Mapping of Power Distribution Network Using GIS
Mapping of Power Distribution Network Using GIS
Mapping of Power Distribution Network Using GIS
Abstract — This research mainly focuses on the use of information should be collected and thoroughly analyzed,
Geographical Information System (GIS) Technology for the which contributes not only to efficient services, but also to the
mapping of Power Distribution Network of Poblacion, operation and maintenance of assets, as well as to the prudent
Linamon, Lanao del Norte. The research aims to produce data planning of new works and extensions.
that will be beneficial for the local electricity provider, Lanao
del Norte Electric Cooperative (LANECO). ArcGIS software A. Importance of the Study
was used for the digitization of map. Electrical Transient Erratic power is a constant problem in Poblacion
Analyzer Program (ETAP) software was used for the load flow Linamon. Causes can range from vegetation, animal
analysis of the network where it is connected in a intervention, and the most common cause overloading of
subtransmission transformer rating of 10 MVA 69/13.8 kV at transformers. This study aims to locate potential transformers
Kauswagan Substation. After the load flow simulation, two
with load exceeding its capacity and fix the erratic power
transformers have exceeded the ideal maximum capacity. The
voltage delivered by the transformers are relatively low for the
load and can cause overloading of the transformer. Mapping the B. Statement of the Problem
power distribution network in GIS can help the LANECO plan The town’s topography has always been a challenge
for preventive operation and maintenance, efficient service for
for the development of the town especially in its power
better provider-consumer relationship, load management,
revenue realization, and in sensible planning of new works and distribution network. Developing roads, new commercial
extensions for barangay Poblacion. buildings are just some of the new additions for the expansion
of Linamon. For the year 2021 until early 2031, the LGU has
Keywords— GIS, GPS, Mapping Power Distribution sets of plans that include the development of a new bus
Network, ETAP, Transformers terminal, coastal park, water treatment facility, evacuation
center and many more. Despite all these feats the town
continues to suffer from power outage or sudden brownout
I. INTRODUCTION during peak energy demand or bad weather. Most of the
The growth of any country's economy is heavily reliant on utility poles were constructed in the early 2000s with some
the availability of affordable and reliable power supply to not functional or needing maintenance. This research aims to
meet the growing demand for energy from industry and other address the lack of information associated with the current
key sectors such as commercial and industrial production [3]. problems faced by the local electricity provider and to
Utilities around the world are under enormous pressure and produce quality data that is very useful for the continuous
undergoing unprecedented change, and the focus is now on development of Linamon, Lanao Del Norte.
developing new strategies to address any shortcomings in
power supply transmission, load management, and other
commercial services. Advancement in hardware, software,
and networking technology has created opportunities for the A. Efficiency of Distribution System Using GIS
utility industry to build and benefit from more comprehensive Efficient transmission of power is impossible without
and complex Geographic Information System (GIS) [8]. proper record keeping and monitoring of the distribution
In GIS, an electric distribution utility uses a network of network system. Any organization that expects to run an
physical facilities to provide electric power and energy to efficient day-to-day operation as well as effectively manage
customers connected to those facilities throughout a and develop its services must understand what assets it has,
geographical area [8]. Poblacion’s topography has always where they are, their condition, and how they are performing
been a challenge for the development of the town especially [7]. To make strategic and operational decisions, knowledge
in its power distribution network, which can be difficult if of the physical assets of the electricity distribution network is
traditional approach of GIS will be used because it’s very required. As a result, in order to make such informed decisions
complex to manage utility information where the databases about the distribution and management of electricity and its
are not managed and maintained in form of information where facilities, information must be collected and analyzed to the
decision makers can extract information (i.e., electric cables, greatest extent possible using GIS techniques.
street light poles, feeders and fault logging etc.) [1]. So, in The creation of a digital map and a functional geodatabase
order to make sound decisions about the operation, about the facilities will be able to show the utility transformer
management, and expansion of distribution facilities,
A. General Method
There are four major steps involved in building and
processing a GIS map. First is the data collection.
Researchers coordinated with LANECO providing them with
necessary letters for the acquisition of data. Next is the
digitization of map. Researchers used ArcGIS software for
the process. After the digitization, processing and analyzing Fig. 2: Poblacion, Linamon, Lanao del Norte
are next. With the help of the collected data (i.e., base maps, Area
GPS points of transformers, etc.), researchers were able to
C. Materials GPS points is uploaded in the base map provided by Google
Necessary materials were needed for the development of Earth software.
the study. The resources used for the research process from
extracted data, software, hardware and devices are:
C.1 Data Requirement
• Satellite Image
• GPS Points of Poles and Transformers
• kVA and Current Rating of the Transformers
C.2 Software Used
• ArcGIS 10.7.1
• Microsoft Word
• Load Flow Using Electrical Transient Analyzer
Program (ETAP) 19.0.1 Fig. 4: Base Map
ArcGIS Desktop is software developed by ESRI, which
consists of the following: A. Transformer Current Rating Data Collection
• ArcView Since the data for the distribution network is not fully
• ArcEditor digitized and not readily available for modifying, line worker
• ArcInfo Roger B. Lusay along with the researchers, conducted data
Each of these contains ArcMap, ArcCatalog, and collection on all transformers of the study area.
ArcToolbox. ArcMap is software that is used for mapping
whereas ArcCatalog is used for managing shapefiles and
databases [2]. TABLE 1
Coordinates, Current, and kVA Rating of Transformers
Current Rating Per Purok
The researchers would like to express their gratitude to
everyone who supported and contributed to the completion of
Fig. 9: Single-Line Diagram of Poblacion in Full View this study. They would like to start by thanking God for
using ETAP providing them with the strength and guidance throughout the
project. Their parents, who instilled the foundation of their
learning, and the faculty of the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Technology at College of Engineering and
Technology, Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of
Technology, especially their thesis adviser, Engr. Anacita P.
Tahud, for her unwavering support, knowledge, and technical
skills. The researchers also want to thank the members of the
panel, Dr. Carl John O. Salaan, Engr. Karl Martin A. Aldueso,
and Dr. Noel R. Estoperez for their technical assistance and
valuable suggestions.
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