 0.0000

18/02 18:07 0551157748 00:00:36 0.0000 21/02 10:00 0551157748 00:00:14 0.0000

18/02 18:21 0556009073 00:00:20 0.0000 21/02 10:56 0529433740 00:00:38 0.0000

18/02 18:25 0556009073 00:00:10 0.0000 21/02 16:46 0551157748 00:00:43 0.0000

18/02 18:28 0556009073 00:00:07 0.0000 21/02 16:50 0551157748 00:00:54 0.0000

18/02 18:31 0556009073 00:00:26 0.0000 21/02 17:25 0529433740 00:02:07 0.0000

18/02 18:40 0556009073 00:00:26 0.0000 21/02 18:00 0526660072 00:01:16 0.0000

18/02 18:57 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 21/02 18:11 0555988558 00:00:22 0.0000

18/02 19:00 0523655011 00:00:30 0.0000 21/02 18:18 0555988558 00:00:07 0.0000

18/02 19:26 0528228828 00:01:56 0.0000 21/02 18:28 0529433740 00:01:31 0.0000

18/02 19:30 0528228828 00:00:09 0.0000 21/02 18:39 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

18/02 19:42 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000 21/02 19:14 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000

18/02 19:46 0526443050 00:01:27 0.0000 21/02 19:59 0558244570 00:01:29 0.0000

18/02 21:28 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 21/02 20:17 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

18/02 21:41 0529433740 00:01:02 0.0000 21/02 20:19 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000

19/02 09:34 0556223343 00:00:04 0.0000 21/02 20:28 0526443050 00:00:16 0.0000

19/02 09:51 0559004163 00:00:41 0.0000 21/02 20:37 0556658551 00:01:26 0.0000

19/02 10:09 0559004163 00:00:29 0.0000 21/02 21:45 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000

19/02 12:10 0509115550 00:00:12 0.0000 21/02 22:20 0551157748 00:02:44 0.0000

19/02 12:21 0509115550 00:01:20 0.0000 21/02 22:34 0551157748 00:00:46 0.0000

19/02 12:55 0559574999 00:01:39 0.0000 21/02 22:46 0551157748 00:01:10 0.0000

19/02 13:10 0551157748 00:01:11 0.0000 22/02 17:07 0551157748 00:02:17 0.0000

19/02 13:15 0551157748 00:00:17 0.0000 22/02 17:57 0555988558 00:00:19 0.0000

19/02 16:21 0551157748 00:01:31 0.0000 22/02 18:21 0551157748 00:00:30 0.0000

19/02 16:24 0558790163 00:00:35 0.0000 22/02 18:42 0551157748 00:00:38 0.0000

19/02 16:37 0559004163 00:00:35 0.0000 22/02 19:02 0551157748 00:00:43 0.0000

19/02 16:50 0559004163 00:00:12 0.0000 22/02 19:03 0551157748 00:00:24 0.0000

19/02 17:22 0558244570 00:05:47 0.0000 22/02 20:09 0551157748 00:00:54 0.0000

19/02 17:27 0558790163 00:00:16 0.0000 22/02 22:13 0551157748 00:00:33 0.0000

19/02 17:29 0558244570 00:00:52 0.0000 23/02 10:53 0523655011 00:01:38 0.0000

19/02 17:35 0558790163 00:00:01 0.0000 23/02 11:11 0523655011 00:01:07 0.0000

19/02 17:35 0558790163 00:00:40 0.0000 23/02 12:21 0558244570 00:00:34 0.0000

19/02 17:49 0558790163 00:00:11 0.0000 23/02 16:19 0529433740 00:00:56 0.0000

19/02 17:51 0558790163 00:00:25 0.0000 24/02 08:34 0565053392 00:02:05 0.0000

14 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

24/02 13:12 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 01/02 23:13 0561247632 00:01:59 0.0000

24/02 17:07 0523655011 00:00:27 0.0000 02/02 09:54 0509738973 00:02:51 0.0000

24/02 17:11 0523655011 00:00:23 0.0000 02/02 10:50 0507635353 00:01:23 0.0000

24/02 17:34 0558244570 00:00:39 0.0000 02/02 11:28 0564952366 00:00:37 0.0000

24/02 18:48 0551157748 00:00:38 0.0000 02/02 11:38 0566565692 00:00:36 0.0000

24/02 18:50 0551157748 00:01:33 0.0000 02/02 16:57 0504936272 00:00:37 0.0000

24/02 19:53 0527948490 00:00:29 0.0000 02/02 19:53 0507635353 00:00:42 0.0000

24/02 20:04 0523655011 00:00:50 0.0000 02/02 20:16 0507635353 00:00:33 0.0000

24/02 21:38 0551157748 00:01:17 0.0000 02/02 20:19 0507635353 00:01:30 0.0000

25/02 00:37 0523655011 00:00:47 0.0000 02/02 20:36 0507635353 00:00:14 0.0000

25/02 17:31 0558244570 00:03:24 0.0000 02/02 20:40 0501717781 00:00:29 0.0000

25/02 20:11 0551157748 00:00:26 0.0000 02/02 21:12 0501717781 00:00:10 0.0000

25/02 20:33 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 02/02 21:25 0563807165 00:00:21 0.0000

26/02 09:43 0558244570 00:00:55 0.0000 02/02 21:38 0566048239 00:01:42 0.0000

26/02 10:49 0555505131 00:01:12 0.0000 02/02 21:44 0563807165 00:00:24 0.0000

26/02 13:12 0527948490 00:00:08 0.0000 02/02 21:50 0506800878 00:00:32 0.0000

26/02 16:56 0551157748 00:00:32 0.0000 02/02 22:05 0506800878 00:00:13 0.0000

26/02 18:41 0551157748 00:01:32 0.0000 03/02 10:54 037221725 00:00:34 0.0000

26/02 19:13 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 03/02 11:11 0504936272 00:00:25 0.0000

