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2024-03-11 Chinese Nuclear Command and Control

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Prepared by BluePath Labs

Peter Wood, Alex Stone, and Thomas Corbett

March 2024
Printed in the United States of America
by the China Aerospace Studies Institute

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Cover Image: Satellite Vehicles and Troposcatter Communication Vehicles support a DF-31
Image Source: “A long sword is sharpened in ice and snow, and a brigade of the Rocket Force
conducts actual combat training under severe cold conditions “[冰天雪地砺长剑,火箭军某
旅严寒条件下开展实战化训练], PLA Daily, 20 February 2020.

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ALBM Air-launched ballistic missile LOW Launch on warning

AR Autonomous Region LPAR Large Phased-Array Radar
BMD Ballistic Missile Defense OPFOR Opposition force
C2 Command and control MCF Military-Civilian Fusion
C3I Command, Control, MOST Ministry of Science and
Communications and Intelligence Technology
C4ISR Command, Control, MUCD Military Unit Cover Designation
Communications, Computers, NC3 Nuclear command, control and
Intelligence, Surveillance, and communications
Reconnaissance NDU National Defense University
CAE Chinese Academy of Engineering NFU No-First-Use
CAS China Academy of Sciences PLA People’s Liberation Army
CCP Chinese Communist Party PLAAF People’s Liberation Army Air
CETC China Electronics Technology Force
Company PLAN People’s Liberation Army Navy
CMC Central Military Commission PLARF People’s Liberation Army Rocket
CNSA China National Space Force
Administration PRC People’s Republic of China
COMINT Communications intelligence PSC Politburo Standing Committee
DF Dongfeng (missile series) SAF Second Artillery Force
EDD Equipment Development SAM Surface-to-air missile
Department SIGINT Signals intelligence
ELINT Electronic Intelligence SLBM submarine-launched ballistic
EW Early Warning missiles
FYP Five Year Plans SSBN nuclear-powered ballistic missile
GAD General Armament Department submarines
HF High frequency SSA Space Situational Awareness
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile SSF Strategic Support Force
ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, and TSLC Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center
Reconnaissance VHF Very high frequency
JIDS Joint Integrated Data Link VLBI Very Long Baseline Interferometry
JOCC Joint Operations Control Center UHF Ultra high frequency
JSLC Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center XSCC Xi’an Satellite Control Center
XSLC Xichang Satellite Launch Center

Key Findings .............................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Section 1: Forces, Procedures and Processes ............................................................................. 9
1.1 China’s Nuclear Forces .................................................................................................... 9
PLA Rocket Force .............................................................................................................. 9
Mobile Forces .................................................................................................................. 12
Silos and Roll-out Missiles ............................................................................................... 12
PLARF Training for Nuclear Scenarios .......................................................................... 13
PLA Navy Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Force .................................................... 14
PLA Air Force Nuclear Component................................................................................. 17
1.2 Posture ............................................................................................................................ 18
1.3 Second Artillery/ PLARF Campaign Command Arrangement ..................................... 20
‘Dual Command’.............................................................................................................. 20
Command Arrangement for Nuclear Counterstrike Campaigns ..................................... 23
Nuclear-Conventional Co-mingling ................................................................................. 26
Section 2: Supporting Organizations and Facilities ................................................................. 30
2.1 Supporting Organizations: ............................................................................................. 30
PLA Rocket Force Communications Regiments .............................................................. 30
2.2 Facilities ......................................................................................................................... 31
Historical Examples ......................................................................................................... 32
Considerations for Modern Underground Facilities ....................................................... 33
Construction Considerations ........................................................................................... 34
Survivability ..................................................................................................................... 36
CMC Joint Operations Command Center ........................................................................ 38
Alternate National Command Posts ................................................................................. 39
Theater Command Joint Operations Command Centers/Posts ....................................... 39
Mobile and Airborne Command Posts ............................................................................. 40
Section 3: Equipment and Systems .......................................................................................... 43
3.1 PLARF Command and Control Information Systems ................................................... 43
3.2 Early Warning Systems .................................................................................................. 49
Strategic Early Warning Radars ...................................................................................... 50
Current Strategic Early Warning Network ...................................................................... 52
Large Phased-Array Radars (LPAR) ............................................................................... 53
Over-the-Horizon Radars ................................................................................................ 54
Counter-Very-Low-Observable Radars and Aerostats .................................................... 57
Satellite Early Warning Systems ...................................................................................... 57
Naval Observation Force ................................................................................................. 58
3.3 Communications Systems .............................................................................................. 59
Overview .......................................................................................................................... 59
Current Situation.............................................................................................................. 60
Fiber-optic Cable Network .............................................................................................. 61
Microwave Communications............................................................................................ 62
Troposcatter Systems ....................................................................................................... 63
Satellite Communication Systems .................................................................................... 64
Meteor Burst Communications ........................................................................................ 67
Low-Frequency Communications .................................................................................... 67
Developers of Chinese C2 Systems .................................................................................. 69
3.4 International Drivers of China’s NC3 Modernization ................................................... 71
Ballistic Missile Defenses ................................................................................................ 72
Endnotes ................................................................................................................................... 74



The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force (PLARF) and China’s Nuclear Deterrence
Capabilities Have Grown Considerably in the Past 15 Years
Originally, the PLARF was constructed as purely a delivery force for China’s nuclear weapons.
However, that role has expanded dramatically in recent decades to include conventional missile
launch and nuclear co-mingling. The PLARF has also increased in size, with the number of launch
brigades increasing from 22 to 41 since 2005. In 2021, China began construction of at least three
large ICBM silo fields, which will increase the number of silos under the PLARF’s command.
Further, the PLA has diversified its delivery systems for nuclear deterrence. These systems now
include mobile launch options, silo-based missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and
possibly air-launched nuclear ballistic missiles.

Although the PLARF Will Contribute to Conventional Campaigns, Nuclear Authority Rests
with the Central Military Commission
The PLARF follows a “dual deterrence, dual operations” mission requirement that creates two
differing lines of command. Regarding conventional campaigns, the PLARF is being integrated
into China’s nascent joint command structure. In these situations, commands would pass from the
Central Military Commission (CMC) to the Joint Campaign Command and then down to the
relevant conventional PLARF elements. However, in a nuclear campaign, command would most
likely flow from the CMC directly to the nuclear launch units, bypassing Joint Campaign
Command and ensuring swift launch capabilities.

Communications and Command Decisions are Disseminated Through a Series of Command

The facilities involved in nuclear command and control typically revolve around a number of
command posts that pass communications down the chain of command. At the top is the Joint
Operations Command Center in Beijing, with theater-level and service command posts below.
However, as mentioned above, in a nuclear scenario, the CMC will presumably bypass joint and
theater commands, passing commands directly to launch units. To improve survivability,
command posts are typically located in either hardened underground facilities, road-mobile
command posts, or airborne command posts.

China is Fielding an Increasingly Capable Layered Network of Sensors

To identify nuclear threats from a variety of vectors, China is developing sophisticated
strategic early warning systems. These include over-the-horizon radars, counter-lower-observable
radars, and satellite early warning systems, as well as radar systems designed to detect low-flying
cruise missiles. The information gathered by these systems is most likely to be collected, analyzed,
and disseminated at joint theater command posts.

A Note on Terminology: In 2016 the Second Artillery Force (SAF) was reorganized into the PLA
Rocket Force (PLARF). Throughout this report the authors use both terms depending on the date
of the sources used. In particular, most authoritative sources on Chinese nuclear operations
predate the reorganization, so “Secord Artillery” or SAF is used when translating materials or
discussing specifics from these sources.

The unique arrangement of China’s strategic missile forces (chiefly the SAF/PLARF), wherein
conventional and nuclear-armed missiles are deployed side by side in the same base and even on
the same launcher, and the ambiguity surrounding its nuclear policy, strategy, and deterrence
theory, represent significant barriers to a clear-eyed assessment of China’s nuclear command,
control and communications (NC3) arrangements.
Writing in 2012, John Lewis and Xue Litai provided a framework for understanding China’s
conceptual approach to nuclear weapons in the form of a six-tier hierarchy of guidance and policies.
This framework provided increasing granularity, from high-level grand strategy down to specific
guidance for units during a nuclear conflict.1 Tiers 1-4 are directly referenced in China’s defense
white papers, albeit in abbreviated form. Tiers 5 and 6 involve more direct discussions about
China’s NC3 arrangement, and can be inferred from PLA doctrinal writings, including those
reviewed for this study. The secrecy and perhaps intentional ambiguity surrounding tiers 1-4 casts
doubt on the trustworthiness of some PLA publications that are often deemed authoritative and
restricts the types of analysis that can be performed on the specifics of China’s plans set forth in
tiers 5 and 6.

China’s Conceptual Approach to Nuclear Weapons*

1 Military Strategic Guideline [军事战略方针] “active defense” [积极防御]
2 Nuclear Policy “…no first use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any
[核政策] circumstances, and not using or threatening to use nuclear weapons
against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones
3 Nuclear Strategy [核战略] “self-defense” [自卫防御]
4 Nuclear deterrence theory “having both nuclear and conventional capabilities and deterring
[核威慑理论] wars in all battlespaces” [核常兼备、全域慑战]
5 Applied Strategic Principles
[战略运用原则 or 战役基本原则]
6 Operational Regulations [作战条令]
*Based on Lewis and Xue’s six-tier hierarchy and updated using official translations from the 2019 PRC Defense White Paper2

According to the 2006 Defense White Paper, China’s nuclear strategy is subject to the national
nuclear policy and military strategy. An anonymized Chinese source also states that the SAF’s
strategy falls under national military strategy and that the specific objectives, approaches, and
methods of its force building, and employment must be designed in accordance with the overall


national military strategy.3 As a result, grasping Tiers 5 and 6, Applied Strategic Principles and
Operational Regulations, requires a clear and timely understanding of Tiers 1 through 4. Chinese
researchers have raised issues with western scholars who use books like the Science of Second
Artillery Campaigns (SSAC 2004) to deduce China’s nuclear strategy.4 According to Wu Riqiang
[吴日强], a nuclear and arms control expert at Renmin University in Beijing, China’s senior
political leaders formulate nuclear strategy and policy, with the SAF solely responsible for
While China’s defense white papers outline the contents of Tiers 1 to 4, official descriptions
are short, vague, and open to interpretation. Although outside the scope of this study, the
uncertainty and confusion over the fundamental pillars of Chinese nuclear thinking risks
inadvertent or unintentional escalations with disastrous results. 6 Unfortunately, this approach
appears to be largely by design. Some sources claim that successful strategic nuclear deterrence
by China takes three forms, one of which is if the enemy cannot predict the PLA’s exact strategic
intention and the form of counterstrikes it will carry out, it will not dare to launch a nuclear war.7
The 2013 edition of the PLA Academy of Military Sciences’ Science of Military Strategy (SMS
2013) echoed this approach, stressing that a prudently-crafted nuclear deterrence strategy [核威慑
策略] is important for improving the effectiveness of China’s nuclear deterrence. SMS 2013
offered two principles to follow in the formulation of such a strategy:8

“First, (make the strategy) moderately ambiguous [适度模糊]. … Maintaining

a moderate degree of ambiguity on the issue of nuclear deterrence and allowing
the other side to guess at China’s nuclear strength, timing and scale of nuclear
counterstrikes will increase the difficulty level of the other side’s decision-
making process and help enhance the effectiveness of deterrence of China's
limited nuclear forces.

Second, think expansively [ 拓 展 思 路 ]. Formulate the nuclear deterrence

strategy around the goal of instilling genuine fear in the strategic opponent’s
mind. Consistent messaging from top leadership and down can usually enhance
deterrent effectiveness, but sometimes different people sending out different
messages can achieve a better deterrence effect.”

This type of “uncertainty as deterrent” tactic permeates the hierarchy. China’s no-first-use
pledge (Tier 2) is the most important and widely promulgated element of China’s nuclear policy
and forms the starting point for understanding China’s approach to nuclear weapons. However,
critical uncertainty surrounds this idea, which Fiona Cunningham and Taylor Fravel examine in
detail in their 2015 International Security article assessing China’s nuclear posture in the context
of U.S.-China strategic stability.
In their paper, Cunningham and Fravel described how China fosters “limited ambiguity” over
its no-first-use (NFU) policy to deter the United States from launching conventional attacks against


China’s nuclear forces.9 Western analysts such as Thomas Christenson have described the scenario
of U.S. conventional attacks on missiles and related assets being mistakenly viewed by China as
an attack on its nuclear retaliatory capability.10 Interlocutors from the Chinese strategic community
who were interviewed by Cunningham and Fravel suggested that Beijing has decided on how to
respond to a conventional attack on China’s nuclear forces, but has chosen not to make that
decision public to both deter through uncertainty, while also preserving the integrity of its NFU
policy. To complicate the issue further, the SMS 2013 included references to a potential shift to a
launch-on-warning posture,11 and recent editions of the Department of Defense China Military
Power Report indicate that the PLA is in fact moving to launch-on-warning.12 Cunningham and
Fravel also note that Chinese concerns about U.S. capabilities, most notably its ballistic missile
defense and conventional prompt global strike (CPGS) capability, are likely to further consolidate
China’s stance on this issue.13
Ambiguity also surrounds China’s nuclear strategy (Tier 3). Officially described as “self-
defense” [自卫防御], Chinese scholars have labeled this strategy in different ways based on their
own interpretations, ranging from “first-strike uncertainty” to “counter nuclear coercion,” among
others.14 While analysts agree on the rough contour of the strategy, characterized by Cunningham
and Fravel in their paper as “assured retaliation,”15 details about the management, direction, and
employment of weapons and forces have not been made clear.16
There is also a lack of consensus between Chinese and international scholars regarding China’s
nuclear deterrence theory (Tier 4). Lewis and Xue’s analysis highlights the longstanding
uneasiness of the Chinese leadership with the western concept of “deterrence,” which was absent
from China’s strategic lexicon until the latter half of the 1990s, and did not make its official debut
until the 2006 Defense White Paper. 17 Wu Riqiang also underscores China’s hesitation in
accepting the western concept of “deterrence,” warning that there is a different set of logic and
terminology at work within China’s strategic lexicon. 18 According to Wu, China’s eventual
reluctant acceptance of the term “deterrence” into its lexicon inadvertently created further
confusion on both sides over essential concepts such as deterrence and coercion.i
According to Lewis and Xue’s framework, the deterrence theory is a rough equivalent to the
force strategy of the SAF/PLARF that is currently framed as “having both nuclear and
conventional capabilities and deterring wars in all battlespaces” [核常兼备、全域慑战]. The term
he chang jianbei [核常兼备], which literally means “having both nuclear and conventional,” has
been in use since the early 2000s. Consistent with “moderate ambiguity,” this term is inherently
vague and can shift its meaning depending on the context. In earlier doctrinal and other PLA
reporting (perhaps due to weapons system constraints), the term is used to refer to the existence of

For a more detailed discussion of the etymology of these terms, see Gregory, Kulacki, “Chickens Talking with Ducks: The U.S.-Chinese
Nuclear Dialogue,” Arms Control Association, Accessed 17 November 2020, https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2011-09/chickens-talking-ducks-


both nuclear and conventional weapons on PLARF bases, meaning geographically distinct
brigades under the same base with two types of missile systems.

PLARF he chang jianbei unit19

However, the term took on additional shades of meaning when it was used to specifically refer
to DF-26-equipped PLARF brigades capable of launching nuclear or conventional warheads.20
PLARF personnel have more recently been observed training for both nuclear and conventional
missions in he chang jianbei brigades, with drills involving conventional precision strikes
immediately followed by nuclear counter strikes.21
As the current strategic requirement [战略要求] is for the PLARF to “have both nuclear and
conventional capabilities and deter wars in all battlespaces,”22 this configuration may be adopted
more widely throughout the force. The Science of Military Strategy 2017 (SMS 2017), published
by the PLA National Defense University, also illustrated this trend in stating that “the higher stage
of development of he chang jianbei is ‘nuclear-conventional unity’” [核常一体 (he chang yiti)],
which refers to the organic integration [有机融合] of nuclear counterstrike capabilities with
conventional strike capabilities. 23
In summary, China’s conceptual approach to nuclear weapons remains ambiguous by design,
at least to outsiders, making high-confidence assessment difficult. The point in SMS 2013 on using
both consistent and inconsistent messaging to enhance deterrence further complicates the
analytical process, casting doubt over the value of PLA doctrinal writings. As Larry Wortzel noted
in 2012, the number of “secret” PLA documents, particularly the 2004 Science of Second Artillery
Campaigns (SSAC 2004), also raises red flags.24 According to Wortzel:
An alternative explanation to the existence of so many highly classified
documents leaking out to the West in so short a time is that the PLA is involved
in a major perception management and disinformation campaign. Could what
many of us have accepted, this writer included, as established PLA doctrine
because of these books be part of a more nuanced effort designed to reinforce
the effort in the United States to reduce the size of our nuclear forces and to
rethink the scope and deployment of U.S. efforts on ballistic missile defenses?
Consequently, while these publications on the one hand represent the best insights available to
analysts in the open-source domain, they should also be regarded with a degree of skepticism and
contextualized with additional materials. As will be discussed in later sections, this report attempts
to contextualize observations of these materials with observed developments regarding other
aspects of Chinese NC3.
China has the third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and according to the DOD is on track
to roughly double the size of its stockpile.25 Moreover, China is making major investments in the
size and survivability of its nuclear forces. China’s 2015 Defense White Paper, for example, noted
China will optimize its nuclear force structure, improve strategic early warning,
command and control, missile penetration, rapid reaction, and survivability and
protection, and deter other countries from using or threatening to use nuclear
weapons against China.26
While the 2000 DOD report to congress on China's military concluded that “China’s C4I
infrastructure, including the command automation data network portions, is not capable of
controlling or directing military forces in a sophisticated, western-style joint operating
environment […],” this is no longer the case for nuclear operations.
Discussion of China's nuclear capability is overwhelmingly skewed toward its nuclear strategy
or deployed missile forces. As with many of the other gaps in Chinese military studies, this is as
much a function of the lack of sources as of inattention to the topic. As a result, the literature on
Chinese nuclear command authority, much less the national command and control system, is very
small and largely based on outdated sources.
These difficulties persist, but by using new documents and a combination of untapped sources,
including authoritative Chinese teaching and military education publications, along with
declassified U.S. intelligence reports and commercially available satellite imagery, this study
attempts to bridge the gap in the literature to provide readers with a snapshot of China's evolving
nuclear command, control, and communications.




China first tested a nuclear weapon in 1964. The Second Artillery Force (SAF) was founded
in July 1966 to provide a delivery system for the new weapon, and while China has been involved
in the development of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) since the 1960s, its
maritime nuclear forces only recently began to go on deterrence patrols and field missiles capable
of striking the United States. This means that, until recently, the SAF and PLARF were essentially
synonymous with China’s nuclear deterrent. As the following section will explain, not only is the
PLARF an increasingly capable force, but the nascent naval and airborne components of China’s
nuclear triad are growing as well.

PLA Rocket Force

As the primary operator of China’s ballistic missile force, the PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) has
grown dramatically in the past 15 years, despite relative peace in China’s neighborhood. This
section will touch upon the drivers of that growth, contextualizing the expansion and
modernization of these units with China’s threat environment.
In September 2016, CCP General Secretary and senior civilian leader of the Chinese military
Xi Jinping summarized the significance of the Rocket Force and China’s ballistic missiles,
describing them as the "core force of China’s strategic deterrence, the strategic pillar of China’s
status as a major power, and an important cornerstone of safeguarding national security…the
Rocket Force has played an irreplaceable role in containing war threats, creating a favorable
strategic posture for our country’s security, and maintaining global strategic balance and
stability."27 The ballistic missiles of the PLARF are not only China's primary nuclear deterrent but
also play a vital role in the conduct of the PLA's main campaigns, which include joint firepower
strikes [联合火力突击] and joint blockades [联合封锁] as well as the nuclear counterstrike
campaign and joint nuclear counterstrike campaign [联合核反击战役].
While China’s conventional missiles have assumed greater prominence in potential strikes on
U.S. carriers or Taiwan, this role is relatively recent. Despite having a ballistic missile program
since the 1950s, Chinese leaders did not seriously envision employing these weapons for tactical
use until the 1980s. 28 Nevertheless, China’s conventional ballistic missile force has grown
considerably since 1993, when the SAF was given a role in conventional missile strike operations.
The PLARF has six operational Bases and three support Bases (a central storage and handling
Base for nuclear warheads, an engineering Base responsible for supporting infrastructure and
hardened facilities, and a new Base responsible for both testing and advanced training). The Base
structure has been renumbered based on the new protocol order following the 2016 shift from
Military Regions (MR) to joint Theater Commands (TC). The new numbering scheme may also
symbolize a change in strategic priorities, with Eastern China (formerly Base 52, now Base 61)
first, rather than the Northeastern area bordering Russia and North Korea (formerly Base 51, now
Base 65) that was the focus of the past. Otherwise, these Bases remain largely the same following
the 2016 reforms. The most dramatic shift has been the rise in the number of positively identified
launch brigades from 22 to 39 between 2005 and 2020.ii This growth is set to continue, as further
brigades will need to be created to operate the three large ICBM silo fields under construction
since 2021. The following graphic provides a sense of the growth of the Chinese missile forces,
based on available public information from both periods.

Since 2020, the PLARF has added at least two more brigades, bringing the total to 41.


