Xii Pat Genap English
Xii Pat Genap English
Xii Pat Genap English
Is in financial problem
crossing A, B, C, D, E! E. Are losing sponsor
6. “we are planning to have a squad
1. Now, Nina is jobless because of
appreciation night for the ....”. Synonym of
covid-19. Yesterday She saw a job vacancy
appreciation is
in a newspaper. Today
A. Respect
she is going to write an application letter.
B. Hope
Why is she going to write the letter?
C. Expectancy
A. To apply for a job.
D. Realize
B. To tell her experience
E. Reliance
C. To give information about
D. To advertise
E. To amuse the reader
2. As you can see from my enclosed
resume, my experience and qualifications
match this position's requirements. resume
in Bahasa means.....
A. Daftar riwayat hidup
B. Lamaran
C. Kamampuan
D. Persyaratan 7. Why is the song written?
E. Lampiran A. To remind people not to give
3. Part of the letter in which you tell the up.
job you are applying for is in the ....... B. To arouse people’s awareness
A. Opening paragraph of humanity.
B. Middle paragraph C. To tell people the meaning of
C. Closing paragraph love.
D. Applicant's address D. To inspire people to believe
E. Complimentary close in themselves.
4. Man : Are you okay? You look a E. To tell the people the
bit dizzy today. meaning of kindness
Women : I was caught in
heavy rain yesterday. I'm afraid
I'll get sick.
What does the man most likely
Man :.....
A. I don't really like the rain
B. Thank you, that's very kind of
C. Sorry, I didn't bring my rain
coat with me
D. You should take a rest and
eat healthy food
E. Sorry i don't like it 8. What is the generic structure of the
text above?
A. Orientation – Complication –
B. Orientation – Series of event
– Reorientation
C. Stating thesis – Arguments –
D. Goal – Equipment – Steps
E. Newsworthy event –
5. Mr. Syafi’i supports the football Background events – Sources
team because of the team ...
A. Past contribution 9. What is the purpose of the text?
B. Ten full uniforms A. To inform readers about
C. Does not win any trophy arrested man for buying an
B. To describe the important
person for readers
C. To argue that arresting the
man is important
D. To explain how police
arrested the man
E. To convince reader that
buying infant is illegal