26/02 19:19 0551157748 00:01:27 0.0000 03/02 11:39 0503389455 00:00:26 0.0000

26/02 19:58 0551157748 00:04:20 0.0000 03/02 12:36 0566048239 00:02:11 0.0000

26/02 21:08 0559574999 00:00:05 0.0000 03/02 12:42 0566048239 00:00:24 0.0000

26/02 22:19 0551157748 00:00:32 0.0000 03/02 12:43 0544225152 00:01:16 0.0000

26/02 22:35 0551157748 00:00:32 0.0000 03/02 18:00 0566048239 00:03:46 0.0000

27/02 10:15 0529433740 00:01:11 0.0000 03/02 19:02 0505438834 00:00:38 0.0000

27/02 12:18 0556512353 00:00:30 0.0000 03/02 19:16 0505438834 00:00:23 0.0000

27/02 14:20 0551157748 00:01:11 0.0000 03/02 19:38 0501123433 00:00:29 0.0000

27/02 14:25 0551157748 00:00:07 0.0000 03/02 19:45 0501123433 00:00:08 0.0000

27/02 18:46 0551157748 00:02:01 0.0000 03/02 19:49 0501123433 00:00:29 0.0000

28/02 09:32 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 03/02 20:21 0561247632 00:00:08 0.0000

28/02 10:29 0559574999 00:00:02 0.0000 03/02 20:24 0561247632 00:00:03 0.0000

28/02 11:31 0551157748 00:04:39 0.0000 03/02 20:24 0561247632 00:00:03 0.0000

28/02 18:17 0551157748 00:03:25 0.0000 03/02 20:28 0561247632 00:00:02 0.0000

28/02 18:34 0551157748 00:01:06 0.0000 03/02 20:34 0503324193 00:02:04 0.0000

28/02 18:43 0551157748 00:00:47 0.0000 03/02 20:48 0503324193 00:03:27 0.0000

28/02 20:26 0552326320 00:00:55 0.0000 03/02 21:50 0566048239 00:01:08 0.0000

28/02 21:24 0527948490 00:00:40 0.0000 03/02 23:02 0503324193 00:00:10 0.0000

28/02 21:30 0527948490 00:00:28 0.0000 03/02 23:04 0503324193 00:00:25 0.0000

28/02 22:00 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 03/02 23:18 0501498462 00:00:46 0.0000

28/02 22:07 0551157748 00:01:03 0.0000 03/02 23:28 0564952366 00:01:01 0.0000

28/02 22:31 0559574999 00:00:04 0.0000 03/02 23:29 0564952366 00:00:11 0.0000

28/02 22:49 0551157748 00:02:29 0.0000 03/02 23:33 0505438834 00:01:38 0.0000

28/02 23:06 0559574999 00:00:03 0.0000 04/02 17:09 0569162144 00:00:38 0.0000

28/02 23:07 0551157748 00:00:12 0.0000 04/02 19:32 0504139553 00:00:18 0.0000

28/02 23:22 0551157748 00:00:23 0.0000 04/02 19:50 0503444417 00:00:21 0.0000

Total 0.00 04/02 19:59 0504139553 00:03:29 0.0000

04/02 20:11 0504139553 00:01:08 0.0000

04/02 20:18 0504139553 00:01:41 0.0000

National calls Other network 04/02 20:36 0504139553 00:01:22 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED 04/02 20:38 0503444417 00:02:49 0.0000

