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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

7, Issue 01, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Sequencing Models for n Jobs through 2 Machines

M.Ambili1 M.Jansirani2
B.Sc Student
Department of Mathematics
Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract— In this paper we studied sequencing models for n  When the period under consideration starts, jobs are
jobs through 2 machines. Each of n jobs must be start first on completely known and are ready for processing.
machine A and then on machine B. Running times for each  The cost of in-process inventory for each job is same and
job are given. Also specified are arbitrary time slack which small.
order that a job may not be started on machine B until some
what a certain time has elapsed since starting the job on IV. ALGORITHM
machine A. A rule is given for processing the sequence in
The best technique for determining an optimal sequence was
which jobs are to be run on machines using the same sequence
introduced by Johnson & bellman which is discussed below.
for both machines in order to minimize the time between the
1) Select the minimum processing time out of all the Aj’ s
start of production of the first job on machine A and the
and Bj’s then do the sth job in last.
completion of production of the last job on machine B.
2) If there is a lie in selecting minimum of all the processing
Key words: Sequencing Models, Algorithm, Operations
times, then there are following ways to deal with such a
 If the minimum of all the processing time is As, which is
also equal to Bp that is Min(Aj=Bj)= As =Bp then do the
In sequencing problems, there are two or more jobs to be sth job first and pth job in last.
finished and one or more machines are available for this  If min (Aj, Bj)=As , but As = Ak , i.e., there is a tie for
mission. We want to know when each job is to begin and what minimum among Aj’s then select anyone.
its due date is. We also want to know which services are  If min(Aj=Bj)=Bp but Bp=BT, i.e.. ,there is a tie for
required to do each job, in which order these services are minimum among Bj’s then select anyone.
required and how long each operations is to take.  Now eliminate the job which has already been assigned
Sequencing problems have been most commonly from another consideration and repeat steps 1 and 2 until
experienced in production store where different out comes are an optimal sequence is obtain.
to be processed over several combinations of machines.
1) Number of machines: It refer to the number of service
Let there be n jobs to be performed one at a time on each of facilities through which a job must pass before it is
m machines. The order of the machine in which each jobs assumed to be completed.
should be performed is given (for example, job 1 is performed 2) Processing Order: In which given machines are required
on machines A,C,B, in this order). Also, the time required for for completing the job in this sequence.
preparing each job on each machine is given. The problem is 3) Processing Time: On each machine, it indicates the time
to find out (n ǃ)m possible sequences, that technologically required by a job.
feasible sequence for processing the jobs which gives 4) Total Elapsed Time: It is the time interval between
minimum total elapsed time for all the jobs. starting the first job and completing the last job including
Let Aj=time required for job j on machine A. the idle time by the given set of machines.
Bj=time required for job j on machine B, and 5) Idle time on a machine: A machine does not have a job
T=total elapsed time for jobs (1, 2,…. n) i.e.., time from start to process in the time, i.e. idle from the end of job (j-1)
of the first job to completion of the last job. to the start of job j.
6) No passing rule: On given machines jobs are to be
III. ASSUMPTIONS IN SEQUENCING PROBLEMS: processed in maintaining the order.
The following assumptions are usually made while dealing
with sequencing problems: VI. PROBLEMS ON N JOBS THROUGH TWO MACHINES:
 At a particular time, only one operation is carried through 1) In a factory, there are six jobs to process, each of which
on a machine. should go to machines A and B in the order AB. The
 once started an each operation must be completed. processing timings in minutes are given, determine the
 Before starting a succeeding operation, an operation optimal sequencing and total elapsed time.
must be completed. Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 6
 Each type only one machine is available. Machine A 8 5 3 6 10 9
 A job is performed under the order specified. Machine B 4 9 7 7 5 2
 Order of performing the operations are independent in
processing times.
 The time required to transport jobs from one machine to
another is negligible in the transportation time.