Nuclear Launch Brigades Typical estimates of the makeup of
6 launch battalions per brigade 12 nuclear-equipped PLARF launch brigades
2 launch companies per battalion launchers include an average of six launch battalions
1 launcher per company per brigade per brigade, two companies per battalion,
Conventional Launch Brigades and one missile launcher per company.
6 battalions per brigade 24-36 Beyond the six main operations Bases,
2 launch companies per battalion launchers the PLARF has a central warhead storage
3 launchers per launch company per brigade facility in Taibai County, Shaanxi Province.
At lower levels, warheads are parceled out
to each of the PLARF’s six operational Bases’ Equipment Inspection Regiments [装检团] that are
responsible for maintenance, storage, and transportation.29


Mobile Forces
In the past 15 years, the PLARF has fielded increasingly capable mobile ICBMs, as well as
shorter-range regional ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. These missiles are transported and
prepared for launch by a specialized vehicle called a transporter-erector-launcher (TEL). These
launchers can move to a new location after firing and reload in the field using canisters and cranes.
The first of the mobile ICBMs was the DF-31, introduced in the early 2000s. The DF-31 is a
three-stage solid-propellant missile with an estimated range of 10,000 km, which is mounted on
an eight-axle vehicle capable of mobile deployments as needed. Further improvements have
allowed it to launch a multiple independently-targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) payload. 30
According to the CSIS Missile Defense Project, the DF-31 has an accuracy of 150-300 meters
circular error probable.31
The DF-31 was followed by the DF-41 in 2019. The DF-41 features a three-stage solid-
propellant missile with an extended range of 15,000km, and is capable of carrying MIRV
warheads.32 A silo-based variant of the DF-41 is also believed to be under development.
While Chinese missile units have used prepared launch sites for training, during wartime they
are expected to use a separate, much harder-to-identify group of “field” launch positions. This
would significantly increase their survivability and credible second-strike capabilities against

Example of a prepared training launch site for DF-31 missiles.33

Silos and Roll-out Missiles

The PLARF may still field around 10-15 roll-out DF-4 missiles, though these are in the process
of being phased out (if they have not been already).34 These models are a two-stage, single warhead,
liquid propellant ICBM, with an estimated range of 5,500km.
China’s largest missile with the greatest deliverable payload capacity is the DF-5. The DF-5
and its later variants are liquid-fueled, meaning they take longer to prepare for launch, but feature
an extended range of 12,000-15,000 km.35 At the same time, the pattern of steady improvements


in missile capabilities has continued. An improved variant of the silo-based liquid-fueled DF-5,
the DF-5B, was displayed at a military parade in 2015 for the first time. It is believed to be
equipped with MIRVs.36 A further upgrade, the DF-5C, is believed to be under development37
Ongoing experiments with silo configurations of the DF-41 indicate that the solid-fueled
missiles may complement or even replace the DF-5. For example, a 2021 report for the Federation
of American Scientists detailed silo expansion at the Jilantai [吉兰泰] site in Inner Mongolia and
found that, while initial construction appeared to favor the DF-5, later silo construction looks to
have been sized for the newer DF-41.38 The author hypothesized that this change in size, along
with the large number of new silos being constructed, indicated that the PLARF may be
experimenting with which missile or combination of missiles best suits its needs.
China now appears intent on developing a significant silo-based ICBM force. Prior to 2021,
the PLARF operated only approximately 20 ICBM silos. However, in 2021, the PLARF began
constructing three new silo fields, in Gansu, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang UAR; a buildup that
will collectively increase the number of ICBM silos under the PLARF’s command to
approximately 260.39 This development is consistent with recent Department of Defense estimates
that the PLA is set to double its stockpile to over 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030.40 However,
recent revelations about corruption in the PLARF acquisitions process have included allegations
of poor build quality for these new silos, suggesting their introduction into active duty may be
significantly delayed.41
To operate silos and other equipment, PLARF Bases contain many specialized organizations.
In addition to launch brigades, PLARF Bases each have training, communications, operational
support, and comprehensive support regiments. Communications regiments [通信团] function as
the basic link between levels of command and between nuclear units and higher echelons,
including the Central Military Commission. These organizations are discussed in Section 2.

PLARF Training for Nuclear Scenarios

To prepare for conventional and nuclear conflicts, the SAF and now the PLARF have participated
in several joint and interregional exercises to test interoperability and command and control. Likely,
the most important of these are the annual Sky Sword [天剑] exercises held since 2012.
Few details are available, but the Sky Sword exercises include both nuclear and conventional
forces in order to enhance the PLARF’s strategic capabilities and deterrence. The 2018 Sky Sword
exercises took place in early summer in the Gobi Desert and forests in Northeast China.iii A major
feature of the exercise was the use of both planned and unannounced simulated launches.42 The
exercise also featured opposition-force (OPFOR) combat training with the blue force (the enemy
in Chinese military contexts) employing technical reconnaissance, electronic countermeasures,
and changing tactics that included information suppression, electromagnetic interference, and
attacks by special forces.43

Given the dates of the articles reporting on the exercises we can infer a date at or before 30 May 2018.


According to official news service Xinhua, 100 percent of PLARF brigades have participated
in the Sky Sword exercises, with nuclear missile units practicing unannounced missile assaults,
electronic offense and defense, and interception.44 Reportedly, these measures were practiced to
enhance deterrence and combat capabilities.45
Other large-scale exercises involving the SAF/PLARF over the past decade include the now-
discontinued Joint Action [联 合行动 ] exercises. The 2015 iteration featured strategic early
warning, intelligence and reconnaissance, command and control, and electromagnetic spectrum
control. 46
To improve the realism of these exercises, the PLARF established a dedicated “blue force” [蓝
军] OPFOR unit. The group is led by Colonel Liu Shaoguang [刘晓光],47 identified as commander
of a Rocket Force Training Base Blue Force Regiment [火箭军某训练基地蓝军军团团长].
Contextual information indicates this unit is likely affiliated with the Training Area in Jingyu
County [靖宇], Jilin Province.

Insignia of PLARF OPFOR “Blue Team” Regiment48

PLA Navy Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Force

While the PLARF is the “core” of China’s nuclear deterrent, the PLA Navy and eventually the
PLA Air Force are also set to play key roles. 49
After the PLARF, the second-largest component of China’s nuclear forces is its growing force
of nuclear-missile equipped submarines. Until relatively recently, Chinese submarine-launched
ballistic missiles (SLBMs) had limited range and were only able to threaten China’s direct
neighbors from protected areas close to its shores, forcing older SSBNs to transit closely monitored
waterways to participate in potential strikes on the continental United States. However, in
September 2020, commander of the U.S. Strategic Command Admiral Chas Richard stated that
“China now has the capability…to directly threaten our homeland from a ballistic missile
submarine.”50 This statement aligns with apparent breakthroughs in missile propellant technology
that would allow for longer-ranged solid-propellant missiles.51 Each SSBN is capable of carrying
12 of the JL-2 SLBM, and in recent years, the newer JL-3 SLBM has reportedly entered service,


allowing the PLAN to target portions of the continental United States from littoral waters for the
first time.52
The size of the submarine force has also grown significantly. Six Type 094 SSBNs are believed
to be in operation as of 2023,53 with a total of eight submarines projected to be in operation by
2030.54 A new SSBN, the Type 096, is slated to enter service by the late 2020s, further enhancing
the sea-based leg of China’s nuclear triad.55

JL-2 SLBM Launch56

Operational employment
These submarines have multiple crews (believed to be three groups) to allow for higher
operational tempos. The PLAN has sent its submarines on long patrols in tandem with its missions
to the Gulf of Aden, and, according to then-Vice Admiral Joseph Mulloy, Deputy Chief of Naval
Operations for capabilities and resources, kept submarines on patrol for as long as 95 days.57
Despite advancements in quieting technology, Chinese SSBNs remain at risk from peer
competitors and appear to be deployed in protected areas, called bastions. The Yellow Sea has
been mentioned as a possible bastion area, and is proximate to SSBN bases at Qingdao, Shandong
Province and Dalian, Liaoning Province.58 However, despite protection from shore-based aircraft,
surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and antiship missiles, the relative shallowness of the Yellow Sea
(44m on average and 152m in its deepest parts) and high traffic make it a less secure area. The
Bohai Sea, which is sometimes mentioned as an option, is even shallower, and most submarines
would be unable to transit the area submerged (see map below). These submarines’ deployment at
the base in Yulin, Hainan Province, as well as favorable geography and bathymetry, make the
South China Sea the safest area. Yulin appears to offer an ideal position as the coastal shelf drops
off dramatically close offshore, likely allowing SSBNs to make a faster transit to safer depths more
quickly. However, the far southern location of the South China Sea significantly limits the
effective range of the PLAN’s SLBMs.
China’s expansion of reefs and shoals into extensive military bases dotting the South China Sea
supports air and surface monitoring of the SSBNs’ likely patrol areas, and SAMs and fighter
aircraft have been deployed to the bases and used to intercept U.S. maritime patrol aircraft flying
in international airspace over the area. The graphic below shows the bathymetry of the seas
surrounding China and notional bastion areas, giving a sense of how shore- and island-based SAMs,
based on identified sites, could contribute to air defense of the area.

Paralleling China's construction of hardened structures to protect its nuclear forces and
command centers, as well as its fortified islands in the South China Sea, China is also building an
“Underwater Great Wall” [水下长城] of layered anti-submarine defenses. Described as similar to


the U.S.’s passive acoustic Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS), this network includes buoys,
fiber-optic hydrophones, and passive sonars. The systems are intended to defend against enemy
submarines and probably also to protect China’s own fleet of SSBNs. This National Seabed
Scientific Observation Network [国家海底科学观测网] will feature a monitoring and data center
in Shanghai collecting data from the East and South China Seas, and has an investment of over 2.1
billion RMB over 5 years.59 While less data is available, it is possible that some of this sea-bed
infrastructure includes devices to provide communications with submarines hiding in the depths,
providing another communications link to supplement the low-frequency transmitters that will be
covered in section 3.2.
It is worth noting that the development of this force has been decades behind early estimates.
For example, the CIA estimated in 1981 that “up to five SSBNs could be operational by the early
1990s.” 60 Technical difficulties with the Type 092 Xia-class meant that the single completed
example of that type apparently never went on a deterrence patrol. Other factors, including the
limited capability of the JL-1 SLBM, combined with a shift in China’s strategic environment in
the late 1980s, contributed to the reprioritization away from SSBNs.61 In some ways, China’s more
rapid deployment of a large number of submarines in the past 20 years represents a return to its
earlier trajectory.

PLA Air Force Nuclear Component

The 2020 DOD report to Congress on Chinese military developments noted that “China is
pursuing a ‘nuclear triad’ with the development of a nuclear capable air-launched ballistic missile”
and “upgrading its aircraft with two new air-launched ballistic missiles (ALBM), one of which
may include a nuclear payload.”62 This follows speculation that China was developing an ALBM
capability, based on the appearance of grainy images on Chinese social media over the past several
years that look like test flights of an ALBM carried aboard an improved variant of the H-6 bomber
(see below). The missile, which currently lacks a formal designation, appears to be one meter in
diameter, and according to one source, is on track for deployment by 2025.63

Unidentified Chinese ALBM64


Roderick Lee has identified Neixiang Airbase outside Nanyang [南阳] in southwest Henan
Province as a probable base for the aviation leg of China’s nuclear triad.65 Renovations at the
base indicate that hardened shelters capable of accommodating the H-6N bomber, which entered
service in 2020, have been built.iv
It is likely that China did not previously develop an air-dropped or -launched nuclear deterrent
due to a lack of the necessary high-performance aircraft needed to deliver a nuclear weapon against
one of its probable adversaries, with the modified H-6 probably serving as a temporary solution.66
A new Chinese dual-capable stealth bomber, the H-20, is under development. The bomber has an
estimated range of at least 8,500 km and is expected to enter service before 2030.67
The communication systems to connect this unit to higher authorities outside Beijing or the
alternative command posts are currently unknown. While it is possible to speculate that the
PLAAF’s existing theater/corps-level communications system, including perhaps two main
communications stations [通信总站] in northwest Beijing, could play a role or supplement wired
communication networks, due to the newness of the unit and the great secrecy surrounding the
new capability, no other details are currently available.

China’s overall nuclear force has changed dramatically and is adopting increasingly survivable
basing modes as well as developing a command and control architecture to match. The DOD’s
2023 report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China
noted that China’s nuclear posture is changing:

Launch on Warning (LOW). v The PLA is implementing a launch-on warning

posture, called “early warning counterstrike” ( 预 警 反 击 )…PLA writings
suggest multiple manned C2 organs are involved in this process, warned by
space and ground based sensors, and that this posture is broadly similar to the
US and Russian LOW posture. The PRC probably seeks to keep at least a portion
of its force, especially its new silo-based units, on a LOW posture, and since
2017, the PLARF has conducted exercises involving early warning of a nuclear
strike and launch on warning responses.68

Coordinates: 32.973889, 111.884444.
Launch on Warning (LOW) and Launch Under Attack (LUA) have been used interchangeably, most commonly with LUA used to describe U.S.
postures. One public assessment of survivable nuclear architecture for a LUA posture in the United States noted that ICBMs gave leaders
roughly 30 minutes to act, but that submarine-launched ballistic missiles shortened this timeline to 5-10 minutes. While these numbers represent
an assessment of a Soviet-US confrontation, they act as a baseline for understanding the faith that must be placed on early warning systems and
the pressures to respond put on leaders to react in a timely manner. See "MX Missile Basing" Office of Technology Assessment, September 1981,
https://ota.fas.org/reports/8116.pdf, 150. Highlighting these problems, the report also notes, "The risks of LUA arise not from technically difficult
problems, but from the uncertainties of the interface between men and machines."


The DOD’s 2019 report noted that “PLA writings express the value of a “launch on warning”
[基于预警发射] nuclear posture, an approach to deterrence that uses heightened readiness,
improved surveillance, and streamlined decision-making processes to enable a more rapid
response to enemy attack. These writings highlight the posture’s consistency with China’s nuclear
NFU policy, suggesting it may be an aspiration for China’s nuclear forces. China is working to
develop a space-based early warning capability that could support this posture in the future.69
The table below overviews some major developments in China’s nuclear basing modes. In the
1960s, China’s small force of roll-out nuclear missiles was unlikely to be survivable and would
have relied largely on concealment to ensure that a retaliatory weapon was launched. Even then,
the limited range and accuracy of China’s systems meant that only a few counter-value targets
could be targeted. The fielding of the DF-5 in a silo configuration in the early 1980s gave China a
true ICBM capability, but limited numbers made this a highly vulnerable capability. In the early
2000s, the introduction of small numbers of road-capable ICBMs improved the survivability of
the nuclear forces, but given the increasing sophistication of sensors to detect these missiles,
China’s overall capabilities likely remained insufficient to be considered a reliable deterrent.
Breakthroughs in missile technology and improved SSBNs along with a rapid increase in the
overall number and capability of mobile ICBMs have markedly improved China’s deterrent in
recent years.

Changes in Chinese Nuclear Basing Modes

Date of Basing Mode or R&D Effort Representative
Introduction System
Late-1960s Transit from hardened shelter to launch site DF-3
Mid-1970s70 Roll-out from hardened shelter DF-4
1981- Silo basing DF-5
Mid-1980s Beginning of shift toward mobile solid-fueled JL-1, DF-21,
systems72 and submarine launched missiles DF-31
Early 2000s Road-mobile, transit from garrison to launch DF-31
~201673 Beginning of SSBN deterrence patrols Type 094 SSBN
~Mid-2020s74 Mixed mobile, silo, rail deployment DF-41
~2030 SSBNs able to target U.S. from littoral areas Type 096
including South China Sea bastion

Chinese missiles have previously been described as being kept with their warheads de-alerted,
de-mated, and unfueled.75 However, the technical aspects of certain missiles, such as the nuclear
DF-21A, make it unclear if that is possible for all missile types.vi

The DF-21A’s canister configuration may require a more complex warhead mating process, though this is speculative based on available
images of the system and comparisons to other missile architecture.


China and the United States de-targeted each other in June 1998, and have established a direct
phone connection between senior leaders.76 According to then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates,
as of 2010, U.S. missiles are targeted at the ocean during peacetime in case of an accidental
launch.77 The Chinese side is less clear, but according to authoritative Chinese sources the PLARF
generally advises on, rather than directly selects, targets for nuclear strikes. Presumably, the
Supreme Command [最高统帅], the CMC Joint Operations Command Center (JOCC), headed by
Xi Jinping, selects nuclear strike targets.

Alert & Launch Order Chinese nuclear forces have been described as
Sequence78 following a six-stage sequence, consisting of a
1 Standing War Preparedness Alert standing war preparedness alert, followed by alerts of
2 Class 3 Alert
increasing intensity. This is followed by a preparatory
3 Class 2 Alert
4 Class 1 Alert order in which forces review intelligence and ensure
5 Preparatory Order [预先号令] that it is up to date and begin organizing forces for
6 Formal Order [正式命令] battle. Finally, forces are given a formal order to launch
against targets with nuclear weapons.


‘Dual Command’
This section lays out what is known about the PLA’s command and control of its nuclear forces.
Given that the maritime and airborne legs of China’s nuclear triad are still emerging, few details
regarding their command arrangements are known. Therefore, this section focuses on the PLARF,
by summarizing information regarding the SAF’s command arrangement according to PLA
doctrinal writings. It is presented using the PLA’s discourse system and terminology.
Although the reorganization of the SAF as the PLARF, a separate co-equal service [军种], has
led to many changes, key aspects of its campaign command arrangement [战役指挥体制],
especially concerning command authority [指挥权限], have not been altered significantly. While
the PLARF’s organization and force structure continue to evolve, and the command and
communication systems are being modernized, its core mission set has remained the same.
In the 1990s, the CMC ordered the SAF to carry out “dual deterrence and dual operations” [双
重威慑、双重作战] to adapt to the new military strategic guideline of winning high-tech localized
wars [高技术局部战争]. 79 To fulfill the “dual deterrence” requirement, the SAF was to use
“conventional missile weapons to effect conventional deterrence against the enemy [对敌实施常
规威慑] and strategic nuclear weapons to carry out counter nuclear deterrence [反核威慑].”80 To
fulfill the “dual operations” requirement, the nuclear missile force’s mission set included nuclear
deterrence and nuclear counterstrikes, while the conventional missile force is responsible for
conventional deterrence and long-range firepower strikes in joint operations.81
According to recent PLA papers, the PLA’s mission set remains similar to those articulated in
the 1990s, including the enhancement of the SAF/PLARF’s credible and reliable capabilities of
nuclear deterrence and counterattack, and the strengthening of intermediate and long-range
precision strike forces.vii 82
The SSAC 2004 delineated two types of campaigns undertaken by the SAF based on the types
of weapons employed: nuclear counterstrike campaigns [核反击战役] and conventional missile
strike campaigns [常规导弹突击战役].83 A nuclear counterstrike campaign can be executed alone,
or jointly with the nuclear forces of other services. As Cunningham and Fravel have pointed out,
the PLA’s doctrinal writings consistently describe the nuclear counterstrike campaign as the only
type of campaign conducted by Chinese nuclear forces.84 A conventional missile strike campaign
is often carried out as part of a joint campaign but can also be executed independently. The below
chart overviews the types and composition of missile campaigns envisioned for the SAF.

Second Artillery Campaigns85

Nuclear Counterstrike Campaign Conventional Missile Strike Campaign
Campaign “Composed of Nuclear Missile Units, Composed of Conventional Missile
Formation/Juntuanviii Nuclear Equipment Inspection Units and Units, relevant support units, and sub-
[战役军团] relevant support units and sub-units” units
Basic Campaign Unit Missile Base and Equipment Inspection Base N/A
[基本战役单位] [导弹基地和装检基地]
Basic Operational Unit Missile brigade Conventional missile brigade
[基本作战单位] [导弹旅] [常规导弹旅]
Basic Firepower Unit Missile battalion Launcher
[基本火力单位] [导弹营] [发射架]

According to SSAC 2004, to fulfill its nuclear-conventional “dual deterrence, dual operations”
mission requirement, the SAF adopts a campaign command arrangement [战役指挥体制] of
“nuclear-conventional unity, two lines of command” [核常一体、双线指挥].86 This phrasing is
confusing, and the book provides no detailed explanation as to the meaning of “nuclear-
conventional unity.” The “two lines of command” arrangement is illustrated in the graphic below.

Although it appears the PLARF no longer clearly distinguishes between nuclear and conventional roles
There does not appear to be a consensus on how to translate Juntuan [军团], though it has previously been given as “large formation.” See

Kenneth W. Allen, “Introduction to the PLA’s Organizational Reforms: 2000-2012” in PLA as Organization 2.0, Defense Group Inc, 2016, 53.


SSAC 2004 clarifies that under normal circumstances the joint campaign command organization
does not exercise command over the nuclear missile force. Further, in normal situations, the
conventional missile campaign formation [战役军团 ] is commanded by the joint campaign
command organization, but under certain special circumstances, the “supreme command” can take
over command, as shown in the graphic above.

PLA references from the early 2000s take into account the need for both the SAF’s nuclear and
conventional forces to carry out joint campaigns with other forces. This command arrangement
appears to fit well with recent English-language analysis that PLARF conventional missile Bases
are being integrated into PLA theater commands under the new joint command structure to conduct
joint operations.87 A PLA media article from September 2018, for example, noted that Base 63 has
worked to integrate into the local Theater Command’s joint operations system of systems [战区联
合 作 战 体 系] and has participated in the trial run of the theater command joint operations
command arrangement [战区联合作战指挥体制运行试点].88

It is worth noting that while theater command JOCCs might have command authority over at
least some of the PLARF’s conventional force, SMS 2013 stressed the critical role of the CMC in
the decision-making process for not only the nuclear forces, but also the conventional forces. Its
authors note:

“Although Second Artillery conventional missile forces also conduct campaign-

level or even tactical-level combat operations, the impact of their actions is often
global and strategic in nature. [As a result], the scale and timing for the
employment of the Second Artillery's conventional missile forces during actual
combat are also decided by the Central Military Commission.” 89

Command Arrangement for Nuclear Counterstrike Campaigns

The CMC’s direct command authority over nuclear forces has been emphasized across AMS
and NDU publications and in PRC defense white papers.
The SSAC 2004 used the generic term “supreme command” [统帅部], but the SMS 2013
replaces this wording with CMC. According to SMS 2013, “all major nuclear deterrence operations
or nuclear counterattack operations of any size are undoubtedly major strategic operations. The


decision-making authority for the operational use of the SAF’s nuclear missile forces can only
belong to the Central Military Commission. The form of deterrence [威慑方式] and the scale,
timing, and targets, along with any major issues related to nuclear counterstrike operations, must
be decided by the Central Military Commission.”90
Some analysts assert, however, that it is the CCP Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) that
ultimately makes the call. According to Lewis and Xue, “By the time a Class I Alert is issued, the
Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo would have made its decision for
a nuclear response and transferred the national command authority to the military commission.”91
One way to reconcile the difference, according to Kulacki, is that ultimate authority rests with the
chairman of the CMC, who is typically also the highest-ranking official of the CCP,ix and therefore
would most likely consult with both the Politburo Standing Committee and the CMC. 92 Further,
according to the Constitution of the PRC, ultimately, the CMC is answerable to the Politburo
Standing Committee.93
In practice, the highest level of leadership in the Chinese system is (normally) vested in one
person with three positions. Xi Jinping currently holds the titles of President of the People’s
Republic of China, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Chairman of the
Central Military Commission. However, each of these positions has a separate line of succession.
According to Chapter 3, Section 2, Article 84 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of
China, the President is succeeded by the Vice President.94 If the position of PRC Vice President is
also vacant, then the National People’s Congress (NPC) is to hold an election to choose a
replacement. Further, between the time of the position opening and an election being held, the
Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee is to temporarily act as President.
Likewise, within the PSC, the line of succession follows the order of seniority. As of 2023, the
order of seniority in the Standing Committee is as follows: Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang
Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi. Thus, one can assume that if tomorrow Xi Jinping
were no longer the Chairman of the Standing Committee, then leadership of the body would pass
to Li Qiang.
Finally, within the Central Military Commission (CMC), the line of succession is less clear. Of
the two CMC vice-chairmen, PLA Generals Zhang Youxia and He Weidong, the former holds
seniority and would presumably lead the CMC if Xi Jinping were no longer in a position of
leadership. However, this is not certain, as the CMC is ultimately answerable to the PSC. 95
Moreover, according to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, members of the Party
CMC are decided on by the Party Central Committee. x96 Thus, it seems most likely that Zhang
Youxia would assume immediate or temporary control of the CMC while a new President and
General Secretary of the CCP is chosen. However, this is not certain, as it is also likely that the
leadership of the CMC would immediately be given to the new head of the PSC, the Premier. If
this was the case, then it is not clear what role the vice-chairmen of the CMC serve in terms of
leadership succession.