01/02 09:03 0506658380 00:01:32 0.0000 04/02 20:42 0504139553 00:00:29 0.0000

01/02 09:35 0509738973 00:00:29 0.0000 04/02 20:59 0501123433 00:00:09 0.0000

01/02 10:45 0509738973 00:00:20 0.0000 05/02 10:13 0503382477 00:02:06 0.0000

01/02 11:22 0564952366 00:00:31 0.0000 05/02 13:26 0564952366 00:01:02 0.0000

01/02 17:07 0543599940 00:01:03 0.0000 05/02 13:41 0569425624 00:00:56 0.0000

01/02 17:45 0504424725 00:00:50 0.0000 05/02 13:43 0509482913 00:05:46 0.0000

01/02 19:23 0509738973 00:03:56 0.0000 05/02 17:53 0564952366 00:03:52 0.0000

01/02 19:32 0509738973 00:05:58 0.0000 05/02 22:07 0569425624 00:00:32 0.0000

01/02 20:31 0506650916 00:00:21 0.0000 05/02 22:08 0569425624 00:01:35 0.0000

15 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

06/02 09:26 0501464222 00:00:47 0.0000 12/02 15:32 0503131990 00:00:18 0.0000

06/02 10:01 0564952366 00:01:00 0.0000 12/02 20:31 0504471893 00:00:17 0.0000

06/02 12:45 0566565692 00:00:50 0.0000 12/02 21:29 0509998078 00:01:37 0.0000

06/02 16:17 0503382477 00:00:19 0.0000 12/02 22:02 0543229433 00:00:27 0.0000

06/02 17:43 0566048239 00:01:41 0.0000 13/02 09:50 0509998078 00:00:14 0.0000

06/02 20:08 0509497688 00:01:35 0.0000 13/02 14:46 0509050519 00:00:59 0.0000

06/02 21:03 0561929858 00:00:47 0.0000 13/02 17:11 0506199319 00:00:57 0.0000

06/02 21:11 0561929858 00:01:47 0.0000 13/02 17:22 0506199319 00:01:35 0.0000

06/02 21:20 0561929858 00:00:08 0.0000 13/02 17:50 0506199319 00:01:20 0.0000

06/02 21:49 0508308693 00:00:28 0.0000 13/02 19:44 0502198000 00:00:14 0.0000

06/02 22:13 0508308693 00:00:39 0.0000 13/02 21:07 0506631282 00:00:09 0.0000

07/02 10:11 0501464222 00:01:46 0.0000 13/02 21:35 0506631282 00:01:04 0.0000

07/02 10:15 0509738973 00:00:12 0.0000 14/02 09:52 0509497688 00:00:23 0.0000

07/02 10:39 0505438834 00:00:10 0.0000 14/02 17:39 0502198000 00:00:10 0.0000

07/02 11:24 0501464222 00:00:20 0.0000 14/02 21:13 0566565692 00:00:59 0.0000

07/02 11:39 0501464222 00:00:16 0.0000 14/02 21:22 0566450123 00:00:58 0.0000

07/02 11:48 0501464222 00:00:08 0.0000 14/02 21:35 0569792327 00:00:17 0.0000

07/02 12:09 0501464222 00:01:02 0.0000 15/02 18:34 0544449093 00:00:20 0.0000

07/02 12:26 0564952366 00:00:22 0.0000 15/02 21:47 0506631282 00:00:32 0.0000

07/02 12:27 0504139553 00:01:07 0.0000 16/02 08:54 0569162144 00:00:57 0.0000

07/02 16:35 0564952366 00:00:33 0.0000 16/02 09:52 0569162144 00:01:37 0.0000

07/02 18:02 0504755944 00:00:50 0.0000 16/02 10:35 037221725 00:01:10 0.0000

07/02 18:45 0504755944 00:00:48 0.0000 16/02 16:20 0569162144 00:00:29 0.0000

07/02 19:11 0504755944 00:01:48 0.0000 16/02 16:31 0569162144 00:00:24 0.0000

07/02 23:36 0564369753 00:05:50 0.0000 16/02 16:39 0565709142 00:01:32 0.0000

08/02 16:43 0508103013 00:01:10 0.0000 16/02 16:44 0565709142 00:00:47 0.0000

08/02 17:40 0569162144 00:00:40 0.0000 16/02 17:17 0567599925 00:00:45 0.0000

08/02 17:41 0564952366 00:01:23 0.0000 16/02 17:51 0567599925 00:00:08 0.0000

08/02 19:14 0566048239 00:02:56 0.0000 16/02 18:01 0567599925 00:00:47 0.0000

08/02 21:36 0508308693 00:02:14 0.0000 16/02 18:04 0506914425 00:00:34 0.0000

08/02 21:50 0508308693 00:00:25 0.0000 16/02 18:06 0565709142 00:00:33 0.0000

08/02 22:28 0543388881 00:00:27 0.0000 16/02 18:46 0506914425 00:00:18 0.0000

08/02 22:34 0543388881 00:00:15 0.0000 16/02 18:53 0506914425 00:00:43 0.0000

09/02 10:24 0564952366 00:00:53 0.0000 16/02 19:08 0504139553 00:00:18 0.0000

09/02 10:41 0564952366 00:00:31 0.0000 16/02 19:10 0506914425 00:00:40 0.0000

09/02 11:41 0509497688 00:02:06 0.0000 16/02 19:17 0506914425 00:00:19 0.0000

09/02 22:02 0503324193 00:04:24 0.0000 16/02 19:22 0506914425 00:00:21 0.0000

10/02 09:12 0504489986 00:02:38 0.0000 16/02 19:24 0506914425 00:00:38 0.0000

10/02 11:12 0504471893 00:01:53 0.0000 16/02 19:38 0506914425 00:00:08 0.0000

10/02 17:49 0503131990 00:02:29 0.0000 16/02 20:43 0502108111 00:00:25 0.0000

10/02 19:10 0561161717 00:00:32 0.0000 16/02 21:13 0502108111 00:00:09 0.0000

10/02 19:20 0505180643 00:00:01 0.0000 17/02 16:42 0563613445 00:01:09 0.0000

10/02 19:22 0505180643 00:01:15 0.0000 17/02 17:30 0502108111 00:00:15 0.0000

10/02 19:47 0506199976 00:00:19 0.0000 17/02 19:54 0502108111 00:00:16 0.0000

10/02 20:15 0544328550 00:00:59 0.0000 17/02 20:11 0506931751 00:00:30 0.0000

10/02 20:30 0505180643 00:00:30 0.0000 17/02 20:23 0544449093 00:00:28 0.0000

11/02 16:45 0544328550 00:00:15 0.0000 17/02 21:19 0547912765 00:03:55 0.0000

11/02 17:59 0505233510 00:00:35 0.0000 18/02 18:46 0504139553 00:00:26 0.0000

11/02 18:15 0505233510 00:00:50 0.0000 18/02 21:37 0505839225 00:03:12 0.0000

11/02 18:49 0561012144 00:00:24 0.0000 19/02 08:42 0547912765 00:00:32 0.0000

11/02 18:55 0561012144 00:00:15 0.0000 19/02 13:24 0508252522 00:00:35 0.0000

11/02 20:07 0509998078 00:01:01 0.0000 19/02 16:29 0561905857 00:01:56 0.0000

11/02 20:20 0506199976 00:00:18 0.0000 19/02 19:39 0504503356 00:01:02 0.0000

12/02 10:02 0504471893 00:01:06 0.0000 19/02 20:03 0566565692 00:00:33 0.0000

12/02 10:55 0503131990 00:01:00 0.0000 20/02 10:00 0568476699 00:00:51 0.0000

12/02 11:23 0503131990 00:00:09 0.0000 20/02 10:32 0569162144 00:01:05 0.0000

12/02 11:36 0503131990 00:00:53 0.0000 20/02 11:44 0504224775 00:00:10 0.0000

12/02 11:58 0506931751 00:00:31 0.0000 20/02 17:42 0506424034 00:00:53 0.0000

12/02 13:46 0544328550 00:01:06 0.0000 20/02 18:40 0568476699 00:01:17 0.0000

16 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

20/02 19:36 0544513197 00:01:05 0.0000 05/02 12:33 0555207249 00:01:32 0.0000

20/02 19:39 0544513197 00:00:25 0.0000 05/02 18:56 0555207249 00:00:42 0.0000

20/02 19:42 0544513197 00:00:41 0.0000 05/02 20:14 0555207249 00:00:56 0.0000

20/02 20:43 0508687881 00:00:49 0.0000 05/02 20:22 0555207249 00:00:11 0.0000

20/02 21:21 0505261414 00:01:11 0.0000 05/02 20:24 0555207249 00:00:38 0.0000

