139-Article Text-1354-1-10-20231002
139-Article Text-1354-1-10-20231002
139-Article Text-1354-1-10-20231002
Microalgae are versatile organisms with the ability to adapt to various environments and exhibit
rapid growth. They play a significant role in photosynthesis by converting carbon dioxide into
oxygen and utilizing nutrients in their surroundings. This study aims to investigate the impact of
nutrient availability on the growth of Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis. The experiment
involves culturing the microalgae in mineral water and distilled water mediums supplemented
with Walne medium nutrients. The growth of microalgae is monitored daily by calculating cell
density using a counting chamber method. The pH and temperature of the culture are also
measured. The results show that both microalgae species can grow in both mediums, but the
usagee of mineral water medium promotes higher cell density and growth rates compared to
distilled water medium. The pH values of the cultures vary between mediums, with mineral water
medium generally exhibiting higher of pH. The temperature remains relatively stable throughout
the experiment. These findings indicate that nutrient availability has a significant influence on
microalgae growth, and the use of mineral water medium enhances their growth potential.
Journal of Engineering, Social and Health - Vol 2 (9) September 2023 1036
R Mohammad Alghaf Dienullah, Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah
nutrients in their life medium (Gani et al., carbon, phosphorus, silicon, vitamins, and
2016). some metals such as zinc, copper, iron can
Some researchers using many species affect for growth microalgae. Among them,
of microalgae in nature which commonly carbon is most important which has more
used for experiment, such as Chlorella effect on microalgae metabolism. It being
vulgaris, and Spirulina platensis. Chlorella energy source and the main structural
vulgaris is categorized as green microalgae component of microalgae cell. If microalgae
from genus Chlorella, has 2-10 micrometer categorized as autotropic culture,
spherical microscopic cell and it growth to bicarbonate component or carbon dioxide is
maturity range is range of 17-21 nanometer. used as main carbon source. But if
It is also identified as eukaryotic and microalgae categorized as heterotrophic
photosynthetic microorganism frrom family culture, glucose, sucrose, acetate, glycerol
chlorellaceae (Daliry et al., 2017). Chlorella and other similar things are organic
vulgaris reproduces asexually (Okoro et al., materials that used for source carbon (Daliry
2019). When reproduction, a mother cell of et al., 2017).
Chlorella vulgaris can reproduce 4 cell in This study was focused to know the
range times about 19 hours (Daliry et al., impact of the availability of nutrients for
2017). While Spirulina platensis or also called growth rate culture microalgae. By using
Arthospira platensis is categorized as Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis for
Oscillatoria, Cyanophycean and well known object experiment, the results are expected
as blue-green microalgae (Cyanophyta). It to describe effect composition nutrient for
mostly found in alkaline salt lake. It is also Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis
identified as ancient lower prokaryotic plant growth.
that composed of 5-10 micrometer wide,
200-500 micrometer long, a multicellular or RESEARCH METHODS
single filamentous body like loose or tight Preparation Microalgae Culture
regular spiral bending (Ai et al., 2023). The microalgae species used for the
The best condition for grown experimental is the starter culture of
microalgae is mostly depends on some Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina platensis. The
factors, such as environment condition (pH, medium used is distilled water and mineral
salinity, temperature, light intensity and its water. The nutrient in mineral water was
period), culturing technique, and availability contained: Calcium 9,14 mg/L; Magnesium
of nutrients in their medium (Gani et al., 5,87 mg/L; Natrium 35 mg/L; Potassium 3
2016). Environment condition is categorized mg/L; Bicarbonate 118 mg/L; Sulfate 3,06
as physical factor, and availability of mg/L; Chloride <0,01 mg/L; Total Dissolved
nutrients is categorized as chemical factor. Solid (TDS) 177 mg/L; and pH 7,7. Both
Availability of nutrients is about amount and reactors containing distilled water and
composition in culture medium. Nitrogen, mineral water will be added with additional
Asian Journal of Engineering, Social and Health
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Volume 2, No. 9 September 2023
Effect Nutrients for Growth Chlorella Vulgaris and Spirulina Platensis
and division. However, until the day there However, giving excess nutrients will result
was a decrease in the number of cell in stress conditions on cultivated microalgae
densities indicating that the cells had and lead to a decrease in biomass (Pratiwi et
reached their saturation point and the rate al., 2019).
of cell death would increase which was not Based on experiments, both species of
matched by the rate of cell growth. microalgae showed that the use of mineral
water containing nutrients as a medium is
better than using distilled water. Besides
from the growth curve on Figure 1 and Figure
2, the results of calculating the growth rate
of microalgae also showed the same thing.
Refers on (Andersen, 2005; Adriyanti et al.,
2021), the growth rate is the rate of increase
or increase in the number of microalgae cells
in the culture at a certain time. Chlorella
Figure 2. Cell Density Spirulina platensis at
vulgaris which cultured in mineral water
The Medium Mineral Water and Distillated
medium showed growth rate results 0,14
cell/mL/day. Whereas if it using the medium
Cell density of Spirulina platensis
of distilled water, the growth rate decreased
showed increase from the first day to the
to 0.07 cell/mL/day. Spirulina platensis
third day. After that, it began decrease to the
which cultured in mineral water medium
seventh day. Both medium variations
showed growth rate results -0,13
showed the same trend of cell density
cell/mL/day. Whereas if it using the medium
changes. The increased density cell showed
of distilled water, the growth rate decreased
that under these conditions the microalgae
to -0.32 cell/mL/day. These results bear out
cells have utilized the nutrients present in
that the availability of nutrients has an
the media (Caturwati & Setyati, 2020; Hasim
influence on the growth rate of microalgae
et al., 2022). Based on the growth curve on
Figure 2, the largest cell density was shown
Effect Nutrients for pH
on day 5, with a cell density of 8 x 106
Abiotic factor can affect the
cells/mL by using mineral water medium.
microalgae growth. During the period of
But the cell density of Spirulina platensis
cultivation of microalgae, pH value indicated
when it is at its peak growth is not as much
the photosynthetic assimilations of the
as Chlorella vulgaris when it is at its peak
carbon dioxide. It inferred another factor
growth. The growth of microalgae is indeed
responsible microalgae for availability of
influenced by the availability of nutrients in
carbon (Azov, 1982; Thakur et al., 2020). pH
the growing media which are divided into
also has great significance in microalgal
macronutrients and micronutrients.
cultures, it determines the solubility of
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Volume 2, No. 9 September 2023
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Copyright holder:
R Mohammad Alghaf Dienullah, Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah (2023)