A. Solution: 3 5 9
Step 1: the minimum of the times given in for job 6 in 4 2 6
machine B. so perform job 6 in the end. It is last in the 5 9 3
sequences. Now delete this job from the given data. The smallest value is printing time of 2 minutes for
6 job 4 in first column. Thus we schedule job 4 first as shown
Step2: In the remaining timings now the minimum is for job below.
3 on machine A. so do the job 3 first. Now delete this job 3 4 6
also. The reduced set of processing times becomes:
3 6 Job Printing time(minutes) binding time(minutes)
Step3: Now the smallest time is 3 minutes for job first on 1 3 8
machine B. thus perform job 1 at the second last before job 6. 2 12 10
3 1 6 3 5 9
The Total Elapsed Time T Is Obtained As Under: 5 9 3
Machine Machine Idle There are two equal minimal values: printing time
Job Mac Mac A B time of 3 minutes for job 1 in first column and binding time of 3
sequence A B for minutes for job 5 in second column. According to the rules,
In out In out
mac B job 1 is scheduled next to job 4 and 5 next to job 6 as shown
3 3 7 0 3 3 10 3 below:
2 5 9 3 7 10 19 - 4 1 5 6
4 6 7 7 13 19 26 - The reduced set of processed times becomes
5 10 5 13 23 26 31 - Job Printing time(minutes) binding time(minutes)
1 8 4 23 31 31 35 - 2 12 10
6 9 2 31 40 40 42 5 3 5 9
Step4: After assigning job 1, we observe that the smallest The smallest value is printing time of 5 minutes for
value of 4 minutes is shared by job 2 on machine A and job 5 job 3 in first column. Therefore, we schedule job 3, next to
on machine B. So perform job 2 first and job 5 in at the end job 1 and we get the optimal sequence as
i.e. job 2 after job 3 and job 5 before job 1. 4 1 3 2 5 6
3 2 5 1 6 Now we can calculate the elapsed time. The details are
Step5: Now the only job remaining is job 4 it shall be assigned shown in table:
the only space left in the sequence. Optimal resultant Printing operation binding operation
sequence of jobs is Job Time
time in time out time in
3 2 4 5 1 6 out
2) A machine operator has to perform two operations 4 0 2 2 8
printing and binding, on a number of different jobs. The 1 2 5 8 16
time required to perform these operations (in minutes) 3 5 10 16 25
for each job is known. Determine the order in which the 2 10 22 25 35
jobs should be processed in order to minimise the total 5 22 31 35 38
time required to turn out all the jobs. 6 31 42 42 43
Time for Time for binding Thus the above table is minimum elapsed time is 43
printing(minutes) (minutes) minutes. Idle time for printing operation is 1 minute (from
1 3 8 42nd minute to 43rd minute) and for binding operation is
2 12 10 2+4=6 minutes (from 0-2 and 38-42 minutes).
3 5 9 We have 5 jobs, each of which must go through the
4 2 6 two operation turning and threading. Processing times are
5 9 3 given in the table below:
6 11 1 Processing time in hours.
Also find the total processing time and idle times for printing Job 1 2 3 4 5
and binding operations. turning 5 1 9 3 10
Solution: threading 2 6 7 8 4
The solution procedure is described below. Determine a sequence for the 5 jobs that will
By questioning the columns, we find the smallest value. It is minimise the elapsed time T.
binding time of 1 minute for job 6 in second column thus we Solution:
schedule job 6 last for printing (and thereafter for binding)as By the columns we find the smallest value 1 in job 2.
shown below: 2
6 The smallest value 2 in job 1.
The reduced set of processing times becomes: 2 1
Job Printing time (minutes) Binding time (minutes) The smallest value 3 in job 4.
1 3 8 2 4 1
2 12 10
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