20/02 21:56 0506835233 00:00:26 0.0000 05/02 20:33 0555207249 00:00:14 0.0000

21/02 09:59 0569162144 00:00:48 0.0000 06/02 09:38 0555207249 00:16:09 0.0000

21/02 16:48 0505839225 00:01:58 0.0000 06/02 17:18 0555207249 00:00:31 0.0000

21/02 18:38 0505261414 00:00:39 0.0000 06/02 19:38 0555207249 00:00:42 0.0000

21/02 18:53 0505261414 00:00:11 0.0000 06/02 20:28 0555207249 00:00:10 0.0000

21/02 19:52 0507931479 00:00:43 0.0000 07/02 08:20 0555207249 00:00:44 0.0000

22/02 16:25 0566199143 00:00:32 0.0000 07/02 16:25 0555207249 00:01:03 0.0000

22/02 17:02 0566199143 00:00:20 0.0000 07/02 17:35 0555207249 00:00:48 0.0000

23/02 08:41 037221725 00:00:36 0.0000 07/02 17:36 0555207249 00:00:42 0.0000

23/02 21:49 0503345952 00:01:37 0.0000 07/02 20:08 0555207249 00:00:38 0.0000

24/02 17:35 0566199143 00:00:16 0.0000 07/02 20:18 0555207249 00:00:21 0.0000

25/02 17:20 0561985378 00:00:17 0.0000 07/02 21:10 0555207249 00:00:15 0.0000

25/02 20:17 0543229433 00:00:22 0.0000 08/02 16:28 0555207249 00:00:26 0.0000

26/02 08:47 037221725 00:00:36 0.0000 08/02 16:42 0555207249 00:00:16 0.0000

26/02 10:44 0503344132 00:03:10 0.0000 08/02 18:12 0555207249 00:00:41 0.0000

26/02 18:22 0566199143 00:00:23 0.0000 08/02 19:01 0555207249 00:03:57 0.0000

26/02 19:38 0561061532 00:01:23 0.0000 09/02 19:11 0555207249 00:00:29 0.0000

26/02 20:43 0561061532 00:01:00 0.0000 12/02 09:33 0555207249 00:00:58 0.0000

26/02 22:47 0504201126 00:00:54 0.0000 12/02 10:07 0555207249 00:00:55 0.0000

27/02 09:23 0561061532 00:00:14 0.0000 12/02 14:08 0555207249 00:00:30 0.0000

27/02 14:18 0504201126 00:01:51 0.0000 12/02 15:10 0555207249 00:00:21 0.0000

28/02 10:21 0566199143 00:00:38 0.0000 12/02 19:07 0555207249 00:00:20 0.0000

Total 0.00 12/02 22:16 0555207249 00:00:21 0.0000

13/02 10:38 0555207249 00:00:43 0.0000

13/02 10:44 0555207249 00:00:22 0.0000

International calls 13/02 10:57 0555207249 00:01:22 0.0000

Date Time Number Country Duration AED 13/02 16:24 0555207249 00:00:14 0.0000

04/02 20:29 +923095995314 Pakistan 00:00:12 2.4000 13/02 17:55 0555207249 00:00:08 0.0000

23/02 23:14 +247454725693 Ascension 00:55:15 183.1200 13/02 18:44 0555207249 00:00:08 0.0000

24/02 00:30 +247454725693 Ascension 00:11:17 39.2400 14/02 11:57 0555207249 00:01:28 0.0000

28/02 11:39 +923024426753 Pakistan 00:00:05 2.4000 15/02 17:33 0555207249 00:00:11 0.0000

Total 227.16 15/02 20:56 0555207249 00:00:22 0.0000

15/02 21:00 0555207249 00:05:35 0.0000

15/02 21:07 0555207249 00:00:38 0.0000

Business calling circle 17/02 16:31 0555207249 00:00:14 0.0000

17/02 19:36 0555207249 00:00:16 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED
01/02 16:16 0555207249 00:00:40 0.0000 17/02 21:44 0555207249 00:00:31 0.0000

01/02 17:22 0555207249 00:00:31 0.0000 18/02 17:04 0555207249 00:00:13 0.0000

01/02 17:29 0555207249 00:00:43 0.0000 19/02 17:44 0555207249 00:00:17 0.0000

01/02 21:16 0555207249 00:00:08 0.0000 19/02 17:46 0555207249 00:00:07 0.0000

02/02 22:17 0555207249 00:00:44 0.0000 19/02 21:43 0555207249 00:01:34 0.0000

03/02 16:16 0555207249 00:00:23 0.0000 19/02 22:50 0555207249 00:01:57 0.0000

03/02 16:50 0555207249 00:00:40 0.0000 21/02 21:57 0555207249 00:00:50 0.0000

03/02 17:43 0555207249 00:00:11 0.0000 22/02 12:32 0555207249 00:00:52 0.0000

03/02 22:48 0555207249 00:00:24 0.0000 23/02 20:50 0555207249 00:00:24 0.0000

03/02 22:57 0555207249 00:00:53 0.0000 23/02 22:34 0555207249 00:00:31 0.0000

03/02 22:59 0555207249 00:00:39 0.0000 24/02 19:42 0555207249 00:02:42 0.0000

04/02 00:17 0555207249 00:00:39 0.0000 25/02 20:09 0555207249 00:01:24 0.0000

04/02 20:26 0555207249 00:00:48 0.0000 26/02 22:18 0555207249 00:00:46 0.0000

05/02 11:24 0555207249 00:01:22 0.0000 27/02 16:52 0555207249 00:01:14 0.0000

05/02 11:51 0555207249 00:00:30 0.0000

05/02 11:59 0555207249 00:01:16 0.0000

05/02 12:09 0555207249 00:00:37 0.0000

05/02 12:30 0555207249 00:00:37 0.0000

17 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

27/02 20:25 0555207249 00:00:40 0.0000

Total 0.00

Total 327.16

18 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

05/02 18:59 0527230543 00:10:31 0.0000

Mobile voice services details 06/02 08:27 0552247922 00:00:54 0.0000

06/02 20:17 0555340707 00:03:22 0.0000

User ID AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP AL 07/02 09:50 0556331650 00:00:48 0.0000

KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP 07/02 09:56 0556331650 00:00:41 0.0000

Service ID 0554808816
07/02 09:57 0556331650 00:01:35 0.0000

07/02 10:19 0556331650 00:01:41 0.0000

Tariff Plan Business Mobile Plan 100 07/02 11:38 0556331650 00:00:26 0.0000

07/02 11:42 0528601238 00:00:29 0.0000

Mobile voice services benefits

07/02 15:42 0552247922 00:00:09 0.0000

08/02 09:18 0527830158 00:02:26 0.0000

Benefits Usage 08/02 10:05 0556331650 00:01:56 0.0000
National voice minutes 16:40:00 11:53:00 08/02 10:07 0556331650 00:00:01 0.0000
Calling circle minutes 168:50:00 00:00:00 08/02 10:12 0555340707 00:01:26 0.0000
National SMS 130 0 08/02 10:15 0553995487 00:00:53 0.0000

08/02 13:01 0526496035 00:01:02 0.0000

09/02 07:34 0526422791 00:01:48 0.0000

09/02 07:47 0526422791 00:01:57 0.0000

Mobile voice services 10/02 05:37 0525808564 00:00:18 0.0000

Monthly charges AED 10/02 09:07 0556331650 00:00:39 0.0000

Monthly Plan Fee (01 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022) 100.00 10/02 09:26 0527117735 00:00:41 0.0000

Total 100.00 10/02 09:34 0526422791 00:01:34 0.0000

10/02 10:40 0526893960 00:01:05 0.0000

10/02 12:38 0557373274 00:00:40 0.0000

10/02 12:51 0556331650 00:01:30 0.0000

11/02 06:58 0526422791 00:00:46 0.0000

Usage charges Usage AED
11/02 07:17 0526422791 00:00:56 0.0000
National calls 07:59:38 0.0000
11/02 07:51 0556155809 00:00:37 0.0000
International calls 00:00:56 2.4000
11/02 14:36 0557517891 00:00:01 0.0000
Total 2.40
11/02 15:57 0556331650 00:02:09 0.0000