This is not always the case, however. Hu Jintao became CCP General Secretary in 2002 but did not head the CMC until 2004. It is unclear what
happens in instances where this is the case.
The state CMC is officially elected by the National People’s Congress but is identical to the Party CMC.


According to Cunningham, “there is no evidence that Chinese leaders have pre-delegated
authority to use nuclear weapons down the chain of command in the event that its leadership is
decapitated.” 97 While open sources do not provide confirmation one way or the other, the
development of extensive hardened facilities, including multiple alternate national command
centers with the necessary communications facilities needed to direct campaigns (see Section 3.3),
suggests that plans exist for continuity of government and command and control in a nuclear
It is worth noting that descriptions of the lines of authority for conducting nuclear counterstrike
campaigns are not always fully consistent. A Chinese participant to the U.S.-China Strategic
Dialogue held in June 2014 outlined the lines of authority for nuclear and conventional forces as
two tracks of commands given from the CMC to both the then SAF and General Staff Department.
The following graphic depicts these tracks (nuclear above, conventional below):98

This differs from Cunningham’s 2019 analysis, however, which likely incorporates
organizational changes made since 2016. Outlined below, the launch authority appears to have
become more formalized.99 Cunningham writes:

CMC orders to alert or use nuclear weapons are likely transmitted to the CMC
Joint Operations Command Center, then to the Rocket Force Headquarters,
then to missile bases and down the chain of command to launch companies.
Alternatively, orders may be transmitted directly from the Rocket Force
Headquarters to missile brigades, battalions, or launch companies, making use
of the skip-echelon function of the automated command system.

Further, according to a confidential source (dubbed Source 2), SAF campaign guidelines [战
役方针] can be decided three ways: 1) by the CMC; 2) by the CMC after consultation with SAF
commanders; 3) submitted to the CMC for approval by the SAF commander(s) according to the
CMC’s intentions.100 The source clarifies that under normal circumstances, the SAF can only make
suggestions [一般只有建议权] regarding the targets for nuclear counterstrike campaigns.101


Source 2 specified that the command authority of the SAF and the missile bases is as follows.102
The SAF, according to the orders and instructions of the Central Military Commission, has the
authority to:
▪ Set up command posts.
▪ Develop campaign plans [战役计划] to determine the division of labor between
operational units, number of strikes, strike order, and timing of launches.
▪ Determine the employment of campaign reserves [战役预备队].
▪ Determine the number, timing, and manner of delivery of nuclear warheads from
warhead bases to missile bases.
▪ Determine methods of communications [确定通信联络组织方案].
▪ Organize campaign coordination [组织战役协同].

Missile bases, according to the orders and instructions of the Central Military Commission and
SAF, have the authority to:
▪ Set up command posts.
▪ Organize communication methods [组织通信联络].
▪ Determine the time for the missile brigade to pick up or receive missile bodies and
▪ Determine concealment areas [确定部队的隐蔽地域].
▪ Prepare and execute anti-air raids, counter paratrooper assaults, counter electronic
interference, and organize ground defenses.
▪ Organize campaign coordination.
▪ Organize campaign operational support.
▪ Execute nuclear strikes.

Nuclear-Conventional Co-mingling
One of the key debates among U.S. and Chinese scholars involves the co-mingling of nuclear
and conventional command and control infrastructure, which creates risks for inadvertent
escalation. For example, Lewis and Xue argue that in the event of a Chinese “self-defensive”
preemptive conventional attack, China’s adversary (and its allies) might not be able to pinpoint
the exact nature of the attack and could justifiably respond with retaliatory measures against all
Chinese missile assets and command and control infrastructure, greatly increasing the chances of
escalation to nuclear war.103
Western scholars holding the view that China’s nuclear and conventional co-mingling applies
to their command-and-control infrastructure and systems often cite Lewis and Xue’s findings from
2012 stating that despite China’s no-first-use policy, “conventional missiles can be fired first from
bases that also contain nuclear missiles, using the same command-and-control infrastructure as
would be used for a nuclear launch.”104 They appear to have made this assertion based on a remark
by a SAF commander in the late 2000s that the strategic rocket force exercises, in their translation,
“double command” [双重指挥/shuangchong zhihui], although they note that researchers know
very little about this concept, which is “most complex and unpredictable.”105
Chinese scholars have raised issues with this assertion. Wu Riqiang argues that there is scant
information about the SAF’s command and control systems and no clear evidence of nuclear and
conventional units sharing command and control infrastructure. Additionally, Wu notes that the
Chinese term shuangchong zhihui could mean two completely separate systems.
Interestingly, the Chinese term shuangchong zhihui that Lewis and Xue cited is missing from
PLA doctrinal texts reviewed for this report. Instead, as explained earlier, SSAC 2004 references
“Dual Command” [双线指挥], or “two lines of command,” which carries entirely different
meanings and seems to prove Wu’s point about separation rather than collocation.106
According to the Phase VIII Report of the U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue held in June 2014,
the issue of Chinese co-mingling/collocating of conventional and nuclear weapons was raised by
U.S. participants, but the Chinese side “flatly denied that co-mingling occurred.”107 In addition,
“the co-mingling of C2 for nuclear and conventional forces was also denied,” writes the report.108
As of the writing of this report, there is still no clarity on this critical issue, nor is there widespread
agreement among scholars. For example, the Union of Concerned Scientists’ analysis from 2017
states that “China has separate command and control systems for conventional and nuclear missiles,
and missiles and warheads are stored separately under different commands.” 109 Cunningham,
writing in 2019, argues that “China’s conventional and nuclear missiles share infrastructure,
including command and control systems, for bureaucratic reasons, the overlap in C3I systems has
diminished over time.”110
Due to the difference in key nuclear vocabulary in use in the United States and China, however,
it is often unclear what scholars are referencing exactly when they use the term “command and
control infrastructure” or “command and control systems.” The authors of this study are not privy
to previous conversations among Chinese and western nuclear experts on these issues, and
therefore have no knowledge of what exact terms and translations were used during these strategic
dialogues. However, it is worth noting that there is a difference in the basic lexicon of nuclear-
related terms, both between the DOD and the PLA and between the PLA and Chinese academia
that might have contributed to miscommunications between China and the United States.
While this report, which is intended for English-speaking audiences, uses the term “NC3,” the
PLA does not have a precise analog to this term regarding arrangements for direction of nuclear
forces. References to terms such as NC3, C3I, or C4I texts in PLA doctrinal writings and
authoritative reporting are either generic, conceptual discussions, or used to describe practices of
other nations, such as the United States. While U.S. and Chinese arms control experts have made
extensive efforts to bridge this gap and reached an agreement on around 1,000 terms related to
nuclear security, there are still key concepts that lack a mutually acceptable definition. 111 Experts
from Chinese academia, on the other hand, are much more familiar with western terminologies
and are comfortable using them in their writings and discussions with western counterparts.112 As
Li Bin explains, there has been a divergence in the nuclear lexicons adopted by the SAF and

…whereas the Second Artillery and most parts of the PLA (for example, PLA’s
National Defense University and Academy of Military Science) use native words
to describe strategic nuclear issues, the nuclear establishment [academic
community studying nuclear issues] uses words directly translated from Western
literature and United Nations documents. This results in serious confusion about
the meaning of some terms, with perhaps the best example being the term
“deterrence.” The nuclear establishment uses the term “weishe” [威慑] for the
meaning of “deterrence.” However, for the PLA, “weishe” means “coercion.”

On the issue of command-and-control infrastructure sharing, it may be useful to examine the

set of terms adopted by the DOD and the PLA for discussions on this issue. Based on descriptions
from the DOD’s Nuclear Matter Handbook 2020, the U.S. nuclear lexicon relies on the following
key terms to define the NC3 arrangements:

PLA doctrinal publications such as SSAC 2004 did not offer as clear a framework of reference,
but there is a group of frequently used terms on the same subject. The book dictates that the
“campaign command system” [战役指挥系统] is an organic whole that exercises command
functions and consists of the agent, object, and means of command [指挥主体, 指挥对象, and 指
挥手段, respectively]. The term used to dictate the configuration of organizations for operational
command, their functions, and the relationship between various command levels is referred to by
PLA sources as a “command arrangement” [指挥体制], an umbrella term that involves discussions
about the following topics:
▪ Command authority [指挥权限]
▪ Command organization [指挥机构]
▪ Command relationship [指挥关系]
▪ Command activity [指挥活动]
▪ Command and control procedures [指挥控制程序]


At the same time, a separate term, “command means and tools” [指挥手段和工具] exists to
describe the technological tools enabling C2, such as the command-and-control network [指挥控
制网] and the automated command system [指挥自动化系统].
Due to this difference in lexicons, it is difficult to identify immediate equivalents of these key
terms in either vocabulary system. For example, DOD’s Nuclear Matter Handbook 2020 describes
the United States’ Nuclear Command and Control System (NCCS) as a combination of capabilities
comprising two main components: nuclear command, control, and communications (NC3), which
encompasses personnel, procedures, and processes, facilities, equipment, and communications, as
well as nuclear weapons safety, security, and incident response. But in Chinese, the term NC3 is
frequently reserved for the smaller-in-scale idea of command-and-control technical systems, i.e.,
software and applications. PLA doctrinal writings do not use the term “infrastructure” [基础设施]
to describe its NC3 arrangements, and the elements included in the U.S. version of the term such
as personnel, procedures, and processes fall under different umbrella terms.
As Li Bin has noted, exchanges between Chinese and U.S. nuclear experts remain “difficult
and inefficient” due to critical differences between Chinese and U.S. thinking about nuclear
weapons and deterrence concepts, which often have very different connotations.114 As a result,
umbrella terms such as NC3 infrastructure should be broken down into smaller, more substantial
components to avoid miscommunications in discussions with the Chinese authorities and experts
and promote understanding regarding the crucial issue of nuclear and conventional co-mingling.
Setting the differences of opinions and possible miscommunications aside, some analysts have
argued that the risk posed by China’s nuclear and conventional co-mingling has been somewhat
overstated. According to Roderick Lee’s analysis, the PLA publicly identified some PLARF
conventional units that have been integrated into the theater command structure as not falling under
the direct authority of the CMC during wartime conditions. 115 In addition, Lee points out that
PLARF conventional systems intended for strategic targets—such as the DF-21Ds or DF-26s—
and nuclear-only systems are not granted theater command access. Lee also notes that the PLA
clearly defines command relationships between PLARF bases and PLA theater commands.
Because the PLA clearly differentiates administrative and operational control, a nuclear-capable
missile brigade may simply be assigned to a CMC-controlled operational group during wartime.
Consequently, it is possible that nuclear and strategic target units may be commanded by the CMC,
while other conventional units are commanded through the PLARF/joint campaign command, and
thus are not co-mingled.




Section 2 describes the facilities involved in nuclear command and control, and the
organizations supporting the network. This includes the JOCC in Xiangshan, Beijing; theater-level,
service-command, and backup command posts; and other mobile or hardened underground
facilities.xi This also includes airborne command posts and the organizations operating transmitters,
with the specific equipment and transmitters profiled later.

PLA Rocket Force Communications Regiments

Each PLARF base has an associated communications regiment [通信团] (with the exception
of the Base 64 Regiment located in Xining). Each regiment has three numbered subordinate
communication battalions [通信营], and subordinate subunits [分队] may be tasked with handling
a particular set of communication tasks. Some communications regiments have been identified as
controlling a wide variety of communications assets, including microwave stations at the base
HQ116 and a satellite ground station associated with the Beidou navigation system.117
Base 66 in particular likely plays an important role in the overall nuclear command and control
architecture, as it has at least four subordinate brigades equipped with nuclear weapons, an
additional suspected nuclear brigade, and another brigade equipped with the dual-capable DF-26.
Prior to November 2018, the PLARF had a Communications Regiment, or Communications
Command, directly subordinate to its Staff Department [参谋部通信团/通信总站]. In 2018, it
was resubordinated to the Staff Department Operations Support Group. 118 This regiment was
established in April 1968 as a communications hub for strategic missile units and has been referred
to as the PLARF's communications “nerve center.” The regiment’s 5th Company was responsible
for transmitting communications from PLARF headquarters to subordinate brigades and regiments.

The CMC Joint Staff Department Information and Communications Bureau (JSD-ICB) [联参信息通信局] appears to be a major component of
the centralized satellite communication system See: John Costello and Joe McReynolds, “China’s Strategic Support Force: A Force for a New
Era,” China Strategic Perspectives 13, National Defense University, October 2018,
https://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/stratperspective/china/china-perspectives_13.pdf, 35


PLARF Communications Regiments
PLARF Staff Department Operations Support Group Location: Haidian District, Beijing
Former Communications Regiment MUCD: 96946119 [北京市海淀区]120
Base 61 Communications Regiment Location: Tunxi District, Huangshan,
[61 基地通信团], MUCD: 96812 Anhui [黄山市屯溪区]121
Base 62 Communications Regiment Location: Guandu District, Kunming,
[62 基地通信团], MUCD: 96822 Yunnan [昆明市官渡区]*122
Base 63 Communications Regiment Location: Hecheng District, Huaihua
[63 基地通信团], MUCD: 96832 [怀化市鹤城区]*123, Hunan
Base 64 Communications Regiment Location: Chengdong District, Xining
[64 基地通信团], MUCD: 96842 [西宁市城东区], Qinghai124
Base 65 Communications Regiment Location: Huanggu District, Shenyang,
[65 基地通信团] MUCD: 96852 [沈阳市皇姑区]125 Liaoning
Base 66 Communications Regiment Location: Jianxi District, Luoyang [洛阳
[66 基地通信团] MUCD: 96862 市涧西区], Henan 126
* Location Unconfirmed

Training exercises involving these units are focused on ensuring an uninterrupted flow of
communications in hostile and complex environments, as well as quickly repairing lines and other
equipment.127 Numerous reports in Chinese media emphasize preparations for deploying without
prior warning, mitigating jamming, and improving the speed at which networks can be established
in the fieldxii 128 in adverse environmental conditions or while under attack. 129
Generally, Comprehensive Support Regiments [综合保障团] provide additional equipment
transport, storage, and maintenance support. Operations Support Regiments [作战保障团] provide
support through specialized functions such as survey and mapping, meteorology, chemical defense,
security, and engineering. Finally, Equipment Inspection Regiments [装检团] are responsible for
storage, management, and distribution of the nuclear warheads assigned to each Base.xiii

Due to the larger nuclear arsenals and limited early warning that Chinese leadership would
likely receive in the event of an attack, the PRC and the PLA rely heavily on hardened facilities to
protect civilian and military leaders, associated command, control, and communications functions,
critical defense industrial facilities, weapons storage and handling, and other assets and activities.
China has gone to great lengths to prepare for nuclear and conventional war, apparently engaging
in several large-scale efforts to build hardened bunkers, command posts, storage facilities, and

One regiment under Base 62 for example, has claimed to have decreased its deployment times for a C2 platform by 33 percent.
For more information on PLARF force structure, see Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force Organization," China Aerospace Studies Institute, 2022,


even aircraft hangers since the 1950s. These facilities, including command posts, nuclear forces,
and supporting facilities, are designed to be resilient against surprise attacks, including missile, air,
chemical, and biological strikes, or special forces raids. They are extensive, concealed, hardened,
and linked through modern communications networks. China began building nuclear bomb
shelters in earnest in the late 1960s, following the bombing of cities by the Republic of China
(ROC) throughout the 1950s, and the PLA’s experience dealing with UN airpower during the
Korean War.xiv Chinese writings treat the ability to weather a nuclear strike and remain capable of
mounting retaliatory strikes as a central role for the PLARF, which has continued to expand and
modernize these facilities.xv This section will briefly examine China’s system of command posts,
the network of underground facilities (UGFs), and their respective roles in a nuclear conflict.

Historical Examples
Date Name Purpose
May Third Front Construction Many projects and investments in national defense and industry
1964 [大三线建设]
1965 Project 6501 Massive, three-level Army base
[6501 工程]
1966 Project 816 Build an underground nuclear reactor to produce nuclear weapons
[816 工程]
December Zhuhai Baili Island Naval Base Hardened underground naval base
1967 [珠海白沥岛海军基地]

January Project 131 Established underground command and control centers

1969 [131 工程]

1969 Chifeng Airbase Hardened underground airbase

August Project 7381 Protect and evacuate Harbin in case of Soviet invasion
1973 [7381 工程]

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Sino-Soviet Split was a major source of concern for Chinese defense
planners. Chairman Mao Zedong issued a call for China to “Dig deep, store grain, and not seek
hegemony.”130 Subsequently, massive projects were carried out to fortify China against a possible
Soviet invasion. During the Second World War, both the CCP and Nationalist Party made
extensive use of China’s mountainous interior to mount a strong defense against invasion. Thus,

On 25 November 1951 for example, the “Chinese Volunteers Army” command post was struck by U.S. bombers, killing Mao Anying, Mao
Zedong’s eldest son, and narrowly missing Peng Dehuai, commander of Chinese forces in Korea at the time. Peng would go on to play a major
role in the PLA’s modernization until his fall from political favor in 1958. See: Wang Yan [王焰], Ed. Official Chronicle of Peng Dehuai [彭德
怀年谱], Beijing: People's Daily Press, 1998. 450
China’s armed forces place continued emphasis on improving cities’ abilities to withstand various types of attacks including air attack, and
many cities have annual air-attack drills using militia and civilian assets to organize both defenses and protective measures such as evacuations.


when fear of Soviet aggression reached an apex, digging into rural mountains was again the
defense of choice.
In general, facilities built during this period can be characterized by their concern with an
invasion from the Soviet Union, and their high costs in terms of resources, manpower, and
construction time. Called the Third Front [大三线], these civil defense projects made use of
extensive manpower to carve out spaces for munitions factories, missile storage, and command
and control centers.131 In 1967, Zhou Enlai personally ordered construction of facilities capable of
withstanding nuclear attacks. One of these facilities, Project 6501 (a massive, three-level army
base with both road and rail access), was the first installation described as part of China’s
“Underground Great Wall” [地下长城].132
However, another use for the underground facilities was for storing and, in one case, creating
China’s nuclear arsenal. Project 816 was started in late 1966 as a means of continuing to prosecute
nuclear war beyond the first strike. This massive, underground nuclear reactor would not only be
impervious to external nuclear attacks, but also allow the PLA to produce nuclear warheads in a
secure location without fear of the Chinese arsenal being annihilated.133 However, the project was
discontinued in 1984 due to cost concerns and a changing strategic environment. Another such
facility is the Lop Nur Nuclear Storage Testing Facility, where China first detonated a nuclear
bomb. Built in 1964, the facility is still in use today. Near the testing site is a ridge where multiple
tunnels have been drilled into the mountainside.xvi Nuclear materials are believed to be stored at
this facility,134 which is likely under the command of the PLA Strategic Support Force’s (SSF)
China Nuclear Test Base (Base 21), headquartered in the village of Malan 100km to the
northwest.xvii Due to the highly classified and remote nature of these facilities, little information is
available in the public sphere.

Considerations for Modern Underground Facilities

Today, the PLA’s renewed interest in underground facilities comes primarily from two
concerns, one doctrinal and the other technological. The PLA maintains a No-First-Use doctrine
regarding nuclear warfare. To maintain credible deterrence, the PLARF must have a survivable
nuclear stockpile that can rapidly retaliate against an aggressor with enough power to ensure
unacceptable losses on the attacking force. Thus, in the face of this necessity, hardened
underground facilities are regarded as a key guarantee of China’s retaliatory abilities.
The second reason for the PLARF’s interest in underground facilities comes from
technological considerations. The 1991 Gulf War is widely regarded as a turning point for the
PLA’s understanding of contemporary warfighting. The SAF, especially, took note of the
American military’s use of precision missiles and ground-penetrating bombs. According to a
Xinhua article from 2019, it was in response to these developments that Qian Qihu [钱七虎], a

Coordinates: 41.703999, 88.367963.
Uxxaktal Airbase to the west of the village has been previously identified as having a weapons storage UGF. See: 42.203028, 87.153722


military engineer and member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, put forward the concept
of building deep, resistant underground facilities specifically to weather a nuclear first strike and
maintain a credible retaliatory capability.135 This opinion is echoed by other prominent academics
in Chinese military circles, including Yang Xiumin [ 杨 秀 敏 ] of the China Academy of
Engineering, who also considers underground facilities as the most logical method for ensuring
proper nuclear deterrence against an outside force.136

Construction Considerations
To address the possibility of a nuclear war, China’s military planners placed its DF-5 missiles
in underground, reinforced silos starting in 1979. In order to deceive the sophisticated
reconnaissance and precision delivery systems of would-be belligerents, decoy silos were also
utilized.137 However, despite reinforcement and the deployment of decoy silos, the likelihood of
missiles being damaged beyond use in an attack remained high. However, technological
limitations meant that mobile launch platforms were prone to unacceptable inaccuracy issues.
Thus, the resulting plan, called Deep Deployment [ 深 埋 部 署 ], sought to combine the
survivability of underground facilities with the accuracy of fixed, above-ground positions.138 The
underground facilities house the missiles, delivery platforms, and the crews to man them. When
the time comes, the platforms will be properly set-up and prepared in the safety of the underground
facility, and then deployed to hardened concrete pads where the launch will take place.139 This
mixed method improves both survivability and accuracy but requires massive investments to
hollow out tunnels and prepare the concrete pads for launch.