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Sequencing Models for n Jobs through 2 Machines
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 01/2019/032)

A. Solution: 3 5 9
Step 1: the minimum of the times given in for job 6 in 4 2 6
machine B. so perform job 6 in the end. It is last in the 5 9 3
sequences. Now delete this job from the given data. The smallest value is printing time of 2 minutes for
6 job 4 in first column. Thus we schedule job 4 first as shown
Step2: In the remaining timings now the minimum is for job below.
3 on machine A. so do the job 3 first. Now delete this job 3 4 6
also. The reduced set of processing times becomes:
3 6 Job Printing time(minutes) binding time(minutes)
Step3: Now the smallest time is 3 minutes for job first on 1 3 8
machine B. thus perform job 1 at the second last before job 6. 2 12 10
3 1 6 3 5 9
The Total Elapsed Time T Is Obtained As Under: 5 9 3
Machine Machine Idle There are two equal minimal values: printing time
Job Mac Mac A B time of 3 minutes for job 1 in first column and binding time of 3
sequence A B for minutes for job 5 in second column. According to the rules,
In out In out
mac B job 1 is scheduled next to job 4 and 5 next to job 6 as shown
3 3 7 0 3 3 10 3 below:
2 5 9 3 7 10 19 - 4 1 5 6
4 6 7 7 13 19 26 - The reduced set of processed times becomes
5 10 5 13 23 26 31 - Job Printing time(minutes) binding time(minutes)
1 8 4 23 31 31 35 - 2 12 10
6 9 2 31 40 40 42 5 3 5 9
Step4: After assigning job 1, we observe that the smallest The smallest value is printing time of 5 minutes for
value of 4 minutes is shared by job 2 on machine A and job 5 job 3 in first column. Therefore, we schedule job 3, next to
on machine B. So perform job 2 first and job 5 in at the end job 1 and we get the optimal sequence as
i.e. job 2 after job 3 and job 5 before job 1. 4 1 3 2 5 6
3 2 5 1 6 Now we can calculate the elapsed time. The details are
Step5: Now the only job remaining is job 4 it shall be assigned shown in table:
the only space left in the sequence. Optimal resultant Printing operation binding operation
sequence of jobs is Job Time
time in time out time in
3 2 4 5 1 6 out
2) A machine operator has to perform two operations 4 0 2 2 8
printing and binding, on a number of different jobs. The 1 2 5 8 16
time required to perform these operations (in minutes) 3 5 10 16 25
for each job is known. Determine the order in which the 2 10 22 25 35
jobs should be processed in order to minimise the total 5 22 31 35 38
time required to turn out all the jobs. 6 31 42 42 43
Time for Time for binding Thus the above table is minimum elapsed time is 43
printing(minutes) (minutes) minutes. Idle time for printing operation is 1 minute (from
1 3 8 42nd minute to 43rd minute) and for binding operation is
2 12 10 2+4=6 minutes (from 0-2 and 38-42 minutes).
3 5 9 We have 5 jobs, each of which must go through the
4 2 6 two operation turning and threading. Processing times are
5 9 3 given in the table below:
6 11 1 Processing time in hours.
Also find the total processing time and idle times for printing Job 1 2 3 4 5
and binding operations. turning 5 1 9 3 10
Solution: threading 2 6 7 8 4
The solution procedure is described below. Determine a sequence for the 5 jobs that will
By questioning the columns, we find the smallest value. It is minimise the elapsed time T.
binding time of 1 minute for job 6 in second column thus we Solution:
schedule job 6 last for printing (and thereafter for binding)as By the columns we find the smallest value 1 in job 2.
shown below: 2
6 The smallest value 2 in job 1.
The reduced set of processing times becomes: 2 1
Job Printing time (minutes) Binding time (minutes) The smallest value 3 in job 4.
1 3 8 2 4 1
2 12 10

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Sequencing Models for n Jobs through 2 Machines
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 01/2019/032)

The smallest value 4 in job 5.

2 4 5 1

The smallest value 7 in job 3.

2 4 3 5 1

Turning operation Threading operation

2 0 1 1 7
4 1 4 7 15
3 4 13 15 22
5 13 23 23 27
1 23 28 28 30
The sequence for the 5 jobs is given by 2-4-3-5-1.
The minimise elapsed time Tmin=30 hours.

[1] Operations research: Kandiswarup ; P.K Gupta ;Man
Mohan ; S .Chand & sons education publications ; New
Delhi,12th revised edition,2004.
[2] Operation research:P.Rama Murthy new age internation
(P) limited,publisher,2nd edition 2007.
[3] Operation research:J.K.Sharma theory and application-
4th edition 2009.
[4] Operation research: Hamdy A.Taha –An Introduction
(8th edition) april 4th 2006.

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