11/02 19:15 0526893960 00:00:25 0.0000

11/02 19:20 0526893960 00:00:18 0.0000

11/02 21:29 0588357050 00:09:57 0.0000

Usage charges 12/02 09:47 0556331650 00:00:20 0.0000

National calls Our network 12/02 18:32 0527117735 00:00:29 0.0000

13/02 13:22 0559692410 00:00:43 0.0000

Date Time Number Duration AED
13/02 13:44 0557373274 00:00:55 0.0000
01/02 06:13 0552247922 00:00:21 0.0000
13/02 17:28 0556331650 00:00:25 0.0000
01/02 06:45 0552247922 00:00:12 0.0000
14/02 08:16 0526422791 00:00:32 0.0000
01/02 07:07 0552247922 00:00:30 0.0000
14/02 14:45 0552247922 00:00:30 0.0000
01/02 12:57 0526496035 00:00:33 0.0000
15/02 06:03 0552247922 00:00:11 0.0000
01/02 16:55 0526893960 00:00:35 0.0000
15/02 11:09 0556331650 00:00:17 0.0000
01/02 17:00 0526893960 00:00:34 0.0000
15/02 11:21 0556331650 00:00:10 0.0000
01/02 17:05 0526893960 00:00:49 0.0000
15/02 11:24 0527830158 00:00:28 0.0000
02/02 09:54 0557838343 00:00:45 0.0000
15/02 15:32 0527117735 00:02:07 0.0000
02/02 10:11 0556331650 00:04:34 0.0000
16/02 10:36 0526422791 00:00:53 0.0000
02/02 17:54 0556155809 00:00:14 0.0000
16/02 13:32 0552247922 00:03:46 0.0000
02/02 18:12 0527117735 00:00:32 0.0000
16/02 14:29 0552247922 00:00:59 0.0000
02/02 18:49 0556155809 00:00:17 0.0000
16/02 14:32 0552247922 00:01:02 0.0000
02/02 19:09 0556331650 00:01:27 0.0000
16/02 14:55 0552247922 00:00:51 0.0000
02/02 19:29 0556155809 00:00:14 0.0000
16/02 15:29 0552247922 00:00:21 0.0000
02/02 19:35 0527117735 00:00:09 0.0000
17/02 14:56 0552247922 00:00:36 0.0000
03/02 17:47 0556331650 00:01:30 0.0000
17/02 14:58 0552247922 00:01:08 0.0000
04/02 10:24 0526893960 00:00:41 0.0000
17/02 18:15 0556155809 00:00:22 0.0000
04/02 10:57 0589512707 00:00:26 0.0000
18/02 09:17 0552247922 00:02:28 0.0000
05/02 10:06 0557838343 00:00:08 0.0000
18/02 09:26 0552247922 00:00:41 0.0000
05/02 10:07 0557838343 00:00:17 0.0000
18/02 21:25 0555961614 00:01:02 0.0000
05/02 18:09 0556331650 00:00:39 0.0000
18/02 21:27 0555961614 00:00:20 0.0000
05/02 18:46 0556331650 00:00:53 0.0000
18/02 22:50 0552247922 00:00:15 0.0000