Unidentified Nester Unit140


Construction of underground facilities, frequently referred to in Chinese media as
“Underground Dragon Lairs” [地下龙宫], is undertaken primarily by the PLARF’s “nester” [筑
巢人] engineering units, responsible for national defense, combat support, and non-war military
engineering projects.141
The labor requirements for constructing “Dragon Lairs” has changed significantly over the
decades. The building of underground facilities is a significant resource commitment, with one
construction site requiring at least 8,000 cubic meters of sand, 4,000 bags of cement, and over 300
steel bars.142 Another facility is said to use the electrical power of a small city.143 In the early 1990s,
construction relied on “crowd tactics” with picks, shovels, and little machinery. 144 These projects
took upwards of ten years to finish, with constant danger of cave-ins and on-site injuries.xviii 145
According to Ren Qingcheng [任庆成], a senior PLARF nester engineer, the use of heavy
tunneling machinery and improved conditions have caused a huge change in both the pace and
safety standards of nester work in recent years.146 Sources report both that the use of machinery
has doubled efficiency and that projects that could span a decade or more now typically take two
years to complete. 147 One engineering subunit under an operations support regiment was
downgraded from a battalion to a company, hinting at reducing manpower. However, despite its
decreased personnel, the source claims that its workload has increased.148 This suggests that there
is both an increase in construction efficiency as well as the number of construction projects.

“Nester” Drilling Machine149

One account mentioned the build-up of radioactive dust in the missile storage sections and blisters and rashes appearing on the skin of
workers in the area. Reportedly, more than 4,000 personnel became disabled due to workplace injury, and 512 died outright, though a timeframe
for these injuries was not mentioned.


In addition, these tunneling projects are regularly described as examples of military-civil fusion
[军民融合], due to partnerships between the units and local civilian tunneling companies. Further,
many PLARF engineers pursue certificates and qualifications while still employed by the PLA,
presumably for the purpose of transitioning to a civilian career after leaving the PLARF.150
The PLARF Institute of Engineering Design [ 火 箭 军 工 程 设 计 研 究 所 ] in Beijing is
responsible for developing requirements for physical infrastructure. Established in 1958, the
institute consists of at least six research divisions and at least eight offices [室]. The institute’s
scope includes general design of underground facilities, geological assessments, tunnel boring
technology, materials, camouflage, launch site surveying and design, and military load
classification analysis for transportation networks and bridges. As of September 2017, it has been
resubordinated to the PLARF Research Academy and is now called the PLARF Research
Academy Institute of Engineering Design.151
The establishment of Base 68, a corps deputy-grade engineering command, also highlights the
centrality of physical infrastructure in PLA operations. This unit was formed through the merger
of the 308 Engineering Command and Engineering Technology Group. Today, it oversees six
engineering brigades, as well as two regiments tasked with building out and maintaining the
PLARF’s secure communications infrastructure.152

Survivability is of utmost importance to the PLARF’s underground facilities. In addition to
reinforcement with concrete and rebar around the tunnels themselves, the facilities benefit from
compartmentalization and monitoring. Multiple thick blast doors separate different sections of the
facility, allowing a segment to be sealed off in case of nuclear, biological, or chemical attack. 153
Likewise, the underground facilities have started integrating information technology systems into
construction designs to allow for more robust monitoring within the base. Reportedly, this allows
for support to be rapidly dispatched to vital points in the facility should the need for repair arise.154
It can be inferred that during an attack, the command and control elements of the facility would be
able to rapidly assess inflicted damage and determine the best course of action to ensure a
retaliatory strike. Thus, training activities at these facilities revolve around a combination of
simulated system failures (destroyed ventilators, cave-ins155, water contamination156, hunger, and
chain-of-command disruption), and initiating retaliatory strikes.
However, steps to ensure the survivability of underground facilities are moot if there is no way
to get the delivery systems above ground to the launch sites. Thus, an important aspect of these
facilities is the maintenance of access roads, as well as training focused on road maintenance,
obstruction clearing, and disassembling and relocating launch sites.157 Further, to ensure that the
launch system is not struck before it can deliver its payload, training for the launch teams also
focuses on properly applying camouflage. One PLARF brigade trained for countermeasures and
camouflage application against simulated enemy satellite reconnaissance and electromagnetic


jamming. The training focused on establishing communications and engaging in a launch
Reports on training regularly mention mitigating jamming, and some PLARF launch brigades
have dedicated electronic countermeasures battalions. 159 Regarding the effectiveness of these
measures, an analysis in 2011 by Zhao Tong found that China’s theater nuclear forces (including
DF-31 missiles and Type 094 submarines) would likely survive a U.S. strike using conventional
precision-guided weapons.160 It further found that the U.S. would be unlikely to detect if China
put its forces on alert during a crisis.
While underground facilities are in mountainous or more remote areas, the PLARF’s garrisons
are largely concentrated in cities. Mobile units are expected to disperse to areas sometimes
hundreds or thousands of kilometers from these initial locations, but they would still be likely
targets in a conflict. The decision to build garrisons in urban areas, rather than in remote areas that
would be less likely to incur civilian casualties, apparently dates to 1985, when the PLA decided
that better living conditions for personnel and improved access to communications systems
outweighed the potential costs.161

Above: DF-21A disguised as a civilian truck162

Below: Ballistic missile TEL decoys


In addition to hardening and mobility, the PLA is increasingly using passive and active laser,
radar, and infrared defenses, including jammers and obscurants to improve the survivability of its
missile forces. China has long employed decoy emplacements and inflatable systems that mimic
the characteristics of a system, or even disguising TELs and support vehicles as civilian trucks,
now often incorporating heat generators or radar reflecting elements (see the lower right image
above) to better imitate actual equipment.

CMC Joint Operations Command Center

China uses a system of command posts [指挥所] from the national and theater levels down.
At the top of the chain of command sits the CMC Joint Operations Command Center (JOCC) [中
央军委联合作战指挥中心] in Beijing.xix The JOCC was likely established in 2013, as part of an
effort to improve the jointness of the various PLA services and forces and, at the time, served as
the headquarters of the General Staff Department.163 The Command Center would likely serve as
a hub for communications and information-gathering activities, and include leadership from the
PLA’s various services and forces.164 The JOCC was constructed underground, specifically with
the intention of surviving nuclear attacks. Reportedly, during the “Operations Mission 2013” [行
动使命-2013] exercise, Xi used the Command Center to review and approve the course of the

PLA Joint Operations Command Center166

Many members of the senior leadership maintain residences in the nearby Jade Spring Hill [玉泉山] area.


Alternate National Command Posts
In addition to the CMC JOCC in Beijing, the PLA has other back-up national command posts.
Declassified documents indicate at least two other large complexes in Shanxi and Hubei
Provinces.167 The first, in Licheng County [黎城县], northeast of the city of Changzhi [长治],
Shanxi, was described as the National Naval Alternate Headquarters in documents from 1983.xx
The site has what appears to be camouflaged buildings on the surface and a tunnel entrance on the
southern side, which would offer a degree of protection from nuclear strike.xxi However, the clarity
of available satellite images makes this difficult to verify or expand upon. In the original report,
the site was identified as having significant supporting communications and transport
The second of these complexes is located in Fang County [房县], Hubei, (a.k.a. “Fangxian”)
which has been previously described as home to an “Alternate National Military Command Center
Complex” for the then-General Staff Department supported by a combination of microwave and
LF transmitters.168 In January 1969, China began construction of nuclear command bunkers for
senior leadership in Southeastern Hubei. The 131 Project [131 工程 or 131 地下工程]xxiii is located
near Gaoqiao Town, Xianning [咸宁], Hubei, and has since been turned into a tourist attraction.
Other complexes have been mentioned as possible sites, but information is less clear.xxiv

Theater Command Joint Operations Command Centers/Posts

Reportedly, the military reforms made in 2016 established Theater Command Joint Operations
Command Centers.169 As mentioned in the flow chart listed in Section 1.3, the decision to use
nuclear weapons will come from the CMC JOCC and be passed along to the PLARF directly,
bypassing the Theater Command JOCCs.170 Thus, while the Theater Command JOCCs would play
an important communications role during a conventional campaign, they are likely to be de-
emphasized in a nuclear scenario.

Coordinates given in the report as the main site at 36.698611, 113.362500.
Coordinates 36.696284, 113.346378.
Specifically, Licheng is identified as being supported by Shahe and Changzhi Airfields and the Handan heliport.
Coordinates: 29.850132° 114.468529°; Also called 中国澄水洞地下军事工程.
Hohhot, Inner Mongolia was also previously identified as the location of another alternate command center, but this appears instead to be a
widely reproduced error. For example, David Shambaugh's Modernizing China’s Military: Progress, Problems, and Prospects (2002) gives
Hohhot as home to a command center on page 169, citing FAS "China: Command and Control Facilities," which in turn cites William Arkin and
Richard Fieldhouse’s “Nuclear Battlefields,” pages 290-291, which does not appear to provide this information.


PLA Joint Operations Command Center171

Mobile and Airborne Command Posts

In the field, PLARF units typically exercise command and control via mobile command posts.
Their vehicle of choice appears to be a three-axle trailer pulled by a standard six-wheeled truck.
As with PLA Navy vessels, these command posts appear to have numerous video terminals and
elaborate consoles, as well as some version of the encrypted “red telephones” [红机],xxv linking
field command posts with both other units and higher command.xxvi 172 These command posts are
typically staffed with two senior colonels, likely the commander and commissar, and at least eight
other officers and enlisted personnel.173

These may be analogous to DOD’s Defense Red Switch Network (DRSN)
The PLA may use a maroon color to differentiate their lines from the brighter red phones seen used by top leaders, perhaps pointing toward
another set of encrypted lines.


Interior of PLARF mobile command and control vehicle174


Exterior of PLARF mobile command and control vehicle175

The PLA also uses airborne command posts [ 机 载 指 挥 所 ] (helicopters equipped with
communications suites) to support theater command posts and similar operations. The PLAAF
also operates at least two B-737-300 aircraft in a command, control, communications, and
intelligence role. 176 One source identifies these aircraft as based at Beijing’s Daxing Airport.
Additional variants of the Y-8 aircraft (Y-8T), which appear to be equipped with a large
communications suite, may be in service with the 76th or 78th Airborne Command and Control
Regiments based in Wuxi, Jiangsu.177
While it is currently unclear if China has dedicated (fixed-wing) airborne command posts with
specialized equipment for communications with nuclear forces (along the lines of the Russian IL-
80 or U.S. E-6B Mercury aircraft), given the expanding triad and need for survivable systems, the
authors consider it likely that such a system will be developed. In the past decade, China has been
successful in producing a large number of domestic aircraft that would be suitable for such a role,
and the PLA has substantially improved the airborne refueling capabilities necessary for extended



The equipment utilized for NC3 includes early-warning radars and satellites to identify and
characterize threats, and communication systems to link sensors to higher echelons as well as to
allow headquarters to issue commands to nuclear forces.


This section presents findings about the PLARF’s command and control information system,
as it provides an indication of the current status and direction of the sophistication of China’s
command and control.
The exact configuration and capabilities of the PLARF’s nuclear command and control
information system are difficult to assess using open-source information. As noted earlier, the
degree of co-mingling between nuclear and conventional forces is unknown, making it difficult to
identify information about command-and-control information systems specifically for nuclear
forces. Further, SMS 2017 clearly stated that organically integrated nuclear counterstrike and
conventional strike capabilities, with dual-mission capable tactical-level operational units [战术
一级的作战单位], are enabled by a unified information-enabled support and command system
After witnessing the revolutionary role played by information technology during the Gulf War,
the SAF decided to build the PLA’s first-ever automated operations command system [作战指挥
自动化系统].178 According to one source, this automated strategic command system links four
levels of command posts, from the SAF (headquarters), to missile bases, missile brigades (and
support regiments), and finally to missile launch battalions via a network of computers, terminals,
communication facilities, and equipment.179
While this system might have had some degree of interoperability with systems of the other
services,180 compartmentalization was a major issue. According to one article, by 2000, the PLA’s
various services and branches had developed and fielded hundreds of command information
systems. 181 The same article notes that these systems are based on significantly different
technologies and platforms, making integration virtually impossible. In some instances,
commanders had to step out of the command vehicles and rely on gestures and verbal instructions
to communicate. 182 This prompted the development of a fully integrated PLA-wide command
system, similar to the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) of the United States. 183
Around 2004, a research institute under the PLA General Staff Department, which focused on
research into informatization [总参某信息化研究所], began to design and develop the PLA’s
first-generation “integrated command information system” [全军一体化指挥信息系统].
According to the same source, a total of 8,000 researchers and engineers from 300 work units
contributed to the research and development of this command system, which became operational


in 2012. This integrated system has been described as “the PLA’s first comprehensive information
system that unifies strategic, operational, and tactical command for all four military services.”184
A key figure identified by official media in the development of this system is Li Xianyu [李贤玉],
director of the 4th Research Institutexxvii under the PLARF Research Academy [火箭军研究院].185
Li, a Peking University graduate who joined the PLA in 1990, has been identified in multiple
media reports as the “PLA Rocket Force’s first female general”186 following her promotion to the
rank of Special Technical Major General [专业技术少将军衔]xxviii in 2015.187 She also became
an academician with the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 2019.188 A PLA Daily article
from January 2016 identified Li as a member of the chief design team of the PLA-wide command
information system and the deputy chief designer of the SAF sub-system.189Another PLA Daily
article from December 2017 noted that Li was leading over 10 projects related to the
informatization of the PLA and the PLARF, including “information/informatized system
simulation demonstration and verification environment construction” [某信息化系统模拟演示验
证环境建设], a “multi-level debugging of a command system” [某指挥系统多级调试], and a
“joint debugging of a new missile information system” [某新型导弹信息化系统联调].190

Li Xianyu (back row, center) pictured with Wang Jianxin [王建新], chief designer of the PLA-wide Integrated
Command Information System, and other researchers. 191

Now the 6th Research Institute, also known as the Institute of Information and Special Support, following reforms to the PLARF Research
Li is a uniformed civilian cadre, under the track called special technical officers [专业技术军官]


Li Xianyu192

The PLA Daily article from 2017 offered no further details regarding the system upgrades Li
was working on, but a documentary on CCTV Channel 7 about Li, which aired on 18 January
2013, provided additional information about the SAF’s first- and second-generation command and
control systems.193
According to the documentary, Li participated in the development of the SAF’s first-generation
automated command system in the 1990s. This system reportedly played a role in the Third Taiwan
Strait Crisis when the SAF conducted a series of missile tests in the waters surrounding Taiwan.194
However, with the commission of multiple conventional missile models, which relied on different
command and control systems, beginning around 2003, the SAF needed a system capable of
enabling integrated command and control [一体化指挥控制] of multiple brigades and missile
The SAF Equipment Research Academy [第二炮兵装备研究院]xxix was ordered to upgrade
the existing system, but Li Xianyu, despite opposition and criticism, insisted on developing a new
software system with independent intellectual property rights. As the documentary put it, Li’s
“integrated command and control system” translated the “dialect” of conventional missile combat
command into universally understood “Mandarin,” allowing integration of different types of
communication systems. The documentary described a training mission conducted by a SAF
missile brigade in December 2012 that successfully tested a combat method [战法], namely, a
simultaneous multi-salvo [多弹齐射] firepower attack. The narrator noted the instrumental role
played by Li in designing a command-and-control system that enabled the multi-salvo attack.
The documentary laid out in great detail the features of the “missile integrated command and
control system” [导弹武器一体化指挥软件系统] that Li was responsible for designing. Given

Now the PLARF Research Academy.


that the time window coincides, it is possible that this is part of the PLA-wide integrated command
information system, or “SAF sub-system,” as noted earlier.
This “missile integrated command and control system” connects command posts [指挥所],
missile launch units [导弹发射单元], and even launchers [发射架]. It brings together nearly all
elements of missile operations, and each port [端口] can interact with real-time data [交互实时信
息数据] and is even capable of automatic fire/ignition [自动点火]. According to Li Xianyu, in
addition to its core command and control function, the system also connects intelligence,
reconnaissance, and weapons. The system significantly enhances the commander’s situational
awareness regarding the status of available forces. For example, the images below indicate the
system is capable of determining the appropriate missile and quantity needed for a particular
mission and cross-referencing available systems with mission requirements.

Missile readiness monitoring system, part of the C2 system developed by Li195


Command Center196

According to the reporters who accompanied Li to an unidentified “informationized SAF

brigade” located in southern China in January 2013, this system connects the brigade operations
duty office or watch office [作战值班室] with the mobile command post, which is also called the
Basic Command Post [基本指挥所].
According to Brigade Commander Shi Xiangyang [施湘阳],xxx “Previously, orders [作战文书]
had to be printed out and handed to the appropriate person, which was inefficient, but now coded
commands [代码指挥] (likely a set of pre-arranged mission orders arranged by code) are sent
through our unified command platform or datalinks, so this allows us to transmit the codes to

Shi has been identified as commander of the “1st Conventional Missile Brigade” [常规导弹第一旅], the 613 Brigade under Base 61 in Jiangxi
Province. Until recently, this brigade was equipped with DF-15 missiles, which appears to match imagery in the video. See: "Demystifying the
1st Conventional Missile Brigade of the Rocket Force: Which "firsts" have been created," [揭秘火箭军常规导弹第一旅:究竟创造了哪些"第
一"], Global Times [环球时报], 31 July 2020. https://m.us.sina.com/gb/china/huanqiu/2020-07-31/detail-ifzysrcs1744292.shtml


various elements [要素; which includes launch units] in real-time.” In addition to the code-
commands, the system also enables precision-guided weapons management [ 精 导 管 理 ],
interfacing with the weapons [武器接口], automatic information reporting [信息上报], and other

Images from the brigade operations duty office and a launch vehicle. The equipment, resembling a laptop, is used to
transmit launch orders197


Once the brigade operations duty office [作战值班室] receives a preparatory launch order [预
先号令] from the Base during a nuclear counter-attack campaign, the joint duty officer [联合值
班员] only needs to input a short code.xxxi This information is transmitted through an internet direct
messaging function to launch units, which are distributed in dozens of geographic areas hundreds
of miles away, in less than a minute. These units immediately go into action, and their movements
can be monitored in real-time by the operations duty office.
The Commander and Political Commissar appear to sit side by side in the mobile command
post (the two officers with the same rank) with the apparent commander giving the orders to carry
out the mission.198
While the launch battalions mobilize, the brigade commander and political commissar in the
mobile command vehicle begin strategizing based on data and information provided by the
command-and-control system. Brigade Commander Shi notes that the new version of the operation
command software [新版的作战指挥软件] assists commanders in decision-making partly by
saving them from the tedious manual calculations they previously had to do. Thus, commanders
can devote more energy to thinking about operational issues and have become “twice as efficient.”
Eventually, the brigade commander enters the launch command [打击指令] into the computer,
enabling it to transmit directly to the missile launcher for automatic ignition.


Nuclear strikes can come from multiple vectors, including submarine-launched missiles,
aircraft, and ICBMs. To identify these threats, China is fielding an increasingly capable layered
network of radars. This section provides an overview of the identified systems that make up that
network and examines their likely near-term development. Specifically, this includes “strategic”
early warning (systems capable of detecting incoming ballistic missiles), over-the-horizon radars
(which circumvent the line-of-sight limitations of traditional radars and provide some capability
against multiple threats), counter-lower-observable radars (designed to detect stealthy or small
targets), and satellite early warning systems (which detect the infrared signatures of missile
exhaust against the cold background of space as they exit the atmosphere). This section will also
examine Chinese radar systems that detect low-flying cruise missiles, a priority for its early
warning and defense systems.
Early Warning System of Systems
Altitude System Targets
Space / High Altitude LPARs, early-warning satellites Ballistic missiles
High-Medium Altitude Air-defense radars Ballistic missiles, bombers
Low-Altitude/Surface OTH radars, aerostat-based IR Ballistic missiles (launch phase),
sensors, and radars cruise missiles, low-flying aircraft

As shown in the video, the code typed in is 警报信号 100.


As the eyes of the central leadership going into a conflict, a growing number of sensors, such
as long-range radars and satellites, will play a pivotal role in how Chinese leaders respond to an
emerging crisis. The joint theater commands and their subordinate organizations are intended to
help improve the collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence. Kevin McCauley has
noted that “The new Theater Joint Commands Joint Operations Command Centers (JOCC) contain
intelligence centers, as do command posts (CP) formed at each echelon down to regiment level.”199

Strategic Early Warning Radars

The U.S. and Republic of China (Taiwan) began flying high altitude reconnaissance missions
over China in the 1950s, first with the RB-57 and later with the U-2 and SR-71 and its air-launched
drone, the D-20. In the 1960s, China responded by developing early warning radars to provide
nationwide detection of high-altitude aircraft and satellites. These quickly began to incorporate
other missions, including ballistic missile early warning and defense. In 1964, China began work
on a series of interconnected development and scientific research programs called Project 640 [640
工程] during a time of rising tensions with the USSR. This included FJ (Fanji; 反击; counterattack)
anti-ballistic missiles, lasers, anti-missile artillery (specifically a 140mm cannon), an early
warning system, and related science projects. By the early 1970s, China had deployed a series of
powerful early warning radars capable of providing strategic early warning, some of which have
been upgraded and remain in service today.xxxii200
The first radar system was developed and put into use in 1976 by the 14th Institute (now CETC
14th Research Institute, also known as the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology).
In May 1970, the CCP approved the development of an ultra-long-range early warning radar with
the code name 7010 (also called the Xuanhua Radar Station [宣化雷达站]), built into the side of
a mountain in Hebei Province, and the Type 110 radar in Zhanyi, Yunnan Province. 201 Testing
began in September 1975, with the system put into operation in 1979.

7010 Radar202

The radars were designated TREE FORK 2 and Suji D by American analysts. The inset image strongly resembles the J-14 LLQ-105
Surveillance Radar, an example of which can see seen at the China Aviation Museum outside Beijing. A review of these sites beginning in
January 1971-1979 identified eight radars, with at least two sites in Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces were still occupied as of 2020.


Type 110 Radar

A CIA assessment from 1978 noted that the Xuanhua radar/7010 was “ideally suited to detect
ICBMs launched from most Soviet complexes, and will be able to give up to eight or 10 minutes
of warning of missile attacks from the central and western Soviet Union.”203 The same report noted
that “conventional radars provide coverage of missile launches from the Sea of Japan and eastern
Siberia, but their warning time might only be 2 or 3 minutes.”
To further support the development
of domestic satellite communications
capabilities, work began on the
requisite ground segment
infrastructure. In 1974, the Seventh
Ministry of Machine Building [第七
机 械 工 业 部 ], predecessor to the
China National Space Administration
(CNSA), China Aerospace Science
and Technology Corporation (CASC),
and China Aerospace Science &
Industry Corporation (CASIC),
launched the 450 Project [450 工程], a
system of tracking and measurement
radars for the Dongfanghong-2 [东方
红 2 号 ], China’s geostationary
communication test satellite. 204 The
first Dongfanghong-2 mission in January 1984 failed to achieve geostationary orbit (GEO), but a
second test satellite, launched in April of that year, was successful.