19 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

19/02 11:10 0556331650 00:00:17 0.0000 27/02 19:19 0556331650 00:08:10 0.0000

19/02 14:04 0552247922 00:00:39 0.0000 28/02 08:40 0552828006 00:00:52 0.0000

19/02 21:04 0527117735 00:00:28 0.0000 28/02 08:43 0526060071 00:00:41 0.0000

20/02 09:13 0557517891 00:00:19 0.0000 28/02 09:38 0556331650 00:00:56 0.0000

20/02 09:45 0556331650 00:02:24 0.0000 28/02 09:45 0552828006 00:00:42 0.0000

20/02 11:06 0557517891 00:01:08 0.0000 28/02 10:30 0526893960 00:00:54 0.0000

20/02 11:08 0557517891 00:00:46 0.0000 28/02 11:40 0552247922 00:00:24 0.0000

20/02 11:11 0557517891 00:02:03 0.0000 28/02 11:51 0552247922 00:00:27 0.0000

20/02 11:44 0556769695 00:00:42 0.0000 28/02 13:23 0526060071 00:00:25 0.0000

20/02 11:54 0556769695 00:03:44 0.0000 28/02 13:37 0526060071 00:00:23 0.0000

20/02 17:46 0552247922 00:01:15 0.0000 28/02 14:26 0526060071 00:00:17 0.0000

20/02 17:50 0552247922 00:00:29 0.0000 28/02 14:33 0526060071 00:01:04 0.0000

20/02 17:51 0552247922 00:00:43 0.0000 28/02 18:30 0557517891 00:00:38 0.0000

20/02 20:46 0552247922 00:00:51 0.0000 28/02 19:57 0556331650 00:00:32 0.0000

21/02 13:12 0552247922 00:00:16 0.0000 28/02 22:04 0556331650 00:00:16 0.0000

21/02 13:22 0524983562 00:00:28 0.0000 Total 0.00

21/02 13:23 0524983562 00:00:40 0.0000

21/02 13:42 0556331650 00:00:50 0.0000

21/02 13:47 0528657350 00:00:49 0.0000 National calls Other network

22/02 17:50 0557517891 00:00:39 0.0000 Date Time Number Duration AED
23/02 10:43 0522263002 00:00:49 0.0000 01/02 04:55 0561230120 00:00:54 0.0000
23/02 13:36 0552247922 00:00:09 0.0000 01/02 05:04 0569721624 00:00:10 0.0000
23/02 18:17 0556331650 00:03:11 0.0000 01/02 05:12 0561866245 00:00:35 0.0000
23/02 18:47 0556042331 00:01:39 0.0000 01/02 05:13 0569721624 00:00:21 0.0000
24/02 07:49 0552247922 00:00:53 0.0000 01/02 05:14 0561230120 00:01:17 0.0000
24/02 10:17 0556331650 00:00:57 0.0000 01/02 05:16 0569721624 00:00:07 0.0000
24/02 10:23 0557645162 00:00:07 0.0000 01/02 05:18 0569721624 00:00:28 0.0000
24/02 12:43 0556331650 00:00:58 0.0000 01/02 05:25 0561866245 00:00:23 0.0000
24/02 14:43 0556042331 00:05:57 0.0000 01/02 06:24 0561230120 00:00:38 0.0000
24/02 17:00 0556331650 00:00:48 0.0000 01/02 08:52 0561866245 00:01:00 0.0000
25/02 07:59 0552247922 00:00:37 0.0000 01/02 08:54 0561866245 00:00:42 0.0000
25/02 08:29 0552247922 00:00:34 0.0000 01/02 12:53 0561866245 00:00:17 0.0000
25/02 08:38 0552247922 00:00:16 0.0000 01/02 14:31 0567410078 00:00:17 0.0000
25/02 09:22 0552247922 00:00:21 0.0000 01/02 14:54 0569721624 00:02:31 0.0000
25/02 09:29 0552247922 00:00:29 0.0000 01/02 14:59 0569721624 00:01:54 0.0000
25/02 09:37 0557517891 00:00:06 0.0000 01/02 15:53 0567410078 00:00:19 0.0000
25/02 10:48 0552247922 00:00:28 0.0000 01/02 16:42 0569721624 00:00:37 0.0000
25/02 10:52 0552247922 00:00:38 0.0000 01/02 18:35 0569721624 00:00:14 0.0000
25/02 10:56 0526893960 00:02:27 0.0000 01/02 18:43 0508328991 00:03:33 0.0000
25/02 11:10 0527830158 00:00:30 0.0000 01/02 18:49 0567410078 00:00:14 0.0000
25/02 12:00 0527830158 00:00:09 0.0000 01/02 19:09 0508304550 00:01:26 0.0000
25/02 16:53 0556331650 00:01:36 0.0000 01/02 19:14 0569721624 00:00:20 0.0000
25/02 19:21 0527117735 00:00:21 0.0000 01/02 20:24 0506731048 00:01:31 0.0000
25/02 19:26 0556155809 00:00:18 0.0000 01/02 21:58 0569721624 00:00:39 0.0000
25/02 19:27 0555340707 00:00:32 0.0000 02/02 06:06 0561866245 00:00:29 0.0000
25/02 19:38 0556042331 00:01:00 0.0000 02/02 06:11 0507602293 00:00:37 0.0000
26/02 10:27 0556331650 00:00:44 0.0000 02/02 06:46 0561866245 00:01:36 0.0000
26/02 13:20 0552247922 00:00:55 0.0000 02/02 06:48 0507602293 00:00:28 0.0000
26/02 13:44 0552247922 00:00:55 0.0000 02/02 07:01 0561866245 00:00:12 0.0000
26/02 18:09 0556331650 00:00:38 0.0000 02/02 07:03 0507602293 00:01:21 0.0000
26/02 18:24 0552247922 00:01:22 0.0000 02/02 07:20 0561866245 00:00:16 0.0000
26/02 20:42 0557517891 00:00:45 0.0000 02/02 07:25 0561866245 00:00:20 0.0000
26/02 21:16 0556331650 00:00:15 0.0000 02/02 07:41 0567410078 00:02:08 0.0000
26/02 21:18 0556331650 00:01:15 0.0000 02/02 08:05 0509057900 00:00:45 0.0000
27/02 10:53 0526893960 00:00:13 0.0000 02/02 08:19 0509057900 00:02:18 0.0000
27/02 11:14 0552247922 00:01:00 0.0000 02/02 08:24 0505809328 00:00:31 0.0000
27/02 11:43 0556331650 00:01:42 0.0000 02/02 10:26 0561866245 00:01:38 0.0000
27/02 13:10 0556042331 00:01:05 0.0000 02/02 10:36 0561866245 00:01:20 0.0000
27/02 14:04 0526893960 00:00:28 0.0000 02/02 11:04 0501084845 00:00:25 0.0000