The 110 Large-Scale Single Pulse Precision Tracking and Measurement Radar [110 单脉冲远
程精密跟踪雷达] was jointly developed in 1977 by the CETC 14th Institute and the Chinese
Academy of Sciences Electronics Institute, along with other units. The project, which began in
1958, was a national key scientific research project [国家重点科研项目]. In 1965, the project
developed a successful single-pulse test radar, laying the foundation for the development of
precision tracking radar.
In the early 1970s, China developed early warning and missile tracking radars, including the
large-scale 7010 radar, which began installation and commissioning of small area array antennas
in 1972. In September 1975, the 7010 radar was initially tested, and an outer space target was
observed for the first time. In 1976, the installation, commissioning, and operation of the full array
of antennas were officially completed. After 1977, the 7010 radar completed several Chinese
missile and satellite observation missions. In particular, during one mission, the radar was able to
provide target indications for the 110 radar to then form an accurate identification network. While
the 7010 radar has long been decommissioned, the 110 radar, operated by the PLASSF’s Xi’an
Satellite Control Center (Base 26), appears to still be in use.205

Current Strategic Early Warning Network

From the early 2000s on, China’s strategic early warning network has grown considerably,
adding overlapping capabilities to detect a wide range of threats.


Large Phased-Array Radars (LPAR)
The most powerful components of this early warning network are LPARs, building-sized radars
capable of imaging ballistic missiles thousands of kilometers away and high into the
atmosphere.xxxiii The PLASSF has been identified as operating the following LPARs, mostly under
its Space Systems Department’s (SSD) Xi’an Satellite Control Center (XSCC) [西安卫星测控中
心] in charge of the PLASSF’s space tracking and satellite launch centers (SLC).
Two LPARs appear to have been built on turntables, likely to allow them to support missile
testing while possibly serving in an early warning capacity as well. One is in Korla, Bayingol,
Xinjiang UAR [新疆库尔勒市开发区] and appears to have an MUCD of 63615, placing it under
the SSD’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center [ 酒 泉 卫 星发 射中 心 ]. xxxiv206 This LPAR likely
supports ballistic missile tests at the nearby Impact Area Test Department and the Korla Missile
Test Complex. xxxv207 The second station, outside Pingliang [ 平 凉 ], Gansu Province, was
completed between early 2017 and mid-2019 and appears to have an MUCD of 63726, subordinate
to the Taiyuan Space Launch Center [太原卫星发射中心].xxxvi208
A third LPAR is located in Huanan County, [桦南县], Heilongjiang Province in northeastern
China.xxxvii It may have an MUCD of 63757,209 and appears to be under the XSCC,xxxviii210 which
supports satellite launches with a network of tracking stations across the country.
Lin’an District, Zhejiang Province [临安区] also hosts an LPAR.xxxix This LPARhas been
identified as associated with a PLASSF unit with the MUCD 61232211 under a Network Systems
Department SIGINT unit which may have missions involving interception of satellite
communications and space-based SIGINT collection. xl212

Specifics for the different types of radars identified here are not available, but a brochure from the Zhuhai Airshow in 2016 depicts a Phased
Array Theater Ballistic Radar designated GLC-4 developed by the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (CETC 14th RI). The P-
band radar has a min-max range of 50-3000km and is described as capable of tracking satellites in low-earth orbit as well. There do not appear to
be authoritative sources with specifics of ranges and altitudes, but it is clear that these systems have an arc of greater than 60° and a range of over
4,000 kilometers. The map above uses a conservative estimate.
Coordinates: 41.641194, 86.236749.
The Impact Area (Test) Department has been connected with the LPAR MUCD (63615). In addition, the LPAR unit, the Department and
Complex have similar locations and similar MUCDs, as both the Department [落区测量试验部/落区部] (MUCD 63610) and Complex [落区部
库尔勒站] (MUCD 63618) are also in Korla and under the Jiuquan SLC MUCD block, with the LPAR MUCD of 63615 falling between them.
The LPAR unit may also be known as the Impact Area (Test) Department Bayingol Station [落区部巴音郭楞站].
Coordinates: 35.483025, 106.571871.
Coordinates: 46.528092, 130.755276.
Based on MUCD blocks (the XSCC has 63750-63780) and close physical proximity to another XSCC radar, the Jiamusi Deep Space
(TT&C) Station [佳木斯深空站].
Coordinates: 30.286492, 119.128783.
The former General Staff Department Third Department’s 12 th Bureau (Unit 61486). The unit has conducted research on satellites.


The final confirmed LPAR is in Yiyuan County [沂源县], Shandong Province, attached to a
former PLAAF unit with an MUCD of 95921xli213 that is now part of the PLASSF, most likely
under its new space early-warning base (Base 37) [空间预警 37 基地].214

P-band long-range early warning phased array radar215 and Huanan, Heilongjiang LPAR216

Other types of radars described as having One additional LPAR may be present in
Hui’an, Fujian Province, collocated with PLAAF
missile detection and early warning roles:
• Type 390A (JL3D-90A) and PLAN radar units, though it may just be
• YLC-8/8A VHF Band Long Range 2D another type of radar or electronic attack device.
Surveillance Radar
In addition to the LPARs, the PLA fields a
• YLC-4 2D Long Range Surveillance Radar
• JY-14 wide variety of passive and active radars likely
• JY-27A CVLO (counter-very-low- involved in detecting cruise missile, bomber, and
observable) radar ballistic missile threats, including the JY-27,
• JY-27 VHF Band Long Range which has a range of 390km,217 YLC-8B UHF 3D
Surveillance Radar
long-range radar, with a quoted detection range of
500km for aircraft and 700km for missiles, and the JY-50 passive radar.

Over-the-Horizon Radars
OTH Radar Type Detection Range (km) While the radars described in the previous
Groundwave 10-400 section can track ballistic missiles high in their
Skywave 1000-4000 trajectory or as they descend, their detection
range is limited by the horizon. To overcome this
limitation, China has developed and deployed at least two types of over-the-horizon (OTH) radars,
to provide layered detection capabilities close to its shores and beyond the Ryukyu Island Chain
of Japan. While both types of OTH radar can be used against surface or airborne targets, they also
have utility against ballistic missiles in their launch phase.219 They may also have better results in

Coordinates: 36.024856, 118.092048.
tracking hypersonic waveriders, which can fly at much lower altitudes than ballistic missile reentry
vehicles and can spend more time below the horizon and therefore outside the detection range of
However, due to the strong influence of environmental factors on the propagation of these
radars, as well as their high susceptibility to jamming, multiple redundant systems are needed for
a reliable early warning system. Other countries, including Russia, have deployed these

Groundwave OTH radar

The shorter-range type of OTH radar, called Groundwave, has broad civilian application for
monitoring maritime traffic near China, but also has the capacity to detect enemy ships or even
stealth aircraft.
The most prominent figure in China working on this technology is academician Liu Yongtan
[刘永坦]. According to an interview with Liu, China first successfully detected ships using its first
OTH radar system in Weihai, Shandong in April 1990.221 The system was formally approved [批
准正式立项] in 1997. The test site, a program of the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) Institute
of Electronic Engineering at its Weihai, Shandong campus [哈工大(威海)电子工程研究所],
is positioned opposite Qinghuangdao, on the shores of the Bohai Sea roughly 340km away.222
In 2011, Liu and his team completed the development of a continuous operation, all-weather
long-distance detection system.223 The radars developed by Liu and Yu have been described as the
“Coastal Defense Great Wall” [海防长城].224 While the particulars of the system are not public,
the fact that Liu and his team have twice received the National Award for Scientific Advancement,
First Class [国家科技进步奖一等奖] (in 1995 and 2015) and won the Special Award for
Advancements in Defense S&T [国防科技进步特等奖] (in 2014) indicates the significance of the
program. Liu has also received a prize of 8 million RMB ($1.2 million) for his work.
In 2019, HIT and HIT Leixin Technology Co. [哈尔滨工大雷信科技有限公司 ] were
awarded the China Patent Silver Award [中国专利银奖] for their “high-frequency ground wave
radar weak target detection and tracking method and device,” indicating the technology associated
with Liu and his team is reaching maturity and likely capable of detecting weaker radar returns.225

Russia’s “Konteiner” over-the-horizon radars for example are described as capable of detecting cruise missiles and hypersonic weapons

2,000km away. It has a system of Voronezh-type radar stations to detect and track ballistic missiles.


HIT-Weihai Radar Test Site226

Chinese research institutions also appear to be developing several other OTH Groundwave
projects. For example, Wuhan University [武汉大学] and Wuhan Deweisi Electronic Technology
Co. [ 武 汉 德 威 斯 电 子 技 术 有 限 公 司 ] have jointly developed a portable high-frequency
groundwave OTH maritime monitoring system called OSMAR-S that has a range of 200km.xliii227
Further, materials shown at the 2016 Zhuhai Airshow depict a surface-wave OTH (SW-OTH)
High frequency system designated LD-JHC300 able to “continuously monitor over-the-horizon
maritime targets and provide sea-situation information.” The materials further state that “several
LD-JHC300 SW-OTH radars can be netted into an operating network as well as fuse data with
those from other coastal surveillance radars.”228 The system can provide enhanced early warning
at ranges of over 200km. Most importantly, from the perspective of nuclear early warning, these
systems have the potential to detect low-flying aircraft, including those equipped with stealth
technology, and sea-skimming cruise missiles. A second OTH system shown at the same
exhibition, the “LD-JXC100” Microwave OTH radar, uses an X-band phased array.
China may also have gained access to foreign technology to speed development of this system.
Unconfirmed reports suggest that China purchased three sets of the Russian Sunflower-E [向日葵

The system has apparently been deployed on the Zhoushan and Dachen islands in Zhejiang province.
-E/Подсолнух-Э] system in 2000. The Sunflower system has a range of approximately
300km for sea-surface targets.229

OTH Backscatter (OTH-B) / Skywave radar

OTH Backscatter (OTH-B), also known as Skywave, is a high-frequency over-the-horizon
radar that uses reflection off the ionosphere to detect air and surface objects at distances of over
2,000km. Because the system reflects off of the atmosphere, it has significant gaps in coverage
closer to the transmitters, making pairing it with other types necessary. A PLAAF unit has been
identified using the radar in Xiangfan, Hubei, which is likely able to observe airborne and maritime
activity out to the mid-Pacific and is capable of providing some early warning of stealth aircraft.
Satellite imagery of a site in Beijing’s Yanqing District [延庆区] between 2005 and 2020
suggests that a number of deployments that may be an OTH system have been tested.xliv

Counter-Very-Low-Observable Radars and Aerostats

China is also fielding a large number of radars to detect stealth aircraft, cruise missiles, and
other so-called “low-observable air targets.” Examples include synthetic impulse aperture radars,
which have been identified in several sites around China and in the South China Sea.230
Aerostats such as the one outside Haiyang [海阳市], Shandong Province, are another platform
that can contribute to layered early warning, particularly against low-flying threats.xlv According
to information on one type, the JY-400 produced by CETC, these inflatable aircraft are capable of
operating at “200-3,000 meters” while carrying tens of tons of equipment. They can stay aloft for
up to 25 days at a time and can carry early warning radars, collect ELINT/COMINT, or act as
communications relays.231

At an altitude of 3,000m, such a radar would be

capable of covering much of the Shandong Peninsula (see
image on left).xlvi These have been identified as operating
in several other locations all over China.

Satellite Early Warning Systems

Space-based systems offer significant advantages over
ground-based radars as they are not limited by the horizon
and can detect missiles as they leave the atmosphere.

Coordinates: 40.503892, 116.024913. This appears to be a dedicated communications or similar site, as seen by the large number of satellite
communication dishes at 40.501333, 116.026226.
Coordinates: 36.758255, 121.310091. The U.S. has tested an aerostat, the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor
System, (JLENS) as part of the airspace defense network around Washington, DC to help detect low-flying targets such as UAVs and cruise
The line of sight at that altitude is ~195km (red) and radio horizon is just over 225km (yellow).


Beginning in 2009, China began launching infrared early warning satellites. In 2016, S&T
Daily stated that China had built a space-based constellation of infrared early warning satellites
called “Outpost” [ 前 哨 ], complementing other constellations of military reconnaissance
While difficult to confirm, a second system of geostationary infrared satellites, sometimes
called Huoyan (“Fire Eye”) [火眼], may have also been put into orbit. The constellation includes
TJS-2, -5 and -6, launched in 2017, 2020, and 2021, respectively.233 Few other details are available,
though there are indications that related R&D for the system is being carried out by the Beijing
Space Vehicle General Design Department [北京空间飞行器总体设计部], among others.234
Further driven by the intensifying race to develop more accurate and maneuverable reentry
vehicles and hypersonic glide vehicles, China will undoubtedly invest in greater numbers of space-
based early warning systems that are better able to detect these threats. As noted by U.S.
Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Griffin, in responding to
hypersonic weapons, “The only way to see these things coming is from space,” going on to note
that hypersonic missiles are ten times dimmer than ballistic missiles, making space-based tracking
an essential component of effective early warning systems.235
According to Li Deren [李德仁], an academician of both China’s Academy of Sciences and
Academy of Engineering and the central architect of China’s earth observation programs, China
currently has 14 high-resolution Earth observation satellites. Of these, half are for civilian
applications and half are used by the military, though the system is intended to be dual-use.236
China’s plans appear to be to develop an interconnected network of sensors, data-relays, and
communication satellites interfacing with a 5G network to quickly pass data to the end user.

Naval Observation Force

The PLAN also maintains a system of “coastal observation and communications stations” [海
岸观察通信站] for early warning and detection along China’s coast. These stations are mainly
responsible for observing naval and low-altitude targets, monitoring sea and air conditions, and
providing timely information to PLA command centers and vessels.237 These stations are tasked
with observing naval maneuvers, with one article describing efforts by personnel to memorize the
radar profiles of various surface vessels.238 The article further noted that the majority of the force
was deployed to Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong, while another article mentions their presence
in China’s South China Sea installations.239


Radar system deployed to the South China Sea240


China’s ability to respond to nuclear attack or carry out its own strikes relies on the leadership
in Beijing and elsewhere being able to successfully pass orders to units as diverse as missile silos
in the mountains of Henan, mobile ICBMs on the move in western China, SSBNs hiding in the
depths of the South China Sea, or airborne H-6s carrying nuclear ALBMs.
Establishing and maintaining fragile communications links with these forces is clearly both a
massive undertaking and one of the most carefully guarded aspects of China’s nuclear enterprise.
Specifically, this communication network is primarily made up of buried cable networks,
microwave relays, troposcatter systems, and satellite communication systems. Low-frequency
transmitters allow contact with China’s SSBNs. This section lays out what is known about the
development of the various types of communication links and what is known or can be inferred
about their current status.

Strategic communications connect the Supreme Command [最高统帅] with units at the corps
level and above.241 China’s communication units trace their origins to the Signal Corps established
to support the August 1927 Nanchang Uprising, the beginning of the PLA. Work on a national
defense communications network began after May 1961, but was reliant on uninsulated wires and
short-wave radio. 242 After a winter storm in January 1969 significantly disrupted the national
communications network, Zhou Enlai directed the creation of a reliable buried cable network.xlvii
Successive expansions and upgrades of this network were undercut, however, by China’s lack of
modern switching technology, meaning that many of the exchanges faced significant bottlenecks.
Communications were one of the priorities for modernization that came out of the December 1978

Called the "National Underground Cable Communication Network Construction Plan" [全国地下电缆通信网建设规划]


reforms to the PLA, but switching issues were only resolved beginning in December 1985.xlviii 243
Reliable ground cables were apparently not developed or sufficiently widespread for use in the
national defense communications network until 1973.244 China did not master the technology for
producing the cables until at least 1980.245 Further, the use of satellite communications has grown
significantly since its introduction in the 1990s.
Having overcome many of the technological bottlenecks, the emphasis today appears to have
shifted. Specifically, new and better communications technologies offer the ability to transmit
greater volumes of intelligence to launch units, and improve redundancy of lines of communication,
but come with their own risks and vulnerabilities inherent to electronic systems. Not surprisingly,
then, there appears to be an increased focus on greater realism in training, particularly concerning
cybersecurity and overcoming electromagnetic jamming, while further developing existing
networks and improving processes to share information.246

Current Situation
The following map provides a notional depiction of the lines of communication connecting the
Central Military Commission with PLARF Bases, Communications Regiments, and nuclear-
weapons-equipped brigades or dual-capable brigades.

In 1978 the Communication Department of the General Staff proposed construction of what would become China’s first real military

communications network with multi-channel lines, special secure lines and integration with units in the field.


Development of the first PLAAF Automated Command System began in November 1959 as
Project 1125 [1125 工程]. The first generation of the system was tested beginning in 1984, with
deployments in Beijing and Guangxi, and the first complete system linking PLAAF HQ – Military
Regions – Command Posts – Divisions & Regimental Commands was completed between 1986-
1989. Tensions with Taiwan in the 1990s provided impetus for development of a second-
generation system, an automated theater-level C4ISR system called Qu Dian [区电], which was
developed between 1996-2003. 247 The system was intended to link together airborne sensors with
satellites, buried fiber-optic cable networks, and microwave transmission nodes. 248 By 2008, this
system had been deployed nationwide.

Fiber-optic Cable Network

Since the late 1970s, China has been working to deploy a national network of fiber-optic cables
to improve the survivability of its military command and control systems. All research,
development, and production activity relating to fiber-optics was centralized and China was
eventually able to gain access to commercial fiber-optics and telecommunications switch
technology from Belgium in the 1980s.249
While information is limited, the PLARF has recently upgraded its network of fiber-optic
communications between its headquarters communications regiment (MUCD 96946) and its
operational Bases.250 Fiber-optics are also widely employed at lower levels, for communications
between operational Bases and their brigades, as well as between brigades and their various
elements. For example, the PLARF 613 Brigade has in recent years constructed extensive fiber-
optic lines between several of its elements in the areas around its main facility in Shangrao, Jiangxi
The Base 68 Communications Engineering Regiment [ 通信工 程团 ] (MUCD 96885) in
Sanmenxia, Henan Province, is responsible for construction of the PLARF’s communications
infrastructure, including its fiber-optic network. 252 This regiment likely has at least two
Communications Line Battalions [ 线 路 营 ], each with at least four component companies.
Personnel typically complete 3-5 engineering projects each year, and this regiment laid down over
200 total kilometers of fiber-optic cables in 2019. Further support is provided by Base 68’s
Engineering Maintenance Support Group [工程维护保障大队] (MUCD 96886), which is tasked
with maintenance and repair of the PLARF’s communications infrastructure.
The PLARF and SSF practice wartime repair of these cable systems under a variety of
circumstances, including addressing cyber-attacks (e.g., Trojan viruses) inserted into the
network. 253 In a conflict, the Communications Engineering Regiment and Engineering
Maintenance Support Group would be responsible for repairing damaged communications
infrastructure and ensuring an uninterrupted flow of information between grassroots units and the
higher command. A third Base 68 unit, the Mobile Communications Regiment [激动通信团] (in
one instance referred to as the elite “special forces” of communications troops), would also be


tasked with deploying and rapidly establishing field communications hubs to replace damaged or
destroyed nodes.254

Members of a PLASSF unit undertake field repairs on a fiber-optic cable255

Microwave Communications

Left: SAF drill featuring microwave communications vehicle, 2012.256 Right: PLARF comms unit.257

China’s military radio communications network predates its buried cable networks. While
careful to avoid detection, as cryptographic schemes were only introduced for some systems in the
mid-1970s, these nevertheless remain an important leg of communication networks for the PLA
Rocket Force and other services.xlix
By 1985, China had a microwave radio relay (radrel) network connecting Beijing to remote
regions (except Tibet and Xinjiang) stretching over 14,000km, but this system was apparently not
trusted due to fear of interception.258 The SAF began building a microwave network in 1995, which
entered service in the late 1990s, providing all-weather communications.259

PLAAF units, including H-6 bombers, communicate with HF/UHF radio, but the arrangements for the newly established ALBM units are
currently unknown .


The PLA also uses HF radios on truck and backpack configurations. Images of PLARF
Communications units appear to show trucks equipped with the MW-1500 Microwave
Communication System, which can provide line of sight communications up to 30km.260

Troposcatter Systems
Troposcatter systems use the troposphere to reflect microwave radio signals over distances
typically between 300-700km. The fact that they do not require line-of-sight or significant
supporting infrastructure other than a mobile transmitter-receiver provides additional flexibility in
communications and makes them useful for China’s missile forces operating in remote and often
mountainous areas. In the mid-1960s, the 10th Academy’s 19th Research Institute [十院 19 所] and
the 760 Factory developed the Type 6171 Troposcatter transmitter.261 Encryption for the device
was developed by the 10th Academy’s 30th Research Institute, the 716 Factory, and Tsinghua
University in the early 1970s.
By the 1980s, China had built a troposcatter network of over 20 stations for both military and
civilian applications.262 Current systems, such as the ones displayed during the various military
parades in Tiananmen Square, include the TS-504 or TS-510 tropospheric scatter communications
systems produced by the CETC’s 54th Institute, with a range of roughly 200km.

Satellite vehicles and troposcatter Communication vehicles support a DF-31 exercise.263


Satellite Communication Systems
Satellite communications are a growing part of China’s NC3 structure. To facilitate longer-
range operations and overcome the deficiencies of the existing communications network, the PLA
began integrating satellite communications in the early 1990s.

The satellites believed to be part of China’s military communication geostationary satellite

network (ChinaSat 1A/1C/2A/2C and Zhongxing-20A) are clustered in orbits over the Indian
Ocean (see image above), providing maximum coverage out to the mid-Pacific and over most of
Europe and Africa.
China has also launched a series of geostationary data-relay satellites, designated Tianlian [天
链], to pass data from the various Gaofen [高分], Yaogan [遥感], and other constellations back to
the communications satellites.264 The system reached initial global overage after launches in 2003,
2008, and 2012.265 A second generation system, Tianlian 2, was launched in 2019.266 Subsequent
system upgrades have ensured the interoperability of ground stations with both constellations and
global real-time information transmission.267


Depiction of Tianlian Satellite constellation268

Launched in early 2017, the Space-Earth Integrated Information Network Mega Project [国家
天地一体化信息网络重大工程], managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
and led by China Electronics Technology Company (CETC), is intended to achieve the
comprehensive integration of a space-based information network, future internet, and mobile
communications network. l269 Put another way, the megaproject is designed for the purpose of
“providing information network coverage wherever [China has] national interests.”li270 According
to China Academy of Sciences (CAS) academician and CMC Equipment Development
Department (EDD) researcher Yin Hao [尹浩], when completed, the information network will
consist of various types of satellite systems (reconnaissance and surveillance satellites,
communications satellites, navigation and positioning satellites, early-warning satellites,
meteorological satellites, etc.) on different orbits, supplemented by land, sea, and space-based
information systems and application terminals to form an organic, intelligent, distributed, space-
Earth integrated global information network system.271 This integrated network will support four
application areas: spacecraft, guided missile and space launch centers, near-spacelii flight vehicles,
and unmanned aircraft (UAVs).
China is also testing high-throughput satellites (HTS) that offer significant increases in
transmission capacity compared to other communications satellites. liii 272 In the longer term,
Chinese scientists envision a layered approach of satellites in high and low Earth orbits linked by
datalink satellites in orbit and via high-speed 5G connections on the ground providing redundant
and interconnected communications links.

The original Chinese is “天地一体化信息网络。推进天基信息网、未来互联网、移动通信网的全面融合,形成覆盖全球的天地一体化信
息网络.” The National Science and Technology Innovation Plan for the 13 th Five Year Period, released by the State Council in July 2016,
announced plans to launch a group of national S&T R&D megaprojects called titled S&T Innovation 2030, which includes the Space-Earth
Integrated Information Network Mega Project. These megaprojects are designed to “reflect national strategic intentions” [体现国家战略意图],
and, as the name suggests, seek to achieve significant breakthroughs by 2030.
The original Chinese is “国家利益到哪里, 信息网络覆盖到哪里.”
Near space is defined as the upper atmosphere above 20 kilometers and reaching the “Kármán Line” at 100 km, typically used to define the
beginning of space.
HTS satellites transmit at greater than 100 Gigabits/second, whereas conventional communications satellites typically transmit at 10
Gigabits/second or less.


China has also made significant investments in space-situational awareness, which it has
directly described as supporting air and missile early warning systems.
The former General Armaments Department (GAD) developed a large ground segment to
support missile testing, space launch, and space awareness, as well as satellite communication
services. These stations have been transferred to the PLASSF after 2016.273 Individual PLARF
communications regiments also operate satellite communications (SATCOM) elements [分队] to
support communications with mobile launch units and higher echelons. PLARF mobile SATCOM
stations appear to have been upgraded, and Chinese media reporting periodically describes the
integration of new equipment.274
The PLA’s satellites are believed to be operated by the PLASSF Unit 61096, also called the
Satellite Communications Main Station [卫星通信总站]. 275 The unit is located in Beijing’s
Mentougou District [门头沟区]liv 276 and may be part of a new PLASSF Space Applications
Operations Base with MUCD 32039.277

Coordinates 39.912267, 116.094027.


Meteor Burst Communications
This technology uses the ionized air left by meteors entering the earth’s atmosphere to reflect
radio waves, allowing communication at distances of up to 2,250km. China apparently tested or
conducted research on meteor burst communications [流星余迹通信] beginning in 1984. 278
Several patents related to meteor burst communications continue to be filed every year by a number
of relevant Chinese institutions, including the CETC 54th Research Institute, PLA Rocket Force
University of Engineering, and Xidian University, suggesting continued interest in the technology.

Low-Frequency Communications
Low frequency communications systems are used to communicate with ballistic missile
submarines on patrol, which are typically unable to receive other types of transmissions. Receiving
low-frequency transmissions requires submarines to rise to depths of about 18m and to tow long
antennas. 279 Transmission of low frequency communications requires specialized facilities to
generate long wavelengths. Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) systems have superior ability to pass
through seawater, allowing them to be detected by SSBNs hiding in the depths of the open ocean,
but carry the least amount of information in a signal and require very large facilities, often
kilometers wide.

Very Low Frequency (VLF) Transmitters

To support China’s nascent submarine force, in February 1950, the Soviet Union signed an
agreement to transfer equipment and provide technical support for construction of very low
frequency transmitters capable of underwater communications.280 With Soviet assistance, China
built three small high-frequency transmitters, in Qingdao, Ningbo, and Xiying, and a series of
larger, more capable transmitters. One article from 2003 asserted that China had built 12 VLF
stations, including stations in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, and Yulin, Hainan. 281 However, these
stations have not been characterized in further detail. The following are some of the VLF
transmitters known or suspected to still be in use.

Datong [大同], Shanxi

In 1959, with Soviet assistance, Chinese military planners determined Datong as an appropriate
location for a VLF transmitter. The project was given the code designation Project 5901 [5901 工
程]. Despite the withdrawal of Soviet support due to rising tensions, construction of the transmitter
began in 1960. The transmitter was successfully tested and put into operation for communications
with Chinese submarines, between 1965 and 1966.lv 282 As of this writing it appears to still be in

The transmitter appears to have been first identified by U.S. intelligence in June 1965 from imagery collected by the Corona imagery satellite.
A more extensive report from March 1969 by the National Photographic Interpretation Center noted the identification of a large VLF
communication facility in Datong.


operation. lvi The facility clearly resembles a Soviet design used at the VLF station outside
Khabarovsk, in the Russian Far East.lvii These facilities are massive, covering over 10km2 in the
case of the Datong facility, with ‘curtains’ of long wires.
Datong VLF station283

Cili [慈利], Hunan

Likely prompted by the 1969 Sino-Soviet conflict and concerns about the vulnerability of the
Datong transmitter to a strike, a second large-scale transmitter was commissioned deeper in
China’s central regions. This transmission station, alternatively referred to as the Lujiaping VLF
Radio Communications transmitter or the “Second Transmission Station” [通信二台], is in Cili
County [慈利县] in Northeastern Hunan Province. The 2MW “Ultra-long-wave” [超长波]lviii
transmitter station meant to maintain communications between the CMC and China’s nuclear
submarines was approved by Mao on 4 August 1969, and thereafter referred to as Project 6984
[6984 工程]. lix The transmitter was designed by Wang Dongshan [王东山], later director of the
PLA Navy’s Department of Naval Communications [海军通讯部]. Construction began in 1971,
with the facility completed between May 1978-1979.284 As opposed to the Datong design, this
transmitter is suspended over the Jiangya [江垭] Reservoir, three kilometers long on three sides

Coordinates: 39.946502, 113.248151. The station appears to be active, and it is likely operated by a Navy unit with the MUCD 92325.
Coordinates: 48.485833, 134.819067.
Chinese media does not use the internationally accepted terms VLF, ULF, SLF, or ELF to differentiate between types of waves, and instead
typically uses long-wave [长波], ultra-long wave [超长波], etc., which are not equivalent.
The project is also called “New 01 “[“新 01”工程] to differentiate between the Datong facility, which had been referred to as the 01 Project.


spanning two ridges, and held up by 27-meter-high towers. A third station is believed to be present
in southwestern Hunan, south of Huaihua [怀化] in Lengshuixixiang [冷水溪乡].lx

Dongfang [东方], Hainan

A group of transmitters in Hechang, Dongfang on Hainan’s west coast comprise another
possible VLF location. A former PLAAF unit, which has since been resubordinated to the PLASSF
(MUCD 95852), is stationed in the city, but their connection to one of the transmitters, which in
at least one case includes a commercial broadcaster, is unclear.285

Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Transmitters

China has also invested in extremely low frequency (ELF) transmitter technology, which both
the United States and Russia have used to communicate with their submarine forces. In January
2020, S&T Daily reported that China’s Wireless Electromagnetic Method (WEM) Project [极低
频探地 (WEM) 工程], which consists of an ELF transmitter and receivers, passed inspection.286
Initial work on the project, led by CAE Academician Lu Jianxun [陆建勋], started in 2000.
Formally approved by the central government in 2010, construction began in 2012. The transmitter
was reportedly developed with assistance from the Russian Academy of Sciences and other
unnamed foreign countries provided to China in 1999. Descriptions of the technology say it will
be used for earthquake prediction and natural resource exploration, but also acknowledge the
development of ELF transmitters as an outgrowth of China’s military technological development.
It is unclear if this facility or others are used to support Chinese submarine operations. If so,
this could provide limited communications to submarines operating anywhere on the globe.

Developers of Chinese C2 Systems

While available information is limited, CETC and its historical predecessors have clearly
played a leading role in developing the PLA’s command and control systems, including its nuclear
C2 system. CETC’s 39th and 54th Research Institutes are the main developers of the
communications network used for China’s ground segment, with other institutes developing
technologies such as fiber-optic cables and network switches.287 CETC 54th Research Institute and
the China Electrical Power Research Institute [中国电力科学研究院 or 电科院] are the lead
designers for combined military communications systems and tactical datalinks. CAE
Academician Sun Yu [孙玉], a researcher affiliated with CETC 54th Research Institute, for
example, has played a central role in developing civilian and defense-related and strategic
communications systems, including China’s first Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN),
missile control systems, and an “ultra-long-range scattering digital transmission system” [超远程

It is possible this Lengshuixiang station is the first Project 6984 transmitter. However, it is also possible that another station in Cili, some
400km north, is the 6984 transmitter.


Indigenization of the core technologies to produce these systems, or even basic technologies
involved in communications systems, has been fraught with difficulties, but has resulted in
breakthroughs. In 2009, for example, the CETC 14th Research Institute announced it had developed
an indigenous chip, the Huarui-1 [华睿 1 号], together with Tsinghua University [清华大学].lxi
It is also clear that overt and covert purchases of foreign technology have played a central role
in helping the PLA overcome technological bottlenecks and develop its C2 systems. This included
China gaining access to Belgian-developed fiber-optics and telecommunications switching
technology in the 1980s.289 A 1986 CIA assessment noted that China had acquired mainframes,
computers, and mini-supercomputers from the U.S. through covert means, in order to enhance
SAF strategic command and control.290 The 2002 DOD report on Chinese military developments
suggested that China may have received help from Agat, a Belarusian company, “to produce C4I
software and equipment capable of performing joint battle management.”291

Main Developers of NC3 Equipment and Systems

CETC 7th RI Mobile communications
CETC 10th RI Signal processing
CETC 14th RI LPARs, other early warning radars
Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics
CETC 28th RI Command information systems292
CETC 34th RI Fiber-optic cable and direct laser communications
Guilin Laser Communications Institute
CETC 39th RI293 Static and mobile satellite communications antennas
CETC 50th RI Shortwave radios
CETC 54th RI294 Satellite communications and troposcatter systems
Beijing Beiguang Technology Co., Ltd. Low-frequency transmitters for communications with submarines
former Factory 761
China Electric Power Research Military communication networks
Institute (CEPRI)

The new chip has apparently been incorporated into various radar systems. A more recent chip developed by the 38 th Research Institute, the
Hunxin-1 [魂芯一号] has been incorporated into the KJ-500 early warning aircraft.


An important piece of contextual information to understand China’s views of its strategic
environment is that its airspace is closely watched by its neighbors’ ballistic missile defense (BMD)
radars. The Soviet Union began building early warning radars soon after China successfully
detonated a nuclear weapon, constructing “Hen House”-type radars at Shary Shagan and
Mishelevka to cover China between 1968-1969.295
Radars in the continental United States and Alaska, Russia, India, and Taiwan are all capable
of detecting missile launches over the PRC on a number of likely vectors. For example, the
Precision Acquisition Vehicle Entry Phased Array Warning System (PAVE PAWS) radar in
Hsinchu County, Taiwan “can detect a missile launched from as far away as 5,000km (3,100 miles)
and track projectiles in motion in great detail, even from a distance of 2,000km (1,200 miles) – a
range that covers China and the entire South China Sea.”296
Space-based systems provide additional coverage, allowing earlier detection and better cuing
of other radars. The U.S. completed its Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) in August 2022.297
The system features six satellites in geosynchronous orbit and two in highly elliptical orbits to
ensure global coverage. An additional system based in low-earth orbit is also planned. While
space-based sensors have lower precision compared to radars, they can detect a missile much
earlier in its launch phase.
In addition, the U.S. Space
Development Agency has contracted
L3Harris and SpaceX to build and
launch eight hypersonic and ballistic
missile early warning satellites. 298
These satellites are equipped with
optical data to be able to
communicate with other satellites in
the U.S. Department of Defense’s
Transport Layer data-transmission
system. This follows awards in
August 2020 to Lockheed Martin and
York Space for 20 satellites to
comprise the Transport Layer.299


Ballistic Missile Defenses
Chinese strategists are also concerned about U.S. ballistic missile defense (BMD) capabilities
and have been developing their own capabilities in response. A 2020 DOD report describes China
as having at least two BMD-capable missiles: the HQ-19, which is capable of intercepting
medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs), and an unidentified mid-course interceptor with “good
initial capability against intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs).”300 The HQ-19 has been
tested as a mid-course interceptor, and was expected to reach initial operational capability (IOC)
around 2021, but appears to be delayed as of early 2023.301
Given the size and capability of U.S. and Russian radar systems, Chinese conventional and
nuclear programs are designed to provide China’s leaders with the greatest number of options,
either in a limited conventional conflict against its neighbors or in a nuclear confrontation with a
smaller nuclear power such as India. Investments in hypersonic weapons make sense in a context
where an assured second-strike capability is achievable, and where it could be paired with a BMD
system to mitigate a strike by an opponent with a smaller nuclear arsenal.302 However, such a strike
capability will only be truly effective when paired with a layered and persistent system of sensors
to detect targets and guide these hypersonic weapons to them.lxii
In the near term, China’s investment in hypersonics will likely succeed in its goal of putting
regional actors’ sensors on the back foot. In 2018, DOD Undersecretary for Research and
Engineering Michael Griffin, speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said
that current sensors were up to the task of detecting hypersonic weapons, but that defending against
them was more of a challenge. He also stated that the DOD was looking into improving
survivability for its current network of sensors.303
While China's fielding of hypersonic weapon systems such as the DF-17 has improved its
offensive strike capabilities, it has also prompted additional U.S. investment in more capable
sensors to detect these weapons, and at the same time, generated a slew of new systems that China's
own smaller sensor network may find hard to detect. Meanwhile, the modernization of competing
arsenals is not slowing down. The United States has announced plans to deploy a replacement silo-
based ICBM, the Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent, with deployments to existing bases in
Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota in 2023, 2026, and 2029, respectively.304

For more on Chinese C4ISR developments, see: Peter Wood and Roger Cliff, “Chinese Airborne C4ISR,” China Aerospace Studies Institute,

December 2020, https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/CASI/documents/Research/Infrastructure/2020-12-




In the past few years, the PLARF has expanded significantly in size and delivery options. This
expansion includes not only the number of launch brigades but also mission scope, methods of
delivery, and the ability to accurately track incoming threats. The mobility of PLA nuclear forces
has also improved to include capable road-mobile systems, a submarine-launched ballistic missile
force, and an air-launched ballistic missile in the near future. These expanded options suggest that,
along with China's extensive tunneling and hardening programs, its nuclear forces would have a
greater chance of survival compared with previous decades.
China has also been improving its capabilities in the information arena. Most sources on the
PLARF's system of warning date to prior to 2010. In the interim, the PLA has made significant
strides in improving its ISR and C2 architecture. Not only does the PLA have an extensive system
of coastal radar stations, but it also possesses modern satellite communications and fiber-optic
networks, along with a growing network of early warning satellites.
Although the supporting architecture and delivery methods for a nuclear campaign have
expanded significantly, China’s doctrine surrounding nuclear use remains opaque. China publicly
maintains a no-first-use policy for its nuclear forces but may consider a conventional attack on its
nuclear stockpile to be worthy of nuclear retaliation. This is particularly dangerous considering
that the PLARF often stores nuclear and conventional stockpiles at the same locations, sometimes
co-mingling its nuclear and conventional forces within the same units. While China maintains that
its nuclear weapons are for defensive use, the Chinese concept of “active defense” only adds to
the uncertainty of when China would deploy nuclear assets. From the outside, Chinese leadership
appears to consider this convolution an extra layer of deterrence. Considering the determined push
for nuclear development, an explicit evolution of China’s nuclear doctrine may follow.
However, a number of hurdles still remain for the PLA. Regarding sensing capabilities, the
development of space-based remote detection still poses significant challenges. Further, although
China may have improved its “shield” in the past year, its likely opponents have also improved
their spears. The U.S., for example, has tested missiles that can strike targets less than six inches
across after traveling at hypersonic speeds for thousands of miles.305 Despite this, China’s progress
does not appear to be slowing down or reversing. In the coming years, we may yet see China with
an advanced nuclear triad, survivable facilities, and a committed strategy of uncertainty to keep its
opponents on the back foot.



John W. Lewis and Xue Litai, “Making China’s Nuclear War Plan,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 68(5), 2012, 46.
“China’s National Defense in the New Era” [新时代的中国国防], State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China [国务院
新闻办公室], 24 July 2019, http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2019-07/24/c_1124792450.htm.
This source was sensitive and has thus been anonymized for safety concerns. Herein referred to as “Source 1”
Wu Riqiang [吴日强], “Issues in Sino-US Nuclear Relations: Survivability, Coercion and Escalation,” Gov.Uk, 21 June 2013,
Wu Riqiang, 2013.
For example, see Thomas J. Christensen, “The Meaning of the Nuclear Evolution: China’s Strategic Modernization and U.S.-China Security
Relations,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 35, No. 4 (August 2012), 453.
Source 1.
Shou Xiaosong, ed., Science of Military Strategy, PLA Academy of Military Sciences, 2013, 173.
Fiona S. Cunningham and M. Taylor Fravel, “Assuring Assured Retaliation: China’s Nuclear Strategy and U.S.-China Strategic Stability,”
International Security 40(2), (Fall 2015), 10.
Thomas J. Christensen, “The Meaning of the Nuclear Evolution: China’s Strategic Modernization and U.S.-China Security Relations,” Journal
of Strategic Studies, 35(4) (August 2012), 453.
Shou Xiaosong, ed., Science of Military Strategy, 175.
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2023,” Department of Defense, 2023,
Fiona S. Cunningham and M. Taylor Fravel, “Assuring Assured Retaliation: China’s Nuclear Strategy and U.S.-China Strategic Stability,”
International Security 40(2) (Fall 2015), 24.
Cunningham and Fravel.
Cunningham and Fravel.
Lewis and Xue, 47.
Lewis and Xue, 49.
Wu Riqiang [吴日强], “Issues in Sino-US Nuclear Relations: Survivability, Coercion and Escalation,” Gov.Uk, 21 June 2013,
“‘Chinese Military, nuclear and conventionally-equipped unit’ The mighty east wind, the thunderbolt, fortify the sword of the great power”
[【中国军队·核常兼备导弹部队】东风浩荡 雷霆万钧 砥砺大国剑锋], CCTV, 22 July 2017,
“Chinese Army - Nuclear and Standing Missile Forces] The East Wind and the Thunderbolt Sharpen the Sword of a Great Power” [【中国军
队·核常兼备导弹部队】东风浩荡 雷霆万钧 砥砺大国剑锋], CCTV, 22 July 2017,
https://military.cctv.com/2017/07/22/ARTISRZrXEl1cztsrXJ9rZSw170722.shtml; “DF-26 ‘hechang jianbei’ regular missile formation: he chang
jianbei a new strategic weapon with both nuclear and regular capabilities” [东风-26 核常兼备导弹方队:核常兼备的新型战略利器], Xinhua, 1
October 2019, http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2019-10/01/c_1125063262.htm. For more details on the implication of this practice, see Austin
Long, “Myths or Moving Targets? Continuity and Change in China’s Nuclear Forces,” War on the Rocks, 4 December 2020,
P.W. Singer and Ma Xiu, “China’s ambiguous missile strategy is risky,” Popular Science, 11 May 2020, https://www.popsci.com/story/blog-
“China’s National Defense in the New Era” [新时代的中国国防], State Council Information Office [国务院新闻办公室], 24 July 2019,
Xiao Tianliang [肖天亮], ed. “Science of Military Strategy,” National Defense University Press [国防大学出版社] (2017), 380.
Larry M. Wortzel, “China’s Nuclear ‘Leakage’,” The Diplomat, 7 August 2012, https://thediplomat.com/2012/08/chinas-nuclear-leakage/.
“Russian and Chinese Nuclear Modernization Trends,” Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 29 May 2019.
“China’s Military Strategy (2015)” [中国的军事战略], State Council Information Office, May 2015,
“Xi Jinping: Efforts to build a strong and modernized rocket force” [习近平:努力建设一支强大的现代化火箭军], Xinhua, 26 September
2016. http://www.xinhuanet.com//politics/2016-09/26/c_1119627545.htm
John Wilson Lewis and Hua Di, "China’s Ballistic Missile Programs: Technologies, Strategies, Goals," International Security, 17(2), Fall 1992,
Ian Easton and Mark Stokes, "Half Lives: A Preliminary Assessment Of China’s Nuclear Warhead Life Extension And Safety Program,"
Project 2049 Institute, 29 July 2013, https://project2049.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/half_lives_china_nuclear_warhead_program.pdf, 11;
See also Mark Stokes, “China’s Nuclear Warhead Storage and Handling System,” Project 2049, March 12, 2010,
“BALLISTIC AND CRUISE MISSILE THREAT,” Defense Intelligence Ballistic Missile Analysis Committee, 2017, 3,
“DF-31 (Dong Feng-31 / CSS-10),” Missile Defense Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies 9 August 2021,