20 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

02/02 11:22 0508304550 00:01:58 0.0000 05/02 17:02 0569721624 00:00:49 0.0000

02/02 11:37 0508304550 00:00:16 0.0000 05/02 17:21 0509057900 00:00:28 0.0000

02/02 15:29 0567410078 00:01:08 0.0000 05/02 17:55 0569721624 00:00:27 0.0000

02/02 16:13 0567410078 00:00:21 0.0000 05/02 18:30 0569721624 00:00:15 0.0000

02/02 16:14 0567410078 00:00:16 0.0000 05/02 18:48 0505131231 00:00:43 0.0000

02/02 16:18 0569721624 00:00:47 0.0000 05/02 20:30 0506731048 00:01:09 0.0000

02/02 16:33 0569721624 00:00:16 0.0000 06/02 08:17 0569721624 00:00:41 0.0000

02/02 16:59 0508403981 00:01:44 0.0000 06/02 08:28 0569721624 00:00:25 0.0000

02/02 17:02 0569721624 00:00:16 0.0000 06/02 09:13 0569721624 00:00:08 0.0000

02/02 17:03 0504300752 00:05:43 0.0000 06/02 10:21 0501647814 00:00:32 0.0000

02/02 19:20 0509057900 00:00:51 0.0000 06/02 16:01 0567410078 00:00:15 0.0000

02/02 19:23 0569721624 00:00:14 0.0000 06/02 16:21 0567410078 00:00:26 0.0000

02/02 19:25 0509057900 00:01:07 0.0000 06/02 17:00 0509057900 00:00:25 0.0000

02/02 20:40 0569721624 00:00:20 0.0000 06/02 17:07 0509057900 00:01:35 0.0000

03/02 07:39 0561866245 00:01:10 0.0000 06/02 17:11 0509057900 00:00:44 0.0000

03/02 10:28 0561866245 00:01:41 0.0000 06/02 17:17 0509057900 00:00:36 0.0000

03/02 10:39 0502471542 00:00:38 0.0000 06/02 17:19 0509057900 00:00:22 0.0000

03/02 11:38 0561866245 00:00:38 0.0000 06/02 21:14 0509057900 00:00:56 0.0000

03/02 13:05 0561866245 00:00:33 0.0000 07/02 04:57 0567410078 00:00:17 0.0000

03/02 13:07 0561866245 00:00:48 0.0000 07/02 06:01 0569721624 00:00:05 0.0000

03/02 16:33 0569721624 00:00:46 0.0000 07/02 09:18 0561866245 00:01:23 0.0000

03/02 16:46 0569721624 00:01:23 0.0000 07/02 09:57 0569721624 00:00:13 0.0000

03/02 16:48 0569721624 00:00:20 0.0000 07/02 11:39 0569721624 00:01:33 0.0000

03/02 17:26 0569721624 00:00:17 0.0000 07/02 11:49 0508328991 00:01:28 0.0000

03/02 17:51 0569721624 00:00:15 0.0000 07/02 12:43 0561866245 00:02:04 0.0000

03/02 20:58 0545341936 00:01:03 0.0000 07/02 16:53 0569721624 00:00:34 0.0000

03/02 21:03 0567410078 00:00:46 0.0000 07/02 17:04 0569721624 00:00:10 0.0000

04/02 05:09 0569721624 00:00:09 0.0000 07/02 17:45 0569721624 00:00:21 0.0000

04/02 05:36 0567410078 00:00:12 0.0000 07/02 19:09 0567498756 00:02:31 0.0000

04/02 05:52 0567410078 00:00:12 0.0000 07/02 19:34 0567498756 00:04:36 0.0000

04/02 05:55 0567410078 00:00:38 0.0000 07/02 20:37 0567498756 00:00:49 0.0000

04/02 08:35 0545341936 00:00:56 0.0000 07/02 20:45 0567498756 00:00:08 0.0000

04/02 08:39 0545341936 00:00:35 0.0000 07/02 20:48 0567498756 00:00:26 0.0000

04/02 08:44 0545341936 00:00:05 0.0000 07/02 23:17 0545341936 00:00:45 0.0000

04/02 10:53 0506731048 00:01:33 0.0000 08/02 05:54 0569721624 00:00:05 0.0000

04/02 13:50 0545341936 00:00:48 0.0000 08/02 07:55 0505734896 00:01:34 0.0000

04/02 15:27 0569721624 00:00:56 0.0000 08/02 08:09 0505734896 00:00:15 0.0000

04/02 15:34 0545341936 00:00:10 0.0000 08/02 09:08 0505734896 00:00:48 0.0000

04/02 15:54 0567410078 00:03:05 0.0000 08/02 09:21 0561866245 00:01:35 0.0000

04/02 16:05 0561866245 00:05:24 0.0000 08/02 09:31 0507602293 00:00:26 0.0000

04/02 16:30 0567052817 00:04:52 0.0000 08/02 11:47 0506283771 00:11:13 0.0000

04/02 16:43 0561266296 00:00:37 0.0000 08/02 12:30 0561866245 00:00:14 0.0000

04/02 16:45 0567052817 00:03:19 0.0000 08/02 16:44 0569721624 00:00:13 0.0000

04/02 16:51 0567052817 00:00:31 0.0000 09/02 06:00 0569721624 00:00:06 0.0000

04/02 17:12 0561866245 00:01:38 0.0000 09/02 08:31 0509057900 00:01:22 0.0000

04/02 18:23 0567052817 00:00:20 0.0000 09/02 09:07 0509057900 00:00:24 0.0000

04/02 18:24 0567052817 00:00:12 0.0000 09/02 09:18 0561866245 00:00:27 0.0000

04/02 20:01 0506731048 00:00:35 0.0000 09/02 09:36 0508403981 00:01:59 0.0000

04/02 21:06 0567410078 00:00:14 0.0000 09/02 10:42 0508403981 00:02:32 0.0000

05/02 05:26 0569721624 00:00:18 0.0000 09/02 10:46 0569721624 00:01:50 0.0000

05/02 08:24 0509057900 00:00:22 0.0000 09/02 10:50 0564362865 00:00:34 0.0000

05/02 09:48 0509057900 00:01:46 0.0000 09/02 17:00 0509057900 00:03:34 0.0000

05/02 11:06 0509057900 00:00:27 0.0000 09/02 17:20 0506731048 00:00:52 0.0000

05/02 11:35 0562706778 00:00:36 0.0000 09/02 18:05 0567410078 00:00:13 0.0000

05/02 13:07 0509057900 00:00:45 0.0000 09/02 18:34 0569721624 00:01:16 0.0000

05/02 13:18 0567410078 00:00:59 0.0000 09/02 19:17 0506731048 00:01:25 0.0000

05/02 13:26 0569721624 00:02:29 0.0000 09/02 19:46 0569721624 00:00:49 0.0000

05/02 13:46 0545341936 00:00:55 0.0000 09/02 20:03 0567410078 00:00:32 0.0000

05/02 16:45 0569721624 00:00:27 0.0000 10/02 05:43 0569721624 00:00:06 0.0000

21 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

10/02 05:58 0567410078 00:00:29 0.0000 15/02 14:30 0563846422 00:00:04 0.0000

10/02 09:33 0569721624 00:00:42 0.0000 15/02 15:04 0567410078 00:02:55 0.0000

10/02 09:36 0569721624 00:02:09 0.0000 15/02 19:16 0567410078 00:00:27 0.0000

10/02 09:47 0569721624 00:00:53 0.0000 16/02 09:11 0544612703 00:02:58 0.0000

10/02 12:21 0504948941 00:00:25 0.0000 16/02 09:38 0544612703 00:00:24 0.0000

10/02 12:22 0508403981 00:01:46 0.0000 16/02 10:39 0569721624 00:01:11 0.0000

10/02 16:14 0567052817 00:01:17 0.0000 16/02 12:12 0569721624 00:01:01 0.0000

10/02 16:18 0567052817 00:00:48 0.0000 16/02 12:53 0569721624 00:00:44 0.0000

10/02 16:26 0566344486 00:02:59 0.0000 16/02 13:16 0569721624 00:00:10 0.0000

10/02 16:35 0567052817 00:00:43 0.0000 16/02 14:16 0566344486 00:00:28 0.0000

10/02 18:17 0566344486 00:00:18 0.0000 16/02 14:54 0504719172 00:00:51 0.0000

10/02 21:59 0569721624 00:00:25 0.0000 16/02 15:19 0569721624 00:02:23 0.0000

11/02 06:57 0569721624 00:00:42 0.0000 16/02 16:05 0561866245 00:00:53 0.0000

11/02 06:59 0569721624 00:00:07 0.0000 16/02 16:38 0501647814 00:03:19 0.0000

11/02 07:01 0569721624 00:00:17 0.0000 16/02 18:25 0561866245 00:01:03 0.0000

11/02 07:02 0569721624 00:00:17 0.0000 16/02 18:30 0561866245 00:02:28 0.0000

11/02 07:02 0569721624 00:00:06 0.0000 17/02 05:49 0569721624 00:00:06 0.0000

11/02 07:10 0569721624 00:01:54 0.0000 17/02 07:55 0561866245 00:00:50 0.0000

11/02 09:43 0561866245 00:01:58 0.0000 17/02 11:41 0569721624 00:03:00 0.0000

11/02 10:33 0569721624 00:02:47 0.0000 17/02 11:53 0566344486 00:00:37 0.0000

11/02 10:44 0569721624 00:00:42 0.0000 18/02 09:07 0506731048 00:00:15 0.0000

11/02 12:59 0506731048 00:00:16 0.0000 18/02 09:12 0506731048 00:00:12 0.0000

11/02 14:26 0567410078 00:00:52 0.0000 18/02 09:13 0506731048 00:03:49 0.0000

11/02 14:28 0561866245 00:02:09 0.0000 18/02 10:01 0508304550 00:00:44 0.0000

11/02 14:34 0567410078 00:00:27 0.0000 18/02 20:10 0561266296 00:00:44 0.0000

11/02 15:36 0561866245 00:06:47 0.0000 19/02 20:07 0561866245 00:00:55 0.0000

11/02 15:44 0569721624 00:02:43 0.0000 20/02 09:27 0508304550 00:00:21 0.0000

11/02 18:05 0561866245 00:00:17 0.0000 20/02 09:28 0508304550 00:00:16 0.0000

11/02 19:01 0561866245 00:00:27 0.0000 20/02 09:35 0508304550 00:00:32 0.0000

11/02 20:17 0567410078 00:00:33 0.0000 20/02 09:41 0508304550 00:00:09 0.0000

11/02 20:28 0567410078 00:00:15 0.0000 20/02 11:05 0503300952 00:00:27 0.0000

12/02 07:01 0569721624 00:00:17 0.0000 20/02 12:25 0569721624 00:11:28 0.0000

12/02 08:14 0569721624 00:00:09 0.0000 20/02 14:10 0561266296 00:01:09 0.0000

12/02 09:51 0567410078 00:00:27 0.0000 20/02 14:19 0561266296 00:01:04 0.0000

12/02 11:24 0569721624 00:00:58 0.0000 20/02 16:21 0561266296 00:01:53 0.0000

12/02 12:52 0561866245 00:01:10 0.0000 20/02 16:46 0561266296 00:00:19 0.0000

12/02 14:48 0561866245 00:00:41 0.0000 20/02 18:19 0561266296 00:00:30 0.0000

12/02 16:28 0569721624 00:00:20 0.0000 20/02 20:19 0503300952 00:00:32 0.0000

12/02 16:43 0561866245 00:00:44 0.0000 21/02 08:40 0508328991 00:00:55 0.0000

12/02 17:42 0561866245 00:00:07 0.0000 21/02 13:40 0507172866 00:00:51 0.0000

12/02 18:37 0569721624 00:01:47 0.0000 22/02 10:45 0504725246 00:00:23 0.0000

12/02 21:30 0561866245 00:00:24 0.0000 22/02 11:28 0504725246 00:00:27 0.0000

13/02 06:41 0561866245 00:01:21 0.0000 23/02 13:30 0569721624 00:01:06 0.0000

13/02 13:24 0503305342 00:01:03 0.0000 23/02 14:38 0569721624 00:01:03 0.0000

13/02 16:30 0567052817 00:00:38 0.0000 23/02 16:50 0561866245 00:01:06 0.0000

14/02 06:42 0569721624 00:00:07 0.0000 24/02 06:52 0569721624 00:00:19 0.0000

14/02 09:22 0561866245 00:00:46 0.0000 24/02 10:14 0561866245 00:00:27 0.0000

14/02 09:44 0561866245 00:00:18 0.0000 24/02 17:02 0508328991 00:01:33 0.0000

14/02 09:45 0561866245 00:01:42 0.0000 25/02 07:18 0508304550 00:00:25 0.0000

14/02 09:50 0561866245 00:00:28 0.0000 25/02 08:06 0508304550 00:00:31 0.0000

14/02 09:50 0566036878 00:00:31 0.0000 25/02 08:31 0508304550 00:00:27 0.0000

14/02 11:29 0561866245 00:00:20 0.0000 25/02 09:02 0566036878 00:00:33 0.0000

14/02 12:39 0561866245 00:00:12 0.0000 25/02 17:01 0502330605 00:00:12 0.0000

14/02 18:46 0545859377 00:00:03 0.0000 25/02 19:29 0503300952 00:01:04 0.0000

14/02 18:51 0567410078 00:00:46 0.0000 26/02 10:25 0561866245 00:01:23 0.0000

14/02 19:04 0567410078 00:00:26 0.0000 26/02 18:20 0561866245 00:00:20 0.0000

14/02 19:30 0567410078 00:03:06 0.0000 26/02 19:09 0544612703 00:00:24 0.0000

15/02 10:03 0567410078 00:00:48 0.0000 26/02 19:30 0561866245 00:00:41 0.0000

15/02 11:00 0567410078 00:03:24 0.0000 26/02 19:50 0561866245 00:00:08 0.0000

22 of 23
AL KHAZAEN COOLING SHOP - ahsan ullah khan a h san ullah khan
Bill Number 0116919271 Key
Bill Date 3 Mar 2022 Plan benefit Bonus on incoming reward

Bill Period 1 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022 Premier value back Premier plan commitment

Account Number 5.78954

26/02 20:15 0561866245 00:00:22 0.0000

27/02 09:20 0508254018 00:07:10 0.0000

27/02 13:04 0545341936 00:05:18 0.0000

27/02 14:11 0506731048 00:00:54 0.0000

27/02 16:37 0566036878 00:01:03 0.0000

27/02 18:30 0505077488 00:02:02 0.0000

27/02 19:28 0509950735 00:01:16 0.0000

27/02 19:56 0509121670 00:00:44 0.0000

27/02 20:01 0545341936 00:00:26 0.0000

27/02 20:09 0545341936 00:00:29 0.0000

28/02 08:06 0508304550 00:00:54 0.0000

28/02 10:33 0561866245 00:00:32 0.0000

28/02 11:10 0561866245 00:01:29 0.0000

28/02 11:16 0561866245 00:00:21 0.0000

28/02 13:24 0561866245 00:00:16 0.0000

28/02 15:42 0561866245 00:00:21 0.0000

28/02 16:12 0561866245 00:00:10 0.0000

28/02 19:34 0506731048 00:06:25 0.0000

Total 0.00

International calls
Date Time Number Country Duration AED
04/02 12:33 +966559853576 Saudi Arabia 00:00:56 2.4000

Total 2.40

Total 102.40

23 of 23

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