Maj. Christopher J. Mihal, “Understanding the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force Strategy, Armament, and Disposition,” Military
Review, July-August 2021, 226, https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/military-review/Archives/English/SE-S21/SES21-Mihal-PLA-
“Military Report” [军事报道], CCTV, 30 September 2019.
“BALLISTIC AND CRUISE MISSILE THREAT,” Defense Intelligence Ballistic Missile Analysis Committee, 2017, 29,
"DF-5," Federation of American Scientists, Accessed February 2023, https://nuke.fas.org/guide/china/icbm/df-5.htm.
"Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2015," Department of Defense,
2015, https://fas.org/man/eprint/dod-china-2015.pdf; Hans M. Kristensen, "Pentagon Report: China Deploys MIRV Missile," Federation of
American Scientists, 11 May 2015, https://fas.org/blogs/security/2015/05/china-mirv/ ; Scott LaFoy, "Building a Credible Arsenal: China’s
Improved ICBMs," China Brief, 2 November 2015, https://jamestown.org/program/building-a-credible-arsenal-chinas-improved-icbms/.
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020,” Office of the Secretary of Defense, 56.
Hans Kristensen, “China’s Expanding Missile Training Area: More Silos, Tunnels, and Support Facilities,” Federation of American Scientists,
24 February 2021, https://fas.org/blogs/security/2021/02/plarf-jilantai-expansion/.
Joby Warrick, “China is building more than 100 new missile silos in its western desert, analysts say,” Washington Post, 30 June 2021,
Matt Korda, Hans Kristensen, “China Is Building A Second Nuclear Missile Silo Field,” Federation of American Scientists, 26 July 2021,
https://fas.org/blogs/security/2021/07/china-is-building-a-second-nuclear-missile-silo-field/; Rod Lee, “PLA Likely Begins Construction of an
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Silo Site near Hanggin Banner,” China Aerospace Studies Institute, 12 August 2021,
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2023,” Department of Defense, 2023,
Peter Martin and Jennifer Jacobs, “US Intelligence Shows Flawed China Missiles Led Xi to Purge Army,” Bloomberg, 6 January 2024,
“PLARF begins ‘Heavenly Sword’ series of exercises to enhance strategic capabilities” [火箭军开展“天剑”系列演训提升战略能力], Xinhua,
31 May 2018, http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2018-05/31/c_1122920350.htm.
“The Rocket Force normally carries out the "Heaven Sword" series of exercises” [火箭军常态开展“天剑”系列演训], PLA Daily [解放军报],
30 May 2018, http://www.81.cn/jfjbmap/content/2018-05/30/content_207374.htm
“PLARF begins ‘Heavenly Sword’ series of exercises to enhance strategic capabilities,” Xinhua, 31 May 2018.
The Rocket Force normally carries out the "Heaven Sword" series of exercises,” PLA Daily, 30 May 2018
“Mission and topic series joint performances in full swing,” [使命课题系列联演全面展开], Zhengzhou Daily [郑州日报], 12 August 2015,
“Sword Sharpening 丨 Rocket Force 5th Anniversary Series 4 "Heavenly Sword" Series of Drills and Trainings” [砺剑丨火箭军成立五周年
系列短片④“天剑”系列演训], 81.cn, 31 December 2020. http://tv.81.cn/jq360/2020-12/31/content_9961256.htm.
Graphic by Peter Wood.
“Xi Jinping: Efforts to build a strong and modernized rocket force” [习近平:努力建设一支强大的现代化火箭军], Xinhua, 26 September
2016, http://www.xinhuanet.com//politics/2016-09/26/c_1119627545.htm.
“Adm. Richard Discusses USSTRATCOM Operations With Reporters,” Department of Defense, 14 September 2020,
The Chinese ballistic missile industry appears to have made breakthroughs in solid-rocket motor propellants and motor casting that may have
contributed to the more capable missile. See for example “Toward the "high-energy" road - the birth of a solid propellant Jianghe plant” [走向
“高能”之路--江河厂某固体推进剂诞生记], Space News, 8 December 2006,
http://www.spacechina.com/n25../n2014789/n2014809/c76748/content.html; "China's largest-thrust segmented solid rocket engine successfully
tested and can be used in moon rockets in the future" [中国推力最大分段式固体火箭发动机试车成功 未来可用于登月火箭], People's Daily
Online, 3 August 2016, https://tech.qq.com/a/20160803/006572.htm.
"Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020," Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2020,
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2023,” Department of Defense, 2023,
"Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020," Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2020,
"Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020," Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2020,
Image Source: Wang Songqi [王松岐], “Wechat PLA Daily Reporter” [@军报记者].
"China building ‘amazing submarines’ ... although not as good as ours, says US admiral," Reuters, 26 February 2015,
This is suggested in remarks attributed to Wang Xiangsui. See Liu Zhen, "China now has the nuclear strength to hit back at a first strike, former
PLA colonel says," South China Morning Post [SCMP], 17 November 2020, https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3110091/china-
"China will build a national seabed scientific observation network with a total investment of over 2 billion yuan," [中国将建国家海底科学观
测网 总投资超 20 亿元], CCTV News, 28 May 2017 https://tech.huanqiu.com/article/9CaKrnK397k.
“Intelligence Assessment: CHINA: DEFENSE MODERNIZATION STRATEGY FOR THE 1980s,”, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
September 1, 1983, https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP84S00928R000100050003-5.pdf, 8.


John Wilson Lewis and Xue Litai, China’s Strategic Seapower: The Politics of Force Modernization in the Nuclear Age, (Stanford Press,
"Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020," 2020, 85, 87.
Ankit Panda, "Revealed: China’s Nuclear-Capable Air-Launched Ballistic Missile," The Diplomat, 10 April 2018.
Image Source: Andreas Rupprecht (@RupprechtDeino), Twitter, 5 November 2020,
Roderick Lee, “China’s Air Force Might Be Back in the Nuclear Business,” The Diplomat, 9 September 2020,
“China: The Tactical Nuclear Challenge,” CIA, 5 July 1985, Declassified October 2009.
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2018,” Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2018, 70,
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2023.”
“Annual Report To Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2019,” Office of the Secretary of
Defense, 2019, https://media.defense.gov/2019/May/02/2002127082/-1/-1/1/2019_CHINA_MILITARY_POWER_REPORT.pdf, 67.
Jeffrey Lewis, “Paper Tigers: China’s Nuclear Posture (Adelphi Book 446),” International Institute for Strategic Studies [IISS], 2014, Kindle
edition, Location 2622.
Jeffrey Lewis, “Paper Tigers: China’s Nuclear Posture (Adelphi Book 446),”IISS, Location 2626.
John Wilson Lewis and Hua Di, "China’s Ballistic Missile Programs: Technologies, Strategies, Goals," International Security, 17(2), Fall
1992, 6.
"Annual Report to Congress - Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2016," Office of the Secretary of
Defense, 2016, 26, https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/2016%20China%20Military%20Power%20Report.pdf.
"Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020," 56.
For an overview of this see: Wu Riqiang, “Certainty of Uncertainty: Nuclear Strategy with Chinese Characteristics,” Program On Strategic
Stability Evaluation (POSSE), Georgia Tech, 2011, https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/156889/4%20Wu%20POSSEIV.pdf, 15-16.
“China’s National Defense in 1998” [中国的国防《1998》], State Council Information Office, September 1998.
Andrew Quinn, "U.S. reveals nuclear target: oceans," Reuters, 6 April 2010, http://blogs.reuters.com/talesfromthetrail/2010/04/06/u-s-reveals-
Lewis and Xue, 2012. 57.
Yu Jixun, ed. “The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns,” 13.
“The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns,” 133.
“The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns,” 138-139.
“China’s National Defense in the New Era” [新时代的中国国防], State Council Information Office, 24 July 2019,
Yu Jixun, ed. “The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns,” 45-47.
Fiona S. Cunningham and M. Taylor Fravel, “Assuring Assured Retaliation: China’s Nuclear Strategy and U.S.-China Strategic Stability,”
International Security, 40(2), Fall 2015, 13, 26.
Yu Jixun, ed. “The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns,” 45-47.
Yu Jixun, ed. The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns, 160.
Bates Gill and Adam Ni, “China’s New Missile Force: New Ambitions, New Challenges (Part 2),” China Brief, 19 September 2018,
https://jamestown.org/program/chinas-new-missile-force-new-ambitions-new-challenges-part-2/; Roderick Lee, “Integrating the PLA Rocket
Force into Conventional Theater Operations,” China Brief, 14 August 2020, https://jamestown.org/program/integrating-the-pla-rocket-force-into-
Yin Weijie [尹伟杰] and Liu Ya [刘亚], “The divine sword shoots up the sky and wolves shoot up the sky” [神剑凌空射天狼], Rocket Force
News [火箭兵报], 5 September 2018.
Shou Xiaosong, ed., “The Science of Military Strategy,” 234-235.
“The Science of Military Strategy,” 235.
Lewis and Xue, 58.
See “Whose Finger Is on the Button? Nuclear Launch Authority in the United States and Other Nations,” Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017,
Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, Chapter 3, Section 4, Article 94, amended 14 March 2004
Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, Chapter 3, Section 2, Article 84, amended 14 March 2004,
Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, Chapter 3, Section 4, Article 94, amended 14 March 2004
Constitution of the Communist Party of China, Chapter 3, Article 23, revised 24 October 2017, http://www.china.org.cn/20171105-001.pdf.
Fiona Cunningham, "Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications Systems of the People’s Republic of China", NAPSNet Special
Reports, July 18, 2019, https://nautilus.org/napsnet/napsnet-special-reports/nuclear-command-control-and-communications-systems-of-the-
Michael Glosny, Christopher Twomey, and Ryan Jacobs, “U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue, Phase VIII Report,” Center on Contemporary
Conflict, Naval Postgraduate School, November 2014, https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/44733.
Fiona Cunningham, "Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications Systems of the People’s Republic of China," NAPSNet Special
Reports, July 18, 2019, https://nautilus.org/napsnet/napsnet-special-reports/nuclear-command-control-and-communications-systems-of-the-
This source was sensitive and has thus been anonymized for safety concerns. Herein referred to as “Source 2.”


Source 2
Source 2
Lewis and Xue, 61.
Lewis and Xue, 61.
Lewis and Xue, 53, 61.
Yu Jixun, ed. “The Science of Second Artillery Campaigns,” 160.
Michael Glosny, Christopher Twomey, and Ryan Jacobs, “U.S.-China Strategic Dialogue, Phase VIII Report,” Center on Contemporary
Conflict, Naval Postgraduate School, November 2014, https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/44733.
Glosney, Twomey, and Jacobs.
“Whose Finger Is on the Button? Nuclear Launch Authority in the United States and Other Nations,” Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017,
Fiona Cunningham, "Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications Systems of the People’s Republic of China", NAPSNet Special
Reports, July 18, 2019, https://nautilus.org/napsnet/napsnet-special reports/nuclear-command-control-and-communications-systems-of-the-
Gregory, Kulachi, “Chickens Talking with Ducks: The U.S.-Chinese Nuclear Dialogue,” Arms Control Association, Accessed November 17,
2020, https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2011-09/chickens-talking-ducks-us-chinese-nuclear-dialogue.
Wu Riqiang [吴日强], “Issues in Sino-US Nuclear Relations: Survivability, Coercion and Escalation,” Gov.Uk, 21 June 2013,
Li Bin, “Promoting Effective China-U.S. Strategic Nuclear Dialogue,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, October 18, 2011,
Li Bin and Tong Zhao, editors, “Understanding Chinese Nuclear Thinking,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, October 2016,
Roderick Lee, “Integrating the PLA Rocket Force into Conventional Theater Operations,” China Brief, 14 August 2020,
“Request for quote for microwave unattended station tower dismantling project for the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Force 96862”
[中国人民解放军 96862 部队微波无人值守站铁塔拆除工程询价公告], Military-civil Net [军地网], 7 May 7 2018, http://admin-
“Competitive Consultation Announcement for the Procurement Project of Beidou Fiber Optic Cable Resource Management and Inspection
Management System for PLA 96862 Unit” [中国人民解放军 96862 部队北斗光缆资源管理及巡检管理系统采购项目竞争性磋商公告],
Military Civil Net [军地网], 4 June 2018, http://mcj.ejmrh.com/mcjhtml/safeBuild/20180604/33752.html.
“Laiwu hometown Wu Qiong: military barracks honored with third-class merit troops thousands of miles to send the happy news” [莱芜老乡
吴琼:军营荣立三等功 部队千里送喜报], SDNews, 6 January 2020, jidong.sdnews.com.cn/lwxw/202001/t20200106_2661592.htm. Wang
Qisheng was previously known to be associated with this unit.
“Laiwu hometown Wu Qiong: military barracks honored with third-class merit troops thousands of miles to send the happy news” [莱芜老乡
吴琼:军营荣立三等功 部队千里送喜报], SDNews, 6 January 2020, jidong.sdnews.com.cn/lwxw/202001/t20200106_2661592.htm. Wang
Qisheng is previously known to be associated with this unit.
“Zhao's first-instance civil judgment on the dispute of responsibility for motor vehicle traffic accidents” [赵某机动车交通事故责任纠纷一审
民事判决书], Beijing Daxing District People’s Court [北京市大兴区人民法院], 27 June 2017, accessed via its legal database.
Wang Xin [王鑫], “Rainy Season Protection Measures for Directly Buried Fiber Optic Cable Lines in Mountainous Areas” [山区直埋光缆线
路雨季防护措施], Telecom Express [电信快报], Issue 5, 2018, accessed via airiti scientific journal database; “Chinese People's Liberation Army
(PLA) 96812 Unit Protection Division Sanming Camp Comprehensive Refurbishment Project Award Announcement” [中国人民解放军 96812
部队保障处三明营区综合整修工程中标公告], China Government Procurement Network [中国政府采购网], 5 September 2019,
Chen Shan [陈珊] et al., “Characterization of solar radiation on target surface” [目标表面太阳辐射特性研究], Infrared Technology [红外技
术], 2011, 3, accessed via airiti scientific journal database.
Zeng Honggui [曾洪贵] et al., “A SINS/CNS tightly coupled combined navigation information fusion method” [一种 SINS/CNS 紧耦合组合
导航信息融合方法], Modern Defense Technology [现代防御技术] 2009, 4, accessed via airiti scientific journal database; “On the eve of the
Spring Festival, Xiong Antai and Xiang Xiuliang visited the troops stationed in He” [春节前夕,熊安台、向秀亮走访慰问驻鹤部队], KK
News, 7 February, 2018, https://kknews.cc/military/p6x59zj.html.
Lu Jing [卢婧], “Effect of aqueous extracts of Schisandra chinensis on alkaline phosphatase and mineralization of human dental pulp cells”
[五倍子水提取物对人牙髓细胞碱性磷酸酶及矿化的影响], Journal of Endodontics and Periodontics [牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志], 2014, 12,
accessed via airiti scientific journal database; “Public Notice! Xining to be recommended for recognition of municipal civilized unit standard-
bearer, civilized units, civilized villages and towns” [公示!西宁拟推荐表彰市级文明单位标兵、文明单位、文明村镇等], Tencent, March 6,
2018, https://new.qq.com/omn/20180306/20180306A0VNWN.html.
“The Rocket Force Online Song Contest is on its way for the fifth time! The fire is still hot!” [火箭军网上拉歌赛第五场震撼来袭 ! 火爆依
旧 !], Rocket Force Wechat Account [中国火箭军微信], 9 September, 2019,
wechat_r%E2%80%A6; Zhao Xinchao [赵新超], “Reliability Assessment Method Based on Performance Degradation and D-S Evidence
Theory” [基于性能退化与 D-S 证据理论的可靠性评估方法], Military Automation [兵工自动化] 2019, 4, accessed via airiti scientific journal
“Bidding Announcement for Network Equipment Procurement Project for PLA 96862 Corps” [中国人民解放军 96862 部队网络设备采购项
目招标公告], China Procurement Network, 30 July 2018, http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/cggg/dfgg/gkzb/201807/t20180730_10376529.htm.
“The night is dark and the smoke is thick.” [“夜暗硝烟浓”], Rocket Force News, 7 July 2018.


"A regiment gets rid of the false light of practical training by 'adding and subtracting'” [某团以 ‘加减去’ 祛除实训虚光], Rocket Force News,
14 February 2017.
“A regiment's 45 "failures" become the focus of strong training” [某团 45 处 “败笔” 成为强训重点], Rocket Force News, 14 February 2017;
“A regiment starts training by practicing basic skills” [某团开训先练基本功], Rocket Force News, 17 February 2017.
Zhao Jie and Jia Yong [赵杰, 贾勇], “It is the "Underground City", but also the "Great Underground Wall"-written before the opening of the
column of "Changes of Air Defense Shelters” [是“地下城”,更是“地下长城”-写在《防空洞的变迁》开栏之前], Chinese Military Online [中
国军网], 28 June 2019, http://www.81.cn/gfbmap/content/2019-06/28/content_237130.htm.
Dr. Philip A Karber, "Strategic Implications of China's Underground Great Wall," Georgetown University Asian Arms Control Project, 26
September 2011, slides 55, 62, 76, https://fas.org/nuke/guide/china/Karber_UndergroundFacilities-Full_2011_reduced.pdf.
Fu Tianming [傅天明], “China's top-secret Project 6501 was signed by Lin Biao himself, without the government's knowledge” [中国绝密
6501 工程由林彪亲自签字 政府都不知情], People’s Daily Online [人民网], 22 May 2015,
Amy Qin, "From top-secret nuclear plant to tourist attraction, the past and present of 816" [从绝密核工厂到旅游景点,816 的前世今生],
New York Times, 25 January 2017, https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20170125/china-fuling-nuclear-816/.
Hans M. Kristensen et al., “Chinese Nuclear Forces and U.S. Nuclear War Planning,” The Federation Of American Scientists & The Natural
Resources Defense Council, November 2006, https://fas.org/nuke/guide/china/Book2006.pdf, 123-125, PDF
“Qian Qihu: Forging the "Underground Great Wall of Steel" of the Republic” [钱七虎:铸就共和国 “地下钢铁长城”], Xinhua, 8 January
2018, accessed at http://www.xinhuanet.com/tech/2019-01/08/c_1123962179.htm.
Liang Huizhi [梁辉责], “Reporters approach the rocket force mysterious "missile nesting" troops” [记者走近火箭军神秘 “导弹筑巢人”部
队], 81.cn, 20 September 2016, http://81.cn/jwsj/2016-09/20/content_7268190_2.htm.
Li Yan [李岩], “Rare exposure of underground fortifications of the Rocket Force, from whom?” [火箭军地下工事罕见曝光,出自谁手?]
Beijing Youth Daily [北京青年报], 16 July 2018 http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/china/2018-07-16/doc-ihfkffak2543363.shtml.
Li Yan, 2018.
Sean O’Connor, “PLA Second Artillery Corps - Technical Report APA-TR-2009-1204,” Air Power Australia, December 2009, updated April
2012, http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-PLA-Second-Artillery-Corps.html#mozTocId241104.
“Military Report” [军事报道], CCTV, 14 January 2020.
“‘Empty Nesters’ deep in the rock” [岩层深处的“空巢人”], China Armed Forces, 1 December 2017.
“‘Empty Nesters’ deep in the rock”.
“New Year's Eve night visit to the Frontier Control Company” [除夕呀夜访阵管连], Rocket Force News, 7 February 2017.
Liang Huizhi [梁辉责], 2016.
“Focus on senior technical non-commissioned officers of the Rocket Force: "Underground Dragon Palace" heavy equipment,” [聚焦火箭军高
级技术士官:“地下龙宫”守重器(组图)], People’s Liberation Army Daily [解放军报], 12 February 2019,
http://military.workercn.cn/32817/201902/12/190212073629765.shtml; Pan Shanju [潘珊菊], “Sunshine and air have become luxuries, and they
have been deeply rooted in construction positions for 18 years - Approaching the Rocket Force's 'Missile Nest Builders'” [阳光空气成奢侈品、
深扎施工阵地 18 年 - 走近火箭军 ‘导弹筑巢人’], Southern Metropolis Daily [南方都市报], 14 August 2020,
Pan Shanju, 2020.
Liang Huizhi, 2016.
“"Stubborn" Wang Qibin” [“倔骨头”王启斌], Rocket Force News, 1 September 2018.
“Military Report” [军事报道], CCTV, 13 August 2020.
“A base for the first time to entrust the local agency public bidding - more than a thousand local suppliers go into the force equipment and
materials "security bank"” [某基地首次委托地方代理机构公开招标 - 千余家地方供应商入围部队装备物资“保障库”] Rocket Force News,
26 September 2018. ; “A branch and a leaf are always concerned - A research institute survey team's close relationship between officers and
soldiers” [一枝一叶总关情 - 研究院某研究所勘测队密切官兵关系纪事], Rocket Force News, 28 July 2018.
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization," China Aerospace Studies Institute, 2022,
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization.”
“China's underground nuclear-armed Dragon Palace life photos revealed: living by apocalyptic standards” [中国地下核武龙宫生活照曝光:
按世界末日标准过日子], Sina Military News [新浪军事], 23 January 2019, https://mil.news.sina.com.cn/jssd/2019-01-23/doc-
Yang Yonggang and Guo Yichuang [杨永刚, 郭义闯], “Informatization platform for the "underground dragon palace" construction growth
rate and improve quality” [信息化平台为“地下龙宫”建设增速提质], PLA Daily, 27 January 2016,
“Liu Jun: "Problem Battalion Commander" Winning the Battle of the Bottom Line” [刘俊:“问题营长”胜战托底] Rocket Force News, 27 July
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Ta-chen Cheng "China’s nuclear command, control and operations," International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 2007, 7, 170.
“Second artillery camouflage tricks: civilian trucks loaded with Dongfeng 21 missiles” [二炮伪装花样多:民用卡车装载东风 21 导弹],
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“Sword Sharpening 丨 Rocket Force 5th Anniversary Series 4 "Heavenly Sword" Series of Drills and Trainings” [砺剑丨火箭军成立五周年
系列短片④“天剑”系列演训], 81.cn, 31 December 2020. http://tv.81.cn/jq360/2020-12/31/content_9961256.htm.
“Military Express” [军事快播], CCTV, 15 October 2020.
“Military Express” [军事快播], CCTV, 15 October 2020.
“The Military Balance 2019,” IISS, 2019, 261; Andreas Rupprecht, “Modern Chinese Warplanes,” Harpia Publishing, 2018, 77.
Andreas Rupprecht, 84, 158.
“The Woman Behind the Missile Attack” [导弹攻击背后的女人], CCTV-7 Military Documentary [CCTV-7 军事纪实], 18 January 2013,
Source 1.
Fiona Cunningham, “Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications Systems of the People’s Republic of China,” NAPSNet Special
Reports, July 18, 2019, https://nautilus.org/napsnet/napsnet-special-reports/nuclear-command-control-and-communications-systems-of-the-
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“A Research Institute of Informatization of the General Staff built an integrated command system for our army,” 2012.
“A Research Institute of Informatization of the General Staff built an integrated command system for our army,” 2012.
“An Informatization Research Institute of the General Staff promotes the transformation of our army's combat force generation mode” [总参
某信息化研究所助推我军战斗力生成模式转变], People’s Daily, accessed December 2020,
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization".
“This female general is not simple: she was a top student in the college entrance exam and won the special prize for scientific and
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http://ysg.ckcest.cn/html/details/8157/index.html, accessed November 2020.
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“A Missile Expert and Her "Battle Map" - The Spirit of the 19th National Congress in the Eyes of Li Xianyu, Director of a Research Institute
of the Rocket Force Research Academy” [一名导弹专家与她的 “作战地图” ——火箭军研究院某研究所所长李贤玉眼中的十九大精神],
PLA Daily, 14 December 2017, http://www.81.cn/jfjbmap/content/2017-12/14/content_194437.htm.
“A Research Institute of Informatization of the General Staff built an integrated command system for our army” [总参某信息化研究所建成
我军一体化指挥系统], China National Radio Online [中广网], 26 April 2012, http://www.81it.com/2012/0426/2421.html.


“The first female academician of the Rocket Force and the women who helped propel the missiles to take off” [火箭军首位女院士和助推导
弹腾飞的她们], PLARF Weibo Account, 8 March 2020, https://www.weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404480158038884773
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“The Woman Behind the Missile Attack” 18 January 2013.
“The Woman Behind the Missile Attack,” 18 January 2013.
“The Woman Behind the Missile Attack,” 18 January 2013.
“Sword Sharpening 丨 Rocket Force 5th Anniversary Series 4 "Heavenly Sword" Series of Drills and Trainings” [砺剑丨火箭军成立五周年
系列短片④“天剑”系列演训], 81.cn, 31 December 2020. http://tv.81.cn/jq360/2020-12/31/content_9961256.htm.
See: Kevin McCauley, "PLA Theater Joint Intelligence: Organization and Operations," China Brief, 31 March 2017.
See photo, Martin Trolle Mikkelsen, Chinese SAM: J-14 Surveillance Radar at the China Aviation Museum, Flickr, Accessed November
2020. https://web.archive.org/web/20201214221640/https://www.flickr.com/photos/martintrolle/6011385923/in/album-72157627695491874/;
Also see "PRC Ballistic Missile Early Warning System," NPIC, December 1979. Declassified May 2010.
“New China archives: from a blank sheet of paper to the modernization of aerospace measurement & control” [“新中国档案:从白纸一张到
航天测控现代化”], Science and Technology Daily [科技日报], 29 September 2009,
“Suji D Radar, PRC Ballistic Missile Early Warning System," NPIC, December 1979, Declassified May 2010.
“China’s Strategic Weapons Programs,” CIA, 13 January 1978, Declassified 28 June 2005,
“Chinese Voice of Chinese Satellite” [中国卫星的中国声音], Xinhua, 9 November 2015, http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-
Kevin Pollpeter and Kenneth W. Allen, eds., “The PLA as Organization v2.0,” Defense Group, Inc., 2015,
“Design and Realization of Phased Array Radar Extended Range and Capacity System” [“相控阵雷达增程扩容系统设计与实现”],
Measurement & Control Technology [测控技术], May 2020,
ame=CRJT_CJFDTOTAL&v=.;“‘August 1st’ condolences and care, military and civilian unite as a family” [““八一”慰问送关怀 军民团结一家
亲”], Korla Development Zone [库尔勒开发区], 31 July 2018, https://read01.com/zh-my/4DRN323.html#.XWBGOFApBN0.
“Korla Missile Test Complex Revisited,” Arms Control Wonk, 26 March 2015, https://www.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/605030/the-korla-
missile-test-complex-revisited/.; “Unit 63615 Road Project Winning Public Announcement” [63615 部队道路工程中标公示], China Bidding
Network [中国招标投标网], 28 March 2019, https://www.cecbid.org.cn/vip/detail/937.html.
“Pingliang No. 1 Middle School's new campus site selection announcement! Come and see if it's far from your house?” [“平凉一中新校区选
址公示!快来看看离你家远吗?”], kknews, 8 June 2018, https://kknews.cc/zh-cn/news/on6833p.html; “Construction land planning permit” [建
设用地规划许可证], Planning Bureau of Pingliang City, Gansu Province [甘肃省平凉市规划局], 19 September 2016,
http://clever100.com/list.asp-ID=1308&Page=2.htm; “Ceramic insulator procurement bid announcement” [陶瓷绝缘子采购中标公告],
Information Network of the PLA on Procurement of Weapons and Equipment [全军武器装备采购信息网], 8 May 2020,
“Tender announcement” [招标公告], Jiamusi Daily [佳木斯日报], 13 September 2018, newspaper.dbw.cn/jmsrb/20180913/152939.html.
See also: Rachael Burton, Mark Stokes, “The People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force Leadership and Structure,” Project 2049
Institute, 25 September 2018. https://project2049.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/180925_PLA_SSF_Leadership-and-
“Zhejiang area Apple Pay merchant directory - China Construction Bank” [“浙江地区 Apple Pay 商户名录 - 建设银行”], China Construction
Bank [建设银行], accessed August 2020, www.ccb.com/zj/share/fhgg/20160225_1456363875/20160225093423750088.xlsx.
“The engineering application of satellite spread spectrum transponder” [卫星扩频应答机工程应用问题], 2006 Aerospace Measurement and
Control Technology Seminar [2006 年航天测控技术研讨会], 2006, https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?docid=6214334;
“A Detecting Approach of Airport ROI in Remote Sensing Image,” Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology, 2010,
For more information on its ties to satellites, also see: “The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Signals Intelligence and Cyber Reconnaissance
Infrastructure,” Project 2049 Institute, 11 November 2011, https://project2049.net/wp-
In addition, a cyber-security firm in 2014 reported its continued hacking of Western satellite industries. See: “CrowdStrike Intelligence Report:
Putter Panda,” CrowdStrike, 2 May 2014, https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/assets/4589853/crowdstrike-intelligence-report-putter-panda.original.pdf.
“Provincial Double Support Office and certain unit jointly carry out military and local party organization joint construction activities” [“省双
拥办与某部联合开展军地党组织共建活动”], Shandong Double Support News [山东双拥报], 31 July 2018,
Identification of 95921 and the LPAR as being part of Base 37 is based on similar function and location, and also the former Political
Commissar of this unit (Zou Zuxiong [邹祖雄]) sharing the same name as the current Base 37 Political Commissar (timeline appears to match as


Huang Guozhi [黄国志], “Domestic P-band long-range early-warning radar launched, the national defense is more secure” [国产 P 波段远程
预警雷达横空出世,国防安全更有保障], The Paper, 6 November 2017. https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_1849339
“China's version of the Pave Claw strategic early warning phased-array radar appeared in the Northeast (photo)” [中国版铺路爪战略预警相
控阵雷达现身东北(图)], Observer [观察者网], 7 August 2015, https://mil.sina.cn/zgjq/2015-08-07/detail-ifxftkpv6896830.d.html
"JY-27 'Wide Mat'," RadarTutorial.edu, Accessed November 2020, https://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/02.surv/karte027.en.html.
“YLC-8B," RadarTutorial.edu, Accessed November 2020, https://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/02.surv/karte065.en.html.
See for example Dong Jialong [董家隆], Li Guixiang [ 李桂祥], Chen Hui [ 陈辉], "Operational Effectiveness Evaluation of Sky-Wave Over-
the-Horizon Radar Based on Improved ADC Model" [基于改进 ADC 模型的天波雷达作战效能评估], Radar Science and Technology [雷达科
学与技术], 2, 2017 http://cn.oversea.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?filename=LDKJ201702003&dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFD2017.
See: "Russia to set up continuous radar field to track cruise missiles," TASS, 2 December 2019, https://tass.com/defense/1094657.
Wei Wenxiao [魏闻晓] et al., “"The road is as strong as iron, and now the steps from the top" Visit to Academician Liu Yongtan, winner of
the National Highest Science and Technology Award” [“雄关漫道真如铁,而 今 迈 步 从 头 越” 访国家最高科学技术奖获得者刘永坦院士]
Naval & Merchant Ships [舰船知识], June 2019. 20-26.
Professor Yu Changjun [于长军] is the Director and Head of the Weihai Radar Station. “Yu Changjun” [于长军], Harbin Institute of
Technology, Accessed November 2020. http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/yuchangjun
“Liu Yongtan: Let the sea defense radar refine the fiery eyes with golden vision” [刘永坦: 让海防雷达炼就火眼金睛], S&T Daily, 9 January
2019, http://m.xinhuanet.com/tech/2019-01/09/c_1123964231.htm.
“Liu Yongtan: Let the sea defense radar refine the fiery eyes with golden vision,” 2019.
“Two invention patents in our province won the 20th China Patent Gold Award” [我省 2 项发明专利获第二十届中国专利金奖],
Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government, 22 January 2019,
“Two invention patents in our province won the 20th China Patent Gold Award”, 22 January 2019,
“Deweisi Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.” [德威斯电子技术有限公司] [高频探海雷达产业化之路], Wuhan University, 10 March 2009,
“The new system of radar is very versatile anti-air, anti-missile, anti-ship, and anti-stealth” [新体制雷达神通广大 防空反导反舰反隐身样样
精通], Sina, 1 September 2019, https://k.sina.cn/article_1854070075_6e82dd3b00100cj0p.html.
“Why is a Chinese radar expert getting an 8 million dollar bonus?The Russian media says so” [为什么中国雷达专家能拿 800 万奖金?俄媒
这样说], Reference News, 14 January 2019, https://news.sina.cn/gn/2019-01-14/detail-ihqfskcn7054368.d.html.
For more on these radars see, J. Michael Dahm, "In-depth: Subi Reef Counter Stealth Radar," Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory,
August 2020, https://www.jhuapl.edu/Content/documents/InDepthSubiReefCounterStealthRadar.pdf.
“CETC's 34th RI elite equipment at Paris Airshow” [中国电科 34 所款精锐装备亮相巴黎航展], Xinhua, 21 June 2017,
“Space-based Infrared Early Warning Satellites - the Tireless Space 'Outpost'“[天基红外预警卫星 永不疲惫的太空”哨兵”], S&T Daily, 7
February 2018, http://digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_www.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2018-02/07/content_388170.htm?div=-1; Other reporting indicates
the system was launched between 2009 and 2014. See: “How powerful are Chinese missile early warning satellites? Not only can they detect the
tail flame of ballistic missile launches, but can also locate large surface ships” [中国导弹预警卫星有多厉害?不仅能捕捉弹道导弹发射尾焰
还能发现大型水面舰船], Ordnance Technology [兵工科技], 12 June 2020, https://3g.china.com/mili/wuqi/37564211.html.
See: “TJS 2, 5, 6 (Huoyan-1?),” Gunter’s Space Page, Accessed May 2021, https://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/tjs-2.htm; Stephen Clark,
"China launches military satellite toward geostationary orbit," Spaceflightnow, 7 February 2021, https://spaceflightnow.com/2021/02/07/china-
See for example: Zhang Hongxing [张红星], “CN107529363B: A small deep cold loop heat pipe” [一种小型深冷环路热管], Beijing Space
Vehicle General Design Department, Filed 2008-08-25, Granted 2013-07-24, https://patents.google.com/patent/CN107529363B/; Pan Zhongshi
[潘忠石] Et. al, “CN110567589A: A multi-spectrum and multi-line detector system for detecting and identifying moving targets [一种用于运动
目标探测识别的多谱段多线列探测器系统], Beijing Space Vehicle General Design Department, Filed 2019-09-11, Published 2019-12-13,
Sandra Erwin, "U.S. would need a mega-constellation to counter China’s hypersonic weapons," Space News, 8 August 2018,
“From ‘Earth Observation Satellite to Earth Observation Brain’——Interview with Li Deren, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
and Chinese Academy of Engineering" [从对地观测卫星到对地观测脑——专访中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士李德仁], Chinese Society
for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography [中国测绘学会], 4 November 2020, https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/-x7Du8uW-KOJwjA-0-kGxw.
"The secrets of the Chinese Navy's Observational troops: Always be vigilant and keep your eyes open" [中国海军观通部队揭秘:时刻要警
惕地睁着双眼], China Youth Daily, 6 December 2004, https://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2004-12-06/0913248961.html.
Pan Di [潘娣], "Having been in the navy for decades, 19 white uniforms sailed with the ship for the first time" [当了几十年的海军 19 名浪花
白首次随舰踏浪远航], PLA Daily, 3 December 2019, http://www.81.cn/bzzj/2019-12/03/content_9688029.htm.
"Sailors of high mountains measure the magnificent rivers and mountains with their feet and praise the beautiful motherland with songs," [高
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"Sailors of high mountains measure the magnificent rivers and mountains with their feet and praise the beautiful motherland with songs," QQ
News, 6 October 2019, https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20191006A05ZVH00.
Wu Yuanping [吴远平], Zhao Xinli [赵新力], Zhao Jun [赵俊], Eds., “Research on Outline and Development of New China's Defense S&T”
[新中国国防科技体系的形成与发展研究], National Defense Industry Press [国防工业出版社], 2006, 250.
“The radio waves are flowing through the sky and the earth” [电波流转长空大地], PLA Life Magazine [解放军生活杂志], 8 August 2018,


“Electromagnetic waves flow through the sky and the earth” [电波流转长空大地], PLA Life Magazine [解放军生活杂志], 8 August 2018.
Wu Yuanping [吴远平], Zhao Xinli [赵新力], Zhao Jun [赵俊], Eds. “Research on Outline and Development of New China's Defense S&T
System,” , 252
Wu Yuanping and Zhao Xinli, 252.
For example, “unifying classified information, mapping, reconnaissance, control, and attack” see: Kenneth Allen and Jana Allen, “Building a
Strong Informatized Strategic Missile Force: An Overview of the Second Artillery Force with a Focus on Training in 2014,” The Jamestown
Foundation, October 2017, https://jamestown.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Building-Strategic-Missile-Force_Final.pdf, 8
Larry M. Wortzel, “PLA Command, Control and Targeting,” in Roy Kamphausen and Andrew Scobell, ed., Right-Sizing the People’s
Liberation Army: Exploring the Contours of China’s Military (Strategic Studies Institute: September 2007), 212.
Larry M. Wortzel, 213.
"China's Plans for Modernizing Telecommunications" CIA, Declassified March 2011, March 1985,
https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP04T00447R000100610001-6.pdf, 4, 8.
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization.”
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization.”
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization.”
“Casting an 'iron fist' to ensure safety” [铸就’铁拳’保安全], Rocket Force News, 10 February 2017; “Emergency fiber optic cable repair” [紧
急修光缆] Rocket Force News, 1 September 2017.
Ma Xiu, "PLA Rocket Force organization”.
“Practice strong command skills! A certain department of the Strategic Support Force conducts a comprehensive mobile communication
exercise" [练指挥 强技能 !战略支援部队某部开展机动通信综合演练], CCTV 7, 13 October 2020.
Image source: PLA Daily.
Rocket Force News, 1 September 2017.
"China's Plans for Modernizing Telecommunications," CIA, March 1985, Declassified March 2011,
“Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2020, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2020,
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Wu Yuanping and Zhao Xinli, 252.
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https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP04T00447R000100610001-6.pdf; Analysis of photographic and signals intelligence
identified UHF troposcatter 17 installations and a probable R&D facility between 1972 and October 1982. See: “Chinese Troposcatter
Communications Network,” NPIC, December 1982, Declassified February 2010.
“Ice and snow to sharpen the long sword, a rocket force brigade in the bitter cold conditions to carry out combat-oriented training” [冰天雪地
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“Tianlian-1 greatly increased the capacity of China’s manned spaceflight measurement and control communication network” [天链一号使我
国载人航天测控通信网能力大增], Xinhua, 3 October 2011, https://mil.huanqiu.com/article/9CaKrnJsCv2.
“Long March 3C Rocket Successfully Launches Tianlian-1 03 satellite” [长三丙火箭成功发射天链一号 03 星], China National Space
Administration, 27 July 2012, http://www.cnsa.gov.cn/n6758823/n6758838/c6771191/content.html.
“China’s ‘Tianlian’ data-relay satellite kicks off an “information bridge” between the satellites and the earth” [我国” 天链”中继卫星系统更
新换代拉开序幕 星地之间架起”信息桥”], People’s Daily, 3 April 2019, http://www.cac.gov.cn/2019-04/03/c_1124320283.htm.
"China upgrades ground system for first-generation relay satellites," Xinhua, 16 April 2021,
“Military Report” [军事报道], CCTV, 24 July 2020.
“‘S&T Innovation 2030’ Megaprojects launched” [科技创新 2030 项目启动], People’s Daily, 20 February 2017,
http://www.xinhuanet.com//politics/2017-02/20/c_129485509.htm; “Notice by the State Council on Releasing the National Science and
Technology Innovation Plan for the 13th Five Year Period” [国务院关于印发” 十三五”国家科技创新规划的通知], Gov.cn, 8 August 2016,
Fu Yifei [付毅飞], “‘Space-Earth Integrated Information Network Project Announces First Major Results” [‘天地一体化信息网络’项目首次
发布重大成果,” Xinhua, 24 April 2018, http://www.xinhuanet.com/tech/2018-04/24/c_1122729995.htm.
Yin Hao [尹浩], “Yin Hao: Military-Civil Fusion in Building a National Space Information Network,” Aisixiang [爱思想], 25 September
“What is a high-throughput communications satellite?” [什么是高通量通信卫星?], China Aerospace News, 29 July 2016,
http://www.spacechina.com/n25/n148/n272/n4789/c1383285/content.html; “The Next 20 Years of Communications Satellites Will Depend on It”
[未来 20 年通信卫星就靠它], Economic Daily [经济日报], 4 January 2020, http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2020-01/04/c_1125420981.htm.
For an detailed discussion of this topic, see Peter Wood, Alex Stone and Taylor A. Lee, “China’s Ground Segment - Building the Pillars of a
Great Space Power,” China’s Aerospace Studies Institute, January 2021,
For example, see: Zhang Yangyang [张扬扬] "Star Chaser" [追星达人], Rocket Force News, 29 August 2018.


Adam Ni, Bates Gill, "The People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force: Update 2019," China Brief, 29 May 2019,
“Linqu County mobile party members and party organizations have successively launched theme party day activities” [临朐县流动党员党组
织相继开展主题党日活动], Weifang Municipal Party Committee, 28 June 2019, http://www.wfzzb.gov.cn/mobile/newstext-13503-
"Reconstruction project of part of the barracks and ancillary facilities in Mentougou camp of 32039 troops" [32039 部队门头沟营区部分营房
及附属设施改造工程], Civilian Participation in Military Service Network [民参军服务网], 22 July 2019,
“China's Plans for Modernizing Telecommunications,” CIA, March 1985, Declassified March 2011,
https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP04T00447R000100610001-6.pdf, 22.
"‘Quantum Radio’ May Aid Communications and Mapping Indoors, Underground and Underwater," NIST, 2 January 2018,
“Agreement on the Granting by the Government of the USSR of New Technical Assistance to the Chinese Navy in the Manufacture of Ships”
James Bussert, "Chinese Submarines Pose a Double-Edged Challenge,” SIGNAL, December 2003, https://www.afcea.org/content/chinese-
"Ta Tung RADCOM Station (Ta Tung VLF Communications Facility),” NPIC, March 1969, Declassified February 2007,
https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78T04563A000100010023-7.pdf ; “China's New Submarine Becomes World-Class With
This Technology” [中国新潜艇靠着这项技术成世界一流], EastDay, 30 September 2017, https://mil.eastday.com/a/170930111039400-10.html.
Image Source: Google Earth/ Maxar
"The extremely low frequency ground exploration project can not only hunt underground treasures but also "catching monsters" underground"
[极低频探地工程 既能地下寻宝也能地下 “捉妖”], S&T Daily, 30 November 2020,
“Eastern He Chief visits troop” [东方河长办慰问部队官兵], HND News [椰网] 25 January 2019.
“Another important weapon of the country, the very low-frequency earth exploration (WEM) project is an international leader” [又一国之重
器,极低频探地(WEM)工程国际领先], S&T Daily, 11 January 2020, http://stdaily.com/index/kejixinwen/2020-
“The big rocket is on the way again, and CETC 39 is on a guardian journey” [大火箭再出征 中国电科 39 所开启守护之旅], CETC, 28
December 2019, https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.cetc-39.com/index.php/qiyekuaixin/648.html.
“Sun Yu Academician of the Academy of Engineering, China Electronic Science and Technology Group, Institute 54” [孙玉工程院院士、中
国电子科技集团 54 所], Zhongguan Village LeJia Smart Residential Industrial Tech Alliance, 17 July 2015,
"China's Plans for Modernizing Telecommunications," CIA, March 1985, Declassified March 2011, 4, 8,
“Putting Computers to Work in China: Priorities, Problems and Prospects,” CIA, February 1986, Declassified 27 July 2012,
“Report to Congress Pursuant to the FY2000 National Defense Authorization Act: Annual Report On The Military Power Of The People’s
Republic Of China,” Department of Defense, 2002, http://www.andrewerickson.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/DoD_China-Report_2002.pdf
J. Michael Dahm, “Inter-island Communications," Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, July 2020.
https://www.jhuapl.edu/Content/documents/Inter-IslandCommunications.pdf, 8.
“Company Profile” CETC 39th RI, Accessed November 2020, https://web.archive.org/web/20190514195208/http://www.cetc-
39.com/organization.html; “39th Remote Sensing,” CETC 39th RI, Accessed November 2020,
https://web.archive.org/web/20190219193149/http://cetc-39.com/index.php/yaoganjieshou.html; The institute may also be involved in
development of quantum radars, see: https://web.archive.org/web/20190219192215/http://cetc-39.com/index.php/xiangkongzhen.html
The 54th RI has an affiliated “National Defense S&T Communication Technology Professional Committee” [中国国防科学技术信息学会军
用通信技术信息专业委员会] that helps coordinate national development of relevant technologies. “Military Communication Technology
Information Professional Committee of China National Defense Science and Technology Information Society,” CETC 54th RI, Accessed
November 2020, “https://web.archive.org/web/20160614162046/http://www.cti.ac.cn/Service/wuxiantongxinzhuanyeqingbaowang/.
Henry. A. Kissinger, "Memorandum for the President - Soviet ABM Developments,” CIA, 7 July 1969, Declassified April 2011,
Lawrence Chung, "Taiwan, US count on giant radar system for early warning if PLA attacks," South China Morning Post, 7 December 2020,
Nathan Strout, "The Space Force’s next missile warning satellite is ready for a 2021 launch," Defense News, 2 December 2020,
https://www.defensenews.com/space/2020/12/02/the-space-forces-next-missile-warning-satellite-ready-for-2021-launch/; Lisa Sodders, "SBIRS
GEO-6 Launch Closes Out Two Decades of Progress in Missile Warning, Tracking and Detection; Next-Gen OPIR to Take the Helm," Space
Force News, 11 August 2022, https://www.ssc.spaceforce.mil/Newsroom/Article-Display/Article/3124862/sbirs-geo-6-launch-closes-out-two-
Sandra Erwin, "L3Harris, SpaceX win Space Development Agency contracts to build missile-warning satellites," Space News, 5 October 2020,
Sandra Erwin, “Lockheed Martin, York Space to produce 20 satellites for Space Development Agency,” Space News, 31 August 2020,
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Bruce W. MacDonald and Charles D. Ferguson, “Understanding the Dragon Shield: Likelihood and Implications of Chinese Strategic Ballistic
Missile Defense,” Federation of American Scientists, September 2015, 8, https://fas.org/wp-
content/uploads/2015/09/DragonShieldreport_FINAL.pdf; “China Military Power Report,” Department of Defense, 2 May 2019., 55,
Bruce W. MacDonald and Charles D. Ferguson, “Understanding the Dragon Shield: Likelihood and Implications of Chinese Strategic Ballistic
Missile Defense,” September 2015, 32.
“DoD Official: U.S. Needs to Develop New Counters to Future Hypersonic Missiles,” USNI, 16 November 2018,
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Ed Adamczyk, "Test-firing of U.S. hypersonic missile hit within 6 inches of target," UPI, 15 October 2020, https://www.upi.com/Defense-



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